Tomahawk Jul-Aug 2013

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Tomahawk Potomac District Royal Rangers  News and Information for Royal Ranger Leaders  July - August 2013

Clash of the Ironclads ‘Conflict Resolution’ Highlighted in Civil War-Themed Pow Wow for Tidewater North and South Page 4

Golf Tournament Benefits Royal Rangers Page 2

Black Powder Class Offered Page 6

Royal Ranger Alumni Schedule Reunion Page 7

Transition Plan Developed for Boy Scouts Joining Rangers Page 8


July - August 2013


Royal Rangers is a principal ministry of the Assemblies of God focused on discipling boys for Jesus Christ. We provide Christ-like character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christ-like men and lifelong servant leaders.

Golf Tournament Benefits Royal Rangers Projects Unlimited held their 19th annual golf tournament on May 18 at Hickory Heights Golf Course in Spring Grove, Penn. to the benefit of Royal Rangers. This year, 80 golfers attended. Refreshments were served at the ninth hole, and lunch followed after the golfers’ play of 18 holes. Weather was beautiful. In the history of Projects Unlimited's 19 years of holding this event, 2 holes in one have been recorded, one in 2008 by GMA #11 Tracy Groves on hole # 4. At this year’s tournament, GMA#143 Jason Dypsky made a hole in 1 on hole # 17. Congratulations guys. Team captain Dan Harlan's team (top photo) won 1st place. District Cmdr. Bobby Basham played 18 holes and then accepted a check of $4,025 from tournament chairman Gary “Blaz’n bear” Groves and co-chairman Dan “Little Big Man” Harlan, former Potomac District Commander (bottom photo). The 20th annual Projects Unlimited golf tournament is scheduled for May 17, 2104 at the Hickory Heights Golf Course.

The Potomac District administrative region of the General Council of the Assemblies of God takes in Washington, D.C., Maryland, most of Virginia and northern West Virginia. Over 100 churches throughout this region currently provide Royal Ranger ministry to more than 2,500 boys and young men. We use many tools to achieve that goal whether it be camping, merits or interactive skills, all designed to help develop a boy into a man while having fun and getting to know God. We want to develop both men and boys in mentoring relationships and leadership skills, and guide them to Jesus Christ. We reach boys, so they may reach another in their world.

tomahawk Potomac District Commander Rev. Bobby Basham Publications/Outreach Coordinator Newsletter Editor Gary Wagner The Tomahawk newsletter is published bimonthly as a means of communicating news and information to Royal Ranger leaders throughout the Potomac District. Sectional staffs and outposts are invited to submit articles and photographs that feature activities of Royal Ranger ministries on a local level, or to share ideas and successes. Email material to Please submit photos as separate jpg image files. The Tomahawk is distributed via email as an electronic publication. Email address corrections, or requests to be added to the distribution list, should be forwarded to Potomac District executive secretary Denise Raduano at Royal Rangers Emblem © 1962 by the national Royal Rangers Office, The General Council of the Assemblies of God; Springfield, Mo. 65802. The Royal Rangers Emblem may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronically, mechanically, photocopies, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission from the national Royal Rangers Office.

FRONT COVER PHOTO: A Ranger carries his team’s flag across a pond in the “Pickett’s Charge” competition during Tidewater North and South Sections’ Pow Wow. Story on page 4.

Potomac District Royal Rangers on Facebook

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TOMAHAWK TOMAHAWK JulyJuly - August - August 2013 2013

Supporting Churches, Businesses & Individuals Special thanks to our Supporting Churches, Sections, Businesses and Individuals. Your generosity enables further enhancements to this ministry. Anyone wishing to join our group of supporters may request an application from the Potomac District Royal Ranger office, email SILVER MEMBERS Rev. Bobby Basham

Cross Junction, Va.

GOLD MEMBERS Projects Unlimited - Gary Groves Walt Eger Service Center

Eldersburg, Md. Severn, Md.

SUPPORTING CHURCHES Outpost 2 Outpost 6 Outpost 9 Outpost 18 Outpost 27 Outpost 46 Outpost 47 Outpost 49 Outpost 60 Outpost 64 Outpost 81 Outpost 89 Outpost 100 Outpost 124 Outpost 186 Outpost 215 Outpost 240 Outpost 277

Trinity Assembly of God Pasadena Assembly of God Calvary Assembly of God Eastern Assembly of God Glad Tidings Church Bethel Assembly of God Trinity Assembly of God Centerpointe Church at Fair Oaks Chapel Springs Church First Assembly of God Trinity Assembly of God Bethel Assembly of God Hancock Assembly of God Julilee Christian Center Hazel River Assembly of God River of Life Assembly of God Living Word Community Church Ocean City Worship Center

Lanham, Md. Pasadena, Md. Frederick, Md. Baltimore, Md. Norfolk, Va. Savage,Md. Lutherville,Md. Fairfax, Va. Bristow, Va. Elkton, Md. Fairmont, W.Va. Martinsburg, W.Va. Hancock, Md. Fairfax, Va. Rixeyville, Va. Spotsylvania, Va. Mechanicsville, Md. Berlin, Md.

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Homer Kitchen Gary & Faye Groves

Gerrardstown, W.Va. Eldersburg, Md.


Pow Wow and Junior Camps— Life-Changing Experiences Await By Rev. Bobby Basham District Commander


chool is out, Sectional Pow Wows are complete and hopefully many are taking a much needed break for some vacation fun and relaxation. We, the executive staff are gearing up for this year’s Potomac District Pow Wow and Junior Leadership Training Camps. Information on each of these is available on line for you to download at if you haven’t done so yet. I prayed for the Sectional Pow Wows and the reports I am getting back are very, very positive. I am so very proud of all our Sectional Commanders and those who work with them in putting forward all the effort to touch the lives of boys! Many leaders I know may be tired but I assure you, your efforts come with great reward! Undoubtedly we have the best of the best Ranger leaders anywhere in the nation and the quality shows in our events and what is happening in the local outpost. Commanders, keep moving forward and you will see the difference you make on a weekly basis. I hope you will plan to be with us in August for our District Pow Wow and participate in our Junior training camps. Boys’ lives will be changed in each of these. We are being very intentional in the curriculums for the camps and meticulous in the details for Pow Wow. I would ask each outpost to please involve your boys and pray for these two significant events in your outpost meetings before we gather at Broad Creek. Bob Blessing, Deputy District Commander and Junior Camps Coordinator, along with Harry Hawthorne, Pow Wow Coordinator, have worked long hours to prepare and we want to specifically pray for God’s hand to be on them each. Come to camp, come to Pow Wow, and believe God wants to touch your life; I promise, you will not be disappointed. See you at Pow Wow!


July - August 2013


Clash of the Ironclads By Roger Riendeau Tidewater South Sectional Commander


ow good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity” (Psalms 133:1). This was the Tidewater Section’s memory verse for Pow Wow 2013. We chose the Civil War and a theme of “Clash of the Iron Clads” for a time in history when this country was pulling itself apart. The underlying theme of the weekend was “Conflict Resolution” and was first highlighted during the Saturday morning by Expedition Ranger Andrew Ackerman, speaking about Cain and Abel. This eventually led into the conflicts that arose at the beginning of the Civil War. The majority of the events were competition oriented. Most of us graybeards will remember the childhood game of marbles. We were pleasantly surprised at how well the boys took to this “new” game. Cmdr. Gary Jimerson not only taught all the boys the fine art of the shooter marble but also whooped everyone as he was whisked back to his grade school years. Archery and the 22-rifle are always a huge draw and this year was no different. Cmdr. Ken Morgan and Outpost 174 kept every boy on target, pardon the bad humor. Once you speak guns, the boys’ eyes light up with anticipation of what could be their first shot, but definitely not their last. Pickett’s Charge was the favor4 4

ite new event. Cmdr. Richard Sides launched teams of three boys dressed in military uniform. They were required to swim across a pond (equipped with proper floatation) keeping a flag and matches dry, erect a tent and light a fire with said matches. It started out slow, but when boys saw the first group complete the task it was “game on” and a waiting list soon ensued. We only had two teams actually light a fire. Their clothes might have been soggy but spirits could not have been higher. The FCF event this year was corncob darts. Cmdr. Chris Kroll made it look easy but as the boys soon found out, looks can be deceiving. Since we had a civil war theme we thought it only appropriate to conduct 45-minute classes explaining the life of a soldier and some survival skills. The boys were entertained as Cmdr. Doug Schmidt demonstrated life in a soldier’s camp, cooking a muffin inside of an orange peel and constructing two primitive survival shelters. It was the quietest moment of the Pow Wow as boys realized that it was young men their own age that fought most of the war. As the afternoon activities came to a close, the tension and excitement could be cut with a

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Volpe Boykin, a local civil war reenactor (above), explained in detail his full uniform and answered many questions about the difficulties of being an early American soldier.

It was the quietest moment of the Pow Wow as boys realized it was young men their own age that fought most of the war.

A cardboard flotilla re-enacts a naval skirmish between north and south proponents (top photo), while a young Ranger studies the playing field in a game of marbles before taking a shot (bottom photo).

knife. In years past, the final competition was a race around the pond with cardboard boats. The outposts built boats out of no more than cardboard, glue, duct tape and paint. This traditional race of structural integrity took on a whole new meaning as it now, in keeping with the theme of the Pow Wow, pitted North against South in an epic battle: the clash of the Iron Clads. Who would have the last boat standing or in this case floating? Six North side boats emerged out of the woods, all painted gold and lined up at the water’s edge. One looked like a cheese box on a raft. This would have been the USS Monitor, the pride of the Union. A second boat looked more like Noah’s ark and had cutouts for eight wayward sailors. The armada was rounded out with a square raft and flat bottom dinghy. Simultaneously, the South bordered their side of the pond with a fleet of four battleship gray hulks. The first boat took on a striking

similarity to the CSS Virginia with four very distinct guns ready to sink the enemy. A small skiff, a Tom Sawyer raft and an angry looking johnboat completed the flotilla. Over 100 years have passed since the historic battle of the Monitor and Merrimac that was actually fought near the location of our bridge tunnel connecting Tidewater North Section and Tidewater South Section. This year the Tidewater Sections would recreate this clash of the titans on our very own waterway. Water balloon slingshots let loose with a barrage of water cannon balls that showered down on each side of the pond as the signal was given to launch the boats. It wasn’t very long before boats were being rammed, buckets of water thrown, and pugil sticks doing their damage. The North side took the first loss as the flat bottom dinghy went down by the head. The South side’s skiff was next as it rolled over and lost all hands. Both fleets were taking heavy damage as cardboard was becoming exposed and taking on water. The South took another loss with the CSS Virginia. One lone sailor battled on her deck for nearly 20 minutes before jumping ship. One South side boat was completely swamped six or more times but somehow pumped bilges and lived to fight again. After 45 minutes, unlike the actual battle, the South side lost its SEE IRONCLADS ON PAGE 6

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BLACK POWDER CLASS Potomac District is holding a Black Powder class on Sept. 6-7 in the Hagerstown, MD. area. This will be a Friday night and Saturday morning class that will involve live -fire exercises. The course will be taught by Royal Ranger leaders who are also NRA instructors. The class will qualify participating Rangers for the Black Powder Silver Merit. They will receive NRA certification and the Black Powder merit through their outpost for completing the course. The cost will be $60 per candidate. You must pass both the written and live-fire portion tests of the course to earn the certification and the merit. Since this is a Expedition Rangers merit, both Adventure Rangers and Expedition Rangers may take the class. We will also

accept parents and other youth that fall within the Adventure Ranger and Expedition Ranger age groups in the class. The same fee applies for all who take the class; adults will also receive the NRA certification.

RANGER BASICS REPORT We had a great Ranger Basics course in the Northwestern Section in June. We had energetic and engaged men there who ranged from pastors to newly recruited leaders. One commanders was there with a leader he was mentoring with at the local outpost. We had a great

day with leaders leaving the training with ideas and power to move their groups ahead. All Royal Ranger leaders in Potomac District are encouraged to take advantage of any training opportunity available that will equip and empower you for future efforts that lay before us.

UPCOMING TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Ranger Essentials Dec. 7, 2013, Eastern Section, location TBD. Contact is Jim Magill at


final two boats and the North side was declared the victors. The evening service started with Volpe Boykin, a local civil war re-enactor. He explained in detail his full uniform and answered many questions about the difficulties of being an early American soldier. The Council fire was then lit as he fired his black powder rifle across the pond. Our worship was led by a youth band from Outpost 141 which included several GMA recipients. Rev. Daniel Jimerson, a GMA recipient, youth pastor and evangelist from Calvary Assembly of God in Virginia Beach delivered an outstanding message on unresolved conflict and how it can destroy us if left untended. Over 45 men and boys responded to the 6 6

Rangers enjoyed 22-caliber rifle target shooting among other competitions and activities during the Tidewater North and South Pow Wow.

altar call for prayer and salvation. Praise God! The next morning we closed out the Pow Wow with a devotion by Cmdr. Gary Jimerson and handed out over 130 awards and trophies. It was an awesome week-

TOMAHAWK TOMAHAWK JulyJuly - August - August 2013 2013

end of friendly competitions, challenging activities, and spiritual fellowship. Its beginning, middle and end were all rooted in prayer. As Cmdr. Glenn Sorrentino is often fond of saying, “We are robbing hell and populating Heaven.�


xtreme Church Makeover Projects are one of the main focuses of Potomac Men’s Ministries. These projects engage men in ministry while providing a much-needed boost for churches that are unable to renovate their facilities themselves. This year we have three church projects scheduled and ready to go! We will also support the rebuilding processes of the Hurricane Sandy disaster in New Jersey, bringing us to four scheduled projects in 2013. Project # 4 Fellowsville A/G September 19-21 This project we will be painting most of the church, renovating bathroom stalls, walls and ceiling, redoing kitchen cabinets, countertops and putting ceramic flooring in bathrooms and foyer area. This project will be two-phased with a Spring 2014 date to re-shingle the roof. We need carpenters, painters, and general labor.

Each of these projects are for wonderful churches who are actively reaching out into their communities and each pastor is part of a leadership cohort process, building the leadership team while we come and help them with their facilities. At each project, meals are provided, we will sleep in the church or you may stay at an area hotel at your expense. I will provide that information when we get closer to each project. We strongly urge you to bring your own tools that you will need. I cannot tell you how much these projects mean to the people, the pastors and to the communities. Please make you plans to be a part of 2013 Extreme Makeover Projects sponsored by Potomac Men’s Ministries. Sign up on the Potomac District Men’s Ministries website at, click on the Men’s Ministries “Potomac Men” banner.

Join 4th Annual Royal Ranger Alumni Reunion The Royal Ranger Alumni is preparing for the 4th annual reunion. The date is Friday, Aug. 16, at 5 p.m. during the Potomac District Pow Wow, in Broad Creek. This event is being catered and will have limited seating. Cost is $8 prepaid at least week in advance, $12 at the door. Come and enjoy the food and fellowship. Share your old stories and memories. Procrastinators will miss out. Contact Gary Groves to register at New Member The RRA is pleased to welcome Horace “Reds” Smith, Jr. to our membership.

Register on line at, click on “Events” to PYLC


July - August 2013


Royal Rangers Develops Transition Plan for Boy Scouts


oyal Rangers is the largest Christian boys program of its kind. We offer Christ-like character formation and servant leadership development in a fun, interactive and highly relational environment. Our mission is to evangelize the world, equip the next generation of Christ-like men, and empower lifelong servant leaders. Over the years the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and Royal Rangers have shared a mutual respect for each other’s program. From time to time, people relocate and attempt to find a suitable replacement. In order to facilitate the transition of young men and leaders currently in the BSA to Royal Rangers, the following plan has been developed.

• Be in K‐12th grade in school but no more than 18 years of age. • Attend at least three regular Royal Rangers meetings. • Read and review with a legal guardian the booklet Preventing Child & Substance Abuse (available on the national ministry web site at programs/policies). • Recite from memory the Royal Rangers pledge, code, motto, Golden Rule, and the meaning of the points of the emblem. (Ranger Kids are exempt from this requirement.)  Complete specific membership requirements of the local Royal Rangers ministry, if any.


Royal Rangers leaders are approved and appointed at the discretion of the local church leadership. However, Royal Rangers has established recommended standards for use when selecting leaders: • Complete the leadership screening and approval process required by the local church. • Be at least 18 years of age for Assistant Group Leaders or 21

Royal Rangers is a churchbased program, comprised of four groups—Ranger Kids (K‐2), Discovery Rangers (3rd‐5th), Adventure Rangers (6th‐8th), and Expedition Rangers (9th‐12th). Participation is open to boys who meet the basic membership requirements:




July - August 2013

years of age for Group Leaders or Outpost Coordinators. • Meet the “Qualifications for Royal Rangers Leaders” (available on the national ministry website at policies). • Due to the program priority of mobilizing and resourcing godly male role models to mentor boys, men serve as the primary mentors in the ministry. However, women are encouraged to serve as Ranger Kids leaders, in outpost committee positions, and in key administrative capacities, or in organizational leadership positions. (The policy of “Women in Royal Rangers” is available on the national ministry web site at programs/policies). Scoutmasters joining Royal Rangers will find the Royal Rangers training process to be very helpful. While the two programs share similarities, it has been determined that the best way for a new Ranger leader to understand the ministry is to complete the Outpost Leader Advancement Levels regardless of previous experience. (Follow this link to learn more about Royal Rangers adult training: training/adult). SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS Royal Rangers is a churchbased program. All Royal Rangers programs must, therefore, operate as a ministry of their church under the direction of their church leadership. The General Council of the Assemblies of God-affiliated churches and those affiliated with the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA) are approved to charter a Royal Rangers program. All other churches must complete an approval process before chartering privileges will be granted. Contact

the national ministry office if you are an independent, non-AG, or non-PCCNA affiliated church interested in starting Royal Rangers. Chartering information is available on the national ministry website at chartering. BSA troops, packs or crews may transition in entirety from BSA membership to Royal Rangers provided all membership requirements are met for each individual and the group affiliates with a church as stated above. UNIFORMS The BSA and the Royal Rangers uniform are unique and represent our respective organizations. Neither leaders nor boys should wear BSA uniforms in Royal Rangers or attach BSA patches to Royal Rangers uniforms, vests or hats.

Example: Joey is a 15-year-old sophomore in high school who has earned six Boy Scout merits. He will enter Royal Rangers as an Expedition Ranger and receive credit for all six merits he has earned in Boy Scouts. To continue his advancement in Royal Rangers, he will earn required skill merits, remaining elective skill merits, Spirit Challenges (Bible studies), and leadership merits. Please note that because Royal Rangers is providing credit for merits it does not offer and because often merits that bear the same name have different requirements, a merit-badge-for-meritbadge equivalency is not being reached. Thus, credit in Royal Rangers is being offered at the

Example: One of Joey’s Boy Scout merits was Citizenship in the World. Royal Rangers does not offer this merit. So while credit toward advancement is being offered, no merit badge will be given since that merit does not exist in Royal Rangers. But Joey also earned the Scouts Cycling merit. Royal Rangers has a Cycling merit with similar requirements, but to avoid “double dipping,” Joey will not be awarded the Royal Rangers Cycling merit badge. If he wants to earn it, he can complete the Royal Rangers Cycling merit requirements and count it toward advancement. This transition plan gives Boy Scouts a significant head start on their advancement within Royal

ADVANCEMENT SYSTEM Advancement work completed in Boy Scouts may be applied toward advancement in Royal Rangers in the manner described below. Boy Scouts Royal Rangers is a merit-based program: advancement steps are completed by earning skill merits (some are required, but most are elective); Bible merits in Adventure Rangers or Spirit Challenges in Expedition Rangers, and leadership merits. To help Boy Scouts transition into Royal Rangers, credit for each Scout merit earned will be credited toward advancement in Royal Rangers as elective silver skill merits. This will also be true when a young man has earned a Boy Scout merit Royal Rangers does not offer. Boy Scout merits can be applied toward advancement in Adventure Rangers (6th-8th) or Expedition Rangers (9th-12th) at the time he transitions into Royal Rangers.

time of transition toward advancement steps to assist the Scout, but no specific merit badge recognition within Royal Rangers will be awarded even when merit badges bear the same name and have similar requirements. This will keep the transition simple and prevent “double dipping” (when a young man is given credit twice for advancement work he has done only once).

Rangers by honoring and recognizing their previous efforts in Boy Scouts. Cub Scouts and Webelos Webelos (4th-5th grade boys) may receive credit for each of their activity badges as elective blue skill merits counting them toward advancement requirements in Discovery Rangers (grades 3rd-5th). By


SEE TRANSITION ON PAGE 10 July - August 2013


Plan Establishes Transition Period, Equivalency Guidelines TRANSITION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9

earning Bible merits, leadership merits, required skill merits, and any remaining elective skill merits, the young man can continue his advancement journey within Royal Rangers. No equivalency exists for Cub Scouts or Tiger Cubs. Venture Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Sea Scouts Due to significant differences between the Venture Scout Silver Award, the Sea Scout Quartermaster Award, and the Royal Rangers E3 Award, no equivalency can be established. However, Venture Scouts pursuing the BSA Ranger Award may receive one elective silver merit credit for advancement in Expedition Rangers for each of the eight core requirements completed and each elective completed. Since Varsity Scouts use the same advancement system as Boy Scouts, the transition plan described above for Boy Scouts also applies to Varsity Scouts.

rently. This will allow the Scout to join Royal Rangers, engage the new advancement system and program, and enjoy the journey without being distracted by continuing to look for points of equivalency. It should also be noted, when young men discover requirements in Royal Rangers similar to previously completed requirements in any BSA group, they will be asked

Note: Although Venture Scouts is a co-ed program for both guys and girls ages 14-20, only boys in grades 9th-12th qualify for membership in Expedition Rangers. Individuals 18 years of age or older can be considered for adult leadership positions in Royal Rangers if they meet the requirements described in the Leadership and Parental Participation section above. POLICY ON “TIME OF TRANSITION” AND “DUPLICATE REQUIREMENTS” When a Scout transitions, equivalency will be established only at the time he joins Royal Rangers and not later, or concur10


July - August 2013

to demonstrate their knowledge by repeating duplicate requirements. Source: This transition plan was prepared by National Royal Rangers Ministries, posted on line at http://

Registration information available at - go to Men’s Ministries, resources tab.

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POTOMAC DISTRICT ROYAL RANGERS STAFF EXECUTIVE STAFF Rev. Bobby Basham - District Commander 166 Serviceberry Ct. Stephens City, VA 22655 (540) 869-8432 Homer Kitchen - Deputy District Commander 8614 Apple Harvest Dr. Gerrardstown, WV 25420 (304) 229-5793 Bob Blessing - Deputy District Commander and Junior Training Coordinator 302 Stiemly Ave. Glen Burnie, MD 21060 (410) 760-9330 Bill Chestnut - FCF Chapter President 346 Reservoir Rd. Perryville, MD 21903 (410) 378-3735

Dale Eger - Special Aide de Camp 8213 WB & A Rd. Severn, MD 21144 (410) 551-3454 Cliff Jewell - Staff Advisor 9150 James Madison Hwy. Warrenton, VA 20186 (540) 216-3365 Sam Linn - Staff Advisor 1687 McCoys Ford Rd. Front Royal, VA 22630 (540) 635-7497 Tracy Groves - Staff Advisor 2340 Liberty Rd. Eldersburg, MD 21784 (410) 781-4906 Dick Aldridge - Staff Advisor 46 Tadcaster Circle Waldorf, MD 20602 (301) 645-9091

Harry Hawthorne - Pow Wow Coordinator 3005 Lochary Rd. Bel Air, MD 21015 (410) 420-2215


Phil Georg - Training Coordinator 111 East H St. Brunswick, MD 21716 (301) 834-9871

Mark Brannon - Capital Virginia Section P. O. Box 390 Owings, MD 20736 (410) 257-9446

Chris Basham - Media/Productions 166 Serviceberry Ct. Stephens City, VA 22655 (540) 869-8432

Mark Brannon - Capital Maryland Section P. O. Box 390 Owings, MD 20736 (410) 257-9446

Gary Wagner - Publications/Outreach Coordinator 3905 Swanson Ct. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 898-7415

Ken O’Maley - Central Section 11042 Settletown Place Rixeyville, VA 22737 (540) 937-6139

Mike Cocolin - Missions Coordinator 8413 Elvaton Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 (410) 315-8433

Marvin Boswell - Southern Section P. O. Box 35 Rockville, VA 23146 (804) 749-8397

Gary Groves - RR Alumni President 2326 Liberty Rd. Eldersburg, MD 21784 (410) 781-0236

Phil Vieth - Tidewater North Section 200 Treis Trail Yorktown, VA 23693 (757) 766-8351

Linda Cocolin - Health Officer 8413 Elvaton Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 (410) 315-8433

Roger Riendeau - Tidewater South Section 7719 Doris Dr. Norfolk, VA 23505 (757) 440-8432

Seth Van de Ven - Special Aide de Camp 3202 Amberley Lane Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 560-5886

Ken Black - Eastern Section P. O. Box 58 Manchester, MD 21102 (410) 239-2645

Tyler Mazer - GMA Coordinator 99 Shenandoah View Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 (304) 876-1875

Robert “Buzz” Gregory - Eastern Shore Section 9260 Hickory Mill Rd. Salisbury, MD 21801 (410) 742-0415

Isaac Brannon - Special Aide de Camp P. O. Box 390 Owings, MD 20736 (410) 257-9446

Jerry Sinden - Northeast Section 1805 Milstream Dr. Frederick, MD 21702 (301) 620-0034 Northwest Section Jerry Sinden (Acting) Greg Barr - North Central Section Box 384, Fort Ashby, WV 26719 (301) 786-4244 Western Section Greg Barr (Acting)

Potomac District Royal Rangers on Facebook



July - August 2013

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