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Go Digital - Open Up New Markets Go Digital 開拓新市場
from GS1HK Casebook 2020
by GS1HongKong
Open Up New Markets
The emergence of social commerce and live commerce, together with new consumption behaviour driven by the COVID-19, new technologies and other factors, have brought forth a totally new territory to retailers. Retailers are trying all they can to reach shoppers at every touchpoint, with a seamless experience.
This section showcases how the portfolio of GS1 Hong Kong’s “Go Digital” solutions and services - such as BarcodePlus, GS1 HK BARzaar, Digital Coupon, eBay Sourcing Matching Platform, CTSBUS WeChat Mall – enable companies to open up new markets and tap into new opportunities effectively in the digital era.
A product and location information portal that provides brand owners and their trading partners with a B2B information exchange tool. It is also a trusted source of product data ensuring product information is uploaded by authorised retailers or distributors or brand owners, enabling businesses to enhance visibility to consumers for stronger brand awareness and integrity.
GS1 HK BARzaar
A community for members to promote their products with good deal to 8,000 GS1 HK members staff and their families.
由新冠肺炎和新科技等因素所引發的社交商貿、直播促銷、以及其他 嶄新消費模式正日漸普及,創造出零售業全新的未知領域。零售商正 在竭盡所能,以無縫體驗覆蓋每個零售點的消費者。
本節展示了香港貨品編碼協會(GS1 HK)的一系列「Go Digital」 服務,包括BarcodePlus平台、GS1 HK BARzaar、電子優惠券 方案、eBay採購配對平台、中旅巴士微信商城等,展示如何助公司 有效地開拓新市場、抓住數碼時代商機。
一個產品及位置資訊平台,是一套為品牌持有人提供B2B資訊交流的 工具。平台上產品資訊均由已註冊的品牌持有人或獲授權的零售商和 批發商所提供,產品訊息來源真確,值得信賴,有助企業提升產品透 明度,加強消費者對品牌的認知及信心。
GS1 HK BARzaar
一個讓會員推廣其產品的社群,同時讓GS1 HK 8,000多名機構會員 員工和家屬均可享購物優惠。
Digital Coupon

Built based on the Global Coupon Number (GCN) standard, the solution enables businesses to engage consumers in a new way, distribute e-coupons via multiple channels quickly, analyze campaign success and optimise promotion effectiveness.
eBay Sourcing Matching Platform
Matching with top-rated eBay sellers efficiently, the platform allows members to list onto eBay with one click, which helps them establish overseas sales channels quickly and cost-effectively.
CTSBUS WeChat Mall
By partnering with the state-owned e-shop in WeChat, the platform aims to help members sell their products to its 4 million active users. It also provides one-stop services to members including product listing, marketing, customer service, cross-border logistics and customs clearance. 電子優惠券方案 基於全球優惠券編碼(GCN)標準,方案讓企業能以嶄新方式與消費 者互動、於多個渠道上發放電子優惠券、分析推廣成效及以優化促銷 效果。
eBay採購配對平台 一鍵配對eBay金牌賣家,助會員輕鬆將貨品在eBay上架,以相宜 成本便可快捷將貨品銷到海外。
中旅巴士微信商城 GS1 HK是擁有400萬活躍用戶的「中旅巴士微信商城」合作夥伴之 一,會員可申請於中國央企營運的商城上售貨,商城更提供一站式服 務,包括開店上架、市場營銷、客戶服務、跨境物流及國內清關。