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Go Digital - Build Consumer Trust, Enhance Experience and Improve Efficiency Go Digital 建立消費者信任、加強購物體驗並改善效率
from GS1HK Casebook 2020
by GS1HongKong
Build Consumer Trust, Enhance Experience and Improve Efficiency
The prevalence of online sales platforms has fueled the growth of counterfeit products, which potentially jeopardises profits, consumer trust and thus brand equity. It is important for genuine brand owners or authorised dealers to protect their products by adopting innovative technologies and global standards, at the same time engage with consumers and strengthen operation efficiency.
The following case studies detail how GS1 Hong Kong helped companies boost consumer trust, enable personalized experience and enhance efficiency with REAL QR, Digital Link and ezTRADE™ respectively.
A standard-based e-commerce platform that supports the exchange of business transactions including purchase order, invoice and shipment notice using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to facilitate connection and paperless trading among trading partners along its supply chain.
建立消費者信任、 加強購物體驗並改善效率
網上市場的普及導致假冒產品的個案上升,有損利潤之餘、亦會打擊 消費者信心及品牌信譽。對於品牌持有人或獲授權商家而言,採用創 新技術和全球標準來保護其產品及品牌非常重要。創新技術還可有助 提升消費者的參與度及提升效率,一舉數得。
後頁個案詳述香港貨品編碼協會(GS1 HK)如何通過「真的碼」、 GS1數字鏈接和「通商易」,可分別幫助公司提升消費者信心、加 強個人化體驗,及優化營運效率。
「通商易™ 」 以GS1標準為基礎的「通商易」電子商貿平台,貿易夥伴可利用電子 數據聯通的標準在平台傳送電子訂單、發票及付運通知書,可促進無紙 交易,無縫地連繫供應鏈中的各個貿易夥伴。
REAL Barcode / REAL QR

An integrated barcode / QR code that combines a mark of multiple layers of tamper resistant security features with a GS1 standard barcode to prevent replication. Through using the mobile app “REAL Barcode” developed by GS1 Hong Kong, consumers can simply scan the barcode to authenticate a product before purchase.
Digital Link
The standard enables GS1 identifiers, such as the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), to connect to all types of business-to-business and business-to-consumer information, which helps strengthen brand loyalty, improve supply chain traceability information, patient safety information and more. 「真的碼」 融合多層防修改保安塗層及GS1標準條碼的綜合條碼,能有效防止條 碼被複製。透過利用GS1 HK開發的流動應用程式「真的碼」,消費者 只要以手機掃描便可分辨正貨及假貨。
數字鏈接 該標準使GS1識別碼(例如全球貿易貨品編碼GTIN)能夠連接到所 有類型的B2B和B2C的信息,有助增強品牌忠誠度、改善供應鏈可追 溯性信息、強化病患安全資訊等。