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Go Smart - Improve Business Efficiency Go Smart 促進商業效率
from GS1HK Casebook 2020
by GS1HongKong
Improve Business Efficiency
An efficient and streamlined operation is critical to a company’s success today, helping to better satisfy customers, controlling cost, improving profit margin, and ensuring sustainability. This can only be done if real-time information could be shared across operations, the entire supply chain is visible, and track-and-trace available.
The following cases illustrate how organisations capitalise on Global Data Standard (GDS) and Smart Operations to provide business with accurate, sharable, searchable, accessible and linkable data, thus achieving greater efficiency and ultimately business success.
精簡高效的營運流程是現今企業成功的關鍵因素之一,能有助提升客 戶滿意度、管控成本、提高利潤並確保可持續性。若企業能在各個營 運部門間即時共享最新資訊,提升整個供應鏈可視化程度,並能追蹤 溯源,便能成就高效營運。
文末的案例說明各組織如何善用全球數據標準(GDS)和智慧營運, 為業務提供準確、可共享、可被搜索,及具鏈接能力的數據,從而提 高效率,最終實現成功。
Global Data Standards (GDS)

A set of GS1 standards and identification keys including GTIN, GLN, SSCC, GSIN and more, that can be applied in the supply chain and help increase efficiency, visibility, security, transparency. GDS had been adopted in various APEC pilot projects trade routes for trade facilitation, where APEC ministers had endorsed that the wider use of GDS shall be promoted in APEC.
Smart Operations
It unleashes the power of digital transformation using data intelligence to improve business efficiency and visibility. In a Smart Operations environment, people, processes and things are engaged in the production of physical goods and maintenance of physical assets using IoT technologies. 全球數據標準(GDS) 是一套能夠應用在供應鏈中的GS1識別碼標準,舉例如GTIN、GLN、 SSCC、GSIN等,可有助提高效率、可視化程度、安全性和透明度。 GDS曾於亞太經濟合作組織(APEC)成員國的先導項目的不同貿易 路線上獲應用,以促進貿易暢順,其後APEC部長級官員更建議加強 於APEC成員國間應用。
智慧營運 指運用數據智慧發揮數碼轉型的力量,以改善營運效率及透明度。在 一個智慧營運的場境內,所有的人、事和物件都以物聯網科技與實體 物件及生產線相互聯繫。