Andres Alvarez-Davila, Zak Meghrouni-Brown, Benjamin Diller-Schatz, & Henry Black
residential commercial vertical industry food hall fields wetlands water resevoir
Scale 1:3,500
concept & schematics
concept realization process design
cutting & modling
component fabrication
finishing & packing
The potential exists for creating synergies among design fields, creative industries and innovative manufacturing by putting these uses together in one hub. Pictured here is furniture manufacturing--a healthy subsector in New York--and its potential relationship to other programs.
railroads natural gas pipelines petroleum product pipelines petroleum product terminals petroleum power plant natural gas powerplant substations transmission lines
Scale 1:50,000
Residential installations by zipcode (MW) commercial installations community shared project community shared project - future energy storage systems solar contractors Scale 1:50,000
Renewable Energy solar wind biomass District Heating geothermal
Scale 1:3,500
The massing of industrial buildings on the southern end of the site is designed to provide optimal southern exposure to rooftop solar panels and prevent self-shading among buildings in the design district.
Expanded green areas mitigate the urban heat island effect.
Scale 1:300
Air rises through the atrium cooling the building interior.
Light enters through the skylight reduces artificial lighting needs.
Louvres on the southfacing windows offer passive shading.
The southern facade is angled to maximize solar gain to photovoltiacs.
Facade carved to face south at optimal angle (42 degrees).
On-site wind generation in atrium
Solar panels integrated into rainscreen facade system
Back-up Generator
Digital Electricity System
office manufacturing electricity digital electricity biofuel Scale 1:300
Battery Storage
Renewable Heat Source
Residual Heat
Heat Pump Geothermal Space heating and cooling
heating dominated
Light Industrial Commercial Balanced over year
Biofuel Heat Pump
Heat Pump
Space heating and cooling
Heat Pump Wind
Renewable Energy
heating cooling energy
Scale 1:300
Thermal Storage
radiant cooling
radiant heating radiation
waste heat reuse
Heating Plant Building Plant excess heat fed back into grid
heat pump
buffer storage
Scale 1:300
Geothermal Cool Well
Warm Well
Built Environment Green Infrastructure Water Flow
Wetland Areas Historic Wetlands Wetlands Today
Wetland Plants High Marsh
Herbs Salt Marsh Aster Sea-Lavender Glasswort Seaside Goldenrod Graminoids Salt Grass Black Grass Salt Marsh Bulrush Salt Meadow Cord Grass
Low Marsh
Smooth Cord Grass Scale 1:3,500
grey water reuse biofiltration passive cooling building-scale rainwater collection: solar roof green roof runoff water on-site Scale 1:3,500
Stepped Biofiltration Pools
Uptake in Buildings
Stormwater Diverted from Combined Sewer To East River
Scale 1:300
Rooftop Rainwater Collection
Office Fixtures
Manufacturing Processes
Bushwick Creek Restoration Constructed Wetlands
Rainwater Collection Plaza
Commercial Fixtures
Stormwater Bio-retention Greywater Treatment
Overflow to East River
Scale 1:300
Permeable Pavers Bio-filtered water to treatment and storage
Storage Cistern
Groundwater Recharge
Office Office Office Berms and constructed wetlands mitigate storm surge
Fabrication Fabrication
Elevated manufacturing and mechanical equipment provide for soft flood-proofing Historic Water Line
Mechanical Commercial
Low-intensity ground floor programming minimizes flooding losses
Future 100-Year Floodplain
Water Table 5-10ft. Water plazas mitigate polluting CSO events by capturing and treating storm runoff
Scale 1:300
By withdrawing slightly from the waterline and restoring wetlands, we both treat stormwater and runoff and gain floodproofing.
Roads with >10,000 vehicles/day Truck Routes Dedicated Bike Lanes
Bus Lines
Scale 1:3,500
Pedestrian only street Two way street One way street Truck route Two way bike path One way bike path
Scale 1:3,500
Pedestrian only street Two way street One way street
Scale 1:3,500
Pedestrian only street Two way street One way street
Scale 1:3,500
Two way truck route One way truck route
Scale 1:3,500
Pedestrian only area Two way truck route One way truck route
Scale 1:3,500
Two way bike path One way bike path
Scale 1:3,500
Pedestrian only street Two way bike path One way bike path
Scale 1:3,500
Pedestrian only zone along 14th Street.
Concrete barriers close off pedestrian street.
Raised intersection slows down vehicle traffic.
Reconfigured truck routes along Wythe Ave serve new manufacturing sites.
Air Pollution by Zip Code 8 PM2.5 - Less Polluted 14 PM2.5 - More Polluted Fine Particles (PM2.5) are created by combustion of fossil fuels in cars, power plants, construction equipment, etc.
Wind Rose
petroleum power plant natural gas powerplant Scale 1:35,000
Asthma Rates by Zip Code 40 ED Rate Avg. - Lower Rate 400 ED Rate Avg. - Higher Rate Asthma Rate is caused by combustion of fossil fuels in cars, power plants, construction equipment, etc.
Wind Rose
petroleum power plant natural gas powerplant Scale 1:35,000
Street Tree
Storm Water Intercepted Energy Conserved Air Pollution Absorbed CO2 reduced Value of Benefits
Scale 1:3,500
1615 Gal 987 kWh 180 Lbs. 1706 Tons $155.90
residential commercial vertical industry food hall fields wetlands water resevoir
Scale 1:3,500
Entry to Bushwick Inlet Park from Bushwick is more restricted than from Williamsburg. The massing responds to this condition by sloping downward toward Kent Avenue, creating a human scaled environment that welcomes pedestrians to the new park through this major point of entry.
Office Fabrication Commercial
Scale 1:300
Commercial Lobby Back of House Scale 1:300
Fabrication Office Back of House Scale 1:300
Fabrication Office Commercial Back of House Scale 1:150
Scale 1:300