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Ways to Sell Cookies

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4 Ways To Sell Cookies

It's up to the troops and individual families to determine their comfort level with participating in the Cookie Program. Here are ways to safely conduct a successful cookie program this year.

Online Sale

Through Smart Cookies (powered by ABC Bakers), girls can set up an online store to run their cookie business. Throughout Cookie Season (March 13 - April 18) girls can send eCards inviting family and friends to purchase cookies. She'll also get a web link to her online store that can be shared via text, email, social media, etc. With that link, cookie customers can place their cookie order, pay with a credit or debit card and choose from two delivery options.


1. Direct Ship (Contactless)

Purchased Fee

The customer's order is shipped directly to the customer in 10-14 business days from the ABC Bakers fulfillment center. Girls never have cookies on-hand. Shipping subsidies are available in 2021!

2. Girl Delivery (Minimal contact)

Enabling the girl-delivery option in Smart Cookies allows customers who live nearby to save on shipping by requesting that the Girl Scout deliver their cookies. The family has up to 5 days to approve the Girl Delivery order (parents can reject orders that might not be within driving/delivery distance) and the customer's card is charged. The girl/family then reaches out to the customer to arrange a contactless/porch delivery. Once the family approves the order the customer's credit card is charged. (Families can reject an order if it's not within driving/delivery distance.) The girl/family then reaches out to the customer to arrange a contactless/porch delivery. TIP: Girls can pass out business cards and/or door hangers that include the URL link or QR code to her unique online store. (A QR code can be created easily and for free online. Customers scan the code with their smartphone camera and are automatically taken to her online Smart

NEW: Shipping Subsidies

Let those long-distance friends & family know! Badgerland is subsidizing shipping costs this year for its Direct-Ship cookie customers. For every dozen boxes they purchase, they'll save an additional $6 in 2021 Direct Ship Shipping Rates # Packages Shipping Cookies store to place and pay for an order.)

1-5 $12 6-12 $6 13-17 $18 18-24 $12 25-29 $24 30-36 $18 37-41 $30 42-48 $24 49-53 $36 54-60 $30

How To Set Up Your Girl's Smart Cookies Account

Girls who send 15+ eCards through Smart Cookies earn this patch.

1. Registered Girl Scouts will get an email invitation the first week of March that includes a link to register her Smart Cookies account. The email will come from 'noreply@abcsmartcookies.com'.

2. Once registered, another email will be sent to the caregiver's email address confirming the username and password. 3. Girls can login, setup their dashboards, add contacts, create upload sales pitch and thank-you videos...then get started building their online business!

Direct Sale (Door-to-Door) If your family feels comfortable going door-to-door in the neighborhood or happens to be visiting family, they can sell cookies from their inventory. Girls collect money and hand off the cookies at the time of the sale. (TIP: You can use the Smart Cookies app to enter the customer's order and accept a credit card payment. Just hand over the cookies!) Managing a Direct Sale y Determine how many boxes she plans to sell and let her Troop Cookie Coordinator leader know in early February. y Pick up cookies from your Troop Cookie Coordinator the week leading up to the sale. y Throughout the Cookie Program (March 13 - April 18) take cookie orders, collect payments and hand over the Cookies at the time of the transaction. y If you need more cookies, just let your Troop Cookie Coordinator know. They can help you get more throughout the sale. Turn in money weekly and any time you pick up cookies. y Troops may return a limited number of cased of clean, unopened cases of cookies April 6 & 7. Be sure to let your Troop Cookie Coordinator know right away if you're holding too many cookies. y After the cookie sale ends, girls can continue to sell out their inventory to 0.

Take Payments Using the Smart Cookies App

If selling cookies in-person, a girl Order-Taking Sale can use her Smart Cookies App to take a virtual payment from Order-taking is similar to Direct Sales, but instead of handing off her customer to allow for an cookies at the time of the sale, girls use an order card to record almost contactless sale. all orders and collects money throughout the sale. Then mid-sale, you'll place an order for exactly how many boxes she needs to fulfill her orders from the season. You'll pick up the cookies from your Troop Cookie Coordinator, prep them for delivery and then make porch/no-contact drop-offs to customers. IS THIS YOUR FIRST COOKIE SALE? We suggest doing an order-taking sale (rather than Direct Sales). Here's why: taking orders and delivering later means there's no guesswork in figuring out how many boxes each girl in the troop will sell. It also means families don't have to bear the financial risk by pre-ordering cookies for each girl to sell individually. P.S. First-Year Troops can also do online sales and a few Cookie Booths...whatever they're comfortable with. Managing an Order-Taking Sale y



y Get her order card and money envelope from her Troop Cookie Coordinator the week of March 8. Throughout the Cookie Program (March 13 - April 18) girls take cookie orders using their order card and collect payment for the cookies. Submit her order card and money collected to her Troop Cookie Coordinator by April 5 so they order your cookies. Cookies will be available to pick up the weekend of April 17-18. All cookies should be delivered by girls by April 25.

Booth Sales Most troops hold several booth sales throughout the year where girls work together to achieve troop and individual goals while practicing their financial literacy and communication skills (oh, and having a BLAST!). At a Cookie Booth, girls sell to the general public in places such as grocery stores, local businesses, and convenient drive-through spaces. Traditional booths will be allowed this year, but with special safety requirements. Additionally, we're Girls who participate in a encouraging families and smaller groups of Girl Scouts to hold their own Cookie Booth earn this patch! socially-distanced cookie booths. Let's get innovative this year!

Safety Guidelines: Cookie Booths During COVID

Follow these important booth safety guidelines when participating in a booth sale.

For indoor booths, no more than 2 Girl Scouts and 2 adults/volunteers per shift will be permitted at a time to allow for proper social distancing. We suggest breaking your 3-4 hour booth into shifts so all girls get a chance to participate. y

All participants (girls and adults) must wear face coverings/masks during booths to protect themselves and others.

Troops/families are responsible for bringing their own table, chairs, signage and safety supplies. This includes hand sanitizer, gloves, and extra face masks.

Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and wash/sanitize hands often while staffing the booth.

Wear gloves when handling cash.

Girls must limit close contact with others and maintain proper distancing from customers.

Encourage touchless payment methods to minimize cash handling. You can display the girl/troop Smart

Cookies store link to promote touchless transactions at your regular booths. Customers can scan the QR code with their smartphone camera and be taken instantly to the Smart Cookies store.

Cookie Booth Etiquette

y Before setting up the booth, check in with the store manager. After the booth, give a thank you card that the girls have already prepared and signed. y Some stores have solicitation policies that don’t allow girls to ask customers to purchase cookies until they approach the booth. Clarify the policies at your location before selling. y A Girl Scout always is courteous and says thank you even when someone chooses not to purchase cookies. y Leave the area cleaner than you found it and remove all empty boxes. y When transitioning booth shifts, allow the first troop to complete their time before beginning to set up. y Sell only Girl Scout cookies at your Girl Scout cookie booth. y Girl Scouts should always be in uniform when selling


Booth Sale Packing List

Safety Supplies (see Guidelines) Money Bag or Box $20 Cash for Change

Mostly dollar bills with a few fives. Decorated Posters and fun marketing signage

Ideas: cookie types, Cookie Share info, what the troop profits will be used for; business cards/posters with a QR code linking to the girl or troop's Smart Cookies store. HINT: Find cute bee-themed graphics and marketing materials on Smart Cookies. Card table, tablecloth and chairs A prepared thank-you note for the store manager A copy of this Cookie Guide for reference Girl Scout Cookies!

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