1 WINTER/SPRING 2021 All fun. No filter. More of all the things you love doing at Girl Scouts! Tons of (awesome) GS-experiences for you. BADGERLAND CHAMPION | FALL 2022

2 www.gsbadgerland.org Earn BADGES & patches. Do a good turn daily. Be outside. Solve a STEM mystery. Make friends. 2 www.gsbadgerland.org Let’s do this, Scouts!Girl This Champion is filled with activities, experiences, and FUN available to every single Badgerland Girl Scout. See you there! ON THE COVER: Rama Barry, Badgerland Troop 2788. She’s among just ten girls in the nation selected to the Girl Scouts of the USA Girl Advisory Board! “I want Girl Scouts to be incredibly diverse, with girls from different backgrounds earning badges and volunteering together.” Rama is an inspirational change-maker. Rama is Girl Scouts!

Make sure your Girl Scout memberships are renewed for the year that begins October 1.
Our diversity, equity, and inclusion series centered around relevant topics. Girls earn a patch and the events are held online in agelevel sessions.

Save your Friday nights for Girl Scouts! Every month, Daisies and their grown-ups will come to the Leadership Center nearest them for an exciting evening of Daisy delights.
We’ve got lots of good stuff planned for you including an overnighter at camp, appreciation days, and access to get Outdoor Certification while you go to programs with your girl.
Buy Girl Scout uniforms, badges, patches, and all kinds of GS goods at our Sashay shops. NEW this fall: Troop Leader shirts and tons of merch for girls. Purchase a My Girl Scout Kit that includes her uniform and components and she’ll get a free bag.

Every single month, there is an opportunity for Girl Scouts to get to Camp Ehawee or Camp Brandenburg. Activities include options for overnighters and day programs.
1st Saturday of the Month : 9am-2pm (Saturday hours start in October)
Enrich your troop experience by participating in Badgerland-hosted programs that are engaging, challenging and fun.
Badgerland Brunches are just for the Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors to tackle the BIG issues. Monthly we host a highest awards session, too.
Girl Scouts is about way more than doing just one thing. It’s everything!
Madison and La Crosse
All programs align with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and monthly we host badge-earning events relate to the Outdoors, Entrepreneurship. STEAM or Life Skills.
Have questions? Need anything?
Badgerland Girl Scouts is here for you: 800.236.2710 | info@gsbadgerland.org
Most events are held at Badgerland Leadership Centers in Madison, La Crosse, and Janesville. Outdoor-based adventures are at our outdoor camps: Camp Brandenburg (Dane County) and Camp Ehawee (La Crosse County). For the overnighters at Camp Ehawee, a Badgerland Bus option is available from Madison for $30 round trip.
Wednesdays: Noon-6pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays: Noon-6pm
Janesville (effective September!)
This booklet lists Badgerland-hosted events through January.
All Girl Scouts can register and attend these events individually or with their troop.
These are Girl Scout troop fundraisers and entrepreneurial events. and where girls learn skills like decision making, goal setting, communications and money management.
LOOKING AHEAD: COOKIES ‘22... what a year
2023 Cookies
• Cookie Prices will be $5 per box ($6 for gluten-free). Gluten-free must be pre-ordered by October 14.
• Improved communications from Badgerland to troops and troops to families. Look for details later this fall.
A grand total of 3,721
• Rewards structures will be altered to reflect the price change.
4 www.gsbadgerland.org
(We all learned about supply chain and logistics this past season so managing our expectations is wise).
! Badgerland Girl Scouts sold 1,497,839 boxes of cookies That’s 124,819 CASES of cookies and 25% MORE than the previous year. On average each Girl Scout sold 402WHOA!boxes At a party in May, we celebrated 676 TOP includingSELLERS NINETY FOUR Tippy Tip Top Sellers who each sold OVER 2022 boxes
• Awesome exciting rewards that GIRLS (and adults) asked for.
We’re planning next year’s Cookie Program in tandem with an expert group of volunteers including Product Sales Leads, Troop Leaders, Parents and Top Sellers. Some changes to expect:
• A new cookie is available but be prepared now that it may NOT be available for Badgerland’s sale.
Congrats to Victoria Lenius, Badgerland’s Top Seller. With 8,001 boxes sold she is also the top seller in Wisconsin. Through her years in Girl Scouts, according to her calculations, she has sold more than 28,955 boxes altogether! That’s a whole lot of booth sales. What was her motivation? Travel and adventuring and learning! Victoria used her rewards for trips around the world including, most recently, Girl Scout destinations adventures in Costa Rica and Hawaii. Victoria graduated in June and is off to college. Badgerland is so proud of this amazing entrepreneur who is on fire to make the world a better place!
March 4-April 9

• Sale dates are October 3-26
Any-Fin is Seal-iously Possible! See all the “Sealy” events we’re planning for you in September! All the programs are age-based and financial literacy-themed in “sealy” ways. Did we mention the monk seal is this year’s BFF mascot?

September 25 on Zoom (6pm)
Items sold include nuts, sweets, magazines, and more.
WOWZER Troop Rewards > Choose from FIVE different day trips: Knuckleheads, Discovery Center, Milwaukee Zoo, 3 Bears Lodge, Tyrol Basin
BFF is Badgerland’s Fall Fundraiser for troops and individual Girl Scouts.
ALL NEW for BFF volunteer leads Come to the online forum AND get all the “other” training in-your-own time at gsLearn our super simple online classroom. You’ll love it.
Service Unit Product Sales Leads Forum
Troops earn funds to pay for activities and earn Troop Rewards
September 11 on Zoom (6pm)
Family BFF Forum
Girls earn individual rewards including Badgerland Bucks.
• Girls deliver goods to customers in November
• Rewards will be available in January
Troop Leadership Forum
• Sales are online and/or in-person with order cards.
Sale Dates: October 3-26
• Girls get info packets from troop leaders
September 18 on Zoom (6pm)
Badgerland Fall Fundraiser
BFF READINESS for adults
6 www.gsbadgerland.org SeptemberGirlScouts
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
accept the Challenge: Step 1) Come to the virtual kick-off Step 2) Sign up for the Challenge and do it!
Girl Scouts Rededication Challenge

NOTE: If you cannot attend the kick-off you can still sign up for the Challenge, but do come if you can.
K-12 Sept. 1 6-6:30pm August 31 Free Virtual Yes, to help her get online
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-12 Sept. 1-30 On your own Sept. 30 $5 At Home Optional to register and earn the patch
September is the perfect time to celebrate your love of all things Girl Scouts during this month’s Girl Scout Rededication Challenge. Jump start your challenge at the Girl Scout Rededication Kick-Off, a virtual event led by girls and leaders just like you! The event completes your first challenge activity. READY, SET, GO GIRL SCOUT!
Girl ScoutsKICK-OFFRededication:EVENT!
YOU (yep, you) can do this!
A month to celebrate you and your new Girl Scout membership year—join the Challenge with your family or your troop. Kick off the challenge with a virtual Badgerland-wide rededication event on September 1 (details above). After attending the kick-off, you will select a number (based on level) of Girl Scout Rededication Challenge activities to complete in September and earn your PATCHpatch.EARNED:
You know what’s more awesome than being a Girl Scout? Trick question: Nothing’s better! We’ve put together a month-long challenge of activities for girls (& grown-ups too) to “do” cool GS stuff to reinforce all the things you love about being a Girl Scout. Stuff like random acts of kindness. We mean, really, who doesn’t want more Girl Scout goodness in the world? how to
K-12 Sept. 7 6-6:30pm Sept. 6 Free Virtual Yes, to help her get online
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation?
PATCH EARNED: Girl Scouts Love State Parks (requirements below)

Out WI Go!
The amazing Wisconsin DNR has suggestions for us on their website: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/parks/outwigo
Girl Scouts all around the US will gather at State Parks this weekend for our yearly celebration of beautiful state parks. In Wisconsin, there are 79 state parks and recreation areas, and 28 are within Badgerland! How many will you visit? This year's theme is "Stewardship," so connect with park rangers and naturalists to learn how you can take better care of Mother Nature.
Optional to register and earn the patch
An exclusive Girl Scout experience!
Girls who register for Out WI Go! on September 8 AND attend one of our partner park programs will receive the patch in the mail. If you head to a state park that weekend on your own, you earn the patch, too! Show your completed list at Sashay in Madison, Janesville, or La Crosse to receive a patch.
K-12 Sept. 10-11 All Weekend! Sept. 16 $5
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation?
Badgerland is teaming up with local park rangers to lead you on a fun outdoor nature experience. Girl Scout exclusive programs will be held at: the MacKenzie Center (Poynette), Devil’s Lake State Park (Baraboo), Mirror Lake State Park (Baraboo), Wildcat Mountain State Park (Ontario), Perrot State Park(Trempealeau), Richard Bong State Recreational Area (Kansasville) and more. For a full list of times and participating State Parks and Recreation Areas, please visit gsbadgerland.org and click “activities” to see details on all these outings.
Girl Scouts Love State Parks
Your Virtual Kick-off for State Parks Weekend
Are you (tree) stumped on where to go and what to do for State Parks Weekend (or anytime)? Wish you knew the must-see & must-do secret gems throughout Wisconsin State Parks and Recreational Areas? Gear up because you’ll get behind-the-scenes highlights of gorgeous parks from an experienced expert. Bonus: You’ll learn about stewardship opportunities happening here in Badgerland!
Girl Scouts Love State Parks
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Yes! You’ll love this.
4-12 Sept. 3 9-10am Sept. 2 Free Virtual
Earning your Highest Awards is a pretty BIG deal! The toughest part is knowing where to start—join the Chit Chat to discover the difference between service projects and the Highest Awards. You’ll explore what it takes to earn them and how you’ll make a lasting difference in your community and beyond. The Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award are within your reach! You can earn it, Girl Scout!
8 www.gsbadgerland.org September
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Your choice, but a great way to learn4-12 Sept. 19 7-8pm Sept. 16 Free Virtual
Daisies, Activate!
Adult Participation
Daisy-only Friday night adventures filled with wiggles, giggles, energy, and excitement. You’ll learn about the Girl Scout Promise and Law, and (here’s the best part!), you’ll make new friends and earn a new fun patch each time you come. Held monthly; come to all or pick and choose. Your grown-up will have fun connecting over an activity just for Daisy adults! Held monthly at all Girl Scout Leadership Centers in Madison, Janesville, and La Crosse. A great way to build your Girl Scouting community!

K-1 Sept. 16 5:30-7pm Sept. 13 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers
Adult Participation
Highest Awards Chit Chat
Wooly Big Launch
AWESOME: Register and attend this event to be entered to win a Monty the Mammoth stuffy from the Ice Age Trail Alliance.

It’s an “ONLY IN WISCONSIN” Girl Scout thing. The Mammoth Hike Challenge kicks off with the virtual Wooly Big Launch so you can learn more before hitting the trail. At Wooly Big we’ll talk topics like the Ice Age Trail, glaciers, mammoths, and other pre-historic mammals and a whole lot more. Bonus—you’ll also learn about stewardship opportunities happening right here in PATCHBadgerland!EARNED: Wisconsin
PATCH EARNED: Sister to All: YOUnique
Free Virtual Sure! You’ll be hiking with her, right?.
Sister to All: YOUniquely YOU
K-5 Sept. 13 5:30-6:30pm Sept. 12 $5 Virtual Yes, to help you get her online 6-12 Sept. 13 7-8pm Sept. 12 $5 Virtual No

Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series
K-12 Sept. 19 6:30-7:30pm Sept. 16
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Girl Scouts Ice Age Trail for girls doing the Challenge. See details on page 13.

Being a sister to all is a really important part of making the world a better place. But what makes you YOUnique? Sharing your differences can help you better understand yourself and those around you. We’ll explore belonging, democracy, allyship, and advocacy with experts empowering you to engage your world with curiosity, confidence, and kindness. Sister to All is a bi-monthly series. You may attend all or pick and choose the topics that interest you.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
Cost Location Adult Participation
10 www.gsbadgerland.org September
Living, breathing, beautiful objects...let the forest floor be your canvas as you play with texture, line, shading, and shape. As a resident artist, you’ll share your iconic style by arranging natural elements like leaves, stones, wood, and flowers. You’ll be photographing your work inspired by nature to be added to Badgerland’s Traveling Outdoor Art Exhibition 2023. This is for a girl and her favorite gal grown-up. BADGE EARNED: Outdoor Art Apprentice (Cadette)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
BADGE & PATCH EARNED: Detective Badge (Junior) | Leave No Trace Patch
Warning: Property of U.S. Government... Top Secret—Space Sea Monkeys have invaded Lake Brandenburg and Crystal Creek! Some not-so-ordinary, run-of-the-mill shrimp need your mad STEM skills to help them evade NASA and save their species. If you choose to accept this mission you’ll study their species, rebuild their ship, chart an interstellar course, and help them escape the atmosphere. Are you up for this audacious challenge?
My Gal & I Adventure Pod Art Overnighter
Adult Participation
K-3 Sept. 17 1:30-4pm Sept. 13 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, a drop-off program
BADGE EARNED: Space Science Explorer (Daisy) | Space Science Adventurer (Brownie)
Get a Clue: Vanishing Geodes
Space Sea Monkeys & S’Mores
Sticks & Stones: Mother Nature’s Portrait
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
6-8 Sept. 17-18 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Sept. 13 $75 per person Camp Ehawee Yes! This is for you both to enjoy together.
It’s a whodunit mystery for you to solve. Follow the clues and discover who’s responsible for the vanishing geodes and rare rudbeckia blooms at camp. Learn Leave No Trace principles, carefully examine the evidence and guests and solve the mystery!
4-5 Sept. 18 10:30am-2:30pm Sept. 13 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, it’s a drop-off program
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
Puns may be a joke, but money is not! Learn from experts as you earn your Financial Literacy I badge and build saving, budgeting, managing, sharing, and investing skills you need to seal your fin-ancial future! Whether you are tackling this year’s Badgerland Fall Fundraiser or your own start-up business, you’ll develop new strategies to handle your money including savings and growing your dollars through BADGEtime.
K-1 Sept. 24 1-3pm Sept. 20 $25 Madison Leadership Center
BADGE EARNED: Money Explorer (Daisy), Budget Builder (Brownie), Budget Maker (Junior)
Any-Fin is Seal-iously Possible!
Yes, to maintain troop safety ratio
Adult Participation?
6-12 Sept. 25 1-4pm Sept. 20 $25 Madison Leadership Center No, it’s a drop-off event
Cuddly plush seals are part of the rewards package for girls who participate in BFF in October. Also available? Troops earn rewards including their choice from five day trips. More on page 5.

Your Kick-off for BFF
4-5 Sept. 25 Noon9:30am- Sept. 20 $25 Madison Leadership Center
These programs will help you build business and financial skills.

a Girl Scout Pillar.
Adult Participation?
2-3 Sept. 24 10am-Noon Sept. 20 $25 Madison Leadership Center
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
She sells seashells by the seashore, but how much does she need to save in the river bank to avoid the loan shark? Have fun and see that any-fin is seal-iously possible while polishing your saving, budgeting, managing, sharing, and investing skills to get ready for this year’s Badgerland Fall Fundraiser.
Seal Your Fin-ancial Future
Your Kick-off for BFF
EARNED: Budget Manager (Cadette), Savvy Saver (Senior), Financial Planner (Ambassador)
Daisies, Activate!
LeadershipMadison Center
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Come to Badgerland Brunch, a safe space just for older Girl Scouts to bond over good food and important conversations. You’ve told us what you want to talk about and these are big topics that will be facilitated by experts and led by you. Up first, going back to school can be exciting but it can also cause fear and anxiety as school shootings and gun violence make headlines. Share what’s on your mind with CSA’s from across Badgerland, as we learn from a guest expert about school safety, bullying, mental health, and facing fear and uncertainty.

Highest Awards Chit Chat
Daisy-only Friday night adventures. Description is on page 8.
4-12 Oct. 1 9-10am Sept. 30 Free Virtual Your choice, but a great way to learn4-12 Oct. 17 7-8pm Oct. 14 Free Virtual
12 www.gsbadgerland.org
Adult Participation
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation?
6-12 Oct. 2 9-11am Sept. 27 $25
No, just for the older girls
are where older girls come together, a space and time of their own, to explore big topics.
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 8.
K-1 Oct. 21 5:30-7pm Oct. 18 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers You betcha!
PATCH EARNED: Gun Violence
Gun Violence
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
PATCH EARNED: Happy Birthday Girl Scout
Badgerland Brunch

From there, you have the whole month of October to explore non-road sections of the Ice Age Trail. Track your journey in an online trail journal and earn the Wisconsin Girl Scouts Ice Age Trail patch after you hike or walk the Ice Age Trail at least five times and visit one Trail Community.
Mammoth Hike Challenge
UNLOCK THIS ICE AGE TRAIL BONUS PATCH by hiking a total of 42 miles on the trail and visiting 3 Trail Communities.
Exploration Station: Necedah National Wildlife Refuge A Wisconsin Girl Scout-only thing! October
The Mammoth Hike Challenge kicks off with the virtual Wooly Big Launch on September 20 so you can learn more before hitting the trail. See page 9 for those details and to register.

4-5 Oct. 8 9:45am - 3pm Oct. 4
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
It’s all about citizen science—exploring the mosaic of the oak savanna and recording your observations. Walk alongside the Ranger and observe the exciting plant and animal diversity at the impressive Wildlife Refuge. As part of the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature Trail you’ll learn about the Junior Duck Stamp Program, connecting you to the outdoors through bird watching, journaling, and more!
your October adventure
PATCH EARNED: Wisconsin Girl Scouts Ice Age Trail

PATCH: Badgerland National Wildlife Refuge
Cost Location Adult Participation $10 Necedah Yes 13
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Participation?Adult K-12 1-31October On Your Own October 31 $5 Your Choice Register and you can earn the patch, too
PATCH AND AWARD EARNED: Badgerland’s Outdoor SkillsFest Patch and Adult Skills Bar

A Girl Scout Program Pillar. Outdoor SkillsFests!
14 www.gsbadgerland.org
BONUS: At Outdoor SkillsFests, you’ll deepen your appreciation for nature as you gain plant and animal identification and (for older girls) foraging skills.
Basic SkillsFest | Grades K-3
4-5 Oct. 15 1-3pm Oct. 11 $25 Camp Brandenburg Yes
You’ll learn alongside your Girl Scout in a train-the-trainer kind of way. You’ll gain all the skills necessary to take her on her first or next outdoor adventure. Sign up with your girls and, if you wish, share your knowledge at all the sessions. Even if you don’t have girls attending you can come help learn about outdoor adventuring based on your skill set or on the age of your Girl Scouts. Note: This is replacing Troop Overnight Certifications
Ever wonder why trees have so many friends?
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
PATCH & AWARD EARNED: Badgerland Outdoor SkillsFest | Intermediate/Advanced Skills Bar (Junior/CSA)
Advanced SkillsFest | Grades 6-12
These programs will help you build your outdoor skills.
You and your grown-up will learn to identify trees and so much more! Wayfinding, fire safety, shelter building, signaling, first aid, and cooking are all on the agenda.
You’ll be gob smacked at how much outdoor expertise you learn in just a few hours! Come to the SkillsFest session for your age and have a blast at camp this fall. Sign-up with your adult or come together as a troop.
You and your grown-up will learn to light single match fires and so much more! Beyond fire safety, we’ll tackle wayfinding, shelter building, signaling, first aid, and cooking.
Adult Participation
outdoors & environmental stewardship!
K-3 Oct. 15 10am-Noon Oct. 11 $25 Camp Brandenburg Yes
Intermediate SkillsFest | Grades 4-5
Learn survival shelter building and more. Wayfinding, fire safety, signaling, first aid, and cooking will be added to your tool belt! Whoa! We’ll even try foraging for food.

you’ll come for free
6-12 Oct. 16 10am-2pm Oct. 11 $25 Camp Brandenburg Yes
JGL Spooktacular & S’Mores a girl-only overnighter
AWESOME: Board the Badgerland Bus in Madison for just $30. PATCH EARNED: Founder’s Day Spooktacular

How to Apply
MediaGIRL Training is October 15.
Complete a short application and submit a 1-2 minute video about why you love being a Girl Scout. Applications due by October 5.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Stories, skits, and screenplays, oh my! Juliette Gordon Low was a busy woman—flying planes, traveling the world, and, of course, founding Girl Scouts 110 years ago. Plus her birthday is October 31 and it seems JUST RIGHT to have a big party to celebrate what we call Founder’s Day sure the rest of the country may call it Halloween but we know better ��. Juliette (we call her JGL for short) is an American legend! AND all legends need their stories to be told. Come celebrate all things JGL during this one-of-a-kind camp overnighter where you’ll write, act, dance, and sing the night away!
4-12 Oct. 29-30 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Oct. 25 $75 Camp Ehawee No, this one’s just for the girls
MediaGIRLS is comprised of Brownies and older. These Girl Scout advocates speak at public engagements, attend Badgerland events taking photos and video, and are the goto crew for media interviews. This is a competitive application-based program.


PATCH EARNED: Sister to All Democracy
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 8.
K-1 Nov. 18 5:30-7pm Nov. 15 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers No question about it!
6-12 Nov. 8 7-8pm Nov. 7
What makes democracy important? Voting is the main way most citizens get to influence the decisions that determine how our country, our communities, and our schools are governed. Come learn YOUR role in making our democracy stronger. Sister to All is a bi-monthly series; attend all or pick and choose.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Daisies, Activate!
4-12 Nov. 5 9-10am Nov. 4 Free Virtual Your choice but a great way to learn4-12 Nov. 21 7-8pm Nov. 20 Free Virtual
K-5 Nov. 8 5:30-6:30pm Nov. 7
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline
At Wisconsin Girl Scout Day, held at the State Capitol, girls voted on issues ranging from favorite pizza topping (cheese!) to the global issue they’re most eager to tackle (climate).

Highest Awards Chit Chat
Sister to All: Democracy

PATCH EARNED: I Love to Bake

16 www.gsbadgerland.org
$5 Virtual No
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Daisy-only Friday night adventures. Description is on page 8.
$5 Virtual Yes, to help get her online
Cost Location Adult Participation
Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Our programs enhance your curiosity and innovation. Just like these Girl Scout you get to do physics experiments and take wild Virtual Reality adventures.

Yes, to maintain troop safety ratios
6-8 Nov. 6 1-4pm Nov. 1 $25 Madison Leadership Center No, this is a drop-off event
2-3 Nov. 5 2-4pm Nov. 1 $25 Madison Leadership Center
A Girl Scout Program Pillar.
Girl Scouts are scientists, inventors, researchers, artists, and programmers. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math is where it’s at!
This program will help you build your STEM skills.

GIRLgamers: Pixel Power
BADGE EARNED: Digital Game Design
4-5 Nov. 5 10am-1pm Nov. 1 $25 Madison Leadership Center
Girls love gaming - use your pixel power to go from player to creator and amplify your unique gamer skills! Explore the world of digital game design and create your own avatar. Advance your coding skills as you learn to plan, build, test, and publish games.
18 www.gsbadgerland.org
Cache Me If You Can: High Tech Hide & Seek
Space Sea Monkeys & S’Mores
My Gal & I Adventure Pod Mystery Overnighter
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Mystery abounds… one heist… 8 suspects. In this suspenseful Leave No Trace whodunit, you’ll unravel the clues and discover who’s responsible for the vanishing geodes and rare rudbeckia blooms at camp. Learn the Leave No Trace principles, carefully examine the evidence and guests and solve the mystery! Was it Latisha with the flashlight in the LaLa? Or Clara with the camping shovel near the fire scar? This event is for a girl and her favorite gal grown-up. GREAT IDEA: Make it a big troop & moms outing! BADGE & PATCH EARNED: Leave No Trace patch (Daisy and Brownie ) Senses badge (Brownies)
Get a Clue: Vanishing Geodes
Using GPS technology, you’ll join the world’s largest scavenger hunt in a mobile game of discovery and skill. Hide a secret cache, uncover hidden objects not visible to your average camp visitor, and fill your multi-cache passport to claim your prize. It’s an awesome game of cat and mouse—cache me if you can!
Warning: Property of U.S. Government... Top Secret—Space Sea Monkeys have invaded Lake Brandenburg and Crystal Creek! Some not-so-ordinary, run-of-the-mill shrimp need your mad STEM skills to help them evade NASA and save their species. If you choose to accept this mission you’ll study their species, rebuild their ship, chart an interstellar course, and help them escape the atmosphere. Are you up for this audacious challenge?
Adult Participation
Adult Participation
K-3 Nov. 5-6 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Nov. 1 each$75 Camp Ehawee Yes
6-12 Nov. 13 2:30pm10:30am-
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Adult Participation
Nov. 8 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, this is a drop-off event
4-5 Nov. 12 1:30-4pm Nov. 8 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, this is a drop-off event
BADGE EARNED: Space Science Researcher (Cadette) | Space Science Expert (Senior) Space Science Master (Ambassador)
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Troop 7706 had a geocaching adventure right in their neighborhood. Badgerland has geocaching kits for your troop to check-out for free. Details on page 25.

K-5 Dec. 3 1-4pm Nov. 29 $25
Daisy-only Friday night adventures. Description is on page 8.
Highest Awards Chit Chat
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 8.
Daisies, Activate!
Up next: while social media is awesome there is a dark side - this month, we’ll process social’s negative influences such as the way we perceive ourselves? Share what’s on your mind with CSA’s from across Badgerland. We’ll also learn from our guest expert about body image, nutrition and how to find the balance between social media indulgence and mental well-being.
PATCH EARNED: Social Media
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost
No, this one’s for the girls
Girl Scouts are Kindness EXPERTS! Whether you’re volunteering with animals, protecting the environment, or helping others, you make a real difference. Come to the Kindness Expo and meet with non-profit organizations to learn about all knew ways you can help, spread kindness, and make the world a better place!
Location Adult Participation
4-12 Dec. 19 7-8pm Dec. 16 Free Virtual Your choice, but a great way to learn
Girl Scouts Kindness Expo
PATCH EARNED: Girl Scouts Give Back

PATCH EARNED: Girl Scout Super Hero

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
6-12 Dec. 4 9-11am Nov. 30 $25 LeadershipMadison Center
K-1 Dec. 16 5:30-7pm Dec. 13 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers Yes Yes Yes!
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation?
Badgerland Brunch Under Social Media Influence
Madison Leadership Center Yes, plan to do this together
20December www.gsbadgerland.org
“Bella vida” means “good life,” so it’s time to celebrate YOU at this spa-themed event exclusively for our Co-Leaders, Product Program Leads, and Service Unit Volunteers. You work hard to help others, so today is our day to give back to you! Get centered with yoga and mindfulness exercises, prepare for the holidays at our gift-wrapping station, become a master entertainer at our charcuterie and mocktails workshop, then break out the bubbly and enjoy a catered dinner celebration with some special guests. You’ll go home refreshed and ready to take on the next challenge after this adults-only day!
Adult Participation
It’s a whodunit mystery for you to solve! You’ll solve the mystery of exactly who’s responsible for the vanishing geodes and rare rudbeckia at camp. Learn Leave No Trace Principles, carefully examine the evidence and figure it out Was it Latisha with the flashlight in the LaLa? Or Clara with the camping shovel near the fire scar?
Badgerland Bella Vida just for the grown-ups!
BADGE & PATCH EARNED: Leave No Trace patch (Daisy and Brownie) Senses badge (Brownie)
Get a Clue: Vanishing Geodes
K-3 Dec. 11 10:30am-2:30pm Dec. 7 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, a drop-off event
A Girl Scout Overnighter
AWESOME: Option to board the Badgerland Bus in Madison for just $30 PATCH EARNED: Girl Scouts Climate Challenge

Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Polar Quest: Climate Challenge
Adults Dec. 10 1-7pm Dec. 6 Free Madison Leadership Center Oh, yeah!
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
4-12 Dec. 10-11 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Dec. 6 $75 Camp Ehawee No, this one’s just for the girls so plan to drop her off
The earth’s climate is changing; temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, and animals and plants are losing their habitats. Even Wisconsin seasons look different than when your grandparents were your age! Polar Quest will challenge you to think differently about climate change, embrace your inner polar bear, and become a citizen scientist studying what’s left of our frozen landscape.
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
2-3 Jan. 21 9:45am - 3pm Jan. 18 $10 Necedah Yes, and when you register you’ll also earn the patch
4-12 Jan. 7 9-10am Jan. 6 Free Virtual Your choice, but a great way to learn4-12 Jan. 18 7-8pm Jan. 17 Free Virtual
Highest Awards Chit Chat
PATCH EARNED: Daisies Dream Big

Badgerland’s diversity, equity, and inclusion virtual series
6-12 Jan. 10 7-8pm Jan. 9 $5 Virtual No
Every girl needs allies. Who and what are they? An ally is someone who actively supports and advocates for others. Sounds like you! Together let’s cultivate more allies who are turning their voices into action. Sister to All is a bi-monthly series; attend all or pick and choose.
Exploration Station: Necedah
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
K-5 Jan 10 5:30-6:30pm Jan. 9 $5 Virtual Yes, to help get her online
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
For all interested in earning the Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award. Description is on page 8.
22 www.gsbadgerland.org
PATCH EARNED: Badgerland National Wildlife Refuge patch
Daisies, Activate!
It’s all about citizen science—exploring the mosaic of the oak savanna and recording your observations. Walk alongside the Ranger and observe the exciting plant and animal diversity at the impressive Wildlife Refuge. As part of the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature Trail you’ll learn about the Junior Duck Stamp Program, connecting you to the outdoors through bird watching, journaling, and more!
PATCH EARNED: Sister to All: Allyship
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
Daisy-only Friday night adventures. Description is on page 8.
K-1 Jan. 20 5:30-7pm Jan. 13 Free Madison, Janesville, La Crosse Centers Yes, it’s for both of you!
Sister to All: Allyship

Help heal the world and make a better future for everyone. World leaders have ambitious global goals like taking care of the environment, making sure people have enough to eat, and improving people’s health. They’re big goals, but Girl Scouts know a thing or two about changing the world, too. Come to the program for your age level and discover how PHENOMenal you are, too!
Yes, to maintain troop safety ratios
Make a PHENOMenal Difference |Grades 4-5 Explore TroopTreks and Girl Scout Getaways and learn about other US Girl Scout Troops taking global action!

AWARD EARNED: Global Action Award (All ages)
Take PHENOMenal Action| Grades 6-12 Learn about Girl Scout travel through Destinations, take a virtual tour of the Girl Scout World Centers, and get connected with your global Girl Scout sisters to take global action!
2-3 Jan. 7 1-3pm Jan. 3 $25 Madison Leadership Center
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
PHENOMenal Programs
These programs will help you build your life skills.
Your PHENOMenal World | Grades 2-3 You’ll meet a Midwest Girl Scout Troop who’s tackling a global issue and explore a global goal needing attention right here in your backyard!
4-5 Jan. 7 10am-12pm Jan. 3 $25 Madison Leadership Center
Our World, Our Peaceful Future: Environment, Peace, Security
PHENOM is the word of the year at Girl Scouts! That’s because in July, tens of thousands Girl Scouts from around the GLOBE will gather for our once-every-three-year celebration. You can go, too! See more about PHENOM and Badgerland’s travel plans on page 31. In the spirit of our global gathering, get psyched by attending a PHENOMenal event in January.
Global Girl Scouting
6-12 Jan. 7 4-7pm Jan. 3 $25 Madison Leadership Center No, this is a drop-off event
A Girl Scout Life Skills Program Pillar.
BADGE EARNED: Outdoor Art Explorer (Junior)
Adult Participation
5! Jan. 14-15 3pm 10:30amSaturday-Sunday Jan. 11 $75 Madison Leadership Center No, this one’s just for the girls. Drop her off!
Get a Clue: Vanishing Geodes
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
K-3 Jan. 29 1:30-4pm Jan. 24 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, this is a drop-off event
It’s a whodunit mystery for you to solve! See complete program description on page 8. PATCH EARNED: Leave No Trace
Sticks & Stones
4-5 Jan. 28-29 1pm Saturday2pm Sunday Jan. 24 $75 Camp Ehawee No this one’s just for the girls!
6-12 Jan. 28 10:30am-2:30pm Jan. 24 $25 Camp Brandenburg No, this is a drop-off event
Cache Me If You Can: High Tech Hide & Seek
A Girl Scout Overnighter
January Super Influencer Slumber Bash
5th Graders Only! TikTok the night away. If you want to become a Super Influencer on social or launch the next big viral challenge, you need to put in the hours! This is no ‘get famous quick’ scheme. Get tips from your fellow soon-to-be Cadette Girl Scout sisters and a few experts just like you who are nailin’ it on the socials. AND oh yeah, there will be lots of other surprises at this epic slumber bash, too!
Let the forest floor be your canvas. See the complete program description on page 10. This is for a girl and her favorite gal grown-up
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
A Girl Scout Junior Overnighter
24 www.gsbadgerland.org
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location Adult Participation
PATCH EARNED: Super Influencer Slumber Bash

Adult Participation
Grades Date Time Reg Deadline Cost Location
Using GPS, you’ll join the world’s largest scavenger hunt. See complete program description on page 18. BADGE EARNED: Eco-Learner (Daisy) | Letterboxer (Brownie)
Troop Checkout Resources GIRL SCOUT SUPPLIES for your troop activities • Easily access these supplies. They are available for your convenience. • Reserve online and pickup at a Girl Scout Leadership Center. • No cost for most but some items require a deposit. Sampling of Supplies • Tents & Backpacks • Pudgie Pie Irons & Campfire Cookware • Snow Shoes • Flags & Parade Banners • Paper-Making Kits • Parachutes • Knot-Tying Boards &Ropes Badge in a Box Kits • All you need to earn a badge • Each kit packed with specific supplies • Handy leader guides to make it easy • Daisy Kits for each Petal to be earned • Entrepreneur Series Kits available • Outdoor Kits • STEM Kits: Circuit Boards, Robots, etc How To Reserve Troop Check-Out Resources • Scan the QR code or • gsbadgerlandcheckfront.com/reserve/ “I, personally, loved the kit because it was all set for me to use! It saved a lot of time! But the girls loved all of the activities as well! Thank you! I will be checking out more things again!” Jessica, Badgerland Brownie Troop Co-Leader Jessica simplified her life and made it easy for the troop to earn a badge when she checked out our Brownie Programming Robots Kit. You can too! 25

Save these dates
Adult Feb. 4-5
It's the 2023 Cookie Program K-12 Mar 4-Apr 9
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 March 4 Girl Scout Week
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 Feb. 15 Daisies, Activate! Friday night adventures. K-1 Feb. 17 Imposter Among Us Camp overnighter with girls completing tasks like a bug bashing bonanza. 4-12 Feb. 25-26
Daily activities to show your pride and share your GS love! K-12 March 12-18
Indoor SkillsFest
Prep for your first campout. K-3 Feb. 26
What You'll Do Grades Dates
Wisconsin Girl Scout Democracy Day at the Capitol
Celebrating 111 years of Girl Scouting at our state capitol K-12 March 11
The forest floor is the canvas as you create art with nature.
Registration opens for February-May programs DECEMBER 6 @ 9 am
Cache Me if You Can: High Tech Hide & Seek Camp overnighter with girls hiding and finding caches. . 6-12 March 18-19
Adult-only retreat filled with personal development and camp fun with ax throwing, hikes, and campfires.
March Programs
K-3 March 18
February Programs What You'll Do Grades Dates
26 www.gsbadgerland.org
The Porpoise of Fin-ancial Stability Dig deep into your finances and walk away with a plan. 6-12 Feb. 11
K-5 Feb. 11
Space Sea Monkeys & Smores Fun STEM-centric camp. 4-5 March 19
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 Feb. 4 Badgerland Brunch: Global Activism Dedicated time for older girls to explore impactful topics. 6-12 Feb. 5
Any-Fin is Possible with a Porpoise Cookie Program kick-off and creating a storefront.
Sister to All: Belonging Learning and sharing during a DEI virtual discussion. K-12 March 14
Cookie Program!
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 March 15 Daisies, Activate! Friday night adventures K-1 March 17 Sticks & Stones: Capturing Mother Nature’s Beauty
2-Adult May 6
May Programs
What You'll Do Grades Dates
It’s fashion. It’s STEAM! 6-8 May 13 Meet You at the BET! An oooh la la evening event wearing designs you created. 6-8 May 13
Daisies, Activate Friday night adventures K-1 April 14
Earth Day: Camp Champion Camp overnighter where you’ll celebrate camp stewardship at its best at Badgerland Camps.
Project Runway
K-Adult July 18-22
Ehawee Adventure Day
On My Honor
Honoring Gold Award Girl Scouts and grads!
K-Adult April 15
Explore a local dairy farm and meet women industry leaders. 4-12 April 15
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 May 6 Brandenburg Adventure Day Get a taste of camp and come explore and play before summer sessions begin. K-Adult May 7
K-12 Date coming
K-Adult April 15
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 April 19
GirlPHENOMScout Convention & Girl Experience
4-12 April 22-23
Sister to All: Advocacy Learning and sharing during a DEI virtual discussion. K-12 May 9
GS Tree Promise: Tree Delivery Get your Girl Scout tree today. Girls & troops plant trees! K-12 April 22
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 May 17 Daisies, Activate Friday night adventures. K-1 May 19
Celebrating volunteers receiving prestigious awards.
What You'll Do Grades Dates
Connect with thousands of Girl Scouts from around the globe! More info on page 31.
April Programs
Dedicated time for older girls to explore impactful topics. 6-12 April 2
All things trees as you get to the root of the challenge of being a thriving tree in 2023.
Girl Scout CelebrationAwards
K-12 April 22
What You'll Do Grades Dates
Girl Scout Tree Promise & Forest Heroes
GS Tree Promise
Behind the Barn Gates: WI Dairy Patch Program
Happening in 2023!
Explore camp and experience what it’s like before coming this summer!
Be a hero and do all you can to take care of our tree friends.
Highest Awards Chit Chat Bronze, Silver, and Gold info. 4-12 April 1 Badgerland Brunch: Climate Change
• Service Units (communities of troops) can begin reserving space now: bit.ly/3SPRBid
The deets:
Here’s what you said:
It’s official. You love Adventure Pods-style camping!
• Weekends and weekdays are available to reserve October through May.
• Reserve spots via CheckFront (visit gsbadgerland.org then click CheckFront on the top)
Simplified information coming your way. Simpler ways to be a volunteer. And lots of ways to be together!
That’s why this season we’re adopting a pod reservation system at camps Ehawee and Brandenburg. You’ll have options to reserve just what you need for your outing while sharing common spaces with other troops including kitchens, rest rooms and such. The result will be lots more Girl Scouts able to enjoy the camps at the same time.
28 www.gsbadgerland.org
• Troop reservations open September 29 @ 9am.
Make it all simpler. Easier. And with more more more grown-up connections! Here’s what you can expect:
You’ll learn what’s new via (fewer) emails and Official Badgerland Facebook. We’re sunsetting the level-based pages. Online trainings are on your schedule. Trainings for BFF and Cookies will move to gsLearn while being enriched through a live online Forum that will be recorded if you miss it. Service Units are growing and becoming “the” place to connect with other volunteers. Collaboration at your community level is where it’s happening! You’ll be a more effective troop leader, you’ll make so many friends, and you’ll enhance your own and the girls’ experience this way.
• Service Units and troops are invited to reserve time at Badgerland camps and Leadership Centers.
It’s all about making it simple for you to find what you need. We are making gsLearn your go-to classroom. It’s where you’ll discover all the info you need to be successful at every troop’s level.
See you out at camp this year!
We are proud to host two retreats for adults this year including an exciting Appreciation Day all about YOU in December AND an overnighter just for adults at Camp Ehawee in February. We’re also mindful of using your time wisely and that’s why we’re pairing events with trainings so, for example, come to Outdoor SkillsFest in October and you can get your Outdoor Skills certifications at the same time!

• Applications are due 11/1 or 3/1 for travel in 2023.
Girl Scout Destinations
Girl Scout Getaways
• These trips are for troops to travel together.
• These are shorter trips for maximum fun and discovery.
Cynthia & Lorelei Sisters & Girl Scouts Destinations Veterans!
• Girls from 12-18 are eligible to apply.
• This is the traditional way troops take trips.
• These trips are for individual girls (not going as a troop).
• 7th grade Cadettes and up can do a Getaway.
• See the trips and learn about Getaways https://forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/take-a-trip/getaways/here:
~ Cynthia Gauger, 12th Grade
Troop Travel
• Planning ahead and setting a budget is essential to success.
Troop Travel happened for Cadette Troop 9036 when they rode the Amtrak to Colorado for an adventure that the girls planned start to finish. They created the trip dream when they bridged to Juniors. The girls chose where to, go figured out the budget, then spent several years making the goal a reality. It came to life in June! Your troop can do this, too. Where will you go?


• The Cookie Program and BFF are the primary ways troops pay for travel
• Badgerland Bucks can help pay for Destinations.
• LOTS of Badgerland girls go on Destinations. Why not you?
• Badgerland Scholarships for these trips are available.
• Troops can fund raise for travel and lots of troops set goals several years in advance of their trips to teach the girls about planning and budgeting.
• We have lots of troop travel info and troop travel experts at Badgerland. See the resources : w ww.gsbadgerland.org
This summer they traveled from Sun Prairie to Hawaii for a Girl Scouts STEM Destination.

• Some trips our girls love: Costa Rica and Hawaii.
• Money raising guidelines are available in Volunteer Essentials and in gs Learn to help troops gain the funds for trips.
“By going on this trip I was able to show myself how I’m capable of doing things that I never thought I could do.”
with Girl Scouts
• See the trips and learn about Destinations forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/take-a-trip/destinations/here:
• Click on the program to start registration
Occasionally the need arises to cancel due to weather, safety concerns, or low registration. For weather-based cancellations, every attempt will be made to contact you. Maintain accurate contact information in MyGS so staff can reach you. If canceled, the program will be rescheduled or refunded.
REGISTERING FOR PROGRAMS it’s simple. it’s easy.
30 www.gsbadgerland.org
A confirmation will be emailed within 24 hours. You will also receive an email the week before your event.
Girl Scouts teaches girls financial literacy from the Cookie Program and Badgerland Fall Fundraiser. She can earn Badgerland Bucks to pay for her own experiences including camp. There are two ways to pay with Badgerland Bucks:

Girl Scout safety is always our top priority. COVID-19 vaccines are strongly encouraged, but not required, for members attending Girl Scouting events including day and overnight activities this fall. Badgerland reevaluates the health status regularly and makes decisions based on science, local conditions, and guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control and local Public Health agencies. Vaccine decisions regarding summer 2023 camp and cookie reward trips will be announced early next year.
Financial Assistance for program registration is available to qualifying families for Badgerland-sponsored programs. Find the form and qualifying information at gsbadgerland.org.
• Visit gsbadgerland.org and click the Activities tab
Troop 8308 earned STEM Career badges this year. An FBI agent wowed the girls with stories and taught them about forensic evidence. The agent event brought kits to collect DNA and dust for fingerprints. They wrapped up the badge making fingerprint cookies. Yum!
If you need help registering online, call our Customer Care Team for assistance: 800.236.2710.
NOTE: Badgerland Bucks from the 2022 BFF Program will be available mid-December.
• Payment is due upon registration
• Find programs by date or use the search bar
1) Call Customer Care at 800.236.2710 to complete a registration over the phone using Badgerland Bucks.
2) Register and pay online with a credit card, then complete and submit the Badgerland Bucks Reimbursement Form at gsbadgerland.org. (Click forms).
Refunds, minus a $10 cancellation fee per event transaction, are given for cancellations made by the registration deadline, or in the event of serious illness or death in the family. Full refunds are issued after the deadline only if the program is canceled.
You can do this in July!
July 20-22, 2023
Phenom is all about giving girls an amazing experience all wrapped in a gigantic glorious event that will fill your heart with Girl Scout pride FOREVER. These events are only held every three years and attending is a Big Deal.
2. You can register and travel with sister Badgerlanders. We are putting together a Badgerland Phenom Trip Package. Our trip details will be revealed December 6.
Phenom is the girl-focused portion of the 56th National Council Session of Girl Scouts. That part, held July 18-20, is the national business meeting for Girl Scouts. And Badgerland will be sending delegates to discuss, debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement.

31 at
Walt Disney WorldOrlando, Florida
Phenom by Girl Scouts
An exciting gathering of thousands of Girl Scouts from around the globe. Featuring a National Bridging Ceremony, exciting experiences and programs in the Expo Hall, special guests, live performances, hands-on activities. This is a Girl Scout DREAM EVENT.
3. You can sign up now through Girl Scouts USA. Registration is open. Details at girlscouts.org or https://bit.ly/3cmaCbk DisneyWorld
Ways You Can Attend Phenom
1. You can EARN THIS TRIP through the 2023 Cookie Program! It will be a reward for girls selling 2,023+ boxes.

4801 South Biltmore Lane Madison, WI 53718


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It’s Your Time!