WINTER & SPRING Girl Scout Programs Inside!
Your Program Guide to Girl Scout Fun & Adventures January - June 2017
Badgerland Shops ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Cookie Kickoffs ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Camporee and Daisy Camporee ����������������������������������������������� 5 Awesome Girl Scout Programs ������������������������������������������������6-7 Capitol Day Programs ������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Winter Fun Outside ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Spring Fun Outside ����������������������������������������������������������������������10 Camp Service Weekends ������������������������������������������������������������ 11 Leadership Trainings ��������������������������������������������������������������������12 Table of Contents
Travel with Girl Scouts ����������������������������������������������������������������13 105th Birthday Camp-In ����������������������������������������������������������������14 Awards Celebration ����������������������������������������������������������������������14 Girl Scouts Convention ��������������������������������������������������������������15 Patch Programs �����������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Registration Info ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Contact Info �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
Come with the troop or on your own with a favorite grown-up. At Girl Scouts, we know that it takes a lot to keep up with girls. It takes activities and experience that allow girls to follow the fun, do what they love and set off on their next big adventure. Girls can sign up for these programs together as a troop or, even more common, they can register on their own and make new friends at the event. This year, resolve to bring her to some of these awesome Girl Scout programs where she will discover that anything is possible!
See a program you want to attend? Simply click the green REGISTER FOR... button to go to that program’s registration page.
To My Favorite
Girl Scout
Have lots of fun
this year!
Visit a Girl Scout Shop
Visit a Badgerland Girl Scout Shop for all her essentials. In addition to uniforms and badges, we stock tons of fun extra stuff including Girl Scout hair ties, Girl Scout socks, Girl Scout jewelry and more. Of course, we have plenty of goodies for grown-up Girl Scouts, too.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM THE SHOP. HEY GIRL SCOUTS! Look for an email from us during your birthday month. It contains an invite for a free goody bag and a $5 Shop coupon. Visit the Badgerland Girl Scout Shops near you:
Janesville, La Crosse, Madison and Platteville See Shop Hours and Addresses
COOKIE KICKOFFS! Cookie kickoffs are awesome. They’re fun and get girls prepared for cookie season. There’s a GS Adult Zone designed for idea sharing and networking for grown-ups. Troop leaders and Troop Cookie Coordinators are strongly encouraged to attend with the girls.
COOKIE BLAST OFF! Girls and leaders will learn a lot during this well-organized, fun program. Guided activities focus on cookie-selling safety, financial literacy and, of course, getting to know the cookies by tasting them all! Tons of fun stuff too including a cookiethemed photo booth and crafting station to get a head start on making posters for your cookie booths. Daisies earn the Count It Up and Talk It Up leaves. Brownies earn the Meet My Customers badge. Notes • Girls must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or, if attending as a troop, attend with enough background checked and registered adults to fulfill Girl Scout safety ratios. Adult attendees do not need to register for this event. • A snack is provided. Cookie tastings exclude sampling Peanut Butter Patties and Peanut Butter Sandwiches.
Cookie Kickoffs
Grades: K-3 January 14, 9:30am-12:30pm Central High School, La Crosse Early Register by December 20: $5 per girl Register by January 3: $10 per girl
January 22, 9:30am-12:30pm Craig High School, Janesville Early Register by January 3: $5 per girl Register by: January 10, $10 per girl
January 21, 9:30am-12:30pm Platteville High School, Platteville Early Register by January 3: $5 per girl Register by January 10: $10 per girl
January 28, 9:30am-12:30pm Door Creek Church, Madison Early Register by January 10, $5 per girl Register by: January 17, $10 per girl
IT’S MY BIZ! COOKIE BOSS You’ve done this before right? Now master new techniques to track your business and discover how your personality will help you sell big. You’re a Cookie Boss! Juniors earn the Cookie CEO badge and Cadettes work toward the Business Plan badge. Notes • Girls must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or, if attending as a troop, attend with enough background checked and registered adults to fulfill Girl Scout safety ratios. Adult attendees do not need to register for this event. • A snack is provided. Cookie tastings exclude sampling Peanut Butter Patties and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. Grades: 4-8 January 14, 1:30-4pm Central High School, La Crosse Early Register by December 20: $5 per girl Register by January 3: $10 per girl
January 22, 1:30-4pm Craig High School, Janesville Early Register by January 3: $5 per girl Register by January 10, $10 per girl
January 21, 1:30-4pm Platteville High School, Platteville Early Register by January 3: $5 per girl Register by January 10: $10 per girl
January 28, 1:30-4pm Door Creek Church, Madison Early Register by January 10, $5 per girl Register by January 17, $10 per girl
Camporee 2017
Registration Opens January 31
April 28-30 | Grades 2-12 BADGERLAND CAMPOREE Camporee is non-stop fun, complete with evening campfires and a beach party-themed dance on Saturday night. Join a few hundred sister Girl Scouts at camp and try your hand at cooking a simple meal over a fire, playing nature games, and creating awesome arts and crafts. Juniors and older come to Camporee Friday night and stay all weekend; Brownie Camporee begins Saturday morning and they attend one night. See separate listing for the Daisies’ very own Camporee on Sunday. HINT Register early. Space is limited and Camporee always fills up before the registration deadline. Note: Space is sparse for the ever-popular Camporee so troops are limited to bringing the number of adults to meet safety ratios. If there are special circumstances for your troop, email your request to add additional adults: Troops will likely share their sleeping space with other troops and may be split appropriately between cabins or tents.
Camporee 2017 Fall Troop Camps
April 28-30 Grades: 2-12 Camp Ehawee, Mindoro Registration Opens January 31 at 9am Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Lodging and Pricing Grades 4-12 April 28-30, 5pm-10am • Indoor Lodging: Register by April 5 > $70 girl / $70 adult • Platform Tent: Register by April 5 > $65 girl / $65 adult Brownie Lodging and Pricing Grades 2-3 April 29-30, 10am-10am • Indoor Lodging: Register by April 5 > $55 girl / $55 adult • Platform Tent: Register by April 5 > $50 girl / $50 adult REGISTER FOR CAMPOREE STARTING JANUARY 31
DAISY CAMPOREE It’s all the fun of Camporee with Daisy-sized activities for Girl Scouts’ youngest members! Sing songs, play games, explore camp and make art projects. See you there for a memorable afternoon of camp fun. Note: Girl Scout Daisies and adults only no tag-alongs). Bring a sack lunch as we share a meal in the dining hall. April 30, 12-4pm Grades: K-1 Camp Ehawee, Mindoro Early Register by April 5: $5 girl / $0 adult to meet safety ratio Register by April 12: $10 girl / $0 adult to meet safety ratio REGISTER FOR DAISY CAMPOREE STARTING JANUARY 31
AWESOME PROGRAMS DANCE CARNIVALE Celebrate World Thinking Day and our international Girl Scout sisterhood at this “feet-on” dance program. Learn about different cultures while dancing around the world learning new steps from professional dancers. Register early because this one always sells out! February 25, Two Sessions Offered: 9am-12pm or 1-4pm Grades: 2-5 Door Creek Church, Madison Early Register by February 7: $10 girl | Register by February 14: $15 girl REGISTER FOR DANCE CARNIVALE
Awesome Programs
Bugs are creepy and crawly and AWESOME! They’re also the most common organism on our planet! Cool fact: 80% of the world’s animals are insects! It’s time to get to know our six legged neighbors. Get up close and personal with insects under the microscope. Explore a soil habitat for specimens. And design your own SUPER bug! Brownies will earn the Brownie Bugs badge. March 4, 9am-12pm Grades: K-3 Warner Park, Madison Early Register by February 14: $5 girl Register by February 21: $10 girl April 8, 9am-12pm Grades: K-3 Onalaska Community Center, Onalaska Early Register by March 21: $5 girl Register by March 28: $10 girl May 13, 9am-12pm Grades: K-3 Platteville High School Early Register by April 25: $5 girl Register by May 2: $10 girl REGISTER FOR STEM SOUP: INSECT INVESTIGATORS
ENGINEERGIRL: CREATE THE FUTURE It’s the job of engineers to design buildings, roads and bridges. Sound like fun? EngineerGirls will dive into the fascinating world of infrastructure - the literal foundation of our communities. Meet an urban engineer who will help us design and build a structure that will change the face of architecture forever. At the end of the program, girls will take home a unique EngineerGirl patch. March 5, 11am-4pm Grades: 6-8 Goodman Community Center, Madison Early Register by February 14: $15 girl Register by February 21: $20 girl REGISTER FOR ENGINEERGIRL: CREATE THE FUTURE 6
AWESOME PROGRAMS ACTIVATE! Activate is an expo-style event that will activate your mind, passion and future. Women are using science, technology, engineering and math to make their dreams come true and so can you. Meet experts from amazing STEM fields and awesome hands-on activities. Families are welcome; registration is required for all. NEW Girl Scouts take home a unique Activate! patch to remember this fantastic experience. April 9, 1-3pm Grades: 2-8 Myrick Park Center, La Crosse Register by March 28: $5 requested donation per person REGISTER FOR ACTIVATE
ILLUMINATE Find your inspiration and connect with women working in STEM fields. Participate in a fun speed-networking activity to get the inside scoop on working in some incredible and world-changing STEM careers, find out what it takes to lead in the workplace and get some feedback on their own dreams and aspirations. Girl Scouts and guests will go home with a commemorative patch to proudly illuminate their sash, vest or backpack. April 22, 3-5pm Grades: 6-8 Goodman Community Center, Madison Register by April 4: FREE! REGISTER FOR ILLUMINATE
BE PREPARED Girl Scouts, together with their troops and families, can be prepared for an emergency. Learning about first aid and safety has never been so much fun! Explore dozens of hands-on stations, meet police, fire and EMS, make your own first aid kit, create your own home disaster pillowcase with the American Red Cross and so much more. Daisies will earn their Safety Award. Brownies and Juniors will earn their First Aid badge and complete three steps towards their Safety Award. Earned awards and badges will be presented that day. All girls will receive a safety goody bag to take home. May 6, 12-3pm Grades: K-5 Winnequah School, Monona Early Register by April 18: $5 girl / $0 adult | Register by April 25: $10 girl / $2 adult REGISTER FOR BE PREPARED SEE BE PREPARED: SEARCH AND RESCUE FOR CADETTES ON PAGE 10
Awesome Programs
Our youngest first responders discover first aid! Meet police, fire and EMS, tour their rigs, make a first aid kit to take home, practice treating minor injuries, design an emergency pillowcase with the American Red Cross and more! Daisies will earn their Safety Award and Brownies will earn their First Aid badge. April 22, 1-4pm Grades: K-3 Central High School, La Crosse Early Register by April 4: $5 girl | Register by April 11: $10 girl
CAPITOL DAY PROGRAMS Exclusive! Girl Scouts at the State Capitol Registration Opens
Capitol Day Programs
JANUARY 10 JUNIOR DAY AT THE CAPITOL What a special day for Junior Girl Scouts. Girls will travel through the Wisconsin State Capitol while doing a series of workshops that focus on how to be an active citizen, how laws are made and how government works day-to-day. Work inside the Capitol, meet with legislators and see inside the remarkable State Assembly chambers and learn about how you can change your community for the better. Notes: Her Inside Government badge will be presented before the program concludes. Adults are expected to attend to meet Girl Scout safety ratio. March 18, 12:45 -3:15pm Grades: 4-5 Wisconsin State Capitol Early Register by February 28: $5 girl / $0 adult Register by March 7: $10 girl / $0 adult REGISTER FOR JUNIOR DAY AT THE CAPITOL
CAPITOL CONNECTION This is a full day of hands-on doing and learning on site at the Wisconsin State Capitol. Girls will meet and spend time learning from members of the legislature with representatives from both the State Assembly and State Senate lined up to connect with Girl Scouts. Girls will debate an issue on the floor of the State Assembly and enjoy more activities to take them inside state government. Girl Scouts will be completing all requirements for the Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Citizenship Legacy Badges: Finding Common Ground, Behind the Ballot and Public Policy. Notes: Girls will earn and receive the citizenship badge at the conclusion of the program. Adults are expected to attend to meet Girl Scout safety ratio. March 18, 8:15am-12pm Grades: 6-12 Wisconsin State Capitol Early Register by February 28: $5 girl / $0 adult Register by March 7: $10 girl / $0 adult REGISTER FOR CAPITOL CONNECTION 8
WINTER FUN OUTSIDE ARCTIC EXPLORERS This is an incredible challenge! Build snow shelters and explore historical ways Native Americans and early settlers traveled around snowy Wisconsin. Become skilled in staying warm and surviving in cold environments. Sing around the bonfire and, if you’re up for it, we’ll tackle outdoor camping, too! Note: This is a girl-only weekend. Participants are welcome to stay for Winterfest on Sunday for no additional charge. Girls must be accompanied by an adult chaperone during Winterfest. January 13-15, 6pm-10am Grades: 6-12 Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells Early Register by December 15: $60 girl Register by December 22: $65 girl REGISTER FOR ARCTIC EXPLORERS
Winter is more fun with snow painting, building snow forts and tobogganing. And there will be plenty more to do, including activities on winter ecology, cold-weather science and snow sports! There will be a warm space inside to keep you nice and cozy between activities! Note: This is a great troop or family outing. Pack lunch if you want; snacks and hot cocoa provided. January 15, 12-4pm Grades: K-12 Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells Early Register by December 20: $5 girl / $5 adult Register by January 3: $10 girl / $10 adult REGISTER FOR WINTERFEST
WINTER ADVENTURE It’s a weekend of winter troop fun. Spend Saturday enjoying winter nature activities. There will be tons of outdoor time along with creative crafts, games and songs. After a full day of fun, experience camping altogether in the comfy (heated!) cabins. February 25-26, 10am-10am Grades: 2-5 Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells Early Register by January 31: $40 girl / $0 adult to meet safety ratio - $40 each additional adult Register by February 7: $45 girl / $0 adult to meet safety ratio - $40 each additional adult REGISTER FOR WINTER ADVENTURE
Winter Fun @ Camp
SPRING FUN OUTSIDE BE PREPARED: SEARCH AND RESCUE Be part of an amazing hands-on training experience just for Cadette Girl Scouts. Work alongside a real life Disaster Response Team during a search and rescue training exercise. Learn how to set up a search and rescue grid, team up with local first responders and then execute a search and rescue. Along the way, you will complete your First Aid badge, explore emergency first aid, investigate careers in emergency management and disaster response, and discover how you, as a Girl Scout, can provide aid in a local emergency or disaster. AWESOME IDEA: Make this a weekend and attend Program Aide Training earlier in the day Saturday, May 6. Notes: All meals provided. Bring a sleeping bag, pillow and overnight bag. Her First Aid badge will be presented at end of program. May 6-7, 5:30pm-1pm Grades: 6-8 Camp Brandenburg, Dane Early Register by April 18: $40 girl / $10 adult Register by April 25: $45 girl / $15 adult
Spring Fun @ Camp
FLOWER FRIENDS SLUMBER PARTY It’s a Daisy-only overnight party and a great intro to Girl Scout camping designed just for the youngest Girl Scouts. Girls will celebrate spring and the joy of being a Daisy with nature activities, creative crafts, songs, games and, of course, a traditional Girl Scout campfire. We’ll bunk together in the comfy, heated cabins at Upham Woods. Adults to meet Girl Scout safety ratios attend free and other adults, beyond ratio may attend too. Notes: Bring your own dinner Friday or eat before arriving; night snack provided. On Saturday, breakfast, lunch and snacks provided. May 12-13, 6pm-3pm Grades: K-1 Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells Early Register by April 18: $35 girl / $0 adult to meet safety ratio - $35 each additional adult Register by April 25: $40 girl / $0 adult to meet safety ratio - $40 each additional adult REGISTER FOR FLOWER FRIENDS SLUMBER PARTY
KON-TIKI REGATTA Water. Land. Competition. Girl Scouts! Those are the basic ingredients for this amazing tradition-filled weekend of fun, friendly competition based on water and land skills. This is Kon-Tiki’s 25th straight year at Lake Monona and it’s more awesome than ever. Everyone’s welcome – come with your troop or on your own and you’ll be welcomed with open wet arms! Girl Scout Mariner Ship Kon-Tiki 523 sponsors this girl-led, girl-planned event. Notes: Registration is made directly with the sponsoring troop; more info available through the troop email. May 19-21, 5pm-2pm Grades: 6-12 Winnequah Park, Monona Early Register by April 18: $20 girl / $0 adult Register by May 5: $25 girl / $0 adult REGISTER FOR KON-TIKI REGATTA BY CLICKING HERE TO EMAIL TROOP 523 10
SERVICE @ CAMP CAMP EHAWEE SPRING SERVICE OVERNIGHT Gather the troop or the family and head to Camp Ehawee. There’s lots to do as we spring clean the buildings, maintain the trails, move things around and maybe a special project or two. The goal is to get the camp spruced up for the girls attending Camporee and summer programs. You’ll have plenty of camp fun, too, while doing this important service project. Notes: Don’t want to spend the night? You’re welcome to come for the day. Breakfast, lunch and snacks provided. April 21-22, 7pm-5pm Grades: 4-12 Camp Ehawee, Mindoro Register by March 28: $10 girl / $10 adult REGISTER FOR CAMP EHAWEE SPRING SERVICE OVERNIGHT
SEEKING volunteers with expertise in carpentry, plumbing and electrical work. This help is especially needed to help get some important work completed. Notes: All Saturday meals, Sunday breakfast and snacks are provided. Participants are housed in platform tents or bring your own and pitch your tent in main camp. May 19-21, 7pm-9am Grades: 4-12 Camp Black Hawk, Elton Register by May 9: $10 girl / $10 adult REGISTER FOR CAMP BLACK HAWK SPRING SERVICE OVERNIGHT
SPECIAL HELP REQUEST We have lots of ‘extra’ projects that need tended with extra proficiency. If you have expertise in carpentry, plumbing and electrical work but cannot attend the Camp Black Hawk Spring Service Overnight, we’d still love your help! Let’s talk!
Service @ Camp
It’s a wonderful Girl Scout tradition – troops and families coming together to spruce up and clean the camp for summer. And there’s lots to do, too! We’ll clean the buildings, do trail maintenance, haul things around the camp and, if there’s time, complete one or two special projects. We’ll have a campfire welcome on Friday night and Saturday evening enjoy a movie night together in the lodge.
Leadership Training
Learn what you need to do to earn the highest Cadette award. Come as a troop or on your own and begin planning your Take Action project. Note: A troop leader or adult who will be helping the Girl Scout earn her award must attend.
Earning the Gold Award is the cap on any Girl Scout career. Attend this workshop before you get started so you’ll have all the info to be successful. Note: A troop leader, project advisor, mentor and parent who will be helping her must attend.
Grades: 6-8
Grades: 9-12
March 4, 10am-12pm | Janesville Service Center Register by February 21: No Cost
March 4, 12:30-3pm | Janesville Service Center Register by February 21: No Cost
March 11, 10am-12pm | Platteville Service Center Register by February 28: No Cost
March 11, 12:30-3pm | Platteville Service Center Register by February 28: No Cost
April 1, 10am-12pm | La Crosse Service Center Register by March 21: No Cost
April 1, 12:30-3pm | La Crosse Service Center Register by March 21: No Cost
April 1, 10am-12pm | Madison Service Center Register by March 21: No Cost
April 1, 12:30-3pm | Madison Service Center Register by March 21: No Cost
May 25, 6-7:30pm | Webinar Register by May 22: No Cost
May 23, 6-8pm | Webinar Register by May 19: No Cost
NEW BRONZE AWARD ROUND TABLE Hey Junior Leaders: Take your troop beyond community service. Help the girls take action to identify and solve a problem in their community and, in the process, they’ll earn the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. The webinar will be filled with ‘how-to’ info along with plenty of Q & A time. For Troop Leaders of Girl Scout Juniors March 9, 12-1pm | Webinar March 17, 7-8pm | Webinar Register by March 6: No Cost REGISTER FOR BRONZE AWARD ROUND TABLE
We will be working toward the PA Award with some follow-up work required to complete it. The training will focus on understanding leadership and preparing Cadettes to work with Daisies and Brownies. A fun day!
Earn the VIT (Volunteer In Training) Award. This home study course focuses on building leadership skills. Learn and earn at home, anytime.
May 6, 9am-5pm Grades: 6-8 Camp Brandenburg, Dane Early Register by April 18: $10 girl Register by April 25: $15 girl
Anytime | Learn at your own pace Grades: 10-12 Learn from home using our online resources Register Anytime $5 girl
TRAVEL! GIRL SCOUT TRIPS THE BADGERLAND SUMMER TRIP: EXPLORE CHICAGO Every summer we plan an overnighter and hit the road for a good time together. The summer of ‘17 will find Badgerland Girl Scouts exploring the Windy City. The first day we’ll visit the world famous Willis Tower, shop along the Magnificent Mile, including American Girl Store and enjoy a yummy dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. Evening will find us bunking with the butterflies at Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum where we will enjoy fun hands-on activities. Our second day will be spent discovering a wonderful world underwater at the Shedd Aquarium. Notes: Pack a lunch for Thursday’s bus ride. Dinner and breakfast are provided; on-your-own for Friday lunch and dinner. June 22-23 Grades: 2-12 Beautiful Chicago! Early Register by May 30: $140 girl / $140 adult Register by June 6: $150 girl / $150 adult
GIRL SCOUT GETAWAYS These are pre-planned adventures for troops to awesome places around the country. Getaways were created for troops that want to travel but don’t know where to start or have the time to figure out all the details. Popular Getaways include a visit to New York City to watch Wicked on Broadway, or learning about sea mammals in San Francisco, or heading off to Space Camp in Alabama, or exploring the lighthouses on Cape Cod. Available Year Round Grades: 6-12 Details and Registration: LEARN MORE ABOUT GETAWAYS
GIRL SCOUT DESTINATIONS This is the ultimate travel adventure program for Girl Scouts. Destinations trips are for girls to attend independently or with a friend. The travel options are limitless and breathtaking including a once in a lifetime trip to see the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse. Travel throughout the U.S. or go international to destinations including Costa Rica, Europe and India. Where will you go? See the world with Girl Scouts! Financial aid may be available to help defray costs for Destinations. Summer 2017 Grades: 6-12 Trip opportunities and applications: Final application deadline February 1, 2017 Submit applications to: Badgerland Girl Scouts / 3000 Milton Ave. Suite 113 / Janesville WI 53545 LEARN MORE ABOUT DESTINATIONS
Travel With Girl Scouts!
EXTRA SPECIAL EVENTS It’s our birthday & we’re celebrating big! HAPPY 105TH BIRTHDAY CAMP-IN WOW...we’re celebrating our 105th Girl Scouts birthday in 2017 with a big birthday bash in the Dells. The Badgerland Program Team is planning an unforgettable camp-in with great activities provided by tons of Program Partners. There will be inflatables and a professional DJ helping us to dance the night away. To top off the weekend, you will also be able to build your own weekend adventure with fun add ons including water park tickets, Knuckleheads Adventure Passes, pottery painting, Dells boat tours and more! Notes: Registration opens December 13 with complete add-on details and pricing
105th Camp-In & Awards Celebration
March 25-26 Grades: K-12 Wisconsin Dells Center, Wisconsin Dells Early Register by February 28: $30 girl / $30 adult Register by March 7: $35 girl / $35 adult REGISTER FOR HAPPY 105TH BIRTHDAY CAMP-IN
YOU ARE INVITED TO THE MOST INSPIRING EVENT OF THE YEAR GIRL SCOUT AWARDS CELEBRATION Let’s celebrate the amazing achievements of Badgerland Girl Scouts. Gold Award and Silver Award recipients are honored, as well as the Class of 2017 graduating Girl Scouts and girls earning CIT and VIT awards. This is an inspiring day and everyone is welcome to come celebrate. April 8, 1-4pm Grades: K-12 Door Creek Church, Madison Register by March 21: Girl Scouts attend free (girls and grown-ups) | $10 for additional guests REGISTER FOR GIRL SCOUT AWARDS CELEBRATION
SEE More programs online We’re always finding new fun stuff for Girl Scouts to do. See all the programs including so many from Program Partners. 14
October 2017 Columbus, Ohio Save the date and plan on attending the Girl Scout National Convention in October. Badgerland is lucky because the convention is in Columbus, Ohio which is a just a day-drive away – what a great opportunity for a troop or Girl Scout family trip. Come for the full convention or just the weekend events. October 4-6: These first few days are all about Girl Scout Democracy with the National Council Session. It’s basically a giant Board of Directors meeting with all 112 Girl Scout councils representatives voting on important changes to our national bylaws and policies. October 6-8: The fun starts! During the weekend convention activities there will be lots of sessions, workshops and exhibits for girls and adults. You won’t want to miss the opening ceremony on Friday night with the presentation of world flags…it is one of the most moving events in all Girl Scoutland! There is an optional overnight for Girl Scouts at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) on Saturday night. Notes: Get organized now if you plan to take your troop. Review the Traveling Troops Guide. Stay connected with Badgerland on social and the Badgerland Banner for convention details as it becomes available.
Girl Scouts Convention
Girl Scouts National Convention
Girl Scouts love patches and blinging their uniforms. Even more important, girls learn the reward that comes in doing the hard work to earn those patches. Check out these new Badgerland-exclusive patches for girls to earn.
2017 Badgerland Project Patch Badgerland is going MAD (Make A Difference) for science!
New Patch Programs
Girls will become citizen scientists to earn the patch. A citizen scientist is a volunteer who helps professional scientists answer big questions about the world. Girl Scout citizen scientists will do research, collect data, then share it with the scientific community. How It Works: First figure out what you’re interested in. Maybe counting birds or butterflies during migration season? Once you decide what to study, identify a scientific expert or organization that needs your help and connect with them to gather more information. Then, take action by starting your project! Details on earning the patch:
Earn our new Girl Scout Makers Patch! Makers create, build, design and engineer amazing things every day. Girl Scout Makers will learn to use technology to make a difference. LEADERS: Makers Patch Kits are available for 30-day check-out at all Badgerland Service Centers. Each kit includes all the pieces your girls need to complete the steps to earn the patch along with simple instructions and an Adult Learning Guide that makes it easy for you to do STEM. Daisy Makers Patch: Make simple circuits using Snap Circuits Brownie Makers Patch: Make intermediate circuits using Little Bits Junior Makers Patch: Learn block code to program a mini computer Cadette Makers Patch: Write code to program a mini computer Senior Makers Patch: Program a computer to make synthesized music Ambassador Makers Patch: Code, create and test your own Android app
Registration Information REGISTRATION All program registrations are online with a credit card. If you have difficulty registering online, simply call our Customer Care Team for assistance: 800.236.2710. REGISTER ONLINE •Click on the green “Register For....” button in this booklet to go directly to the program online. It looks like this:
REGISTER FOR .... • Click on the program to start registration • Payment is due upon registration FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Financial Assistance for program registration may be available for Badgerland sponsored programs. Find and complete the Program Financial Aid application form at
PAYING FOR PROGRAMS WITH BADGERLAND BUCKS Badgerland Bucks are earned through the cookie and “in a nutshell” programs, and may be used to pay for Badgerlandsponsored programs. How it works: Register and pay for the program online then complete and submit the Badgerland Bucks Reimbursement Form at (click forms). Badgerland Bucks can also be spent on resident camp, community-based Girl Scout camps and events, troop rental of council properties, Girl Scout Shop purchases and membership dues.
NEED HELP? We are here to help you. 800.236.2710
REFUNDS Refunds are only given if written cancellations are received prior to the printed “register by” deadline. Full refunds are issued after the printed registration deadline for council programs only if the program is full or cancelled or in the event of a serious illness or death in the family. For serious illness, a doctor’s written note is required within one week after the program. NOTE: Badgerland Program Partners follow their own business practices for cancellations and refunds. ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIREMENTS A minimum of two adults must accompany every troop attending a program event unless otherwise stated. The adults must be registered Girl Scouts with a current background check on file. Our primary goal is to provide safe, outstanding programming for girls so space may not be available for additional adults beyond stated Girl Scout ratios.
Girl Scout Safety Ratios NOTE: These ratios below refer to day outings. See the QuickStart Guide for ratios for Girl Scout Overnights and Trips. 2 Unrelated, Background Checked Adult Members For Every - 6 Girl Scout Daisies - 12 Girl Scout Brownies - 16 Girl Scout Juniors - 20 Girl Scout Cadettes - 24 Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors Plus One Adult for Each Additional Number of Girls, Up To - 4 Girl Scout Daisies - 6 Girl Scout Brownies - 8 Girl Scout Juniors - 10 Girl Scout Cadettes - 12 Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors TO REGISTER FOR PROGRAM PARTNER ACTIVITIES: Follow the registration information listed in the program event summary. There are many more Girl Scout opportunities listed online. See them all on the events calendar at
Registration Info
PROGRAM CONFIRMATION Confirmation will be emailed within 24 hours of registration. After you’re registered, you will also see the confirmation listed in your My GS account. Click the “My Activities” tab to see everything you’re signed up for and, for more information, click the information icon that looks like this . Additional information will be posted no later than two weeks before the event.
PROGRAM CANCELLATION POLICY Badgerland Council is reluctant to cancel programs. However, occasionally the need arises due to weather, safety concerns or low registration. When bad weather results in a cancellation, every attempt will be made to contact the registrants. Please maintain accurate contact information with Girl Scouts so staff can reach you in the event of a last minute cancellation.
Girl Scout Fun All Year!
CONNECT WITH BADGERLAND • • 800.236.2710 • Our social posts highlight photos and stories of Badgerland Girl Scouts doing amazing things. You never know when your Girl Scout will be featured! Email us your pictures
Girl Scout Service Centers and Shops Janesville 3000 Milton Avenue, Suite 113 La Crosse 2710 Quarry Road Madison 2710 Ski Lane Platteville 305 E Business Highway 151, Suite D