GSB News: Summer 2015

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The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School


Summer 2015

Summer 2015

The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Inside 2 Commencement 4 Thank You Breakfast

for Parents’ Association Volunteers

5 Grandparents & Great

Friends Day a Success

Groundbreaking 6 Retiring & New

Board Members

7 Creative Writing


8 Middle & Lower School

Students Rise to the Occasion

9 Year-End Honor Roll 10 Paper Mill Playhouse

Rising Star Award Results

Middle School Musicals 11 Student Life Recap:

Relay for Life


14 Faculty News: Retiring Faculty, Staff and Administrators

15 Athletics:

Varsity Sports Round-Up

Scholar-Athlete Awards

Athletes to Continue Careers in College

19 Dates to Remember

From the Headmaster On May 31st, the members of the Class of 2015 received their diplomas in the athletic center. The school community gathered to celebrate their accomplishments and hear from a number of the seniors as part of the ceremony. This wonderful day was recorded in photographs and DVD; then after a brief reception it was over. Commencement recognizes the many achievements and contributions of our seniors, but it also stands as their very last moment as high school students. For them, as well as for us, the realization that their work at GSB is finished can feel quite abrupt. After all of their efforts in the months and years leading up to graduation, once the ceremony ends, the Class of 2015 has become a part of our history. It is often difficult at that point to simply exhale and acknowledge the job well done. It can be harder still to take adequate time to rest and reflect before undertaking the next big challenge. Life in the 21st Century pushes us to quickly move on to what’s next. Commencement, however, invites us to do just that – pause and consider both the past and future. The ceremony serves as both an ending and a beginning, clearing the way for new growth moving forward. For everyone in the school community, Commencement signals a new beginning. One school year is past and a new one awaits. However, before the next academic year begins in September, it is vital for us

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Headmaster Sid Rowell.

all to take time to rest and appreciate the opportunities that summer affords us for renewal. I look forward to this time in the summer. This year, my list of books is especially long, and it will be good to have a chance to read, relax, and think about the bigger issues. Perhaps, even some golf might happen. I hope that our recent graduates and families will also have the chance to enjoy the next several weeks before thoughts turn to college move-in day. I wish you a wonderful summer, and I look forward to seeing you in late August. Warm regards,

Sid Rowell


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

FACING THE FUTURE Class of 2015 Celebrates Commencement Seventy-eight members of the Class of 2015 bid farewell to their alma mater and looked toward the future at Gill St. Bernard’s Commencement on May 31. Among the group were 17 GSB lifers (those who have attended the school for 12 years or more) and several students who earned awards of excellence in academics, athletics, and the arts. Seven seniors chose to address the gathering; four offered reflections on their years at GSB, and three performed songs. The school recognized John Howard P ’17, ’21, retiring chairman of the board of trustees, for his years of service. After Howard presented the diplomas to the graduates, the new board chair, Janine Udoff P ’16, ’17, ’21, ’23, officially welcomed the Class of 2015 as Gill St. Bernard’s alumni. Watch for more news and photos from Commencement in the 2015 issue of Milestones.

Top row, from left: (L. to r.) Alessandra Haversat ’15, Corinne Chowansky ’15, and Gabrielle Morris ’15; Emily Western ’15; Sarah Fenton ’15; (L. to r.) Jade Macaylo ’15 and John “Jack” Lowe ’15; The members of the class of 2015.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

From Top Left: (L. to r.) Jolie Loeber ’15, Haozhen “Sunny” Liu ’15, and Stephan Lambert ’15; Margaret Donlin ’15 and Michael Tafaro ’15 present Headmaster Sid Rowell with a $2,416 check on behalf of the Class of 2015. The gift will be used to create a plaque commemorating GSB alumni who have served in the military; Middle Row: Katherine Coscia ’15 and her parents; Isabelle Demontigney ’15 and Kenneth “Casey” Meyer ’15; Bottom Row: Ethan Brooks ’15 and his parents receive a yellow rose and GSB keychain in honor of their twelveyear commitment to a GSB education; Shane Buchard ’15; Senior class president, Xauen Zirpolo ’15.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Hayes Awarded SBS Chair of Excellence in Teaching at Commencement Joanna Hayes, fifth and sixth grade social studies teacher, has been praised by students, parents and co-workers as an enthusiastic and passionate educator who is an exceptional role model for young and impressionable students. In recognition of her many contributions to the Middle School and its students, Hayes was presented with the 2015 St. Bernard’s School (SBS) Chair of Excellence in Teaching Award at Commencement on May 31.

Middle School social studies teacher Joanna Hayes was presented with the 2015 SBS Chair of Excellence in Teaching Award by Headmaster Sid Rowell and last year’s recipient Performing Arts Chair Paul H. Canada.

Her students say she makes social studies come alive for them and uses technology to make it fascinating. Parents claim she knows how to inspire and nurture each of her students. Co-workers cite her ability to implement 21st century learning tools in her classroom. All praise her patience, her compassion and her ability to foster self esteem in her students.

Hayes came to GSB in 2009 originally as the middle school computer teacher. She moved on to teach middle school social studies in 2010 – a position that perfectly fits this self-declared “history geek.” In addition, she coaches the seventh and eighth grade girls’ basketball team and is a faculty advisor to the middle school ski club. She also heads up “Half the Sky,” a club for girls to discuss issues that women face around the world, advocate for change, and raise money to support the education and empowerment of young women in Nepal. Hayes has been cited for the genuine interest she shows in each individual, her willingness to take time to share her students’ joys and worries, and her ability to be accepting and approachable. As one parent summed it up, “A phenomenal teacher, a fantastic coach, a mentor and a role model — Joanna Hayes is the very best GSB has.”

Parents’ Association Volunteer Breakfast More than 70 parents attended the year-end Parents’ Association breakfast, held in Founders Hall on May 13. Headmaster Sid Rowell thanked the volunteers for all their efforts on behalf of the school and shared some of the year’s highlights with the group, including the acquisition of the Home Winds property this spring. A testament to their fundraising efforts, the Parents’ Association was able to allocate approximately $40,000 to the school, benefitting all three divisions of GSB as well as professional development initiatives and the new theater/ community center. Two members of the executive committee announced they would be stepping down: Lee Amoroso P ’11, ’13, ’19, who served as association president for two years, and Michele Silvey P ’16, ’21, who has been the group’s treasurer for the past five years. Members of the executive committee for the 2015-16 school year will be Fran Howard P ’17, ’21 (president), Cheryl Fritzlo P ’19, ’21 (vice president), Cheryl Devine P ’20 (treasurer), and Ellen Herrlin P ’18, ’19 (secretary).

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Top: Headmaster Sid Rowell addresses the group. Bottom: (L. to r.) Fran Howard P ’17, ’21, president of the Parents’ Association for the coming year and current president, Lee Amoroso P ’19.


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Grandparents Go Back to School Grandparents of students in grades primary through four traded places with their grandchildren for a short time to become students again on May 22. In celebration of this year’s Grandparents & Great Friends Day, more than 200 guests, comprised of grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends, made their way to the Lower School for the event. The children treated the guests to a musical presentation, and afterward the guests visited classrooms for various activities. The early childhood students performed skits and invited the grandparents to take part in arts and crafts projects. The grandparents answered questions about what it was like when they were in school for the first graders and wrote poetry with the second graders. The third graders, costumed as famous historical figures, presented biography book reports, and the fourth-grade students created a colonial museum for the guests to tour. Throughout the day, grandparents were also encouraged to visit the art room, library, and music room and to tour the rain forest display that the students had created. The busy morning was followed by a luncheon and family portrait session in the athletic center. The smiling faces of children and adults attested to the success of the day. Thanks to all the volunteers who served lunch, welcomed visitors, gave directions and helped make Grandparents Day a great success.

Top: (L. to r.) Isabel Weinreich with her grandson Alexander Weinreich ’26; (L. to r.) Presenting oral book reports: Whitney Lapper ’24 (as Eleanor Roosevelt) greets Judi Budoff (grandmother of Reese Merna ’24) while Chloe Collins ’24 (as Queen Elizabeth II) speaks with Glenn Gallagher (uncle of Charles Holdsworth ’24) in the background.

From left: Lower School children showcase their vocal talents for their grandparents; (L. to r.) James Key, his granddaughter Charlotte Brown ’27 and her grandmother Carol Brown.

Groundbreaking for New Recreation Center

(L. to R.) Kevin Valentine P ’17, ’17, ’15 ’13, Jenny Moss P ’11, Julie Valentine P ’17, ’17, ’15, ’13, Gunner Valentine ’15, Will Moss, Graham Valentine ’17, Sarah-Louise Moss ’11, David Farris, Jill Farris, Bethany Valentine ’13, Grayson Valentine ’17, and Fred Moss P ’11.

Members of the Farris family dug their shovels into the dirt, officially signaling the start of construction on the new gymnasium and recreation center. The 14,400 sq. ft. building, which is scheduled for completion within a year, will house a multi-sport practice and game court as well as a fitness center and locker rooms. Headmaster Sid Rowell announced that the main basketball court in the new facility will be named Farris Forum, after Dave and Jill Farris. Mr. and Mrs. Farris are grandparents to five former and current GSB students, all of whom were present at the ceremony on Wednesday, June 3. The building is the first step in the creation of the new performing arts center, which will be located on the site of the old gymnasium.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Chairman and Two Other Members Retire from Board of Trustees Three trustees attended their final board meeting this May. Two of those retiring are alumnae of The Gill School who brought their invaluable historic perspective to the board. The vision and expertise of long-term chairman John Howard P ’17, ’21 have helped pave the way for the future of the school. The three will continue to serve as honorary trustees. Judith Fulton Higby, a 1965 Gill School graduate, joined the board of trustees in 2012. She served on the capital campaign committee and was also active in the GSB alumni council. In 1976, she served as alumni representative (L. to r.) Headmaster Sid Rowell, retiring trustee Judith Fulton Higby ’65 and Board of to the board. Her Trustees Chairman John Howard P ’17, ’21. father, James Fulton, was chairman of the board of the school in the early to mid-1970s and was at the helm when Gill and St. Bernard’s merged. Corporate moves took Higby and her family from New Jersey, and they eventually settled in Wilton, Conn. A stay-at-home mother of three, Higby volunteered for a number of organizations, including the Wilton Library Association, the New Canaan Society for the Arts, and the local Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Fairfield County. Patricia Hallett Muchmore, a 1966 graduate of the Gill School, joined the board of trustees in 2012. She served on the advancement committee, the capital campaign committee and was also active on the GSB alumni council. Muchmore pursued a career in sales and management. She was a co-founder and partner in the Stronghold Consulting Group and has held senior management positions with the Carlisle Collection, Doncaster, and Moretran Leasing Co. A former president of the Junior League of Morristown, Muchmore served as executive director of the Council of Growing Companies. She has also served on a number of non-profit boards that focus on education. She and her husband, John, have been residents of Pottersville, N.J. for 35 years. They have four adult children and five grandchildren.

John Howard P ’17, ’21 joined the board of trustees in 2006. He served as chair of the finance committee for two years and co-chair of the GSB Classic Golf Tournament for several years. He assumed the role of board chairman in 2010. Howard helped spearhead the school’s strategic plan, “Delivering the Future,” which was introduced in 2013. The strategic planning committee, formed in 2011, worked for two years under Howard’s leadership to chart the direction of the school for the foreseeable future. Howard also oversaw the acquisition of two new properties: 3 St. Bernard’s Road and Home Winds. During his tenure, he was instrumental in the growth of the school’s enrollment, facilities, and endowment. Howard is vice chairman and CEO of the wholesale division for BB&T Insurance Holdings Inc. of Roseland, N.J. Additionally, he serves as vice chairman of BB&T Insurance and as a member of the board of directors for CGI JCF Inc., P.J. Robb Variable Corp., and each of the BB&T Insurance subsidiaries. Howard received a BA in Economics from Columbia University and an MBA from Duke University. He is a U.S. Navy veteran and a Knight of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta. John, his wife, Fran, and their two daughters, Mary Fran ’17 and Laura ’21, live in Far Hills, N.J. Janine Udoff P ’16, ’17, ’21, ’23 has been appointed the new chairman of the board of trustees. Stay tuned for a story in the September 2015 GSB News. Headmaster Sid Rowell with retiring Board of Trustees Chairman John Howard P ’17, ’21.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Creative Writing Course Inspires Future Writers What started as a Unit trip to Monhegan Island in Maine, where the isolation and beautiful scenery encouraged students and teachers to engage in an intensive writing experience, has evolved into a year-long creative writing course offered by the English department. Open only to juniors and seniors, the class allows students to focus on their writing and to refine their work through peer review and editing. The brainchild of Dr. Andrew Lutz, upper school English teacher and co-leader of the Monhegan trip, the course attracts potential authors and poets. Students are encouraged to examine the work of published poets and writers as a way of generating ideas for their own writing. As part of the course, students develop creative pieces and actively workshop with their classmates on their writing. Students also have the chance to work with visiting authors. These have included Edwin Romond (“Dream Teaching” ), Lauren Grodstein (“An Explanation for Everything”) and Patricia Gauch (“The Knitting of Elizabeth Amelia”). At the end of the course, students submit two portfolios. The first consists of 25-30 pages of fiction; the second consists of eight poems. Portfolios can be used in the college admissions process, submitted for publication or built on to create a collected body of work.

Author Patricia Gauch discusses the writing process.

Middle School Makerspace This summer, the Middle School will transform two classrooms into a combination library and makerspace. The larger of the two rooms will house about 10,000 books and will connect to the adjacent makerspace by way of a sliding glass door. The makerspace, according to Middle School Director Kyle Armstrong, “will be a place for students to create, collaborate and tinker.” Students can design prototypes of objects and output them to the 3-D printer or learn coding on Arduino boards (programmable circuit boards that use a simplified version of C++). Those less technologically-inclined can design and create with Legos, Popsicle sticks and kite-making kits. In addition to dedicated time each week when students can explore and create in the hands-on environment, the makerspace will be used to complement traditional coursework. For example, a social studies class learning about the Middle Ages could design and build a medieval castle in the makerspace, using the 3-D printer to create some of the components. As Armstrong explains, “In addition to our curriculum goals, one of our objectives this year will be to allow for student input and creativity as to how the makerspace can be incorporated into the middle-school experience.” Renovations begin for the new makerspace.

To oversee the new library and adjoining makerspace, Learning Commons Coordinator Lia Carruthers joins the Middle School this summer. Carruthers comes to GSB from Far Hills Country Day, where she held the position of library and media specialist for the lower school. GSB looks forward to welcoming Carruthers this summer and to the unveiling of the makerspace this September.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

STUDENT NEWS Middle and Lower School Students Transition to New Divisions Nearly 100 students representing the GSB classes of 2019 and 2023 officially transitioned to the upper and middle school divisions respectively on June 2 and 3.

The Class of 2019 Matthew Alexy Olivia Escousse Andrée Aloise Lily Fischer Alicia Amoroso Mitch Fishbein Lucas Bernui Lucy Friedland Jake Betlow Gillian Fritzlo Kamal Brown Seth Gelwarg Lillian Cannon Mark Giordano Genevieve Caron William Goldmark Sarah Crystal Courtney Hanks Alexander DeRing William Henderlong Ilana Druskin Carolyn Herrlin Christian Ernst Ansley Hopton

Lucas Horn John Jean Alyssa Jurewicz Allison Keeler Leonore Kivits Surbhi Krishnamurthy Anja Kroon Christopher Kruger Sebastian LaBoy Mark Lewis Luca Magee Emma Malian

The Class of 2023 Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Hailey Barth Riley Bittman Austin Carey Dakota Champey Hunter Champey Carmen Chaump Kate Chen Jacob Cohen Nickolas Gattoni Matt Getzoff Brendan Halstead Patrick Henderlong Clare Janas Matthew Mazzatta

Ryleigh Marcus Kajal Mehta Tyler Merna Andrew Moglianesi Brian Mueller Paul Mulcahy Susanne Mundt Brian Neville Alicia Nwandu Jake Panza Jack Rosenfeld Vallika Saraswat Alia Messina Tristen Miscia Joshua Mulcahy Sara Pakka Nicholas Parlavecchio Akshay Patel Lily Peacock Aidan Richardson Ethan Richardson Lauren Rossiter Luke Ruggiero Emma Sameth James Schadt Katherine Udoff

Olivia Showell Peyton Sloan Sarah Smith Sophia Stil Iyanah Vemuri Eric Wang John Witte Catelyn Woelfle Nicholas Wu Daniel Zoumas

Philip Vayntrub Andrew Vollrath Sofia Walz Zackary Wendell Jamison Wright


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Announcing GSB Honor Roll Recipients For middle school and upper school students, making the year-end Headmaster’s List requires earning an A- or better in all subjects for the second semester; the Honors List requires earning a B- or better in all subjects for the second semester. Grade 12: Headmaster’s List- Hope Braue, Mary Cors, Nita Diverio, Joseph “Julien” Esposito, Yingdan “Marisa” Guo, Lauren Small, Erin Wetzel; Honors List- Patrik Andersen, Alexandra Baker, Robert Berman, Luke Beveridge, Elizabeth Brookman, Daniel Brownstein, Shane Burchard, Maximilian Burrows, Anastasia Caron, Corinne Chowansky, Katherine Coscia, Ian Demarest, Isabelle Demontigny, Margaret Donlin, Paul Dunham, Soraya Falco, Edward Fischer, Jamie Goetchius, Kaila Gong, Sandra Gooen, Ivor Guest, Jinghan “Jill” Guo, Minghan “Kelsey” Guo, Disha Gupta, Brianne Hanafin, Alessandra Haversat, Peter “Alec” Johnson, Devon Kaiser, Paige Knichel, Jacob Kruger, Stefan Lambert, John Lowe, Jade Macaylo, John Michael Mea, Kenneth “Casey” Meyer, Zeel Patel, Tyler Pisak, Madeline Quinn, Theodore Rosenthal, Garrett Rowe, William Saks, Olivia Salama, Alyx Schrecengost, Jordan Schreer, Samuel Solondz, Jonathan Sonnenberg, Jonas Stakeliunas, Jenna Steele, Tyler Stil, Michael Tafaro, Elizabeth Todd, Ricardo Torres, Emily Western, Xauen Zirpolo Grade 11: Headmaster’s List- Sarah Abowitz, Colette Bilynsky, Xiaoxuan “Camille” Chen, William Conlan, Emma Corbett, Jada Davis, Sahara Ensley, Shannah Finkel, Luke Fischer, Jacqueline Fuentes, Madeleine Gallic, Huize “Katherine” Huang, Michael Iannaconi, Patrick Janas, Amanda Leonhard, McKenna Lieblich, Morgan Margolis, Sebastian Pampalone, Kara Saladino, Carter Silvey, Michael Urowsky, Ludi Zhu, Mycroft Zimmerman; Honors List- Trevor Bali, Dylan Blackman, Camila Castano, Ryan Chestnutt, William Clayton, Sophie Connell, Michael Del Priore, Hope Fluet, James Grant, Kathryn Harback, George Harris, Aaron Hinton, Benjamin Hiramoto, Aniello Ianniello, Lihong “Hedy” Jin, Malika Jones, Charles Kasman, Connor Klementowicz, Samantha Kramer, Tyler Kwaak, Joshua Layden, Bruce Li, Jacqueline Luberto, Ravi Malik, Veronica Maoli, Catarina Matthews, William Metzler, Elisabeth Middleton, Adam Mitola, Jennifer Montejo, Andrew Noll, Marc Orazietti, Naina Pai, Krishna Patel, Ross Pollack, Zoe Quan-Shau, Brian Quispe, Jacqueline Roettger, Destiny Salter, Alexander Showell, Julius Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Stoma, Claire Todd, Jessica Torgovnik, Renee Turner, Alexandra Udoff, Emily Wainen, Kennedy Whitehead, Samuel Zimmer Grade 10: Headmaster’s List- Madeline Bedrock, Nina Bhatia, Pia Bhatia, Samantha Bittman, Allison Coffey, Emma Dean, Yuchen “Leo” He, Yuxin “Cindy” He, Louise Horn, Sabrina Marques, Carleigh Matthews, Lauren Renna, Jack Riccardo, Kelly Schiesswohl, Luke Solondz, Christian St. Germaine, Tyler Starr, Lachlan Wright, Yucheng “Ken” Zhang; Honors List- Alexia Allesch, Felix Andersen, Maxwell Aunger, Steven Bednarsky, Landon Braemer, Drew Braue, Cameron Burns, Nicholas Cooper, Nathan Crystal, Emma Cullen, John “Will” Dadouris, Martine DiDomenico, Alyssa DiFazio, Evan Druskin, Larisa Drzik, Katherine Duggan, Genevieve Fischer, Ryan Fucci, Andres Gonzalez, Mary Frances Howard, Juliette Jacobson, Melissa Jean, Sharon Jin, Tristan Kaminski, Edwin Laubach, Hannah Lazar, Junsheng “Isaac” Ling, Sadie Loeber, Jennifer Lowe, Ashley Maldonado, Amanda Miller, Nichole Morley, Michael Morreale, Armeen Mozaffari, Margaret Munz, Amechi Nwandu, Parth Patel, Mathieu Petit, Erica Phiansunthon, Lauren Seng, Kaitlyn Sleyster, Evan Storch, Emily Supron, Rongtian “Rotine” Tan, Charlotte Walsh, Olivia Wilson Grade 9: Headmaster’s List- Andrew Amaro, Jacquelyn Benoit, Olivia Ellman, Amanda Lazar, Christopher Licata, Catherine Quan-Shau, Alexander Schachne, Sabrina Sukhin, Daniel Wang; Honors List- Jessica Abowitz, Achilles Aslidis, Danae Aslidis, Yashraj Bajaj, Grace Beveridge, Nicholas Bhimani, Sarah Caminito, Emily Cavanaugh, Harsabreen Chadha, Haofeng “Alan” Chen, Robert D’Angelo, Jordan Davidson, Alexandria Delehanty, Ava Diggins, Helena Digney, Bailey Gano, Giselle Garcia, John Gordon, Jack Herrlin, Dallas Hoffman, Bojia “Cynthia” Hu, Alex Imegwu, Nicole Johnson, Ronald “Joe” Johnson, Lauren Kingsly, Amelia Kirby, Connor Kirk, Lynnsey Kwaak, Isaiah Lipkin, Amity Matthews, Ivana Mejia, Sebastian Meza, Jonathan Moore, Ryan Morash, 9.

The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

William Orazietti, Lauren Reid, Alexander Roch, Dorian Salter, Edward “Noah” Steinbaum, Brooke Stephenson, Ryan Turse, Clinton Wolfe Grade 8: Headmaster’s List- Andree Aloise, Genevieve Caron, Olivia Escousse, Lily Fischer, Carolyn Herrlin, Ansley Hopton, Alyssa Jurewicz, Alicia Nwandu, Vallika Saraswat, Peyton Sloan, Sarah Smith, Surbhi Srinivas, Sophia Stil, Iyanah Vemuri, Eric Wang, Catelyn Woelfle; Honors List- Matthew Alexy, Alicia Amoroso, Jake Betlow, Lillian Cannon, Sarah Crystal, Alexander DeRing, Ilana Druskin, Lucy Friedland, Gillian Fritzlo, Mark Giordano, William Goldmark, Courtney Hanks, William Henderlong, Lucas Horn, John Jean, Allison Keeler, Leonore Kivits, Anja Kroon, Sebastian Laboy, Mark Lewis, Emma Malian, Ryleigh Marcus, Kajal Mehta, Brian Mueller, Jake Panza, Jack Rosenfeld, Olivia Showell, John Witte, Nicholas Wu Grade 7: Headmaster’s List- Morgan Champey, Kerry Colford, Parker DeMaira, Erin Devine, Eleanor Gustafson, Christopher Johnson, Theodore Lazar, Luke Mariak, Caitlyn Matthews, Alexis Maus, Edward McCarthy, Adrian Meyers-Massuet, Rebecca Michaels, Cindy Padilla, Zachary Rieger, V. Matthew Steinbaum, Teresa Zimmer; Honors List- Luke Blanc, Miranda Braemer, Thomas Carlucci, Harkanwar Chadha, Pierson Chan, Tamia Chaney, Bridget Coscia, Nina Fracalossi, Julia Gateman, Grace Hamerschlag, Jiahn Heo, James Hersh, Julia Hersh, Zachary Layden, Skylar Macak, Andrew Margolis, Evan Matthews, Lila McNamara, Emily Raia, Logan Stetz, Michael Taylor, Anoushka Thakur, Evan Varma, Lloyd Wright, Lucas Zuanic

Summer 2015

Grade 6: Headmaster’s List- Hayley Armstrong, Ella Baker, Kasey Callanan, Sean Carlucci, Catherine D’Arcangelis, Ava Escousse, Lauren Fabio, Anneliese Gattoni, Owen Hand, Laura Howard, Liam Jones, Avery Kirby, Sydney Lapper, Joseph Lavoie, Stella O’Connor, Zoe O’Connor, Isabel Orazietti, Callie Silvey, Natalie Sturman, Cody Torgovnik, Samuel Walsh; Honors ListJohn Alexy, Hunter Babinec, Patrick Cullen, Michael Fritzlo, George Han, Graeme Hollingshead, Sofia Laboy, Christopher Lake, Mark Mazzatta, John Newman, Sophie Nourbakhsh, Leigh Reid, Matthew Rossiter, Caroline Sameth, Madison Sarrica, Maya Saunders, Jason Savas, Jakob Schmidt, Camille Shorten, Teagen Smith, Caroline Solondz, Sophia Spallucci, Connor Udoff, Zachary Yekta, Andrew Young, Brian Young, Perry Zoumas Grade 5: Headmaster’s List- Lucas Alland, Brooke Babinec, Blake Bertolini, Hayden Chan, Meghan Cohen, Madison Frantz Pendell, Mary Jane Granito, Kelly Kim, Regan Macak, Jamie Maus, Liliana Micera, Eideen Mozaffari, Benjamin Novinski, Alexa Papandreou, Rachel Rieger, Katherine Scott, Madeleine Soultanian, Olivia Soultanian, Benjamin Strasser, Alexander Tulenko, Emma Turse, Isha Vemuri, Morgan Zuanic; Honors List- Michael Andrews, Karyne Brown, Anna Chowansky, Amy Coscia, Anthony Curialle, Caroline Davino, Robert DeVergillo, Karina Ernst, Aidan Isaacson, Lauren Kroese, Shane Moriarty, Zachary Saunders, Lennart-Fredrik Schmitz, William Stamato, Taylor Stetz, Benjamin Sturman, Emily Sumeray, Stephanie Vasquez, Zachary Weiss

GSB Receives Rising Star Award The GSB Players spring production of Once Upon a Mattress took home a Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Award for outstanding costuming achievement. The award was presented to Paul H. Canada, chair of the fine arts department, and Beth Holland P ’12 on June 2, at the 20th annual Rising Star Awards ceremony. This marks the eighth year that Canada has received the costuming award for GSB productions. The Rising Star competition annually recognizes exceptional accomplishments in the production of high school musicals in both public and private schools throughout New Jersey. In late April, Gill St. Bernard’s received four final nominations as well as three honorable mentions in this year’s competition. GSB has taken home 19 awards since 2007, including two for outstanding overall production of a musical—The Mystery of Edwin Drood in 2012 and The Secret Garden in 2008.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Middle School Spring Plays Middle School thespians put on two musicals this spring. On May 19, the fifth and sixth graders offered a rousing performance of Roald Dahl’s “Willy Wonka Jr.” On May 30 and June 1, the seventh and eighth graders became gamblers and showgirls in “Guys and Dolls,” music by Frank Loesser and book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows.

( L. to r.): Harkanwar Chadha ’20 (Sky Masterson) and Matthew “Max” Alexy ’19 (Nathan Detroit) in Guys and Dolls.

(L. to r.) Lilliana Micera ’22, Emma Turse ’22 and Zachary Saunders ’22 in Willy Wonka Jr.

STUDENT LIFE RECAP GSB’s Relay for Life Supports Fight Against Cancer More than 130 GSB students, faculty and friends joined the fight against cancer during GSB’s fifth annual Relay for Life on May 29. This event comprises part of the international Relay for Life, which raises more than $4.5 billion through events across the United States and around the world. GSB’s relay, first organized by students in 2011, quickly grew into a community-wide event. Since that time, the school has raised more than $112,000 to benefit the American Cancer Society. Committee members Isabelle Demontigny ’15, Elizabeth Todd ’15, Zeel Patel ’15, Edward Fischer ’15 and Alyx Schrecengost ’15, worked with Upper School Librarian Emilia Giordano ’06 and American Cancer Society representatives to plan the event. GSB’s Relay for Life was scaled back from 12 hours to five hours this year, but still featured an opening ceremony, survivor lap, caregiver’s lap, luminaria ceremony and closing ceremony. In the future, the school may return to a twelvehour format for the event. Additional online contributions in support of GSB’s annual Relay for Life campaign will be accepted until August 1. To make a donation, visit and search “Relay for Life of Gill St. Bernard’s.”

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Top: (L. to r.) Brooke Stephenson ’18, Harsabreen Chadha ’18, Amanda Lazar ’17, Amity Matthews ’18, Oliva Ellman ’18, Jacquelyn Benoit ’18, Helena Digney ’18, Lynnsey Kwaak ’18 (in front); Bottom: (L. to r.) Edward Fischer ’15, Zeel Patel ’15, Alyx Schrecengost ’15, Jamie Goetchius ’15, Isabelle Demontigny ’15 and Katherine Coscia ’15.


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Hands-on Learning during the Unit Students made good use of the last two weeks in May, exploring a variety of subjects outside of their regular coursework during the Upper School Unit. A GSB tradition since 1973, the Unit allows students to experience some of what they learn in the classroom in real-life settings. This year, upper school students in ninth through twelfth grades participated in 13 local, four national, and four international travel Units. They studied firsthand the history and culture of China, Peru, Italy and Holland; learned about new technologies; challenged their physical abilities with dance, long distance hikes, scuba diving, yoga and fly fishing; got in touch with their artistic sides through ceramics, photography and the study of film; explored

ecology in the Florida Keys, Arcadia National Park and the Berkshires; studied the wonder of dogs and horses; learned about New Jersey history and multiculturalism; and took a leadership challenge workshop. During the Middle School Unit, which began on May 26, the fifth grade studied “Nature’s Miracles,” while sixth graders produced a medieval book for social studies and used their math and creative skills to make wooden pinball machines. Fifth and sixth graders also staged a production of “Willy Wonka Jr.” In seventh and eighth grade, the students could opt to learn about courtroom issues, hone their technology skills, learn to cook, explore the basics of sailing, challenge themselves with yoga or participate in a production of “Guys and Dolls.”

Top from left: (l. to r.) Isaac Ling, Jonathan Sonnenberg ’15, Lizzie Middleton ’16, Kenneth “Casey” Meyer ’15, Lauren McBride ’16, Morgan Rooks ’15, Joseph “Julian” Esposito ’15, Xauen Zirpolo ’15, Hedy Jin ’16, Carrie Grabowski, Anastasia Caron ’15, Kaitlyn Feringa ’15, Linda Park, Madeline Quinn ’15, Paul Dunham ’15 at the Yu Yuan Garden in Shanghai, China; (l. to r.) Daniel Spear ’15 and Matthew Del Pirore ’15 receive a fly-tying lesson from Richard Cotter, Ph.D from Trout Unlimited during the “Fly Fishing”; Bottom from left: Edward Fischer ’15 during the “On the Trail” Unit.; Jenna Steele ’15 learns to scuba dive during the “Dive Right In” Unit.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

From left: At the Peace Palace in The Hague, Holland: (front row, l. to r.) - Claudia Hesler (Assistant Upper School Librarian), David Lee (Associate Director College Guidance), Jacob Udoff ’17 (kneeling); (second row, l. to r.): Irv Taylor (Chair, Computer Science), Allison Coffey ’17, Alexandra Baker ’15, Zeel Patel ’15, Jamie Goetchius ’15, Isabelle “Izzy” Demontigny ’15, Katherine Coscia ’15, Samantha DeRing ’16, Devon Kaiser ’15, Kaila Gong ’15, Zoe Quan-Shau ’16, Catarina Matthews ’16, Alyx Schrecengost ’15, Brianne Hanafin ’15; (third row, l. to r.) - Soraya Falcao ’15, Pia Bhatia ’17, Nina Bhatia ’17, Sharon Poticny (Upper School English teacher); (fourth row, l. to r.) - Cameron Burns ’17, Nicholas Cooper ’17, Joshua Layden ’16, Ricardo Torres ’15, Parth Patel, ’16 Tyler Starr ’17, Alexia Allesch ’17, Stephen Hassett ’17, Maximilian Burrows ’15, Charlotte Walsh ’17, Emily Western ’15; Jennifer Lowe ’17 during the “Ceramics” Unit.

At Machu Pichu, Peru (back row, l. to r.): Benjamin Hiramoto ’16, Tyler Kwaak ’16, Andrew Noll ’16, Brian Quispe ’16, Claire Todd ’16, Preet Singh ’16, Mycroft Zimmerman ’16; (middle row, l. to r.): Carolyn Najarian ’16, Veronica Maoli ‘16, Katherine Williams ’16, Sophie Connell ‘16, Lucy Dunn ‘16, Charles Kasman ’16, Sebastian Pampalone ’16, Camila Castano ’16, Alexandra Udoff ’16; (bottom row, l. to r.): World Language teachers Marilyn Dori and Brittany Casser.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

At the Coliseum in Rome: (l. to r.) Mary Frances Howard ’17, Carleigh Matthews ’17, Lauren Renna ’17, Sara Merton ’17, John “Will” Dadouris ’17, Nyla Mulcahy ’17, Emma Cullen ’17.


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

FACULTY NEWS Retiring Faculty, Staff and Administrators Best wishes to the following administrators and faculty who will retire this year after years of service to Gill St. Bernard’s School.(GSB’s retirees will also be featured in the summer 2015 issue of GSB Alumni Magazine.) Peter Schmidt, a 1983 Columbia University Klingenstein Fellow, joined GSB in 1976 as a teacher of U.S. History and Asian Studies. In 1985, he became director of the Upper School and continued to teach at least one course each semester. He was also a coach and assistant coach of the varsity baseball team from 1985-2001. In 2008, he was named the inaugural director of studies, a curriculum-centered position. Shortly after, he also assumed the role of director of community service. Schmidt will continue to be active in the education field, as chairman of the board of Warren County Community College and in his work with classes and programs for those who are in prison. He plans to maintain active involvement with GSB alumni. He and his wife Randi will enjoy having more time to spend with their family, including GSB lifers Joseph ’95 and Geoffrey ’00, daughters-in-law Olivia and Ybelka and grandson Gabriel. Randell “Randi” Schmidt started at GSB as a part-time aide in the library in 1993 and was named head librarian in 1999. During her GSB career, she initiated the eleventh-grade scientific literature review and the ninth-grade seminar – two programs that introduce GSB students to college-style research. She has taken a lead role in many of the community service activities on campus, including the Stone Soup project, Saturday Service and Turkey Day. She was also instrumental in planning the layout and design of the Matthews Family Upper School Library. Both Randi and Peter are examining the possibility of founding an educational organization to help communities in underserved areas.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Jane Boyer came to Gill St. Bernard’s in 1994 to teach kindergarten on the Bernardsville campus. During her 21 years with the school, she has greeted the children at the morning car line, covered the extended day program and performed for many years as Mother Ginger in the kindergarten’s annual production of The Nutcracker. Boyer also served within the Lower School as director of admissions, assistant director, and interim director during this past year. She plans to retire to Florida with her husband Bob, and she is looking forward to spending time with her sons Greg and Jeff and their families. Toni Brescher came to Gill St. Bernard’s as a lower school science teacher in 1988, and she has taught in classrooms on the Bernardsville, Mount St. John (during consolidation) and Gladstone campuses. Brescher has helped develop both the lower and middle school science curricula, written a study skills book and served as a lifetime member of the New Jersey Association of Independent School’s professional development committee. She received the St. Bernard’s Chair of Excellence in 2001. Brescher looks forward to spending time in Nantucket with her husband Jack, their son John, daughter-in-law Jessie and grandson Robert. Elise Smith has been a part of the Gill St. Bernard’s community as an early childhood teacher since 1996. For 19 years, she has shared her kindness, patience and wisdom with young students and their families at both the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten levels. She was awarded the St. Bernard’s Chair of Excellence in 2004. Smith looks forward to having more time to spend with her husband Chris and to traveling across the country and visiting her children Kevin, Courtney, Gregory and Nicholas, and grandchildren Anna and Charlotte. 14.

The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

ATHLETICS Varsity Sports Round-Up Varsity Baseball Record: 21-8 GSB baseball soundly defeated North Plainfield 11-2 on May 5. Robert Berman ’15 scattered seven hits over six innings, while Matthew Taylor ’16 (3-for-3) homered, doubled, and drove in three runs. George Stiuso ’16, Daniel Brownstein ’15 and James Raia ’16 had two hits apiece. On May 7, Taylor crushed a three-run home run in the fifth inning to tie the game at four and Berman followed later in the inning with a run-scoring single to give the Knights a come-from-behind 5-4 win over Wardlaw Hartridge in the quarterfinal round of the Prep B Tournament. Daniel Spear ’15 gave up two earned runs over five innings and struck out seven for the win. Raia (4-for-4) and Taylor (3-for-5) kept the Knights in first place in the Skyland Conference Mountain Division, defeating Bound Brook 15-7 on May 11. Daniel Sivolella ’16, Berman, Brownstein, and Ryan Morash ’18 combined for eight hits, eight runs, and eight RBIs. In the semifinal round of the Prep B Championships on May 12, Spear crushed a two-out walk-off grand slam to give the boys a dramatic 8-7 victory over Princeton Day. Berman earned the win with four innings of impressive relief pitching. He also collected three hits and scored three runs. On May 14, the baseball team captured its first-ever Prep B title with a 10-7 win over Montclair Kimberley Academy. Sivolella went 3-for-3 with a home run and a triple, and Brownstein drove in three runs with two hits. Raia and Morash had two hits and two runs each, and Stiuso allowed three earned runs over six innings to pick-up the victory on the mound.

Summer 2015

The next day, Berman scattered three hits and struck out nine in a complete game 14-0 shutout of South Hunterdon. Spear (3 hits) and Taylor (5 RBIs) led the offense as GSB captured the Skyland Conference Mountain Division Championship. Sivolella chipped in offensively with two hits and three runs scored.

VARSITY BASEBALL Daniel Spear ’15.

Taylor launched a first inning grand slam to start GSB on its way to an 11-0 triumph over Doane Academy on May 21 in the first round of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) Non-Public B South Sectional Tournament. Spear collected two doubles and three RBIs and Stiuso allowed one hit over four innings to earn the win on the mound. Brownstein, Berman, and Beveridge had two hits apiece as the Knights won their sixth straight game. Gill defeated Roselle Catholic 8-4 in the quarterfinal round as Brownstein went 3-for-3, Taylor was 2-for-2 with four RBIs, and Berman chipped in with two hits. The team had its seven game winning streak snapped by Holy Spirit in the sectional semifinals on May 29. Morash, Brownstein, Stiuso, and Beveridge all singled for the Knights. Spear tossed four scoreless innings before Holy Spirit got on the board in the fifth. The boys ended their season with a Skyland Conference Mountain Division Championship, a Prep B title and the most victories in school history. Golf Record: 7-9

On May 5, Gunnar Valentine ’15 (43), Dylan Blackman ’16 (48) and Troy Pilla ’17 (48) were top scorers in a 224-243 Luke Beveridge ’15 went the distance in his first pitching loss to Somerville. The next day, Blackman and Gunnar appearance of the season in a 13-3 thrashing of Voorhees on Valentine posted top-10 scores among Mountain Division May 19. Morash had two hits and five RBIs, while Stiuso, golfers at the Skyland Conference Tournament at Royce Taylor, and Cameron Gateman ’17 scored two runs apiece. Brook Country Club in Hillsborough. Brownstein (2-for-2) and Berman (3 RBIs) contributed as well. Blackman earned medalist honors with a nine-hole score of 43 in a 236-240 win over South Hunterdon on May 8 at Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Fox Hollow Golf Club. Gunnar Valentine (44), Pilla (46), Garrett Rowe ’15 (50), and Tristan Kaminski ’17 (53) also contributed.

three goals, and Parth Patel ’17 and Cameron Burns ’17 had two each. Ryan Turse ’18, Brito, and John “Andy” Gordon ’18 combined for three goals and three assists. Goalie Will Dadouris ’17 (10 saves) kept the Crusaders’ offense in check with help from defensemen Patrick Janas ’16, Robert Haversat ’18 and Devin Hohman ’17.

Blackman shot an 18hole score of 88 to lead the golfers to a seventh place finish at the Prep B Championships in Hightstown on May 14. John “Jack” Lowe ’15 VARSITY GOLF Garrett Rowe ’15. finished in the top half of the field with a 91, followed by Gunnar Valentine (96), Rowe (97), and Charles Kasman ’16 (103).

Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse Record: 4-4

Blackman (42), Gunnar Valentine (43), and Rowe (45) played well, but the Knights lost a 232-233 heartbreaker to Bernards at Roxiticus Golf Club on May 19. Gunnar Valentine earned medalist honors with a nine-hole score of 39 as the team posted its best score of the season in a 218-244 victory over Belvidere on May 21. Rowe (43), Lowe (44), Pilla (44), and Grayson Valentine ’17 (48) all chipped in as GSB completed the season with a record of 7-9. Boys’ Lacrosse Record: 8-2 On May 5, the boys won an 11-10 overtime thriller against Princeton Day behind Nicholas Cooper ’17 (5 goals/3 assists), Michael Del Priore ’16 (3 goals/1 assist), Kevin Brito ’17 (1 goal/1 assist), and Lake Jacobsen ’17 (2 goals).

JV BOYS’ LACROSSE Michael Del Priore ’16.

The team ended its final JV season on May 6 with a 20-3 thrashing of Morris Catholic. Cooper had six goals and five assists as the Knights finished with a record of 8-2. Del Priore scored four times, Preet “Paul” Singh ’16 added

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Allison Coffey ’17 (7 goals) and Nicole Johnson ’18 (5 goals) led the way in a 21-11 victory over St. Elizabeth’s on May 5. Amelia “Mia” Kirby ’18 (2 goals), Sarah Fenton ’15 (2 goals), Emma Dean ’17, Mikaela Gegelys ’17, Ava Diggins ’18, Kaila Gong ’15 and Amanda Weiss ’18 chipped in with goals as well.


On May 8, Coffey scored four times and Gong, Fenton and Johnson added three goals apiece to help the girls to a 16-7 win over South Plainfield in their season finale. Dean, Gegelys, and Diggins also scored for Gill, which finished with a .500 record in its second season of varsity competition. Softball Record: 19-9 Genevieve Fischer ’17 paced the offense with two hits and three RBIs in a 12-1 victory over Rutgers Prep on Tuesday May 5. Two days later, Madeline Bedrock ’17 had two hits and pitched a complete game shutout in a 6-0 Skyland Conference win over North Plainfield. Margaret “Meg” Donlin ’15 blasted a solo home run in the sixth inning for the 100th hit of her career. Claire Chestnutt ’18 and Samantha Delehanty ’16 had three hits apiece to help the team advance in the Prep B Tournament with a 22-1 win over Princeton Day on May 8. Carolyn Brand ’17, Alexandria Delehanty ’18, Emily Supron ’17 and Grace Beveridge ’18 added two hits each to give the girls their sixth consecutive victory.


The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

On May 11, Beveridge laced a bases-loaded triple in the first inning to give the girls all the offense they would need in a 3-1 Skyland Conference victory over Bound Brook. The next day, Emma Corbett ’16 belted a two-run home run to help her own 13-strikeout effort in GSB’s 3-2 semifinal VARSITY SOFTBALL win over Morristown Eliza Brookman ’15. Beard in the Prep B Tournament. Donlin and Bedrock both had two hits and Beveridge made a diving catch with two runners on base to end the game. Chestnutt and Delehanty each had two hits in the team’s 8-1 win over Montclair Kimberley Academy in the Prep B Championship at Diamond Nation in Flemington on May 14. Corbett threw a complete game two-hitter with ten strikeouts. Beveridge drove in six runs with three doubles to give the team a 15-4 win over South Hunterdon in its final conference game of the year on May 18. Corbett, Bedrock, Kennedy Whitehead ’16, and Paige Knichel ’15 had two hits apiece in GSB’s tenth straight win, which solidified second place in the Mountain Division. Bedrock and Eliza Brookman ’15 drove in runs in the fifth inning to give pitcher Corbett (2 hits, 16 strikeouts) all the support she would need as the team defeated Pingry 2-0 in the first round of the state tournament on May 20. Corbett scattered five hits and struck out 15 as the girls set a school record for wins in a season with a 4-1 quarterfinal round victory over Cardinal McCarrick on May 26. Bedrock (2), Knichel, and Brookman all had hits for Gill. Chestnutt and Whitehead added RBIs, driving in Donlin and Beveridge. Delehanty and Corbett had three hits apiece, but the GSB softball team (19-9) fell to Mater Dei Prep in the NonPublic B South Sectional Semifinals on May 29.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Summer 2015

Boys’ Tennis Record 7-10 Marc Orazietti ’16 (singles), Ivor Guest ’15 (singles), Ruben Kivits ’17 (doubles) and Nicholas Ross ’16 (doubles) were victorious in a 3-2 win over Warren Hills on May 4. William Conlan ’16 (6-4, 6-4), Orazietti ’16 (6-1, 6-1), and George Harris ’16 (3-6, 7-5, 10-8) all won their singles matches in a 5-0 victory over Somerville on May 6. Guest and Mike Urowsky ’16 won at first doubles 6-3, 6-3. Kivits and Ross earned the second doubles point 6-2, 6-1. The Knights fell to Rutgers Prep 3-2 in the quarterfinal round of the NJSIAA Non-Public B South Sectional Tournament on May 11. Orazietti won 7-5, 6-4 at second singles and Harris was victorious at third singles 6-3, 6-3. Conlan and Orazietti earned singles points in a 4-1 victory over Somerville on May 14. Guest and Urowsky won at first doubles, as did Kivits and Ross at second doubles. M. Orazietti won two matches on May 17 and the Knights finished third overall in the Prep B Tournament. Harris reached the semifinal round at third singles, as did both doubles teams of Guest and Urowsky (1D) and Kivits and Ross (2D). M. Orazietti advanced to the finals of the second singles flight on May 19. Track and Field

VARSITY BOYS’ TENNIS Willian Conlan ’16.

Patrik Andersen ’15 finished first in the 800 meter run in 1:56 at the Somerset County Track and Field Championships in Hillsborough on May 12. Mathieu Petit ’17 also earned a medal, taking fifth in the 1600m (4:54) to help the boys to a ninth place team finish. Gregory Niccolai ’16 (7th place/ discus) and Michael Tafaro ’15 (9th/javelin) posted top-10 performances in the field events, while Bobby D’Angelo ’18 (3200m) and Michael Iannaconi ’16 (1600m) were top-20 in their respective distance races. Peter “Alec” Johnson ’15 and Jacob Kruger ’15 ran well in the 800m, as did Amechi Nwandu ’17 in the 200m. Christopher “CJ” Licata ’18 competed for the Knights in both the discus and javelin. 17.

The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Armani Comick ’15 earned a fifth-place medal for the girls in the triple jump (34’6.5”) and placed ninth in the discus (89’4”) and 13th in the long jump (14’10.25”). Ludi Zhu ’16 was top-10 in both the long jump (7th/15’11”) and triple jump (9th/33’0”), as was Sahara Ensley ’16 in the 800m (9th/2:28). Nyla Mulcahy ’17 and Colette Bilynsky ’16 were outstanding in both the discus and javelin, Jacqueline Roettger ’16 was 19th in the 200m, and Jacqueline Luberto ’16 ran in the 100m and 200m. Lillie Wilson ’16 (19th) and Samantha Bittman ’17 did well in the 800m, and Erica Phiansunthon ’17 rounded out the girls’ effort in the shot put. Both the boys’ and girls’ teams finished fourth at the Prep B Championships in Livingston on May 18. Andersen led the boys’ effort with gold medals in the 1600 meter run (4:29) and the 200 meter dash (23.5 seconds). Tafaro was outstanding in the field events, taking second in the javelin (134’01”) and fifth in the shot put (34’3”). Also earning valuable points for the Knights were Petit in the 800m (2nd/2:03), Niccolai in the shot put (3rd/35’11.75”), and Felix Andersen ’17 in the 1600m (4:40). Top tens were achieved VARSITY TRACK & FIELD Amechi Nwandu ’17. by Nwandu (100m and 200m), Johnson (400m), William Metzler ’16 (shot put), Kruger (1600m), Iannaconi (800m), D’Angelo (800m), and Licata (javelin). The girls were paced by Comick, who scored in the high jump (1st/4’10”), discus (2nd/94’5”), triple jump (3rd/32’10.5”), and long jump (4th/15’4.5”). Zhu won the long jump (16’10.5”) and was second in the triple jump (33’4”) while Ensley was the runner up in the 1600m (5:34). Impressive top-10 performances were posted by Phiansunthon (shot put), Bilynsky (javelin), Wilson (1600m), and Roettger (800m). Rounding out participation on the girls’ side were Bittman in the 1600m and Luberto in the 100m. Zhu (girls’ long jump, triple jump) and P. Andersen (boys’ 800 meter run) both took home gold medals at the Non-Public B Group Championships in Egg Harbor on May 30. Petit took fifth place in the boys’ 1600m and Comick was sixth in the girls’ discus, as all four Knights qualified for the NJSIAA Meet of Champions.

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Summer 2015

GSB Knights To Compete in College

Front, from left: Jordan Schreer ’15, Michael Tafaro ’15, and John “Jack” Lowe. Middle, from left: Patrik Andersen ’15, Elizabeth Todd ’15, Kaila Gong ’15, and Armani Comick ’15. Back, from left: Joseph “Julian” Esposito ’15, Harrison DeMaria ’15, Daniel Spear ‘15.

At least nine members of Gill St. Bernard’s senior class will continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level next year, representing eight sports: men’s basketball (1), cross country (1), swimming (1), women’s lacrosse(1), men’s soccer (2), women’s soccer (1), baseball (1), and track and field (3). Congratulations and best of luck to the following Knights: Patrik Andersen Princeton University Cross Country and Track and Field

Jack Lowe United States Military Academy Men’s Soccer

Armani Comick Lehigh University Cross Country and Track and Field

Jordan Schreer Muhlenburg College Men’s Soccer

Harrison DeMaira Hobart and William Smith Colleges Men’s Basketball Julien Esposito University of Chicago Swimming Kaila Gong University of Massachusetts Lowell Women’s Lacrosse

Daniel Spear Davidson College Baseball Michael Tafaro College of the Holy Cross Track and Field Elizabeth Todd Washington & Lee University Women’s Soccer

If we’ve inadvertently missed anyone, please contact the Communications Office. 18.

The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Nichole “Nikki” Morely ’17 and Luke Fischer ’16 were recently named to the USA Fencing and Absolute Fencing Gear 2014-2014 All-Academic First Team. The program fosters high levels of both athletic as well as academic achievement, requiring members of the USA Fencing All-Academic First Team to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.85 or higher. This is the second year in a row that Morely has been named a First Team fencer, and she is one of five out of 32 sophomore fencers in New Jersey to receive this highest honor. Fewer than 400 fencers nationwide were named to the 2014-2015 All-Academic Team, including Jessica Abowitz ’18 who received an honorable mention. The awards are presented annually at the Summer Nationals Championship. Nichole “Nikki” Morely ’18.

GSB Seniors Earn Athletic Awards The following Gill St. Bernard’s senior student-athletes received end-of-the-year awards for athletic and academic excellence. Their dedication to their sports and to their studies has earned them much deserved recognition. Alyx Schrecengost: GSB Joyce Creasey Memorial Award for athletic excellence; GSB Skyland Conference female scholar-athlete. Jack Lowe: Harold D. Nicholls Memorial Award for athletic excellence. Meg Donlin: GSB Somerset County female scholar-athlete. Patrik Andersen: GSB Somerset County male scholar-athlete. Michael Tafaro: Skyland Conference male scholar-athlete. Dan Spear: New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association scholar-athlete award. Sport: baseball. Armani Comick: GSB representative at National Girls and Women in Sports Day at Seton Hall University. Kaila Gong: GSB nominee for the Jan Baker Female Scholar Athlete Award. Julien Esposito: GSB nominee for the Nick Gusz Male Scholar Athlete Award. Congratulations to all nine outstanding student-athletes. (For more information about the athletes and their awards, see the spring issue of the Booster Newsletter.)

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934

Dates to Remember Monday, August 17 Fall Pre-Season Practice Begins for GSB Athletes Grades 9-12 Monday, August 31 Registration for New MS & US Students and Rising Students Grades 5 & 9 Tuesday, September 1 Class Visits for Primary & Kindergarten Students and New Students Grades 1-4 Orientation for Students Grades 7 & 8 (Off Campus) and Students Grades 9-12 Wednesday, September 2 First Day of Classes Monday, September 7 Labor Day School Closed To view more school events, or for information on the above, please see GSB’s online calendar. 19.

Congratulations Class of 2015 The Monthly Newsletter for Gill St. Bernard’s School

Summer 2015

Members of the Class of 2015 will attend the following colleges in the fall: American University

Lafayette College (2)

The College of New Jersey

Auburn University

Lehigh University (2)

Barnard College

Lewis & Clark College

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Bentley University

Loyola Marymount University

Boston College

Muhlenberg College

Bucknell University (2)

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Carnegie Mellon University

New York University (4)

Case Western Reserve University

North Carolina State University

Clemson University

Northwestern University

College of Charleston

Parsons The New School for Design

College of the Holy Cross

Pennsylvania State University, University Park (2)

Cornell University (2) Davidson College Dickinson College Drew University Eckerd College Elon University Gettysburg College High Point University (3) Hobart and William Smith Colleges (2) Ithaca College (2)

Princeton University Quinnipiac University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rutgers University-New Brunswick Sacred Heart University Saint Joseph’s University Sarah Lawrence College Skidmore College Syracuse University (3)

United States Military Academy University of California, San Diego University of Chicago University of Colorado at Boulder University of Delaware University of Florida University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Maine University of Massachusetts, Lowell University of Michigan University of Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of South Carolina (2) Villanova University Virginia Tech Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis (2)

Texas Christian University

Gill St. Bernard’s School • St. Bernard’s Road • Gladstone, NJ 07934


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