The Hi-Hills Herald 2015: Issue #4

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The Hi-Hills Herald Issue #4

July 17, 2015

Top News at Hi-Hills Day Camp!

Celebrating our 49th Summer!

Can you believe it’s week four already? Visual Arts Week at Hi-Hills

We cannot believe that we have reached week four. Time certainly flies when you are having fun, and here at Hi-HIlls we have definitely been having more than just fun! This week was a busy one at camp with Bring Your Friend to Camp Day, Kinder Camp’s Garden Party and the Parent Luncheon. Visual arts week brought out a lot of colorful projects. From tiedye shirts, bandanas and socks to chalkboard art, campers really showcased their artistic sides.

This week at the great outdoors, campers discovered some new critters like Blue, the painted turtle, and Crusher, the snapping turtle. Mr. Nature led bunks outside to catch some butterflies. Everyone had fun waving around the nets. In pottery, campers started working with the spinning wheel, and we can’t wait to see all the masterpieces campers will make. Next week is carnival week, and we are all buzzing with excitement in preparation for carnival day! The fun never stops at Hi-Hills and we can’t wait to see you in week five!

Table of Contents: Note from Camp Directors Bunk Updates

2 3-5

Bunk Photos


Birthdays This Month


Dates to Remember


Program News


Upcoming Dress Days 11 Counselor of the Week 11 Leagues 11 Trivia Winners 12 Counselors in Training 12 Teen Travel 12

Gill St. Bernard’s School, 25 St. Bernard’s Road, Gladstone, NJ Phone: 908-234-0067 • Fax: 908-234-1611 • Email: •

te o N A ur o m fro Camp rs to c e r i D

Hello Hi-Hills!

Dear Hi-Hills, Week four has been filled with new, fun and exciting activities. Tuesday marked our 2nd annual Bring Your Friend to Camp Day. On Wednesday Kinder Camp welcomed their parents and guardians to our annual Garden Party. Thursday opened up the lunch room and tours of the campus to our campers’ families. To celebrate visual arts week, we had all of our campers and staff tie-dye in arts and crafts, allowing for Friday Fun Day to be packed with colors and camp spirit! Many thanks to our Lower Bunk, Upper Bunk and Kinder Camp parents for taking time away from their busy schedules to join us for the Parent Luncheon and the Kinder Camp Garden Party. These are some of the many traditions that make Hi-Hills Day Camp so special. You will read about these events and much more in this week’s issue of the Hi-Hills Herald! Mark your calendars for this Wednesday, July 22: it’s time for Carnival! Also, Thursday, July 23 is the Lower Bunk late night from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. We hope you can join us. Be sure to check out our photo gallery to see the adorable smiles from the past few weeks! Also, if you have not already done so, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Cindy Wyatt – Director of Summer and Auxiliary Programs Nicole Spiotta – Assistant Director of Summer and Auxiliary Programs

Bunk Upda tes Bunks 1 & 2: T he Little Rascals The Little Rascals had such an amazing week! We were so happy to have Zachary and Milo join us! We started the week by building a new tricycle with the help of Ainsley, Salome, Mark and JJ. Tuesday was Bring Your Friend to Camp Day and Brooke, Ryan and Maddy all brought friends to see how awesome Hi-Hills really is. Wednesday was the Kinder Camp Garden Party; everyone had a fantastic time with songs and sweets! Maliah, Ariel, Ellie, Mark and Wyatt showed everyone just how hard we have been practicing. Thursday we played in chocolate pudding! Sienna, Makayla and Ainsley loved the experience! It is hard to believe that camp is already half over, but we know that the best is yet to come! -Beth, Zoe, Viviana and Jamie

Bunk Upda tes Bunk 9: T he F irejets This week brought us Bring Your Friend to Camp Day, and we had the pleasure of having Oliver join The Firejets for the day. We started out in arts & crafts making tie-dye shirts for dress up day on Friday. Afterwards, we made our way to nature, where we were introduced to a “skinny pig” (a hairless guinea pig). The boys then broke into groups for clubs; they picked between board games, sports, low ropes and many other clubs. In performing arts we learned how to read music notes and play a Broadway trivia game. The Firejets had another fun filled week, and we can’t wait to see what adventures week five has in store for us. -Joanne and Jason

Bunk 10: T he Lovely Ladybugs Bunk 10 had a super awesome week at camp! Between Bring Your Friend to Camp Day and the parent luncheon, the girls had a blast all throughout the week! We continued to set personal goals in swimming, archery and fishing. The girls also enjoyed shooting water balloons off the new catapult at the great outdoors; many of them went over the lake! In arts & crafts this week we all made tie-dye hair bands to wear on Friday for dress up day. The girls also got creative at pottery while making heart friendship necklaces for each other. Overall, we had a super fun week filled with all kinds of new adventures! All of us are looking forward to the fun of carnival and late night next week! -Betsy, Kerry and Kiara

Bunks 11 & 13: T he Speedy Cheetahs This week, three new campers joined The Speedy Cheetahs. Welcome Giacomo, Bradley and Haoyuan! Although the weather was more on the unpredictable side, this week’s highlights included fantastic games of gaga, capture the flag and board games. When the sun was out, we had a blast cooling off at the pool. -Julian, Mark, Matt, Joseph and Ben

Bunk Upda tes Bunks 16 & 18: T he Sensational Showstoppers Yahoo! The Sensational Showstoppers have made it successfully through weeks one to four! In spite of some passing showers, Bring Your Friend to Camp Day was a blast. The girls had so much fun racing with the go-karts, feeding the animals and playing poly-pong, Wii and jungle speed. In girls’ leagues, we have been playing quite competitively. The Kangaroos were defeated in basketball, and Blue Lightning won in tennis baseball. We also tie-dyed bandanas, which look fabulous. The girls enjoyed Thursday’s parent luncheon, where their parents got to meet their friends and counselors. The Showstoppers wish everyone a good weekend! -Maria, Jess and Cara

Bunks 12 & 14: T he Hi-Hills Heroes Bunks 12 & 14 had the best week yet at Hi-Hills! On Tuesday, we loved meeting Bella’s friend, Lauren, Ellie and Ava’s friends Bridgen and Morgan, and Cassidy’s friends Sophia and Adrianna. Andrea scored the winning run off of Cassidy’s great hit for the Blue Lightning Team at leagues. On Tuesday, Ellie L. did an amazing job during performing arts, earning valuable points for the green team. We were proud to win the spirit stick last Friday and look forward to defending it this week! We can’t wait to have another great week with carnival! -Dylan, Erica and Amand

Bunk 15 & 17: T he Bronanas A few campers have come and gone, but this week we had fun with our veteran campers who have been here for it all. This week we were pleasantly surprised to be visited by Blake, who continued to show us his incredible athletic talent and great sense of positivity. Two of our other athletes, Will and Eideen, were able to get in touch with their creative sides while tie-dying headbands and t-shirts this week. Due to the weather, we did not have as much time at the great outdoors this week, which left more room to play gaga (the Bronanas‘ favorite game) and experience even more activities like performing arts, where Douglas showed off his knowledge of sheet music. The boys really enjoyed playing the Note Race Game because they were able to combine competition and music. The boys are really becoming a family and are learning how to work together to have the most fun possible. They are certainly doing an amazing job at it! -Graydon, Bridget, and Andrew

Bunk Photo s

Birthdays T his Month July 4 : Isaac Li, Joshua Monto, Anna Torgovnik July 5: Benjamin Sturman July 7: Mary Young July 8: Joshua Narsu, Isabella Orosz, Ellie Procaccino, Julia Spinelli July 9: Dashiell Malone

July 11: Robert Bellina July 12: Liam Kaplan July 13: Marky Rusas July 14: Logan Weimer July 15: Otto Larsen July 20: Zoe O’Connor July 23: Cian McGuire, Abigail Saitta July 25: Will Strong July 26: Eleanor Lee July 27: Rebecca Fernandez, Ryden Maeda July 30: Emma Tokelson July 31: Haoyuan Sun

m a r g o r P News Low Ropes As we continue to climb through week four here at Hi-Hills, we have weathered the storm, increased our foot-eye coordination and skill level and have not missed a beat. The campers have been able to practice “stand-ups” with a partner and “trust falls” also with a partner. Another exciting and innovative activity is the P-Pipe Marble game. Our very own Miss Missie created this challenging activity. We’re getting excited for week five as the climb continues. -Chris

Performing Arts This week in performing arts our campers learned the note values and played a guessing game with what they learned. They were able to earn a lot of points for their color wars teams! The drama production is really coming along. The kids have started to memorize their songs and dances! We can’t wait for the show! -Stefanie and Taylor

Swimming Despite the weather not being on our side this week, we were still able to accomodate an ample amount of swim time. Campers continued working on their freestroke and even more campers passed their deep-end tests. -Augie

Program News

Lower Camp Late Night is next T hursday, July 23rd!

Tennis Tennis has become more and more exciting each week. The campers have been very focused and are really enjoying the sport. I see excellent hand-eye coordination developing. I see campers helping to collect tennis balls with the air of the ball hopper and carts, which is very important. Their growing sense of teamwork is a pleasure to observe. We are one step closer to Wimbledon! -Chris

The Great Outdoors (where the smiles and fun never end)

Week four has been wildlife week over at Home Winds; campers have had the opportunity to see a variety of animals from Blue, a baby painted turtle (who is now our new junior mascot), to Crusher, our resident snapping turtle. In addition, we have seen a doe and her fawn actively feeding at one of our wildlife stations. Both blue and green catapults have been completed and campers have been practicing their range and trajectory bracketing out of various targets. The water balloon catapults will be used in two events during our upcoming survivor day. Some of the campers are consistently hitting at one hundred yards with water balloons. Archery has progressed to the next level thanks to the hard work of our archery instructor, Sarah. Campers played tic-tac-toe for points and hit everything from playing cards to ping-pong balls. The young archers have also become accustomed to the NASP style whistle commands, which regulate the safety and movement on the range. The paddleboats have been an overwhelming hit with the campers and badges are now being given for different activities with the boats. Campers are practicing and preparing for the color wars paddle boat races. Thomas, our water safety and paddleboat guide, has done an outstanding job. Fishing exploded this week with a number of large mouth bass caught. Overall, fishing has hit an upward spike, as everyday campers continue to catch frogs, small turtles and fresh water calms. Thanks to the hard work and patience of our fishing instructor, Mr. Em, the kids enjoy themselves every time they visit the pond. It has truly been an incredible fourth week at the great outdoors! -Matt, Sarah, Thomas and Em

Mark You r Calendar

Dates to Rememb er!

Program News Pottery During visual arts week, the campers started to learn about throwing pots on the pottery wheel. Some of the girl bunks that brought in friends on Tuesday made friendship charms. We will resume wheel throwing and more hand-building techniques next week. -Savannah

Nature This week in nature, the campers went searching for bugs and butterflies in the field adjacent to the Scout Cabin. The campers were also introduced to my new pet “skinny pig,” Aurora. Upper and lower bunk nature clubs continued to be a hit, and everyone is enjoying their time learning about the environment. Next week during the carnival, the campers will try their luck at tossing ping-pong balls into floating flamingo cup holders. -Mr. Nature

Arts & Crafts This was a colorful week! Campers and counselors tie-dyed shirts and socks for Friday’s dress up day. Campers enjoyed picking their colors to dye their shirts. Some bunks also created bandanas and hair ribbons using Sharpe markers and rubbing alcohol, which caused the colors to “bleed” like tie-dye. -Lindsay

g n i m o c Up ays D s s e r D

Next week is Carnival Week! Dress-up on Wednesday!

Leagues Counselor of the Week #COTW

Em Foster This week’s Counselor of the Week is Hi-Hills’ veteran and fishing connoisseur, Em! Campers nominated Em because he is “nice, awesome, helpful with fishing, and all around the best.” Congratulations Em! We would like to commend all our counselors for their fantastic work in week four. Stay tuned for next week’s winner!

CURRENT LEAGUE STANDINGS Boys Team W L T Pts. Bengal Tigers 4 2 0 8 Maroon Macaroons 4 2 0 8 Lil’ Cutie Clementines





Bat-Men 2 4 0 4 Girls Team W L T Pts. Blue Lightning 5 0 1 14 Dark Magic 4 2 0 11 Blazing Comets 2 4 0 5 Kerry’s Kangaroos 0 6 0 4

ia v i r T y l k Wee Winners

Monday: Madison Gesualdo Tuesday: Adam Scharfenberg, Dylan Rowell and Matt Rivas Wednesday: Ian Torkelson, Abby Saitta and Dylan Rowell Thursday: Lorenzo Petrucci and Joanne Hibbett Friday: Ben Hogoboom and Maria Diaz

rs Counselo


in Trainin

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Get ready for an exciting week five! Have a wonderful weekend!

Teen Travel This week, Teen Travel went to Dutch Springs in Pennsylvania, where we went swimming and had a blast on the inflatable attractions and the aerial obstacle course. On Thursday, we enjoyed a beautiful day at Six Flags! Although the Somerset Patriots game was rained out this week, we still had so much fun this week! We ended a fantastic week on Friday at Oak Wood Lanes for some good old bowling! We look forward to some exciting trips next week! -Kaitlyn and Craig

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