CGL Connection Newsletter Vol. 2

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CGL Connection Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Issue No. 2

Connecting with each other…

NEW GSCC - Church App Connectivity is important -- Download our new and improved GSCC App today so you can stay up to date with all the upcoming events at GSCC, listen to audio sermons, follow along on Sundays with the sermon notes and more! Search ‘GSCConnect’ in the App Store and Google Play today!

In this Issue: NEW GSCC APP Check out the new GSCC app that was just released on both the Apple Store and Google Play.

CG Corner: Encouragement
 Imagine a set of jumper cables… when was the last time you needed to use them to jump a dead battery. What was the process involved in infusing life into the depleted battery (One person must bring his or

CONNECT GROUP CORNER This begins a series of articles, ideas and tips for your making the most of your Connect group.

her vehicle alongside, and employ the cable to connect the two batteries. The other person starts the car that's running, and energy flows into the weak battery. Normally, the dead battery is rejuvenated and starts a couple minutes later.)

TIO Talk It Over is a great tool for Connect groups that are not using a curriculum. It follows the Sunday sermon and can be used as a stand-alone teaching or ice breaker.

Lets use that as an analogy to describe the ministry of encouragement Connect group members can exercise toward one another. The New Testament commands us to "encourage one another" (1 Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrews 10:24-25). The Greek verb for "encourage" literally means "to come alongside." When our spiritual or emotional batteries are low, we can come alongside one another and give a much needed jumpstart. We connect with each other in a variety of ways: a phone call, an e-mail, a hand-written note, or physical presence. Jesus used the noun form of the verb for "encourage" to describe the Holy Spirit. To prepare the disciples for his ensuing physical departure, Jesus said, "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever" (John 14:16). The term "advocate" is "Paraclete"̶one who comes alongside. God's Spirit employs members of the body of Christ to come alongside and provide a jump when we're needy. Take time this week to think of ways that you can bring encouragement to members of your Connect group!


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Volunteers needed for the Activa-T Citywide Event
 GSCC is partnering with other area churches in a citywide event called Activa-T. GSCC Twenties will be manning a booth selling hamburgers and we are asking our Connect Groups to support this event by volunteering and participating. We will set up a rotation of volunteers so you can serve some and enjoy the event as well. Please email with any volunteers that would be able to help.

Small Groups That Change Lives: 5 Principles (Pt.2) The Starting Place of People 1. Authenticity Starts With You Don’t be fake. Fake people are like wax fruit. Wax leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth. So do wax people. Don’t try to manage your image as a person who has it all together as the leader because you think that is what the leader is supposed to do. Be authentic. 2. Be Vulnerable First Set the pace for the group by exposing your weaknesses first … The reason people hide and pretend in front of others is usually because of shame or pride. These are both extremely dark Jesus is comfortable with chaos of people’s lives. Are you?

and powerful emotions. They keep people stuck from experiencing the freedom Christ came to give us. You can lead them to overcoming this by being vulnerable as the leader.

Share your stories of struggle. I know you think you will lose respect by sharing your struggles, but trust me, you will gain greater respect and admiration through vulnerability. Let the promise of James 5 be true in your group: “Confess your sins to one another so that you may be healed.” Let this verse be an accessible practice in your group. Here are some examples of what you might share vulnerably: Share your addictions— alcohol, sexual, food related addictions. If you come from a broken home, you could share about feeling unlovable and the insecurity that comes with it. The key to this principle is exposing some of the mess of your life to the rest of the group first. 3. Expect Messy People We live in a relational broken world. Divorce shatters relational dreams. Abuse of all kinds and abandonment have all taken a huge toll on people’s ability to relate in healthy ways. Here are some examples of the realities that can happen in any small group gathering of people. • 10 divorces (4 from one guy). • 4 sexually abused: one by football coach when he was 8 years old. The same man molested three other boys. Later in life, all three of those boys committed suicide. • 4 are in recovery for addictions. • 3 have had abortions. • 1 guy was previously involved in four different cults. Don’t be surprised by pain in people’s lives. We live in a messy, pain-filled world. Embrace a culture where people can share the story of their life and still be fully known, accepted and loved. Here is what you need to look out for: If people in your group are answering the question of how they are doing with: “Doing great!” or “Couldn’t be better!” then repeat principle one and two. They’re lying to you on some level.


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Talk It Over

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week of 4/3/16

 If your house was burning down, what three objects would you try to save? SAY: This Sunday Pastor Richard began a new series called Not Now. The series will focus on the temptations we face and the real affects of it. We learned that Jesus was tempted as well, the book of Matthew says, “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” Matthew 4:1

***Announcements:*** • Invite your un-churched friends to church and to Connect Group. • Please take pictures of group meetings and email them to George @

SAY: As we know its not a sin to be tempted since this would make Jesus a sinner as well. But what is a sin is when we succumb to this temptation. Temptation is defined as to test (objectively) to scrutinize, entice, to examine, to prove. We all can agree that we have been tempted in our life. Pastor said that temptation is a part of a crafty plan that appeals to our natural desires in an attempt to separate us from God. 1. Knowing that temptation separates us from Him why is it something we still fall for? Explain. 2. Think about what most tempts you. What is it about this temptation that you cannot shake off? Has it affected your relationship with God or with others? If so how? 3. What obstacle, challenge, relationship, or anything else needs to be removed or severed from your life to avoid this temptation? Discuss next steps. Pray for one another

Connect Group WIN When… The Group Leader is not afraid

The meeting starts and ends on

People feel warmly welcomed.

to have fun.


• Keep a watchful eye for people

• Jesus came to give us

• Honor people s schedules and

who wander to the corners of

abundant life.

time as well as Volunteers on

rooms and stand

• Be a facilitator of the Holy





• Make sure you have funny or

• Make sure you give people an

interesting icebreakers. It s hard

opportunity to leave at the end

to recover from a

to pick up their

bad start.



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