2 minute read
REVIEW: Rainbow Chorus
Brian Butler reviews Stocking Up (Just in Case...) For Christmas, last month’s much-needed double dose of festive cheer from the LGBTQ+ mixed choir
They say that in space no-one can hear you scream – and listening to the Rainbow Chorus’ (RC) Christmas offering, it was also true I could sing as loud as I liked and noone could hear.
Stocking Up (Just In Case) For Christmas is an engaging mixture of old and new material under the direction of the inimitable Aneesa Chaudhry. RC members gathered at a social distance and with masks in St George’s Church, and also via Zoom in their individual living rooms to provide a lively programme, which is available for you to stream.

Opening the concert, RC chair Bev Morgan emphasised how difficult a year it has been – and co-chair Lindsey Stevenson highlighted the mental health issues many have experienced in isolation.

There was a rousing opener with the African Shosholoza, with accompanying drummers providing a good dance beat to kick us off. Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah showed the group at their uplifting and inclusive best, and their diction was all the more remarkable as the church-based singers all wore matching rainbow masks.

A brief sortie in Queen’s Park produced the Elvis evergreen Can’t Help Falling In Love With You, overcoming technical difficulties and producing pleasing harmonies.
May It Be Now and Africa both showed great energy; the usual RC enthusiasm still shining through when they’re not in the room with you.
Some old choir favourites were served up – Bohemian Rhapsody and the musical theatre hit Rhythm of Life – but there were also some emotional highs courtesy of Somewhere Only We Know, This Is Me and One Day Like This.

White Christmas and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town sent us out into the night – figuratively speaking – and it made me think how great it will be when all our LGBTQ+ singing groups can bring us real-life joy again. Great accompaniment was provided throughout by the high-octane playing of Mojca Monte Amali.

The concert is available on the RC YouTube page. Buy a £5 ticket by visiting www.rainbowchorus.org.uk/the-rainbowchorus-fantastic-festive-hamper-raffle/. The Rainbow Chorus supports HIV lunch club Lunch Positive.