Galop launches new guide on delivering services for LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic abuse
OBITUARY: Ian Allsup-Burge: 21/06/1970 - 26/10/2020 ) Ian Allsup-Burge passed away on October 26 at Royal Sussex Hospital from pneumonia with complications.
Speaking to Gscene, Flynn said: “I have been overwhelmed by the amount of love people have for him and the effect his death has had on the community.
“Friends, strangers and prominent drag queens alike have personally messaged me to tell me how generous, supportive and selfless he was and how saddened they were at his passing.” He added: “Ian meant so much to so many people, I will remember him for his dad dancing, his exuberance and non-judgemental attitude. He made so many newcomers to the scene feel welcome and if he valued you, you’d know about it.”
The funeral service was held on November 11 at Brighton Crematorium after a hearse drive-by outside Marine Tavern on Broad Street.
Ian and Flynn were married in 2016 following a proposal at Poison Ivy on St James’s Street where the couple met a year previously.
As a tribute to Ian’s memory, Flynn has been raising money through Just Giving for the Alzheimer’s Society, which has so far exceeded its £500 target and currently stands at £900. D To donate, visit https://tinyurl.com/y3atwyev
LGBTQ+ bar owners to donate Christmas gifts to families
) Brighton LGBTQ+ bar owners Lee Cockshott and Simon Ebers are embracing the true Christmas spirit this year by donating £500 worth of genderneutral Christmas gifts to families in need. The duo are also donating Christmas Sunday Roasts at one of their three venues for 30 lucky families.
) Galop, the UK’s LGBT+ antiviolence charity, has launched a new guide, Commissioning for Inclusion: Delivering Services for LGBT+ Survivors of Domestic Abuse, to encourage and support commissioners, services, policymakers, and the government to work in partnership to better meet the needs of LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic abuse. Galop is calling on the government, commissioners, and services to reflect on how they can work together to better meet the needs of LGBTQ+ domestic abuse survivors. The charity hopes that this guidance can be used to facilitate a dialogue at a local, regional, and national level about the ways to build, develop and sustain domestic abuse support tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ people. Leni Morris, CEO of Galop, said: “At Galop, we see the effects of domestic abuse on LGBTQ+ survivors
“Our ambition is that this guidance will initiate and inform much-needed discussions at national, regional, and local levels, about the nuanced and tailored ways to build, develop and sustain LGBTQ+ specific domestic abuse provision” D To see the guide, visit: https:// tinyurl.com/yxsqs9ef D www.galop.org.uk
He said: “From the start I told mental health professionals that it was significant trauma that led me to drinking. However, due to the way services are set up they said I must quit drinking first before I could be referred to mental health community services.
“The presents aren’t just for LGBTQ+ families, but for anyone who is struggling.”
) Sam Thomas, a writer, campaigner and recovering alcoholic from Brighton, has launched a petition - #SeeTheBiggerPicture - calling on the UK government to improve the way those with both mental health and substance use issues are assessed for treatment.
From Thursday, December 3, parents in need are invited to visit either Marine Tavern, 13 Broad St, Kemptown BN2 1TJ, or Le Village, 2-3 High St, Kemptown BN2 1RP between 11am–1pm to collect one free gender-neutral Christmas gift per child. The first 15 to be seen at either venue will also receive a voucher entitling a family of up to five to a free Christmas Sunday Roast.
Sam hopes his petition will shine a spotlight on issues people face with dual diagnosis with a view to alleviate the barriers to integrated treatment and improve service provision.
Simon said: “We understand this is an especially difficult time for families and we wanted to give something back to the local community.
“The role of and need for specialist domestic abuse services, run by and for LGBTQ+ people, must be recognised and it is vital that the development and sustainability of such services are supported.
Sam Thomas launches #SeeTheBiggerPicture petition
Lee was moved and inspired by his friend Claire Fuller’s Facebook post, which read: “Before you start bragging that you’ve done your Xmas shopping, please remember some parents have lost their jobs and don’t know how they’re going to feed their kids, never mind buy presents. Some parents are on 80% pay and only just managing to pay bills…” Lee owns Marine Tavern on Broad Street, Simon owns The Regency Tavern on Russell Square, and the pair co-own Le Village just off St James’s Street.
Since his passing, his husband, Flynn AllsupBurge, AKA drag queen Linda Bacardi, has been inundated with messages of love and support from our community.
every day. We know that LGBTQ+ people experience significant levels of domestic abuse, but face distinct systemic and personal barriers in accessing help and support. This is why specialist services are so important in breaking down some of those barriers, and enabling victims and survivors to come forward and access the help that they need and deserve.
“They say when you have both a mental health and substance use problem it’s a case of the ‘chicken and egg.’ In reality the trauma leads to the drinking and the drinking compounds the trauma. For many like me having a dual diagnosis is a catch 22 – even more so when you risk serious and potentially deadly withdrawal symptoms.” To sign the petition, visit: https:// tinyurl.com/yyegxr7n