9,571 Girl Members
1,866 Daisies (Grades K-1)
2,496 Brownies (Grades 2-3)
2,265 Juniors (Grades 4-5)
1,770 Cadettes (Grades 6-8)
613 Seniors (Grades 9-10)
561 Ambassadors (Grades 11-12)
9,571 Girl Members
1,866 Daisies (Grades K-1)
2,496 Brownies (Grades 2-3)
2,265 Juniors (Grades 4-5)
1,770 Cadettes (Grades 6-8)
613 Seniors (Grades 9-10)
561 Ambassadors (Grades 11-12)
The statistics in this report pertain to our membership year from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020.
4,976 Adult Members
692 volunteer trainings
1,837 troop leaders (330 serving multiple troops)
110,000 volunteer hours from troop leaders
$2,414,000 value of volunteer time to our girls, our communities and our future (based on the NC nonprofit value of each volunteer hour at $27.20)
913 active troops
39 service units
53 girls earned the Girl Scout Gold Award
115 girls earned the Girl Scout Silver Award
100 girls earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award
1 National Gold Award Girl Scout
Kennedy Jeffers of Greensboro was named a 2020 National Gold Award Girl Scout. This honor is given to 10 Girl Scouts across the United States every year. Jeffers’ project focused on creating a club at her high school to support students in earning service-learning hours. The club tackled problems such as healthcare access and education, food insecurity, menstrual equality and distracted driving.
“Being a Gold Award Girl Scout really can change your life. I received more than $300,000 in scholarships and was accepted by many of my top-choice colleges, and I’m sure that having the Gold Award on my resume and application was a big part of it! I’m currently at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as a pre-nursing major. The fact that Girl Scouts really emphasizes improving the world around you and that service has been a big part of my Girl Scout experience inspired me to go into nursing. I hope to become a nurse practitioner and a leader in the nursing eld where I can serve my community and change lives.”
—Kennedy Jeffers1,650 girls experienced our camps through weekend troop rentals
145 girls attended weekend camp programs
521 girls participated in virtual summer camp programs
$30,899 raised in camp admission fees
95 Kamp Kits sent
$3,843 raised in Kamp Kit sales
Camp Ginger Cascades
⬥ Dining Hall renovated
⬥ Cooperation Course updated
⬥ New HVAC system in private residence installed
Camp Pisgah
⬥ Roof repaired at Westfeldt, Nature Center, Apache and Office
⬥ Front entry lot resealed and repainted
⬥ Climbing wall refinished
⬥ Dining Hall, Misty Mountain and Tree Houses painted
Keyauwee Program Center
⬥ New bed bug equipment installed
⬥ New Gator purchased
⬥ New tents installed
⬥ Front entry shelter and Comanche Cabins painted
⬥ 1,482 girls participated
⬥ 47,992 total products sold
⬥ 32 was the average number of products sold per girl
⬥ $61,454 paid to troops
⬥ 19 Cookies 101 sessions supported new leaders’ understanding of the Girl Scout Cookie Program
⬥ 7,226 girls participated
⬥ 2,043,434 total cookies sold
⬥ 282 was the average number of cookies sold per girl
⬥ $1,294,602 paid to troops
⬥ 51,182 cookies sold and delivered to military through Operation Sweet Treat - the highest ever for our council
⬥ 3,500 cookies were sold and delivered to essential workers through Cookies For Courage - a special campaign designed to help troops affected by COVID-19 restrictions. Over $12,475 was raised while reducing troop inventories. ⬥ $25,000 in scholarships were awarded to 22 girls, including the top three cookie sellers council-wide for the year
Thank you for helping us make the Cookies For Courage campaign a success! Together we were able to thank healthcare, law enforcement, retail and other essential workers for supporting our communities during COVID-19.
Virtual summer camp programs offered activities like learn how to paddle a canoe or create an editable watermelon turtle. Kamp Kits delivered off-screen activity boxes with materials and instructions for activities like fun shaped bubbles. Meanwhile, camp properties received several updates.COVID-19 encouraged our council to creatively approach 8 months with primarily virtual programming and services, including:
Free Virtual Community Resources
⬥ Over 180 free virtual activity videos added to our YouTube channel
⬥ Over 10 free virtual campfire sing-a-longs hosted on Facebook Live
⬥ Over 15 free virtual mental health sessions for adults and children hosted on Facebook Live with our community partner, The Kellin Foundation
Virtual Badge & Journey Workshops
⬥ How many workshops offered?
⬥ $36,425 raised in workshop admission fees
⬥ Over 4,209 girls participated in badge and journey workshops
Other Virtual Meetings & Opportunities
⬥ Virtual Volunteer Conference had record-breaking attendance
⬥ Virtual Town Hall Meeting
⬥ Virtual shop ordering for curbside pickup
⬥ Mention how many starter troop meetings or other virtual recruitment efforts?
⬥ Mention virtual Girl Scouts Love State Parks event here or under outdoor experiences??
$587,857 in total donations received
1070 donors
$265 was the average gift
Supported by the following United Ways and other combined campaigns:
⬥ North Carolina State Employee Combined Campaign
⬥ United Fund of Surry County
⬥ United Way of Forsyth County
⬥ United Way of Gaston County
⬥ United Way of Greater Greensboro
⬥ United Way of Greater High Point
⬥ United Way of Iredell County
⬥ United Way of Randolph County
For the full Resource Development Report, visit www.girlscoutsp2p.org/en/about-girl-scouts/our-council /leadership.html.
Simeon Cross, Board Chair Asheville, NC
Freda Mayse, Vice Chair Shelby, NC
Tammy Virnig, Secretary Tobaccoville, NC
Richard Buffkin, Treasurer Pfafftown, NC
Anne Baker, Region 8 Elon, NC
Karen Bartlett, Region 1 Bryson City, NC
Frances Beasley, Region 11 Lexington, NC
Estelle Bowden, Region 10 Greensboro, NC
Leigh Blount, at-large Clemmons, NC
Carolyn Brickey, Region 7 East Bend, NC
Michele Burleson, Region 3 Marion, NC
Denise Harris, Region 5 Statesville, NC
Sandra Hoffer, at-large Murphy, NC
Trish Johnson, at-large Hickory, NC
Amy Jones, at-large Winston-Salem, NC
Kathryn McMahon, Region 4 Rutherfordton, NC
Jackie Palmer, at-large Hickory, NC
Yolanda Robertson, Region 6 Boone, NC
Lorrie Ross, at-large Hayesville, NC
Monecia Thomas, at-large East Bend, NC
Lamaya Williams, Region 9 Winston-Salem, NC
Melissa Wilson, at-large Asheville, NC
The data below has been summarized from the annual audit reports for the years ending September 30, 2016 through September 30, 2020. All of the audits were conducted by Bernard Robinson and Company.