2025 Cookie Connection

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Dear Girl Scout Families,

P2P C kie Connection

2025 Cookie Program Parent Newsletter

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for allowing your Girl Scout to participate in our annual Girl Scout Cookie Program – the largest girl-led business in the world! We are grateful for the support and assistance you will provide your Girl Scout and her troop leadership team throughout the cookie program.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a hands-on leadership and entrepreneurial initiative designed to generate funds for troop activities while offering invaluable opportunities for personal growth and development. By participating, girls not only earn rewards but also contribute to Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont’s mission to provide leadership experiences for all girls.

Beyond raising funds, the program is intended to help girls develop a strong sense of self, a positive outlook, ethical values and a commitment to making the world a better place. Our goal is for each girl to learn five essential skills: goal setting, decision making, business ethics, money management and people skills.

Please note the following updates for our 2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program, along with reflections on the 2024 program. Detailed information is available on the following pages and on our council’s website at www.girlscoutsp2p.org under Members, Fall Product and Cookie Program.

Price Adjustment: Due to the rising costs of commodities and the annual increase in cost per package charged by our baker since our last retail price change, coupled with the rising cost of reward items and other program-related costs, our council’s Board of Directors has made the decision to raise the retail price of each package to $6 for the 2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Increased Troop Proceeds: To account for the increase in the retail price for each package and the additional costs to run a troop, troop proceeds per package will increase to $.85 per package for troops electing the base proceeds plan (all rewards can be earned by all girls) and $.90 for troops opting out of most girl rewards for higher proceeds. Troops that participated in our 2024 Fall Product Program and sold at least 100 items will receive an additional $.05 per package during the 2025 Cookie Program.

New Packaging: New film packaging is being introduced for the Adventurefuls cookies.

Amazon Reward: Troops that achieve our per-girl selling goal of 353 packages will receive a $50 Amazon reward for the Troop Cookie Manager to purchase supplies for the troop.

System Improvements: We extend our thanks to those who participated in the cookie program last year and navigated the new Digital Cookie platform with patience. Despite challenges with data flow between Digital Cookie and Smart Cookies, improvements are being made to stabilize both systems to ensure accurate reporting.

Cookies for a Cause: We will continue to support our first responders, the US military and local food banks through our Cookies for a Cause service project.

In closing, we sincerely thank you once again for your continued support and for enabling your Girl Scout to participate in this program. Your commitment to Girl Scouting is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

2025 Girl Scout Cookie Lineup


There are 12 packages per case. Girl Scout Cookies are date-stamped for freshness. See order card for nutritional information or visit www.abcbakers.com.

2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program Dates


Any date changes to the program will be communicated through your Troop Cookie Manager or through e-mails directly to our Girl Scout members.


Registration e-mails launched for Digital Cookie, our online selling platform. Girls can begin getting their online sale ready by creating their account, entering customer information and setting goals.


Cookie program begins. Girls can begin taking orders both online and on the paper order cards.


Rich caramel, semi-sweet chocolate

and a hint of sea salt in a chewy, gluten-free

*Limited availability

Pick up your initial supply of cookies. Ask your Troop Cookie Manager for date, time and location.


Walk-About Week


Cookie booth sales begin.


Cookie program ends. Last day for online sales through Smart Cookies. Remaining money for all cookies received is due to your troop.


Girls Empowering Opportunity (G.E.O.) event at Wet ’n Wild Emerald Pointe

Peanut Butter Sandwich® Crisp and crunchy oatmeal cookies
Caramel deLites® Vanilla cookies topped with caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut and
Savory slices of shortbread with a refreshingly tangy lemon dipped in delicious icing and full of flavor in every bite.
Crispy chocolate wafers dipped in
Crispy vanilla cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating.
Iconic shortbread cookies inspired by the original Girl Scout recipe.
brownie-inspired cookies with a caramel flavored crème and a hint of sea salt.

Follow the Rules!

If girls and/or troops are not selling in accordance with established rules and guidelines, girls and/or troops can be penalized by having one or more of the following consequences applied*:

• Removal of the highest reward level earned

• No future booth or direct sales

• Reduction in troop proceeds

• Reduction in packages sold for girl and/or troop

• Forfeiture of girl and/or troop proceeds/rewards

Examples of rule violations include:

• Taking orders or selling before December 17, 2024

• Selling cookies for the incorrect price

• Selling cookies outside of authorized areas

• Selling cookies beyond their “Use Before” date

• Conducting a troop-secured booth without permission of the property owner or business manager

• Conducting a council or service unit-secured booth without the booth being secured in Smart Cookies

• Girls delivering or selling cookies alone

• Booth sales with the incorrect girl/adult ratio

• Inappropriate behavior at a cookie booth

• Failure to pay for cookies and submit funds as stated by GSCP2P and/or your Troop Cookie Manager

*Decisions on consequences to apply are decided by GSCP2P’s Product Program Director or GSCP2P’S leadership team. The severity of the consequence imposed will be based on the rules and regulations broken, impact to others, safety and if one or multiple rules were broken.

Ways to Participate

What is great about the annual Girl Scout Cookie Program is that, as a family, you can customize your Girl Scout’s experience. You can participate with the troop in all the ways below or pick what is right for you and your Girl Scout.


Girls have cookies in hand and ask customers to make a purchase. This is the preferred method of selling since customers tend to impulse buy. This also saves time by alleviating multiple trips to and from a customer’s home. Direct sales can include door-to-door walkabouts and workplace sales.


Girls can use their order cards to visit friends, family and local neighborhoods, with adult supervision and approval, and take preorders for cookies. Girls should not collect money for any order prior to delivery (unless they order online through Digital Cookie). Girls then give their completed order cards to their Troop Cookie Manager by their designated deadline.


With Digital Cookie, customers can have cookies shipped directly to them, place an order for girl delivery or place an order for our donation program, Cookies for a Cause. When customers place their order online, all cookies must be paid for (online) when the order is placed.


Cookie booths are an activity where girls set up a booth in hightraffic areas such as grocery stores, malls or sporting events to market their cookies to customers. This is also a direct sales method.

Cookie Program Responsibility

Parents/guardians are financially responsible for all the cookies signed out from their Girl Scout’s troop. Some troops allow cookies to be returned or exchanged, while others do not. Check with your troop volunteer to find your troop’s return and exchange policy before accepting cookies. If your troop does allow cookies to be returned or exchanged, you must adhere to the troop return and exchange deadlines or you will be responsible for full payment.


Cookies and money change hands frequently throughout the cookie program. Any time cookies or money changes hands, a receipt should always be issued. If you do not receive one from your Troop Cookie Manager, ask for one.


G.E.O. event registration and product program information is sent through GSCP2P’s cloud-based e-mail system. Unsubscribing to council e-mails (such as Today’s Tips or other recurring e-mails) will block Digital Cookie registration and rewards information from your inbox. If you’ve unsubscribed to council e-mails or think you may have unsubscribed, send an e-mail to info@girlscoutsp2p.org and ask to resubscribe.

What Girls Learn


Girls set cookie sales goals and, with their troop, create a plan to reach them. This matters because girls need to know how to set and reach goals to succeed in school, on the job and in life.


Girls decide where and when to sell cookies, how to market their sale and what to do with their earnings. This matters because girls must make many decisions, big and small, in their lives. Learning this skill helps them to make good ones.


Girls develop a budget, take cookie orders and handle customers’ money. This matters because girls need to know how to handle money - from their lunch money to their allowance to their future paycheck.


Girls learn how to talk (and listen) to their customers, as well as how to work as a team with other girls. This matters because it helps them to do better with group projects, sports teams, on the playground and later at work.


Girls act honestly and responsibly during every step of the cookie program. This matters because employers want to hire ethical employees – and the world needs ethical leaders.

Safety Tips


Show you’re a Girl Scout.

Wear the Girl Scout membership pin, vest, sash or other Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.

Buddy up.

Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s fun.

Partner with adults.

Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when they’re taking orders, selling cookies or delivering cookies. Girls in grades 6–12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-to-door and must never sell alone. Adults must be present at all times during cookie booth sales.

Do not enter any homes or vehicles. Never enter someone’s home or vehicle when you’re selling or making deliveries. Avoid going into alleys or selling to people in vehicles, except at designated drive-thru cookie booths.

Sell in the daytime.

Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult.

Protect privacy.

Let your customers know how to contact you for repeat purchases!

Ask your troop volunteer for a packet of Post-it notes to let customers know they missed the opportunity to purchase cookies from you or complete your information on one of the cookie box labels and stick it to a package of cookies.

Girls’ names and home addresses should never be given to customers. If necessary, provide contact information for the girl’s parent/guardian. Protect customers’ privacy by not sharing their information except when necessary.

Be safe on the road.

Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading products and passengers from vehicles.

Be safe online.

Girls must have their parent/guardians’ permission to participate in all online activities and must read and agree to the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before conducting any online activities. Additionally, to participate online using Digital Cookie, girls must read and abide by the Girl Scout Digital Cookie Pledge, and parents/guardians must read and abide by the Digital Cookie Terms and Conditions for Parents/ Guardians.

Digital Cookie

Take the Girl Scout Cookie Program to the next level with this powerful and versatile online tool! When girls use Digital Cookie to supercharge their cookie business, they’ll be able to take Girl Scout Cookie orders, track purchases and deliveries and forge a more direct digital connection with their most valuable customers.

Digital Cookie provides a fun and universal experience for all Girl Scouts. Packed with fun, easy-to-use tools, Digital Cookie delivers more ways to participate, more ways to sell, more ways to buy and more ways to learn! And, in addition, studies show girls who use Digital Cookie in combination with traditional sales often sell more cookies and reach their goals faster.

Bonus: On girls’ personalized cookie sites they can set goals, upload a pitch video, track their progress and more—all while earning cool cookie business badges and pins along the way.

Launch Date: On December 9, Digital Cookie registration e-mails will be sent to all Girl Scouts registered for the 2024-2025 membership year, granting them access to the platform. Access is obtained exclusively through each girl’s hyperlink included in the registration e-mail, which will be sent to the primary caregiver. To receive this e-mail, the Girl Scout’s caregiver e-mail must be valid in the girl’s MyGS account.

Cookies for a Cause: Our council-wide service project, Cookies for a Cause (where cookies sold for this project are donated to our U.S. military, local food banks and first responders) is noted in Digital Cookie as “donated” cookies. Other references to the Cookies for a Cause service project are Cookie Share and CShare.

HERE ARE A FEW NOTES ABOUT DIGITAL COOKIE: Online Payments: All orders placed online are paid for online. Credit card, Venmo and PayPal payments can also be accepted as a form of payment through Digital Cookies.

Minimum Purchase Requirement: A minimum purchase of four packages is required for direct ship orders (where cookies are shipped directly to the customer).

Girl-Delivery Orders Require Parent Approval: Orders where the Girl Scout delivers cookies from the troop’s inventory must be approved by the Girl Scout’s caregiver. Approval can be given through an approval e-mail or via the girl’s dashboard.

Girl-Delivery Donated/Cookie Share/Cookies for a Cause Orders: When orders are placed online as a donation for girl-delivery, only the credit card payment financial (not the actual number of packages sold) is credited to the girl’s account in Digital Cookie. Because only the credit card payment is credited to her account, the sale should be reported to her Troop Cookie Manager so he/she can record the number of packages sold in Smart Cookies (the platform used by the Troop Cookie Manager to record the sale activities of each girl). After the Troop Cookie Manager records the number of online girldelivery donated cookies sold in Smart Cookies, credits for the packages will filter to Digital Cookie, which will then offset the credit card payment in her Digital Cookie account. “Donated” cookies are not financial donations to the girl to her troop, they are cookies sold to be donated to our Cookies for a Cause service project.

Reward Selections: Girls can make reward selections in Digital Cookie; however, the Troop Cookie Manager must manually record these selections in Smart Cookies for the rewards to be ordered. At the end of the cookie program, please check with your Troop Cookie Manager to ensure he/she has retrieved your reward selections from Digital Cookie. Note that Cookies for a Cause/Cookie Share rewards earned will not be reflected (even if earned) in Digital Cookie.

$10 off shipping

On February 22, we are offering a special shipping promotion. Customers who purchase 10 packages will receive $10 off shipping charges. This promotion is valid for one day only.

Cookies for a Cause Service Project

As part of our Girl Scout Cookie Program, Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont is proud to announce the third year of our council-wide service project and gift of caring program, Cookies for a Cause. This initiative allows cookies sold as donations to be distributed to U.S. military personnel (both active and retired, through NC Support our Troops), local food banks and first responders.


Last year, our supporters generously purchased 23,451 packages of cookies for Cookies for a Cause. Based on the popularity of the first responders group and valuable feedback from participating troops, we will continue to support EMS workers, law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency room staff and others again in 2025.


At the end of the cookie program, the top-selling Cookies for a Cause troop in each service unit will receive 20 cases of cookies to distribute to first responders in their area. Any remaining cookies beyond the 20 cases per troop will be shipped to NC Support our Troops in Ayden, NC for distribution to our U.S. military, with a portion reserved to donate to our local food banks.


Supporting Cookies for a Cause is simple! When making their sales pitch, girls can ask potential customers if they would like to purchase an extra package of cookies to support the initiative. This option is perfect for customers who may not want cookies for themselves or who have limited needs. Through Cookies for a Cause, customers can show their appreciation to community members and U.S. military personnel by donating packages of cookies. Each Girl Scout should be prepared to explain the service project, and additional information is available on our council website.


Remember to report all Cookies for a Cause sales to your Troop Cookie Manager so they can be accurately recorded. Near the end of the program, check your Digital Cookie account to be sure all sales (both online and in-person) are recorded and credited to your account.

Think “Out of the Ordinary!” for Success Challenge

We are challenging girls to think “out of the ordinary” for the 2025 Girl Scout Cookie season. Instead of doing the same old, same old, we want girls to think about what they can do that is “different” than previous years to increase their sales this cookie season. Then, we want girls to capture those “out of the ordinary” ideas and events that have led/will lead to success and share them with us. Girls new to the cookie program are also welcome to participate. Here is what we are looking for:

Here are the categories:

• Send us a photo of you in your most unique sales location.

• Send us a photo of your most decorative booth or booth display.

• Send us a video recording of your best sales pitch.

• Send us a photo or recording of another “out-of-the-ordinary” success.

All girls who submit an entry will be entered in a drawing to receive a 50-package credit of cookies to the Cookies for a Cause service project. If multiple girls are in photo/recording of the drawn entry, each Girl Scout in the photo will receive a 10-package credit of cookies to the Cookies for a Cause service project (maximum of six girls per photo/credit).

All entries need to be submitted by midnight on February 17 at bit.ly/2025outoftheordinary. See “Out of the Ordinary!” for Success Challenge information sheet at www.girlscoutsp2p.org for more details.

The Shoe that Grows


Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont is excited to partner with Because International to introduce a new philanthropic reward option to our 2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program at the 425-package sales level. The Shoe that Grows is designed for children affected by poverty, with over 400,000 pairs already distributed to kids and families worldwide. Made from high-quality materials, this footwear is durable, easy to clean and uniquely designed to grow with the child, adjustable up to five sizes.

At the end of the cookie program, we will inform Because International of the number of girls who selected this reward, enabling them to manufacture and donate the shoes to those in need. Girls who choose this reward will not only be contributing to providing footwear to children in need but will also receive a special patch in recognition of their generosity.

Join us in making a difference with this new reward option that allows Girl Scouts to make a meaningful impact in the lives of children around the world, emphasizing the spirit of philanthropy and community service that is central to our mission.

For more information on The Shoe that Grows, visit becauseinternational.org

Cookie Tycoon Program

Reach More Customers During Walk-About Week

Reach out to more of your neighbors during WalkAbout Week and help your Girl Scout increase her sales. Each year, we hear community members saying, “If a girl had just knocked on my door, I would have bought cookies!” Girls are encouraged to take a parent or a responsible adult on a walk around the neighborhood from January 11-19 to share some quality time while working on their goals and marketing skills. In addition to walking about their neighborhood, girls can also hold an “open house” and invite friends and family to their home or private function. Girls should wear their uniform or be identifiable as a Girl Scout.

Girls can earn the Walk-About patch by selling 30 packages during Walk-About week.

We encourage girls to have more fun and decorate a wagon or anything that can carry cookies when participating in the walk-about. Then, take a picture of you (in uniform or identifiable as a Girl Scout) with your wagon and submit it by January 27 at bit.ly/2025walkabout.

All photos received will be placed in a drawing and two entries will be drawn to win a Walmart gift card to be used for an ice cream party for the troop. Photos will be used to promote the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Only one photo should be submitted per girl.

Girl Scouts can take their cookie business to a whole new level – by empowering a business partner at their favorite local business to sell at their storefront (provided the below programming requirements are met and activities recorded in Google Classroom). If a Girl Scout has a personal contact with a local sole proprietorship business, she may set up two remotely-managed, unattended booths at those places of business, provided the booths are not a large business or business that would normally hold a troop attended cookie booth.

Booth locations must be preapproved prior to being set up and activities must be completed in Google Classroom – see more details in the flyer named Cookie Tycoon Program at www.girlscoutsp2p.org.


Create your own business cards. Leave the cards you create at your display for easy access. Be creative! Explore options with colors and pictures.


Tell us about your troop’s plans for the proceeds they will earn through participation in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Service projects, camping, travel... the options are endless!


Create your own Cookie Tycoon display at your business location.


After completion of activities, if all requirements are met, girls will earn the 2025 patch.

Get to know your business partner. Ask them about their business. For example, what products or services do they sell or provide? What is their busiest day of the week? Ask your business partner why they decided to support you as a Cookie Tycoon. Tell us about this conversation.

Cookie Dough and Daisy Dollars

Cookie Dough is a credit/coupon earned by girls for selling cookies. The credit can be used to pay for council programs, summer camp fees, GSUSA-sponsored Destinations event fees, GSUSA-sponsored Getaways, council-sponsored pathway trips, purchases at council shops and camp trading posts and camp reservation fees. Daisy Dollars are a credit earned by Individually Registered Girls who participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

To learn more about redeeming Cookie Dough and Daisy Dollar credit, or if you would like information on Girl Scout travel, visit www.girlscoutsp2p.org.

Cookie Dough & Troop Trips

Girls who earn a minimum of $100 Cookie Dough can redeem it for troop-level Girl Scout programmatic and mission-related items and services, such as a Girl Scout camping trip, Girl Scout activities and Girl Scout events, to cover fees/ expenses for the girl who earned it (not other members of the troop, family members or friends).

Cookie Dough & the G.E.O. Event Girls who sell at least 500 or more packages of cookies can redeem Cookie Dough for additional admission tickets (when purchased through GSCP2P) to the annual G.E.O. event at Emerald Pointe on June 7, 2025.

Troop Proceeds and Girl Rewards

All Girl Scout troops earn proceeds for participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Proceed amounts can vary depending on whether or not the girls in a troop elect to receive all offered individual girl rewards or if the troop prefers higher proceeds in lieu of most girl rewards (and has a minimum 115 package per girl average selling).

Sisters Working Together

Is there more than one Girl Scout in your household participating in the cookie program? If the answer is yes, we understand that sometimes it may be a challenge for sisters who live in the same household to reach the higher reward sales levels.

To recognize the efforts of sisters collectively, we are excited to continue the Sisters Working Together patch reward for the 2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Here are the requirements:

• Two or more Girl Scouts in the same family must be participating in the cookie program.

• Girl Scouts must live in the same household, but they do not have to be in the same troop.

• Troop Cookie Manager must complete the Sisters Working Together Reward Form (located on our council website) by Monday, March 10, 2025. This special patch reward will not be automatically applied!

• Two Girl Scouts in the family must sell at least a total of 300 packages of cookies and each girl must sell a minimum of 115 packages.

• The number of packages sold must be recorded in Smart Cookies (and credited to her Digital Cookie account by the Troop Cookie Manager).

For all other rewards, Girl Scouts will only receive the rewards earned based on the actual individual packages sold as listed in Smart Cookies.

ALL girls (regardless of troop proceeds plan selected) who sell at least 25 packages receive a participation patch. Other rewards that can be earned by all girls (regardless of the troop proceeds plan selected) are the achievement bars, all patches and pins, Cookies for a Cause rewards or one of the rewards at the 425 package sales level, Girl Scout membership dues, G.E.O. event invitation and pin and top seller awards. All girls are also eligible to win a top seller scholarship.

All troops earn at least $.85 per package. Troops that have a per girl average (PGA) selling of at least 115 packages can opt out of receiving most individual girl rewards and receive an extra $.05 per package sold. All troops that participate in the Fall Product Program and sell at least 100 items in the fall prior to the start of the Cookie Program receive an additional $.05 per package.

Most rewards are cumulative, which means girls will earn the reward for the highest level achieved and each reward at the lower levels of achievement, with the exception of the achievement bar, which is earned for the highest level of sales. Girls whose troop chooses higher proceeds forfeit most girl rewards other than those specifically listed in the second paragraph above for ALL girls and noted on the rewards flyer.

Rewards are non-transferrable. In the event a merchandise or experience reward item is discontinued or cannot be obtained, Cookie Dough at that sales level will be awarded. If Cookie Dough is not offered, an alternate reward of equal value will be substituted.

Rewards For All Girls

Rewards on this page can be earned by all Girl Scouts regardless of what proceeds plan is chosen by their troop. Girls in troops that elect the base troop proceeds plan are eligible to earn the rewards on pages 9 and 10.

Rewards are cumulative so girls can earn all the rewards to the highest level achieved. Rewards are not replaceable and are non-transferrable. Tickets/gift card is required for entry to all attractions/experiences and will be distributed to you through your Troop Cookie Manager. All tickets have an expiration date and cannot be replaced!

Support our council-wide service project! Learn more about Cookies for a Cause on page 6 and online at www.girlscoutsp2p.org.

16 Packages CFC

Cookies for a Cause Patch

25 Packages

Participation Patch

353 Packages Goal Getter Pin

625 Packages Girl Scout Membership Dues

35 Packages CFC

Cookies for a Cause

Mini Backpack (11”X9”X4.5”)

60 Packages CFC

Cookies for a Cause Panda Hoodie Sweater

50 Packages

Achievement Bar

Comes in 50, then 100 package increments. One bar is earned for the sales level achieved.

425 Packages

Choose one of the following: Shoe That Grows Philanthropic Donation and Patch

OR Two General Admission Tickets to a Hickory Crawdads Home Baseball Game

Girls will automatically be renewed for the 2025-2026 membership year and be eligible for Spring Renewal rewards.

OR $20 AMF Bowling Gift Card OR Themed Crossbody Bag

30 Packages Sold During Walk-About Week January 11-19 Walk-About Patch



Personalized Avatar Patch

Girls who sent 20 e-mails through the M2 System during the Fall Product Program, sold one candy/nut or magazine item and sell 300 packages of cookies receive a customized patch*.

* Patches earned will be sent directly to the earning girl from the factory so be sure to make any updates to your avatar and address changes in the M2 System prior to the end of the cookie program.

500 Packages

Collectible G.E.O. pin and admission ticket for girl, plus adult chaperone, to the G.E.O. event at Wet ‘n Wild, Emerald Pointe on June 7, 2025.

Daisy, Brownie, Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts will be entered in drawings for awesome bonus rewards and experiences. Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts will be entered in a scholarship drawing. Girls attending the G.E.O event (in person) will receive a special event-day patch keyring.

Council-Wide Top Sellers*

Girls who sell at least 2,000 packages will be recognized at our G.E.O. event. In addition, our top 10 council sellers will be presented with a medallion.

Sell 3,000 Packages To Be A Stellar Seller!

*Our top sellers will not be announced until our G.E.O. event at Wet ’n Wild, Emerald Pointe on June 7, 2025.

All girls who sell at least 3,000 packages of cookies will be invited to attend a weekend experience in Charlotte, NC July 18-20, 2025* or receive $400 off a 2025 GSCP2P summer camp session (credit applied to camp fees only).

* More details on the weekend experience will be shared in January 2025. Due to travel progression recommendations and Safety Activity Checkpoint required ratios, Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies can earn up to $400 off a summer camp session only. This is a girl reward/experience, and council staff or other approved adult volunteers will chaperone the trip. More information will be posted on our council website prior to the end of the cookie program. Girl Scout Juniors and older must e-mail info@girlscoutsp2p.org no later than March 15, 2025 if they prefer the camp discount in lieu of the trip.

If a reward or experience is unavailable at the end of the cookie program, a similar reward or Cookie Dough (in the amount at the reward sales level) will be issued as a substitute at the council’s discretion.

Base Troop Proceeds Plan

Rewards on this page are awarded only to girls whose troop elects the base troop proceeds plan of $0.85 per package. Girls in troop that elect the base troop proceeds plan are eligible to earn the rewards on pages 9 and 10. Rewards are cumulative so girls can earn all the rewards to the highest level achieved. Rewards are not replaceable and are non-transferrable. Tickets/gift card is required for entry to all attractions/experiences and will be distributed to you through your Troop Cookie Manager. All tickets have an expiration date and cannot be replaced! If a reward or experience becomes unavailable, a reward/experience of equal value will be substituted.

115 Packages

Coin Purse (3.5”X5”) OR $5 Cookie Dough

340 Packages

Panda Pom Pom Beanie Hat OR $10 Cookie Dough

1,300 Packages

$50 gift card to Bare Dark Sky Observatory (Burnsville, NC - Use your gift card to purchase tickets online. Scheduling is weather dependent and based on the moon cycle and sunset times.)

OR Two general admission tickets to the NC Zoo (Asheboro, NC) OR Themed Throw Pillow OR $50 Cookie Dough

170 Packages

Themed Journal OR $5 Cookie Dough

225 Packages

Panda Plush OR $9 Cookie Dough

260 Packages

T-shirt OR $9 Cookie Dough

2,300 Packages

$15 Cookie Dough

2,600 Packages

Stand up Paddle Board OR Artist Paint Set with Easel OR $100 Cookie Dough

660 Packages

Two admission tickets to the NC Transportation Museum (Spencer, NC) OR $25 AMC Theatres Gift Card OR Themed Hoodie OR $25 Cookie Dough

1,600 Packages

Two admission tickets for the Safari Tour at Darby Acres Farm (Charlotte, NCTickets are for one girl and adult chaperone to enjoy a guided tour with a bucket of food to feed animals.)

850 Packages

Two admission tickets to Zootastic Park (Troutman, NC) OR Two tickets for tubing on the New River at Zaloo’s Canoes (Jefferson, NC) OR Themed Blanket OR $40 Cookie Dough

2,000 Packages

OR Custom Lids hat (Create your own design up to $50) OR Snowcone Maker OR $50 Cookie Dough

Two one-hour trail rides at Tanglewood Stables (Clemmons, NC) OR $100 gift card to Navitat (Asheville, NC) OR North Face Backpack OR $100 Cookie Dough

1,050 Packages

Two admission tickets to Tiger World (Rockwell, NC) OR $40 gift card to use towards a DIY workshop at Plant House (Asheville, NC) OR Long Sleeve T-shirt OR $40 Cookie Dough

3,200 Packages or More

Cookie Dough is earned in $10 increments for every 200 packages sold beyond 3,000 packages.

Earn Scholarships for Higher Education $15,500 in scholarships will be awarded as part of our Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Learn more online at www.girlscoutsp2p.org.

Cookie Program FAQs

Do all councils charge the same price for cookies? No. Each individual Girl Scout council sets the selling price for cookies.

Can we accept checks from customers? Depends. The troop leadership decides whether or not the troop will accept personal checks. Cash or debit/credit card is always the preferred method of payment.

Who can sell Girl Scout Cookies?

Registered Girl Scouts who have turned in a signed Permission Form and do not have any outstanding debt to the council may sell Girl Scout Cookies. Participation in the program is optional.

Win Fantastic Bonus Rewards

Girl Scout program-related merchandise and experience bonus reward drawings will be held for Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes who sell 500 or more packages. These drawings will take place at the June 7, 2025 G.E.O. event at Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe.

You do not have to be present to win. Last year’s girls had the opportunity to win laptop computers, bicycles, kayaks, Kindles, a paddle board, experience tickets and other exciting rewards.

Where can girls sell cookies?

Girls can sell within our 40-county jurisdiction. There are no restrictions on where girls can sell door-to-door within our council. Booth location restrictions may apply – check with your Troop Cookie Manager.

Can cookies be returned?

Once a parent/guardian signs for cookies, they cannot return them and are responsible for paying for them. However, troops and parents need to work together to aid in getting any remaining cookies sold to help the troop meet its overall program goal.

When should customers pay for cookies?

Customers should pay when they receive the cookies, except when ordering online.

How the Cookie Crumbles

All of the proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program remain in our council area. Working together to provide the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to girls in our area, this revenue benefits our girls through their troops, their service units and our council.

Earn Scholarships for Higher Education

$15,500 in scholarships will be awarded as part of our Girl Scout Cookie Program. Each Girl Scout Senior and Ambassador who sells 500 or more packages will have her name entered in a drawing to win a scholarship. For every additional 500 packages sold, her name will be entered in the drawing again.

We will draw for five $2,000 Senior/Ambassador age-level scholarships at our G.E.O. event at Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe on June 7, 2025.

We will also award three scholarships to the:

TOP SELLER $2,500 scholarship

2nd HIGHEST SELLER $2,000 scholarship

3rd HIGHEST SELLER $1,000 scholarship

*Funds for recruitment and training for adult volunteers, financial assistance to make Girl Scouting available to all girls, improvements and maintenance at GSCP2P camps and facilities, keeping event/camp fees affordable, supply essential services to troops and helping provide Girl Scout programs in STEM, the outdoors, life skills, entrepreneurship and leadership.

Girls receiving a GSCP2P scholarship must be registered as a Girl Scout and be active and engaged in Girl Scouting each year from the time they earn/win the scholarship through completion of 12th grade (or age 18 for girls enrolled in an early college program).

If a girl or her troop has a balance due to the council beyond May 1, they will not be allowed entry into our scholarship drawings, be eligible for a top three seller scholarship or be recognized as a top seller.

The top three sellers are eligible for only one entry in the program-level drawing (Senior/Ambassador age level entries only). Girls whose grades are not accurately reflected in their MyGS account when scholarship entry forms are printed will be disqualified from receiving scholarships. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure the Girl Scout grade is accurately reflected in her MyGS account.

In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, the girls will split the scholarship funds. For example – if two girls tie for 2nd highest seller, each girl will receive a $1,500 scholarship and the 3rd highest scholarship will not be awarded. If two girls tie for 3rd highest seller, each girl will receive a $500 scholarship.

Girls who earned/won scholarships through participation in the Girl Scout Cookie Program prior to October 1, 2022 are not required to continue their relationship with Girl Scouting for scholarship redemption.

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