GSD2020_Representation + Landscape_ Aftereffects Tutorial Two

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Representation + Landscape

Landscape Architecure Program Graduate School of Design Harvard University

Fa l l 2 0 2 0

Adobe After Effects Tu t o r i a l 0 2


Representation + Landscape

A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2


keyf rami ng

page 0 6

text , t ype, mas ks

page 0 8

draw i n g & ani mat i n g a line

page 1 0

t rac ki ng - 2d f l at i mage

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ren der i ng + compres sio n

page 1 4



Representation + Landscape

Liam Young Unknown Fields Division Madagscar Expedition Porraits

A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2

Afte r Ef fe c ts

Film References Liam Young_ Unknown Fields Division: ● ● ● ●

O n l i n e Tu t o r i a l s Adode After Effects User Guide is now available for all Harvard student, faculty, and staff – FREE of charge through the “LyndaCampus at Harvard” portal. To read more about or to sign up for your FREE account, please go to:



Representation + Landscape

Keyframe Paramaters


Activating Keyframe



A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2


key f ra mi n g Keyframes are markers in time that allow you to tell After Effects where you want to change the value for a layer or effect property such as position, opac-

Image Effects

ity, scale, rotation, amount, particle count, colour,

etc. By setting these ‘markers’ and changing the

many similar to Ps filters

values you create animation.

AE has many Effects you can play with, Select the footage you want to affect, then

choose from the Effects menu. This will bring up the ●

When you Unfold a layer: Anything that has

a Stop-Watch in After Effects means that it can be animated. ●

Every object/ layer imported into

AfterEffects has properties which can be animated. These are scale, opacity, rotation and position. These can be manipulated visually or numerically, by editing the values Keyframe > Select Layer(s) >click arrow next to layer name to reveal Transform >click arrow next to Transform to reveal Transform Options: Anchor Point, Position, Scale, Rotation, Opacity >move Timeline Indicator to first position for Keyframe >click Opacity stopwatch to make keyframe >Go to Toggle ‘Expand or Collapse Transfer Panes’ (this is the 2nd toggle in the bottom left corner of the Timeline) >move Time line Indicator to next position >change opacity, a new Keyframe is made >repeat Interpolation Interpolation is the process of filling in the unknown data between two known values. You set keyframes to specify a property’s values at certain key times. After Effects interpolates values for the property for all times between keyframes. Effects where we want an animation to begin and where we want it to end.

‘Effect Controls’ in the upper left (click the double arrow to get back to the project panel) •

You can also access these effects by

navigating through the layers panel to the effects and double-clicking •

Again, you can keyframe these effects in or

out Changing Footage Duration •

You can manually drag footage around in

the timeline, or move the cursor to a specific time and snap to it. •

You can trim or separate footage by going

to Edit/Split Layer (ctrl shift d) •

You can slow down or speed up footage by

choosing Layer/Time/Time Stretch. (Or right click on the footage in the timeline you want to effect, go to Time/Time Stretch.) Here you can change the stretch factor (percent change) or type in a specific new duration for a clip. •

When using Time Stretch, make sure to

consider Frame Blending o ­ none (you’ll be able to see the frames jump), Frame Mix (blends frame to frame), or Pixel Motion (analyzes pixels frame to frame). You can toggle between these options in the switches in your layers panel. •

You can also make a freeze frame by going

to Layer/Time/Freeze frame … just make sure to split out the footage you’d like to freeze first, so you don’t freeze your entire clip.


Representation + Landscape

text, typ e mask create text >go to text tool >define text box in composition (a new layer is automatically created) >type text Transform opacity to make text appear

type mask >click text tool >create text box and enter text >click rectangle tool >create rectangle over the text box, note that mask reveals the text >move timeline to when you want the text visible >unpack text layer >unpack Masks >unpack Mask 1 >add keyframe to Mask Path >move timeline to when you want text hidden >add keyframe, and distort mask box to hide text (a keyframe is automatically made)

A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2

Text Timeline Layer Rectangle Tool

Rectangle Mask


Text Parameters


Representation + Landscape

d raw i n g + a ni mat i n g a l i n e draw a line

importing illustrator files

>go to pen tool

>draw line (a new layer is automatically created)

the layers in your illustrator file, simply select

When importing an AI file, to retain

‘Composition’ when prompted on how to ‘Import File Change Line Type


>unpack contents

>unpack shape

automatically create a folder for it and store each

>unpack stroke

layer within the folder. The Imported ai files are

>unpack Dashes

rasterised rather than in vector format, this is due to

>edit dash values

the files being reference images. The line weights,

When importing AI Files, After Effects will

colours, and colours cannot be modified or altered in Transform Shape >unpack contents >unpack shape >Path, add keyframes, double click line grip to edit

animating a line •

If we want to make the line emerge select

animate and add trim path •

Open trim path layer in the timeline and

keyframe the start and end points •

Same actions as scale and opacity can be

employed here

After Effects but must be done in Illustrator.

A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2

Unpacked Line/Shape Layer Pen Tool

Select Add Button Trim Paths



Representation + Landscape

t ra c k i n g - 2 d f l at i mage tracking Tracking allows you to track the movement of an object

Make Null Layer

and then apply the tracking data for that movement to

A null object is an invisible layer that has all the

another object (such as another layer , text, or an effect

properties of a visible layer, so that it can be a parent to

control point) to create compositions in which images

any layer in the composition

and effects follow the motion.

>Layer >New

Feature Region defines the element in the layer to

>Null Object

be tracked.

>Edit Target

Search Region defines the area that After Effects

>Layer = Null 1

will search to locate the tracked feature. between


frames. Attach point designates the place of attachment for

Create Text Layer

the target.

>Layer >New >Text

>select layer with film

>type text

>Window >Tracker

Link Text to Null Object

>click Track Motion in the window that has appeared

> Drag spiral icon (‘Parent & Link’) from Text layer to

on the bottom right

‘Null 1.’

>Layer panel will open, showing a set of Tracking

> Uncheck eye on ‘Null 1’ to make box invisible.

Regions. >Resize the centre Feature Region to enclose the

>enable Enhance Before Match

object to be tracked, and set the outer Search Region

>enable Subpixel Positioning

to be a few pixels larger. Hold Control to move the

>enable Adapt Feature on Every Frame

region corners and sides independently of each

>Click on the popup underneath to Continue



>In the middle of the Feature Region you will see a +

> click Play to Analyse in the Tracker Window

symbol, this is the Attach Point: the spot that will be used to define the Position value of a second layer, in this case, our text. Move it to a desired location. >Click on Options to optimize the tracking process >Set Channel to RGB >enable Enhance Before Match >enable Subpixel Positioning >enable Adapt Feature on Every Frame >Click on the popup underneath to Continue Tracking > click Play to Analyse in the Tracker Window

A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2

Tracker Layer


Track Motion


Representation + Landscape

Re n d e r i n g + Compress i on Rendering Rendering refers to the process of publishing your work, which creates self-contained files viewable outside of After Effects. ● Add to render queue > Composition > Add to Render Queue ● Render Settings > Best Settings ● Output Module > Lossless > click on Lossless, the pop-up window ‘Output Movie Settings’ will appear. > Format: Quicktime (selct file format) > OK • Output to: > click on the file name, the pop-up ‘Output Movie To’ window will appear > select output location + name > save • Render Click the Render button in the upper-right corner of the Render Queue panel

A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2




Representation + Landscape

Compression After Effects can make very large files, use one of the following to compress your film: ● Handbrake ● Adobe Media Encoder

Handbrake This works largely the same in both Mac and Windows, the only difference being the template for Handbrake. To convert a single video, follow this process: ● download and install HandBrake > ● Launch Handbrake ● If necessary, click the Source button in the top left, to choose what you want to convert. ● Choose a File, if necessary, click the Source button in the top left, to choose what you want to convert. ● Click the appropriate preset in the sidebar to load it. ● Choose your Destination, click Browse next to the destination box to choose where you want to save the file. ● Convert, Click Start to begin conversion. This can take quite a long time depending on the length of the source video.

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Representation + Landscape

Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Encoder is a media processing application that allows you to encode(export) audio and video into a variety of formats from applications such as After Effects, Premiere etc. The interface is divided into four panels: ● media browser - allows you to browse a range of formats on your system ● queue - is the main function area of the program. it lists the encoding jobs ● preset browser – a list of possible output file types or create your own presets to use with premiere pro ● encoding - encoding panel monitors the progress of the current encoding job To process files: ● Go to media browser and select the file you want to encode ● Drag the source file to the queue window ● Select a preset in the preset browser window or set a custom version and then drag to the queue window ● Click on the output file if you want to change the name or location ● Press the green start queue button in the top right-hand corner and the media encode will start working ● The encoding window shows the progress of the job ● when the job is complete, click on the output file and it will take you directly to the window of where the output file is located.

A d o b e A f t e r E f f e c t s : Tu t o r i a l 0 2


media browser


preset browser



Representation + Landscape

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