R h i n o + D I VA : S h a d o w A n a l y s i s
I n t ro d u c t i o n DIVA-for-Rhino is Solemma’s legacy daylighting and energy modelling plug-in for Rhinoceros, a NURBS modeling software. The plug-in was initially developed at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University and is distributed by Solemma LLC. DIVA-for-Rhino allows users to carry out a series of environmental performance evaluations of individual buildings and urban landscapes including Radiation Maps, Photorealistic Renderings, Climate-Based Daylighting Metrics, Annual and Individual Time Step Glare Analysis, LEED and CHPS Daylighting Compliance, and Single Thermal Zone Energy and Load Calculations. Key features: ADVANCED USER INTERFACE – Input and output parameters can be added and removed from components at the click of a button. SUN PATH DIAGRAMS – Real-time display of sun paths and shadows. RADIATION MAPS – DIVA’s radiation map tools allow simulation on an annual, seasonal, or point-intime basis.
O n l i n e Tu t o r i a l s 1. DIVA-for-Rhino Documentation https://solemma.com/Docs/DIVA/ 2. DIVA FOR GRASSHOPPER TRAINING http://solemma.net/TrainingGH.html