V e g e t a t i o n a n d P e o p l e Tu t o r i a l
Hand Drawn Vegetation Wo r k f l o w Hand drawn vegeta on is a great way to create unique linework vegeta on that can be distorted in photoshop and used in mul ple drawings. Hand drawn can be accurate and true to the species habit or more abstract and collage like, depending on your goals for the drawing. >draw from life or herbaria specimens >scan drawing >adjust levels and curves to get clean lines >delete background if desired +
Angela Moreno-Long “Conzya canadensis Studies”
● note : hand drawn vegetation is great for layering plants and shrubs to add depth to a drawing, however depending on drawing style trees can also look very stamplike and repetitive. Keep this in mind when choosing a drawing style.
Francis Halle
Mosbach Paysagistes “Bordeaux Botanic Garden”