1 minute read

Catalogue of Yard Variations- Chelsea Kilburn, Andy Lee, Kari Roynesdal Catalogue of Data Center and Planting Variations - Dana Hills, Andreea Vasile-Hoxha

This part of the workshop will use the cities/towns of where you are currently located, in conjunction with reimagining historical case studies to define the city as a set of multiple ecologies that have specific material flows, cycles, and metabolic states. In turn, these assemblages indicate how human and non-human actors inhabit the city.
Today’s instruction aims to construct code for your urban assemblage. The workflow aims to demonstrate the processes for the production of an Axo drawing demonstrating assemblage variation. Part two of the instruction will focus on altering and reconfiguring the assemblage according to land formations changes.
This document captures: • Techniques for constructing landform • Workflow for projecting built mass and infrastructural lines on an undulating surface

Landform Adaptations- Lamia Almuhanna, Edyth Jostol, Sam Gilbert