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Summer Camp 2015

Hi, my name is Clover and I am super excited to be the Camp Program Executive for our Girl Scout Summer Camp adventures. I have been a Girl Scout since I was a Daisy all the way through High School. I attended camp as a camper, a counselor, a C.I.T (Counselor in Training) Director, then Adult Staff. I have returned now as the new Camp Director and I am so excited about the summer camps we have going on this year! I can't wait to see you there! “Clover� Shauna Cooke

Girls who camp will have the chance to make lasting friendships, develop new skills, learn about nature, and have fun in a safe environment. Through cooperative and handson learning, girls build self esteem and independence. With trained, supportive volunteers, camp is a world where girls can learn and grow.

Camp Bayview is a beautiful facility in Bayview, Texas (Cameron County) located on the Los Cuates Resaca. Campers and staff sleep in cabins with bunk beds, eat meals buffet style, and get plenty of time in the pool and under the sun. Mini-camps and resident camps include traditional camping fun and themed activities where campers can make lifelong memories with new friends.

Camp Laredo is right in the back yard of one of our Service Centers in Laredo, Texas. Come tent under the stars, cook meals over a campfire, and share songs and skits! This location has one mini-camp from June 26-28th 2015. Get a taste of what Girl Scout Camp is like and make new friends and memories!

Is SHE ready to go to resident camp? Many girls who have developed these traits are most likely ready for resident camp.

She has spent time with other children her age other than family members. She can choose her clothes, take a shower on her own, and take care of chores without much supervision. She is able to make decisions for herself, keep track of her belongings, and be brave if she spots an eight-legged friend. She has stayed overnight away from her family and she knows she can do it.

Are YOU ready for her to go to resident camp? Parents who exhibit these traits are most likely ready for their daughter to attend resident camp.

You reassure your camper that she has the skills and capabilities to enjoy a week away from home, and you feel comfortable knowing this is true. You project a positive attitude toward her upcoming experience, work together with her to gather supplies and pack bags, and you tell her to have a great time when you say goodbyes at check-in. You are ready to communicate with your daughter through mail and learn about her experience at the end of the week.

She looks forward to spending time outdoors, meeting new friends, and spending a whole week at camp!

ďƒœ If you and your camper exhibit most of the traits listed, you are probably ready for resident camp! ďƒœ If you and your camper exhibit some of the traits listed, you are probably ready for mini-camp!


For girls who have completed grades:



Reg. Fee

L-1 June 26-28th

2-8 Brownies- Cadettes

Friday, 1pm – Sunday 1pm

Camper Sampler – Experience the highlights of camping at Laredo in a fun-packed 3 day weekend. Bring or share a tent and sleep under the stars, or join the big sleepover indoors. Cook outdoors, make crafts, learn archery and meet new friends!



For girls who have completed grades:

BV-1 June 12-14th

BV-2 July 10-12th



Reg. Fee

2-8 Friday, Brownies - Cadettes 1pm – Sunday 1pm

Camper Sampler – Experience the highlights of camping at Bayview in a fun-packed 3 day weekend. Swim, cook outdoors, make crafts, and meet new friends!


2-8 Friday Brownies - Cadettes 1pm – Sunday 1pm

Camper Sampler – Experience the highlights of camping at Bayview in a fun-packed 3 day weekend. Swim, cook outdoors, make crafts, and meet new friends!



For girls who completed grades:


Program Description

Reg. Fee

BV-3 July 19-24

2-8 BrowniesCadettes

Sun.1pm– Fri. 1pm

Testing the Elements — Calling all environmentalists! If you love nature and being outdoors, this exploration camp is just perfect for you. Sign up for an adventure where you will trek the outdoors and discover new things in earth, wind, water, and fire. You will team up and compete for the ultimate Camp Transformation Award by completing your own TAKE ACTION PROJECT!


BV-3 July 19-24

8 CIT’s

Sun.1pm– Fri. 1pm

CIT – Love working with younger ones, and think you have the skills to become a Camp Counselor? Then the Counselor-In-Training program is for you! .Join the fun by learning what it takes to be a great role model at Camp Bayview. Sign up to be CIT and get on board with the Camp Staff!


BV-4 July 26-31

2-8 BrowniesCadettes

Sun.1pm– Fri. 1pm

Science of Wizardry – If you believe you possess the magic to become a great wizard, then you will definitely want to sign up for this camp! Camp Bayview will transform into a magical School of Science and Wizardry where you will interact with hands on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) that will turn magic right before your eyes! Team up with your houses, collect House Points throughout the week and compete in our very own Lawn QUITTAGE MATCH!


BV-4 July 26-31

8 CIT’s

Sun.1pm– Fri. 1pm

CIT – Love working with younger ones, and think you have the skills to become a Camp Counselor? Then the Counselor-In-Training program is for you! .Join the fun by learning what it takes to be a great role model at Camp Bayview. Sign up to be CIT and get on board with the Camp Staff!


Who May Attend – All girls who have completed grades 2-12 are eligible to register for camp sessions. A girl who is not a registered Girl Scout may fill out a membership registration and submit the additional $15 fee which provides, among other things, supplementary accident insurance. Parents & Families – Parents and families are invited to attend closing ceremonies at the end of each camp session. Details will be provided in your welcome packet. Adults who would like to be present at camps should submit an application to be a camp volunteer. Limited positions are available. Payment – The camp registration fee covers the meals, supplies, patch, and camp T-shirt for each girl for the duration of her stay. A limited number of camper scholarships are available to Girl Scouts who need assistance to pay their fee. Contact Shauna Cooke for information. Housing –Campers at all overnight sessions at Camp Bayview will be housed in air conditioned cabins and will sleep in bunk beds. At Laredo, campers will either bring a tent or share a tent with another attendee, or sleepover indoors with a group. Buddy Requests – Each overnight camper may request one buddy who will be placed, if possible, in the same room. Best efforts are made to accommodate all buddy requests. Staff – Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas selects volunteers who are responsible, skilled, caring, and energetic. Volunteers receive camp staff training which includes First Aid certification. In Camp Bayview cabins, one counselor in grades 10-12 will stay with the campers, and adult supervisors and activity leaders will sleep in separate housing nearby. In the tent-camping arrangements, counselors and adult supervisors will be camping in tents nearby. Climate/Heat: At camp, girls adapt quickly to the climate. Campers naturally adapt to living in the summer heat without air conditioning or fans by staying hydrated, resting during the hottest part of the day, and wearing cool, cotton clothing. The equipment list included in the confirmation packet will include all necessary equipment to help beat the heat. Additional information – More information will be mailed in the confirmation packet upon receipt of your registration. If you have questions, you may contact Shauna Cooke by email scooke@gsgst.org or phone (956) 425-2388 ext. 305.

Registration Instructions & Forms

Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas 2015 Camp Registration Instructions Fees & Refund Policies Fees are due when submitting your registration. Registrations are accepted by mail and delivery to the five council offices only. Please do NOT call, email, or fax your registration. If your daughter is not currently a Girl Scout, she may become a Girl Scout member for $15. This is due with the registration form and is nonrefundable. If you are submitting your registration by mail, you must pay with a check or money order. Do not mail cash. Make the check payable to Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Council. Mail payments to: GSGST, 202 E. Madison Ave. Harlingen, TX 78550 If you are submitting your registration in person, please deliver your registration and payment to any of the Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Service Centers. Harlingen 202 E. Madison Harlingen, Texas 78550 956-425-2388 1-800-477-2688

Corpus Christi 2410 Bevecrest Street Corpus Christi, Texas 1-361-883-3611 1-800-929-5229

McAllen 1109 W. Nolana, Suite 202 McAllen, Texas 78501 1-956-668-0299

Laredo 701 N. Stone Ave. Laredo, Texas 78040 1-956-723-7251

Victoria 104 W. River Victoria, Texas 77901 1-361-573-6451 1-800-865-3069

$25 of the registration fee is non-refundable. Refunds of the remaining balance will be made only if a girl cancels 2 weeks before her session, with a written note from a doctor, or due to a death in the family. All requests for refunds must be made in writing. No other refunds will be granted. There will be no refund for leaving camp early due to illness, homesickness, misbehavior or parental request. Refund requests must be made in writing no more than 15 days after the session.

Trading Post and Camp Photo (Optional fees) You can deposit money in your daughter’s account for use at the Trading Post (camp store), or you may pay at check-in. Designate on the registration form how much you are depositing. You may pick up the remaining balance of your daughter’s Trading Post at Check-out, or donate the balance to the Campership Fund. Camp Photos are taken of each session. Photographs must be pre-ordered and paid with registration or during check-in. Photographs are sent in the mail after camp has ended.

Instructions for Registration Form 1. Neatly complete all information requested on both pages of the registration form. 2. This form is for camper registrations. Girls in grades 10-12 who would like to apply to be counselors fill out the Counselor Application. 3. Please complete all parent/guardian information – read emergency contact information carefully. 4. If your camper has a buddy request, list only one. The girl’s buddy must be in the same Girl Scout Level (Brownies, Juniors, etc.). 5. Please remember to check all statements and sign the permission form. Registrations without signatures cannot be processed. 6. Mail or deliver the completed form along with the fee to GSGST. 7. You will receive a welcome packet with additional information and forms that will be required prior to admission at camp.

Acceptance Guidelines Registrations are accepted by mail or by delivery to any of the five Service Centers. Registrations are NOT accepted over the phone, by e-mail, or by fax. You will receive your welcome packet in the mail UNLESS you check to have it sent to your email. DO NOT check the email option if you do not check your email address. You will receive a packet with a list of necessary equipment for camp, along with other information you will need to know. If you are choosing a buddy, it would be best if both registrations were mailed at the same time. We do not hold spaces for buddies who have not registered. Please note: All campers must have a Health Form signed by their physician reflecting that a physical exam has been performed in the 24 months prior to attending camp. This required form is available for download on the GSGST website and will be provided for you in the camper’s welcome packet. If you have not received your confirmation packet within two weeks of registering, please contact the Camp Program Executive, Shauna Cooke to verify that your registration was received and processed.

GSGST 2015 Camp Registration Page 1 of 2

OFFICE USE ONLY: ___ GS ___ HF ___ TP ___ PC

A separate registration form for each session is required.

CAMPER INFORMATION Camper’s Name ________________________________________________ Troop # ___________________ Address ____________________________________ City __________________ State _____ Zip _________ Birthdate__________________ Age ________ Last Grade Completed _________ School __________________________________________________________________________________ Camper’s T-Shirt size (Circle ONE): YS YM YL AS AM AL XL 2X 3X Who is the child’s guardian?  Both Parents  Mother only  Father only  Other (List :___________________________________) Mother’s Name ___________________________ Mother’s Email __________________________________ Home Phone _____________________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________ Mother’s Employer _____________________________________ Work Phone _______________________ Father’s Name ____________________________ Father’s Email __________________________________ Home Phone _____________________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________ Father’s Employer _____________________________________ Work Phone _______________________ Person to be contacted in case of an emergency if the parent/guardian cannot be reached: Please list a friend or relative who will be able to contact you. (Make this person aware that his/her name is being used.) Name _____________________________________ Relationship to Camper __________________________ Phone (H) _______________________ Phone (C)______________________ Phone (W)_________________ If you would like to receive your welcome packet, updates, and other communications by email, please check this box and enter your email address. Otherwise you will be contacted by mail or phone.  Please contact me at this email address. ____________________________________________________



Camp Name

Program Name

Reg. Fee


Camp Bayview

Science of Wizardry


Your Choice:

CAMP BUDDY Buddy Request (Limit ONE) _________________________________________________________________

CAMP FEES Payment Summary Please complete the following: Registration Fee (Fill out the amount of camper’s 1st choice): Girl Scout Membership Fee $15 and Form (if applicable): Trading Post Money (optional for buying souvenirs at camp store): Camp Photo for $5.00 (optional): Total Payment:

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

OFFICE USE: Date rec’d ____________________ Fee paid ___________________ Conf’d _________________ Office personnel: Please fill in date and amount of payment received, and fax to Shauna Cooke in the Harlingen office.

GSGST 2015 Camp Registration Page 2 of 2 CAMPER CONFIDENTIAL Has your camper spent time away from home? (Explain): _______________________________________ Has your camper attended camp previously? (Explain): _________________________________________ Please list any special dietary needs or limitations your camper has; including allergies _____________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any special medical issues the camp staff need to be aware of: _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any emotional or mental needs the camp staff need to be aware of: _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your camper have a history of bedwetting or sleep walking? _________________________________ Any other information that can help the staff to assure your camper has a positive camp experience: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PERMISSION/RISK AGREEMENT This section must be signed in order to process registration. I ______________________________give permission for my Camper, ___________________________, to participate in all camp activities. My Camper is in good health, and I understand that I must present evidence that she has had a physical exam performed by a licensed physician within 24 months prior to attending camp. I acknowledge that outdoor activities are inherently hazardous and may involve risks, which can result in illness and/or injury. I assume all such risks, and indemnify and hold harmless Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas, its representatives, employees, and agents from all responsibility. GSGST makes every effort to ensure the safety of campers, including, but not limited to GSUSA and state standards and guidelines, and provides a secondary insurance coverage for such risk. Representatives of GSGST have my authority to use their best judgment in providing care in the case of illness or injury, and the parent/guardian will be contacted as soon as possible. I further authorize staff to secure necessary emergency medical care and treat in case of an emergency, and to notify me or my Camper’s emergency contact as soon as possible. I grant permission for my daughter/ ward to leave the designated campsite for field trips or camp related activities and for her to utilize transportation provided by GSGST. I grant permission for my daughter/ ward to participate in activities of high risk, as indicated in the program descriptions, such as boating and swimming. GSGST makes every effort to ensure the safety of campers through the use of safety equipment, procedure protocol and natural course of progression as designated by GSUSA and the State of Texas. I understand that my Camper will abide by all camp rules, and, if she does not, may be sent home with no refund. I give permission for GSGST to use photographs and/or video (tape) recordings taken of my Camper in camp activities for Girl Scout public relation, websites, social media, etc. I further understand that GSGST is not responsible for damage or loss to campers’ personal property. Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian _________________________________________ Date _________________

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