In motion

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Program & Training Guide 2016 Your road map to planning the Girl Scout Adventure you want!

Lead the way. Last updated 1/6/2016




Section A: Program Calendar How to Register…………………. 5 Program Calendar…………...….. 6 Section B: Community Partners Program Partners…………………. 17 Section C: Program Opportunities Program Opportunities………….. 20 Travel Opportunities…………….. 27 Reserving Camp Properties……. 29 Section D: Learning Opportunities How to Register & FAQs……….. 30 For Adults and Ambassadors….. 32

Through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, girls and adult volunteers learn the skills they need for success today and in the future. Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors, and volunteers gain leadership through learn-bydoing, cooperative learning, and girl-led programs.

Service & Program Centers Harlingen

202 E. Madison Harlingen, TX 78550

Telephone: (956) 425-2388 or (800) 477-2688 Fax: (956) 425-9602

Corpus Christi

2410 Bevecrest St. Corpus Christi, TX 78415

Telephone: (361) 883-3611 or (800) 929-5229 Fax: (361) 883-5038


104 W. River Victoria, TX 77901

Telephone: (361) 573-6451 or (800) 865-3069 Fax: (361) 579-0988


5317 North McColl McAllen, TX 78503

Telephone: (956) 668-0299 Fax: (956) 668-0230


701 N. Stone Ave. Laredo, TX 78040

Telephone: (956) 723-7251 Fax: (956) 723-0258

Camp Green Hill

23152 Park Road 25 Mathis, TX 78368

Telephone: (361) 547-3282

Camp Bayview

103 S. San Roman Rd. Bayview, TX 78566

Telephone: (956) 233-8222


HOW TO REGISTER FOR GIRL SCOUT PROGRAMS You MUST REGISTER to attend ANY program listed in In Motion. Registration for programs listed in the “Program Activities” section is open now. Registration for events in the Upcoming Program section will open when a later version of In Motion is released, if they are not yet open. Many events fill and close early! Register and submit payment before the closing date.

1. Registration forms for council activities can be found on, are available at all GSGST service centers. Forms and payments with council event registration forms and may be mailed, faxed or dropped off at your local GSGST service center. For partner events, please follow their registration instructions.

2. Include full payment with cash, check, or credit card. Financial assistance (if available) must be approved prior to registration. Payment will be cashed or charged upon receipt. Registrations without full payment or approved financial assistance will not be processed.

3. Attach all necessary documentation to your registration. Read your registration form carefully for instructions on what information must be attached (such as First Aid or CPR certifications, driver’s license, or

PROGRAM ACTIVITIES REGISTRATION PROCEDURES Attendance at Girl Scout activities is open to currently registered Girl Scouts who are in the grade level designated for the event. Family members and non--Girl Scouts may attend activities designated as Family or specifically inviting tagalongs. Girls who are bridging must attend their current program level (through the end of their membership year). Girls may attend program activities individually or with their troop or a group. Unless the event is designated as a “Drop-off” event, girls who attend individually must be accompanied by a parent, and girls who attend as a troop must be accompanied by Essential Safety Adults.

the minimum number of required adults (according to stated ratios) may register for events designated by “ESA”. By restricting the number of adults, we are able to serve more girls. Special needs of girls need to be reported on the registration form. Registration for adult males for overnight events will be accepted ONLY if separate sleeping space and facilities are available. After the registration closing date for each event, registrations will no longer be accepted. For council events, confirmation letters with detailed event information are mailed or e-mailed. Refunds: For GSGST Council Events, refunds will be given with a written request received no later than the registration closing date. A written medical excuse signed by a physician submitted within 4 days of the event is required for refunds after the registration closing date. For refunds for program partner events, contact the partner hosting the event for their policy.

Essential Safety Adults (ESAs) are adult Girl Scout members with completed volunteer applications, including background checks. One ESA for each troop must have basic and level trainings, and one ESA accompanying each troop must be a first aider certified in both First Aid and CPR. ESAs are reNOTE: Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas is quired for troop participation in any event unless not responsible for damage to or loss of stated otherwise in the event description. participants’ property. Registration for “Essential” refers to the ratio of adults to girls reevents gives the council permission to phoquired as stated in Volunteer Essentials. You must tograph and/or take video of participants have enough adults to meet this ratio when you and allows for the use of such photos/ participate in activities as a troop or group. Only videos at the council’s discretion.


January 2016 Jan 29-31

Cadette, Senior, Ambassador Conference at Bayview This special event just for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors is planned each year by girls for girls, with opportunities for a lot of fun, leadership development, and camp challenges. Check back in October edition of the In Motion guide for event information including the theme and activities.

Jan 30

TAMU-CC Islanders Double Header Basketball Game The Islanders will be hosting Girl Scout Day! All girls in attendance will receive a special edition patch and be invited to meet & greet the teams. Both the Women’s (11:30am) and Men’s (2:00pm) games are included in the ticket price. This will be a great game that will be televised. To purchase tickets go to: Special Offer Code: SCOUTS

Grades: 6-12 D-O $28.00/girl  $12.00/adult Details to be announced in October edition of In Motion Registration closes Jan 15 Minimum: 25 / Maximum: 65

Grades: All FAM $6.00 per person First game 11:30 am American Bank Center 901 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78401

February 2016 Feb 19-21

Girl Leadership Conference For girls who are interested in building their Leadership, Confidence and Character. Will learn about the Silver and Gold Awards, meet community partners, talk to local colleges and learn how to be prepared for life after High School.

Feb. 20

Daisy & Brownie Day at ESA Daisies will venture “All Around the World” and Brownies will venture through the requirements for the Brownie Home Scientist Badge in the Destination Exploration at the Early Scholar Academy (ESA). Each girl is welcome to register one adult to attend with her. Please no more than one adult per girl, and no tag-alongs. Badges and patches are not provided, but may be purchased at your local Girl Scout shop. ESA is hosting a Boy Scout event at the same time with separate activities.

Feb. 20


Grades: 9-12 D-O $28/girl Friday 7 pm-Sun 11 am Registration closes Feb 5 Minimum: 25 / Maximum: 65 Grades: K-3 $7.50/girl  $7.50/adult 9am-11am Early Scholars Academy 1356 FM 43, Corpus Christi Registration closes Feb 12 Minimum: 20 / Maximum: 40

Grades: K-8

Learn all about growing fruits, flowers, and even your own Event Designations:

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


food. Build your own bug motel for pollinators, and understand the importance of breeding and feeding areas for insects—the base food pyramid of our planet! Juniors will complete Gardener, Flower, and Animal Habitats badge requirements! Patches and supplies provided. Registration fee includes allday admission to the park. All participants are invited to pack a lunch and picnic under the palapa. The park is open to the public, but this program is only for registered Girl Scouts and adults. For more information call 956-583-5400.

Feb 27

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend Save the date to celebrate the largest girl-led business in the country, and the delicious cookies, too! Details will be announced during the cookie sale of how you can celebrate with Girl Scouts across the nation in your own local area.

$15.00/girl  Two adults free, additional adults pay park admission 9:00am-Noon National Butterfly Center 3333 Buterfly Park Dr, Mission Registration closes Feb 5 Space is limited.

Grades: ALL Details to be announced with cookie sale program materials.

March 2016 Mar 5

Outdoor Skills Spectacular #4 Learn the outdoor skills appropriate for your program level at this annual OSS event. Skills such as fire safety, outdoor cooking, etc., are taught by skilled instructors. Girls learn new skills each year they attend, with a few favorite activities included each year. Girls should sign up for only one OSS event per year. Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors can opt-in to take Backpacking training, and Seniors and Ambassadors can opt-in to Canoe training, which will fulfill requirements for council backpacking and canoe events. Snacks, patch, and charms provided; bring a sack lunch.

Mar. 5

Survivor, South Texas Earn your First Aid badge at the National Butterfly Center, where licensed healthcare professionals from McAllen Primary Urgent Care will “show and tell” how to handle real life injuries and perform rescue/recovery in the outdoors. Patches and supplies provided. Registration fee includes all-day admission to the park. All participants are invited to pack a lunch and picnic under the palapa. The park is open to the public, but this program is only for registered Girl Scouts and adults. For

Event Designations:

Grades: ALL $7.50/girl  Adults free 9am—4pm Camp Green Hill 23152 Park Road 25, Mathis Registration opens October Registration closes Feb 19 Minimum:30 / Maximum: 120

Grades: K-8 $15.00/girl  Two adults free, additional adults pay park admission 9:00am-Noon National Butterfly Center 3333 Buterfly Park Dr, Mission

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


more information call 956-583-5400.

Mar 13-15

Canoe on the Guadalupe Spend the weekend canoeing on a river, with overnight state park camping. This trip is great for first-time and experienced canoers. Adults and girls attending must complete council canoe training prior to the trip. Training is available at the Outdoor Skills Spectacular events at Camp Green Hill. This trip requires physical exertion during 5-6 hours of controlling a boat on moving water each day. Registration fee covers canoe, paddle, and life vest rental, overnight fees, and patch. Fee does not cover transportation, meals, or camping equipment.

Registration closes Feb 5 Space is limited. Grades: 9-12 D-O Details to be announced in October edition of In Motion Registration opens October Registration closes Feb 27 Minimum: 12 / Maximum: Depends on site availability

April 2016 Apr 9-10

Sleepover Under the Stars Earn your great Outdoors badge at the National Butterfly Center, where Brownies through Ambassadors are invited to participate in our overnight event. Camp is anchored by our Metamorphosis Teepee, where you may hold your own midnight council meeting over hot chocolate and s’mores. Brownies may earn Hiker, Juniors may earn Camper, Cadettes may earn Trailblazing and Night Owl, and Seniors may earn Adventurer. Patches and supplies provided. Registration fee includes allday admission to the park. All participants are invited to pack a lunch and picnic under the palapa. The park is open to the public, but this program is only for registered Girl Scouts and adults. For more information call 956-583-5400.

Apr 9

Daisy Day at ESA Daisies will be making SWAP’s at the All Things Living pod at the Early Scholar Academy (ESA). Each girl is welcome to register one adult to attend with her. Please no more than one adult per girl, and no tag-alongs. Badges and patches are not provided, but may be purchased at your local Girl Scout shop. ESA is hosting a Boy Scout event at the same time with separate activities. Register at:

Event Designations:

Grades: 2-12 FAM $15.00/girl  Two adults free Sat 6:30pm - Sun 7:30am National Butterfly Center 3333 Buterfly Park Dr, Mission Registration closes Apr 1 Space is very limited.

Grades: K-1 $7.50/girl  $7.50/adult 9am-11am Early Scholars Academy 1356 FM 43, Corpus Christi Registration closes Apr 1 Minimum: 20 / Maximum: 40

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


Apr 16-17

Annual Gathering—Annual Meeting, Swap Meet, Recognition Banquet, and Adventure Camporee Four events take place in one weekend where girls and volunteers from across the council gather for celebrations and fun! Check back in the February edition of In Motion for the registration packet with details and forms.

Apr 23

Brownie Day at ESA Brownies will be earning their Bugs Badge in the All Things Living pod at the Early Scholar Academy (ESA). Each girl is welcome to register one adult to attend with her. Please no more than one adult per girl, and no tag-alongs. Badges and patches are not provided, but may be purchased at your local Girl Scout shop. ESA is hosting a Boy Scout event at the same time with separate activities. Register at: http://

Apr 29May 1

Apr 30May 1

Camp Getaway - “Outdoor Badge Bonanza” Earn the new Girls’ Choice Outdoor Badges! Camp Getaways are a great opportunity for girls and volunteers to have a firsttime overnight camp. In the camping progression, girls should have already done an overnight indoors and a back-yard sleepout. Troop Camp Consultant training is not required for attendance. Program and meals are preplanned so that volunteers can step in and have a great weekend with their girls. You have the option to check in Friday at 7pm or Saturday at 9am (cost same for both check-in times). Meals, supplies, and patch included.

Girlapalooza Splash into early registration for the next Girl Scout member ship year with these great events to get you excited thinking about your next year in Girl Scouting!

Event Designations:

Grades: ALL FAM Costs and times for events will be available in Feb 2016. Richard Borchard Regional Fairgrounds 1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd, Robstown Registration opens February No minimum / Maximum depends on available space Grades: 2-3 ESA $7.50/girl  $7.50/adult 9am-11am Early Scholars Academy 1356 FM 43, Corpus Christi Registration closes Apr 8 Minimum: 20 / Maximum: 40

Grades: 2-12 ESA $28.00/girl  $12.00/adult Fri 7pm or Sat 9am—Sun 11:30am Camp Green Hill 23152 Park Road 25, Mathis Registration opens October Registration closes Apr 14 Minimum: 25 / Maximum: 50

Grades: ALL Details coming soon.

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


May 2016 May 14

Daisy Day at ESA Daisies will be making SWAP’s at the All Things Living pod at the Early Scholar Academy (ESA). Each girl is welcome to register one adult to attend with her. Please no more than one adult per girl, and no tag-alongs. Badges and patches are not provided, but may be purchased at your local Girl Scout shop. ESA is hosting a Boy Scout event at the same time with separate activities. Register at:

May 14-15

Outdoor Skills for Adults All you awesome volunteers and parents deserve some fun, too! Like Outdoor Skills Spectaculars, this event at Camp Green Hill focuses on instructing outdoor skills, but for adult participants. Learn tricks for teaching and guiding your troop, group, or campers, or just come for all the fun for yourself— that’s okay too. BYOB for evening socializing (for overnight participants only). This event is for adults only. Additional details in the October In Motion guide.

May 21-22

Outdoor Skills for Adults All you awesome volunteers and parents deserve some fun, too! Like Outdoor Skills Spectaculars, this event at Camp Green Hill focuses on instructing outdoor skills, but for adult participants. Learn tricks for teaching and guiding your troop, group, or campers, or just come for all the fun for yourself— that’s okay too. BYOB for evening socializing (for overnight participants only). This event is for adults only. Additional details in the October In Motion guide.

June 2016 June 9-11

Summer Camp Staff Training Join the team of camp staff, and enjoy the summer as a lifeguard, counselor, kitchen staff, or unit leader at mini– and resident camps. Free training is provided to all camp staff, to get ready for a fun and unforgettable summer. See dates below

Event Designations:

Grades: 2-3 ESA $7.50/girl  $7.50/adult 9am-11am Early Scholars Academy 1356 FM 43, Corpus Christi Registration closes May 6 Minimum: 20 / Maximum: 40

Adult Event Camp Green Hill 23152 Park Road 25, Mathis

Adult Event Camp Bayview 103 S. San Roman Blvd, Bayview

Grades: 9-12 & Adult D-O Free for camp volunteers Details will be listed in February edition of In Motion Placements begin March 31 Camp Bayview

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


for available camps!

June 11

Camp Bayview Open House Meet the camp staff, take a tour, and try out the camp life at this open house event for all Girl Scouts and their families, especially first-time campers. Instructions for RSVPing to this event will be provided in the February edition of In Motion.

103 S. San Roman Blvd, Bayview Grades: ALL FAM Details will be included in February edition of In Motion

June 12-17 Bayview Resident Camp When a weekend camp isn’t long enough for you, we invite you to make lifelong friends and memories at this week-long Girl Scout camp. From late-night swim parties to camp cookouts, you’ll have the summer adventure you’ve been waiting all year for. Camp themes to be announced in February.

Grades (completed): 2-8 D-O Details will be included in February edition of In Motion

June 12-17 Counselor-In-Training If you love being a role model and living the camp life, then the Counselor-In-Training program is for you! Learn the responsibilities of the Camp Counselor and get hands-on experience that will prepare you to join the awesome camp staff!

June 24-26 Bayview Mini-camp Get ready for a fantastic weekend at Camp Bayview This weekend is Camp Sampler themed, so we pack as much summer camp fun into one weekend as we possibly can! Enjoy splashing in the pool, singing by the campfire, bunking with new friends, and making memories that last a lifetime!

June 24-29 Counselor-In-Training

July 8-10

Grade (completed): 8 D-O Details will be included in February edition of In Motion

Grades (completed): 2-8 D-O Details will be included in February edition of In Motion

If you love being a role model and living the camp life, then the Counselor-In-Training program is for you! Learn the responsibilities of the Camp Counselor and get hands-on experience that will prepare you to join the awesome camp staff!

Grade (completed): 8

Bayview Mini-camp

Grades (completed): 2-8 DO ls will be included in February edition of In Motion

Have an unforgettable weekend at Camp Bayview. Minicamps are Camp Sampler themed, so we pack as much summer camp fun into one weekend as we possibly can! Enjoy Event Designations:

D-O Details will be included in February edition of In Motion

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


splashing in the pool, singing by the campfire, bunking with new friends, and making memories that last a lifetime!

July 15-17

Green Hill Mini-camp

July 24-29

Bayview Resident Camp

Grades (completed): 2-8 Have an unforgettable weekend at Camp Green Hill. MiniD-O camps are Camp Sampler themed, so we pack as much sum- Details will be included in mer camp fun into one weekend as we possibly can! Enjoy February edition of In Motion boating in Lake Corpus Christi, singing by the campfire, bunking with new friends, and making memories that last a lifetime! Grades (completed): 2-8 D-O When a weekend camp isn’t long enough for you, we invite Details will be included in you to make lifelong friends and memories at this week-long Girl Scout camp. From late-night swim parties to camp cook- February edition of In Motion outs, you’ll have the summer adventure you’ve been waiting all year for. Camp themes to be announced in February. Grades (completed): 2-8 D-O Details will be included in February edition of In Motion

Event Designations:

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


Event Designations:

ESA: Space is limited to only Essential Safety Adults (see page 5 for information). FAM: Registration open to family members of Girl Scouts, including tag-alongs and non-members D-O: Girls may be dropped off at event and picked up at end


Program Partners Program Partners with with Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas offer programming that meets requirements for Girl Scout programs and awards. Each individual Partner determines whether their program is offered on designated dates or as requested year-round.

Program Partner


Program Offerings

Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park

Mission, TX

Bentsen RGV State Park offers activities for Girl Scouts to complete requirements for badges. Call to schedule your troop. 956-584-9156

Civil Air Patrol of Brownsville

Brownsville, TX

See the Program Calendar to see events hosted by the Civil Air Patrol. Call 956-456-3590 to schedule a “Search & Rescue� event for your group of girls in grades 6-12.

Crazy Picasso

Corpus Christi, TX

Call to schedule an event for your troop to earn the Painting, Drawing, or Comic Artist badge. Or earn a Fun Patch! Mother/Daughter events and large off-site events available also. Check out this flier for more information!

Early Scholars Academy

Corpus Christi, TX

See the Program Calendar to find events hosted by the Early Scholars Academy for Daisies and Brownies. Service opportunities available for Cadettes and up. Inquire with Karen, 361-561-8424.

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg, TX

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & Birding Center has numerous exciting events open to the public where Girl Scouts are welcome. They also schedule activities to meet badge requirements for troops. Contact them to make arrangements. Call Marisa, 956-381-9922.

Estero Llano Grande State Park

Weslaco, TX

Estero Llano Grande State Park offers activities for Girl Scouts to complete requirements for badges. Call to schedule your troop. 956-565-3919

National Butterfly Center

Mission, TX

See the Program Calendar to see events hosted by the National Butterfly Center to earn Naturalist, First Aid, and other badges, or visit this website. Continued on the next page!


Program Partners, continued. Program Partner


Program Offerings

Palo Alto National Battlefield

Brownsville, TX

Earn a Palo Alto Battlefield or Rescue Ranger Patch at the Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park. Activities vary by program level. Programs are offered -round. Call Karen Weaver at 956-541-2785 ext. 332 for to schedule your group.

Quinta Mazatlan

McAllen, TX

Quinta Mazatlan offers petal– and badge-earning events for Daisies thru Juniors, and custom programs for Cadettes through Ambassadors. Visit for additional program listings or call (956) 681-3370.

Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge

Alamo, TX

Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge is prepared to offer activities to help Girl Scouts meet badge requirements. Schedule with Laura, 956-784-7545.

Sea Turtle, Inc.

South Padre Island, TX

Earn a Sea Turtle Inc. patch by completing a Girl Scout program at their location. Call 956-761-4511 for details.

TAMU-Kingsville— Engineering College

Kingsville, TX

Call 800-929-5229 or email for details.

Texas State Aquarium Corpus Christi, TX

The Texas State Aquarium offers overnight camp-in activities that meet Badge and Journey requirements. See their Camp-In Program flier and contact Jessica Grumman for additional details!

United States Tennis Association (USTA)


USTA and Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas have teamed together to offer Girls’ Tennis programs. See more details on page 20 of this guide.

Wells Fargo


Wells Fargo and Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas have teamed together for a Financial Literacy patch opportunity for girls in all levels. See page 23 of this guide for more information.


Outfitters Outfitters are partners that meet the Girl Scout safety standards to offer high-risk activities that are approved for Girl Scouts, such as water sports, ropes courses, and horseback riding.



Program Offerings

American Diving

South Padre Island, TX

Snorkeling and dolphin watch tours for girls

Padre Island Surf Camp

Corpus Christi, TX

Surfing camps and lessons for girls in grades 412

Member Rewards Partners Member Rewards Partners offer their services to Girl Scout members at a discounted rate. Some discounts may apply year-round, and some on specific dates. Member Rewards Partners may also provide incentives to Girl Scouts such as patches.

Member Rewards Partner


Rewards offerings

Corpus Christi Hooks

Corpus Christi, TX

Discounted ticket fees for specially scheduled Girl Scout Nights with patch.

Corpus Christi Ice Rays

Corpus Christi, TX

Discounted ticket fees for specially scheduled Girl Scout Nights with patch.

Frio Grande Valley Ice Center

McAllen, TX

Discounted Girl Scout skate nights 2nd Sunday of every month. Call for details at 956-972-0126.

Padre Island Surf Camp

Corpus Christi, TX

Discounted rates for surf camps and lessons for Girl Scouts.

Rio Grande Vipers

Hidalgo, TX

Discounted ticket fees for specially scheduled Girl Scout Nights.

Texas A&M Islanders

Corpus Christi, TX

Girl Scouts get free admission to designated “Girl Scout Night� Island sport events.


The Fall Product Sale Program is a great way for girls to earn start-up funds for their troop activities, while learning a lifetime of skills. Through this sale, friends and family can purchase candy and nuts, and magazine subscriptions and renewals.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country and generates immeasurable benefits for girls, their council, and community. Girls set cookie goals to support their chosen activities for the year, to fund community service and leadership projects, to attend summer camp, to travel to destinations near and far, and to provide events for girls in their community.



The highest awards in Girl Scouts are awarded to Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors who are accomplishing outstanding Take Action projects that benefit their communities. These girls enact change in their world through projects such as conducting safety workshops for children, installing gardens in community spaces, and fighting bullying in local schools. Girl Scout Juniors are eligible to earn the Bronze Award, Cadettes are eligible to earn the Silver Award, and Seniors and Ambassadors are eligible to earn the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting. Requirements for earning the awards and information to get started is available on our website at and in the Girls’ Guide to Girl Scouting for Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors. Workshops and webinars are available in the fall and spring for girls, volunteers, and families.

Alyssa Ruiz, of Corpus Christi, is presented with a certificate from CEO Lea Peacock at the 2015 Texas Statewide Girl Scout Gold Award Ceremony in Austin, Texas.

See the learning schedule on page 30 of this guide for dates of workshops and webinars.

Project Undercover is Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Council’s annual community service project conducted each fall. This project benefits children under the care of the Texas Department of Family Protective Services by providing them with an often overlooked necessity – under clothing. New diapers, baby wipes, briefs, panties, socks, etc., are collected and donated to local TDFPS offices. This project begins on October 1 and wraps up on October 24th on National Make a Difference Day. Donations to TDFPS are coordinated by Girl Scout troops and individuals for delivery to designated drop-off sites. TDFPS contact and drop-off site Information is updated each year on the council website at


There’s a lot of excitement about the new Outdoor Badges and the National Parks Partnership with Girl Scouts. We know that time spent in the outdoors is valuable to girls and that many girls wouldn’t have the opportunity to spend time outdoors outside of Girl Scouts. That’s why we’re introducing a new program, The Great Outdoor Challenge—a checklist of awesome outdoor activities that girls can do in groups or on their own. Girls’ confidence will be boosted and skills and experiences expanded as they check off each item on their challenge. This program is currently in development, and will be announced when it is complete in September 2015. Keep an eye on In Motion and council communications to get details as soon as they’re available!

The beauty of the star-filled night sky is even more mesmerizing when you understand the distant worlds and times you’re observing. Participation in the Astronomy Club will give all ages of girls understanding of the basic concepts of astronomy and will inspire girls to learn more about themselves, our planet, and the amazing universe! To get started on your Astronomy Club patch, click here!

We know that Girl Scouting is a family affair, and we want to celebrate the support your loved ones provide, and the fun that you have together through Girl Scouts. This patch program will invite family members to get involved in a variety of ways. Patch requirements are in the final stages of development, so check back for updates on this program soon!


Program Opportunities This patch program guides members of Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Council in exploring the areas of our council where our service centers reside. Each area’s patch is earned by completing activities that share the culture, history, and uniqueness of that region. Visit all five service center areas to earn all five rockers. Find the requirements online at or at any of the five Service Centers. Order your patches by contacting your local Girl Scout service center’s shop.

Girls in South Texas are part of the global girl movement of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). WAGGGS offers patch programs that engage girls and young women in international conversations about issues affecting girls around the world! Find out about Global Action Theme badges, Climage Change badges, and more at the WAGGGS website. Badge requirements are available online.

For generations, Barbie has had the confidence to be many things—a doctor, gymnast, teacher, vet, chef, rock star, swim champion, and president. Barbie and Girl Scouts are teaming together to share the message that every girl, like Barbie, can be anything she wants! Join the love that Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies have for Barbie with their curiosity about all of the things they can do. Earn the I Can Be… patch with online games, a printable activity guide, and a paper doll Barbie with a great selection of outfits related to career options.


Program Opportunities Connect with other Girl Scouts across the country by becoming Penpals with another troop! Connections are made by Girl Scout staff members to verify membership of troops who are selected to be penpals. Choose your preference of state, and we’ll find new long-distance friends to last a lifetime! Inspire the love of writing and reading letters. Fill out the Penpal request form HERE to make your match!

Making dreams a reality begins with knowing how to manage your money. Living where you want, driving the car you love, starting a family, and traveling around the world, are possible for every girl who learns to manage her finances. Wells Fargo has the tools and resources to teach all girls how to develop their financial literacy. From Daisies on up to Ambassadors, the Wells Fargo Financial Literacy program will get girls excited about learning how to manage a budget and save for the future. Get in touch with a local banker to deliver the program by calling Cindy Kawas at 361-886-6446 or sending an email to

Team Wall-E, a group of Girl Scouts from Troop 54, has competed two consecutive years in the FIRST Robotics program. The girls designed, built, programmed, and controlled their robot in a competition against other teams’ robots. Interested in forming a Robotics team with girls from your troop or community? Contact GSGST to find out whether scholarship funds or available, or how you can start preparing to form a robotics team. Call 800-929-5229 or email

There are worlds of fun waiting in the Journey programs, and now there’s a great way for girls and volunteers to jump into the leadership activities designed to boost girls’ confidence, help them become resourceful problem solvers, develop healthy relationships, and much more! Jump to Journey Check-out Boxes will start to show up in Service Centers soon. Call to find out about availability of a Check-out box for your level. Check-Out boxes have supplies necessary to complete one requirement of the Jump to Journeys patch program—the Journey Taster activities. Leave a $20 deposit at the council to check out the box, and then return the box with all supplies inside to have your deposit returned to you. Jump to Journey patches will be available for $1.50 each at all of the five Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas service centers.


Program Opportunities In the 2014 Great American Can Roundup, Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas came in 2nd place nationally in the Scout Challenge! Participate in this easy and fun recycling program, and raise money for your troop and help GSGST get 1st place next year! See all of the information about this national program, including how to start your roundup and why recycling is important to your community, at The Great American Can Roundup website.

A new reading patch program for Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas encourages girls to develop their love of reading. This simple program will lead girls to a new appreciation of literature with just a few easy steps: 1. Research how to get a library card in your town, and if you don’t already have one, get your own library card. 2. Read at least ten books from seven different genres. Lists of books and genres to choose from are provided. 3. Tell your friends, Girl Scout troop, or family about the books that you liked the best. Find the full requirements for this badge online here!

Be a Friend First is a program for middle school girls, to give them the skills and social tools they need to prevent, identify, and address bullying when and where it affects them—at school, online, and anywhere in between. The BFF program is a program that runs six to ten sessions. It can take place during school, after school, at church youth groups, or anywhere that middle school girls can get together to have fun and learn. If you’re interested in getting more information about BFF such as where you can find a local program or how to start a BFF program, contact us at

 Tau Gamma Sigma (TGS) is a girl-led program for middle and high school girls that lets girls decide what topics they want to address. TGS is a leadership development program that gives girls tools to make wise decisions when facing challenging issues in their lives. From fashion to dating violence, the issues that are important to girls are up for discussion, and girls develop skills to make good decisions for themselves. If you’re interested in getting more information about BFF, contact us at


Every girl deserves to travel. Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas’s volunteer-led Travel Committee plans and implements national and international trips to help girls see the world, explore new places and cultures, and expand their horizons. The following trips are subject to change due to international events, availability of specific tours, or other factors.


      

National Tours

International Tours

Savannah, GA

Switzerland &

Deadline: Jan 8


 


Washington, DC

Service trip




      


London, Paris,

National Park


New York City


Costa Rica

2019 2020

Who can sign up for tours? National tours are open to Girl Scouts who have completed grades 6-12 at the time of the tour. International tours are open to Girl Scouts who have completed grades 8-12 at the time of the tour. Girls can become Girl Scout members to attend tours. When can girls sign up? Registration for national tours will open one year in advance of the trip. Registration for international tours will open two years in advance of the trip. Can adults sign up for tours? The availability of adult spots will vary by trip. At least one volunteer from the Travel Committee who is experienced in national/international group travel will chaperone each trip. Availability of additional adult spots will be announced when each tour registration opens. Questions? Call 800-929-5229 or email


Girl Scout destinations, travel experiences that range from two days to three weeks for Cadettes and older, can whisk you to the far corners of the world where you will meet remarkable girls, develop leadership skills, gain confidence, and enjoy valuable learning opportunities to take action.

1. Log on to Select your top four choices. 2. Download the application form and complete it. You’ll need to fill out an application for each event you want to attend. 3. Print out two copies of the reference form and ask two people who know how awesome you are to fill them out. You can use the same letters of reference for all your applications. 4. Send your application to you’re the local Girl Scout council—by deadline, of course! If you have questions, call 800929-5229 or email 5. Go on your destination. Bon voyage!


Program Opportunities

This 18 acre retreat is located in a lush tropical setting along the Los Cuates Resaca. The Camp has a large dining hall with full kitchen amenities, recreation lodge, air conditioned cabins and bungalows to accommodate 80, two conference rooms, swimming pool and bathhouse, outdoor amphitheatre, and cooking pavilions. GSGST troops and service units may reserve the camp facility with a deposit, which is refundable upon a successful check-out. Reservations must be received at least one month prior to the reservation date. For information about the facilities or reserving the camp for your Girl Scout group, call 1-800-474-2688 or email The Camp Bayview Reservation form can be downloaded from the GSGST website at campbayview.htm.

Camp Green Hill is located near Mathis, Texas on beautiful Lake Corpus Christi and covers almost 50 acres of mostly wooded terrain. The camp has a large Lodge, archery range, outdoor amphitheater, tennis court, craft hut, camping units with fire circles and restroom facilities, and waterfront on the lake with rowboats, canoes, kayaks, and sailing boats. GSGST troops and service units may reserve the camp facility for primitive day use for a small fee. Overnight camping is currently prohibited, pending renovations. Reservations must be received at least one month prior to the reservation date. For information about the facilities or reserving the camp for your Girl Scout group, call 1-800-477-2688 or email


The council provides quality learning opportunities by skilled and enthusiastic facilitators. Adults and girls benefit by receiving training designed to facilitate meeting our goal of providing leadership development in Girl Scouts. Join others for fun and learning by signing up for courses.

HOW TO REGISTER FOR LEARNING OPPS You must register to attend any course listed in In Motion. Registration must be received at least 1 week prior to the course date so that facilitators have sufficient supplies for attendees. Register and submit payment ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE.

1. Registration forms for learning opportunities can be found on the Adult Learning Opportunities and Girl Learning Opportunities pages on, are available at all GSGST service centers, and may be mailed, faxed or dropped off at your local service center. Some registrations can be completed online. Look for links on the webpage for this option.

2. Include full payment for courses that require registration fees. Payment will be cashed or charged upon receipt. Registrations without full payment will not be processed.

3. Confirmation letters will be sent to attendees after the deadline for that course. Call the Director of Volunteer Services at 1-800-865-3069 to confirm that your registration was received.

LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who can attend learning opportunities? Attendance at learning opportunities is limited to currently registered Girl Scouts who are in the program level or adult level for whom the opportunity is designed. Please do not bring tag-alongs to courses unless arrangements are made prior to the course. What courses do I need to take, and when? There are many courses available, some of which are required for volunteers in certain positions, and many optional enrichment courses. For a list of what trainings are required for your particular volunteer position, please contact or call 1-800-865-3069.

How do I pay for a Learning Opportunities? Payments must be made in full at the time of registration, and may be made by check, cash, or credit card. Payment will be cashed or charged upon receipt. Refunds will be given only if the course is full or if it is canceled by the Volunteer Services department. No other refunds will be issued.

NOTE: Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas is not responsible for damage to or loss of participants’ property. Registration for learning opportunities gives the council permission to photograph and/ or take video of participants and allows for the What happens on the deadline? use of such photos/videos at the council’s disRegistrations are no longer accepted for that course, cretion. and confirmation letters are mailed or e-mailed.


The following are just a few of the opportunities available for adult volunteers and Girl Scout Ambassadors. See the calendar on the following pages for additional opportunities.

Leadership Essentials / Level Roundtables Every troop leader is required to take Leadership Essentials before starting troop meetings. Assistant leaders are encouraged to attend but are not required. If you are a leader changing levels and have already taken the Leadership Essentials course, you can attend the Level Roundtable portion only. Please indicate one level only on your Learning Opportunity Registration Form.

First Aid / CPR Girl Scouts recommends that an adult First Aider certified in both First Aid and CPR be present whenever there are girls present. In order to attend a council event or take a troop trip, a certified adult First Aider must accompany your troop. Community First Aid/CPR is offered through the Council. Please make sure to sign up when it is in your area or you many need to travel to take the course. Cost is $35-$45 depending on the agency providing the training.

Troop Camp Training Troop Camp Trainings are held on weekends throughout the year and as part of Volunteer Conferences. Before your troop can go on camping trips, an adult in the troop must first complete this course. Any registered adult volunteer can take this course and receive the certification for the troop. A volunteer with the certification must always accompany the troop on all camping trips. You must attend the entire weekend to receive your certification, which includes spending the night. The fee for this course is $25.00 unless offered as part of a Volunteer Conference.

Outdoor Fun (OPEN TO GIRL SCOUT SENIORS & AMBASSADORS, TOO!) This class will help you teach your troop to appreciate the outdoors and help the ecology. Fun games and activities included. Fee is $12.00

Volunteer Conference Volunteer Conferences conveniently offer a variety of courses in one weekend. These basic courses plus additional enrichment courses are available. Enrichment courses may include Archery Instructor training, jewelry making, camp songs, ceremonies, etc. Look for Volunteer Conference fliers to be posted on for details on each conference. Registration fees are $35.


Date Course name January 2016


January 5 January 9 January 9 January 10 January 16 January 16 January 23 January 23

Corpus Christi Laredo Laredo Bishop Harlingen Harlingen McAllen McAllen

Leadership Essentials Leadership Essentials First Aid / CPR First Aid / CPR Leadership Essentials & Level Roundtables Cookie Sales Training Leadership Essentials & Level Roundtables Cookie Sales Training

February 2016 February 11 February 13 February 13 February 20 February 21

Leadership Essentials Leadership Essentials First Aid / CPR Leadership Essentials & Level Roundtables First Aid / CPR

Harlingen Laredo Laredo McAllen McAllen

Leadership Essentials & Level Roundtables Troop Camp Training Leadership Essentials First Aid / CPR SWAPS (for girls and adults) Songs & Games (for girls and adults) Silver & Gold Award Workshop

Harlingen Camp Bayview Laredo Laredo Bishop Bishop McAllen

“Venture Out� Vol. Conference (check packet for courses) Leadership Essentials Leadership Essentials

Camp Green Hill McAllen Harlingen

March 2016 March 5 March 11-13 March 12 March 12 March 13 March 13 March 26

April 2016 April 1-3 April 2 April 7



Course name


April 9 April 9 April 10 April 23

Leadership Essentials First Aid / CPR Bridging workshop Trainer Conference (for Trainers only)

Laredo Laredo Bishop Camp Bayview

Ceremonies Leadership Essentials First Aid / CPR Leadership Essentials & Level Roundtables

Bishop Laredo Laredo McAllen

Babysitting Outdoor Fun Babysitting Babysitting Babysitting

Victoria Bishop Port Lavaca Hallettsville Cuero

May 2016 May 1 May 14 May 14 May 14

June 2016 June 9 June 12 June 16 June 23 June 30

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