At Girl Scouts, she learns to take the lead and pave her own way, her way. With Fall Product Program, she can run her business and provide funds to her troop that power amazing experiences. The beginning of a new membership year is always exciting. From brainstorming Take Action projects that better the community to planning their next adventure—Girl Scouts who participate in Fall Product can make all their dreams a reality.
This year’s Fall Product Program provides girls with an opportunity to “own your magic” while learning more about the official 2023 mascot, the Ocelot. Do you know what Girl Scouts and
Ocelots have in common? They are extremely unique! The Ocelot is unique because, no two Ocelots have the same markings.
Fall Product Program is a friends and family only sale, meaning Girl Scouts can feel comfortable honing their entrepreneurial skills with their biggest support system. It’s a winwin—Girl Scouts gain invaluable skills while families receive amazing nuts and candy!
We are excited to help all Girl Scouts and their families meet their goals and kickoff the new Girl Scout year. If you have any questions, we are happy to help you!
October 5—Go day! Fall Product Program begins.
October 19—Deadline for JCSA troops to submit 2% Option Form.
November 5 at 11:59 p.m.—Last day of in-person and online direct ship selling.
November 5 at 11:59 p.m.—Deadline for entering girl orders and girl recognition choices.
November 6 at 11:59 p.m.—Troops locked out of M2 platform. All orders, rewards choices, and money due.
November 8 at 11:59 p.m.—Service Unit Chair confirms all product and recognition orders are submitted, finalizes delivery address.
November 17—Troop Funds withdrawn from bank account.
November 23—Thanksgiving.
November 29 - December 5—Product delivered to Service Unit Chair. Specific dates and times set by delivery agents—available after orders finalized, approximately the week of November 13.
December 1—Troop proceeds from online sales deposited into troop bank account.
December 1–31—Girl deliveries!
When will we receive our recognitions? Girl recognition delivery dates are TBD. We will reach out to all participating Girl Scouts when we have specific dates and times.
• Our website. Along with a copy of this guide, forms, and more information—our website is your one-stop-shop for all things Fall Product Program.
• Forms. We use online forms to gather necessary information we need for you to have a successful program. Here are the forms available on our website:
2023 Service Unit Nut and Candy Chair Agreement
2023 2% Option Form
2023 Fall Product Program Rally Patch Order Form
2023 Service Unit Bonus Worksheet
• M2 Media Group. The M2 Media website has a training video that walks you through everything you need to know about M2. You can access this video for a refresher at any time.
• gsLearn. As always, gsLearn is the place for volunteer trainings. Explore all the trainings by simply logging into your Girl Scout account.
• Your support system. You can always contact your Cookies+ team, Volunteer Support team, and Customer Service team with any questions. We are always here to help!
New This Year - Permission Forms!
Troop Leader and Girl/Parent Permission Forms will be connected to their M2 Campaign site. Upon launch of your M2 account, you will be automatically directed to complete the Troop Leader or Girl/Parent Permission form—depending on your role. Girls will not be able to fully set up their online storefront, create their avatar, or send emails without completing their permission form. As a troop leader, you are no longer responsible for collecting or confirming Girl/Parent Permission Forms since they will be attached to each girl’s account!
Connect with Your Cookies+ Team
Lacy Brown • 417-425-8641
Madison Olin • 417-459-5522
Melinda Jennings • 417-430-8642
Connect with Your Customer Service Team
In your role as the Nut and Candy Chair, you know firsthand how exciting and stressful starting up Fall Product Program can be. Our priority is to make the program as simple as possible for you. Explore all the resources available to make you feel more comfortable in your role!
Girls take orders from family and friends using order cards, then add to the online system by November 5. Only items shown on the card can be ordered directly and delivered in-person by a Girl Scout. Money is collected by girls when they take orders. Checks should be payable to Girl Scout Troop ##### or GSMH.
Girls can create a personalized storefront at www.gsnutsandmags.com/GSMH. From there, girls can send emails and texts to family and friends. Online options are available until November 5 at 11:59 p.m. Girl Scout families can view all online orders on their M2 dashboard. All orders made online, including girl delivered orders, will be placed into the online system. No manual entry is needed. Customers have the choice between three online ordering options:
• Ordered online and girl delivered—customers order and receive in-person, but pay online.
• Ordered online and shipped to customer—customers purchase online and are charged a shipping fee, but products are shipped directly to customers.
• Purchase magazines and subscriptions online—customers order and pay online.
All Girl Scouts are encouraged to participate in Fall Product Program. While it’s easy to participate, there are a few requirements for each role. All roles are required to be registered members and have no outstanding financial obligations/debt with GSMH. Here’s what else you need to know!
• Agree to Girl & Parent Permission Form upon launch of online storefront account.
• Parent/guardian must attend training meeting hosted by the troop chair.
meaning girls
While some girls decide they would like to sell to friends and family in-person, others decide to keep their businesses digital, and some prefer both.
• For returning troops—a Troop Finance Summary on file for 2022–2023.
• A troop bank account with information on file with GSMH including an updated ACH Form.
• Schedule a Family Training before October 5 to provide them with program instructions, deadlines, and materials.
• For new troops—completed New Leader Orientation and be introduced to Service Unit.
• No outstanding financial obligations (no past product program debt).
• Registered Girl Scout volunteer for 2023–2024 membership year.
• Attend 2023 Nut & Candy Chair Training hosted by GSMH—live or via gsLearn.
• Agree to Volunteer Agreement upon launch of M2 account.
New This Year - Troop Training!
Volunteers, we heard you and we’ve got more training coming your way! GSMH will be hosting Troop Nut & Candy Chair training via gsLearn, as well as a live virtual training on September 14 at 6:30 p.m. to go over any questions.
New This Year - Cookie Crossover!
Interested in earning more troop proceeds? Troops that participate in 2023 Fall Product Program with total sales at or above $1,800 will earn an additional $0.05 per package of cookies in the 2024 Cookie Program!
We’ve made it simple for troops to earn more during Fall Product Program. Troops earn 20% of total sales of all items sold. This includes everything from candy to magazines.
Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops can earn an extra 2% of total sales of all items sold if all girls in the troop agree to opt-out of receiving recognition items. Girls will still receive earned patches. Troops choosing this option must complete the 2% Option Form by October 19—found on our Fall Product Program page on our website. If your troop is a multi-level troop that includes Daisies and Brownies, and are interested in the 2% Option, extra steps are required—please reach out to us before opening day for further instructions.
Service units—we didn’t forget about you! All service units who meet the following requirements can earn an additional 1% bonus of all service unit sales.
• Must have 3 active troops in service unit and an active Service Unit Nut & Candy Chair.
• All participating troops must complete the Fall Product Program training held by the Service Unit Nut and Candy Chair.
• Must have service unit bank account and provide updated ACH information prior to October 5.
• Must have at least 60% troop participation.
• Must submit the online Service Unit Bonus Form by November 8, 11:59 p.m.
Fall Product Program is a path for Girl Scouts to start learning five essential business skills that will prepare them for future leadership opportunities and success in life.
Goal Setting. Throughout Fall Product Program, girls will learn the importance of goal setting. They will learn how to set goals and finds ways to reach them.
Decision Making. During Fall Product Program, girls learn to make decisions on their own on how they want to participate in the program. Girls run their business, make their own rules, and are their own boss.
Money Management. Girls will learn the importance of money management and how to handle money. They will also learn how to budget the money they earn to be able to participate in different programs and events throughout the year.
People Skills. Fall Product is where girls can find their own voice and confidence. Girls will learn how to interact with customers through selling the products. This will help them build relationships throughout life.
Business Ethics. Throughout the Fall Product Program, girls will learn how to be honest and fair when working with customers, troop members, and in their communities. They will learn to always do the right thing. This is a great lesson to learn and carry with them.
Girls learn and practice the Five Skills: people skills, money management, business ethics, goal setting, and decision making, as they earn funds for their troop and exciting rewards.
The Fall Product Program is an excellent way to earn start up funds for your troop to use during the Girl Scout year to fund your activities and projects.
This nancial literacy program allows girls to be entrepreneurs by offering family and friends the opportunity to purchase delicious nuts, chocolates and magazines. There are multiple ways to participate:
In-person by taking orders using the nut order card and collecting payments.
Online by inviting friends and family to place an order. Customers can choose to have nuts, chocolates, or magazines shipped directly to them, or they can select from a group of nut and chocolate products that girls can deliver.
By participating in the Fall Product Program, you have the opportunity to practice the Five Skills and earn additional badges tied to Financial Literacy*.
SET a Goal. Goal setting is important because you create a plan and list steps you need to take to reach them. You can set an individual and troop goal. Think about what activities you want to do and how much they will cost.
PLAN your strategy to reach your goal. Think about what steps you and your troop need to take to meet your goal. How many magazines and/or nut and chocolate items do you need to sell?
START selling and remember to always follow Girl Scout Safety Activity and council guidelines. TRACK your progress.
CELEBRATE your accomplishments together!
Below are the badges you can earn when you... Go above and beyond in the Fall Product Program in Financial Literacy*
* Check with your council for more information on how to earn Financial Literacy badges.
Questions? Contact us at support.gsnutsandmags.com or 1-800-372-8520
The GIRL SCOUTS® name, mark and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including the Trefoil Design are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. M2 Media Services is an of cial GSUSA licensed vendor.
When taking orders for girl delivery, money must be collected at the time of order. Parents are responsible for collecting and turning in the money when the order is given to the Troop Nut & Candy Chair. Schedule times that parents can submit the money and always make sure to give receipts. Prices for product vary.
Check your lists! Share deadlines with parents about money and be up front about the importance of meeting deadlines. When you involve the family, finances become less stressful for you and the families. Remind parents that all orders submitted by the troop are the troop’s responsibility. Likewise all products received by the girls to deliver become the responsibility of the parent, and they must ensure prompt delivery, proper temperature control, and theft protection.
All troops participating must have an established bank account. Make sure the GSMH finance department has the most up-to-date banking account information. GSMH will withdraw the proceeds that are due via an electronic withdrawal on November 17. Money for all online orders shows as already paid to Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, and the electronic withdrawal will be adjusted for troop proceeds. Troop proceeds from online sales will be deposited into troop bank accounts on December 1. Any money owed will be taken from this amount prior to depositing.
M2 allows you to run different reports to help keep track of your progress throughout the Fall Product Program. The reports link can be found under Financials & Reporting Tab.
All Sales Summary Report. This report is useful when needing to know the total amount of sales each girl has for online magazine sales, direct ship nuts, nut order card, and online nuts delivered.
Summary Report. This report is useful when tracking the per-girlaverage and the total amount still owed to GSMH.
Delivery Ticket. Found under the Product Management, this report will show the products each girl has sold as well as rewards the troop/ girls have earned. This report is important to pull and print off when distributing rewards and products to the individual girls. This will be available after orders are finalized, approximately the week of November 13.
Products and recognitions will be delivered at various times. While some product will be delivered directly to the customer, others will need to be delivered by Girl Scouts directly to friends and family. Explore the options, and their delivery schedule, below.
Product Delivery Breakdown
• Ordered in-person OR online and girl delivered—all girl delivered product will be received by Service Unit Nuts and Candy Chairs November 29 - December 5. Local troops should coordinate with their Service Unit for troop pick up. During delivery and pick up, Service Unit Chairs will confirm the correct number of product received from the Delivery Agent. Troop Nut & Candy Chairs will confirm the correct number of product picked up from the Service Unit Chair before signing for and leaving with the product.
• Ordered online and shipped to customer—products will be shipped straight to customer! Troops will not receive any product to deliver.
• Purchased magazines and subscriptions online—products shipped directly to customers.
Recognition Delivery Breakdown
Girl recognition delivery dates are TBD. This is for many reasons. One being, we cannot predict shipping delays ahead of time. Also, girls choose their recognitions at the end of the program, which does not allow us the ability to order before the program. We will reach out to all participating Girl Scouts when we have specific dates and times.
What happens if I am unable to complete a girl delivery?
Contact M2 Customer Service by calling 800-372-8520. They will help you from there.
How can I find all my orders I need to deliver to customers?
Troops can print out the Girl Delivery Ticket to get a full list of deliveries. Troops should confirm this list with the Girl Scout’s family.
What if my customers do not receive product ordered online with direct shipping?
GSMH cannot assist these inquiries. Contact M2 Customer Service by calling 800-372-8520. Explain that a customer did not receive their product and M2 can help you from there.
• Set up your troop bank account and update your ACH Form with the finance department.
• M2 Account Set-up: Service Units will receive an email the week of September 28 to set up your M2 account, log in, and follow the instructions for setup.
• Create and customize your Troop Leader avatar. Familiarize yourself to the M2 platform.
• Reach out to your Service Unit Nut & Candy Chair to schedule a pick up of materials and update her with your contact information.
• Attend Troop Nut and Candy Chair Training—live on September 14 or on gsLearn.
• After training and before the sale starts—Troop Nut and Candy Chair hosts a family training where you can distribute selling materials to girls and encourage them to participate.
Hosting a family training is great way to get Girl Scout families involved in your troop’s Fall Product Program. Here’s what you should cover at your meeting!
• Generate enthusiasm and discuss the Five Skills that girls learn, featured on page 6.
• Explain why participation is important to the girls and troop. The troop will receive 20% of all total sales, which helps the troop have funds for the troop year. Girls can even earn rewards!
• Review dates and deadlines.
• Explain how girls access their online store, create an avatar, and send emails.
• Discuss the Care to Share Program, featured on page 11.
• Discuss proceeds and reward items, including the custom patch.
• Provide them with program instructions, deadlines, and materials.
• Follow the link sent to your email address the week of September 28 to access the M2 platform. If you don’t receive an email, contact your Service Unit Nut & Candy Chair or GSMH.
• When you first log in, Complete M2 platform 5-minute training and Volunteer Agreement.
• Create your own volunteer avatar.
• Send access emails to the girls and parents in your troop.
• Girls can start taking orders October 5. (Your troop can start any time after October 5!)
• Girls email friends and families.
• Girl choose how to run their business. They can choose to only offer girl delivery, online, or both! They can even determine this with each individual customer, just locate the checkmark next to each potential supporter’s email during their campaign setup.
• Final Day (November 5 by 11:59 p.m.)—Take any final orders for families and enter any inperson sales and last chance for online orders to be submitted. Girl orders handed in to the troop after November 5 are not guaranteed. Remind parents/girls the importance of turning in their orders in a timely fashion. (Online orders do not need to be added manually, including in-person delivery, these are credited at time of purchase.)
• Girls’ choices for recognitions must be submitted by November 6. If no choice is made, a default will be chosen for her.
• Deposit all money collected into your troop’s bank account. (Do this along the way, too!)
• By November 6, all orders and recognitions should be confirmed in M2 by troop chairs.
• Collect all money from families and ensure that the amount collected matches the amount due in M2. Reminder—give receipts for all money collected.
• Coordinate with the Service Unit Nut and Candy Chair to pick up the ordered nuts and chocolate items. Deliveries will occur between November 29 - December 5.
• Print your order summary from M2 and bring it to pick up your order. This is found on your troop dashboard, under Product Management.
• Troop Chairs should count and verify each item received during pick up from their service unit and when distributing to families. When you sign for it, ensure all items are there. If not, it must be noted on delivery ticket.
• Set up a time and location for families to pick up items to be delivered.
• Prepare for funds to be electronically withdrawn on November 17—be sure all troop funds are deposited into your troop account by November 15.
• Distribute girl recognitions, timeline TBD.
Care to Share—Community Care Project. The Care to Share project is a great way for customers to give back. Girls will collect donations and Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland takes care of delivering the nuts! Each donation is credited to girl’s sales and troops receive 20% of the proceeds. If you have a customer not interested in buying for themselves—suggest this project! For the 2023 Fall Product, Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland has chosen Convoy of Hope as our Care to Share organization.
M2 is the online platform that will guide you through the entire Fall Product Program. After setting up your account, you can use M2 to access your product and recognition orders as well as keeping track of all your banking information. Girls will also receive their own dashboard to keep track of their own orders and goals.
1. You should have already received an email from M2 with a link attached to access the 2023 M2 platform. If you have not received this email, please contact the Service Unit Nut and Candy chair or Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland.
2. Complete the Volunteer Agreement and watch the troop training video. This video will give you a rundown of how to work M2. You can access this video at any time.
3. After watching the video, create your avatar. You can do this by clicking on “Edit Avatar” under your name on your dashboard. You can request a patch with your avatar on it which is described in the troop training video.
4. Now, work on your Parent Adult Email Campaign found under Campaign Setup.
Once on the Parent Adult Email Campaign tab, you should see a list of girls who are enrolled in your troop—make sure their names are spelled correctly and email addresses are accurate.
• If you see a girl who is no longer active in your troop, you can delete those girls at this time.
• To add girls, you will have access to do that once you click save and continue for the girls’ names that are already in the system. Click the ‘Add Contacts’ tab in the upper right corner. Once you are done deleting or adding girls, click on send and close. The parents and girls will receive an email with information on how to participate in the 2023 Fall Product Program.
1. Click on the Paper Order Entry link under the Product Management tab. You will move to a screen where you can see all the in-person orders girls have added into the M2 platform from their order cards.
2. You will want to click on each girls order and confirm that the information they entered is correct. If it’s not correct, you can make edits as needed and click update button.
3. You will also want to check if there are girls who have in-person orders but have not entered them into the M2 platform. You can click on those girls names and enter the orders for them and click update button.