The Girl Scout Cookie Family Guide 2022

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Hello, Girl Scout Families!


Selling cookies is an important part of Girl Scouting, and is an experience that provides lasting skills and memories. When your Girl Scout has a voice and can help decide what to do with the money earned, she becomes courageous, confident, and empowered to make the world a better place. As we head into the 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program, we know this is going to be another unique selling year. This year we have in-person, digital, or combination selling opportunities available. We hope your family finds the best fit for you. Thank you for helping your Girl Scout in this unique year. Through innovation, safe selling techniques, and creative opportunities, she will have the self-confidence and know-how to pursue her dreams. Have questions? Contact your Troop Leader or Cookie Chair. They are experts and will help you through the program.

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Want more info? Visit or contact us at

Meet the 2022 Girl Scout Cookies! All varieties of cookies (including gluten-free) are available at $5 a package. Thin Mints®

Crispy chocolate wafers dipped in a mint chocolate-y coating.

Peanut Butter Patties®

Crispy vanilla cookie layered with peanut butter with a chocolate-y coating.

Gluten-Free Caramel Chocolate Chip

Chewy cookie that contains rich caramel, semisweet chocolate chips, & a hint of sea salt. PAGE 2




Delightful toast-shaped Indulgent browniecookies full of French toast flavor inspired cookies topped with with our signature trefoil on top. caramel flavored crème with a hint of sea salt. NEW!

Caramel deLites®

Vanilla cookie topped with caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and laced with chocolate-y stripes.



Traditional favorite with a light, buttery flavor.

Peanut Butter Sandwich

Savory slices of shortbread Smooth peanut butter with a refreshingly tangy lemon sandwiched between crunchy flavored icing. oatmeal cookies.

The Five Skills of the Cookie Program Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls learn . . .

This matters because . . .

Goal setting as they set a troop goal based on what they want to do with their troop proceeds. Then girls set an individual goal with help from their families.

Girls need to know how to set and reach goals to succeed in school, on the job, and in life.

Decision making by deciding where and when to sell cookies, how to market their cookie business, and what to do with their troop proceeds.

Girls will make big and small decisions in their life; practice helps them make good ones.

Money management as they develop a budget, take cookie orders, handle customers’ money, and gain confidence handling and managing money.

Girls need to know how to confidently handle, manage, and leverage money to do great things.

People skills as they safely talk to their customers in person and virtually to work as a team with other girls.

Knowing how to work with others will help them do better in school and, later, at work.

Business ethics as they learn to run their businesses using the Girl Scout Law as a guide, being honest and responsible every step of the way.

Employers want to hire ethical employees, and the world needs ethical leaders in every field at every age.

COVID Guidelines At Girl Scouts, there is nothing we take more seriously than the safety and well-being of our members. Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland is taking all possible and appropriate measures to ensure girls continue to have a safe, fun, one-of-a-kind experience at Girl Scouts. Please refer to our website for safety and covid-related updates. We will continue to update members via email, and will continue to update this web page. If you have a question, please call or email us.

Scan this code to view our COVID-19 guidelines.



Safety Tips for the Girl Scout Cookie Program


Be COVID safe. Follow local and GSMH COVID-19 guidelines, including wearing a mask and social distancing. Find the full set of guidelines on our website.

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Show you’re a Girl Scout. Wear your Girl Scout membership pin, vest, sash, or other Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.


Buddy up. Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun. Partner with adults. Adults must accompany Girl Scouts when they’re taking orders, selling cookies, or delivering cookies—including cookie booths. Plan ahead. Be prepared for emergencies, and always have a plan for safeguarding money.


Do not enter any homes or vehicles. Never enter someone’s home or vehicle when you’re selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles except at designated drive-thru cookie booths.


Protect privacy. Girls’ home and email addresses should never be given to customers. Girls may leave their first name and troop number with a customer if they would like to call GSMH to check their order. Also protect customers’ privacy by not sharing their information except when necessary.


Be safe on the road. Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading products and passengers from vehicles.


Be safe online. Girls are encouraged to utilize the online store from the girl dashboard in Smart Cookies. This is a safe site for girls to share their Cookie Program with friends and family through email, text messages, and social media posts. Before engaging in online activities, girls must have their parents’ permission as well as read and sign the Internet Safety Pledge found on our website. Please note that online sale and auction sites, or any other public websites are prohibited.



Seasons of the Cookie Program The Cookie Program can be broken down into three main periods: Initial Orders, Direct Sales, and Extended Sales. Initial Order Period happens January 3–21. This is the time when girls can go around with the order cards—collecting orders from customers, but not collecting money. Girls can also start using their My Smart Cookies Social Media Link, calling friends and family, and more! Troops can also start using their Troop Ship Only Link. Direct Sales Period starts when the cookies are delivered in February, and lasts until April 3! This year, cookie deliveries will happen February 11–18. During Direct Sales, girls can participate with in-person selling, including cookie booths, lemonade stand-style booths, door-to-door sales, etc. Girls can also use their My Smart Cookies Social Media Link for direct ship or girl delivery sales. Troops can utilize their Troop Ship Only Link and for direct sale period only—their Troop Cookie Link! Girls will earn recognitions based on sales during the Initial Order and Direct Sales Periods. Extended Sales Period happens April 4–30 and is an after-program opportunity for troops to sell their remaining inventory and continue earning troop proceeds through their Troop Ship Only Link.

Important Dates for the 2022 Cookie Season Right Now: Talk with your Girl Scout about her Cookie Program goals. Submit the Parent Permission & Responsibility form on Page 8. January 3: The Cookie Season begins and girls start taking orders! January 19: The Initial Order Period ends and orders are due to troop. February 11-18: Cookie deliveries! Your troop cookie chair will tell you how to pick up your girl’s cookies.

February 11 to April 3: Girl Scout Cookie Booths and Direct Sale Period. March 9: Initial order money due to troop. March 23: Money due from girls to troops for 2nd ACH. April 4: All remaining cookie funds due to troop.



Ways to Participate in Cookie Sales There are many new and improved ways to sell online! Girls and troops can participate in the Cookie Program in three distinguishable ways: inperson sales, digital sales, and a combination of in-person and digital. The following are options for girl selling. For more information on troop selling, please refer to the Cookie Scoop on our website. In-Person Sales are an iconic portion of the Cookie Program. At Cookie Booths, girls learn the 5 Skills and have direct and visible interaction the public by selling cookies in front of local businesses, at community events, or more. This year, girls can participate in lemonade stand-style booths! These are booths with one girl and her trusted adult. Girls should be in uniform when participating. These are great for neighborhood booths! Digital Sales include two options for all-digital sales available to girls this year! The My Smart Cookies Social Media Link is a single link or QR code shared via social media, text, or email by girls and their caregivers. Customers can prepay and get cookies shipped directly to them from our baker! Girls can also send unique emails to their customers in their personal address book! Smart Cookies e-Cards are customizable and can be 100% digital sales, offering direct ship to customers. Combination Sales is also a way to use our digital features to your advantage in boosting in-person sales! With the My Smart Cookies Social Media Link, girls and their caregivers can opt-in to Girl Delivery on the Smart Cookies registration page. That way, customers prepay with credit card, and girls deliver cookies! Less contact (or no-contact) is an option through this combination sales practice.

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Cookie Sellers Tip! Customers who don’t want to purchase cookies or are interested in other ways to support girls can donate a package of cookies to the military through H.E.R.O.E.S. Cares. Customers can support the donation program through any of the above selling methods.


Getting to Know the My Smart Cookies Social Media Link Customers can prepay and get cookies shipped directly to them from our baker OR girls and their caregivers can opt-in to Girl Delivery on the Smart Cookies registration page. That way, customers prepay with credit card, and girls deliver cookies! Caregiver Responsibilities for the Social Media Link include: • Approving or Cancelling all orders within 5 days of order placement through email links sent to the caregiver email address. Orders cannot be approved/cancelled in Smart Cookies. Be sure to add noreply@ to your safe sender email lists. • New for 2022, a QR code feature is available along with social link. The QR code can be copied and pasted onto custom print materials, such as door hangers, to use for the season. • Girls and Caregivers must provide order totals to the Troop Cookie Chair—they do not automatically populate in troop inventory. • Navigate to My Orders > Share My Cookie Link to locate the link!

The Girl Scout Law and Girl Scout Cookies I will do my best to be... Honest and fair, Observe the start date of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Friendly and helpful, Always say, “thank you.” Considerate and caring, Promptly meet deadlines. Courageous and strong,

Do the right thing even if others don’t. Responsible for what I say and do, Complete paperwork and deposits neatly and accurately. Respect myself and others, Strive to be your best at all times. Respect authority, Know and obey safety guidelines. Use resources wisely, Offer customers the opportunity to order online, over the telephone, or email. Make the world a better place, Greet customers with a smile and use manners. And be a sister to every Girl Scout. Help sister Girl Scouts. 2022 FAMILY GUIDE


The Cookie Program Makes Girl Scouts Possible Troop Earnings & Recognitions – $1.14 • Girl, troop, and service unit rewards • Girl and troop proceeds—used for field trips, camp, events, community service projects, program supplies, books, membership, and more Cookie Program Costs – $1.13 • Cost of cookies and program operations

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Cookie Program Costs Troop Earnings & Girl Recognitions Girl & Volunteer Support

Girl & Volunteer Support – $2.73 • High quality programs­in leadership, business, outdoors, and STEM • Financial assistance to underserved girls • Girl and volunteer recruitment and retention • Volunteer trainings, resources, and recognitions • Girl events and programs 100% of the Cookie Program proceeds benefit Girl Scouts in the Missouri Heartland jurisdiction. The annual membership dues fund our national organization, GSUSA. Proceeds from the Cookie Program stay here and are the largest source of income for girl programs, volunteer trainings, and more. They provide financial assistance to keep Girl Scouting available and affordable to all.

Parent Permission Form: Parents fill out the Parent Permission and Adult Responsibility Form online before their daughter receives a girl packet and any cookies to sell. Parents living in separate households, who will both be assisting their daughter with the Cookie Program, will each need to fill out a form. Scan this QR Code to go straight to the form!



Ways to Support Your Cookie Entrepreneur • • • • • •

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Help her earn the Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin to practice building her skills at home. Help her set up her Smart Cookies site. Help her keep money safe. Know the rules and safety guidelines. Model business ethics, decision making, people skills, and safety as you support her. Ask your troop leader how you can help the whole troop reach its goals. Your Girl Scout will learn to be a helper and take action by watching you. Help her make arrangements to connect with people in her network. Never do things for your girl that she can do for herself, even if it’s quicker and easier for you to do them. Have fun together along the way and engage your whole family in supporting her!

Responsibilities to the Troop Girl Responsibility • Follow the Promise & Law • Be confident and supportive towards her troop peers • Attend and participate in meetings and events • Listen to others in the troop and show respect for other opinions • Be prepared and conduct herself in a safe manner • Respect troop leaders and other volunteers

Troop Leader Responsibility • Follow the Promise & Law • Let girls lead—ensure girls take an active role in decisions • Create an inclusive environment where girls and families feel welcome and connected • Provide a safe program • Listen to and respect every participant; serve as a role model • Utilize volunteer resources such as the Volunteer Toolkit • Ask for help when needed

Family Responsibility • Follow the Promise & Law • Support your Girl Scout through all facets of her Girl Scout experience • Wear a mask and follow safety guidelines while selling Girl Scout Cookies • Honor all deadlines • Allow her to take the lead • Volunteer with your troop—your Troop Leader cannot do it alone • Stay connected and ask questions • Turn in cookie money often • Understand that once you take possession of cookies, they are your financial responsibility 2022 FAMILY GUIDE


Earn new badges, boost their sales! Introducing the new Cookie Business Badges: The new Cookie Business badges are the best way for girls to develop business skills and learn to think like entrepreneurs as they run their own business. This year, we are proud to introduce our new Cookie Business Badges! Earning a Cookie Business badge gives girls a chance to reach new heights by smashing their cookie goals and working together with their troop to achieve team goals! Complete badge booklets are available at the online Girl Scout Shop. Here’s a peek of some of the badges! My First Cookie Business Daisies find out how to run their very own business as they learn cookie business basics—including exploring their products, deciding how to use their money, and connecting with customers as they develop their first business pitch! Cookie Decision Maker Brownies practice their decision-making skills as they learn all about the available selling tools and pick the right ones for them. Then they choose how to share their cookie spirit and goals with customers. Cookie Collaborator Juniors take teamwork to the next level as they look within and beyond their troop for support in reaching their goals—learning how to set goals and collaborate with their friends and family to connect with more customers.



My Cookie Venture Cadettes create their own mission statement, then think about ways to reach customers, share their mission, and document their goals in a business plan. Cookie Boss Seniors gain new skills as they take charge of their business, managing all business logistics. They set goals, create a budget, manage inventory, and create pitches to market their business. My Cookie Business Resume Ambassadors gain new marketing skills as they translate their skills into a resume and portfolio that they can use that highlight the skills girls have gained running their cookie business to prepare for the future.

Outside the Box Ways to Pitch Your Cookie Business Practice makes perfect! Before your girls go out into the world with their order card in hand, help them practice their sales pitch. Their customers are going to ask questions, and now is a great time to practice answering! Girls should also familiarize themselves with the cookie line up so they can describe each different flavor. Sample Pitch It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time! My first name is_______. Please help me reach my goal of selling ____ packages so my troop can_______. Let me tell you how you can order! Perfect Your Pitch to Businesses: Local businesses can be great partners during the Cookie Program. Our delicious cookies are great for employee or customer appreciation! Remember: • Businesses cannot sell cookies for girls, but they can host girl-attended cookie booths! • Businesses may never buy cookies to resell them, but they can buy them to use them to giveaway as customer or employee appreciation!

Perfect Your Pitch Online: Girls may promote their Cookie Business on their personal social media pages with caregiver guidance and permission (ages 13+). For girls under the age of 13, caregivers can promote their Girl Scouts’ Cookie Business, but girls should be involved in the process—for instance, she can share her goals, photos, or artwork, and messages of thanks. Remember: • Personal emails or street addresses of girls should never be used online. • Never sell or take money for the Girl Scout Cookie Program through online sales sites such as eBay, Craigslist, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and public Buy & Sell sites. • Social media ads or any type of paid advertisements should not be purchased or donated to promote girl’s cookie sales. Perfect Your Pitch to the Media: Not only can talking with the media and being on TV be a fun experience, but it can also get the word out about how to buy cookies, why the public should buy cookies, and more! Before engaging with the media reach out to us—as the expert and official representative for GSMH in the media, our Public Relations Specialist will be your teammate, guiding you through the process every step of the way. Families should not reach out directly to the media. 2022 FAMILY GUIDE


Her Cookie Business = A Family Affair Celebrate your family’s teamwork and get the pin—now available! The year-by-year Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin collection is one of the latest additions to the Girl Scout Cookie Program—and was inspired by and designed for families just like yours! It’s never been easier to support your girl as she develops business skills, makes amazing memories, and earns a different pin for her uniform every cookie season. The simple, age-specific guidelines have been tailored for her developing skill set, making success a snap.

When you’re a cookie entrepreneur family, she’ll want the world to know.

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