Girl Scout Mission
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
The Girl Scout Program
Grounded in the Girl Scout Promise and Law, Girl Scouting is an experiential, cooperative education program that promotes girls’ personal growth and leadership development. Partnering with caring adults, girls design fun and challenging activities that empower them and raise their voices within a local, national, and global sisterhood.
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try: to serve God and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Fall Product Program
Fall Program
The Fall Program order has been submitted to our vendor, Ashdon Farms, and deliveries will begin in a couple of weeks. If you have late orders, or other questions/concerns, please email customercare@gsmw. org. Every effort will be made to get late orders added to normal deliveries – but if late orders must be sent separate, the shipping will be paid for by the Troop/Caregiver.
If you or your customers have questions or concerns about orders, you can reach out to the M2 Customer Care Team at or by phone at (800) 372-8520. You can also reach out to GSMW with the order number, issue, address and phone number of the customer and we can assist in contacting M2 Customer Care should you need help.
Receipts, Receipts, Receipts!
Check out this link about how to print off receipts from M2OS. Please be sure to print two copies of the girl receipts to have one copy for the troop and one for the caregiver. Both copies must be signed.
If you don’t have a printer, no problem! Email by November 1st with your SU/Troop number and where to send the receipts and we will get that done and sent directly to you.
Don't Forget to Get Receipts Signed
By November 30th, Service Units must submit the troop pickup receipts to council by emailing and attaching receipt pictures or mailing them to the Billings Office at 2303 Grand Ave, Billings, MT 59102.
Girl Scout National Convention
The GSUSA National Convention is nearing ever-closer. GSMW has put together resources to help your troop and group plan their trip to Orlando. First,
out our three short travel support videos
Travel Support Videos
Video #1: Toolkit Introduction (8 min)
• What’s in the Toolkit?
• GSUSA’s National Convention Web Page
• Troop Travel Readiness
Video #2: Finances (12 min)
• Budgeting and Finances
• Registration & Accommodation Fees
• Money-Earning & Scholarships
Video #3: Around Orlando! (16 min)
• Alternative Accommodations
• Transportation
• Non-Convention Activities
Email Opt-In for GS Communication
We need your help in spreading news about Girl Scouts! When a new member signs up to become a Girl Scout, they must opt-in to receive communications from GSMW. Without doing so, they are missing out on our monthly newsletters, program opportunities, and other special council news. Please encourage all of your troop parents and volunteers to opt into communications.
for step-by-step instructions:
Communications Opt-In for Households
Communications Opt-In for Single Member
Girl Scout Trips and Travel Opportunities
Take a Road Trip—and Stay With Girl Scouts!
There are so many amazing places to explore across the U.S. and there are Girl Scout properties near so many of them! Whether you’re looking for a troop house in a cool, small city, or a campsite in the beautiful wilderness, there are Girl Scout places waiting for your group.
Use this interactive map to explore Girl Scout properties—and contact the site to learn more. Once you have your Girl Scout accommodations booked, use the “Travel in the USA” guide below to plan the rest of your trip.
Travel Destinations
Each year, Girl Scouts from all over the world travel to dozens of locations on Girl Scout-sponsored trips called Destinations. Destinations are the ultimate Girl Scout travel experience. Each Destination is made up of a group of individual Girl Scouts who are passionate about travel and connecting to the worldwide Girl Scout Sisterhood.
GSMW Destinations Spotlight
During the summer of 2022, six Montana and Wyoming Girl Scouts followed their travel dreams. Each month, GSMW will spotlight a Destinations traveler. This month, we will share Samantha’s experience. Samantha traveled on the North Country Rockin’ Wilderness Destination. Upon her return, Samantha said:
“This destination was an incredible experience. I got to do things I never knew how to do before the trip. I met so many new people from all over. I made new friends and memories that I will never forget. Every day I paddled somewhere new, seeing different landscapes each time. Some of the lakes had rougher water than others. Some had more wildlife. Some trees were green and gorgeous, while others were the burned down remains. I saw a beautiful waterfall and so many pretty flowers on lily pads.”
Check out GSUSA’s Destinations page for more information on how to apply to go on an amazing Destination in 2023 or 2024!
Highest Award Spotlight
Savannah partnered with Frontier FFA, Cheyenne East and Central Agriculture Programs, and the Clark Allen School Farm to Promote Agriculture and FFA programs in her community. Savannah and her team built indoor and outdoor goat enclosures that previously did not exist. She provided goat equipment and learning materials as well as created a pay it back/pay it forward scholarship for the Clark Allen School farm. Students can apply to receive funds to purchase fair animals to keep at the school farm, raise for fair, and after they sell, pay back the scholarship with 10% interest to grow the scholarship.
Congratulations, Savannah!
Calling All Girl Scout Alumna
We want to hear from YOU, our Girl Scout alumna. You know more than anyone about the benefits of being a Girl Scout and we want to share your experience.
If you’re interested in sharing your Girl Scout story, please reach out to us at or give us a call at 406-252-0488.
Alumna Spotlight
"Patrols, badge work, camp cooking, KP charts, spooky stories and skits at campfire all in two full days and a night. Those camping experiences, starting with day camp in Brownies through Juniors cemented my appreciation and love for the natural world. The counselors were just wonderful, inspiring young women. We all dreamed of 'growing up' and becoming camp counselors with our own unit troops at camp. I eventually did in high school and college and brought all that I had gleaned in scouting to that experience."
Read Skeeter's Story Here!
Taking STEM on the Road
The Mobile STEM Learning Center is making strides! We have been fundraising and working on this project for the past two years, and we’re happy to say, we’ve completed Phase 1. The Mobile STEM Learning Center will provide girls across 245,000 square miles with empowering hands-on STEM learning opportunities in their communities. We still have a lot of work to do to complete this project and you can follow us on our journey as we continue our work. If you’d like to support our efforts, you can make a donation online or shop from our Amazon Wish List.
Additional discounts include:
Follow Our Journey!
Lifetime Members
Did you know? As a Lifetime Member, you can receive 10% off Girl Scout Merchandise! When shopping with GSMW, simply tell Carol or Kori that you’re a Lifetime Member, they’ll confirm, and you’ll receive your discount. If shopping online with GSUSA, you’ll need to enter your special “secret code” that you received in your welcome email. This code can be used multiple times. Questions? Contact us at
• Joann: register for Girl Scout Rewards to get 15% off purchases. Exclusions may apply.
• Trust and Will: you get one complimentary, state-specific, legally valid will.
• Edith Macy Center in Chappaqua, New York: you get a hotel package that includes a guest room, buffet breakfast, to-go lunch in a souvenir cooler bag, and transportation to/from the train station for $175 plus tax. Each additional person in a room is $35.
Special Traditions
Traditions give Girl Scouts a sense of history and inspire them to be the best they can be! It’s never too late to introduce or to bring back these traditions as a part of your Girl Scouting experience.
⚬ Girl Scout sign: One of the most recognizable and we3ll-known traditions is the Girl Scout sign, also known as the Girl Scout promise sign. To do the sign, raise your right hand. Use the thumb to hold down the pinky finger, leaving the three middle fingers raised to represent the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise. This tradition, along with the Girl Scout Promise, kicks off most Girl Scoutrelated events and ceremonies.
⚬ Motto: The Girl Scout motto is “Be prepared.” In the 1947 Girl Scout Handbook, the motto was explained this way: “A Girl Scout is ready to help out wherever she is needed. Willingness to serve is not enough: you must know how to do the job well, even in an emergency”. The same holds true today.
⚬ Slogan: The Girl Scout slogan is “Do a good turn daily.” The slogan, which has been used since 1912, is a reminder that Girl Scouts can make a difference in big and small ways.
⚬ Greeting: Girl Scouts can greet one another with the Girl Scout handshake. The handshake is made by shaking hands with the left hand and making the Girl Scout sign with the right. Reintroduce your Girl Scouts to this traditional greeting and incorporate it at special ceremonies, events that celebrate the girls, and when meeting Girl Scouts from around the world!
⚬ Friendship Circle and Friendship Squeeze: Representing the unbroken chain of friendship, Girl Scouts stand in a circle, cross their right arms over their left, and clasp hands with their friends on both sides. Each girl makes a silent wish as a friendship squeeze is passed from hand to hand around the circle. This is a great tradition to incorporate at the end of troop meetings.
⚬ SWAPS: Looking to connect with other troops? SWAPS is the way! SWAPS stands for “Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.” They are small tokens of friendship that girls share with other Girl Scouts they meet while traveling or during events. They are often handmade and tell a story about the givers country, community, Girl Scout council, or troop.
Ceremonies allow girls to reflect on their accomplishments in a meaningful way, and acknowledge the rich tradition and sisterhood of Girl Scouting! Encourage girl-led planning so that all troop members are involved and their ideas are heard. Here are a few special ceremonies Girl Scouts can partake in:
⚬ An investiture ceremony welcomes all new members to Girl Scouts. The girls make the Promise for the first time and receive their membership pin. Host this ceremony after the girls learn the Girl Scout Promise, during the week of Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday (October 31st) or in December before the holiday season.
⚬ A re-dedication ceremony is a great way for returning members to kick off the troop year and renew their commitment to the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
⚬ Bridging ceremony celebrates girls’ passage from one program grade level to another. During the ceremony, girls should also receive their new membership pin and their membership stars and discs. Bridging years are also a time when girls can earn the Girl Scout bridging awards. The requirements can be found in the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK).
⚬ Flag ceremonies help girls learn patriotism and respect for flag and country. They can take place indoors or outdoors and may be included as the opening and/or closing of another ceremony. Flag retirement ceremonies teach girls to respectfully dispose of a flag that is worn beyond use.
Membership pins, stars and discs as well as the bridging awards for all levels are available to purchase in the GSMW shop!