2018 Fall Proram Glossary of Terms

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Welcome to our brand new 2018 Fall Program Glossary of Terms. Whether you are new to the Fall Program or a seasoned volunteer, there may be terms and words in the program that may be unfamiliar to you. This easy to use virtual book lists out terms and words in alphabetical order so you can locate them quickly and easily. If you are unable to find help here, please email fallsale@nccoastalpines.org and we will be happy to help you! Let’s get started!

A volunteer from your county/area who has stepped up to coordinate the Fall Program for their county/area. They will go through a training with the Product Sales Department in September. Then they will offer trainings to their Troop Fall Program Coordinators. Once the program kicks off they will be available for questions and assistance. They will receive and distribute nuts and candy in November to the troops to be delivered by Girl Scouts. They will receive and distribute recognitions in December to the troops.

A figure representing a particular person in the virtual world that is designed in their likeness. For the Fall Program, Girl Scouts create an avatar which will be her online salesperson in her virtual store. Each Girl Scout can design her to be as unique as she is and can even give her a voice to share with family and friends. 1

A patch Girl Scouts who participate in the Fall Program can earn. Girls who sell 4 magazine subscriptions (new or renewal) plus 20 nut or candy items plus send 15 or more email invitations to their friends and family to shop their virtual store can earn this patch that she designs. She can select the appearance of their avatar, what she is wearing, and even her background. Once she earns this patch, it will be mailed directly to her home.

Girl Scouts have the option of printing business cards at the M2 Portal that feature their avatar and their virual store's URL.

In the Fall Program, troops and Girl Scouts can sell candy/nuts as well as magazine subscriptions. Our council currently works with Trophy Nut who make a yummy variety of sweet and savory snacks available for purchase during the Fall Program. There are 14 items available on the order card as well dozens more available online for direct ship.

A patch a Girl Scout can earn by participating in both the Fall Program and the Cookie Program. The patch is custom designed by the Girl Scout with her own avatar and includes a background featuring the 5 Skills. A Girl Scout can earn this patch by creating her avatar and sending out 15 email invitations to invite family and friends to shop her virtual store in the Fall Program and by selling 300 packages or more in the following Cookie Program.

Recognitions are cumulative, which means girls will earn the reward for the highest level achieved and each reward at the lower levels of achievement.

A figure representing a particular person in the virtual world that is designed in their likeness. For the Fall Program, Girl Scouts create an avatar which will be her online salesperson in her virtual store. The digital avatar lives virtually at the M2 Portal and acts as the Girl Scouts virtual salesperson in her virtual store.

Products are directly shipped from the vendor to the customer. In the Fall Program, all magazines are shipped direct at no additional cost to the customer. Customers can chose to have nuts and candy featured on the order card shipped directly to them; however there is a shipping cost to the customer. In addition, if a customer selects a nut or candy item online that is not featured on the order card then they will have pay shipping costs as these items are only shipped directly. 2

In the Fall Program, girls can sell online or they can sell Face2Face or in person. We offer the paper order card to help girls who would like to sell Face2Face; however girls can also use a mobile device when selling Face2Face for both candy/nuts and magazines if they would prefer to have all their orders directly input into the M2 Portal.

The Fall Program combines program activities with money earning opportunities for troops. The sale also provides an important ingredient for leadership by helping girls develop the five skills. The Fall Program enables troops to earn start up money by selling magazine subscriptions, nuts, and chocolates.

The Fall Program provides an important ingredient for leadership by helping girls develop these five skills: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics.

Customers of the Fall Program who want to save on shipping costs can opt to have their nut and candy purchases delivered by the Girl Scout they purchased them from. The customer can order from the Girl Scout's online store or Face2Face; however they are limited to the 14 items listed on the paper order card. This is a great option for customers who live close to the Girl Scout.

Key dates that everyone involved in the Fall Program should be aware of: October 1: Fall Program begins. October 21: Face-to-face orders end; online sale continues. November 11: Fall Program ends. November 15-17: Nut and candy deliveries to Area Coordinators.

A subscription agency serving the magazine publishing industry. It enables fundraising organizations to sell and provide subscriptions via an integrated e-commerce platform. Our council has been working with M2 and their M2 Portal since fall of 2015.


The online platform where both Girl Scouts, their families and volunteers coordinate the Fall Program. Create your avatar, set up your virtual store, send out email invitations, manage orders, and run reports all through this easy and very intuitive system.

An awesome customer care team here to make sure you have a successful Fall Program with 100% customer satisfaction guarantee! M2 Media Customer Care is available Monday-Friday 8am-5pm and can be reached either at 1-800-372-8520 or questions@gsnutsandmags.com.

M2's Room is a virtual room where participating Girl Scout's avatar lives. Her avatar can hang out, collect rewards to display in her room, and see her troop's photo featuring all the girls and adults avatars. Girls love visiting their M2 Room to check out all the other avatars in their troop!

In the Fall Program, troops and Girl Scouts can sell magazine subscriptions as well as candy/nuts. M2 Media provides hundreds of popular titles for girls to sell either as new subscriptions or renewals.

Every Product Program, no matter if it is the Fall Program or the Cookie Program has a mascot to help us kick off our program. The 2018 Fall Program is being lead by a moose on the loose! Our travelin' moose is taking us around the world to explore new places.

Mobile optimized means that the site will reformat itself for a list of handheld or tablet devices. Larger navigation buttons, reformatted content, and differently optimized images appear when the user is on an iPhone or other device.

Also known as Personalized Storefront, it is a Girl Scouts virtual store in the M2 Portal. She can invite customers to virtually shop for magazines, nuts and candy at her store. Her avatar will help guide the customer through the experience. And her "store" is open 24/7 during the Fall Program so customers can shop when it works with their schedule.


Girl Scout Daisy and Brownie troops earn 10% in proceeds plus recognitions. Girl Scout Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops can opt for 15% in proceeds in lieu of recognitions. Girls will still receive patches including the custom avatar patch. Troops need to opt out at the M2 Portal prior to the end of program if they want 15% proceeds. Once a troop opts out, they can not change back to the 10% plan.

The order card, also known as paper order, is a heavy stock paper order sheet participating Girl Scouts can use to take Face2Face orders for nuts and candy. It also includes information about the Fall Program such as important dates and the recognitions the girls can earn.

The GS Product Permission & Responsibility Agreement is an online form that every parent or guardian of Girl Scout who would like to participate in any Product Programs must complete to allow their Girl Scout to participate. Find it online at https://gsnccp.wufoo.com/forms/gs-product-permission-responsibility-agreement/

Proceeds from a Product Program are money earned by the troop from the items they sell. In the Fall Program, Girl Scout Daisy and Brownie troops earn 10% in proceeds plus recognitions. Girl Scout Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops can opt for 15% in proceeds in lieu of recognitions.

Rallies are organized events prior to the Product Program that should be both fun and accomplish three main goals. These include motivating and exciting girls to set goals and sell to their full potential. Educating girls and families about what’s new in the Product Program and how the program works in our council. And lastly, help girls and families understand how to sell safely.

Every Girl Scout who attends a Fall Program Rally will receive a Fall Program Rally patch at no cost to the girl or troop.

Items including plush animals, craft kits, bags, and t-shirts that the girls can earn for selling to specified levels in the Product Programs.


Girl Scouts are encouraged with the help of a parent or guardian to share the news of your Fall Program with family and friends by sharing on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. 27% of online sales come from social media shares!

Sweet Success 100 Club! Girls selling 100 items (magazines and/or nuts) or more earn a special patch plus special recognition to celebrate their achievement that includes dinner and a movie as part of this exclusive club!

Area Fall Coordinators are trained by council in mid-September. Troops should receive information about Troop Training for the Fall Program scheduled for late September once their Area Coordinator has been trained. In addition, troops will review a short M2 Portal training when they log into the site for the first time (see Troop Training Video). Girl Scouts should receive training via a Fall Program Rally where they will receive their paper order card plus the quick steps flyer and money envelope.

Treats for Troops is a great service project that gives our Girl Scouts and customers the opportunity to support our military troops with treats from home. Girls with 5 or more Treats for Troops treats (each treat is $6) will earn a special patch!

A volunteer in the troop who steps up to coordinated the Fall Program for their troop. Their job is to attend training with their Area Coordinator, educate the Girl Scouts and families on the program, distribute order cards and other paper materials to the Girl Scouts, answer questions that come up, remind families to enter orders prior to deadline, and pick up and distribute both the nuts/candy and recognitions.

When the Troop Fall Program Coordinator logs into the M2 Portal for the first time they will be required to watch a 5 minute video which gives you an overview of the site. If you need a refresher, you are welcome to watch the video again whenever you log into the site.


A nut and candy company that provides our council with the nuts and candies we offer in our Fall Program. Our council has been working with Trophy Nut since 2015.

Every Girl Scout who sets up a virtual store in the M2 Portal will receive a unique code which she can provide customers to find her store on the site. This unique code is also printed on the business cards if she choses to print these out.

Troop Fall Program Coordinators can also earn an avatar patch when their troop sells 10 magazines and 30 nut/chocolate items.

The zip code validation takes place before an account is registered in the M2 Portal to ensure girls are in the correct council.

Thank you for checking out our brand new 2018 Fall Program Glossary of Terms. If you are unable to find help here, please email fallsale@nccoastalpines.org and we will be happy to help you!


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