EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors
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Look inside for info about events, programs, trainings, and special opportunities just for teens! This is a great time to be a Girl Scout with lots of ways to get involved, have fun, explore possibilities, experience adventures, challenge yourself, take trips, and reach for the stars!
Registration Information........................................................................3 Refund Policy...........................................................................................4 Wider Opportunity Fund & Financial Assistance Guidelines ..........5 T H AT ’ S L I F E : L I F E S K I L L S 2014 Cookie Sale Program.....................................................................6 Girl Scout Voices Survey .......................................................................6 American Red Cross Babysitting .........................................................7 First Aid and CPR Workshop for Teen Girls ........................................7 First Aid and CPR Overnighter ..............................................................7 EXPLORE: SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY Night Owl Overnighter ...........................................................................8 Engineer It! ..............................................................................................8 Seashore Exploration.............................................................................8 Digital Movie Maker...............................................................................8 Aurora Fossil............................................................................................8 The Sky’s the Limit! ................................................................................8 Big Explosions, Strong Gravity!............................................................9 Good Earth Adventures..........................................................................9 Marine Quest...........................................................................................9 It2 Girl Advisory Team .............................................................................9 G E T M O V I N ’ : S P O R T S + H E A LT H + F I T N E S S Climbing the Alpine Tower...................................................................10 Stress Less.............................................................................................10 Duke University Dance Day ................................................................10 Canoe Adventures ...............................................................................10 Sunset Canoe ........................................................................................10 E X P R E S S I O N S : C U LT U R E + A R T S Ladies of the Round Table ...................................................................11 Les Miserables......................................................................................11 Wilmington Youth Orchestra ..............................................................11 Girl Rising ...............................................................................................11 Wizard of Oz ..........................................................................................11 Get Focused! .........................................................................................11 Green Jewels ........................................................................................11
ESCAPE: OUTDOORS + ROAD TRIPS Winter Teen Jam...................................................................................12 Girls Fishing on the Fly Series.............................................................12 Safari Adventure ..................................................................................12 NC SPARKLE Day! ................................................................................12 Fun in the Sun at Camp ........................................................................12 Spring Teen Retreat..............................................................................12 Dolphin and Dune Adventure..............................................................13 CAMP Camp Open House ................................................................................13 Day Camp ...............................................................................................13 Group/Troop Camp................................................................................13 Residential Camps ................................................................................13 LEAD ON: LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES LiA Workshop ........................................................................................14 Program Aide Core Training................................................................14 Program Aide Specialty Trainings......................................................14 Arts & Crafts, Songs and Ceremonies ...........................................14 Science, Sports and Games ............................................................14 Event Planning ...................................................................................15 Outdoor Skills .....................................................................................15 High Ropes .........................................................................................15 It’s a Girl’s World: Leadership Expo...................................................15 Volunteer Essentials for Teens – VIT Award ....................................15 KUDOS: VOICE YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards ...............................................................16 Girl Scout Gold Award Workshop ......................................................16 Girl Scout Silver Award Workshop ....................................................17 Scholarships & Awards .......................................................................17 Misty Crabtree Eastham Memorial Scholarship .............................17 Religious Recognitions for Girls .........................................................17 ETC. Girl Scout Women of Achievement/ STEM Podcast Series .......................................................................18 Council Shops........................................................................................18 Service Centers and Directions .........................................................19
Registration Below is a sample event listing, which explains the information published for each event. You may register online or by mail. All registrations must be accompanied by fees. Checks should be made payable to Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines. Faxed, emailed, phoned, or in-person registrations will NOT be accepted. See page 5 for more information on applying for financial assistance. After your registration is processed, you will receive a confirmation email. You will also be emailed an event confirmation packet approximately two weeks prior to the event.
Sample Event Name
MAILING DATE If mailing your registration, it cannot be postmarked before this date or it will be returned to you. We will collect and hold mailed registrations until the opening date.
This paragraph contains a brief description of the event. If you have any questions, please email or contact the council at 919.782.3021 or 800.284.4475. who The grade levels that can attend the event when Date and time of the event where Event location, County fee The cost per girl and adult. You must register for all events, even those without fees. This allows for appropriate safety planning and event preparations. CLOSING DATE registration Mailing Date / Opening Date / Closing Date This is the last day that you can register for an event if Individual / Troop Registration space is available. Please
INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION Any girl in the grade level listed above can register for this event along with an adult chaperone. Troop registrations will not be accepted for individual-only events. TROOP REGISTRATION An adult member of the troop coordinates registration online. Unless the event is advertised as a family event, please limit adults to reflect the recommended ratios below. Two Adults to Every: Plus One Adult to Each Additional: 20 Girl Scout Cadettes 10 Girl Scout Cadettes or Ambassadors 24 Girl Scout Seniors 12 Girl Scout Seniors or Ambassadors Any event that is only open for Troop Registration is designed to accommodate the girls and leaders only. Additional adults are allowed within these ratios or by pre-approval from the council. Large groups may bring additional drivers as needed. For additional information, please see the Adult Supervision Requirements section on page 5.
note that some events fill prior to the closing date. Mailed registrations must be received by this date. OPENING DATE This is the date when registration opens for this event. Online event registrations open at 12:01 a.m. Mailed registrations are held and processed at the start of the business day.
Scan the QR code on your SmartPhone to go directly to our C.O.R.E. site.
We are always adding new events! Check out our interactive events calendar at
Registration continued Registering Online • Register online on or after the Registration Opening Date at • Click on the link to C.O.R.E. (Council Online Registration Entry). • Login to your account and click on the Activities page. Find the event using the filters on the left or the search box on the top of your screen. • Click on the session title of your choice, then click on the Register Now button to choose participants from your troop or Family. • If you are an individual troop member registering for a troop event, check with your Troop Leader before registering. Leaders may register troop members at one time. • For C.O.R.E. account questions, please contact the Help Desk at (Detailed registration instructions and demos are available on the C.O.R.E. site.) • Online registration must include payment in full. • To be placed on the waitlist, you must register and pay in full. • A deposit is required for camp registration. • If you have paid in full and have Cookie Dough or financial assistance to apply, you will receive a refund for any overpayment.
Registering By Mail • Mail-in registrations will not be accepted if the postmark is more than seven days prior to the Registration Opening Dates. • Your registration will be entered online by our staff at the start of the business day on the opening date. • If registering for multiple events, you must include a separate registration form for each event. All registrations must be accompanied by fees. • If you are requesting financial assistance, the deposit ($5 per person per event or one-third of the event fee, whichever is greater) and financial assistance request form must be included with the registration form. • If an event is full and you do not wish to be placed on the waitlist, your payment will be returned to you by mail. • To be placed on the waitlist, please check the “Yes” box on the registration form where it reads, “If all choices are full, would you like to be put on a waiting list?” • All payments are deposited when they are received. If the event and waitlist are full, you will receive a refund. • To request forms, please email Faxed, emailed, phoned, or in-person registrations will NOT be accepted. R E G I S T R AT I O N O P E N I N G D AT E S December 18, 2013 January 15, 2014 February 19, 2014
March 19, 2014 April 16, 2014
Cancellations and Refunds C A N C E L L AT I O N O F E V E N T P O L I C Y Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines reserves the right to cancel an event due to insufficient registration, acts of nature, or any other reason beyond its control. Council-sponsored events are held rain or shine, unless inclement weather adversely affects the program. If an event must be canceled or rescheduled, registered participants will be notified and refunds processed accordingly.
Refund Policies FULL REFUND • If placement from an event waiting list cannot be made, a full refund will be provided. • If an event is cancelled by the council due to insufficient registration, act of nature, or other reason beyond its control, a full refund will be provided. PA R T I A L R E F U N D For events with registration fees that are greater than $15 per individual, a 50-percent refund of the event registration fee will be awarded if the following conditions are met: • the registrant provides a 30-day written notice to the program registrar; and • the notice is in the form of email, letter, or fax and is clearly addressed to the program registrar. (Send email notice to, fax to 919.747.7181, or mail letter to the Raleigh Service Center.) Prompt notification allows time for girls who may be on the event’s waiting list to participate in the event. Refunds requested less than 30 days prior to an event will only be issued for medical reasons if the following conditions are met: • notification is received prior to the event date; and • within one week of the event, the notification is followed up by a written refund request and doctor’s statement. NO REFUND • Refunds will not be issued for event fees of $15 or less per individual per event. • No refund will be issued for “no-shows.” • There are no refunds for ticketed events such as theater, ballet, or symphony—or for council-sponsored trips. • The GSUSA $15 Girl Scout membership fee is non-refundable. Note: for programs sponsored with community partners, refund policies may vary. Please email with any questions. PAY M E N T S W I T H C O O K I E D O U G H A N D G I F T C A R D S At this time, we are unable to process Cookie Dough and gift cards as a payment type for online registrations. All Cookie Dough and gift card payments must be made with paper registrations. Please indicate the Cookie Dough/gift card identification number on the registration form. If you have already registered and paid in full online, then please mail a photocopy of the back of your Cookie Dough or gift card to the Raleigh Service Center with a note giving the order number and participant’s name. You will be refunded for any overpayment.
At the Event A D U LT S U P E R V I S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S A minimum of two adults must accompany every troop to a program event unless otherwise stated in the event description. Please consult the guidelines in Safety Activity Checkpoints or Volunteer Essentials for exact ratio information. Our primary goal is to provide quality programming for girls; as a result, space may not be available for additional adults above the stated ratio.
Financial Assistance Financial assistance is available for registered Girl Scouts who would otherwise be unable to attend individual program events and camps. Should you have any questions concerning financial aid contact the council help desk at 800.284.4475 or F I N A N C I A L A S S I S TA N C E F O R COUNCIL-SPONSORED EVENTS This assistance is for girls and adults requesting financial assistance for council-sponsored events. For this assistance, you must register for the event by mail or through C.O.R.E. (Council Online Registration Entry). Requests are due at the time of registration. You will be notified of the status of your registration and financial assistance request via email. IF REGISTERING ONLINE VIA C.O.R.E: • Follow the registration process found on page 4. • Complete the online financial assistance form found under Program Resources on Website. • Registration fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. • If assistance has been awarded, a credit will be applied back to the credit card used to place the order. IF REGISTERING BY MAIL, PLEASE MAIL THE FOLLOWING TO THE RALEIGH SERVICE CENTER: • Individual financial assistance request form (PG310). • Event registration and roster form (TP710 or TP711). • Event deposit ($5 per person per event or one-third of the event fee, whichever is greater). • Receipt of registration and financial assistance requests do not guarantee your placement in the event. INDIVIDUAL WIDER OPPORTUNITY GRANTS This confidential financial assistance is based on personal information establishing the applicant’s need. The basic guideline is up to one-third of the cost of the event fee and transportation. Before an individual’s request can be processed, the event/trip must first be granted Wider Opportunity Status, requested by the Troop/group. Status and financial assistance is granted by a committee of volunteer and staff representatives. Applicants must participate in the Cookie Program for that year and demonstrate a need for assistance. Applications for Wider Opportunity status and funding are due on the first of every month. It is recommended to submit an application for Wider Opportunity Status three to six months in advance of the trip date. Applications and a listing of committee meeting dates can be found on our website at
stay connected!
Waste of time is the worst of waste. We can never get those moments back again. – from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook
Cookie Sale Program CHANGE THE WORLD! Girls learn many life skills and earn proceeds for their troop by participating in the cookie sale. Focusing on the 5 Skills for Girls, the cookie sale is designed to help girls grow into leaders of courage, confidence, and character, as well as learn valuable life skills that they can apply to their everyday lives: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. All Girl Scout troops earn proceeds for participating in the Cookie Sale Program, which can be used to carry out the various activities girls take part in throughout the year. Troops that sell an average of 170 boxes or more per girl are also eligible for a bonus on top of the proceeds they earn, providing they meet all other stated criteria. In 2013, the average troop earned more than $1,200 in proceeds. Participating girls are also eligible to earn Superstar Destinations. This awesome program continues to be wildly popular. In 2013, more than 1,200 girls qualified for Superstar Destinations and Cookie Dough. Girls who qualify can earn free admission tickets to places like Carowinds, Busch Gardens, Great Wolf Lodge, movie theaters, skating centers, and bowling centers. Girls can also earn Cookie Dough—which can be used to pay for Girl Scout camp, purchases in the council shops, and council sponsored events, and national and international GSUSA destinations. Check our website for up to date Cookie Program information! I M P O R TA N T D AT E S January 3 Cookie Sale Program starts January 13-18 Initial orders are delivered March 5 Cookie Sale Program ends March 15 Final reports and payments due from troops
Girl Scout Voices Survey The Girl Scout Voices Survey evaluation system is ongoing and open to volunteers and girls of all ages. The system was created to evaluate how our Girl Scout program benefits girls and measures our 15 national outcomes. All surveys are age-appropriate and interactive, and all feedback is anonymous. The feedback received from completed surveys will help us understand whether girls are enjoying program activities, and determine if girls understand new materials presented to them. Everyone is encouraged to complete the registration survey at to become part of the evaluation panel. Once you are registered in the panel, the council can send surveys to you via email to complete throughout the year. Girls under the age of 13 will need their parents to register them and give consent. Prizes will be awarded periodically for registering and completing the surveys.
A Girl Scout is a FRIEND to all, and a SISTER to every other Girl Scout. – from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook
American Red Cross Babysitting
First Aid and CPR Workshop for Teen Girls
Learn the ABC's of becoming a safe and responsible babysitter. Participants learn about accident prevention, emergency response, and general child and infant care. Girl Scouts who are age 11 or older by the class session may participate in this full day training offered by certified instructors with the American Red Cross. Girl Scout troops registering for this training must have a leader or parent attend the session and must register as a troop. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors fee $35 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop
Would you like to be prepared to help and be knowledgeable about first aid and CPR? If so, then this workshop is for you. After successfully participating in the workshop, you’ll earn your first aid and CPR certification. This workshop is recommended for participants who have completed the American Red Cross Babysitting Course. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors fee $20 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop
when where registration
January 11, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Raleigh Service Center, Wake Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing December 30
when where registration
February 15, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Fayetteville Service Center, Cumberland Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 10
when where registration
March 1, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. St Thomas More, Orange Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 10
when where registration
April 13, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Goldsboro Service Center, Wayne Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing March 31
when where registration
May 3, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Hanover Mailing March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 21
when where registration
January 25, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Camp Hardee, Beaufort Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 9
when where registration
May 4, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Goldsboro Service Center, Wayne Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 28
American Red Cross Babysitting, First Aid and CPR Overnighter You will learn to be prepared to help and be knowledgeable about first aid and CPR with your Girl Scout pals at this overnight training. Learn the ABC’s of becoming a safe and responsible babysitter and you’ll earn your first aid and CPR certification too! Participants learn about accident prevention, emergency response, and general child and infant care. Meals and snacks included. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when March 21 – 22, 6:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. where Camp Hardee, Beaufort fee $50 per girl, $5 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing March 4 Individual/Troop
Scrumptious snacks, treats and meals for every occasion! Visit for more creative food ideas!
Healthy Concession Stand Power Sandwich Ingredients: • 2 tablespoons nut butter (aim for almond because it’s one of the most healthful nuts) • 1 banana, sliced • 1 slice whole-grain bread • 1 tablespoon granola Instructions: • Toast bread. • Spread with nut butter and top with sliced bananas and a sprinkling of granola. • Makes 1 serving.
Find-Your-Passion Smoothie Ingredients: • 2 cups passion fruit juice • 1 cup low-fat yogurt, vanilla or plain • ½ cup ice cubes • dash of cinnamon Instructions: • Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy! • Makes 4 large or 8 small smoothies.
Here’s a fun way to serve “spiffed up” popcorn that’s also low in sodium and transfat and higher in nutritional value: Try these toppings or experiment with your own! • Lemon-pepper: Use half the amount of melted butter or margarine you would normally use, and mix with fresh lemon juice. Cut your salt use in half, too, and add fresh ground pepper. • Parmesan-herb: Replace half the amount of melted butter or margarine you would normally use with grated Parmesan or Romano cheese. Replace more than half the salt with dried Italian herbs such as oregano and basil. • Sesame-tamari: Replace all of the melted butter or margarine and all of the salt with a few drops of sesame oil and a few drops of tamari, mixed to taste. Place toasted sesame seeds in a pepper grinder and grind liberally on top of the popcorn. Another concession option: a mix of roasted peanuts, roasted pumpkin seeds, raisins, dried cranberries, and granola. Serve in small cups as guests arrive, or after a project presentation. Note: Online registration opens on the opening date for mailed registrations.
Digital Movie Maker SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Spend a day scripting, acting, filming, and editing at Discovery Tech! Impress your friends and family when you create your own short video while earning the Digital Movie Maker badge from the It’s Your World— Change It! Journey series. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes where Discovery Tech, Wake fee $20 per girl, $0 per adult when sessions registration
Night Owl Overnighter Stay up late where the stars always shine bright and earn the Girl Scout “Night Owl” Cadette Badge watching the night sky with telescopes. Meet an astronomer, make light-up accessories, and watch a show in the full dome theater. With these activities plus dinner, a campfire snack and breakfast, this event is sure to be a real HOOT! who Girl Scout Cadettes when January 17–18, 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. where Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, Orange fee $52 per girl, $26 per adult registration Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing December 30 Troop
Engineer It! Join women engineers and students to get a hands-on look into the vast world of engineering. In small groups, you will learn about the design process, do hands-on activities from different engineering fields, and discover what it takes to be an engineer! Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes when March 1, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. where NC State University, Wake fee $10 per girl, $5 per adult registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 10 Individual/Troop
Seashore Exploration Learn the ins and outs of salt marsh exploration and the countless related careers you can explore. Spend a day at the Fort Fisher Aquarium participating in sand painting, an exclusive behind the scenes tour, rocky outcrop exploration and much more. Please bring a bag lunch. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors where Fort Fisher, New Hanover fee $20 per girl, $7 per adult Individual/Troop
when registration
March 1, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 17
when registration
April 5, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing March 24
when sessions registration
March 8 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 17 Troop April 26 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 / Closing April 7 Troop
Aurora Fossil Discover the prehistoric man, ocean life 15 million years ago, and geological formations. The museum boasts a large collection of fossils from the nearby PCS phosphate mine and allows visitors to see fossilized bones, teeth, shells, and coral. Bring your buckets and digging tools to search for fossils. Consider using Camp Hardee as your base for a weekend of fun. Select ONE session. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who All Girl Scouts when March 15 sessions 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. where Aurora Fossil Museum, Beaufort fee $3 per girl, $3 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing March 1 Individual/Troop
The Sky’s the Limit! Explore the night sky and deep space in a planetarium, launch your own rockets, and decorate the sky as you work toward the Sky badge! Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Seniors when March 22, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. where Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, Orange fee $22 per girl, $6 per adult registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 / Closing March 3 Individual/Troop
Girls like STEM! 74% of teen girls are interested in STEM.
Big Explosions, Strong Gravity! What happens to a star at the end of its life? What’s on tap for our own sun? What really happens during a supernova explosion? Come discover what stars are made of, what happens when they get “old,” and other cool cosmic facts about these fascinating phenomena. After dark, share in some star gazing and take a unique night hike! who Girl Scout Cadettes when April 26-27, 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. where Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston fee $20 per girl, $10 per adult registration Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing March 24 Troop
Good Earth Adventures Ever wanted to meet environmental specialists? Nature artists, photographers, wildlife habitat and preservation specialists, and environmental educators will be there to help you discover new and exciting things. You will help build something for our camp properties or help the Triangle Wildlife Rehabilitation Center build cages, and get to be a part of our Rain Garden Project we are doing with a grant from Duke Energy Foundation. You will have the opportunity to sample parts of the It’s Your Planet—Love It! Journey series during this adventure. Troops/girls will be placed in groups with other troops the same age. We will provide your lunch for the day. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when April 26, 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. where Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston fee $10 per girl, $6 per adult registration Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 / Closing April 14 Individual/Troop
MarineQuest Join the MarineQuest staff for a day of exploring the marine habitats of coastal Wilmington, and participate in lab experiments at the University of North Carolina–Wilmington Center for Marine Science. Learn about the variety of careers involved in marine science, examine sands from around North America, and discover how to get fresh water from sea water. In the afternoon, head out to explore the coastal forest, the intertidal rocky outcrop, and the salt marsh. Fee includes lunch. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors when May 17, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. where UNC–Wilmington Center for Marine Science, New Hanover fee $35 per girl, $15 per adult registration Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 30 Individual/Troop
it2 Girl Advisory Team – Inspire Today, Inspire Tomorrow Check this out! The it2 Girl Advisory Team (inspire today, inspire tomorrow.) provides girls in our council an opportunity to share their voice. How cool is this? If you are a girl between the ages of 14 and 18, you have an opportunity to be a part of this team. Is this for me? If you are looking for a leadership opportunity; are interested in representing Girl Scouting in your community, council, and nationally; want to lead Girl Scouts in the right direction; and can work hard and play hard, then this is for you!
What will we do? Attend it2 meetings, give input on Girl Scouting and girl issues at large, provide input on council programming and publications, represent Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines at meetings and conferences, and have fun while doing it! How to apply? Download and complete an application form at, or call the Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines Corporate Office to get a copy. Applications are due December 13, 2013. We will be selecting girls from around the council for the it2 team. The selection process will take place in January. Age requirements: Registered Girl Scouts ages 14–18. Term: One-year commitment. Responsibilities: Work as a team, attend meetings, provide feedback in an ongoing and timely manner, and know what is going on with girls from your community and council (after all, you are representing them!).
Note: Online registration opens on the opening date for mailed registrations.
Climbing the Alpine Tower
Canoe Adventures on Lake Crabtree
“Exhilarating” is one way to describe the feeling you get when climbing the Alpine Tower! Girls will work with their group as they challenge themselves to climb their way to the top. The Alpine Tower is a challenge-by-choice experience, so girls ultimately decide how high they’ll go. Individually registered girls must have an adult present. Please bring a bag lunch. Adults will not climb during this event. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors where Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston fee $27 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop
Explore Lake Crabtree County Park from the water! Learn the parts of a canoe, safe paddling, and more. Practice your new skills as you search for eagles, herons, beavers and other animals that call Lake Crabtree home. Lead instructor is ACA certified. Trained staff will be supervising this activity and adults are welcome to visit the park during the session. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors when April 6, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. where Lake Crabtree County Park, Wake fee $10 per girl registration Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing March 24 Individual
when registration
March 15, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing March 3
when registration
April 19, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing April 7
when registration
May 10, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 Closing April 28
Stress Less! Winter break is over and for some, exams are right around the corner. Come relax with us while trying out simple stress management techniques like yoga. Get tips on time management, learn how to cope with those dreaded deadlines, and find out what you can do to turn stress into success! Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors when January 11, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. where Poe Health Center, Wake fee $13 per girl, $7 per adult registration Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 6 Individual/Troop
Duke University Dance Day Spend the afternoon with the Dancing Blue Devils of Duke University! This fun and interactive dance workshop will help girls learn the techniques, choreography, and spirit that make the Dancing Blue Devils the fifth-ranked dance team in the nation. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who All Girl Scouts when February 1, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. where Duke University – Brodie Gym, Durham fee $13 per girl, $0 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing January 20 Individual/Troop
To make yourself strong and healthy it is necessary to begin with your inside. – from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook 10
Are you ready for the "250 mile diet" challenge! Spend a week eating only food produced within 250 miles of your home. Find out where the food was produced, how it was produced and how it impacts “your backyard.” How does eating a local diet affect food choices? What if you lived in a different part of the world?
Sunset Canoe on Lake Crabtree Watch the sun set as you explore Lake Crabtree County Park from the water! Learn the parts of a canoe, safe paddling, and more. Practice your new skills as you search for eagles, herons, beavers and other animals that call Lake Crabtree home. Lead instructor is ACA certified. Trained staff will be supervising this activity and adults are welcome to visit the park during the session. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors when April 25, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. where Lake Crabtree County Park, Wake fee $10 per girl registration Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing April 14 Individual
Create a Mural! Murals are a great way to tell stories! And in the process, you can express yourself, educate and inspire others, and boost confidence. Team up with your Girl Scout sisters to create a mural that shares a story about an important issue. Here’s how: 1. Draft a storyboard! – Jot down notes and sketch potential images for your story. 2. Tell your story on canvas! – Start with pencil or chalk, then, once you decide your story is ready, add color with markers or paint. 3. Share with others! – Unveil the mural at a community center, at school during lunchtime, or at a place of worship after a service, which will give you a chance to discuss with the public the meaning and creative process behind your work. When you have the opportunity to express yourself in a way that engages members of your community, you’ll gain confidence and feel empowered to continue to make positive changes in the world!
Ladies of the Round Table Join the Knights from European Medieval Arts of Arms in a fun, hands-on workshop where girls will learn about the Renaissance time period. Learn about sword fighting as well as how people lived during the 1300 – 1500s. Girls will earn the North Carolina Renaissance Faire patch at this event. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Please bring a bag lunch for this event. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when February 1, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. where Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston fee $15 per girl, $5 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing January 13 Individual/Troop
Les Misérables This powerful, timeless musical classic returns to the stage with amazing songs that will have you singing in your seats. Fresh off its recent film adaptation, audiences are falling for this heart-wrenching love story all over again! While this is a family event, the show is not intended for younger audiences. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Select ONE show. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors and their families when February 15, 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. February 16, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. where Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts Center, Wake fee $24 per girl, $24 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing January 13 Individual/Troop
Wilmington Youth Orchestra Spend an afternoon swaying to the sounds of the talented Wilmington Youth Orchestra. After the performance, you and your Girl Scout friends will enjoy a special Q&A session with the Youth Orchestra’s conductor. Event fees include Girl Scout exclusive session with the conductor and a fun patch for all registered girls. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes where UNC – Wilmington Kenan Auditorium, New Hanover fee $3 per girl, $2 per adult when registration
March 16, 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing March 3 Individual/Troop
when registration
April 27, 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing April 14 Individual/Troop
Discover how one girl’s courage can change the world through watching a new inspirational film called “Girl Rising.” Discuss real-life issues and situations impacting the world and how you can support fellow girls. Take action by participating in a group service project making an impact in the lives of girls outside of your community. Refreshments will be provided. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Cadettes (3rd Year), Seniors and Ambassadors fee $5 per girl, $0 per adult when February 22, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. where Hargraves Community Center, Orange registration Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing March 10 Individual/Troop
The Wizard of Oz “We’re off to see…” the most magical adventure of them all! Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new production of The Wizard of Oz is an enchanting adaptation of the all-time classic. Click your heels together and join Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Dorothy and her little dog Toto, as they journey through the magical Land of Oz. Join us for an exclusive Girl Scouts behind-the-scenes Q&A before the show! Patch included. who All Girl Scouts when April 12, 12:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. where Durham Performing Arts Center, Durham fee $35 per girl, $35 per adult registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing March 24 Individual/Troop
Get Focused! A picture can be worth a thousand words, so what will your picture say? Come and learn what it takes to get a great shot. Learn tips and techniques from experts. So grab your camera and get focused! Bring a camera if you have one, but it is not required. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when April 12, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. where ASAP Photo & Camera, Pitt fee $25 per girl, $0 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing March 24 Individual/Troop
Green Jewels Ever wondered how you can reuse a plastic water bottle or what you can do with that old T-shirt? Come learn how to turn “trash” into treasure. Participants will leave with their very own masterpiece. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when April 12, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. where First Presbyterian Church Kinston, Lenoir fee $7 per girl, $7 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing March 24 Individual/Troop Note: Online registration opens on the opening date for mailed registrations.
Fresh air is your great friend. – from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook
Winter Teen Jam Spend the night chillin’ out at camp, making crafts and watching movies. You will have a blast de-stressing with your favorite Girl Scout friends. Enjoy a little taste of how camp can transform into a spa! Fee includes dinner, snacks, breakfast, and program materials. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when January 31 – February 1, 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 a.m. where Camp Kirkwood, Pender fee $15 per girl, $15 per adult registration Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 13 Individual/Troop
Girls Fishing on the Fly Series
Join us for a special day in the park and become a “North Carolina State PARK Lady Explorer.” The fun day includes educational hikes, games, and crafts focused on subjects that make each state park special. Each SPARKLE day at each park is different, so if you’ve been to a SPARKLE day before, come again for a new fun day! Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes where Carvers Creek State Park, Cumberland fee $7 per girl, $2 per adult Individual/Troop when registration
May 3, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 14
when registration
May 24, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing May 5
Love being outdoors? Want to learn more about Fly Fishing? Come join us in an adventure while you learn to cast, tie flies, and even learn about the envirnoment in which this all takes place. We will learn from experts in the field about fish anatomy, water quality, soil erosion, and about how you can play a part in keeping our natural envirnoment in tact for the future. You will get to practice casting each session and then try your new skills at the Eno River! who Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors when March 2, 16 & 30, April 13 & 27, and May 4, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. where Lake Crabtree County Park, Wake Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston (one session) Eno River State Park, Durham (one session) fee $80 per girl borrowing our equipment, $180 per girl and get a rod and reel to keep registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 10 Troop
Fun in the Sun at Camp
Safari Adventure
Spend the night enjoying the serenity of camp, making crafts, de-stressing, painting your nails, and doing morning yoga. It is guaranteed that you will leave feeling relaxed and rejuvinated! Fee includes dinner, snacks, breakfast, and program materials. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. All adults attending must be registered members and successfully complete a criminal background check prior to the weekend. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when March 28 – 29, 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 a.m. where Camp Hardee, Beaufort fee $15 per girl, $15 per adult registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing March 10 Individual/Troop
Get in the jungle spirit with an expedition to camp to paddle a canoe, take aim at archery, roast S’mores over a campfire, and play team building games. Bring a safari or animal outfit to get your jungle boogie on at the dance party. All adults attending must be registered members and successfully complete a background check prior to the weekend. Troops may share cabins or platform tents. Please follow the camping Safety Activity Checkpoints for adult-to-girl ratios for this event. Select ONE session. who All Girl Scouts fee $30 per girl, $30 per adult
NC SPARKLE Day! at Carvers Creek
when where registration
March 21 – 23, 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 / Closing March 3 Troop
when where registration
April 25 – 27, 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. Camp Mu-Sha-Ni, Richmond Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing April 14 Troop
Bring your troop and join in the fun! We will be canoeing, swimming, making a craft, and exploring many of the great activities camp has to offer. Bring some SWAPS to share, and meet other girls from our council. Dinner will be a potluck affair, so bring something to share. We will provide the hot dogs, burgers, and lemonade. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. Select ONE session. who All Girl Scouts where Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston fee $12 per girl, $6 per adult Individual/Troop when registration
May 17, 12:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing May 5
when registration
May 18, 12:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing May 5
Spring Teen Retreat
Dolphin and Dune Adventure Experience our coast like never before. Take an excursion to Shackleford Banks, one of the most fascinating islands on the East Coast. Over 120 wild horses roam the isolated shores of this deserted island. Girls will get to pull nets in a tidal flat, hike across the island, encounter dolphins and bank ponies, discover the wonders of remote beaches where they collect shells and learn about sea turtles. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult. who Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when April 26, 4:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. where Continental Shelf Boat, Carteret fee $23 per girl, $23 per adult registration Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 / Closing April 7 Individual/Troop
CAMP OPEN HOUSE Whether you are already registered and want to check out things at camp before your session, or you just want to see what attending camp is like, now is the time to get ready for summer camp! Bring your family and a picnic lunch to enjoy on the property and come explore our tents, cabins, special features, and more. Staff will be on hand to answer your questions and help you choose the session that is right for you. Individually registered girls must attend with an adult.
at Camp Hardee who when where fee registration
All Girl Scouts March 9, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Camp Hardee, Beaufort $0 per girl, $0 per adult Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 / Closing February 24 Individual/Troop
who when where fee registration
All Girl Scouts March 16, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston $0 per girl, $0 per adult Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 / March 3 Individual/Troop
at Camp Mary Atkinson
at Camp Graham who when where fee registration
All Girl Scouts March 23, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Camp Graham, Vance $0 per girl, $0 per adult Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 / Closing March 10 Individual/Troop
D AY C A M P Day camp offers all girls an exciting and eventful week full of fun in a structured and supervised setting. Our day camps provide a variety of experiences for girls to explore, try new things, and meet new friends in a positive all-girl environment. You may discover science, art, and drama – as well as learn camping skills and environmental preservation. You may also learn thrilling new sports and games while improving current skills in sports you already love. You can serve as a Program Aide, making a lasting impact on younger girls as you explore a variety of topics together.
CAMPING OPPORTUNITIES Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines offers various types of organized camping opportunities: day camp, troop/group camp, and summer resident camp. Watch for troop/group camp information in the fall and day camp information in the spring. Our Summer Fun Guide, with information on summer resident camp programs, will be sent to all registered Girl Scouts at the start of 2014. If you have not received your camp guide by mid-February, call 800.284.4475. GROUP/TROOP CAMP Spend time exploring one of our lovely resident camps with your friends while participating in swimming, archery, canoeing and much more! Week-long and mini-sessions are designed for a group of girls and adults to attend resident camp as a unit. Stay for a week-long session, arriving Sunday afternoon and leaving Friday afternoon. For a mini-session, spend three days at camp having a great time. For more information about camping troop/group, please contact the Senior Camp Director at 800.284.4475. SUMMER RESIDENT CAMP At resident camp, Girl Scouts make new friends as they swim, hike, sing songs, make crafts, roast S’mores, play games, canoe, dance, tie dye t-shirts, make new friends, and more. Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines has three beautiful resident camps which offer a wide variety of programs: • Camp Graham is located on Kerr Lake in Vance County and offers swimming, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, sports, archery, offsite horseback riding, and crafts for organized troops/groups and individual campers. • Camp Hardee is just southeast of Washington on the south side of the Pamlico River and consists of 95 acres with river frontage, woodlands, and open space. Individual campers enjoy archery, crafts, swimming in the pool, canoeing, sailing, and kayaking, and more. • Camp Mary Atkinson is in the heart of Johnston County and offers outdoor-living skills, the challenge-by-choice Alpine Tower, canoeing, swimming in our zero-entry pool, horseback riding, archery, sports, drama, and crafts for individual girls.
Last summer, more than 1,300 girls participated in 15 local day camps throughout Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines. If you are interested in attending day camp this summer, please call your membership director or visit our website to find a day camp near you.
Note: Online registration opens on the opening date for mailed registrations.
LiA Webinar
Program Aide Specialty Trainings
Keep in the Girl Scout tradition of older girls helping younger girls by earning a LiA award or two! Cadettes can earn a Leader in Action (LiA) award by assisting a Brownie group with any of the leadership journeys. This workshop will give you the tools and skills you need to help your Brownie sisters along their journey while completing your LiA requirements. who Girl Scout Cadettes when February 1, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. where Live webinar fee $10 per girl, $0 per adult registration Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing January 13 Individual/Troop
You have completed the Program Aide Core Training … now what? You now have the opportunity to further develop your skills and discover how to adapt learning experiences to varying grade levels through participation in Program Aide Specialty Trainings.
Program Aide Core Training Do you enjoy working with younger girls? Being a trained Program Aide (a.k.a. “PA”) will provide you with the opportunity to work with younger girl troops and at service unit events, council sponsored events, and day camps. An adult volunteer supervises you as you develop your leadership skills and explore the wonderful world of working with younger girls. Training includes Girl Scout foundations of the Promise and Law, girl characteristics, conflict resolution, problem solving, and teaching methods. PA Core classes require online prerequisite work. An adult from each registered troop is needed to support this training. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes fee $10 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop
when where registration
January 11, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing January 6
when where registration
February 22, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The United Way of Pitt County, Pitt Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 10
when where registration
March 30, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Camp Graham, Vance Mail February 12 /Opening February 19 Closing March 24
when where registration
April 26 , 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fayetteville Service Center, Cumberland Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 14
when where registration
May 3, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 21
when where registration
May 10, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Hanover Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 28
Program Aide Specialty Training: Arts & Crafts, Songs and Ceremonies Do you like to lead songs, plan ceremonies, and teach arts and crafts? You can now specialize in these areas by attending this specialty training. Upon completion of this workshop, you will receive three specialty patches from the above areas. Program Aide Core Training is a prerequisite. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes fee $10 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop when where registration
January 18, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Raleigh Service Center, Wake Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 6
when where registration
February 22, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The United Way of Pitt County, Pitt Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 10
when where registration
May 3, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 21
Program Aide Specialty Training: Science, Sports and Games You can now specialize in the areas of science, sports, and games by attending a PA Specialty Training. Discover science kits, explore sportsmanship, and learn about being a successful game leader. Upon completion of this workshop you will receive three specialty training patches. Program Aide Core Training is a prerequisite. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes fee $10 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop when where registration
January 11, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston Mail December 11 / Opening December 18 Closing December 30
when where registration
May 10, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Hanover Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 28
When mean girls want you to join in some low fun, when you think it is not right… be brave and have courage to say it isn’t right. You will feel twice as happy afterwards. – from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook
Program Aide Speciality: Event Planning
Program Aide Specialty: High Ropes
Do you enjoy planning activities and events for others? Would you like to serve as a coordinator for an event for younger girls? Perhaps you can help plan your Girl Scout Brownie Fun Day or Camporee. In addition to working with a trained adult event director, you can learn the steps required to plan and implement a successful event. Program Aide Core Training is a prerequisite. Select ONE session. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors fee $10 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop
Have you been challenged by the Alpine Tower? Spend a morning at Camp Mary Atkinson and learn how to belay at the Alpine Tower. Learn figure-eight knots and safety issues. Once belay training is completed, you will be invited to belay at various tower events throughout the year. This session is for girls ages 14–17 who have completed Program Aide Core Training. who Girl Scout Cadettes when March 8, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. where Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston fee $10 per girl, $0 per adult registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 24 Individual/Troop
when where registration
January 18, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Raleigh Service Center, Wake Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 6
when where registration
April 26, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fayetteville Service Center, Cumberland Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 14
when where registration
May 10, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Hanover Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 / Closing April 28
Program Aide Specialty: Outdoor Skills Do you love camping and being outdoors? If you’d like to brush up on your outdoor skills such as compass use, fire building and outdoor cooking, then this session is for you! Come learn some outdoor skills so you can share them with younger girls. Fee includes meals. Program Aide Core Training is a prerequisite. Adults will not obtain Outdoor Certification through this event. All adults attending must be registered members and successfully complete a criminal background check prior to the weekend. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when March 8 – 9, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m where Camp Mu-Sha-Ni, Richmond fee $15 per girl, $5 per adult registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 Closing February 24 Individual/Troop
To get on in the world, to give anything and get anything out of it, each girl has to do her part.
It’s a Girl’s World: Leadership Expo Do you want to be a voice in your local community? This day-long conference will give you the tools you need to take charge and make a difference in your own backyard! Through interactive workshops and guest speakers, you will discover issues that affect your local area, connect with fellow Girl Scouts and make a plan to take action. Workshops will include aspects from the It’s Your World, Change It! Journey series. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors when March 15, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. where William Peace University, Wake fee $20 per girl, $10 per adult registration Mail January 8 / Opening January 15 / Closing March 3 Individual/Troop
Volunteer Essentials for Teens – VIT Award Are you a Senior or Ambassador who is interested in working with younger girls outside of the camp experience? Then the Volunteer-in-Training (a.k.a. VIT) Award is for you! Girls who complete the VIT training will gain the confidence, knowledge and expertise needed to hold future leadership positions within and outside of Girl Scouting. Through a series of in-person and virtual sessions, you will learn tools and skills you will need to create a thoughtful journey project for younger girls as well as the various roles adult volunteers play in Girl Scouting. who Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors fee $12 per girl, $0 per adult when April 5, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. where Raleigh Service Center, Wake registration Mail February 12 / Opening February 19 Closing March 25 Individual/Troop
– from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook
Note: Online registration opens on the opening date for mailed registrations.
The work of to-day is the history of AWARDS
Girl Scout Gold Award Workshop The Golden Eagle of Merit, the highest award in Girl Scouting from 1916 to 1919, marked the beginning of a long tradition of using prestigious awards to recognize girls who make a difference in their communities and in their own lives. In 1980, Girl Scouts introduced the Girl Scout Gold Award (for Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors) as its highest honor, along with the Girl Scout Silver Award (Girl Scout Cadettes). Today these two awards are the highest of the Girl Scout experience. G I R L S C O U T S I LV E R A W A R D Going for the Girl Scout Silver Award gives a Girl Scouts Cadette the chance to show that she is a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to improving her community. Earning the award puts girls among an exceptional group who have used their knowledge and leadership skills to make a difference in the world. Step one to earn your Girl Scout Silver Award is to go on a Girl Scout Cadette Journey. Once you complete your Journey, the suggested minimum time for earning your Girl Scout Silver Award is 50 hours. You can start by planning the time in parts, dividing it up by the steps. As a Girl Scout, you are committed to doing your very best with each step, but how much time per step is different for every Girl Scout, so the hours aren’t a rule. Remember, too, that the hours include the fun and challenges you’ll share with your Silver Award team. Each step you take toward making a difference in the world around you gives you a great chance to learn and grow, and that will make your award project an amazing one! G I R L S C O U T G O L D AWA R D The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest and most prestigious award that Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors can earn. A girl earning the Girl Scout Gold Award will be joining the ranks of generations of young women who have made a difference in their communities both locally and globally. The Girl Scout Gold Award follows the Standards of Excellence and challenges you to develop yourself as a leader, achieve the Girl Scout Leadership Outcomes, and make a mark on your community that creates a lasting impact on the lives of others. Fulfilling the requirements for the Girl Scout Gold Award starts with the completion of two Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador Journeys, or having earned the Silver Award and completing one Senior or Ambassador Journey. Each Journey you complete gives you the skills you need to plan and implement your Take Action project. After you have fulfilled the Journey(s) requirement, 80 hours is the suggested minimum hours for the steps: identifying an issue, investigating it thoroughly, getting help and building a team, creating a plan, presenting your plan, gathering feedback, taking action, and educating and inspiring others. The suggested minimum hours are not a rule; they are a guide for you to plan your time in achieving your goal. G I R L S C O U T S I LV E R A N D G O L D A W A R D P L A N S & F I N A L R E P O R T S D U E D AT E S January 2, 2014 February 3, 2014 March 3, 2014 16
April 1, 2014 May 1, 2014 June 2, 2014
July 1, 2014 August 1, 2014 September 1, 2014
Want to learn more about the Girl Scout Gold Award? If so, this workshop is a great starting point for girls, advisors, and project advisors. Participants will learn about the process, requirements, timelines, and paperwork involved in striving for this prestigious award. Participants must register in order to attend. who Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors fee $8 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop when where registration
January 18, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. TBD, Pitt Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 6
when where registration
January 22, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Raleigh Service Center, Wake Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 6
when where registration
February 8, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, New Hanover Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 20
when where registration
June 19, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Raleigh Service Center, Wake Mail March 12 / Opening March 19 Closing June 2
when where registration
July 17, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Fayetteville Service Center, Cumberland Mail April 9 / Opening April 16 / Closing June 30
GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD Higher Education/ Career Girl Scout Gold Award recipients rate their general success in life significantly higher and report higher success in reaching their goals within many diverse domains (education, career, and volunteer work). Earning the Girl Scout Gold Award helps a girl: • Distinguish herself amongst competition for college • Gain scholarship opportunities • Enter the military one rank higher
to-morrow, and we are its makers. – from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook
Girl Scout Gold Award recipients report reaching their goals for political involvement. Earning the Girl Scout Gold Award helps a girl: • Tackle an issue, locally or globally • Provide a sustainable solution to the community • Establish a lifetime network • Experience and learn mentoring skills
Girl Scout Silver Award Workshop Want to learn more about the Girl Scout Silver Award? If so, this workshop is a great starting point for girls, advisors, and project advisors. Participants will learn about the process, requirements, timelines, and paperwork involved in striving for this prestigious award. Participants must register in order to attend. who Girl Scout Cadettes fee $8 per girl, $0 per adult Individual/Troop Registration when where registration
January 18, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. TBD, Pitt Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 6
when where registration
January 22, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Raleigh Service Center, Wake Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 6
when where registration
February 8, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, New Hanover Mail NOW / Opening NOW / Closing January 20
when where registration
July 23, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Fayetteville Service Center, Cumberland Mail April 9 / Opening April 16 / Closing June 30
Scholarships and Awards
Award criteria states that the applicant must: • Be a currently registered Girl Scout in Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines. • Have earned the Girl Scout Gold Award or its equivalent (First Class, Curved Bar, Golden Eagle). • Show evidence of academic and/or professional achievement. • Exhibit how she incorporates the Girl Scout Promise and Law into every aspect of her life. • Have a concrete plan for how the award money will be used to further education or skill development.
GIRL SCO UT Earn the highest awards in Girl Scouting – an accomplishment that let’s people know you are a young woman capable of doing great things, who’s ready to CHANGE the WORLD.
J A N E S . B A R R I N G E R AWA R D Girl Scout Gold Award recipients are eligible to apply for the Jane S. Barringer Award. This award is a $750 cash scholarship established to honor Mrs. Barringer, an outstanding teen advisor. A group of her former Girl Scouts, along with the council, instituted this award in her name to be given to an individual who embodies the principles and spirit “Mrs. B” works to instill. Applications will be available in January 2014 on the Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines website at
MISTY CRABTREE EASTHAM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Misty Crabtree Eastham Endowment will provide scholarships for Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines Gold Award recipients to help defray their college costs. Preference will be given to girls who have been in foster care or adopted. Girl Scout Gold Award recipients will be able to apply for the scholarship through the council during the 2013–2014 program year. Applications will be available in January 2014. RELIGIOUS RECOGNITIONS FOR GIRLS The religious award programs provide opportunities for girls to reinforce the values you have learned in Girl Scouting, fulfill your promise “to serve God” and explore your own faith. Current programs were developed and are administered by the religious groups themselves. Girls can also earn the national Girl Scout religious recognition. The “My Promise, My Faith” pin allows you the opportunity to explore your own faith within the context of the Girl Scout Law. All of the awards are recognized as official insignia and, as such, may be worn on the Girl Scout uniform. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N : • Come to a religious awards workshop (open to girls, troop leaders, and parents) which are held throughout the year. • Go to the P.R.A.Y. organization’s website to learn current options available for each denomination/faith: • Contact the program director at 800.284.4475 ext. 3306.
Every little girl…. goes to make up some part of parcel of our great whole nation. – from 1940s original Girl Scout handbook
Note: Online registration opens on the opening date for mailed registrations.
GET MOVING! Infusing fitness into daily activities is easy—here are some tips and tools to stay healthy: T O O T H B R U S H W A L L S Q U AT S Instead of standing over the sink while you’re brushing your teeth, stand against a wall with your legs extended out about two feet from the wall. Slowly bend your knees to slide down the wall until you reach a seated position. Do these every time you brush your teeth— start out holding the squat position for 30 seconds—then work your way up to a minute!
Girl Scout Women of Achievement STEM Podcast Series Girls of all ages can log into the council website,, for this podcast series. Hear from professional women in the science, engineering, technology, and mathematics fields—an emergency room doctor, an executive at IBM, a patent holder from IBM, the founder of an engineering firm, the founder of a Web production company, two professionals from Cisco Systems. All of these successful women will share with girls what it takes to work in a STEM field and what can be done now to lay the foundation for a successful career. Dedicate a troop meeting to checking out the podcasts and learning from the experts!
COMMERCIAL BREAK MINI-WORKOUT Next time the ads start during your favorite TV show, instead of fastforwarding the DVR, get off the couch and try a Star Pass. Start in a standing position with your arms over your head, holding the remote control in between both hands. Bend to your right, lifting your left leg off the ground so that your body looks like a star. Then repeat to the left. Hold the position on each side for three to five seconds and keep switching back and forth until the commercial break ends! PA R K F A R A W AY Next time you hit the mall, try parking in the back. Not only will you save yourself the time you normally spend circling for a great spot, but you’ll also burn some extra calories walking to your favorite stores. Whenever you have time to spare and are making a trip to the mall (or anywhere with a parking lot) this helpful trick will help add in a mini workout. And make sure you are wearing sneakers or flats to protect your feet!
Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines Facilities Council Service Centers & Shops A.Raleigh Service Center & Shop B.Fayetteville Service Center & Shop C.Goldsboro Service Center & Shop
For shop hours, or to shop online any time, please visit our website at
Camps 1. Camp Graham 2. Camp Hardee 3. Camp Mary Atkinson 4. Camp Mu-Sha-Ni
3 C
PLEASE RECYCLE A Girl Scout uses her resources wisely to make the world a better place! Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines encourages you to recycle this magazine when you have finished using it! The paper is FSC-Certified meeting standards for sustainable forestry practices. The inks used are vegetable based, so they’re much friendlier on the environment. 18
Corporate Office & Raleigh Service Center 6901 Pinecrest Road Raleigh, NC 27613 919.782.3021 or 800.284.4475 Fax 919.782.2083 DIRECTIONS From I-40 East – Merge onto I-540 toward RDU Airport. Take the Highway 70 East exit. Follow Highway 70 East, four miles east of I-540. Turn left onto Pinecrest Road, take the second left into the Corporate Office & Raleigh Service Center. From I-40 West – Take I-440 Outer Beltline to Glenwood Avenue, Highway 70 West. Turn right onto Glenwood Avenue/Highway 70 and travel west for four miles. Turn right onto Pinecrest Road; take the second left into the Corporate Office & Raleigh Service Center. From US 64/US 264 East – Take I-540 west toward RDU Airport. Take the Highway 70 East exit. Follow 70 East, four miles east of I-540. Turn left onto Pinecrest Road, take the second left into the Corporate Office & Raleigh Service Center. From I-95 and US 70 East – Take I-40 West and merge onto I-440 Outer Beltline to Glenwood Avenue/Highway 70 West. Turn right onto Glenwood Avenue, Highway 70 and travel west for four miles. Turn right onto Pinecrest Road; take the second left into the Corporate Office & Raleigh Service Center.
Goldsboro Service Center
Fayetteville Service Center
108 E. Lockhaven Drive Goldsboro, NC 27534 919.734.6231 or 800.284.4475 Fax 919.734.9038
Eutaw Village Plaza 894 Elm Street, Suites B & C Fayetteville, NC 28303 910.778.9063 or 800.284.4475 Fax 877.699.9389
DIRECTIONS From Highway 70 East Bypass – Take the Wayne Memorial Hospital exit and go north past Wendy’s to the stoplight. Take a right on Lockhaven Drive (Walgreens is on the corner). The Service Center is the second building on the right; look for the Girl Scout sign. From I-40 West – Take exit 355 (117 North to Faison); take 117 North to Goldsboro. Follow signs to US 70 East. This will put you on the bypass that goes around Goldsboro. Take the Wayne Memorial Hospital exit and go north past Wendy’s to the stoplight. Take a right on Lockhaven Drive (Walgreens is on the corner). The Service Center is the second building on the right; look for the Girl Scout sign. From US 70 West – Take the Wayne Memorial Hospital exit. At the light, turn right. Go north past Wendy’s to the stoplight. Take a right on Lockhaven Drive (Walgreens is on the corner). The Service Center is the second building on the right; look for the Girl Scout sign.
DIRECTIONS From I-40 East – Merge onto I-95 South. Travel south to exit 52B for NC 24 toward Fayetteville. Merge onto NC-24 West. Continue 4.4 miles and turn right onto Bragg Boulevard. In approximately 2.5 miles, turn right onto Elm Street. Turn right into second entrance of Eutaw Village shopping plaza. Service Center is first building to the left – Bldg. #894, Suites B and C. From NC-87 – Travel southwest to Spring Lake. At Spring Lake take NC 24/Ft. Bragg Blvd. Take Ft. Bragg Blvd. to Elm Street. Turn left into Eutaw Village shopping plaza. Turn right into second entrance of Eutaw Village. Service Center is first building to the left – Bldg. #894, Suites B and C. From NC 210 – Travel south to Spring Lake. At Spring Lake take NC 24/Ft. Bragg Blvd. Take Ft. Bragg Blvd. to Elm Street. Turn left into Eutaw Village shopping plaza. Turn right into second entrance of Eutaw Village. Service Center is first building to the left – Bldg. #894, Suites B and C. From I-95 South –Take Exit 46 toward Fayetteville and merge onto NC-87N. Continue onto US-401 Bus North. Take the NC 24/Bragg Blvd. ext. Turn left onto Bragg Blvd. Turn right onto Elm Street. Turn right into second entrance of Eutaw Village shopping plaza. Service Center is first building to the left – Bldg. #894, Suites B and C.
You’re out on a scenic trail, cycling with your Girl Scout sisters, when a friend takes a rough turn and falls off her bike. Maybe she’s fine—just a scraped knee and dusty bike shorts. But would you know what to do if the situation turned sketchy? Being active all summer has many benefits—and some risks. You don’t have to be scared, but you should always be smart about safety. This quiz tests your knowledge of warning signs to watch for and basic first-aid skills that will give you the confidence to deal with a potential emergency. Know before you go, so your summer fun is safe. 1. What skill on this list is most likely to keep you from getting into a life-threatening situation? a. speaking in public b. being a good swimmer c. killer fashion sense 2. You can’t learn CPR or rescue breathing until you turn 18. a. true b. false 3. Your friend falls off her bike. She has a helmet and protective gear on, but she has a scrape and her wrist is bent at a funny angle. What do you do? a. ask if she is okay, encourage her not to move and call for help b. panic c. tell her to shake it off and walk home
4. You’re spending a long day outside in the heat and sun. Which of the following should you pay the most attention to? a. a chance to wear your cute new tank top. It will keep you cool! b. a mini-fan c. a hat, enough sunscreen and water or other fluids 5. You’re playing soccer in the park with your friends on a really hot day. One girl says she’s dizzy, has leg cramps, and is really tired and nauseated. What could be wrong? a. heat exhaustion b. the fact that she hates soccer c. laziness 6. If someone is choking, they probably will make a lot of noise. a. true b. false
ANSWERS: 1. b - being a good swimmer; 2. b – false; 3. a – ask if she is okay, encourage her not to move and call for help; 4. c – a hat, enough sunscreen and water or other fluids; 5. a – heat exhaustion; 6. b - false Note: Online registration opens on the opening date for mailed registrations.
Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Raleigh, NC Permit #967 6901 Pinecrest Road Raleigh, NC 27613
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Every time you show your courage it grows. – Juliette Gordon Low