Fall 2022 - Recruitment Toolkit

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Fall 2022 R E C R U I T M E N T T O O L K I T BeaGirlScout. Allfun. Nofilter. Your complete guide to inspiring girls and adults to join Girl Scouts!

We make every effort to ensure the Girl Scout Movement continues forward, that all members have an equal opportunity to participate, and that appropriate adult leadership is available for youth members.


Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas focuses on recruiting and retaining membership from a variety of sources and participation pathways to ensure our membership is reflective of the diverse communities we serve.


Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law


We are committed to understanding similarities and differences, building relationships and promoting a dialogue of belonging and respect. Each individual involved must uphold the Girl Scout promise and law.

GIRL SCOUT LAW I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas values diversity and inclusivity and does not discriminate or recruit on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship, age, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, physical or developmental ability, nor any other category protected by applicable state, federal or local law

*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs

For more than 110 years Girl Scouts has stood for making the world a better place, and pledged to “help people at all times ”

Those words carry great weight and responsibility and inspire us with strength as we denounce denounce institutional violence, injustice and inequity

Through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, Girl Scouts develop skills to advance diversity and promote belonging in the twenty first century.

Girl Scouts and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

80% of new members join Girl Scouts during back to school season Here's how you can help! Share your Girl Scout story in your community and on social media. Why do you volunteer? What impact has the organization had on your girl's life? Be a cheerleader and champion for Girl Scouts. Post yard signs, pass out flyers, and host pep rallies at your school. Visibility and fun experiences are key! Plan a recruitment event, OR invite potential new members to a troop field trip or special event. Show (don't tell) the experience of Girl Scouts. Update your troop profile. Are you welcoming new girls and volunteers to your troop? Is your troop meeting information updated?

Promote Girl Scouts on Social Media Check out the Fall 2022 Recruitment Rallyhood page for videos, social tiles, and suggested captions. Download, post, and promote Girl Scouts in less than 30 seconds!

Schools are the place to be! Most school personnel recognize the benefits of having Girl Scouts in their school and allow volunteers to speak at PTA meetings, host pep rallies and events, and send promotional materials home with students. Schools with active Girl Scout volunteers are also more likely to provide a meeting place for troops.

Check out the Fall 2022 Recruitment Rally! School Communications Checklist Fillable educator flyer Pep rally scripts and sticker templates Morning announcement videos Educator email templates Not sure where to start?

Be an advocate for Girl Scouts at school

Be visible & have FUN!

Think outside the box! Are troops or the service unit already planning a fun event? Can you set up a table to chat with non members and caregivers? Allow plenty of time for event promotion! The best events are not a secret!

2. Promote

Tabling Event (informal, school or community hosted event)

3 Steps: Plan, Promote, Engage!

Invite non members to your Service Unit or Troop Events

Think grass roots: yard signs, flyers, stickers, and posters work well, but pep rallies and morning announcements add an extra boost Divide and conquer Ask other volunteers to deliver promotional items to schools Paint the town green! Place signs in yards, schools, and local businesses Use the social toolkit to promote on school pages and groups

Start early, and follow the suggested checklists. Where are families already going? Is there an exciting event happening in your area? Is a school event approaching?

Event (at a school, place of worship, community location, etc.)


GS Registration/Recruitment

Meet and Greets with Caregivers (informal or structured)


Assign someone to be the greeter Make sure everyone helping is happy, energetic and eager to help Ask questions. What is the girl interested in? What are the caregivers concerns? Remember it's not about us and ALL we can offer. It's about helping families see the va;ue of Girl Scouts based on their own priorities and interests. Don't forget to follow up after the event! Reach out via email, text, or phone call. Thank them for attending, discuss next steps, and confirm troop placement or new troop creation.

3. Engage Show up to the event early, and be prepared for early arrivals Follow the suggested checklists!

Visibility and fun experiences are key! Plan a recruitment event, OR invite potential new members to a troop field trip or special event. Show (don't tell) the experience of Girl Scouts. Here are a few examples:

Additional promotional materials Promotional toolkits vary throughout the year. Current recruitment toolkits are located in the 2022 Recruitment Toolkit in Rallyhood. Promotional items may be ordered through your GSNETX Membership Manager. Flyers GSNETX volunteers are invited to print flyers at Fedex with an exclusive discount code (available in the Recruitment Rally). You may also request bulk orders of flyers from your GSNETX Membership Manager. Join My Troop Fly l Join Flyers intable n CardsGeneral signs Fillable signs ( Yard Signs

New Leader Experience Free training New Leader tote bag New Leader Kit with starter supplies New Leader Handbook with meeting plans Digital meetings planner Monthly virtual q&a chats Staff support to help plan or attend meetings, field trips, and other experiences We'll be with you every step of the way Here are a few things you'll receive: On average, troop co leaders spend 6 11 hours per month volunteering (+8 during cookie season). We want to help new leaders enjoy as much of that time as possible! These resources take the guesswork out of leading a troop. Here's a snaphot of what the first year troop leader experience includes. Become a Co Leader! New leaders (and their girl) can join for FREE gsnetx.org/newtroop Get Connected! New leaders are invited to join New Leader Academy GSNETX, a private Facebook group exclusivly for new leaders. This group is moderated by the GSNETX New Leader Engagement team.

Update your troop Troop01234 Troopnumber Troopgradelevel Associatedschool Numberofavailableyouthandvolunteerspots Day,frequency,andtimesyourtroopmeets(exactdatesand locationsarenotgiven) HowdoIaccesstheParticipationCatalog? Visitwwwgsnetxorg/joinandselect'JoinNow'toaccessthe ParticipationCatalog! HowdoIknowifanewGirlScoutjoinsmytroop? Greatquestion!Oursystemgeneratesautomaticemailssentto TroopLeaderswheneveranewmemberjoins.However,we encourageallTroopLeaderstoactivelybecheckingtheirtroop rostersthroughtheVolunteerToolkitThisiswhereyoucansee themostuptodaterosterforyourtroop HowdoIaddaspecificGirlScouttomytroop? Ifyouwouldliketoinviteafriendtojointhetroop,justhave themvisitwwwgsnetxorg/joinAslongasthereareopenspots inyourtroop andyou’veindicatedthatyou’dlikeyourtroopto bedisplayedintheParticipationCatalog thenewmemberswill beabletolocatethetroopintheParticipationCatalogandcan thencompletepayment Youmayalsoinvitenewmemberstojoinyourtroopviaemail throughmyGS. Whatinformationwillbeincludedinmytroop's ParticipationCataloglisting? Thetrooplistingwillincludethefollowinginformation: WhatifIhaveanopeningmidyear,orIneedto makechangestomymeetinginformation? AtroopcanjointheParticipationCatalogatanytime throughouttheyear!Justletusknowyourupdatedinformation atwwwgsnetxorg/troopupdate Updating your troop information helps new members join Girl Scouts. You can add your troop to the Participation Catalog our online listing of troops with open spots for youth or volunteers. The Participation Catalog helps families search for troops with open spaces by zip code. It also allows adults to see volunteer opportunities in their area and sign up to help. Help us create Girl Scout experiences for ALL girls. Encourage troops in your service unit to opt in to the Participation Catalog at www gsnetx org/troopupdate Troop Leader FAQs

Thank you! Questions? Contact your GSNETX Membership Manager or email join@gsnetx.org.

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