Court of Awards
A Court of Awards is where Girl Scouts receive recognition for their accomplishments in the form of patches, badges, pins, and certificates. The Court of Award ceremonies are held several times during the Girl Scout year and even more frequently for very young girls. A Court of Awards may be used as a closing ceremony for a project the whole troop has worked hard on, with each girl receiving the patch or badge that symbolizes her effort. Recognitions individual girls have earned over a period of time may also be distributed at the Court of Awards.
What’s in a Court of Awards? Presentation of awards is the main activity of a Court of Awards ceremony. There are many creative ways to present girls with recognitions! Demonstrations or displays of what was done to earn the. awards can add interest to the ceremony. Girls may wish to include candle lighting in the ceremony to create the mood and make it special. It could also be a simple ceremony with the troop leader presenting girls with recognitions at the end of a regular troop meeting. Whatever form the Court of Awards takes, it should be an opportunity for girls to feel proud of their accomplishments.
Court of Awards
Considerations: Prepare recognition items in advance, organizing each girl's awards together. Highlight the effort invested by each girl rather than focusing solely on the number of awards. Conduct award ceremonies regularly, especially for younger girls. Girl Scout Brownies and young Girl Scout Juniors receive recognitions promptly to reinforce the connection between the award and their efforts. Individual recognition with the girl's name and a brief comment on their achievement adds a personal touch. Save time by pinning awards to ribbons and then attaching the ribbons to the girls.
Court of Awards
Creative Presentation Ideas for Girl Scout Recognitions Several imaginative ideas have been successful among Girl Scout troops: Poster Board Sash: Craft a sash from poster board or a brown paper bag, attaching patches and badges. Ribbon: Use a wide ribbon to staple patches, adding a pin for attachment to the vest or sash. Include a sticker with the girl's name for quick identification. Balloons: Place badges inside balloons and inflate with helium for a fun and interactive experience. Trefoil Shapes: Create trefoil shapes from poster board, attaching patches with double-stick tape. Incorporate Girl Scout traditions and personalize for each girl. Flower Pots: Decorate small clay pots and attach badges to paper cupcake cups, forming a flower arrangement. Alternatively, use Styrofoam-filled pots and arrange badges with pipe cleaners and silk leaves. Outdoor, People, Arts Themes: Experiment with different themes, attaching badges to various items such as leafy branches, paper doll chains, international flags, paintbrushes, or sheet music.
How you hand them out is totally up to you!!!!
How to Plan Girls Scouts should take an active role in the planning and presentation. Here are some great ways to include girls:
For more inspiration check out this great article!