Ideas for Themed Camp Outs One way to help girls take the lead is to give them a theme. Theme based learning is popular way to encourage not only out of the box thinking but for some, it gives them a "thread" to begin generating ideas from!
Ideas for Themed Camps: 1. Lost in Space 2. Space Camp 3. Moon Base Camp 4. Enchanted Forrest 5. Fairy Forrest 6. Under the Stars 7. Forrest Friends 8. Survival or Survivor Camp 9. Pirate Camp 10. Camp themed after a movie 11. Camp Olympics 12. Under the Sea 13. Around the World 14. Superheroes 15. Witches/Wizard Camp 16. Time Traveler Camp 17. Foodie Camp 18. Camp Crafts-a- Lot 19. Detective Camp 20. Spy Camp 21. Camp's Got Talent 22. STEM 23. Stress Less (spa, relax, my best self) 24. Music (example 80's music) 25. Under the Big Top
Camping Myth Busters! Does the idea of corralling your troop around a campfire or setting up tents give you nightmares? The truth is camping with your girls gives them the chance to try something new, work together in a new way, and get outside. Plus, you might even have fun! If you didn’t grow up camping or had a bad experience in the past, the idea of planning and preparing a camping trip with your troop can seem overwhelming. So let’s debunk some common camping myths. Myth #1: There is one right way to camp! Each troop will have their own traditions, practices, and favorite things. Use your outdoor training, the safety activity checkpoints and site specific rules to create the "bones" of your camping plan. As always, keep progression in mind. As your girls (and you) camp over the years, you will find what works, what doesn't and what opportunities you have to enhance your experiences. One troop might love tent camping, while another troop loves cabin camping. Talk with girls, leaders and troop supporters to find out where everyones experience level and comfort levels are. From there, you can chart your troops progression in the outdoors. Myth #2 Camping has to be every Girl Scout’s (and leader’s) favorite activity! The cool thing about the Girl Scout Leadership Experience is that it encompasses so many things that girls are interested in. Girl Scouts have a rich history of outdoor adventure and camping, but it doesn’t have to be the only thing that girls do. However, spending time outdoors and trying new things is part of a well-rounded Girl Scout experience. Camping does not have to be a required activity but it should be offered. Camping at a GSNETX camp will provide leaders with both camp activities, some camp gear and on site staff. Camping at a national park will mean you are more on your own. Choose the camping experience that works best for the whole troop!