Kickoff is our annual event to kick off the new membership year for all Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas volunteers. We have classes for new leaders, experienced leaders, service unit team members, cookie volunteers, and moreanyone who is an active Girl Scout volunteer can benefit from coming. This event is open to any registered Girl Scout adult. Remember, your troop or service unit can make the decision to use troop or service unit funds to pay for Kickoff. Rising Stars is our annual event for older girls which coincides with Kickoff and gives them an opportunity to participate in pieces of the adult event while also having their own way to celebrate the beginning of the year.
This year's in-person event will be Saturday, August 5, 2023, on the University of North Texas - Dallas campus, located at 7300 University Hills Blvd, Dallas, TX 75241. We'll be in three main buildings on campus - the Student Center, Dallas 1, and Founders' Hall. Check-in will begin at 8:15 a.m. and the third block of classes will end at 4 p m
To get you excited, motivated, energized and prepared for the new year
To give you an opportunity to hear about the current state of GSNETX and learn about new upcoming initiatives and opportunities
To equip you for the new year with educational and enrichment classesbefore, during, and after Kickoff
To create a space where you can connect with other volunteers, staff, and members Registration for Kickoff 2024 through gsEvents. This includes a swag bag and lunch. The Girl Scout event registration platform is accessed through MyGS. Specific details and instructions about how to register are found toward the end of this guide.
We highly recommend reading through this guide and making some decisions about what you'd like to register for before completing the process. Our registration system isn't as friendly to schedule changes after the fact as we would like for it to be, and we want to make sure you have the best experience.
This year's Kickoff theme is "Adventure Begins Here” - think all things travel from road trips and staycations to camping and cruises. You'll see this theme reflected in our decor and materials and we want YOU to help us bring the theme to life. Ways you can do this include:
Dress like a tourist: From comfy loungewear to stylish influencer, show us your favorite travel outfit.
Anyone who dresses up will earn extra door prize tickets! Decorating your car to celebrate Girl Scouts
Sharing how you and your Girl Scouts plan to seek adventure this year on social media using #gsadventures and #gsnetxkickoff
Bringing travel-themed SWAPS to trade with your fellow Girl Scouts
SWAPS stands for Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.
They are a tradition that started during the 1950s of exchanging handmade, themed keepsakes between Girl Scouts. They can be pinned to a hat, jacket, or bag or stored in a memory box.
SWAPS can be exchanged at events or during travel.
Kickoff participants will be invited to an event-exclusive Rallyhood site after registering to get the latest information on our event, ask questions, get a preview of what's to come for the year and more. You'll receive your Rallyhood invite within a few days of signing up to attend Kickoff.
This year’s Kickoff shirt is a Bella + Canvas Carolina blue Adventure Begins Here travel-themed shirt. (Design details may change a tiny bit!)
Pre-orders are available through Kickoff registration through Tuesday, July 9, and shirts will be available in the Kickoff pop-up shop as well as across GSNETX shops this fall.
Discounted pre-order shirts are $22 for Youth SAdult XL and $24 for 2XL-4XL, including tax. Shirts at the event or in store will be $23.82/ $25.98.
*Schedule subject to slight changes.
GSNETXTables:Tableswith informationforinternalGSNETX committees,clubs,andinitiatives.
GeneralSession:A90-minsession duringwhichyou'llhearfromGSNETX CEOJenniferBartkowski,celebrate thisyear’sadultrecognitions, announcethe2024President'sAwards recipients,andmore
GSNETXPop-UpShop:Ourretailteam willhaveapop-upshopspecificallyfor Kickoffwithgreatdealsanddiscounts foryouonsite
ProductSalesRoom:Acome-and-go roomwithinformationaboutthe2024 FallProductProgramand2025Cookie Programincludingrewards,calendars, previewitems,oldergirlopportunities, andmore.
ProgramPartnerTables:Tableswith informationexternalGSNETXprogram partnersfromthecommunity.
VIPRoom:Tocelebrateouradult recognitionandPresident'sAwards recipients.
Time Block
Class Block #1
10:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Lunch Time Pick Up:
12 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
Class Block #2
1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Class Block #3
2:45 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Class & Lunch Selection
Class Block #1 Selection:
Lunch Selection:
Class Block #2 Selection:
Class Block #3 Selection:
Lunch Options (all include chips, cookie, & 8 oz water)
Lunch #1 - Turkey Sandwich
Lunch #2 - Turkey Sandwich (gluten-free)
Lunch #3 - Personal 7" Pepperoni Pizza
Lunch #4 - Personal 7" Cheese Pizza
Lunch #5 - Pre-Made Garden Salad with Grilled Chicken
Lunch #6 - Pre-Made Garden Salad
Before you register: We highly recommend reading through this guide and making some decisions about what you'd like to register for before completing the registration process. Our registration system isn't as friendly to schedule changes after the fact as we would like for it to be, and we want to make sure you have the best experience.
1. Go to gsEvents at www.gsnetx.org/events. Search for Kickoff 2024 to find the correct event listing. (Note: Rising Stars registration will be a separate event!)
2. Go to the right-hand side of the page and add the number of members that you’d like to sign up using the plus sign, then click the green Log In button.
3. Log in using your Girl Scout email address. If you have trouble logging into gsEvents, please reach out to the GSNETX Customer Care team at customercare@gsnetx.org.
4. Under Assign attendees, select the members that you’d like to register. You’ll have the option to toggle between selecting adults for your household or from your troop. If you’re registering multiple adults for the event, you will have to go through this process for each member.
5. Scroll down and select an option or a class for each event block. You’ll also be given the option of selecting that you won’t be attending a certain part of Kickoff. Be sure to make a selection in each event block and refer to the classes in this planning guide for more information. (Note: For Rising Stars, you will see less options as their classes will be chosen during the actual event.)
6. You’ll have the opportunity to pre-order a Kickoff shirt (only available through July 11.) After selecting a shirt size, be sure to indicate how many shirts you want of that size using the plus and minus buttons. Once you’ve made your item selections, check the Credit Card box and then click Submit Member Details.
7. On the Add your details screen, click Review Cart.
8. On the Review your cart screen, you’ll be given the option to make a donation to GSNETX as part of your event registration. Once you’ve added any donation information, scroll down and click the box under the Girl Scout Promise and Law that says “I agree to the Girl Scout Promise and Law” then click Add Payment Details.
9. Enter your payment details then click Submit Payment.
10. You’ll reach the Payment confirmation page and you’re registered for Kickoff! You should receive a confirmation email acknowledging your registration and be able to pull up the detailed information in MyGS. We will send more detailed confirmation information closer the week of the event.