Discover how each program or event reflects Girl Scouts’ Four Pillars, which are all wrapped up in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience:
The Four Pillars STEM: High quality, multi-year, progressive programs in engineering, computer science and outdoor STEM that result in a girl’s increased interest, confidence, and competency in STEM. Outdoor: Progressive programs for girls of all grade levels that result in increasing the number of girls experiencing the outdoors, building their skills, and participating in adventure opportunities that will drive their interest and increase their competence and confidence to become environmental stewards. Life Skills: Progressive programs that girls want and need to enhance the hard skills learned in school and in the other pillars. Beginning with civic engagement and expanding to healthy living, communication skills, practical skills, digital skills, and global citizenship, this pillar will use the already rich Girl Scout badge content and extend a girl’s learnings through additional resources. Entrepreneurship: Starting with the iconic Girl Scout Cookie Program, this pillar will show girls how they can change the world by learning business skills and exploring a variety of entrepreneurial opportunities, including social entrepreneurship.
Dear Volunteers, Welcome to the 2017-2018 Girl Scout program year! As a Girl Scout volunteer, we can’t thank you all enough for your time, talents, and true dedication that you put forth in giving girls the skills they need to empower themselves for life. At Girl Scouts, we are all about practicing everyday leadership, preparing girls to empower themselves, and promoting G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ experiences. Thanks to you, we prepare girls to practice a lifetime of leadership through access to thousands of girl-led experiences, skills, and connections. This year brings some new updates in our organization. For the past several years, we have been transitioning to this exciting new way of work called the Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI). Through CEI, our main goal is to improve our volunteer experience. With the help of Volunteer Systems, Powered by Salesforce, new members will be able to find a Girl Scout troop, join Girl Scouts, and volunteer with ease. Members will be able to manage their household and personal Girl Scout registration information, select new volunteer positions, and renew their membership. And, let’s not forget about the Volunteer Toolkit! With the help of this new amazing digital planning tool, troop leaders will have all of the resources and program content at your fingertips, helping you get your year started—and keep it running smoothly! This toolkit is customizable and so easy to use! We continue to offer new programming to better serve girls’ needs and follow the trends of today, such as STEM, challenge programming, Journey weekends, dabbler days, and more. We are so excited to announce NEW Journeys and programming where your girls can earn more badges and patches that encompass the Four Pillars in Girl Scouting: Outdoors, STEM, Entrepreneurship, and Life Skills. This book is jam-packed with opportunities for girls, troops, and families. Make sure to share this book with girls and families in your troops so that they can explore everything Girl Scouts of Connecticut has to offer! We know all of these exciting changes will help make Girl Scouting in Connecticut a success! Your dedication and hard work are the key components that drive our mission of building girls with courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. We appreciate all that you do for our girls and families. Thank you! Yours in Girl Scouting,
Linda Kalish Director of Program Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Four Pillars Legend While an event may fall into more than one of the four pillar categories, we’ve STEM Entrepreneurship Outdoor Life Skills selected the pillar(s) that best defines the event. You’ll find one or more of these icons near each event.
e-Newsletters Find activities, ideas, and updated program information in the following: Girl Scout Bridges: For girls and families. Published the second Wednesday of every other month. Volunteer e-blast: For leaders. Published the fourth Friday of every month. Pathways: For members and friends of GSOFCT. A monthly note from our CEO and feature stories on Girl Scouts in Connecticut. Rallyhood: Troop volunteers will see additional events, activities, and notices posted on their Service Unit Rally. In addition, Rallies are used by Gold Award, Adventure & Program Facilitators, and Letterboxing volunteers.
You can find all of these newsletters on our website at During the year, additional events may be posted on Rallyhood and You can also stay connected with GSOFCT via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube!
Program Resource Guide |
Table of Contents How to Register & Tips for Using this Book.................................................................. 3 National Program.................................................................................................................4 Volunteer Toolkit.................................................................................................................. 5 Council-Wide Service Projects.........................................................................................6 Leader 2 Leader and Camp Kits...................................................................................... 7 New Patch Programs - Inclusion Patch and BIC Fire Safety Patch........................8 Council Shop Information.................................................................................................9 Girl Scout Daisy Events...............................................................................................10-13 Girl Scout Brownie Events..........................................................................................14-19 Girl Scout Junior Events............................................................................................ 20-27 Volkswalks...........................................................................................................................27 Girl Scout Cadette Events……….................................................................................28-33 Girl Scout Senior/Ambassador Events...................................................................34-37 Travel.....................................................................................................................................38 Service Awards...................................................................................................................39 Highest Awards.............................................................................................................40-41 Girl Scout Multi-Level Events................................................................................... 42-59 Product Sales Programs…………………………………….................................................. 60-63 Girl Scout History: Museum and Suitcases.............................................................. 64 Council’s Own Patches and Other Organization Awards........................................65 Program Resources.................................................................................................... 66-67 Challenge By Choice......................................................................................................... 68 Events and Series Alpha Index................................................................................ 69-70 Events and Series Chronological Index..................................................................71-73 Council Map and Addresses..................................................................................... 74-75 Invest in Girls. Change the World..................................................................................76 Business Partners........................................................................................................77-86 Property Rentals and 3 for FREE....................................................................................87 Regional Training Days..................................................................................................... 88
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How to Register & Tips for Using This Book Register for events online at gsofct>Activities If you are interested in what activities are available during a particular month, jump to the Chronological Index on page 71. Scan through to see which activities are available to your specific grade level and go to the page listed for details. If you are looking for activities for a particular grade level, remember to check both the grade level section as well as the multi-level section. In these sections, activities are listed in alphabetical order. When you attend a grade-level specific event, all girls will be approximately the same age. Multi-level events are attended by a wider range of grade levels. For each activity there is a “Register by” date. Remember to include this in your planning. Many events may fill before the “Register by” date. If you are looking for more information on resources particular to your grade level, you will find it at the beginning of the level section. Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award information may be found on page 40 and 41. Scan the Table of Contents for other areas of interest such as Product Sales Program, Council’s Own patches, Program Resources, Leader 2 Leader, and more.
What Does This Mean? At the end of every event, series, or trip description, you’ll see info in parentheses, such as (For: Troops, Families, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult). We’ve added this to help identify who is welcome to attend these programs. Please remember that the majority of programming is intended for girls to learn and grow. Girls attending grades K-12 must be registered Girl Scout members. Not a Girl Scout yet? Add this at checkout! Register and bring only girls from the appropriate grade level. Troop: A troop attends as a group of girls with chaperoning adults meeting ratio and safety activity checkpoints. As troops attend this way, there are more spaces available for girls to participate. Family: This indicates that the event is geared for a wide range of ages–from Daisies to grandparents! Girls may attend with their immediate or extended family members. Often family friends are welcome to attend. All families must have responsible adults with them. Girls in K-12 must be registered Girl Scouts. Individuals: A girl may attend an event on her own, provided she brings a completed Health History form. In general, these events are smaller and serve Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors. Individuals w/ Adult: Any girl may attend with an adult chaperone.
Program Resource Guide |
National Program Portfolio
Journeys and Badges make up the majority of our National Program Portfolio. Journeys are the foundation of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. While girls do learn about a particular subject, their experience goes further. When completing any journey, girls learn enough about a topic to identify a related issue of concern. Girls confirm that this issue is real in a community though research and speaking with people in the field. Next, girls identify a root cause of the issue asking, “why does this happen?” With that information in hand, girls are go-getters, and plan a Take Action project that addresses the root cause. From Daisies through Ambassadors, Girl Scouts take action to make the world a better place, while learning how to address challenges in life. For Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors, completing a Journey(s) is the prerequisite to beginning their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Awards. These awards are Take Action projects which create sustainable change in our communities. Journey materials can be found in our council shops (both in store and online) and in the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK).
Badges help girls explore, try, and learn new things. When girls earn a badge, it means they’ve practiced the skills involved enough that they can give service in that area or teach others. While badge topics reoccur at different grade levels, the activities and information covered progress with a girl’s development. For example, the First Aid badge for a Brownie is a different experience than a Girl Scout Senior earning a First Aid badge.
In addition, there are other awards such as My Promise, My Faith, Journey Summit, VIT, and more. These are found in the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
STEM Entrepreneurship Outdoor Life Skills
4 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Volunteer Toolkit
You can: • Access Journey and petal and badge troop meeting plans • See step-by-step activity guides for each troop meeting • View and edit your troop roster • Manage renewals for both girls and adults • Email parents with a single click • Share troop meeting activities with parents • Record troop finances and girls’ meeting attendance • Log girls’ petal/badge and Journey achievements • Add events and your own troop activities The Volunteer Toolkit now offers multi-level troop access—and coming in summer 2017 is all-new program content for STEM and Outdoors, plus Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden!
Fully customizable, the Volunteer Toolkit is digitally responsive so you can plan and prepare practically anywhere.
The Volunteer Toolkit contains program and meeting plans for K-5 (Daisy, Brownie, Junior and K-5 multi-level). Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops have access to features including the troop roster, troop finances, national resources, and all K-5 program content (if needed for working with younger troops)
Program Resource Guide |
Council-wide Service Projects
Together, let’s make the world a better place! Last year, Girl Scouts of Connecticut donated thousands of children’s books to those in need. This year, join us in one or more of these council-wide service projects.
Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Families CAFAF hosts the “Avenue of Dreams,” where foster and adopted teen girls enjoy a prom-inspired day with their foster, adoptive, or legal moms! They need your help to make this event a success. Donation items include new or gently used prom or bridesmaid dresses, shoes, accessories, and new makeup or body products. There is also a need for plus-size dresses. Donation items can be dropped off at the North Haven, Hartford, Waterbury, and Wilton Service Centers between Monday, January 8, and Friday, February 23. Donations may also be dropped off at the CAFAF office located at 2189 Silas Deane (Suite 2) Highway Rocky Hill, CT 06067 anytime after September.
Be a Citizen Scientist! The Marine Debris Tracker mobile application allows you to help make a difference by checking in when you find trash on our coastlines and waterways. Please visit for more information. Download the app, get to the beach, collect litter, and clean up the environment! Record what you find in the app as you go. Then submit your data to help stop debris from impacting our oceans. Remember to be safe! Girls should use pick up tools and wear gloves when handling litter. Please review and observe all Safety Activity Checkpoints regarding water.
Hats Off Your troop can make fleece hats that you can donate to people in need! This fall, our website will have instructions and a how-to video. You can also sign up for a Hats Off event to make a hat. Donate your hats to the organization of your choice. Donation location examples include: Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Salvation Army Marshall House, Dorothy Day Hospitality House, St. Vincent De Paul Mission of Waterbury, Emergency Shelter Management Services, and Covenant Shelter of New London. You can share your story on our website at About, Our Council, News, and Share your Story. Send us a picture, tell us which project you chose, and how many girls participated!
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Leader 2 Leader and Camp Kits
Visit our website and click on the volunteer tab to find Leader 2 Leader webinars. These webinars focus on volunteer suggested topics such as trips, parent involvement, how to enhance the cookie program, planning with girls, inclusion, higher awards, and more! Leader 2 Leader webinars are presented by knowledgeable volunteers, GSOFCT staff, and community program partners providing plenty of opportunities for participants to ask questions and join in on the discussion. Whether you’re able to join in live or view a pre-recorded webinar, we hope you find these resources helpful!
Camp Kits – A new pilot program, Camp Kits provide outlines, instructions, and supplies for two to two-and-a-half hours of self-led programming. Camp Kits follow the seasons, are geared for multiple levels, and will be waiting for you when you arrive at camp! Reserve your kit at the same time you reserve a site. You’ll rent the kit in increments of five girls to ensure that there are enough supplies to fit your group. Before leaving camp, you’re expected to return all materials in a neat and orderly manner. Let us know if you’re interested in helping maintain this new resource at a camp near you!
Bring this coupon in any GSOFCT for $5
off a starter kit!
Program Resource Guide |
New GSOFCT Patch Programs
Ability Awareness and Inclusion patch program Celebrate diversity and learn how to respect and appreciate others. The Inclusion patch may be earned by Daisies through Ambassadors with the goal of helping girls understand that everyone has unique qualities and abilities. Earn this patch as an individual, troop, or use it as the basis for a service unit event. In this book, you’ll find Everyone In, a council-sponsored event based on this new patch program.
BIC Fire Safety Patch Program The play safe! Be safe! Fire Safety Education Patch program presented by BIC® will ensure that the participating Daisies and Brownies will learn about fire prevention and fire safety skills. The program includes four lessons: My friend the Firefighter; Stop! Drop! and Roll!; Get Low and Go; and Safe for Play! Keep Away! In order to earn the patch, girls are required to complete six out of 11 interactive activities relating to these lessons, which include a visit to a local fire station, completing a mock fire drill, and writing a skit/story about the importance of fire safety. For more information and to see a complete program Leader Guide visit
Come see us at the shop! Hartford 340 Washington Street, Hartford, CT 06106 Shop Hours (860) 522-0163 Fax: (860) 548-0325
North Haven 20 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT 06473 Shop Hours (203) 234-6253 Fax: (203) 234-6556
Lebanon 175C Clubhouse Road, Lebanon, CT 06249 Shop Hours (860) 423-5502 Fax: (860) 423-7953
Wilton 529 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897 Shop Hours (203) 762-5557 Fax: (203) 762-0688
Hours vary by location, visit for hours. Join the Shop Promotions Mailing List for monthly specials, coupons, and promotions!
8 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Council Shop Information
See page 7 for a Starter Kit coupon!
Program Resource Guide |
Girl Scout Daisy Events GRADES K-1 Girl Scouts of Connecticut offers council-sponsored programs and events for troops and girls. These events bring together girls from around the state to enjoy an opportunity that they might not be able to create on their own. Please note that each event has a registration deadline and some events may fill before this date. Register for events online at
Through the help of program volunteers, community program partners, and program and camping services staff, Girl Scouts of Connecticut is able to offer a wide range of events for girls. When Girl Scouts attend events and meet other girls, they practice social skills, learn new things, see a broader picture of what it means to be a Girl Scout, and have fun! Girls may attend with their troop or as an individual, usually with an accompanying adult. Unless otherwise indicated, register for these activities on our website. Due to the nature of events, registration deadlines are rarely extended.
Things to Remember: This section provides events geared only to this grade level, see multi-level events for more opportunities. • Girls should be planning their activities. Share this book with them and guide them as they plan the trip. • Let families know that girls may attend without their troop. • You’ll be sent a confirmation with additional information when you register. If you still have questions, contact our Customer Care Department at • Register early. Register on time. Please do not ask to extend registration deadlines. Remember some events will fill before the registration deadline. • If you require special accommodations, contact our Customer Care Department at • Bring only those who are registered for the event. Do not assume “there will be room for one more person.” • Be prepared; have written directions/map as GPS is not available in all locations. Arrive on time or a few minutes early, allowing for the walk from the parking lot to the activity area. Adults: It’s great to meet and network. If you’d like to have a conversation, ask the facilitator if it is OK if you step out of the room, go for a walk, etc. Conversations are distracting to the event, so in most instances the answer will be “yes.” Remember: Our program volunteers, community partners, and GSOFCT staff facilitating the programs love sharing skills and experiences with the girls, and put a lot of effort into what they do. Remind girls that a “thank you” is always appreciated.
Looking for More? Find more events for Daisies in the multi-level section, starting on page 42.
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DAISY Between Earth and Sky Journey Day Get outdoors, Daisies! Learn about nature by exploring one of our camps. We’ll explore the science of soil, plants and seeds, and discover how we are connected with nature. Pre and post work is required to complete the Journey. Girls will leave the day having completed several activities and will be given tips on how to get started with their Take Action project. Journey books and awards are included upon completion of Take Action survey. Where
Register by
Rocky Craig, Stamford
Sunday, 5/6/2018
9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Daring Daisy - Dabbler Day In small groups, girls practice making friends, try some Girl Scout traditions such as SWAPS, dabble in STEM, and more! Adults will take part in concurrent workshops. Helping adults will facilitate station activities based on outlines received prior to the day. Girls receive an event patch. Bring a bag lunch. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
South Congregational Saturday, 9:30 a.m.- 2/23/2018 Church, East Hartford 3/10/2018 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 25/100
Fee: $20.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 30/120
Daisy Overnight Adventure Join us for a sleepover adventure! Come explore the camp, bring a brown-bag dinner, build a campfire, and roast your s’mores. Continental breakfast included. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.- 3/2/2018 3/17/2018Sunday 9:00 a.m. 3/18/2018
Fee: $20.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 40/90
Register by
Dishes for Daisies Healthy eating can be so much fun! Come out to camp as we cook up some healthy snacks and talk about keeping our bodies healthy and our bellies full. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Friday, 2/2/2018
5:00- 7:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/45
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Outdoor Cooking: Daisy
Eco-Smart Daisies Learning how to use resources wisely is a great skill! We’ll read a story about using resources wisely, play a recycling game, and enjoy a hike through camp. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 11/12/2017
10:00- 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/15
Girls will have the opportunity to cook over the fire with different styles of cooking including on a stick, a foil packet, and a dutch oven. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 10/22/2017
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 10/22/2017
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 3/18/2018
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $6.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Into the Woods Daisies celebrate Earth Day with a walk into the woods. We’ll explore how to stay safe on the trail, learn about how others use the trails, and plant a tree to take home. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Saturday, 4/21/2018
10:00- 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/15
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DAISY Rosie’s Story at CT Audubon Reduce, reuse, recycle—let’s make our world a better place! We’ll chat about compost, play recycle relay, and discover new uses for old things. Each Daisy will take home ideas and a personal poster to share with her family. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
CT Audubon Society Center at Fairfield, Fairfield
Saturday, 1/20/2018
9:30- 10:30 a.m.
Saturday, 1/20/2018
11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Creating a high-quality Daisy experience It’s not just what Daisies do, but how they’re engaged that creates this experience. Here is a quick check-in. Girl Led: Are the Daisies encouraged to… • Decide on which activities to participate in, how they are done, and when? • Appropriately take the lead in certain things and feel confident in expressing themselves?
Fee: $14 girls $2 adults Min./Max.: 6/18
Learning by Doing: Are the Daisies…. • Exploring with real materials and tools that are safe and age-appropriate? • Out of their seat and actively involved?
STEAM Challenges at NESSF Use science, technology, engineering, art, and math to undertake these exciting STEAM challenges. Learn about the field of biomimicry as you develop a product based on nature to design and market to the NESSF judges. Satisfies some requirements for the Daisy Rosie Petal. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Cooperative Learning: Are the Daisies… • Seeing cooperation and collaboration in their troop leaders? • Working together on meaningful tasks and are those moments vocalized? • Practicing listening and taking turns?
New England Saturday, 10:00 a.m.- 11/13/2017 Science and 12/2/2017 12:00 p.m. Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Fee: $35 girls $15 adults Min./Max.: 8/12
Zoo in the Sky When you look up in the night sky, what do you see? There’s an entire animal kingdom playing in the stars! Come learn how to play connect the dots with the stars to find all kinds of creatures in the sky! Make your own constellation to take home and see the night sky in our planetarium. Museum patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Discovery Museum, Bridgeport
Saturday, 4/14/2018
10:00- 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, 4/14/2018
1:00- 2:30 p.m.
Fee: $20 girls $8 adults Min./Max.: 20/70 Program Resource Guide |
Girl Scout Brownie Events GRADES 2-3 Girl Scouts of Connecticut offers council-sponsored programs and events for troops and girls. These events bring together girls from around the state to enjoy an opportunity that they might not be able to create on their own. Please note that each event has a registration deadline and some events may fill before this date. Register for events online at
Through the help of program volunteers, community program partners, and program and camping services staff, Girl Scouts of Connecticut is able to offer a wide range of events for girls. When Girl Scouts attend events and meet other girls, they practice social skills, learn new things, see a broader picture of what it means to be a Girl Scout, and have fun! Girls may attend with their troop or as an individual, usually with an accompanying adult. Unless otherwise indicated, register for these activities on our website. Due to the nature of events, registration deadlines are rarely extended.
Things to Remember: This section provides events geared only to this grade level, see multi-level events for more opportunities. • Girls should be planning their activities. Share this book with them and guide them as they plan the trip. • Let families know that girls may attend without their troop. • You’ll be sent a confirmation with additional information when you register. If you still have questions, contact our Customer Care Department at • Register early. Register on time. Please do not ask to extend registration deadlines. Remember some events will fill before the registration deadline. • If you require special accommodations, contact our Customer Care Department at • Bring only those who are registered for the event. Do not assume “there will be room for one more person.” • Be prepared; have written directions/map as GPS is not available in all locations. Arrive on time or a few minutes early, allowing for the walk from the parking lot to the activity area. Adults: It’s great to meet and network. If you’d like to have a conversation, ask the facilitator if it is OK if you step out of the room, go for a walk, etc. Conversations are distracting to the event, so in most instances the answer will be “yes.” Remember: Our program volunteers, community partners, and GSOFCT staff facilitating the programs love sharing skills and experiences with the girls, and put a lot of effort into what they do. Remind girls that a “thank you” is always appreciated.
Looking for More? Find more events for Brownies in the multi-level section, starting on page 42.
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To register, see page 3
BROWNIE Bloomin’ Brownies In small groups, girls will complete several requirements for their Letterboxer, Hiker, Outdoor Adventurer, Outdoor Art Creator badges, and more! Girls will leave with memories, new skills, ideas to continue the fun, and a special patch for the day. Adults will take part in concurrent workshops. Helping adults will facilitate station activities based on outlines received prior to the day. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Sunday, 11/5/2017
9:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 60/180
Brownie Boating Girls have the opportunity to learn about Lake Pattagansett’s aquatic habitat and then spend time exploring in canoes. Adults registering should be prepared to work with their girls. (For Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, Sunday, 10:00 a.m.- East Lyme 10/1/2017 12:00 p.m. Sunday, 1:00- 10/1/2017 3:00 p.m.
9/18/2017 9/18/2017
Fee: $10.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/28
Brownie Bugs
Brilliant Brownie Dabbler Day In small groups, girls will complete several requirements for their Home Scientist, Senses, Dancer, and Making Games badges. Girls leave with memories, new skills, ideas to continue the fun, and a special patch for the day. Adults will take part in concurrent workshops. Helping adults will facilitate station activities based on outlines received prior to the day. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Saturday, 2/24/2018
9:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 25/100
Creepy, crawly, buggy bugs! They play an important role in our world. Discover just how important they are to our ecosystems through exploration in the Larsen Sanctuary. You’ll look for bugs in action in their various habitats and count how many different kinds you can find. Then you’ll put your artistic flair to work by drawing a bug poster. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) When Time Register by Saturday, 9:00- 10/4/2017 10/21/2017 10:00 a.m.
10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Saturday, 9:00- 4/11/2018 4/28/2018 10:00 a.m.
10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Where: Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Fairfield, Fairfield Fee: $14.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/18
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Brownie Hiker
Brownie Overnight Adventure
Where does the trail lead us? Will we come across a pond or marsh along the way, or perhaps an animal in hiding? This program takes you on a hike in the Larsen Sanctuary where you’ll search for signs of animals and birds. You’ll also learn what gear to take on a hike and how to pack tasty, healthy snacks for energy. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) When Time Register by Saturday, 9:00- 10/4/2017 10/21/2017 10:00 a.m.
10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Join us for a sleepover adventure! Come explore the camp, bring a brown-bag dinner, build a campfire, and roast your s’mores. Continental breakfast included. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Pattagansett, Saturday, East Lyme 11/18/2017- Sunday, 11/19/2017
Register by
6:00 p.m.-
9:00 a.m.
Fee: $20.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 40/90
Saturday, 9:00- 4/11/2018 4/28/2018 10:00 a.m.
10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Where: Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Fairfield, Fairfield Fee: $14.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/18
Brownies in the Kitchen Healthy eating can be so much fun! Come out to camp as we cook up some healthy snacks and talk about keeping our bodies healthy and our bellies full. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 1/27/2018
5:00- 7:30 p.m.
Friday, 3:00- 3/23/2018 4/6/2018 5:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/45
Brownie Outdoor Adventurer at Glastonbury Audubon Earle Park has all of the elements for an exciting and joyous outdoor adventure like streams, a pond, hills, and trees. Together, we will explore it all, including a study of the clouds to learn what they can tell us about the upcoming weather! We will provide a nature journal where you can record your observations and write down your favorite experiences of the day. Helps accomplish Steps 1, 2, 3. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) When
Register by
Saturday, 10:00- 10/4/2017 10/21/2017 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.- 10/4/2017 12:00 p.m.
Where: Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Glastonbury, Glastonbury Fee: $14.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/15
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Desert Island Challenge Oh no! You’ve been stranded on a deserted island and you need to get home! Band together with your group to stay safe and make it off the island. Girls will learn about making fires, shelters, how stay safe on the trail, and how to signal for help in the wilderness. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 11/11/2017
9:00- 11:30 a.m.
An-Se-Ox, Sunday, 9:00- 11/27/2017 Oxford 12/10/2017 11:30 a.m. Candlewood, Sunday, New Fairfield 4/29/2018
9:00- 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/24 To register, see page 3
BROWNIE Engineering for Brownies
Getting Your Hands Dirty
Discover how engineering is a part of the world around you! Learn about designing, building, and inventing in this hands-on workshop sponsored by the Society of Women Engineers, New England Shoreline Section. While working with engineers and college students, build an air-powered car, learn about sound and vibration, float a boat, and design a structure to support a book. Fee includes patch. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
Girls who studied with Miss Florence practiced the art of painting delicate china, which is showcased at the museum today. On this visit, you’ll get your hands a bit messier! Work on some steps toward your Potter badge and take home your own clay pot, ceramic tile, and Florence Griswold patch. (For: Troops, Individuals; No Adults or Tagalongs in the workshop space)
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 3/24/2018
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/40
Register by
Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme
Saturday, 3/10/2018
12:00- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls Space in the studio is limited, so parents may drop girls off and enjoy the museum grounds at no charge, or pay the $5.00 fee upon arrival and visit the museum and house while the girls are working.
Fire Building Girls will have the opportunity to build a fire and practice lighting a match. Learn how to build an A-frame, teepee, and a log cabin fire. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Merrie-Wood, Manchester
Sunday, 10/29/2017
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Aspetuck, Weston
Sunday, 3/11/2018
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $6.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Galactic Girls Calling all future astronauts! Spend the morning at the Discovery Museum under the starry sky of the planetarium learning about stars and planets. See some real astronauts in space and help them with their microgravity experiments aboard the space shuttle. We’ll learn about space destinations and prepare for our own turn to blast off to the Moon! Museum patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Discovery Museum, Bridgeport
Saturday, 11/18/2017
9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Saturday, 3/10/2018
9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Min./Max.: 10/25
Learn to Irish Dance with the dancers of Riverdance and the Brennan-Lucey Irish Dance Academy! Learn about the history of Irish dancing and the culture behind it while gaining knowledge of the science behind proper warm up, cool down, and stretch techniques. Girls will design on paper their own Irish dance dresses based on the ancient celtic knotwork from the Book of Kells, and ultimately develop technique, posture, musicality, balance, teamwork, and coordination–all while learning some really fun Irish dance steps! (For: Troops, Individuals; Parents and siblings are welcome to stay and watch) Where
Register by
Danz Magic Studio, Milford
Saturday, 1/20/2018
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 girls $0 adults Min./Max.: 8/30
Fee: $22.00 girls $8.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/70 To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Making Friends: Fairy-style With a fairy theme, earn the Making Friends badge. Girls will play games, make a craft, and do other activites while discussing different aspects of friendship. If you wish, be creative and dress as your favorite fairy. Making Friends badge included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 2/3/2018
10:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Outdoor Cooking: Brownie Girls will have the opportunity to cook over the fire with different styles of cooking including a stick, a foil packet, and a dutch oven. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult)
Fee: $10.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/45
Once Upon a Palette Where is the perfect place to paint? Some think it’s at Miss Florence’s beautiful home, the center of the Old Lyme Art Colony at the turn of the century. Explore painting techniques inside and out and complete some steps toward the Painter badge. Fee includes Museum patch. (For: Troops, Individuals; No Adults or Tagalongs in the workshop space) Where
Register by
Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme
Saturday, 5/12/2018
12:00- 2:00 p.m.
Register by
Merrie-Wood, Manchester
Sunday, 10/29/2017
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Aspetuck, Sunday, 2:00- 2/23/2018 Weston 3/11/2018 4:00 p.m. Merrie-Wood, Manchester
Min./Max.: 10/25
ROV Ocean Adventures at NESSF Calling all engineers and divers for this one-day challenge! Girls draft, design, engineer, and compete against fellow Girl Scouts as they attempt to build their own SeaPerch Remotely Operated Vehicle. This program focuses on buoyancy, pressure with depth, density, and hydrodynamic shapes and sizes, teaching girls to work quickly and efficiently as a team. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Saturday, 11/18/2017
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $40 girls $15 adults Min./Max.: 8/12
18 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $6.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Fee: $15.00 girls Space in the studio is limited, so parents may drop girls off and enjoy the museum grounds at no charge, or pay the $5.00 fee upon arrival and visit the museum and house while the girls are working.
Sunday, 4/15/2018
BROWNIE Sense-ational Long Island Sound It’s going to be a sense-ational day! Discover more about our own senses and those of the animals that call Long Island Sound home. We’ll use our sense of sight to look around and then use a magnifying glass to explore the world of tiny things. Listen for sounds of nature and learn some basic bird calls. Discover how lobsters use their sense of smell to find food as you play “smell-o-rama.” Compare the way hermit crabs use their sense of touch to ours as we identify mystery objects. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
Creating a high-quality Brownie Experience It’s not just what Brownies do, but how they’re engaged that creates this experience. Here is a quick check-in.
Register by
Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center, Milford
Saturday, 10/14/2017
10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Girl Led: Are the Brownies… • Making informed decisions with time to discuss the various aspects : “If we choose this, then what?”
Saturday, 5/19/2018
10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
• Role playing problem-solving situations and then having space to solve their own issues? Learning by Doing: Are the Brownies…. • Taking on tasks that stretch their capabilities with limited strategic coaching?
Fee: $14.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/36
• Exploring their world through their motor skills and senses?
Snacks x5 Team up with other Brownies as you work on the five steps towards the Brownie Snacks badge (included). Learn food safety tips as you create snacks for all to enjoy. Adults will help guide girls through the activities. After you receive your confirmation, please email the facilitator with any food restrictions. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 1/13/2018
9:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Cooperative Learning: Are the Brownies… • Making the most of teamwork activities and proud of working together. “When we all work together the car is loaded in no time!” • Talking with each other about ways their team can accomplish the task at hand? • Giving everyone an equal opportunity to participate in decisions?
Fee: $15.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/45
Springfield Zoo and Museum Day Trip Come join other Girl Scout Brownies as we explore Springfield, MA! Did you know Springfield has a group of museums and a zoo? On this trip, you and your Brownies will get to visit it all. There will be free time during museum visits, where you can stop to get lunch. Snacks, transportation, museum, and zoo cost included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Springfield, MA
Saturday, 6/9/2018
7:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.*
Fee: $100.00 girls $100.00 adults Min./Max.: 35/50
* Time is from first pick-up to last drop off, time not exact. Program Resource Guide |
Girl Scout Junior Programs & Events GRADES 4-5 Girl Scouts of Connecticut offers council-sponsored programs and events for troops and girls. These events bring together girls from around the state to enjoy an opportunity that they might not be able to create on their own. Please note that each event has a registration deadline and some events may fill before this date. Register for events online at
Through the help of program volunteers, community program partners, and program and camping services staff, Girl Scouts of Connecticut is able to offer a wide range of events for girls. When Girl Scouts attend events and meet other girls, they practice social skills, learn new things, see a broader picture of what it means to be a Girl Scout, and have fun! Girls may attend with their troop or as an individual, usually with an accompanying adult. Unless otherwise indicated, register for these activities on our website. Due to the nature of events, registration deadlines are rarely extended.
Things to Remember: This section provides events geared only to this grade level, see multi-level events for more opportunities. • Girls should be planning their activities. Share this book with them and guide them as they plan the trip. • Let families know that girls may attend without their troop. • You’ll be sent a confirmation with additional information when you register. If you still have questions, contact our Customer Care Department at • Register early. Register on time. Please do not ask to extend registration deadlines. Remember some events will fill before the registration deadline. • If you require special accommodations, contact our Customer Care Department at • Bring only those who are registered for the event. Do not assume “there will be room for one more person.” • Be prepared; have written directions/map as GPS is not available in all locations. Arrive on time or a few minutes early, allowing for the walk from the parking lot to the activity area. Adults: It’s great to meet and network. If you’d like to have a conversation, ask the facilitator if it is OK if you step out of the room, go for a walk, etc. Conversations are distracting to the event, so in most instances the answer will be “yes.” Remember: Our program volunteers, community partners, and GSOFCT staff facilitating the programs love sharing skills and experiences with the girls, and put a lot of effort into what they do. Remind girls that a “thank you” is always appreciated.
Looking for More? Find more events for Juniors in the multi-level section, starting on page 42. Interested in the Girl Scout Bronze Award? See “Highest Awards,” page 40.
20 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
JUNIOR Animal Habitats of Long Island Sound Explore the marsh and beach as we investigate the diversity of animals and their adaptations to life in coastal habitats. Through the use of microscopes and hand lenses, get an up-close look at some of the animals that call Long Island Sound home. Discover the unique challenges that animals face when creating homes along the coast. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Connecticut Saturday, 1:00- Audubon Coastal 10/14/2017 3:00 p.m. Center at Milford Point, Saturday, 1:00- Milford 5/19/2018 3:00 p.m.
Register by 9/27/2017
Bling It Out In the comfort of Metcalf Lodge, create a clay pendant, beaded necklace, earrings, and bracelet. Learn about jewelry around the world and birthstones. You’ll complete some of the steps for the Jeweler badge (provided). Bring a ready-to-eat bag dinner and a flashlight. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 1/20/2018
1:00- 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $24.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/40
Fee: $14.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/36
Bling It Out - Overnight In the comfort of Metcalf Lodge, create a clay pendant, beaded necklace, earrings, and bracelet. Learn about jewelry around the world and birthstones. You’ll complete some of the steps for the Jeweler badge (provided). Evening snack and breakfast provided. Bring a ready-to-eat bag dinner, personal overnight gear, and sleepwear. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
Aviation Adventures Meet women aviators, climb aboard a real aircraft, take the controls as a flight simulator, build your own flying machine, learn the history of women in aviation, and much more! Connects to It’s Your World — Change It! Agent of Change Journey. Fee includes patch and museum admission. All Girl Scouts must be accompanied by an adult chaperone, and all participants should bring a brown bag lunch. (For: Troops, Individual w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks
Saturday, 9/23/2017
10:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, 12/9/2017
10:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, 2/3/2018
10:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, 5/19/2018
10:30 a.m.- 5/11/2018 3:30 p.m.
Register with: Community Program Partner at Fee: $25.00 girls $12.50 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Pattagansett, Friday, East Lyme 1/19/2018- Saturday, 1/20/2018
Register by
6:00 p.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Fee: $20.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/45
Chocoholics Are you a Junior working on your Simple Meals badge? Do you want to learn how to make a new dessert? Or maybe you just love chocolate? Come to Chocoholics and learn different culinary techniques using chocolate. We will make a chocolate dessert, use chocolate molds, cover different items in chocolate, and make other tasty creations. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Saturday, 2/3/2018
3:00- 5:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Friday, 6:00- 3/26/2018 Oxford 4/6/2018 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/30 To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Coding for Juniors Get coding, Juniors! In this workshop, come learn the basics of coding using either your own computer or one of our tablets. We’ll learn about basic programming and then try our hand at making a piece of wearable technology for you to take home. We’ll use recycled and reusable materials to give this challenge a “green” twist. Adult helpers are free of charge. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Sunday, 2/4/2018
9:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $25.00 girls $5.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 10/20
Drawn To It Start sketching your way toward your Drawing badge at the Florence Griswold Museum where artists lived and worked together at the turn of the century. Fee includes Museum patch. (For: Troops, Individuals; No Adults or Tagalongs in the workshop space) Where
Register by
Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme
Saturday, 4/14/2018
12:00- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls
Crime Lab Put your sleuth skills to the test! We will break codes to understand secret messages, read invisible ink, and identify mystery substances as well as blood spatter patterns. Once you’ve learned the tricks of the trade and perfected your detective skills, help us solve a crime and save the day! Museum patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Discovery Museum, Bridgeport
Saturday, 12/2/2017
9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Saturday, 1/20/2018
9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Space in the studio is limited, so parents may drop girls off and enjoy the museum grounds at no charge, or pay the $5.00 fee upon arrival and visit the museum and house while the girls are working.
Min./Max.: 10/25
Fee: $22.00 girls $8.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/45
Explore the Night Discovery Astronomy Club Want an out-of-this-world experience? Join Discovery Museum staff to learn about the universe and what we can (and can’t) see in our night sky. Explore the life cycle of stars and the formation of planets, and see how telescopes help us understand our place in the universe like never before! Registration is for the entire three-session series. Museum patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Discovery Fridays, Museum, 10/20/2017 Bridgeport 12/8/2017 1/26/2018
Register by
6:00- 9:00 p.m.
Take a night hike with and without flashlights. Learn the sounds of nighttime. Camp Laurel abounds with nocturnal animals. Determine which animals are making noises. Find out how well you can see at night. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Friday, 6/8/2018
8:00- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: $3.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/30
Fee: $67.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/45
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To register, see page 3
Fire Building Girls will have the opportunity to build a fire and practice lighting a match. Learn how to build an A-frame, teepee, and a log cabin fire. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 11/12/2017
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 4/8/2018
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $6.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Meet the sisters of Phi Sigma Rho! Get Set exposes Girl Scout Juniors to engineering and STEM fields with fun experiments related to various fields of engineering. (For: Troops, Individuals w/Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus, Mansfield
Sunday, 11/12/2017
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
10/23/2017 Register with Community Program Partner.
Contact info: Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/45
Jammin’ Juniors In small groups, girls will complete several requirements for their Savvy Shopper, Jeweler, Product Design, Staying Fit badges, and more! Girls leave with memories, new skills, ideas to continue the fun, and a special patch for the day. Adults will take part in concurrent workshops. Helping adults will facilitate station activities based on outlines received prior to the day. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Saturday, 12/2/2017
9:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 25/100
Fishing at NESSF Try your hand at fishing and crabbing safely from the NESS docks. Learn some spring fishing tips, gain lure and bait knowledge, and use underwater viewing cameras to help search for fish and crabs. Catch and release only. Fulfills some requirements for the Junior Animal Habitat badge. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Saturday, 10/28/2017
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $40.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/12
Junior Animal Habitats at Fairfield Audubon Take to the trails and investigate different animal habitats and discover what lives there. You’ll learn about endangered animals and what we can do to protect the habitat and the animals that live there. Then put what you’ve learned together with your creative talents and create an animal habitat. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Fairfield, Fairfield
Saturday, 10/21/2017
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, 4/28/2018
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Fee: $14.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/18 To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Junior Galactic Explorer Overnight and Light Pollution 101
Junior Canoeing Girls will explore the physics of water and wind and then explore the shore of Lake Pattagansett by canoe. Adults registering should be prepared to work with their girls. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Monday, 10/9/2017
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Monday, 10/9/2017
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/28
This is an excellent opportunity to complete portions of the Junior Galactic Explorer patch. Start in the afternoon with solar observing and making diagrams of sunspots, solar flares, prominences, and more. In the evening, view the night sky and make planispheres to find objects of interest. Plan to stay up late to enjoy the cold, crisp, winter air. Rise early to observe objects of interest and do more solar observing to see how much the sun has rotated overnight. Dress warmly. Bring a bagged dinner and we’ll provide breakfast and hot cocoa. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Laurel, Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.- Lebanon 12/27/2017- Thursday, 10:00 a.m. 12/28/2017
Register by 12/14/2017
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Junior Flowers Badge at Glastonbury Audubon Join us to use different tools and microscopes to look deeply and closely at different parts of flowers! Learn about the jobs of each part of the flower and compare different types of flowers to see their differences and similarities. We will then take our investigation outdoors to learn about our local flowers and the plants that create them. You’ll learn how to determine which flowers use smell and which use color to attract their pollinators. Helps accomplish Steps 1, 2, 3. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Glastonbury, Glastonbury
Saturday, 10/21/2017
10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, 10/21/2017
11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $14.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/15
Junior Journey Weekend Cast your vote by December 31! Which will it be? aMUSE, Think Like An Engineer, or Think like a Citizen Scientist? Between simple pre-weekend work which will be sent to girls and the weekend’s activities, the girls will complete much of the journey. On Sunday morning, with their subject knowledge, girls will begin planning their back-home Take Action project. Adults will have separate workshops (topics decided by the first registrants) and will guide the girls in their planning. Participants will share units of platform tents or rustic cabins. Fee includes four meals, snacks, supplies, and awards. Bring only your personal gear and enthusiasm! Fill out this survey by December 31: (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Laurel, Friday, 6:00 p.m.- Lebanon 5/18/2018- Sunday, 11:30 a.m. 5/20/2018
Fee: $65.00 girls $65.00 adults Min./Max.: 45/140
24 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Register by 4/27/2018
JUNIOR Junior Overnight Adventure Join us for a sleepover adventure! Come explore the camp, bring a brown-bag dinner, build a campfire, and roast your s’mores. Continental breakfast included. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Pattagansett, Saturday, East Lyme 11/11/2017- Sunday, 11/12/2017
Register by
6:00 p.m.-
9:00 a.m.
Fee: $20.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 40/90
Juniper Juniors In small groups, girls will complete several requirements for their Flowers, Gardener, Camper badges, and more! Girls will leave with memories, new skills, ideas to continue the fun, and a special patch for the day. Adults will take part in concurrent workshops. Helping adults will facilitate station activities based on outlines received prior to the day. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Sunday, 4/22/2018
9:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Kitchen Kemistry Girls will learn about the changes in matter, how to make edible slime, and other amazing creations using food and chemistry together. You never knew science could be so much fun! (For: Troops, Families, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 1/27/2018
9:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 1/27/2018
1:00- 3:30 p.m.
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 2/10/2018
9:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 2/10/2018
1:00- 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $13.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 25/45
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 60/180
Marine Animal Habitat Exploration Katniss Skills School Girls like Katniss Everdeen show what it means to be smart, strong, and determined. Come and work on your skills in archery, fire building, jackknife safety, and wilderness survival. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 11/11/2017
1:00- 4:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 12/10/2017
1:00- 4:00 p.m.
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Sunday, 4/29/2018
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/24
Be a marine scientist for the day while exploring the nearshore and offshore habitats of Long Island Sound! The EnviroLab, a floating classrooom, will take you out to Long Island Sound for a unique, hands-on experience. Under the guidance of professional marine scientists, you’ll bring up sea creatures using a trawl net, test oxygen and salinity levels, catch plankton, and discover the rich diversity of life beneath the waves. After lunch, help clean up the Rocky Intertidal Zone while discovering its inhabitants and their unique adaptations. Bring your own lunch. Satisfies steps 1, 2, and 5 of Animal Habitat badge. Project Oceanology patch included! (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Project Oceanography, Groton
Saturday, 5/5/2018
10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $65.00 girls $65.00 adults Min./Max.: 30/50
Program Resource Guide |
Mystic Seaport Sleepover Begin your evening by putting on your detective hats while taking a private tour of the museum grounds after hours. Here, you will work to solve a mystery at Mystic Seaport and use your sleuthing skills to interpret a crime scene and shake down one of our exhibits. Following a snack break, girls will go back to our Crime Lab and analyze the evidence to crack the case, while learning how to read and write Morse code, analyze different styles of handwriting, and take and examine different fingerprint patterns before heading off to sleep onboard the historic square-rigged ship, the Joseph Conrad. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) When
Register by
Mystic Seaport, Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- Mystic 4/21/2018- Sunday, 9:30 a.m. 4/22/2018
Saturday, 5/19/2018 Sunday, 5/20/2018
6:00 p.m.- 9:30 a.m.
Fee: $80.00 girls $80.00 adults Min./Max.: 25/45
Outdoor Cooking: Junior Girls will have the opportunity to cook over the fire with different styles of cooking including a foil packet, dutch oven, and a pie iron. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 11/12/2017
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 3/18/2018
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 4/8/2018
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $6.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
New York City Day Trip Join Girl Scout Juniors on this NYC adventure. First, we will stop at the American Museum of Natural History where your group will have free time to explore the museum and city. Then we will take a Circle Line boat tour, and get to explore the city by water! Snacks, transportation, museum, and tour fees included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
NYC, New York
Saturday, 6/23/2018
6:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Time is from first pick-up to last drop off, time not exact. Fee: $130.00 girls $130.00 adults Min./Max.: 35/50
Physics is Phun Be the phirst to phind out why physics is phun in this activity-packed workshop! You’ll design and build a marshmallow launcher, become aeronautically-savvy by designing and flying unique paper gliders while you walk, see how colors appear and disappear, light an LED using fruit, make a Bristlebot, and more with the Society of Women Engineers. Participants will receive a SWE Physics is Phun patch. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Connecticut College, New London
Saturday, 11/18/2017
1:00- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $7.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 30/100
26 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
JUNIOR Say, Cheese! At this event, you’ll learn about digital photography and take and edit photos, decorate a photo frame, and make a duct tape photo bag or wall hanging. Complete Step 5 at home afterwards. Digital Photographer badge included. A CD of your photos will be mailed after the event. Bring a flashlight, water bottle, ready-to-eat bag dinner, and wear clothing for outdoor and indoor activities. (For: Troops) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 12/9/2017
1:00- 7:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/40
Volkswalks Come out, meet new friends, and take a 10 km (6.2 mile) walk at your own pace. Join us, rain or shine! The program contact is an experienced Volkssporter and Girl Scout alumna, and is happy to provide participants details beforehand. Walks are recommended for Girl Scout Juniors and older. Troop leaders must contact Carol West at least four days prior to the event for specific addresses and to inform her of large groups attending. Please note that walk durations vary with an adult average of two hours. All walks are open to the public. Families are welcome. Juniors: This is a great way to “help your family stay fit,” Step 5 of the Staying Fit badge! Fee: Free*
*Walks are free, but an optional small fee is charged for a recorded Volkswalk credit and award.
Contact: Carol West, Time: Approximately 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Locations/Dates: Hartford, September 9, 2017 Simsbury, October 14, 2017 Guilford, November 11, 2017 Portland, December 9, 2017
Visit for more information.
Serve Up a Meal Cook up a storm with other Juniors! Girls will prepare vegetables for “chicken group-soup,” make a fancy entrée, and a delicious dessert. Activities support the Simple Meals badge, which is provided. Adults will supervise activities. Bring a water bottle. Contact faciltator with any food allergies or restrictions as soon as you register. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 1/13/2018
1:00- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $20.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/35
SWE: Be That Engineer Learn to think like an engineer! Let the young women in the Society of Women Engineers help you design and build projects and test your results. Can you improve your design? Learn how! Fee includes snack and patch. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Eversource, Berlin
Sunday, 5/6/2018
11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 24/65
Program Resource Guide |
Girl Scout Cadette Events GRADES 6-8 Girl Scouts of Connecticut offers council-sponsored programs and events for troops and girls. These events bring together girls from around the state to enjoy an opportunity that they might not be able to create on their own. Please note that each event has a registration deadline and some events may fill before this date. Register for events online at
Through the help of program volunteers, community program partners, and program and camping services staff, Girl Scouts of Connecticut is able to offer a wide range of events for girls. When Girl Scouts attend events and meet other girls, they practice social skills, learn new things, see a broader picture of what it means to be a Girl Scout, and have fun! Girls may attend with their troop or as an individual, usually with an accompanying adult. Unless otherwise indicated, register for these activities on our website. Due to the nature of events, registration deadlines are rarely extended.
Things to Remember: This section provides events geared only to this grade level, see multi-level events for more opportunities. • Girls should be planning their activities. Share this book with them and guide them as they plan the trip. • Let families know that girls may attend without their troop. • You’ll be sent a confirmation with additional information when you register. If you still have questions, contact our Customer Care Department at • Register early. Register on time. Please do not ask to extend registration deadlines. Remember some events will fill before the registration deadline. • If you require special accommodations, contact our Customer Care Department at • Bring only those who are registered for the event. Do not assume “there will be room for one more person.” • Be prepared; have written directions/map as GPS is not available in all locations. Arrive on time or a few minutes early, allowing for the walk from the parking lot to the activity area. Adults: It’s great to meet and network. If you’d like to have a conversation, ask the facilitator if it is OK if you step out of the room, go for a walk, etc. Conversations are distracting to the event, so in most instances the answer will be “yes.” Remember: Our program volunteers, community partners, and GSOFCT staff facilitating the programs love sharing skills and experiences with the girls, and put a lot of effort into what they do. Remind girls that a “thank you” is always appreciated.
Looking for More?
Find more events for Cadettes in the multi-level section, starting on page 42. Interested in the Girl Scout Silver Award? See “Highest Awards”, page 40.
28 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
CADETTE Adventures in Leadership We need healthy leaders to help us navigate challenges in our lives, and others need us to lead them in their struggles. Through fun activities on the ground, thrilling adventures on our ropes course, and quiet times for reflection, we will explore leadership. We will reflect on how to choose a good leader, how to be a good follower, and how to encourage and support those who might be struggling in their leadership roles. Girls will create a special token to take with them as a reminder to apply what they’ve learned everywhere they go. There will be a one-hour break for lunch, which is provided. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 11/18/2017
9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, 3/17/2018
9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Boston Museum of Science Sleepover Spend the night at the museum! During the overnight there will be science workshops, hands-on activities, live animals, a late-night show, a planetarium show, an Omni film, and plenty of time to explore the museum. When will the fun end? An evening snack and light breakfast are included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Boston Museum Saturday, of Science, 4/7/2018- Boston, MA Sunday, 4/8/2018
Register by
5:00 p.m.-
11:00 a.m.
Fee: $60.00 girls $60.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/125
Fee: $50.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/15
Cadette Outdoor Art Badge at Glastonbury Audubon
Adventures in Leadership Optional Overnight This is an optional overnight for girls participating in the Adventures in Leadership event. Girls will have additional team building and leadership experiences. We will be staying in the Metcalf Lodge. Girls should bring a bag supper. A continental breakfast will be provided. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Pattagansett, Friday, East Lyme 11/17/2017- Saturday, 11/18/2017
Register by
6:00 p.m.-
9:00 a.m.
Friday, 6:00 p.m.- 3/5/2018 3/16/2018- Saturday, 9:00 a.m. 3/17/2018
Are you interested in creating your own naturebased art, but don’t know where to start? Join one of the Audubon Society’s nature artists who will help inspire you to create your own piece of art. The audubon will provide watercolor and acrylic paints, brushes, pencils, and paper. Girl Scouts must provide other desired art supplies. Please bring your own camera; smartphones are acceptable to use as cameras. Helps accomplish Steps 1, 3, 4. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Connecticut Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - Audubon 10/21/2017 12:00 p.m. Society Center at Glastonbury, Glastonbury
Register by 10/4/2017
Fee: $14.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/TBD
Fee: $10.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/15
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Cadette Trees at Fairfield Audubon Get to know trees! While identifying trees at Larsen Sanctuary, learn the parts of a tree and discover the many different benefits of trees. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Fairfield, Fairfield
Saturday, 10/21/2017
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, 4/28/2018
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Fee: $14.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/18
Challenger Mission Moon The year is 2040. Your mission? Send a crew of astronauts to the Moon and establish a permanent colony. Astronauts aboard the spacecraft and scientists in mission control must work together to repair a probe, analyze lunar samples, and establish a lunar base while communicating effectively and protecting the health and safety of the crew. Think you’re up for the challenge? Museum patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Discovery Saturday, Museum, 5/19/2018 Bridgeport
Register by
9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $24.00 girls $8.00 adults Min./Max.: 18/40
Cadettes in the Outdoors Get outside, Cadettes! In small groups, girls will complete several requirements for their Trees, Trailblazing, Outdoor Art Apprentice badges, and more! Girls will leave with memories, new skills, ideas to continue the fun, and a special patch for the day. Adults will take part in concurrent workshops. Helping adults will facilitate station activities based on outlines received prior to the day. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adults) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 10/22/2017
9:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 60/180
Coding for Cadettes Get coding, Cadettes! In this workshop, come learn the basics of coding using either your own computer or one of our tablets. We’ll learn about basic programming and then try our hand at making a piece of wearable technology for you to take home. We’ll use recycled and reusable materials to give this challenge a “green” twist. Adult helpers are free of charge. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 12/10/2017
9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $25.00 girls $5.00 adults $0 helping adults Min./Max.: 10/20
Candlewood Canoe Adventure For girls who have some experience canoeing and want a little more adventure. We’ll gather on Friday evening and prepare for our canoe trip across Candlewood Lake. On Saturday morning, we’ll set off for a day of canoeing, hiking, and some outdoor cooking.* (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, Friday, 6:00 p.m.- 4/30/2018 New Fairfield 5/11/2018- Saturday, 4:00 p.m.- 5/12/2018 *Participants will bring a ready-to-eat supper; breakfast and lunch are provided.
Fee: $45.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/15
30 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Eating for Beauty Are you a Cadette interested in working towards your Eating for Beauty badge? We will learn about the health and beauty benefits of different food and prepare snacks using those foods. Are you sick of junk food and the same old snacks you always eat? Well, you are in luck! We will give a makeover to some unhealthy snacks and create healthy alternatives! (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 12/9/2017
10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/30
To register, see page 3
CADETTE Engineers to the Rescue! At night, get to know girls from around the state as you complete design challenges. After breakfast, it’s Engineers to the Rescue! The scenario: Your group is camping at Yellowstone and there is an earthquake. Survival skills meet science as you design water filters, wind powered cranks, and a safe shelter. Work with members of the Society of Women Engineers to solve the problems you face. Activities will take place in the comforts of the lodge. Fee includes patch. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, Friday, 6:30 p.m.- 2/1/2018 East Lyme 2/16/2018 Saturday, 4:00 p.m. 2/17/2018
Fire Building Girls will have the opportunity to build a fire and practice lighting a match. Learn how to build an A-frame, teepee, and a log cabin fire. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Aspetuck, Weston
Sunday, 10/15/2017
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Merrie-Wood, Manchester
Sunday, 3/25/2018
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $6.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Fee: $24.00 girls $18.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/40
Follow the Arrow e-pocolypse! The zombies are everywhere; you’ve seen them! Cadettes will work together on the challenge course, at the archery range, and make an afternoon snack over the fire to survive the zombie attack! (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 11/12/2017
1:00- 4:00 p.m.
Candlewood, Saturday, 1:00- New Fairfield 4/21/2018 4:00 p.m.
On this one-night overnight, Cadettes will be doing archery indoors! Girls will learn how to make arrows, hike through camp, make s’mores, and enjoy each other’s company. Several badge requirements will also be satisfied. We’ll work together to make a communal meal at lunchtime. A continental breakfast is also provided. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Candlewood, Friday, New Fairfield 1/19/2018 Saturday, 1/20/2018
Register by
6:00 p.m.-
3:00 p.m.
Saturday, 6:00 p.m. 1/3/2018 1/20/2018 Sunday, 3:00 p.m. 1/21/2018
Fee: $20.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/20
Fee: $45.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/24
Everyone In We’ll talk about recognizing and valuing each other and learn about creating an environment where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources. Girls will learn to contribute to one another’s successes through a day of discovery and friendship by being a sister to every Girl Scout. Activities will include making new friends, navigating social media, Girlz R.U.L.E.®, and sisterhood. There will be a separate track for Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes. There will also be a separate adult track. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult)
Girl Scout U Spend a day at the UConn Campus working with college students on real issues. Practice your public speaking skills, learn about being healthy inside and out, and jumpstart your entrepreneurial skills. (For: Troops, Individuals)
Register by
Shelton Intermediate School, Shelton
Saturday, 3/24/2018
9:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
University of Saturday, Connecticut, 11/4/2017 Storrs Campus, Storrs
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/40 To register, see page 3
Register by
9:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 40/70 Program Resource Guide |
It *is* Rocket Science
Letterboxing Overnight
Enjoy a day of rocket science research and fun! We’ll start off with aerospace engineering with flying machines that you make and fly. Then we’ll make a Hero Engine that is water and gravity-powered and let you test your design. We’ll shift into outer space mode and build air-powered rockets. We’ll have a contest to see which team can design and build a Heavy Lift Vehicle out of a balloon with the objective of flying the highest with the biggest payload. This indoors program won’t be subject to varying winds—except those made by our rocket scientists. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 1/21/2018
10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 4/14/2018
10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Learn all about letterboxing while helping prepare letterboxes to be planted at Laurelei’s Letterboxing events in September. We will spend some time searching for letterboxes at camp (weather permitting), and then plan and carve the stamps for the letterboxing event at Camp Laurel. Have your artwork featured in Letterboxes! (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Friday, 6:30 p.m.- 4/12/2018 Lebanon 4/27/2018- Sunday, 3:00 p.m.- 4/29/2018
Fee: $20.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 5/20
Fee: $15.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/40
Nighttime Exploration Have telescope, will travel. Bring a telescope if you have one. Enjoy a quiet evening looking into the deep sky. Bring a list of objects you would like to see and we’ll try to find them. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
It All Adds Up at Travelers!
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Friday, 6/8/2018
8:00- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/45
You do math every day, from adding up your lunch money and figuring out how much time until the bell rings, to calculating the 20% savings on a new pair of jeans. Play Wheel of Misfortune and understand how insurance works to protect us. Thanks to the Women in Actuarial and Analytics, parking fees are generously covered. Fee includes lunch and patch. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Travelers, Hartford
Monday, 10/9/2017
10:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Outdoor Cooking: Cadette Girls will have the opportunity to cook over the fire with different styles of cooking including a dutch oven, foil packet, pie irons, and a reflector oven. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Aspetuck, Weston
Sunday, 10/15/2017
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Merrie-Wood, Sunday, Manchester 3/25/2018
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Merrie-Wood, Sunday, 4/15/2018 Manchester
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $6.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
32 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
CADETTE Rip, Tear, Fold, and Glue Reading might be an activity you can do sitting down, but creating a book takes a lot of energy! Give life to an old book, explore book arts, and take home your own momento journal. Complete some steps of Book Artist badge. Fee includes Florence Griswold Museum patch. (For: Troops, Individuals; No Adults or Tagalongs in the workshop space) Where
Florence Saturday, Griswold 2/10/2018 Museum, Old Lyme
Register by
12:00- 2:00 p.m.
Senior Galactic Explorer Patch This is an excellent opportunity to complete portions of the Senior Galactic Explorer patch. Start in the afternoon with solar observing and making diagrams of sunspots, solar flares, prominences, and more. In the evening, view the night sky and make planispheres to find objects of interest. Plan to stay up late to enjoy the cold, crisp, winter air. Rise early to observe objects of interest and do more solar observing to see how much the sun has rotated overnight. Dress warmly. Bring a bagged dinner and we’ll provide breakfast and hot cocoa. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Fee: $15.00 girls Space in the studio is limited, so parents may drop girls off and enjoy the museum grounds at no charge, or pay the $5.00 fee upon arrival and visit the museum and house while the girls are working.
Min./Max.: 10/25
Register by
Laurel, Thursday, 2:00 p.m.- 12/14/2017 Lebanon 12/28/2017- Friday, 10:00 a.m.- 12/29/2017
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Secret Agent Girl Scout Cadettes will come together to work on requirements for their Secret Agent badge. They will use their observational skills while doing an eyewitness challenge and being a sketch artist. They will also learn how finger printing and blood splattering works. Patch is not included in this program; remaining requirements must be done outside of the event to earn the badge. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Saturday, 2/3/2018
11:00 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 4/7/2018
11:00 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/40
STEM Ocean Science Discover how you are connected to the water around you through STEM! Learn about watersheds and the water cycle by kayaking, and participate in a hands-on lab to demonstrate the ease of plastic movement from your home directly into the ocean environment. Apply your watershed knowledge to use our Augmented Reality Sandbox which simulates a watershed in real time! (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Sunday, 6/10/2018
10:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Fee: $60.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/12
Program Resource Guide |
Girl Scout Senior/Ambassador Events GRADES 9-10, 11-12 Girl Scouts of Connecticut offers council-sponsored programs and events for troops and girls. These events bring together girls from around the state to enjoy an opportunity that they might not be able to create on their own. Please note that each event has a registration deadline and some events may fill before this date. Register for events online at
Through the help of program volunteers, community program partners, and program and camping services staff, Girl Scouts of Connecticut is able to offer a wide range of events for girls. When Girl Scouts attend events and meet other girls, they practice social skills, learn new things, see a broader picture of what it means to be a Girl Scout, and have fun! Girls may attend with their troop or as an individual, usually with an accompanying adult. Unless otherwise indicated, register for these activities on our website. Due to the nature of events, registration deadlines are rarely extended.
Things to Remember: This section provides events geared only to this grade level, see multi-level events for more opportunities. • Girls should be planning their activities. Share this book with them and guide them as they plan the trip. • Let families know that girls may attend without their troop. • You’ll be sent a confirmation with additional information when you register. If you still have questions, contact our Customer Care Department at • Register early. Register on time. Please do not ask to extend registration deadlines. Remember some events will fill before the registration deadline. • If you require special accommodations, contact our Customer Care Department at • Bring only those who are registered for the event. Do not assume “there will be room for one more person.” • Be prepared; have written directions/map as GPS is not available in all locations. Arrive on time or a few minutes early, allowing for the walk from the parking lot to the activity area. Adults: It’s great to meet and network. If you’d like to have a conversation, ask the facilitator if it is OK if you step out of the room, go for a walk, etc. Conversations are distracting to the event, so in most instances the answer will be “yes.” Remember: Our program volunteers, community partners, and GSOFCT staff facilitating the programs love sharing skills and experiences with the girls, and put a lot of effort into what they do. Remind girls that a “thank you” is always appreciated.
Looking for More?
Find more events for Seniors and Ambassadors in the multi-level section starting on page 42. Interested in the Girl Scout Gold Award? See “Highest Awards”, page 40.
34 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
SENIORS & AMBASSADORS Ambassador Water Badge at Glastonbury Audubon The ancient Connecticut River is in our backyard and makes the perfect location to study and appreciate the importance of our freshwater resources. We will examine various freshwater wetlands, including the river and associated stream and pond, and get our feet wet while measuring the water quality of these different yet precious water habitats. This helps accomplish Steps 1 and 3 with opportunity to accomplish Step 2 of the badge. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Connecticut Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - Audubon 10/21/2017 12:00 p.m. Society Center at Glastonbury, Glastonbury
Register by 10/4/2017
Animal Behavior at The Maritime Aquarium
Learn the fundamentals of why enrichment is beneficial to animals in human care and how to use an ethogram to study animal behaviors. Girls see this firsthand by making an enrichment object for the aquarium’s most popular animals (octopuses, sea turtles, meerkats, seals, and otters). Visit each exhibit and watch the animals interact with the enrichment item while observing behaviors and completing an ethogram. (For: Troops, Individuals) Where
Register by
Maritime Aquarium, Norwalk
Saturday, 12/9/2017
9:00- 11:00 a.m.
Fee: $25.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/30
Fee: $14.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/15
Ambassador Water Badge Workshop at NESSF Explore water like you’ve never before with this interdisciplinary badge! Try a new water skill like kayaking or stand up paddleboarding, investigate endangered marine life, and share your knowledge and concerns with the public– all with a marine scientist! Fulfills some requirements for the Ambassador Water badge. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Saturday, 5/26/2018
10:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Fee: $75.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/12
Aquaponics at NESSF Work in teams to engineer a prototype aquaponics system. Construct an aquatic flow system, balance water inputs and outputs through a series of components, understand the dynamic forces that work to keep fish and plants flourishing in an aquaponics system, and make connections with nutrient cycles. Be introduced to some current aquaponic ventures to gain inspiration and compare your newly designed models. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Saturday, 2/17/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $35.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/12
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Connecticut River Canoe Trip Join us for our fourth annual canoe trip on the Connecticut River. Sunday afternoon, we’ll start at Camp Pattagansett and practice our paddling skills on Pattagansett Lake and spend the night at camp. Monday morning, we leave for the Hadlyme Ferry landing to put in our canoes and head for Seldon Neck. We’ll paddle into quiet inlets and observe local water birds. We’ll spend the night by the river and head back upriver on Tuesday. Meals are included. Date will be set after 2/1/2018. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday,- Tuesday,
12:00 p.m.- 12:00 p.m.-
Girls Night In Laugh and learn alongside your friends for a night of fun as you walk through the steps of preparing your own farm-to-table personal pizza followed by delicious desserts. Learn about what it is to be a locavore and how to pull off your own dinner party. We’ll be decorating our own recipe boxes, swapping recipes, making jewelry, and sharing our creations. (For: Troops, Individuals; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 11/18/2017
5:30- 9:00 p.m.
Fee: $20.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/40
Fee: $70.00 girls $70.00 adults Min./Max.: 5/20
Junior Galactic Explorer Overnight Crew Help Juniors with the Galactic Explorer patch and earn yours as well! In case of bad weather, we’ll play fun games like Astronomy Jeopardy. Bring your dinner; we’ll supply breakfast and hot cocoa. Dress warmly. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Design, Discover, Build, Teach! SAm Explore the different types of engineering, design your own solutions to problems, and build your prototype. Work with the Society of Women Engineers and Coast Guard Cadets to learn how engineers explore and solve problems using science and technology. Then on Saturday afternoon, teach Brownies about designing and building their own creations. This is a hands-on workshop where the girls will learn design and problem-solving techniques. Bring a bag dinner, your vest or sash for the Brownie program, and personal overnight gear. Snack and Saturday breakfast and lunch provided. Individual girls welcome with health form. Fee includes patch. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Pattagansett, Friday, East Lyme 3/23/2018- Saturday, 3/24/2018
6:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/24
Register by 3/8/2018
Register by
Laurel, Wednesday, 12:00 p.m.- 12/14/2017 Lebanon 12/27/2017- Thursday, 10:00 a.m.- 12/28/2017
Fee: $10.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 5/10
Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend CREW Girl Scout Senior and Ambassador Troops: Come help run the weekend’s activities! All levels of letterboxers are welcome with classes, workshops, and dozens of boxes hidden all over camp. We’ll even have night hikes! This event runs rain or shine. Event patch and meals included. Choose to stay until Sunday at no extra charge. (For: Troops) Where
Register by
Laurel, Friday, 6:00 p.m.- 9/6/2018 Lebanon 9/21/2018- Sunday, 11:00 a.m.- 9/23/2018
Fee: $15.00 girls $7.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/20
36 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
Sow What? Journey Weekend
Paddle Away! Come on an exciting stand up paddleboarding or kayaking adventure with NESSF! Discover the origins of these fun sports and all the gear needed to participate. The experienced instructors will teach you how to choose the appropriate environment for your skill level and all the basic strokes needed for you to have a safe and fun time on the water. Once comfortable on the water, develop team building skills through fun games and practice more advanced strokes. Fulfills some requirements for the Senior Paddling badge. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Saturday, 6/16/2018
10:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Seniors, come to Laurel and earn most of the Sow What? Journey. Explore food networks, land use, and local and global challenges. Girls participate in a variety of activities. Adults participate in concurrent workshops. Back home, complete your Take Action project. All meals, snacks, Journey books, and awards provided. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Friday, 5:30 p.m.- 8/14/2018 Lebanon 9/14/2018- Sunday, 12:00 p.m. 9/16/2018
Fee: $70.00 girls $70.00 adults Min./Max.: 60/180
Fee: $70.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/12
Wilderness First Aid The Wilderness First Aid program is two days and follows the American Red Cross curriculum. Successful participation will satisfy several badge requirements for both Seniors and Ambassadors. Those who successfully complete the written and skills evaluation will be eligible for ARC certification. (For: Troops, Individuals, Adults)
Senior Locavore Badge at Glastonbury Audubon Some of the best ways to care for our environment include watching what we eat and where we obtain it. Eating local food reduces our carbon footprint and is healthier for us too! Together, we will learn how to grow our own food, identify some local edible plants, discuss the benefits to habitat and human health, and prepare a simple yet delicious meal with food that we harvest ourselves. We will also share some additional recipes you can take back home. Helps accomplish Steps 1, 2, 3. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Connecticut Saturday, 10:00 a.m.- Audubon 10/21/2017 12:00 p.m. Society Center at Glastonbury, Glastonbury
Fee: $14.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 6/15
Register by 10/4/2017
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 3/24/2018
9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Fee: $50.00 girls and adults looking to become WFA certified $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/25
Wilderness First Aid Optional Overnight This is an optional overnight for those participating in the Wilderness First Aid event. Girls will have additional opportunities to work through emergency situations and enjoy some quiet study time at camp. Participants should bring a bag supper. A continental breakfast will be provided. (For: Troops, Individuals) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- 2/5/2018 Oxford 3/24/2018 Sunday, 9:00 a.m. 3/25/2018
Fee: $10.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/25 To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
This is an exciting opportunity for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors (grades 6-12), and their parents or advisors to make new friendships through the adventures of travel! Girl Scouts are guided through the various aspects of trip planning and are encouraged to participate in a variety of trips/events. Organizational meetings are held at the Middletown Police Department, 222 Main St. in Middletown, CT 06457. First chance at trip sign-up is given at meetings. Presently, we have over 200 active members from Connecticut and we welcome more! Initial dues of $15 plus application provides full membership. Leaders are notified of all dates via email. Trip/event details are presented at all organizational meetings. Trip planning meetings are required when final plans are presented to participants as outlined by trip leaders. With cooperation and participation from our members, Travel Troop #3 flourishes. Our 2017-18 meetings are scheduled for 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on the following dates: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Wednesday, November 1, 2017 Tuesday, December 5, 2017 Wednesday, January 17, 2018 Tuesday, March 6, 2018 Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Wednesday, May 30, 2018 Representatives should be sent from your group to obtain updates on all Travel Troop #3 opportunities. New members are invited to any meeting. As we do long range planning, come and join as early as possible in the year. Our projection of TT#3 trips and events for 2017-18 is very exciting. Here are just a few of our adventures! Ski/Skiboarding Weekend, Pine Grove Dude Ranch, Camp Hi-Rock Work Weekend, Project Oceanology spring ’18, Connecticut Light Houses Boat Trip, Zoar Gap with camping, rafting, and ziplines, Hammonasset Camping, Oregon, Glacier National Park, or St John’s Camping/Exploring in 2019. Join us! • Please call Maureen Francescon at (860) 301-6424 for info • Visit our Web site: • Email:
NYC Day Trip
Springfield Day Trip
Girl Scout destinations are unique travel and learning opportunities for individual girls in grades 6-12. Whether here or abroad, girls will meet and team up with girls with similar interests. GSUSA usually posts the year’s new destinations in September on Applications must be received in the North Haven Service Center by November 14. Based on need, number of applicants, and availability of resources, partial financial assistance may be available. It is also appropriate to discuss with your troop the possibility of using Product Sales funds to support these experiences. For local information, contact Nancy Bajek at nbajek@
J Start the day off at the American Museum of Natural History. You will also have free time to explore the area and have lunch. Then we’ll take a Circle Line boat tour to see the city by water. See page 26 for details. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
B Visit the Quad of Museums where you’ll have free time to explore and have lunch. We’ll visit the zoo where Dr. Seuss was inspired to draw his creatures. See page 19 for more information.
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To register, see page 3
Service Awards
Girl Scouts of Connecticut is a certifying organization for the Presidential Volunteer Service Awards. Available to civic-minded children, teens, and adults, it’s given in recognition of volunteerism. The service may be in one or more topical areas, and is recognized at Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels. The number of hours for each level is age-dependent. Since this isn’t a Girl Scout-earned award, hours used towards awards such as Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold may be applied towards the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. For those who have accumulated over 4,000 hours of service, there is a Lifetime Award. Award packets (certificate, letter from the President of the United States, and pin) are $10 and there are three ordering deadlines: October 15, January 15, and April 15. Packets will be sent approximately six weeks after these dates. For more info and the request form, visit
Community Service Bar in Girl Scouts Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors are able to earn these service bars by volunteering locally or at a council level. At a council level, assistance is often needed preparing for events, assisting at younger girl events, or general office work. If you are interested in earning this award, and/or have volunteer hours to do for school or other organizations, and would like to know what options are available at the council level, contact customercare@ At a local level, speak with your Troop leader, Service Unit Manager, or attend a Leader’s Meeting and discuss where you can provide service. More information about these awards is in the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
Service vs. Take Action Service usually helps ease a problem in a short-term manner, and affects a smaller group. Take Action involves identifying root causes for the problem and designing a longer and further reaching project addressing the problem and creating a more sustainable change.
• Collecting dog food for the pound= Service
• Educating potential dog owners on pet owner responsibilities, resulting in fewer dogs turned in to the pound = Take Action.
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Girl Scouts Highest Awards
Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors may earn one of the highest awards – Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Each award challenges a girl to put her leadership skills to work as she takes action to address a community issue. Information about these awards may also be found in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and at These are national awards, but each council has their own way of doing things. It is important to know GSOFCT’s processes, deadlines, reporting, etc.
The Girl Scout Bronze Award • The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award earned by a Girl Scout Junior. She may earn it until September 30 of her sixth-grade year. • Girls must first complete a Junior Girl Scout Journey as a prerequisite. • Girls can earn the Bronze Award as a group and their project can be inside or outside the Girl Scout Community. • The Take Action project must address an issue’s root cause and include a suggested minimum of 20 personal hours. • Bronze pins, certificates, and commemorative items can be found at GSOFCT council shops. • There are no GSOFCT specific forms for this award, nor does it require council-level approval.
The Girl Scout Silver Award • The Silver Award is the highest award earned by a Girl Scout Cadette. She may earn it until September 30 of her ninth-grade year. • Girls must first complete a Cadette Journey as a prerequisite. • Girls can earn the Silver Award in groups of four, maximum. The project must be outside of Girl Scout community • Once girls have completed the Journey, they should watch the Silver Award Webinar with their adult advisor to learn about earning the Silver Award. See location below. • The sustainable Take Action Project addresses an issue’s root cause and includes a suggested minimum of 50 hours. • Silver pins, certificates, and commemorative items can be found at GSOFCT Council Shops. • There are no GSOFCT specific forms for this award, nor does it require council-level approval.
Visit GSOFCT, About, Our Program, Highest Awards
40 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
At a Glance
Girl Scout Gold Award The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest award in Girl Scouting. Each Gold Take Action project is led by one girl. The effort taken to earn this award expresses a special commitment to one’s self, community, world, and future. Each Gold Award project provides a sustainable solution that addresses a community issue. A girl is a project manager for her project. One project per girl, supported by a team. General information may be found in the Senior and Ambassador Girl’s Guides to Girl Scouting. Necessary GSOFCT specific information may be found on Prerequisites to earning the Gold Award include completing either two Senior/ Ambassador Journeys, or having earned the Silver Award and completed one Journey. Girls must also attend a Gold Award Webinar before submitting their draft project proposal. Adults are welcome to attend the webinar as well. All Gold Award projects are submitted for approval.Girls are assigned a Gold Award Committee Mentor and are expected to work closely with their mentor. All girls who have earned their Gold Award during the year (completed by March 31) are honored at a council-wide celebration, held on the first Sunday in June. During this ceremony, girls are presented with Gold Award certificates and a number of congratulatory letters and certificates from local and national dignitaries. After completing the final Gold Award interview, girls who have earned the Gold Award may plan and participate in a local pinning ceremony. While girls receive their pin from their Gold Award Mentor, other special commemorative Gold Award items may be found at GSOFCT council shops and online shop. For more information, visit The following are a few important items to keep in mind. More dates and information are located in the GSOFCT Toolkit: • A Gold Award project must address a community issue. Girls will request a letter of endorsement for their project, stating that the issue and project will help the community. • Begin prerequisite work after July 1 before entering ninth grade. • Last date to submit My Gold Award Draft Project Proposal is May 1 of 12th grade. • Submit My Gold Award Draft Project Proposal within three months of attending a Gold Award Webinar. Allow two to three weeks for Gold Award Mentor Assignment. • Submit Draft Project Proposal within three months after initial meeting with Gold Award Mentor. • Allow six-to-eight weeks for proposal review. • In order to be recognized at the June celebration, final report must be submitted by March 15 of that year. For more information about Gold grants and scholarships, For webinar dates and sign up, visit the Gold Award page on
Be a Gold Award Mentor! Gold Award Mentors have the opportunity to positively influence and provide direction for the young women interested in tackling issues within their community and striving to improve the lives of others. If you are interested and would like to learn more about being a Gold Award Mentor, please email
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Multi-Level Events Girl Scouts of Connecticut offers council-sponsored programs and events for multiple grade level troops and girls. These events bring together girls from around the state to enjoy an opportunity that they might not be able to create on their own. Please note that each event has a registration deadline and some events may fill before this date. Register for events online at In this section: D=Daisy (grades K-1), B=Brownie (grades 2-3), J=Junior (grades 4-5), C=Cadette (grades 6-8), S=Senior (grades 9-10), Am=Ambassador (grades 11-12), A=Adult You’ll find additional events for single grade levels in the beginning of this book. Through the help of program volunteers, community program partners, and Program and Camping Services staff, Girl Scouts of Connecticut is able to offer a wide range of events for girls. When Girl Scouts attend events and meet other girls, they practice social skills, learn new things, see a broader picture of what it means to be a Girl Scout, and have fun! Girls may attend with their troop or as an individual, usually with an accompanying adult. Unless otherwise indicated, register for these activities on our website. Due to the nature of events, registration deadlines are rarely extended.
Things to Remember: This section provides events geared only to this grade level, see multi-level events for more opportunities. • Girls should be planning their activities. Share this book with them and guide them as they plan the trip. • Let families know that girls may attend without their troop. • You’ll be sent a confirmation with additional information when you register. If you still have questions, contact our Customer Care Department at • Register early. Register on time. Please do not ask to extend registration deadlines. Remember some events will fill before the registration deadline. • If you require special accommodations, contact our Customer Care Department at • Bring only those who are registered for the event. Do not assume “there will be room for one more person.” • Be prepared; have written directions/map as GPS is not available in all locations. Arrive on time or a few minutes early, allowing for the walk from the parking lot to the activity area. Adults: It’s great to meet and network. If you’d like to have a conversation, ask the facilitator if it is OK if you step out of the room, go for a walk, etc. Conversations are distracting to the event, so in most instances the answer will be “yes.” Remember: Our program volunteers, community partners, and GSOFCT staff facilitating the programs love sharing skills and experiences with the girls, and put a lot of effort into what they do. Remind girls that a “thank you” is always appreciated.
Additional program opportunities may be planned during the year. Information about these activities are promoted in our e-newsletters, Girl Scout Bridges, and Volunteer E-blast as well as posted on our website, Facebook Page, and to troop volunteers through Rallyhood. To find our events online: - Visit
Looking for more? Find more events in the separate grade-level sections of this book.
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To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Archery: Beginner JCSAm Girls attending this workshop will have the opportunity to learn the basics of archery and range safety. Cadettes who attend are eligible to complete badge requirements. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Carlson, Bristol
Sunday, 10/15/2017
12:30- 2:30 p.m.
Carlson, Bristol
Saturday, 12:30- 5/5/2018 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, 10/15/2017
3:00- 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, 3:00- 5/5/2018 5:00 p.m.
Katoya, Milford
Sunday, 12:30- 10/2/2017 10/15/2017 2:30 p.m.
Katoya, Milford
Saturday, 12:30- 5/5/2018 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, 3:00- 10/15/2017 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, 3:00- 5/5/2018 5:00 p.m.
Laurel, Lebanon
Sunday, 12:30- 10/2/2017 10/15/2017 2:30 p.m.
Yankee Trails, Tolland
Saturday, 5/5/2018
Sunday, 3:00- 10/15/2017 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, 3:00- 5/5/2018 5:00 p.m.
Aspetuck, Weston
Saturday, 12:30- 10/21/2017 2:30 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Sunday, 12:30- 4/23/2018 Oxford 5/6/2018 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, 3:00- 10/21/2017 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, 3:00- 5/6/2018 5:00 p.m.
Merrie-Wood, Saturday, 12:30- Manchester 10/21/2017 2:30 p.m.
Laurel, Lebanon
Sunday, 12:30- 4/23/2018 5/6/2018 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, 3:00- 10/21/2017 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, 3:00- 5/6/2018 5:00 p.m.
Rocky Craig, Stamford
Saturday, 10/21/2017
Sunday, 5/6/2018
Saturday, 3:00- 10/21/2017 5:00 p.m.
Rocky Craig, Stamford
12:30- 2:30 p.m.
12:30- 2:30 p.m.
12:30- 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, 3:00- 5/6/2018 5:00 p.m.
Register by
Fee: $15.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/15
Archery: Field Archery Challenge JCSAm Archers will travel in small groups along a wooded path and test their skills on targets with a variety of distances and angles. Archers must have some experience prior to attending. There will be staggered start times. Groups will be supervised by certified archery facilitators at all times. Archers will have time to practice at the traditional range prior to setting off on the trail. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Carlson, Bristol
Sunday, 9/16/2018
1:00- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $20.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/40
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Beardsley Zoo: Zoo Careers
Aviation Overnight BJCSAm Sleep over at the New England Air Museum! Overnight activities include climb-aboard Open Cockpit Experiences in a real aircraft, hands-on Build and Fly challenges, interactive Flight Science Demonstrations, Aircraft Quests, and more! Participants receive free admission to the New England Air Museum the day your overnight ends, as well as half-price admission for immediate family members. Fee also includes an evening snack and hot breakfast, and a commemorative patch for all participants. Reservations are first-come, first-serve with a $25 per person deposit required to reserve a spot. NEAM Overnights sell out quickly, so it’s best to reserve early! (For: Troops, Individual w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
New England Friday, 5:30 p.m.- Air Museum, 6/1/2018- Windsor Locks Saturday, 9:00 a.m.- 6/2/2018
Register by
CSAm Come learn about the many careers a zoo has to offer. Get invaluable answers to your questions from wildlife professionals. Enjoy a guided, behind-the-scenes tour to see the nightlife of the zoo– all before a pizza dinner and ice cream social. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport
Saturday, 4/14/2018
5:00- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $45.00 girls $45.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/80
Beardsley Zoo: Zoo Day
Register with Community Program Partner at
Fee: $55.00 girls $55.00 adults Min./Max.: 70/160
Beardsley Zoo: Animal Day DB Explore the connections between animals, water, and plants while playing games, visiting the many exhibits, and enjoying a spin on the carousel! Learn how the zoo helps endangered animals and even meet an animal up close. Spend the rest of the day exploring the zoo on your own. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport
Saturday, 4/14/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
DBJCSAm Do you know why animals live at the zoo? Come learn about animals around the world. Girls will learn about the animals’ habitats, why they are endangered, what they like to eat, and how the zoo is helping them survive. Girl Scout activities and check-in is from 11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m., then enjoy the zoo until closing. Fun patch included. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport
Saturday, 5/12/2018
11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $13.00 girls $13.00 adults Min./Max.: 100/2,000
Black Holes and Other Absurdities of our Universe
Fee: $30.00 girls $30.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
Beardsley Zoo: Overnight BJ Come have a blast at Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo! Join us for a jam-packed night featuring animal encounters, carousel rides, pizza dinner, a nocturnal hike with night vision, scavenger hunts, movie, and a hot breakfast in the morning. And when that’s all done, enjoy free admission to the zoo the next day! (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Beardsley Zoo, Saturday, 5:00 p.m.- Bridgeport 4/7/2018 Sunday, 9:00 a.m. 4/8/2018
Fee: $65.00 girls $65.00 adults Min./Max.: 40/125
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JC Discover what happens when you enter a black hole (if you could). We’ll talk about brave Alice who enters a black hole, and Bob, the observer of Alice. Learn about dark matter and dark energy, and how we know they exist. How much do we really know about our universe? Were we just some random event that started with a Big Bang? Why did the Big Bang occur? What will happen in a trillion years from now? We’ll examine the Cosmic Microwave Background. Are there other universes out there? Multiverses anyone? (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
Register by 3/21/2018
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Friday, 2/9/2018
6:30- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/26 To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Boston Museum of Science Sleepover DBJC Spend the night at the museum! During your overnight, there will be science workshops, hands-on activities, live animals, a late-night show, a planetarium show, an Omni film, and plenty of time to explore the museum. When will the fun end? An evening snack and light breakfast are included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Who When
Register by Min./Max.
BJC Friday, 5:00 p.m.- 10/30/2017 11/17/2017- Saturday, 11:00 a.m. 11/18/2017
BJ Friday, 3/9/2018 Saturday, 3/10/2018
5:00 p.m.- 2/19/2018
DBJCSAmA You are invited to celebrate the Girl Scout Sabbath with Girl Scouts at Temple Emanu-El in Waterford. Join other girls in readings, songs, and refreshments. Work on steps to earn your My Promise, My Faith pin. Pin not included. Come as a troop or as a family. The event is free but you must register prior to the celebration. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Temple Emanu-El, Friday, Waterford 3/16/2018
Register by
7:15- 9:00 p.m.
Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 0/65
11:00 a.m.
BJ Saturday, 5:00 p.m.- 2/26/2018 3/17/2018 Sunday, 11:00 a.m. 3/18/2018
Friday, 5:00 p.m.- 4/9/2018 BJ 4/27/2018 Saturday, 11:00 a.m. 4/28/2018
Saturday, BJ 5/5/2018 Sunday, 5/6/2018
5:00 p.m.- 4/16/2018 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.- 4/30/2018 BJ 5/19/2018 Sunday, 11:00 a.m. 5/20/2018
Saturday, BJ 6/2/2018 Sunday, 6/3/2018
DBJ Friday, 6/8/2018 Saturday, 6/9/2018
Celebrate Girl Scout Sabbath
5:00 p.m.- 5/14/2018
Celebrate World Thinking Day DB Through crafts and games from around the world, explore WAGGGS. Learn about your Girl Guide and Girl Scout Sisters. Thinking Day patch included. Bring a ready-to-eat bag lunch and water bottle. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 2/24/2018
10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $8.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/45
11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.- 5/21/2018
11:00 a.m.
Where: Boston Museum of Science, Boston, MA Fee: $60.00 girls $60.00 adults
Candlewood Work Day DBJCSAm Come to Candlewood on Saturday, October 21, 2017, to lend a hand! Do some trail work, enhance program areas, and general camp beautification. There will be age-appropriate projects for all. Bring a lunch, wear sturdy shoes, and work gloves. If you have special skills or interests, please let us know. Three work periods available, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., 12:00 to 3:00 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Register by October 10. Snack provided; No fee, but please register. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Min/Max: 20/100 To register, see page 3
Challenger Mission Earth Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Board a space station and study Earth’s oceans, atmosphere, land formations, and other unique systems after a satellite orbiting the Earth has been destroyed. Your crew will need to build a replacement satellite, watch for warning signs of natural disasters and space storms, and monitor Earth’s systems to understand the delicate balance that allows life as we know it to exist. Think you’re up for the challenge? Museum patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Who
Register by
Grades 10-12
Friday, 3/23/2018
6:00- 9:00 p.m.
Grades 7-9
Friday, 4/27/2018
6:00- 9:00 p.m.
Where: Discovery Museum, Bridgeport Fee: $24.00 girls $8.00 adults Min./Max.: 18/40
Program Resource Guide |
Connecticut Science Center: Franken-toys Ages 9-11 Dissect different toys and stuffed animals to discover how they work and move. Then choose unrelated parts and pieces to put together to design and create your own Franken-toy. Fee includes general admission for participants. (For: Troops, Individual Girls. This is a drop-off event) Where
Register by
Connecticut Science Center, Hartford
Saturday, 10/28/2017
10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Constellations of the First Americans DB Learn some of the constellations that the first Americans created. Discover how the stars came to be placed in the sky according to myths and legends. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Friday, 11/10/2017
6:30- 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/32
Fee: $20.00 girls No Adults Min./Max.: 16/20
Everyone In
Connecticut Science Center Overnight Ages 5-12 Can you imagine spending the day at the Connecticut Science Center? Now imagine being here when the lights go out! Enjoy this rare opportunity and explore the exhibits, discover special programs, and set up camp in front of your favorite exhibit during this exclusive after-hours experience. Don’t miss this memorable overnight adventure! (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
BJ We’ll discuss recognizing and valuing each other and learn about creating an environment where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources. Girls will learn to contribute to one another’s successes through a day of discovery and friendship by being a sister to every Girl Scout. Activities will include making new friends, navigating social media, Girlz R.U.L.E.®, and sisterhood. There will be a separate track for Brownies and Juniors. There will also be a separate adult track and ending time. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Shelton Saturday, Intermediate 3/24/2018 School, Shelton
Register by
9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Bring a lunch
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 50/125
Where When Time Register Connecticut Saturday, Science Center, 10/21/2017- Hartford Sunday, 10/22/2017
6:00 p.m.- 8:00 a.m.
Register with Community Program Partner until full.
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- 12/2/2017- Sunday, 8:00 a.m. 12/3/2017 Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- 3/3/2018- Sunday, 8:00 a.m. 3/4/2018 Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- 4/7/2018- Sunday, 8:00 a.m. 4/8/2018
Fee: $55.00 girls $55.00 adults Min./Max.: 0/350
46 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Exploring Hammonasset JC Explore varied shoreline habitats at Hammonasset State Park with a marine biologist and educator. Use a seine net at the sandy beach and see what you find; explore the tidal pools, seek invasive species, and discover what lurks in the marsh! (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Hammonasset State Park, Madison
Thursday, 6/28/2018
10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, 7/12/2018
10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, 7/19/2018
10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 25/60 To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Geocaching at Barn Island
Fairfield SWE P&P (Projects and Pizza!) JC Join us for an engineering appreciation day run by the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers. Participate in four, fun-filled projects that will introduce you to the cool engineering fields that Fairfield University has to offer. (For: Troops, Individuals w/Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
When Time Register
Fairfield University, Saturday, Bannow Science 11/11/2017 Center, Fairfield
9:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
11/1/2017 Register with Community Partner.
Fee: $5.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/45
JC Learn basic navigation to participate in the fun hobby of Geocaching! Geocaching is a real-life treasure hunt using a device that has GPS! Join an NESS scientist as we learn about navigation on land and sea, make an item to let other geocachers know we’ve discovered a treasure, and go geocaching! Remember to dress warmly as we will be outside! Fulfills some requirements for the Junior Geocaching Badge. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Saturday, 4/14/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $35.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/12
Family Fun Day BJ Come to this fun-filled family event and enjoy a day at camp. Mix and match activities to create your experience. Get adventurous with seasonal outdoor activities. Do some awesome crafts and get your creative juices flowing. This day is sure to create long-lasting memories! Bring a picnic lunch. (For: Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, New Fairfield
Saturday, 5/5/2018
9:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls and Tagalongs $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 50/150
Family Movie Night DBJCSAm Join us for a fun evening at the museum! Enjoy a bit of free exploration time, take in a live science demonstration, and watch the hit movie Hidden Figures on 11/3/2017, and Meet the Robinsons on 2/2/2018, in our Energize CT Theater! Popcorn included! Open to all ages; parents decide whether the movie is appropriate for their child. (For: Troops, Families) Where
Register by
Discovery Museum, Bridgeport
Friday, 11/3/2017
6:30- 9:30 p.m.
Get Inspired! CSAm Which career is for you? Learn about jobs you think you want, and some you may never have heard of. Meet and mingle with female professionals from a wide variety of industries. Why did they choose their careers and what paths did they take? Meet in small groups for in-depth discovery. Event is co-hosted by Kappa Delta Sorority. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Sacred Heart University, Fairfield
Saturday, 11/18/2017
12:30- 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/140
Friday, 6:30- 1/15/2018 2/2/2018 9:30 p.m.
Fee: $20.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/41 To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Get the Scoop on Pluto
Girl Scout Hackathon
JC The New Horizons spacecraft has completed the download of all its data and pictures it took during the flyby of Pluto in the summer of 2015. Get the latest information on this weird minor planet that has mountains of ice floating, strange rock formations, an atmosphere, and a most eccentric orbit. It’s an amazing little planet that has changed so much of what we thought we knew. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Laurel, Lebanon
Friday, 1/19/2018
6:30- 8:00 p.m.
Register by 1/5/2018
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/26
Girl Scout Day with the Huskies DBJCSAm With your troop or family and friends come to the UConn vs. Tulsa football game - patch provided. For groups that purchase 10 or more tickets at $15, please contact UConn Representative Dustin Boucher at (860) 486-8187 or for further information about troop in game recognition, special Girl Scout troop experiences, and group lot parking availability (limited supply). Deadline to purchase tickets: Friday, October 13. To purchase individual tickets (less than 10), please visit (additional fees will apply to all sales). Where
Pratt & Whitney Saturday, Stadium at 10/21/2017 Rentschler Field, East Hartford
Register by
Fee: Price varies based on number purchased Min./Max.: NA
JC Code for a cause—no coding experience necessary! Girls work in teams with a computer science mentor and a nonprofit to brainstorm and develop a prototype smartphone app that will benefit the work of their nonprofit. Lunch, snack, and patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals; Adults may drop off or volunteer to help for the day) Where
Register by
University of St. Joseph, West Hartford
Saturday, 11/4/2017
8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport
Saturday, 3/10/2018
8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Quinnipiac University, York Hill Campus, Hamden
Saturday, 4/7/2018
8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls $10.00 adults Min./Max.: 40/65
Girl Scout Traditions DB Through a ceremony, games, and a SWAP craft, you’ll learn about Girl Scout traditions. Activities support the Brownie Girl Scout Way badge (badge provided). Daisies will receive a vintage patch. Bring a ready-to-eat bag lunch and water bottle. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adults) Where
Register by
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Saturday, 12/2/2017
10:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/40
Gold Award Expo JCSAm Get ready to be impressed and inspired! Visit the displays to speak with the Gold Award recipients about how they chose and addressed their community issue. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Sunday, 6/3/2018
12:00- 1:15 p.m.
None needed
Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: NA
48 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
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MULTI-LEVEL Great Girl Scout Campout DBJCSAmA Join girls all over Connecticut for a one-night overnight. Choose your own location. Patch Included. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adults). Register for patches which will be mailed to you. Where
Register by
Anywhere Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- 9/7/2018 9/22/2018 Sunday, 9:00 a.m. 9/23/2018
Fee: $4.00 per patch Min./Max.: 20/300
Hats Off! JCSAmA Hats off to Girl Scouts! Learn to read a simple pattern, discover the stretch in fleece fabric, and use a sewing machine. Create a oneof-a-kind warm cap. Hats will be donated to children in need or you may choose your own site. Adults who are not sewing do not need to pay the fee. (For: Troops, Individuals w/Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
North Haven Service Center, North Haven
Friday, 11/10/2017
6:00- 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, 11/11/2017
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Saturday, 11/11/2017
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, 11/11/2017
3:30- 5:30 p.m.
Sunday*, 11/12/2017
1:30- 3:30 p.m.
* CSAm only
Fee: $7.00 girls $0 for adult w/o sewing Min./Max.: 6/12
$5 adult w/cap
Haunted Hike DBJCSAm Wicked witches, evil fairies, goblins, and ghouls all lurk in the woods at Katoya when Halloween is near! A snack and Halloween treat are provided. Groups of 10 hikers start every few minutes and groups are taken on a first come, first-serve basis. The hike lasts about 20 minutes. You may pre-order patches or purchase them at the event for $2.00. Extra tickets are available at the door for $9.00. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Who
Register by
Friday, 10/27/2017
7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, 10/28/2017
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
DBJCSAm Saturday, 6:30- 10/28/2017 8:00 p.m.
Where: Katoya, Milford Fee: $7.00 girls $7.00 adults Min./Max.: 50/600
Haunted Hike Area/Building/ Tent Crew CSAm Work as a troop or bring a group of friends and family together to create a spooky, creepy, Halloween scene. This requires a commitment for the full event as well as set up and clean-up time. (For: Troops, Families) Where
Katoya, Friday Milford 10/27/2017 and Saturday 10/28/2017
6:00- 9:30 p.m.
Register by 10/11/2017
3:00- 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/170
Annual Meeting April 22, 2018
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Haunted Hike Behind the Scenes CSAm Before Set Up: Come help create the Haunted Hike. Help assemble creatures, deploy throughout the trail, and decorate spaces. After Clean Up: Help bring all the decorations back from the woods and sort and pack items to preserve them for next year! (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Katoya, Milford
Sunday, 10/29/2017
2:00- 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, 4:30- 10/26/2017 7:30 p.m.
Haunted Hike Extras DBJCSAm Make your scarecreatures at home, at your meeting place, AND/OR decorate or carve pumpkins for the pumpkin display. Then bring your creations to camp and place them to be part of the fun. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Katoya, Milford
Thursday, 10/26/2017
4:30- 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 0/60
Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 0/60
Haunted Hike Patches Haunted Hike Decorate Pumpkins for the Goblin Village DBJ Decorate a pumpkin to be placed in the goblin village–a new feature of the Haunted Hike this year! Pumpkins may be picked up at Katoya on Sunday afternoon. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Katoya, Milford
Wednesday, 5:30- 10/25/2017 7:00 p.m.
Register by 10/11/2017
DBJCSAm All pre-ordered patches will be the new 2017 design. Other designs will be available at the gate. Where
Register by
Katoya, Milford
Friday, 10/27/2017
7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Fee: $2.00 per patch Min./Max.: 0/2,000
Fee: $7.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/30
Haunted Hike Tour Guides
Haunted Hike Decorate Pumpkins for the Goblin Village JCSAm Carve a pumpkin to be placed in the goblin village–a new feature of the Haunted Hike this year! Pumpkins may be picked up at Katoya on Sunday afternoon. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Katoya, Milford
Thursday, 10/26/2017
6:00- 8:00 p.m.
CSAm Want to wear a costume? Love Halloween? Are you a bit of an actor? Then be a tour guide! You and a co-tour guide lead groups of brave hikers on their adventure through the Haunted Hike. New this year. Patch included. (For: Individuals) Where
Register by
Katoya, Milford
Friday, 10/27/2017
6:00- 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, 2:30- 10/28/2017 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $2.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/80
Fee: $7.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/30
50 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Jump into Spring Campout DBJCSAmA Join girls all over Connecticut for a one-night overnight. Choose your own location. Patch included. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult). Register for patch which will be mailed to you. Where
Anywhere Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- 5/5/2018 Sunday, 9:00 a.m. 5/6/2018
Haunted Hike Trail Ghouls
Register by 4/20/2018
Fee: $4.00 per patch Min./Max.: 20/300
SAm Want to scare people and wear a costume? Do you love Halloween? Then be a trail ghoul! You will be assigned an area along the trail—behind a tree, on a bench, or behind a wall, where you can scare unsuspecting hikers. If there is a need for additional tour guides, trail ghouls will be assigned tour guide duties. New this year. Patch included. (For: Individuals) Where
Register by
Katoya, Milford
Friday, 10/27/2017
6:00- 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, 6:00- 10/28/2017 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $2.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/30
Just for Girls DBJCSAmA A fun-filled weekend for girls to bring mom or their significant adult female member over the age of 21 (substitutions may be made, contact facilitator). We will have many activities such as boating and archery (weather permitting), crafts, campfires, s’mores, and much more. This event is rain or shine. Register soon as event fills quickly. (For: Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Candlewood, Friday, 5:00 p.m.- 9/7/2018 New Fairfield 9/21/2018 Sunday, 12:00 p.m. 9/23/2018
Juliette Gordon Low Birthday Cupcake War
Fee: $70.00 girls $70.00 adults Min./Max.: 50/200
DB Your challenge: Decorate three birthday cupcakes based on our Girl Scout Founder, Juliette Gordon Low. We will also will explore how Girl Scouts started, play some original games, sing some traditional songs, and hear stories. Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Saturday, 10/28/2017
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $9.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/40
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Letterboxing Hike: Advanced DBJCSAm Have your own letterboxing stamp and journal? Bring them to camp, pick up your clues, and head out in search of special letterboxes! (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Sunday, 11/12/2017
12:00- 4:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 11/19/2017
12:00.- 4:00 p.m.
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 4/8/2018
12:00- 4:00 p.m.
Yankee Trails, Tolland
Sunday, 5/6/2018
12:00- 4:00 p.m.
Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Day DBJCSAm Bring your own stamp and journal, or begin with a stamp-making workshop, and then head out on the camp trails in search of letterboxes. There will be special boxes just for the day. Letterboxing is a great hobby for all ages. All levels of instruction included. Rain or shine. Join us for a few hours or all day. Siblings welcome at the same price. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Saturday, 9/22/2018
9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $8.00 girls and Tagalongs $8.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/60
Fee: $3.00 girls $3.00 adults and Tagalongs Min./Max.: 10/40
Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Day with Lunch DBJCSAm Same event as Letterboxing: Adventure Day with lunch provided in the dining hall. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
Letterboxing Hike: Beginner DBJCSAm Learn all about letterboxing from making a stamp and journal to reading and following the clues! Hike the camp trails as you learn this great new hobby! Already know about letterboxing, but have not had a chance to letterbox at all the camps? Sign up for Letterboxing Hike: Advanced. Siblings welcome at same price. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Sunday, 11/12/2017
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Laurel, Lebanon
Sunday, 11/12/2017
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 11/19/2017
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 11/19/2017
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Saturday, 9/22/2018
9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls and Tagalongs $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/60
Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend JCSAm Troop camping + letterboxing = fun! All levels of letterboxers welcome. The relaxing weekend will include classes, workshops, night hikes, and dozens of boxes hidden all over camp! You provide your food and an outdoor-trained adult. Rain or shine. Fee includes event patch, Saturday lunch, and unit paper goods. Siblings and additional girls and adults may join you on Saturday at the day rate. See Laurelei’s Adventure Day. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult)
Pattagansett, Sunday, 1:00- East Lyme 4/8/2018 3:00 p.m.
Pattagansett, Sunday, 2:00- East Lyme 4/8/2018 4:00 p.m.
Laurel, Friday, 6:00 p.m.- Lebanon 9/21/2018 Sunday, 11:00 a.m. 9/23/2018
Yankee Trails, Tolland
Sunday, 5/6/2018
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Yankee Trails, Tolland
Sunday, 5/6/2018
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Register by 9/6/2018
Fee: $25.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/20
Fee: $5.00 girls $5.00 adults and Tagalongs Min./Max.: 10/40
52 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend with Full Meals JCSAm Same event as Letterboxing Weekend with breakfasts, Saturday’s lunch, and dinner provided in the dining hall. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) When
Laurel, Friday, 6:00 p.m.- Lebanon 9/21/2018 Sunday, 11:00 a.m. 9/23/2018
Register by 9/6/2018
Fee: $45.00 girls $40.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/20
Mall Madness XVI DBJCSAmA Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information on Mall Madness! If you have questions, or want to volunteer individually or as a troop, contact (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Enfield Square Saturday, Mall, 3/3/2018 Enfield
Register by
Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: N/A
Light Pollution 101 DB Learn what light pollution is and how it affects not just astronomy, but wildlife and your own health. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Friday, 4/6/2018
6:30- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/26
Marine Life Study Cruise
Make the World a Better Place BJC Come hear how Girl Scouts are improving their communities! Listen to girls speak about their Gold and Silver Award projects and the impact they are having. Hear from the organizations that have benefited from the girls’ projects, and become inspired and motivated to make a difference in the world. Girls will also have the opportunity to participate in a few local community service projects. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; No Tagalongs) Where
Register by
Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, New Canaan
Saturday, 3/17/2018
3:00- 5:00 p.m.
BJCSAm Study marine biodiversity from the water’s surface down to the bottom for a firsthand understanding of Long Island Sound’s interdependent marine life. We utilize such sampling techniques as a plankton tow, trawl net, and biodredge that bring up a variety of fish, crabs, mollusks, and more from Long Island Sound right before your eyes! A video microscope tied to a giant-screen monitor and a large touch tank on board will enhance observations. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Maritime Aquarium, Norwalk
Sunday, 10/15/2017
9:00- 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, 9:00- 6/9/2018 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $35.00 girls $35.00 adults Min./Max.: 30/40
Fee: $2.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/200 To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Marine Mammals with Lucy at NESSF DB Whales are really big! Explore the external anatomy of Lucy, the 47-foot, life-size inflatable whale. Hold a walrus tusk, investigate whale baleen, compare sea otter and harbor seal pelts, and find out how you are like a marine mammal. Fulfills some requirements for the Daisy Rose petal and Brownie Senses badge. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
New England Science and Sailing Foundation, Stonington
Saturday, 3/10/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Mystic Day DBJCSAm Did you know that the animals at the aquarium come from all over the world? Come learn how the animals survive in different climates, how they are classified, and how they adapt to their own unique habitats. Girl Scout activities are from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., then enjoy the aquarium on your own. Fun patch included. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Mystic Aquarium, Mystic
Sunday, 4/29/2018
11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Register by 4/16/2018
Fee: $20.00 girls $20.00 adults Min./Max.: 100/1,000
Fee: $35.00 girls $15.00 adults Min./Max.: 8/12
Mars – An Oceanic Planet, But Now It’s Dead— or Is It? JC Learn the history of Mars as an oceanic, warm, inviting planet, and the evidence that shows that it was. Talk about the discovery of abundant water on the planet —some of it even flowing. Then discuss the possibility of life on Mars, what it might have been, and what it might be now. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Lebanon
Friday, 3/9/2018
6:30- 8:00 p.m.
Mystic Seaport Sleepover CSAm Groups begin their adventure with an introduction to Mystic Seaport and an evening walk through the recreated 19th century village. After the tour, participants enjoy an evening snack, make a sailor’s craft, and then sleep aboard the Joseph Conrad. After breakfast, girls have the opportunity to climb the rigging of the Joseph Conrad and can tour the museum on their own for the remainder of the day. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Mystic Saturday, 6:00 p.m.- Seaport, 5/5/2018- Mystic Sunday, 9:30 a.m. 5/6/2018
Fee: $5.00 girls $3.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/26
Register by 4/16/2018
Fee: $80.00 girls $80.00 adults Min./Max.: 25/45
Money Matter$ at Merrill Lynch CSAm Many money mentors! Accept this special Election Day invitation to work with the accomplished women at Merrill Lynch, a Bank of America Corporation, on Good Credit and Buying Power badges. Learn life lessons on investing and saving. Lunch and patch included. Badges not included. (For: Individual Girls; No Adults) Where
Merrill Lynch, Fairfield
Tuesday, 11/7/2017
12:00- 3:30 p.m.
Register by 10/24/2017
Fee: $5.00 girls No Adults Min./Max.: 15/30
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To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Polar Adventure
Newport Day Trip CSAm Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors: Join us for a day in Newport, RI! We will begin the day at the Green Animal Topiary house and garden. We will explore the Bluffs by doing a cliff walk and your group will have free time to explore the city. We will then head over to the mansions and take a tour. Snack, transportation, and tour fees included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Newport, RI
Saturday, 7/14/2018
6:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Register by 6/11/2018
(time is from first pick up to last drop off, time not exact)
Fee: $100.00 girls $100.00 adults Min./Max.: 35/47
DBJ Come out and enjoy the winter snow with us. Girls will have the opportunity to try snowshoeing on camp trails. We’ll learn about the animals that are out and about at this time of year, and practice plant identification without leaves! Weather/ snow permitting. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Monday, 1/15/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Monday, 1/15/2018
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Monday, 2/19/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Monday, 2/19/2018
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 10/15
Powder Puff Derby Ocean Adventures JC Be a marine scientist for a couple of hours! The EnviroLab, a floating classroom, will take you out to Long Island Sound for a unique, hands-on marine science experience. Under the guidance of professional marine scientists, you’ll bring up sea creatures using a trawl net, test oxygen and salinity levels, catch plankton, and discover the rich diversity of life beneath the waves. Fun patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/Adult) Where
Project Oceanology, Groton
Saturday, 6/2/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Saturday, 1:00- 6/2/2018 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $45.00 girls $45.00 adults Min./Max.: 30/50
Register by 5/16/2018 5/16/2018
DBJC Be creative and construct a vehicle to bring and race at the Powder Puff Derby. Following the CT River Valley - Mohegan District rules, be as creative as you want! With the help of an adult, create a car using the official BSA Pinewood Derby® car kit Item #17006 (Note: You must use the BSA wheels with the stamped “BSA PINEWOOD DERBY” on them). The entire process teaches many skills including woodworking, precision work, decorating, competition, and sportsmanship. Let the race begin! Fun patch provided. Check-in 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Races run 12:00-4:00 p.m. (For: Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Samuel Staples Elementary School, Easton
Saturday, 3/10/2018
11:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Quaker Hill Elementary School, Quaker Hill
Saturday, 2/3/2018
10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 18/175
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Quassy Day DBJCSAm Join Girl Scouts of Connecticut for this fun-filled family-friendly event. Come as a troop or a family. In the private picnic grove, enjoy a buffet lunch, get your face painted, enjoy yard games, learn all about QSP, and more! After lunch, enjoy all of the rides and activities the park has to offer. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Quassy Amusement Park, Middlebury
Sunday, 10/1/2017
11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Register by 9/18/2017
Girl Scout activities and check-in will be from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Lunch is served from 12:00-2:00 p.m., then enjoy park until close.
Senior Galactic Explorer Weekend CSAm Through the telescope, view some truly spectacular galactic objects—open clusters, planetary nebula, red super giants, and galaxies. Plan on staying up late to catch as much of the night sky as possible. We’ll have crafts galore, view Comet Ison’s demise, review alarmist conspiracy videos, see some NASA space videos, play astronomical games, and more! (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Laurel, Friday, 8:00 p.m.- Lebanon 5/11/2018- Sunday, 10:00 a.m. 5/13/2018
Fee: $40.00 girls $40.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/50
Fee: $22.00 girls $22.00 adults Min./Max.: 100/2,000
Scout Day at The Maritime Aquarium DBJCSAmA Under the sea in Long Island Sound! Girl Scout families will have fun exploring the Maritime Aquarium, take a cruise, and participate in Girl Scout badge workshops. Basic discounted fee includes patch. Workshops and cruises available for an additional charge. After February 1, general admission fees apply. Watch for flyer with registration link to be released after December 15, 2017. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Maritime Aquarium, Norwalk
Saturday, 3/24/2018
10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Sewing for Adventure CSAm Day One: “Ditty Bags” to hold whatever is needed while you’re out and about. Practice basic sewing machine skills, straight seams, and casing. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Monday, 4/16/2018
10:00 a.m.- 4/2/2018 12:00 p.m.
Register by
Candlewood, Monday, 2:00- New Fairfield 4/16/2018 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/10
$0 non-sewing adults Fee: $14.00 girls $14.00 adults Min./Max.: N.A
56 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Someone Special and Me
Sewing for Adventure CSAm Day Two: “Slumber Socks.” Work with fleece to create night socks for warm toes. An introduction to serging skills and stretchy material. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.- 4/2/2018 4/18/2018 12:00 p.m.
Candlewood, Wednesday, 2:00- New Fairfield 4/18/2018 4:00 p.m.
Register by
Fee: $10.00 girls $5.00 adults $0 non-sewing adults Min./Max.: 4/10
DBJCSAmA Bring that special male relative over 21 to enjoy a weekend at camp (substitutions may be made; please contact the facilitator). Outside activities (weather permitting) include archery, a service project, games, and canoeing. Bring a bag dinner for Friday and your own pumpkin and tools to carve. When registering, please include dietary needs. A packing list will be sent two weeks prior to the event. Includes three meals Saturday and brunch on Sunday. (For: Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Laurel, Friday, 5:00 p.m.- Lebanon 10/13/2017- Sunday, 12:00 p.m. 10/15/2017
Register by 9/25/2017
Laurel, Save the Date Lebanon October 12-14, 2018
Fee: $70.00 girls $70.00 adults Min./Max.: 50/200
Sewing for Adventure CSAm Day Three: “Waterbottle Holder.” Practice sewing a three-dimensional shape, buttons, and button holes. (For: Troops, Individuals, Individuals w/Adult) Where
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Thursday, 4/19/2018
10:00 a.m.- 4/2/2018 12:00 p.m.
Candlewood, Thursday, 2:00- New Fairfield 4/19/2018 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $10.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 4/10
Register by
$0 non-sewing adults
Staff Tie Sew-In CSAm Sew a little love! Together we’ll cut, sew, press, and prep ties for summer camp staff. Snack provided. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Register by
Sunday, 2/4/2018
1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Sunday, 2/4/2018
3:30- 5:30 p.m.
Pattagansett, East Lyme
Sunday, 2/4/2018
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $5.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 12/40
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
Staycation: Family CampingAlmost Labor Day DBJCSAm Spend the weekend at Camp Pattagansett with your family. Accommodations include a platform tent with shared picnic tables, and port-o-lets. You can relax at camp or take day trips out. Swimming, boating, and archery activities will be available, weather permitting. Participants are responsible for their own meals, which may be cooked at camp, or enjoyed at some of the local restaurants. Bring your own camping equipment including sleeping mat. Cooking spaces are shared. You may bring a portable grill. Firewood is available on site. Electricity is available in the lodge. (For: Families) Where
Pattagansett, Friday, East Lyme 8/24/2018- Sunday, 8/26/2018
6:00 p.m.-
Register by 8/6/2018
10:00 a.m.
Staycation: Candlewood Family Camping DBJCSAm Spend the weekend at Camp Candlewood with your family. Accommodations include and A-frame or cabin with bunk beds (both have mattresses. Camping units will be shared. You can relax at camp or take day trips out. Swimming, boating, and archery activities will be available, weather permitting. Participants are responsible for their own meals, which may be cooked at camp, or enjoyed at some of the local restaurants. Bring your own camping equipment. Camping units with picnic tables and latrines will be shared. Cooking spaces are shared. You may bring a portable grill. Firewood is available on site. Electricity is available in the lodge. (For: Families) When
Candlewood, Friday, New Fairfield 7/27/2018- Sunday, 7/29/2018
6:00 p.m.- 10:00 a.m.
Fee: $65.00 per tent/family of five Min./Max.: 5/18
58 | Girl Scouts of Connecticut
DBJCSAm Spend the weekend at Camp Pattagansett with your family. Accomodations include a platform tent site with shared picnic tables and port-o-lets. You can relax at camp or take day trips out. Swimming, boating, and archery activities will be available. Participants are responsible for their own meals, which may be cooked at camp, or enjoyed at some of the local restaurants. Bring your own camping equipment including sleeping mats and cooking utensils. You may bring a portable grill. Firewood is available onsite. Electricity is available in the lodge. (For: Families) Where
Pattagansett, Friday, East Lyme 6/29/2018- Sunday, 7/1/2018
6:00 p.m.-
Register by 6/11/2018
10:00 a.m.
Fee: $65.00 per tent/family of five Min./Max.: 5/18
Fee: $65.00 per tent/family of five Min./Max.: 5/18
Staycation: Family Camping, Almost July 4th
Register by 7/9/2018
Teddy CSI DB While investigating a crime scene, girls will learn various forensic techniques. Working together, will they answer the question, “Who borrowed Mr. Bear?� Please bring a snack. Fun patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
South Congregational Church, East Hartford
Sunday, 1:30- 12/3/2017 3:30 p.m.
An-Se-Ox, Oxford
Sunday, 1/28/2018
1:30- 3:30 p.m.
Register by
Pattagansett, Sunday, 1:30- East Lyme 2/11/2018 3:30 p.m.
Candlewood, Sunday, 1:30- New Fairfield 4/8/2018 3:30 p.m.
Fee: $12.00 girls $2.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/30 To register, see page 3
MULTI-LEVEL Tour of CTfastrak JCSAm Join us for a tour of CTfastrak. Learn about Connecticut’s first bus rapid transit system and careers in transportation. All buses are ADA accessible. Patch included. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
Cedar Street Station, Newington
Saturday, 6/9/2018
9:45 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Register by 5/24/2018
Wee Faerie Village Presents: “Faerieville USA: In and Around a Wee Faerie Town” DBJ Take a faerie house tour and then make your own faerie garden and decorate a faerie teepee! Fee includes Florence Griswold Museum patch. (For: Troops, Individuals; No Adults or Tagalongs in the workshop space) Where
Florence Friday, Griswold 10/13/2017 Museum, Old Lyme Friday, 10/20/2017
Fee: $5.00 girls $5.00 adults Min./Max.: 20/50
Register by
4:00- 6:00 p.m.
4:00- 9/28/2017 6:00 p.m.
Friday, 4:00- 10/12/2017 10/27/2017 6:00 p.m.
Fee: $15.00 girls Space in the studio is limited, so parents may drop girls off and enjoy the museum grounds at no charge or pay the $5.00 fee upon arrival and visit the museum and house while the girls are working.
Min./Max.: 10/25
Walktober at Laurel DBJCSAm Come to Camp Laurel on Columbus Day to enjoy this beautiful property as we hike the back trails of the camp. See a part of camp most visitors do not take the time to explore and enjoy. Learn a little about the history of this Girl Scout camp that opened in 1955 and has served Girl Scouts for over 60 years. The hike will be two-to-three miles on woodland trails of moderate difficulty. This event is open to Girl Scouts and the public. (For: Troops, Individuals w/ Adult; Families) Where
Laurel, Lebanon
Monday, 10/9/2017
Fee: $0.00 girls $0.00 adults Min./Max.: 15/120
9:00- 11:00 a.m.
Register by 10/4/2017
Women Take Flight DBJCSAmA Join women pilots, engineers, and aviators for a fun-filled day celebrating the history of women in aerospace, both past and present! This event is open to visitors of all ages, and will feature hands-on activities, interactive demonstrations, and presentations from women in the aerospace industry. Unless otherwise noted, all activities are included with museum admission. Discounted admission rates available for pre-registered groups of 10 or more. Visit our website for a complete event schedule, museum admission rates, and group registration. (For: Troops, Families, Individuals w/ Adult) Where
New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks
Saturday, 3/3/2018
10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Register by 2/25/2018
Register with Community Program Partner at; Check website for general admission rates:
To register, see page 3
Program Resource Guide |
2017 QSP Program Updates to the Program for 2017! The QSP Program is GSOFCT’s fall product sales program that offers an opportunity for girls to earn funds for their troops and reach their goals! Girls may ask customers to support them through the sale of magazines, nuts, candy, photo keepsakes, or other gift items.
New Online System
Nut-E and the QSP/Nut Online Program are now integrated into one system, Unify! GSOFCT is part of a select pilot program and we are very excited to use the new system this year. This will make it easier for troop leaders and Troop QSP Managers to track girls’ progress online and view their online sales.
“Unleash the Hero Inside… Be Fearless” is the exciting theme of this year’s QSP Program! Girls will love working together creating a plan and setting their goals all while earning rewards and proceeds for their troop. Volunteers will enjoy updates to the online program. We are looking forward to a super QSP Program!
Even More Items Available Online!
In addition to the vast selection of magazines, nuts, candies, and photo keepsake items available online, we now have even more gifts to choose from! Organic seed cups, drinking tumblers, and candles can now be purchased. These items, plus keepsake items and magazines, will count toward the Unleash the Hero Inside patch and all rewards for total sales.
Electronic Payment (ACH)
In addition to the cookie program, the QSP Program funds will now be paid through Electronic Payment (ACH). Troops will complete one authorization form for the year. The Authorization Form and FAQs will be available at
New Connections in the QSP and Cookie Programs
For girls... Girls who sell $75 or more in QSP Program products and 85 boxes of cookies through Initial Order, Goal Getter, and/or March cookie booth sales will earn the Altogether Awesome patch. This one-of-a kind patch features the hero cat from the QSP Program and the sea turtle from the cookie program. For troops…. Troops that average at least $120 per girl selling in the QSP Program and 125 boxes per girl selling in the cookie program (January-March 2018) will earn an additional $.02 per box of cookies in troop proceeds.
Order Taking for the 2017 QSP Program will take place from October 1 to November 1. Nut and candy products ordered on the paper order card will be delivered in early December.
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Service Unit QSP Managers will have materials available to troops in August and September. Additional resources will be available at
Check Your Email
Girls and their families will receive an email inviting them to register for the Online Program in late September. Girls can customize their stores with a picture or a video and record their goal so that they will be ready to contact customers when sales begin on October 1.
Troops will continue to earn 15 percent of total sales for orders placed online and on the paper order card. Troops can also earn $2.00 for each completed address booklet. Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops may opt to take an additional two percent in proceeds in lieu of girl recognitions.
2017- 2018 Cookie Program Be a part of something Altogether Awesome when your troop participates in the Girl Scout Cookie Program! Girls will love selling their favorite cookies, earning rewards, and meeting new customers, all while working toward their goals.
Awesome Cookies! All eight of the cookies girls sold last year are returning to the paper order card and the Digital Cookie® platform for another season. These cookies include Savannah Smiles®, Trefoils®, Do-si-dos®, Samoas®, Tagalongs®, and Thin Mints®, as well as our premium cookies, Girl Scout S’mores™ and Toffee-tastic®. Yum!
Destination: Digital Cookie
Turtle-y Terrific Troop Opportunities
Troops can earn more when they set big goals and reach them in the cookie program! Join us on the Digital Cookie All of our favorite troop platform! Girls can design opportunities: TOP Troop, their own cookie website, tiered proceeds, and the reach out to customers, work Troop Initial Order Reward are toward Cookie Business badge returning for another cookie requirements, play games, season. and more on the Digital Cookie platform. Girls and their New this year families will receive an email Troops can earn an additional invitation inviting them to $.02 per box of cookies sold register for the Digital Cookie when they meet requirements platform in late December. in both the QSP and cookie programs. See page 60 for more details.
Cookie Rallies!
Girls can increase their cookie knowledge, earn a patch, and have fun with friends when they attend a cookie rally! We will be kicking off the cookie program with this annual event just in time for Initial Order Taking on Saturday, January 6, 2018. Stay tuned for locations and more information!
Program Resource Guide |
Election Day Booth Sales Get an early start to the cookie season when you participate in Election Day Booth Sales! Connect with new customers, try a new booth location, earn troop funds…these are a few of the benefits to holding a cookie booth this November! All registered troops and girls may have booth sales and/or ask friends to purchase cookies from November 4-12, 2017. Booths may be held at polling locations, businesses, events, and other venues in your community. Troop leaders should speak with their Service Unit Manager or Service Unit Cookie Manager to learn about the procedure for scheduling and securing booth locations. All cookie booth locations, days, and times must be approved by the designated person within the service unit. Beyond earning proceeds to fund future activities and having fun, participating in the cookie program helps girls develop important skills in goal setting, money management, people skills, decision making, and business ethics. These are all fantastic skills that girls will use as future leaders and who knows, maybe a girl in your troop will be on the ballot one day!
Cookies, Cookies, Cookies! All eight varieties of cookies will be available for customers to purchase at cookie booths: Savannah Smiles®, Trefoils®, Do-si-dos®, Samoas®, Tagalongs®, and Thin Mints®, plus, Girl Scout S’mores™ and Toffee-tastic®. Everyone will have the opportunity to purchase their favorites at the Cookie booth!
Cookies for Heroes Cookies for Heroes is our councils Gift of Caring program. When customers support Cookies for Heroes, they help send cookies to those currently serving in the military, to veterans, and to local heroes. Our council works with several organizations that assist in delivering these cookies just in time for the holidays. Please remember to ask customers to support the Cookies for Heroes program at all booth sales. A flyer and box wrap will be provided to every troop at cookie pickup.
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Election Day Booth Sales Reserving and Picking Up Cookies for a Booth • Troops must reserve cookies by completing the Election Day Booth Sale Reservation form at no later than Monday, September 25, 2017. Troops may begin reserving cookies on August 11, 2017. • By reserving cookies for an Election Day Booth Sale, the troop agrees to participate in the 2017 QSP Program and Initial Order Taking in January during the 2017-2018 Girl Scout Cookie Program. • The standard booth order is 20 cases. These cases will be given to troops on consignment for their sale. Only cookies picked up for Election Day Booth Sales may be sold; troops may not sell cookies from the 2017 cookie season or past sales. Troops may request additional cases of cookies for their sales on the reservation form or by contacting Each area’s Product Sales Manager will review requests for additional cookies based on the day, time, and location of your booth sale(s). • Your troop will be contacted via email with the date and location of your cookie pick up. You will also be asked to sign up for a pick up time with the Election Day Booth Sale Cupboard Manager.
Cookie Pricing, Proceeds, and Payment Procedure • All core cookie varieties are sold at $5.00 per box. Premium cookies, Girl Scout S’mores™ and Toffee -tastic®, are sold at $6.00 per box. • Troops earn $.85 in troop proceeds for each box sold, and they earn a $20 bonus for selling all 20 cases of cookies. • The Electronic Payment (ACH) process will be used for all product sales, including Election Day Booth Sales. New! Only one Electronic Payment (ACH) Authorization form must be completed by October 27, 2017. • Electronic Payment for the total amount due to council will be initiated on November 27, 2017. It can take up to seven business days for an electronic payment to post to a troop’s account.
Election Day Booth Sale Patches Troops can earn a 2017 Altogether Awesome Election Day Booth Sale patch by meeting these requirements: • Electronically submitting the Electronic Payment (ACH) Authorization Form by October 27, 2017. Only one form needs to be completed by the troop for the 2017-2018 Girl Scout year. • Picking up and returning cookies on the scheduled day and time. Troops who sell all of their cookies must notify the Election Day Booth Sale Cupboard Manager that they will not be returning cookies. • Marketing the Cookies for Heroes program and offering all customers the opportunity to support this Gift of Caring program. • Electronically submitting the EDBS Patch Order Form to the Product Sales Team by November 17, 2017.
If you have any questions regarding the process of Election Day Booth sales please email
Program Resource Guide |
Girl Scout History Girl Scouts of Connecticut: McGuff Museum of Girl Scout History Located in Room 107 on the first floor of the North Haven Service Center, the museum houses a collection of dolls in replica uniforms, local and international items, historical uniforms, accessories, and more. View the Golden Eaglet on the large screen TV, listen to Girl Scout songs, try on some historical uniforms, or take part in simple self-guided, hands-on activities. Troops have used the museum for ceremonies, special meetings, and when working on Girl Scout Ways badges. There is no fee to use the museum. Open hours are available upon request. We’ll do our best to match your schedule. If you’d like to visit as a troop or service unit please let us know as far in advance as possible. If you are in the service center during business hours, feel free to ask the Customer Care Department if the museum is available for visiting. Visits may be scheduled by contacting Those scheduled during regular GSOFCT business hours are met most easily.
Historical Suitcases The GSOFCT Historical Committee volunteers have created a collection of suitcases which bring history to your meeting or local event. There is no fee to borrow them, but due to their weight, they must be picked up from and delivered to the North Haven Service Center. Suitcases contain uniforms, accessories, and books from various eras. Uniforms may be tried on at meetings or used in fashion shows. While there are only a few, the parade suitcases contain uniforms that may be worn while marching in a parade. Please use the reservation form found on, About Our History, GSOFCT History.
Volunteers are always welcome to help input items into the archival program, identify and repair items, and welcome girls to the museum.
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Council’s Own Patches and Other Organization Awards Council’s Own Patches Girl Scouts of Connecticut has several patch programs in which girls may participate. Girls take part in themed activities to complete the patch programs. Most patches are available for purchase at GSOFCT council shops or online. Full information regarding the program activities About, Our Program, Program Initiatives, GSOFCT Patch Program.
Patch Programs Include: Live Healthy, Lead Healthy Ability Awareness and Plate Spinning Inclusion* Pondering Ponds BIC Fire Safety* Techbridge Do A Good Turn Daily -Design Time Flat Juliette -Engineers to the Rescue Galactic Explorer -Make it Green Inclusion -Power it Up Juggler -Thrillbuilders Letterboxing * New Note: The listing under “Techbridge” are different Techbridge choices
Faith Awards My Promise, My Faith is a national Girl Scout faith-based award. Information about this award may be found in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. P.R.A.Y. award programs encourage girls to become more active in their own religion, and develop spiritually by providing specific instruction. Awards are available for most ages and religions. More information may be found at
Program Resource Guide |
Program Resources More information and helpful links at, About Our Program, Program Initiatives Pen Pals
Techbridge Kits
Connecting with girls in other parts of Connecticut increases girls’ literacy skills and helps them learn more about our state! Submit a Pen Pal Request form found at>About>Program>Program Initiatives>Pen Pals, and our Pen Pal volunteer will do their best to find a Connecticut match for you. One of the best things about having Connecticut pen pals is that girls have more opportunities to meet in person.
Techbridge Kits provide hands-on exploration of STEM-related careers. Each box contains a guide and materials for the activities, and may be rented for a fee. Most kits are geared for Juniors and older. The five topic themes include: Power it Up, Design Time, Make it Green, Engineers to the Rescue, and Thrill Builders. To help facilitators become familiar with the activities and concepts, there are online instructional video clips.
Gold Award Scholarships
Join in on the fun of letterboxing! This is a combination of scavenger hunt, map reading, and a hike. Follow clues to find a “planted” letterbox at one of our camps. Once you find the box, you can mark your logbook with the stamp found inside, stamp the logbook with your personal stamp, and return it to the box. General information about letterboxing can be found at Remember to look for letterboxing events in this book or add letterboxing to your visit to some of our camps.
Girls who have earned the Girl Scout Gold Award by April 1 of their high school senior year and are entering college as a freshman the following fall, or who have earned the Gold Award after April 1 before their college freshman year and are entering as a college sophomore, may apply for the following $1,000 scholarships. The Bea Okwu and the Emily Chaison scholarship forms may be found in the Gold section of the Participate tab at The Connecticut Elks also offer a scholarship. The application for this is usually posted in the same area by February 1. All applications are due on April 1. Girls are also encouraged to visit the GSUSA website for a national Gold Award scholarship search engine.
Braille Books A generous grant provided GSOFCT with Braille copies of all The Girl’s Guides to Girl Scouting, Badge sets, Journey adult guides, and some Girl Journey books. We have lending sets available at each Service Center.
Grief and Loss Program-in-a-Box Helpful when there is a loss in a family or group, the Grief and Loss box contains ideas to help girls develop loss awareness through literature, art, and interactive activities. Books include storybooks for younger girls, teen appropriate books, as well as informational books for adults working with youth. Grief and Loss boxes are located in each of our service centers, and are available at no cost.
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Gold Award Grants Through the support of donors, GSOFCT is able to offer a very limited number of $100 Gold Award mini grants for approved projects. Contact your Gold Award Mentor for more information.
Troop and Service Unit Program Support You’ll find the Heart Sisters, a complete plan for a healthy living event on our website. Click on About, Our Program, Program Initiatives, Other Program resources. While the Program Department can’t come run an event for a service unit, we’re happy to share our experience and help guide older girls and/ or volunteers in their event planning. The Program Department will also do their best to attend a service unit meeting to discuss Girl Scout programming.
Live Healthy, Lead Healthy (LHLH)
Our camps have archery equipment and ranges. Only a trained facilitator is allowed to use the equipment. One-day trainings are scheduled throughout the year, allowing volunteers to facilitate for their girls. Requests for a facilitator will be taken and we’ll do our best to match you. Since this is not always possible, taking training or attending a council-sponsored event is recommended. Being an archery facilitator is a great way for family members to get involved with the troop.
Energy in/energy out, fitness, and stress reduction are the three key elements to this program. For Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, LHLH may be run as a series or as a patch program. To earn the patch, girls choose one activity from each category and complete a simple take action project, leading others to a healthier lifestyle. Find more info at>About>Program>Program Initiatives>Patch Programs.
Boating and Swimming Some of our camps have waterfronts and in warmer weather may be reserved for boating/swimming. Certified facilitators are required for these activities. Some training is offered in the spring. Holding these certifications allows your troop to be more flexible in programming. Requests for boating and lifeguards will be taken, and we’ll do our best to match you, but availability is scarce.
STEM An all-girl environment gives girls the perfect space to explore science, technology, engineering, and math. See this guide for numerous events based on STEM, the Brownie Section for FIRST Robotics, or explore our Techbridge kits.
Program Resource Guide |
Challenge By Choice Challenge by choice is a philosophy on how to encourage girls to achieve their goals in a safe environment where they can go beyond their comfort levelsat their own pace.
Girlz R.U.L.E.ÂŽ
For girls in grades 3-10, this program hones communication and relationship building skills. The Words to Live By give girls easy to remember strategies to use in times of conflict. Challenge activities and debriefings create the framework for Girlz R.U.L.E.ÂŽ This program can be embedded into troop meetings, used as a series, or parts may be used for a large sampler event. Ambassadors and adults may be trained to facilitate. Portable (and fun!) props may be borrowed by facilitators.
Low Elements
Both Pattagansett and Candlewood are home to challenge courses with low elements. The varied elements bring groups together in order to accomplish a task, challenge individuals to stretch a bit, and encourage participants to be a part of the solution. Professional training and ongoing practice is required to work with groups as they build trust, teamwork, and communication skills using the low elements. Due to the cost, a few trainings are scheduled during the year. Groups such as service units often seek facilitators to work with them. Becoming a low ropes facilitator gives great flexibility to your own group, and is a rewarding experience.
High Elements
At Pattagansett, the challenge course includes a few high elements. More than forty feet above ground, participants strive to reach their personal physical, mental, and emotional goals in a supportive environment. It is recommended that these elements are used after other challenge experiences; giving participants the tools they need for a positive experience. Professionally trained facilitators must lead these activities. After service in other challenge areas, volunteers may request this training.
Climbing Tower
Located at Pattagansett, this three-sided tower features a variety of climbing options. After a series of ground challenges promoting communication, personal growth, and teamwork, each climber chooses their personal goal. Participants support each other through the process. Trained facilitators must lead groups. Facilitation workshops are scheduled a few times during the year. Facilitator trainings for Girlz R.U.L.E.ÂŽ, climbing tower, and low elements occur during the year with outdoor elements taking place in warmer weather. If you are interested in providing these experiences to a number of girls, email our Customer Care Department for training dates.
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EVENTS & SERIES ALPHA INDEX Title of event Level of girls Page Adventures in Leadership C 29 Adventures in Leadership Optional Overnight C 29 Ambassador Water Badge at Glastonbury Audubon Am 35 Ambassador Water Badge Workshop at NESSF Am 35 Animal Behavior at The Maritime Aquarium SAm 35 Animal Habitats of Long Island Sound J 21 Annual Meeting-GSOFCT JCSAmA 49 Aquaponics at NESSF SAm 35 Archery: Beginner JCSAm 43 JCSAm 43 Archery: Field Archery Challenge J 21 Aviation Adventures Aviation Overnight BJCSAm 44 Beardsley Zoo: Animal Day DB 44 Beardsley Zoo: Overnight BJ 44 Beardsley Zoo: Zoo Careers CSAm 44 Beardsley Zoo: Zoo Day DBJCSAm 44 Between Earth and Sky Journey Day D 11 Black Holes and Other Absurdities of our Universe JC 44 J 21 Bling It Out Bling It Out - Overnight J 21 Bloomin’ Brownies B 15 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJ 45 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJC 45 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover C 29 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover DBJ 45 Brilliant Brownie Dabbler Day B 15 Bronze Award J 40 B 15 Brownie Boating Brownie Bugs B 15 B 16 Brownie Hiker Brownie Outdoor Adventurer at Glastonbury Audubon B 16 Brownie Overnight Adventure B 16 Brownies in the Kitchen B 16 Cadette Outdoor Art Badge at Glastonbury Audubon C 29 Cadette Trees at Fairfield Audubon C 30 Cadettes in the Outdoors C 30 Camp Kits 7 Candlewood Canoe Adventure C 30 Candlewood Work Day DBJCSAm 45 Celebrate Girl Scout Sabbath DBJCSAmA 45 Celebrate World Thinking Day DB 45 Challenge By Choice 68 Challenger Mission Earth Grades 10-12 45 Challenger Mission Earth Grades 7-9 45 Challenger Mission Moon C 30 Chocoholics J 21 Coding for Cadettes C 30 J 22 Coding for Juniors Connecticut River Canoe Trip SAm 36 Connecticut Science Center Overnight Ages 5-12 46 Connecticut Science Center: Franken-toys Ages 9-11 46 Constellations of the First Americans DB 46 Cookie Program DBJCSAm 61
Title of event Level of girls Page Cookie Rallies DBJCSAm 61 Council Addresses 75 Council Map 74 Council’s Own Patches DBJCSAm 65 Council-wide Service Projects 6 Crime Lab J 22 Daisy Overnight Adventure D 11 Daring Daisy Dabbler Day D 11 Desert Island Challenge B 16 Design, Discover, Build, Teach! SAm 36 destinations grade 6-2 38 Discovery Astronomy Club J 22 Dishes for Daisies D 11 Drawn To It J 22 Eating for Beauty C 30 Eco-Smart Daisies D 12 Election Day Booth Sales 62-63 Engineering for Brownies B 17 Engineers to the Rescue! C 31 e-pocolypse! C 31 Everyone In BJ 46 Everyone In C 31 Explore the Night J 22 Exploring Hammonasset JC 46 JC 47 Fairfield SWE P&P (Projects and Pizza!) Family Fun Day BJ 47 Family Movie Night DBJCSAm 47 Fire Building B 17 Fire Building C 31 Fire Building J 23 Fishing at NESSF J 23 Follow the Arrow C 31 Galactic Girls B 17 Geocaching at Barn Island JC 47 Get Inspired! CSAm 47 Get Set J 23 Get the Scoop on Pluto JC 48 Getting Your Hands Dirty B 17 Girl Scout Day with the Huskies DBJCSAm 48 Girl Scout Hackathon JC 48 DB 48 Girl Scout Traditions Girl Scout U C 31 Girls Night In SAm 36 SAm 41 Gold Award Gold Award Expo JCSAm 48 Great Girl Scout Campout DBJCSAmA 49 Hats Off! CSAmA 49 Hats Off! JCSAmA 49 Haunted Hike DBJ 49 Haunted Hike DBJCSAm 49 Haunted Hike Area/Building/Tent Crew CSAm 49 CSAm 50 Haunted Hike Behind the Scenes Haunted Hike Decorate Pumpkins for the Goblin Village DBJ 50
Program Resource Guide |
Level of girls
Haunted Hike Decorate Pumpkins for the Goblin Village JCSAm Haunted Hike Extras DBJCSAm Haunted Hike Patches DBJCSAm Haunted Hike Tour Guides CSAm Haunted Hike Trail Ghouls SAm Historical Museum DBJCSAm Into the Woods D It *is* Rocket Science C C It All Adds Up at Travelers! J Jammin Juniors DB Juliette Gordon Low Birthday Cupcake War DBJCSAmA Jump into Spring Campout Junior Animal Habitats at Fairfield Audubon J J Junior Canoeing J Junior Flowers Badge at Glastonbury Audubon Junior Galactic Explorer Overnight and Light Pollution 101 J Junior Galactic Explorer Overnight Crew SAm Junior Journey Weekend J Junior Overnight Adventure J Juniper Juniors J Just for Girls DBJCSAmA J Katniss Skills School Kitchen Kemistry J Leader 2 Leader Learn to Irish Dance with the dancers of Riverdance and the Brennan-Lucey Irish Dance Academy! B Letterboxing Hike: Advanced DBJCSAm Letterboxing Hike: Beginner DBJCSAm Letterboxing Overnight C Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend CREW SAm Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Day DBJCSAm Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Day with Lunch DBJCSAm Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend JCSAm Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend with Full Meals JCSAm DB Light Pollution 101 Make the World a Better Place BJC Making Friends: Fairy-style B Mall Madness XVI DBJCSAmA Marine Animal Habitat Exploration J Marine Life Study Cruise BJCSAm Marine Mammals with Lucy at NESSF DB Mars – An Oceanic Planet, But Now It’s Dead– or Is It? JC Money Matter$ at Merrill Lynch CSAm Mystic Day DBJCSAm CSAm Mystic Seaport Sleepover Mystic Seaport Sleepover J J New York City Day Trip
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50 50 50 50 51 64 12 32 32 23 51 51 23 24 24 24 36 24 25 25 51 25 25 7
17 52 52 32 36 52 52 52 53 53 53 18 53 25 53 54 54 54 54 54 26 26
Title of event
Level of girls
Newport Day Trip CSAm 55 Nighttime Exploration C 32 Ocean Adventures JC 55 Once Upon a Palette B 18 Outdoor Cooking: Brownie B 18 Outdoor Cooking: Cadette C 32 Outdoor Cooking: Daisy D 12 Outdoor Cooking: Junior J 26 Paddle Away! S 36 Physics is Phun J 26 Polar Adventure DBJ 55 Powder Puff Derby DBJC 55 Program Resources DBJCSAm 66-67 QSP Program DBJCSAm 60 Quassy Day DBJCSAm 56 Regional Training Days Adult 88 Rip, Tear, Fold, and Glue C 33 Rosie’s Story at CT Audubon D 13 B 18 ROV Ocean Adventures at NESSF Say Cheese! J 27 Scout Day at the Maritime Aquarium DBJCSAmA 56 Secret Agent C 33 Senior Galactic Explorer Patch C 33 Senior Galactic Explorer Weekend CSAm 56 Senior Locavore Badge at Glastonbury Audubon S 37 Sense-ational Long Island Sound B 19 Serve Up a Meal J 27 Sewing for Adventure CSAm 56-57 Silver Award C 40 Snacks x5 B 19 57 Someone Special and Me Sow What? Journey Weekend S 37 Springfield Zoo and Museum Day Trip B 19 CSAm 57 Staff Tie Sew-In: Session A, B, C Staycation: Almost Labor Day DBJCSAm 58 Staycation: Candlewood Family Camping DBJCSAm 58 Staycation: Pattagansett July 4th DBJCSAm 58 STEAM Challenges at NESSF D 13 C 33 STEM Ocean Science SWE: Be That Engineer J 27 Teddy CSI DB 58 Tour of CTfastrak JCSAm 59 JCSAm 38 Travel Volkswalks JCSAmA 27 Volunteer Toolkit 5 Walktober at Laurel DBJCSAm 59 Wee Faerie Village Presents: “Faerieville USA: In and Around a Wee Faerie Town” DBJ 59 Wilderness First Aid SAm 37 SAm 37 Wilderness First Aid Optional Overnight Women Take Flight DBJCSAmA 59 Zoo in the Sky D 13
EVENTS & SERIES CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX Date Title of event Level of girls Register by date
Date Title of event Level of girls Register by date
27 Haunted Hike Patches DBJCSAm 10/20/2017 50 CSAm 10/20/2017 50 27 Haunted Hike Tour Guides 27 Haunted Hike Trail Ghouls SAm 10/20/2017 51 27 Wee Faerie Village Presents: “Faerieville USA: In and Around October a Wee Faerie Town” DBJ 10/12/2017 59 1 Brownie Boating B 9/18/2017 15 28 Connecticut Science Center: 1 Quassy Day DBJCSAm 9/18/2017 56 Franken-toys Ages 9-11 10/12/2017 46 It All Adds Up at Travelers! C 9/25/2017 32 9 28 Fishing at NESSF J 10/11/2017 23 9 Junior Canoeing J 9/25/2017 24 28 Haunted Hike DBJ 10/20/2017 49 9 Walktober at Laurel DBJCSAm 10/4/2017 59 28 Haunted Hike DBJCSAm 10/20/2017 49 13-15 Someone Special and Me DBJCSAmA 9/25/2017 57 28 Haunted Hike Tour Guides CSAm 10/20/2017 50 13 Wee Faerie Village Presents: 28 Haunted Hike Trail Ghouls SAm 10/20/2017 51 “Faerieville USA: In and Around 28 Juliette Gordon Low Birthday a Wee Faerie Town” DBJ 9/28/2017 59 Cupcake War DB 10/12/2017 51 14 Animal Habitats of Long Island Sound J 9/27/2017 21 29 Fire Building B 10/13/2017 17 14 Sense-ational Long Island Sound B 9/27/2017 19 CSAm 10/18/2017 50 29 Haunted Hike Behind the Scenes 14 Volkswalk - Simsbury JCSAmA 27 29 Outdoor Cooking: Brownie B 10/13/2017 18 15 Archery: Beginner JCSAm 10/2/2017 43 15 Fire Building C 9/29/2017 31 November 15 Marine Life Study Cruise BJCSAm 9/27/2017 53 3 Family Movie Night DBJCSAm 10/20/2017 47 Outdoor Cooking: Cadette C 9/29/2017 32 15 4-12 Election Day Booth Sales DBJCSAm 20 Discovery Astronomy Club J 10/10/2017 22 62-63 20 Wee Faerie Village Presents: 4 Girl Scout Hackathon JC 10/24/2017 48 “Faerieville USA: In and Around 4 Girl Scout U C 10/16/2017 31 a Wee Faerie Town” DBJ 10/5/2017 59 5 Bloomin’ Brownies B 10/18/2017 15 21 Ambassador Water Badge at 5 Letterboxing Hike: Advanced DBJCSAm 10/30/2017 52 Glastonbury Audubon Am 10/4/2017 35 Letterboxing Hike: Beginner DBJCSAm 10/30/2017 52 5 Archery: Beginner JCSAm 10/2/2017 43 21 7 Money Matter$ at Merrill Lynch CSAm 10/24/2017 54 21 Brownie Bugs B 10/4/2017 15 10 Constellations of the First Americans DB 10/30/2017 46 21 Brownie Hiker B 10/4/2017 16 10 Hats Off! JCSAmA 10/27/2017 49 21 Brownie Outdoor Adventurer at 11 Desert Island Challenge B 10/23/2017 16 Glastonbury Audubon B 10/4/2017 16 11 Fairfield SWE P&P (Projects and Pizza!) JC 11/1/2017 47 21 Cadette Outdoor Art Badge at 11-12 Junior Overnight Adventure J 10/27/2017 25 Glastonbury Audubon C 10/4/2017 29 Katniss Skills School J 10/23/2017 25 11 21 Cadette Trees at Fairfield Audubon C 10/4/2017 30 11 Volkswalk - Guilford JCSAmA 27 21 Candlewood Work Day DBJCSAm 45 12 Eco-Smart Daisies D 10/23/2017 12 Connecticut Science Center 21 12 e-pocolypse! C 10/23/2017 31 Overnight Ages 5-12 until full 46 12 Fire Building J 10/27/2017 23 21 Girl Scout Day with the Huskies DBJCSAm 10/13/2017 48 12 Get Set J 10/23/2017 23 21 Junior Animal Habitats at Fairfield 12 Outdoor Cooking: Junior J 10/27/2017 26 Audubon J 10/4/2017 23 17 Adventures in Leadship Optional 21 Junior Flowers Badge at Glastonbury Overnight C 10/30/2017 29 Audubon J 10/4/2017 24 17-18 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJC 10/30/2017 45 21 Senior Locavore Badge at Glastonbury 18 Adventures in Leadership C 10/30/2017 29 Audubon S 10/4/2017 37 18-19 Brownie Overnight Adventure B 11/3/2017 16 Regional Training Day 21 18 Galactic Girls B 11/2/2017 17 22 Cadettes in the Outdoors C 10/4/2017 30 18 Get Inspired! CSAm 11/6/2017 47 D 10/6/2017 12 22 Outdoor Cooking: Daisy 18 Girls Night In SAmA 11/3/2017 36 25 Haunted Hike Decorate Pumpkins 18 Physics is Phun J 11/3/2017 26 for the Goblin Village DBJ 10/11/2017 50 18 ROV Ocean Adventures at NESSF B 11/1/2017 18 26 Haunted Hike Behind the Scenes CSAm 10/18/2017 50 19 Letterboxing Hike: Advanced DBJCSAm 11/6/2017 52 26 Haunted Hike Decorate Pumpkins 19 Letterboxing Hike: Beginner DBJCSAm 11/6/2017 52 for the Goblin Village JCSAm 10/11/2017 50 26 Haunted Hike Extras DBJCSAm 10/18/2017 50 27 Haunted Hike DBJCSAm 10/20/2017 49 27 Haunted Hike Area/Building/Tent Crew CSAm 10/11/2017 49
September 9 Volkswalk - Harford JCSAmA 27 23 Aviation Adventures J 9/15/2017 21
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EVENTS & SERIES CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX Date Title of event Level of girls Register by date
Date Title of event Level of girls Register by date
17 Aquaponics at NESSF SAm 1/31/2018 35 December 19 Polar Adventure DBJ 2/5/2018 55 2-3 Connecticut Science Center 24 Brilliant Brownie Dabbler Day B 2/9/2018 15 Overnight Ages 5-12 until full 46 DB 2/12/2018 45 24 Celebrate World Thinking Day Crime Lab J 11/14/2017 22 2 2 Girl Scout Traditions DB 11/20/2017 48 March Jammin Juniors J 11/17/2017 23 2 3-4 Connecticut Science Center 2 STEAM Challenges at NESSF D 11/13/2017 13 Overnight Ages 5-12 until full 46 3 Teddy CSI DB 11/20/2017 58 DBJCSAm 61 3-4/1 Cookie Booth Sales Animal Behavior at The Maritime 9 3-4 Cookie Delivery Date DBJCSAm 61 Aquarium SAm 11/22/2017 35 3 Mall Madness XVI DBJCSAmA 53 9 Aviation Adventures J 11/30/2017 21 3 Women Take Flight DBJCSAmA 2/25/2018 59 9 Eating for Beauty C 11/27/2017 30 9-19 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJ 2/19/2018 45 9 Say Cheese! J 11/27/2017 27 9 Mars – An Oceanic Planet, But 9 Volkswalk - Portland JCSAmA 27 Now It’s Dead— or Is It? JC 2/22/2018 54 10 Coding for Cadettes C 11/13/2017 30 Girl Scout Hackathon JC 2/22/2018 48 10 10 Desert Island Challenge B 11/27/2017 16 10 Daring Daisy Dabbler Day D 2/23/2018 11 10 Katniss Skills School J 11/27/2017 25 10 Galactic Girls B 2/12/2018 17 27-28 Junior Galactic Explorer Overnight Getting Your Hands Dirty B 2/22/2018 17 10 and Light Pollution 101 J 12/14/2017 24 10 Marine Mammals with Lucy at NESSF DB 2/21/2018 54 27-28 Junior Galactic Explorer Overnight Crew SAm 12/14/2017 36 10 Powder Puff Derby DBJC 2/23/2018 55 28-29 Senior Galactic Explorer Patch C 12/14/2017 33 11 Fire Building B 2/23/2018 17 11 Outdoor Cooking: Brownie B 2/23/2018 18 January 16-17 Adventures in Leadship Optional 6 Cookie Initial Order Taking DBJCSAm 61 Overnight C 3/5/2018 29 6 Cookie Rallies DBJCSAm 61 16 Celebrate Girl Scout Sabbath DBJCSAmA 3/9/2018 45 13 Serve Up a Meal J 1/2/2018 27 Adventures in Leadership C 3/5/2018 29 17 Snacks x5 B 1/2/2018 19 13 17-18 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJ 2/26/2018 45 15 Polar Adventure DBJ 1/2/2018 55 D 3/2/2018 11 17-18 Daisy Overnight Adventure 19-20 Bling It Out - Overnight J 1/8/2018 21 17 Make the World a Better Place BJC 3/2/2018 53 19-20 Follow the Arrow C 1/3/2018 31 Outdoor Cooking: Daisy D 3/2/2018 12 18 Get the Scoop on Pluto JC 1/5/2018 48 19 18 Outdoor Cooking: Junior J 3/2/2018 26 20 Bling It Out J 1/8/2018 21 23 Challenger Mission Earth Grades 10-12 3/2/2018 45 20 Crime Lab J 1/5/2018 22 TBD 3/8/2018 36 23-24 Design, Discover, Build, Teach! C 1/3/2018 31 20-21 Follow the Arrow 24 Engineering for Brownies B 3/7/2018 17 20 Learn to Irish Dance with the dancers 24 Everyone In C 3/9/2018 31 of Riverdance and the BrennanBJ 3/9/2018 46 24 Everyone In Lucey Irish Dance Academy! B 1/4/2018 17 24 Scout Day at the Maritime 20 Rosie’s Story at CT Audubon D 1/3/2018 13 Aquarium DBJCSAmA 2/1/2018 for 21 It *is* Rocket Science C 1/8/2018 32 discounted fee 56 27 Brownies in the Kitchen B 1/12/2018 16 24 Wilderness First Aid SAm 2/5/2018 37 27 Kitchen Kemistry J 1/15/2018 25 24-25 Wilderness First Aid Optional 28 Teddy CSI DB 1/16/2018 58 Overnight SAm 2/5/2018 37 25 Fire Building C 3/9/2018 31 February 25 Outdoor Cooking: Cadette C 3/9/2018 32 2 Dishes for Daisies D 1/19/2018 11 2 Family Movie Night DBJCSAm 1/15/2018 47 April 3 Aviation Adventures J 1/26/2018 21 6 Chocoholics J 3/26/2018 21 3 Chocoholics J 1/22/2018 21 6 Light Pollution 101 DB 3/22/2018 53 3 Making Friends: Fairy-style B 1/22/2018 18 7-8 Beardsley Zoo: Overnight BJ 3/21/2018 44 3 Powder Puff Derby DBJC 1/20/2018 55 7-8 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover C 3/19/2018 29 3 Secret Agent C 1/22/2018 33 7 Brownies in the Kitchen B 3/23/2018 16 4 Coding for Juniors J 1/18/2018 22 7-8 Connecticut Science Center Staff Tie Sew-In CSAm 1/22/2018 57 4 Overnight Ages 5-12 until full 46 9 Black Holes and Other Absurdities 7 Girl Scout Hackathon JC 3/22/2018 48 of our Universe JC 1/25/2018 44 7 It *is* Rocket Science C 3/29/2018 32 10 Kitchen Kemistry J 1/29/2018 25 7 Secret Agent C 3/22/2018 33 10 Rip, Tear, Fold, and Glue C 1/25/2018 33 8 Fire Building J 3/23/2018 23 11 Teddy CSI DB 1/29/2018 58 16-17 Engineers to the Rescue! C 2/1/2018 31
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EVENTS & SERIES CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX Date Title of event Level of girls Register by date
8 Letterboxing Hike: Advanced DBJCSAm 3/26/2018 52 8 Letterboxing Hike: Beginner DBJCSAm 3/26/2018 52 8 Outdoor Cooking: Junior J 3/23/2018 26 8 Teddy CSI DB 3/26/2018 58 Beardsley Zoo: Animal Day DB 3/28/2018 44 14 14 Beardsley Zoo: Zoo Careers CSAm 3/28/2018 44 14 Drawn To It J 3/29/2018 22 14 Geocaching at Barn Island JC 3/28/2018 47 14 Zoo in the Sky D 3/14/2018 13 Outdoor Cooking: Brownie B 3/30/2018 18 15 15 Outdoor Cooking: Cadette C 3/30/2018 32 16 Sewing for Adventure CSAm 4/2/2018 56-57 18 Sewing for Adventure CSAm 4/2/2018 56-57 19 Sewing for Adventure CSAm 4/2/2018 56-57 21 e-pocolypse! C 4/9/2018 31 21 Into the Woods D 4/9/2018 12 21-22 Mystic Seaport Sleepover J 4/2/2018 26 22 Annual Meeting - GSOFCT JCSAm 22 Juniper Juniors J 4/4/2018 25 27-28 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJ 4/9/2018 45 27 Challenger Mission Earth Grades 7-9 4/6/2018 45 27-29 Letterboxing Overnight C 4/12/2018 32 28 Brownie Bugs B 4/11/2018 15 28 Brownie Hiker B 4/11/2018 16 28 Cadette Trees at Fairfield Audubon C 4/11/2018 30 28 Junior Animal Habitats at Fairfield Audubon J 4/11/2018 23 28 Regional Training Day 29 Desert Island Challenge B 4/16/2018 16 29 Katniss Skills School J 4/16/2018 25 DBJCSAm 4/16/2018 54 29 Mystic Day May 5 Archery: Beginner JCSAm 4/23/2018 43 5-6 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJ 4/16/2018 45 5 Family Fun Day BJ 4/20/2018 47 DBJCSAmA 4/20/2018 51 5-6 Jump into Spring Campout Marine Animal Habitat Exploration J 4/18/2018 25 5 5-6 Mystic Seaport Sleepover CSAm 4/16/2018 54 5 Regional Training Day 6 Archery: Beginner JCSAm 4/23/2018 43 6 Between Earth and Sky Journey Day D 4/18/2018 11 6 Letterboxing Hike: Advanced DBJCSAm 4/23/2018 52 6 Letterboxing Hike: Beginner DBJCSAm 4/23/2018 52 6 SWE: Be That Engineer J 4/19/2018 27 C 4/30/2018 30 11-12 Candlewood Canoe Adventure 11-13 Senior Galactic Explorer Weekend CSAm 4/25/2018 56 12 Beardsley Zoo: Zoo Day DBJCSAm 4/30/2018 44 12 Once Upon a Palette B 4/26/2018 18 18-20 Junior Journey Weekend J 4/27/2018 24 19 Animal Habitats of Long Island Sound J 5/2/2018 21 19 Aviation Adventures J 5/11/2018 21 19-20 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJ 4/30/2018 45 19 Challenger Mission Moon C 4/19/2018 45 19-20 Mystic Seaport Sleepover J 4/30/2018 26 19 Sense-ational Long Island Sound B 5/2/2018 19 26 Ambassador Water Badge Workshop at NESSF Am 5/9/2018 35
Date Title of event Level of girls Register by date
June 1-2 Aviation Overnight BJCSAm 5/1/2018 2-3 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover BJ 5/14/2018 2 Ocean Adventures JC 5/16/2018 3 Gold Award Expo JCSAm N/A 8-9 Boston Museum of Science Sleepover DBJ 5/21/2018 8 Explore the Night J 5/24/2018 8 Nighttime Exploration C 5/24/2018 9 Marine Life Study Cruise BJCSAm 5/23/2018 9 Springfield Zoo and Museum Day Trip B 5/7/2018 9 Tour of CTfastrak JCSAm 5/24/2018 10 STEM Ocean Science C 5/23/2018 16 Paddle Away! S 5/30/2018 J 5/21/2018 23 New York City Day Trip 28 Exploring Hammonasset JC 6/14/2018 29-Jul-01 Staycation: Pattagansett July 4th DBJCSAm 6/11/2018 July 12 Exploring Hammonasset JC 6/28/2018 14 Newport Day Trip CSAm 6/11/2018 Exploring Hammonasset JC 7/9/2018 19 27-29 Staycation: Candlewood in Summertime DBJCSAm 7/9/2018
44 45 55 48 45 22 32 53 19 59 33 36 26 46 58
46 55 46 58
August 24-26 Staycation: Almost Labor Day DBJCSAm 8/6/2018 58 September 14-16 Sow What? Journey Weekend S 8/14/2018 37 16 Archery: Field Archery Challenge JCSAm 9/4/2018 43 21-23 Just for Girls DBJCSAmA 9/7/2018 51 21-23 Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend CREW SAm 9/6/2018 36 21-23 Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend JCSAm 9/6/2018 52 21-23 Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Weekend with Full Meals JCSAm 9/6/2018 53 22-23 Great Girl Scout Campout DBJCSAmA 9/7/2018 49 22 Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Day DBJCSAm 9/6/2018 52 22 Letterboxing: Laurelei’s Adventure Day with Lunch DBJCSAm 9/6/2018 52 *determined by 2/1/18 TBD Connecticut River Canoe Trip SAm 8/1/2018 36
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Service Centers
1 (800) 922-2770
Hartford Service Center
Aspetuck 88 Old Easton Turnpike, Weston, CT 06883 Candlewood 29 Bogus Hill Road, New Fairfield, CT 06812 Carlson 700 Willis Street, Bristol, CT 06010 Katoya 71 Country Lane, Milford, CT 06461 Laurel 175 Clubhouse Road, Lebanon, CT 06249 Merrie-Wood 650 Gardner Street, Manchester, CT 06040 Pattagansett 121 Upper Pattagansett Road, East Lyme, CT 06333 Rocky Craig 69 Guinea Road, Stamford, CT 06903 Yankee Trails 343 Plains Road, Tolland, CT 06084
47 Condon Road, Oxford, CT 06478
340 Washington Street Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 522-0163
Lebanon Service Center
175 Clubhouse Road Lebanon, CT 06249 (860) 423-5502
North Haven Service Center
20 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 (203) 239-2922
Waterbury Service Center
171 Grandview Avenue, Suite 102 Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 757-1340
Wilton Service Center
529 Danbury Road Wilton, CT 06897 (203) 762-5557
Be prepared! Always consult a map. Please note some camp addresses may not be found on a GPS or other mapping systems.
Find information on our Long Range Property Plan, see photos of camps, Camp booklets, and to rent a GSOFCT site, go to the “Camp” tab. When renting a site, enhance your visit by renting a camp kit.
Property Department
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Last year we were able to bring Girl Scouting to even more girls through the generosity of our donors. Like you, our caring donors believe in the power of Girl Scouts and that EVERY GIRL should have this opportunity. Wouldn’t it be great if we could serve EVERY GIRL who wants to be a Girl Scout? Your gift can help make this happen! Please contact: Fund Development at (860) 522-0163 or to learn how you can join our circle of donors.
Invest in Girls. Change the World.
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January 6, 2018 Join us for this fun event for girls of all ages.
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Troops and service units can reserve space at any of our properties for a few hours or overnight! Most properties have year-round availability. For more information on our properties or if you have questions, contact
Make Online Site Reservations at under the Camp tab.
3 for FREE! What a deal!
Your troop can reserve a camp site or building for up to three hours for free, from 3:00 p.m. on Sunday until 2:00 p.m. on Friday. Come take a hike, play games in the field, study the stars, go bird watching - the possibilities are endless! Reserve your site today. Please note that this does not apply to troop money-earning activities. It does not waive specialty area rental fees. Contact with questions.
Enhance your visit and lighten your load by adding a Camp Kit to your reservation!
Program Resource Guide |
Regional Training Days
Adults, come to camp to network, have fun, and learn! Saturday, October 21, 2017 – An-Se-Ox and Pattagansett Saturday, April 28, 2018 – Candlewood Saturday, May 5, 2018 – Laurel For more information visit > Resources > Adult Learning
We all know it takes many volunteers to make Girl Scouting happen. Now is the time to say thanks for all their help! Check out all our Volunteer Recognitions and nominate someone today!
For more information or questions, contact visit>Volunteer>Ways to Recognize Volunteers
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Look for the camp brochure in early 2018! All girls 5-17 are welcome.
Camp Laurel
STRONG SENSE OF SELF Girls have confidence in themselves and their abilities, and form positive identities.
POSITIVE VALUES Girls act ethically, honestly, and responsibly, and show concern for others.
CHALLENGE SEEKING Girls take appropriate risks, try things even if they might fail, and learn from mistakes.
HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Girls develop and maintain healthy relationships by communicating their feelings directly and resolving conflicts constructively.
COMMUNITY PROBLEM SOLVING Girls desire to contribute to the world in purposeful and meaningful ways, learn how to identify problems in the community, and create “action plans” to solve them.
Why do these five outcomes matter? When girls exhibit these attitudes and skills, they become responsible, productive, caring, and engaged citizens. But don’t take our word for it! Studies show that the development of attitudes, behaviors, and skills like confidence, conflict resolution, and problem solving are critical to well-being and rival academic and technical skills in their capacity to predict long-term positive life outcomes.