o d t a wh SCOUTS do? GIRL
ups or on ether in gro volved in Girl g to rk o w y e arts. The s! you to be in nce, and th re are many ways for onderful adventure ie c s , re tu a w e n h h t it u T w . o d le b a p lle fi rn eo racter, who ies, and lea wn journey elp other p e, and cha communit ecial projects that h ou can create your o c ir n e e d th fi n re o lo c rests. Y trips, exp , and take part in sp f courage, . on your inte go on field s ilding girls o for more information u b e u n Girl Scouts rn badges and award osing activities based ti n o 1 c 10 to -8 s 7 n 8 a o o r call 614-4 and donati their own, e first step is simply ch ie buyers, lunteer or donate. O k e o h o T c . , ts rs u e o b Sc ers, mem to vo ore volunte place. Visit www.gso m d e e n e r W e orld a bett make the w Troop membership is a wonderful setting for your Girl Scout experience. Attend an outdoor-themed activity at one of our camps, or resident camp or day camp in the summer, and experience the wonders of nature. Perhaps you like events where you meet other girls, learn new things, and have a great time. Come on your own or with a friend to several of our cool events. Want a bit more involvement? A series is a great way to explore a topic that interests you without committing to a full year of meetings.
Do you like to travel? You can take local trips, travel somewhere in the U.S., or venture around the world. Traveling with other Girl Scouts makes the experience even more awesome! Interact online with girls and volunteers in a safe, secure environment. Want to give service and use your leadership skills? This symbol marks a chance to do just that. This symbol lets you know you'll need a troop leader, parent, or guardian to participate.
GSOH Product Sales
To the 2014 Fall Product Program!
September 19–October 25
Dive in and learn the 5 skills!
Goal Setting Decision Making Money Management
People Skills Business Ethics
CORA Cora (Council Online Registration Access) is a safe and secure way to register for programs. Use CORA to register at your convenience, and know immediately if you are in a program! For more information about CORA, check out page 50.
Mad Mud Challenge, May 10
MYGSOH 2 5 8
Family Opportunities
Share your Girl Scout pride with your family!
Activities for All Ages
Explore and have fun with Girl Scouts of all ages.
Your interests, on your time.
GS Daisy Opportunities
GS Brownie Opportunities
Activities for girls in grades K-1.
Activities for girls in grades 2-3.
GS Junior Opportunities
GS Cadette Opportunities
GS Senior & Ambassador Opportunities
Program Registration
Financial Assistance
GSOH Facilities
Activities for girls in grades 4-5.
Activities for girls in grades 6-8.
Activities for girls in grades 9-12.
It’s easy to register for a program—find out how.
GSOH can help supplement the costs of program opportunities.
GSOH offices, camps, and our council map.
Gallirlagesscout families Kickin’ It with the Crew—overnight
Rythmic Circus
Sat., Sep. 27–Sun., Sep. 28, 2014 4:00 p.m.–11:00 a.m. Crew Stadium (Franklin Co.) $27 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 8:00 p.m. Midland Theatre (Licking Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
Join the Columbus Crew for an exclusive event just for Girl Scouts and their families. Enjoy pre-game activities, watch the game, and then camp out at Crew Stadium. Campout includes field access, movie, snack, patch, and a continental breakfast. Girl Scout Brownies through Ambassadors can get started on their Legacy Athlete badge for their age level. Daisies are welcome for the game only.
Join us as the Midland Theatre presents home grown hoofers from Minneapolis, who hit the road with a trunk full of tap shoes, funky costumes, and a big brass band, ready to burst onto the stage with FEET DON’T FAIL ME NOW!. “Heatbox” the human beatbox, joins the swingin’ seven-piece funk band to accompany each tap, shuffle, and stomp with a clang, riff, and refrain. In this joyous parade of genre-hopping music and hard-hitting percussive dance, you’ll be jumping out of your seat and dancing to the beat!
Kickin’ It with the Crew—game only Sat., Sep. 27, 2014 4:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m. Crew Stadium (Franklin Co.) $22 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
Come enjoy pre-game activities and watch the game.
The Great Pumpkin Walk Sat., Oct. 18, 2014 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) $9 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014
Bring everyone out for a night filled with harvest-themed games and crafts. Each registered Girl Scout will receive a pumpkin to carve (families are encouraged to carve together) and a hot dog dinner will be provided for everyone. After dark, hike the trails to see all the lighted pumpkins!
Midland Theatre’s The Nutcracker Sat., Nov. 29, 2014 2:30 p.m.–after the question and answer period Midland Theatre (Licking Co.) $11 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 12, 2014
Join The Midland Theatre and Central Ohio Youth Ballet for a holiday family classic, The Nutcracker. Set to the music of Tchaikovsky, it’s a fascinating tale about dreams, family, and overcoming obstacles, featuring some of the area’s finest young dancers. A question and answer period with dancers and directors will follow the performance! This performance is a great way to add a special memory to your It’s Your Story—Tell It! Journey or your Performance badges!
Girl Scout Ski Spree at Snow Trails Sat., Jan. 24, 2015; or Sun., Jan. 25, 2015 9:00 a.m.–9:30 p.m. $60 per person Snow Trails Ski Resort (Richland Co.) Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
Do you love to ski? Then join us for this Girl Scout family event at Snow Trails! You get hours of skiing fun, a group beginner lesson if needed (ages 9 and up only for lesson), a lift ticket, and equipment rental.
Girl Scout Family Ski Day at Mad River Mountain Sun., Feb. 8, 2015 Mad River Mountain (Logan Co.) Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015 Pick a package: Lift Ticket Only 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., or 4:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. $22 per person Lift Ticket, Rentals, Helmet & Lesson 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., or 4:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. $47 per person Tubing 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m., or 5:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. $20 per person
Do you love to ski, board, or tube? Then join us for this Girl Scout family event at Mad River Mountain! You get hours of outdoor fun, skiing, tubing, or boarding, and a one-hour-long group beginner lesson is available for ages 7 and up!
Maple Syruping Tour Sat., Feb. 28, 2015 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015
Travel along the maple trail to discover the many ways of making syrup, then warm up in the log cabin and taste a sample of the sugary treat! Includes a fun patch.
Hike & Seek $5 per person
more adult family members who can each earn a $25 service credit towards her program fee. Space is limited and registration is required. Please be aware that work may not be suitable for our youngest Girl Scouts. (Participants must help for the entire day to earn the service credit, credit cannot be applied to programs that are already paid for and cannot be split amongst multiple participants.)
Twilight Hike & Campfire Fri., Apr. 17, 2015 7:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Sat., Mar. 28, 2015 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
Take a leisurely evening stroll to explore the sights and sounds of camp. Then, relax around a campfire, complete with songs, hot dogs, and s’mores!
Sun., Apr. 19, 2015 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Summer Camp Open House
Sat., May 2, 2015 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m., or 3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Sun., May 3, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Part hike, part scavenger hunt, all fun! Strike out on this hike around camp and look for activity stations along the way that will encourage you to explore everything that is fun about being outside. Collect stamps at each of the activity stations to receive a participation patch after completing the hike!
Tour camp, meet summer camp staff members, and ask any questions that you may have about resident camp. Don’t miss this opportunity to check out our living accommodations—poke your head in the tents, cabins, and yurts, test out the beds, and explore the dining hall. Plus, you’ll have a chance to join in a game of gaga, learn a new song, make a friendship bracelet, and toast a gourmet s’more!
Table Top Gaming Day
Open Fishing Day
Sat., Mar. 28, 2015 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $3 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person
Families that play together, stay together! This fun open house is a great way to pull your family together to play games and have fun. Bring some of your favorite games or try some of ours. You can even try some of our teambuilding challenges and make a board game of your own! Snacks will be provided.
Camp Work Day Sat., Apr. 11, 2015 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
Camp Work Days consist of various tasks to help get our camps ready for the busy spring and summer ahead. Projects may include trail maintenance, setting up tent units, spring cleaning of buildings, and more. A Girl Scout can earn $25 towards her resident camp, day camp, or high adventure program fee for her service at the work day. In addition, a girl can bring along one or Fa l l 2 0 14
Sun., May 17, 2015 Sun., Jun. 14, 2015 Sun., Sep. 13, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015 Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Aug. 26, 2015
Bring your family or your troop out to K-J and visit Becky’s pond to find out what lies beneath the surface. Bring your own fishing equipment and cast away! Bait will be provided. Chaperones will be responsible for their own fisherpeople!
Family Day Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $5 per person Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015
Are you a little nervous about your first resident camp experience? Family Day lets first time campers see camp in action! Meet the counselors, go for a swim, learn about the critters that call camp home, play games with new friends, taste some chow, and see where campers eat, sleep, and play. Being familiar with new surroundings will help you feel comfortable with your upcoming summer camp adventure. Lunch is provided for all registered participants. 3
Family Camp
Family Fun Fridays
Fri., Jul. 10, 2015–Sun., Jul. 12, 2015 6:30 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $40 per person age 5 & up; $20 per child under 5 Deadline: Wed., Jun. 24, 2015
6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $5 per person
Grab the whole gang and join us for the most rootin’ tootin’ camp of the summer! Going on a horseback ride, learning to lasso, and joining in an all-camp gold rush are just some of the wild west adventures that you can try out at this year’s family camp. Of course, there will be time for swimming, crafts, and other traditional camp activities too! Price includes meals, activities, and lodging in a platform tent. Family Camp Add-Ons Cabin Rental $25 per cabin Each cabin has lights and electrical outlets. Cabins have four beds. A folding cot may be requested at check in to sleep a fifth person in your cabin. Yurt Rental $50 per yurt Each yurt has lights, a ceiling fan, and electrical outlets. Yurts have four bunk beds and sleep a maximum of eight people.
Girl Scout Day and Campout with the Columbus Clippers TBD 5:30 p.m.–8:30 a.m. Huntington Park (Franklin Co.) $22 reserved/$16 bleacher per person Deadline: TBD
Join the Columbus Clippers for an exclusive event just for Girl Scouts and their families. Enjoy pre-game activities, participate in the Girl Scout parade, watch the game, then camp out on the field at Huntington Park. Campout includes a movie, snack, and breakfast. A game only option is available. Girl Scout Brownies through Ambassadors can get started on their Legacy Athlete badge for their grade level.
Camp Ken-Jockety is excited to host a monthly Family Fun Night! Activities will be provided for the whole family. There are tons of activities to choose from throughout the year. There is something for everyone in the family! Night Owls Fri., Oct. 3, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
Lets learn about what happens at camp after dark! Learn about some of our local nocturnal animals and more! Survival Night Fri., Nov. 7, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
Bring the whole family to learn all about some important principles of surviving in the forest! Mad Science Fri., Jan. 9, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Dec. 24, 2014
Explosions of color, and chemical reactions everywhere! Come see what our Mad Scientists have cooked up especially for you! Awesome Animals Fri., Feb. 6, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Come learn about some of the world’s most interesting animals and what makes them special! Treasure Hunt Fri., Mar. 6, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Feb. 18, 2015
Columbus Clippers—game only
X marks the spot… but can your family locate the x? Come participate in this one of a kind family treasure hunt night!
TBD 5:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m. Huntington Park (Franklin Co.) $22 reserved/$16 bleacher per person Deadline: TBD
Insects Galore Fri., Apr. 3, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 18, 2015
Come just for the game.
Get Artsy! Girl Scout Day @ CMA Sat., Nov. 22, 2014 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Columbus Museum of Art (Franklin Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 5, 2014
6 legs, and 3 body sections… What else can we learn about insects? Field Day Fri., May 1, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Let’s get outside and have some serious family fun! Today field fun will be the name of the game!
Join girls from across the council for an afternoon of art museum exploration. Enjoy creative challenges and making art as you explore the galleries and studio spaces. You will have a chance to work towards badge requirements that will help to compliment your Journey requirements while you are there, too! 4
Gallirlagesscout activities Nite Hike & Marshmallow Roast
Columbus Cookie Rally
Fri., Oct. 24, 2014 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Sat., Jan. 10, 2015 Columbus Zoo & Aquarium (Franklin Co.) $5 per person (zoo member) $10 per person (non zoo member) 9:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Noon–1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m., or 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Deadline: Wed., Dec. 17, 2014
Enjoy a guided hike on a flat, grassy path near woodlands, wetlands, and fields. As the light of day fades, notice how other senses are sharpened. End your evening with a marshmallow roast. All participants will receive a fun patch.
BalletMet presents The Nutcracker Ohio Theatre (Franklin Co.) $32 per person (middle balcony) or $22 per person (rear balcony) Deadline: Mon., Dec. 1, 2014 Sat., Dec. 13, 2014 Sat., Dec. 20, 2014 Sat., Dec. 27, 2014
1:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
Journey with Clara and her Nutcracker Prince to the Land of Sugar Plum Fairy—a magical world of the imagination filled with colorful characters sure to enchant you. Feast your senses on a glittering visual display of extraordinary costumes and sets, exciting classical ballet, and memorable sounds of Tchaikovsky’s beloved score of The Nutcracker. Enjoy an exclusive half-hour education session prior to the performance.
Chillicothe Cookie Rally Sat., Jan. 3, 2015 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Daymar University/Cavalier Skating Rink (Ross Co.) $5 per person Deadline: Wed., Dec. 17, 2014
You’ll discover that there’s something amazing inside each box of Girl Scout Cookies when you attend the 2015 Cookie Rally! Fun activities and games will help you and your friends practice your best selling techniques, determine your program goals, and you’ll taste our new cookies! The cookie rally is best suited for Daisies, Brownies and Juniors, but all girls are invited to attend. The Chillicothe rally will begin at the Daymar University campus and move to the Cavalier Skating Rink to allow girls the opportunity to enjoy fun skating after the stations.
Make A Difference Day 2014 Sat., Oct. 25, 2014
USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light sponsor Make A Difference Day. Join Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland and participate in your community on this largest national day of community service. The project report and patch order form can be found at
Fa l l 2 0 14
You’ll discover that there’s something amazing inside each box of Girl Scout Cookies when you attend the 2015 Cookie Rally! Fun activities and games will help you and your friends practice your best selling techniques, determine your program goals and taste our new cookies! The cookie rally is best suited for Daisies, Brownies and Juniors, but all girls are invited to attend.
Girl Scout Glide ‘n’ Slide 5:15 p.m.–7:15 p.m. $17 per girl includes the skating lesson, skate rental, and helmet rental. $7 for family members during the last hour Chiller Easton (Franklin Co.) Sat., Jan. 31, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jan. 14, 2015 Chiller Dublin (Franklin Co.) Sat., Feb. 21, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jan. 14, 2015 Chiller Lewis Center (Delaware Co.) Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
Join professional ice-skating instructors at the Chiller for this program. You will learn the basics of ice-skating and safety skills through a 45 minute long skating lesson and all Girl Scouts will get a patch! All family and friends may join the girls following the iceskating lesson.
Girl Scout Day with the Ohio State Buckeyes Look on for details in early September!
The game is open to all to Girl Scouts and their families/friends! Come early to enjoy the ultimate fan experience where you tour the practice facility, meet Brutus Buckeye and cheerleaders, in addition to having the opportunity to meet other women athletes in other collegiate sports. Cost includes pre-game activities, game ticket and a “50th Season” patch.
Good Turn Day TBD
Help collect clothing and household goods to donate and support Goodwill Industries. Bring a minimum of three plastic grocery bags full of donations to participating Goodwill Stores and donation centers to obtain a Goodwill Good Turn patch. Please go to our website, www. to learn the date and get a full list of participating locations throughout the council.
Travel with GSOH! Chicago 2017, L.A. 2018, Europe 2019, and day trips! We have exciting trips coming up soon—look for them in the GS Junior, GS Cadette, GS Senior, and GS Ambassador sections. In addition to fun day trips every summer, we have other amazing trips in the works, too—plan now to join us in the future for these exciting journeys: • Summer 2017: Chicago • Summer 2018: Europe (either Great Britain or Italy) • Summer 2019: California (may include San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego)
Girl Scout Day with the Columbus Blue Jackets
Fall Kickoff
Sun., Mar. 15, 2015 Clinic: 10:45 a.m. Game: 5:00 p.m. Nationwide Arena (Franklin Co.) $29 per person
Sat., Sep. 12, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Aug. 26, 2015
Join the Columbus Blue Jackets for a fun filled day of hockey open to all Girl Scouts and their families and friends! Participants will learn the basics of hockey, explore career opportunities in sports management, take a behind the scenes tour of Nationwide Arena, and watch the Blue Jackets challenge the Carolina Hurricanes. Cost includes on-ice program, tour, skate rental, souvenir, patch, and game. (On-ice program is for Girl Scouts only.)
Discover all that our amazing program facilities have to offer on this day out at camp! At this free event, you’ll have a chance to tour camp, sample a variety of outdoor activities such as target sports, camp songs and games, enjoy a s’mores roast, explore upcoming programs, and learn all about what GSOH has to offer. This opportunity is open to current and prospective Girl Scouts and their families. There is no cost, but please register.
Amazing Chase
Disney on Ice World of Fantasy
Sun., May 31, 2015 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., May 13, 2015
In this exciting day program, you will follow clues leading to several challenge stations throughout camp. You will participate in ageappropriate challenges that may include: archery, sling-shots, canoeing, life size puzzles, making mud masks, brain-teasers, and more! Each Girl Scout grade level will face different challenges. Once you have finished the challenge, take home a unique “Amazing Chase” medal.
Bridging Ceremony
Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $7 per person Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015
Earn your bridging award with Girl Scout friends new and old! Your troop will plan and share an activity with younger girls while getting a chance to interact with older girls for a peek at the Girl Scout fun that lies ahead. Bridging award, certificate, and refreshments are included. Adult troop volunteers will receive training while you earn your award. Families and friends are invited to attend the ceremony portion, which begins at 3:00 p.m.
Fri., Feb. 20, 2015 7:00 p.m. $15 per ticket Nationwide Arena (Franklin Co.)
Order Deadline February 11, 2015 by 3:00 p.m. Contact: Marc Witt, 614-246-3976 for tickets.
Calling all artists Each year during the Holiday Season, the GSOH staff sends cards to the many community partners who support our council. The front of this year’s card will feature a design by a GSOH Girl Scout, and that could be YOU! To find the entry form, go to
Grange Insurance Audubon Center Girl Scout Programs Grange Insurance Audubon Center (Franklin Co.) All programs limited to 60 participating Girl Scouts Girl Scout Daisies
Girl Scout Brownies
Girl Scout Juniors
Migration: A Bird’s Story
Explore the Many Wonders of Water
10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. $8 per girl
Sun., Sep. 21 , 2014 2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. $10 per girl Deadline: Wed., Sep. 10, 2014
Energy Insights From Wilderness & Wildlife
Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014 Sat., Mar. 21, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015 Start your 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals Journey by learning the stories of the migrating birds that fly through the Important Bird Area at the Scioto Audubon Metro Park. You’ll go home with ideas to start your own backyard bird habitat and finish your Migration Journey!
Journey Between Earth & Sky 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. $8 per girl Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014 Sat., Apr. 18, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Begin your Between Earth & Sky Journey at a hidden treasure in the heart of the city. Investigate the world around you using your senses and tools like binoculars, nets and magnifiers. You’ll leave feeling inspired to go on adventures to explore your own backyard or community!
Sun., Nov. 9, 2014 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. $10 per girl Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014 Sat., Feb. 21, 2015 9:30 a.m.–noon $10 per girl Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015 Sun., Apr. 5, 2015 12:30p.m. –3:00 p.m. $10 per girl Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015 Sat., Sep. 12, 2015 9:30 a.m.–noon $10 per girl Deadline: Wed., Sep. 2, 2015
Dive into your WOW! Wonders of Water Journey with Audubon by learning about what makes water so important, where you can find it, and why we should keep it clean.
Make a Difference Day @ GIAC Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Noon–3:00 p.m. No charge Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
Come to the Grange Insurance Audubon Center within the Scioto-Audubon Metro Park near downtown Columbus to get involved in ongoing conservation projects and make a difference for the wilderness and wildlife that call the park home! A variety of projects will be going on from removing invasive plants species, planting native plant species to participating in a trash pick-up around the park and more! Please call Allison Roush, Education Program Manager, at 545-5482 to register your group. Groups may sign up for an hour up to three hours.
Sun., Sep. 14 , 2014 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. $9 per girl Deadline: Wed., Sep. 3, 2014 Sat., Mar. 14, 2015 10:00 a.m.–noon $9 per girl Deadline: Wed., Mar. 14, 2015 Sun., Sep. 13, 2015 12:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. $9 per girl Deadline: Wed., Sep. 2, 2015
Begin your Get Moving! Journey by observing how animals use energy and move throughout the Scioto Audubon Metro Park. You will investigate why energy is so important to animals, especially during hibernation and migration. Leave with energy to complete your Journey!
Investigating Energy Sun., Nov. 16 , 2014 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. $9 per girl Deadline: Wed., Nov. 5, 2014 Sun., Feb. 22, 2015 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. $9 per girl Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015
Get energized for your Get Moving! Journey by investigating a L.E.E.D. (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold building through a scavenger hunt, then apply your knowledge by performing a building bio and audit. You’ll leave ready to take action in your community and in your own home!
Girl Scout Photo Shoot Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
We want YOU—to participate in our photo shoot. We always need great photos of girls just like you for our publications (like this myGSOH), our website and social media posts, and special printed materials. Join us this fall as we capture lots of great photos of real Girl Scouts from our council, and receive a photo to commemorate the day. We need photos of volunteers, too, so troop leaders, cookie moms and dads, and parents are also welcome. A photo release is required.
Fa l l 2 0 14
-program -a pick ages all A N YONE , A N Y W HE R E
Groups of 10–25 girls can now choose from one or more of our standard two-hour programs to fit your needs. Prices are $4–$6 per girl, and most (but not all) programs can be adapted for any age level. To find out more, visit
Spend the night at
of all ages! g experience for Girl Scouts pin cam r oo ind ate im ult the COSI’s CAMP-IN is CE-themed 4 with all-new LAUNCH INTO SPA programs start in October 201 COSI’s overnight and day Camp-In vities align with Girl Scout SI’s new Planetarium! Camp-In acti CO to ess acc e usiv excl g udin incl activities and experiences, overnight (and day camp) ic content standards! Camp-In is the dem aca l ona nati and e stat ts por Journey Program and sup g/scouts! rn more online at www.cosi.or experience that lasts a lifetime! Lea
Contributing Sponsor:
y Later! Reserve Now, Pa /scouts Register online at 74. or call 614.228.26
333 West Broad Street | Colum bus, Ohio 43215 | 614.228.26 74 | |
daisies scout girl grades k-1 True Colors
Daisy Monster Mash Bash
Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Indian Village (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
Sun., Oct. 26, 2014 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Begin your Journey experience as you explore nature and discover your natural creativity. You’ll search for colors on the trails of Indian Village, while working towards the Blue Bucket award from Between Earth and Sky.
Join us during this Halloween week program at Camp Ken-Jockety for the silliest Monster Mash around! This event will feature Trick or Treat stations, a marshmallow roast, games, music, arts and crafts, face painting, and more! It will be a safe environment just for Daisies to enjoy Halloween at camp!
Daisy Adventure Club $4 per person
Adventurous means to be bold, daring, unusual, risky, and exciting. The Daisy Adventure Club will allow you to be all of those things (not too much risk) as you explore the world through science, games, crafts, treasure hunts, and more. The Daisy Adventure Club will meet four times a year for fun, seasonal programs. You can choose to go to Camp Ken-Jockety or the Zanesville Service Center for your experience.
Celebrate the Animals
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Sun., Nov. 2, 2014 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014
Sun., May 3, 2015 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Sun., Nov. 2, 2014 4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014
Sun., May 3, 2015 4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Did you know that many animals have their own holidays? November is national manatee month and national hug a bear month. Join us to celebrate the animals.
Have you ever planted a garden? Learn the tools of the trade and the plants to grow before practicing the garden FUNdamentals. Go home with basics to start your own garden.
Can You See Your Shadow?
We All Scream for Ice Cream!
Sun., Feb. 1, 2015 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Sun., Aug. 2, 2015 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Deadline: Wed., Jul. 15, 2015
Sun., Feb. 1, 2015 4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Sun., Aug. 2, 2015 4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Deadline: Wed., Jul. 15, 2015
If the groundhog sees his shadow we have six more weeks of winter. What happens when you see your own shadow? Explore the science of light, sun, and shadows.
What is more fun than ice cream on a hot summer’s day? Making it yourself! Roll the can or shake the bag to make your own summertime treat. Stir up a batch of ice cream play dough and take a run through a pop bottle sprinkler.
Natural Treasures
Slime Time Soiree
Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Indian Village (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
Fri., Dec. 12, 2014 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 26, 2014
You will enjoy all the wonders of textures in nature as you explore the trails of Indian Village. You will learn the importance of protecting the world around you and inspire others to do the same.
Ooze, gooze, slime, gak, oobleck, and more. Get ready to get dirty in this program as we create all kinds of ooey goey substances! There will slimy snacks and lots of different types of experiential compounds! You will also learn about different types of slimy animals and how their slime keeps them going!
Squirrelly Tue., Nov. 11, 2014 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
At Alley Park, we use “squirrelly” to describe the nutty actions of our squirrel and chipmunk friends that live in the forest and the nature center. Let’s see who will win in the ever popular “Squirrel Olympics”!
A Victorian Christmas
Popcorn with a Purpose Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $5 per person Frozen Sun., Jan. 18, 2015 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
Finding Nemo Sun., Mar. 29, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Snowden-Gray House (Franklin Co.) $16 per girl; free for adults
During these programs you will get the opportunity to explore some of the main themes of the movie, and the science behind them. Then relax, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the film!
Wed., Dec. 3, 2014 Thu., Dec. 11, 2014
Winter Wonders
Deadline: Fri., Nov. 21, 2014 Deadline: Mon., Dec. 1, 2014
Did you know many popular Christmas traditions had their origins in the Victorian era? Come experience what the holidays were like for a child in the nineteenth century—enjoy hot chocolate and Victorian desserts, make your own Christmas crafts, play Christmas time games, and admire the holiday decorations that adorn the Victorian-era Snowden-Gray house (home to Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Heritage Museum and International Headquarters) in the historic district of Columbus. Participants receive a patch at the end of the program.
Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $5 per girl Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
Homeless, Not Hopeless
Sat., Mar. 7, 2015 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Indian Village $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 18, 2015
Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
When people are homeless, they might live outside on the streets, in a shelter, or bounce from house to house. Homeless people don’t look any different than you, and often there are families (even children) who don’t have a place to call home. Join us for an afternoon and learn what you can do to help!
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Where do the animals go? What makes snow? Discover the answer to these questions and many other wonderful things about nature in winter.
Seed Creatures
On your journey to the Firefly award from Between Earth and Sky, you will take a hike to investigate shapes in nature and participate in a fun seed creature activity!
K-J Clover Festival Sat., Mar. 14, 2015 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015
Beautiful Butterflies
With St. Patrick’s day on the horizon, we wanted to learn about some great Irish traditions. What is a clover? Are there really pots of gold at the end of the rainbow? Girls will enjoy snacks, face painting, games, a fun photo booth, and crafts. Don’t forget to wear your green! You don’t want to get pinched!
Turtle Power Tue., Mar. 24, 2015 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Are turtles really that slow? Meet the turtles in the Goslin Nature Center at Alley Park and find out! Explore the differences between water turtles and land turtles. A fun evening with our cold-blooded friends!
Fairy Tale Ball Fri., Apr. 10, 2015; or Sat., Apr. 11, 2015 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $7 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
You are cordially invited to a fairy tale ball just for Girl Scout Daisies! Upon your arrival, you’ll relax in our Princess Pampering Spa, enjoy some light refreshments, discover the ten values cherished by Girl Scout princesses just like you, receive a special patch, and dance the night away with your friends! Join us for a night to remember!
Little Seedlings Sat., Apr. 18, 2015 Noon–1:00 p.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $4 per girl Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Join a tiny seed on an adventure to become a giant flower as we read Eric Carle’s The Tiny Seed. Investigate how seeds move and grow, and plant your very own sunflower seeds to take home.
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Tue., Jun. 2, 2015 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., May 13, 2015
Visit the butterfly garden at Alley Park to learn about these beautiful insects. Learn what they like to eat, where they live, their life cycle, and more in this fun class designed for Girl Scout Daisies.
Passion for Fashion Runway Show Sat., Jun. 6, 2015 2:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., May 20, 2015
Get ready to cheer for Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors! You’ll get to watch a fashion show put together by older Girl Scouts and even vote for a “People’s Choice” best outfit. Come be a part of the fun!
Pal & Me Overnight Fri., Jun. 19, 2015–Sat., Jun 20, 2015 6:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $30 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015
Bring your favorite adult pal with you to this overnight camp experience. You can try a variety of camp activities while having a familiar adult nearby. Activities will include crafts, games, a cookout, singing, nature exploration, and more.
Swim & Sketch Sun., Jul. 26, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Let’s sidewalk chalk the pool deck! Bring your artist thinking caps and we will sketch away, before taking a dip to wash off all that dust!
R O W N IE S B scout girl grades 2-3 Painting with Henne Art Sat., Sep. 13, 2014 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Henne Art Studio (Richland Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Aug. 27, 2014
Work with a real artist and learn about the steps it takes to create your own piece of art. Learn about the styles of paintings from famous artists and how to identify them. Be inspired to create your own art that shows what you want it to show.
We Love Animals Holmes County Humane Society (Holmes Co.) 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. $2 with donated items per person Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 Sat., Apr. 11, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
Brownie Beginnings Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. $4 per person
In this monthly program, we invite registered girls, not currently in a troop, to come work on different Girl Scout badges! A snack will be provided.
Brownie Girl Scout Way Tue., Oct. 7, 2014
Try some special Brownie traditions and, of course, have a world of Brownie fun!
Healthy Snacks Tue., Nov. 4, 2014
Marion County Humane Society (Marion Co.) 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. $2 with a donation of pet food, toys, or treats per person Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Sat., Apr. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Tue., Jan. 13, 2015
Learn about basic pet care, tour the facility, interact with special resident animals and bring a donation of pet food, toys, or treats for the animals, and be prepared to work!
Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014
Learn how to make great, healthy snacks to give you energy for your busy days!
Union County Humane Society (Union Co.) 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. $2 with a donation of milk replacement powder, paper towels, laundry detergent, hand soap, or hand sanitizer per person Thu., Oct. 9, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Thu., Apr. 9, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
Crawford County Humane Society (Crawford Co.) 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. $2 with a donation of pet food, toys, or treats per person Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
Tue., Dec. 2, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Nov. 12, 2014
Learn how to use your five senses to explore the world.
Meet My Customers Deadline: Wed., Dec. 24, 2014
Learn how to ensure your own cookie customers enjoy buying from you!
Household Elf Tue., Feb. 3, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jan. 14, 2015
Pick up some new household habits to help your family save energy, save water, and save the planet.
Brownie First Aid Tue., Mar. 10, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Feb. 18, 2015
Find out what to do in an emergency, from calling 911 to using first aid to treat minor injuries.
Bugs Tue., Apr. 7, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 18, 2015
Explore the world of bugs and learn more about these little creatures that do so much.
Making Games Tue., May 5, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Games are everywhere when you use your imagination to make them up!
Money Manager Tue., Sep. 8, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Aug. 19, 2015
Learn how to manage money wisely. Fa l l 2 0 14
Night Hike & Campfire
Fairy Tale Ball
Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person
Fri., Nov. 14, 2014; or Sat., Nov. 15, 2014 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $9 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
Fri., Oct. 10, 2014 Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 Sat., Nov. 1, 2014 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014
Fri., Mar. 13, 2015 Fri., Mar. 20, 2015 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
What is Camp Ken-Jockety like after dark? Learn all about our senses at night, what animals lurk about in the darkness, and other fabulous facts about what happens when the sun goes down. After the hike, you will participate in a campfire full of singing, stories, and s’mores.
Money Manager Badge 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. $3 per girl Sat., Oct. 18, 2014 Fairfield National Bank (Fairfield Co.) Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014 Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Credit Union of Ohio (Franklin Co.) Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Jumpstart your Money Manager badge at this fun program and learn the importance of needs versus wants. Bank facilitators will share information about how you can start to manage money. You’ll even get a tour of the bank to learn the ins and outs of the banking world.
Bones and Skulls Tue., Oct. 21, 2014 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014
It’s time to take the skeletons from the closets and learn more about them! A fun class identifying bones and going in search of them. The class will be held inside the nature center, as well as out on the trail at Alley Park.
Brownie Boo Bash Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Come experience Halloween Ken-Jockety style! As part of K-J’s Halloween week, this program will feature games, prizes, trick-ortreating, s’mores, face-painting, crafts, and more! You will receive an event map when you check in and will be free to tour the activities at your own pace. All adults in attendance are required to register and pay the program fee. 14
You are cordially invited to a fairy tale ball just for Girl Scout Brownies! Arrive in your fanciest dress, relax in our Princess Pampering Spa, enjoy some snacks, receive a special patch, and dance the night away with your friends! Plus, you’ll complete many (but not all) of the steps to earn your Senses badge as you solve the mystery of the missing princess. Join us for a night to remember! A list of badge steps completed at this event will be emailed with program confirmation.
Squirrelly Tue., Nov. 18, 2014 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
At Alley Park, we use “squirrelly” to describe the nutty actions of our squirrel and chipmunk friends that live in the forest and the nature center. Let’s see who will win in the ever popular “Squirrel Olympics”!
Science Magic Show Fri., Nov. 21, 2014 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 5, 2014
In this presentation style show, the new graduates of the Mad Science Academy will be showing off their skills. Learn about density, chemical reactions, static electricity and more. It may look like magic, but really, it is science!
A Victorian Christmas 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Snowden-Gray House (Franklin Co.) $16 per girl; free for adults Wed., Dec. 3, 2014 Thu., Dec. 11, 2014
Deadline: Fri., Nov. 21, 2014 Deadline: Mon., Dec. 1, 2014
Did you know many popular Christmas traditions had their origins in the Victorian era? Come experience what the holidays were like for a child in the nineteenth century— enjoy hot chocolate and Victorian desserts, make your own Christmas crafts, play Christmas time games, and admire the holiday decorations that adorn the Victorian-era Snowden-Gray house (home to Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Heritage Museum and International Headquarters) in the historic district of Columbus. Participants receive a patch at the end of the program.
Full Moon Hike
Popcorn with a Purpose
Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $5 per person
Every 28 days we get to see a new full moon. Come out to Camp Ken-Jockety for a flashlight-free night hike. Experienced guides will tell you all about camp life after dark.
Homeless, Not Hopeless Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
When people are homeless, they might live outside on the streets, in a shelter, or bounce from house to house. Homeless people don’t look any different than you, and often there are families (even children) who don’t have a place to call home. Join us for an afternoon and learn what you can do to help! Cost includes snacks and a patch.
Arts, Crafts, and Cookies, OH MY! Sat., Dec. 13, 2014 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 26, 2014
Get into the holiday spirit as we make several recycled-material crafts! We’ll make handmade gifts, SWAPs, and cards to share with your friends and family. There will be music, hot cocoa, and cookies for decorating!
Daweswood House Museum Tour Sat., Dec. 20, 2014 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Dec. 3, 2014
Step back in time to the early 20th century to tour the country home of Dawes Arboretum co-founders Beman and Bertie Dawes. Explore Bertie’s journals and many collections, then make your own journal to take home and record your own stories!
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Frozen Sun., Jan. 18, 2015 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
The Lego Movie Fri., Mar. 27, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
Despicable Me Fri., Jun. 19, 2015 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015
The Lorax Fri., Jul. 17, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Jul. 1, 2015
Brave Fri., Sep. 25, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 9, 2015
During these programs you will get the opportunity to explore some of the main themes of the movie, and the science behind them. Then relax, grab some popcorn and enjoy the film!
Cooking with Ed! Fri., Jan. 23, 2015 9:00 a.m.–noon Ed Pickens Café (Richland Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
Work with local chef Ed Pickens to make great snacks for you, your family, and friends. Learn your way around the kitchen, safety tips, and food sense. Learn that the best part of snacks is sharing them with the people you love. Learn about what food miles are, making and cleaning up messes in the kitchen, and reading a recipe.
Ice Crystal Ball Fri., Jan. 23, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
What makes ice form? Where on earth do we find ice naturally occurring? And what is the deal with snowflakes? Come to this festival-type program to learn about different animals that survive in the extreme cold, and how they survive! There will also be ice punch and music!
Girl Scout Day with the Ohio State Buckeyes Look on for details in early September!
The game is open to all to Girl Scouts and their families/friends! Come early to enjoy the ultimate fan experience where you tour the practice facility, meet Brutus Buckeye and cheerleaders, in addition to having the opportunity to meet other women athletes in other collegiate sports. Cost includes pre-game activities, game ticket and a “50th Season” patch.
Discover Your Inner Elf Fri., Feb. 13, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015
Join the Brownie Elf on this crafty adventure where you’ll learn to make your home “clean and green.” Decorate your own reusable bag, make eco-friendly household cleaners, and take home a plant guaranteed to help clean the air!
Sensory Night Hike Sat., Feb., 14, 2015 7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Indian Village (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015
Nocturnal animals survive using their senses. Come see if you could survive at night by testing your own senses in the dark on the trails of Indian Village.
Tongue Twisters Tue., Feb. 17, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015
Have you ever really thought about tongues before? Have fun learning about animals and all their different tongues. Our outdoor educator will have you laughing and tasting using your own tongue. Join the fun and bring your favorite tongue twister along to share!
Virtual Book Club: It’s a Mystery Tue., Mar. 3, 2015 $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015
If you love a good mystery, you’ll love this Virtual Book Club! You’ll get to vote for every book club selection and we’ll talk about the stories—were you able to solve the mystery before the heroine? Plus, every week you’ll get a special challenge that will help you complete a badge step or introduce you to a Journey. We’ll even provide you with your very own copy of one of the book club selections! Book club will be hosted on a private blog.
Pooh Party Overnight
Fri., Mar. 13–Sat., Mar. 14, 2015 7:00 p.m.–noon Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015
Come dressed as your favorite Pooh character if you wish. During this overnight adventure you will explore the world of Pooh from blustery day activities to Heffalumps to Eeyore and Tigger games. Make treats for a Pooh party to finish off your adventure.
Letterboxing Eggheads Sat., Mar. 21, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
In this exciting spring-themed program you will learn the basics of using a compass and solving clues and then set off on your own letterboxing adventure. You will receive a certificate outlining your accomplishments and get to visit K-J’s gourmet s’more bar!
Yummy Snacks Sun., Apr. 5, 2015 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 18, 2015
Complete the requirements for your Snacks badge as you make a healthy snack and smoothie and help us decide what to plant in our garden this spring.
Brownie Treasure Hunt Sat., Apr. 18, 2015 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Do you letterbox? Letterboxing is an amazing adventure game played by people all over the world. Come out to this program, and use special clues to find the treasure hidden all over Camp Ken-Jockety!
Little Seedlings Sat., Apr. 18, 2015 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $5 per girl Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Join a tiny seed on an adventure to become a giant flower as we read Eric Carle’s The Tiny Seed. Investigate how seeds move and grow, and plant your very own sunflower seeds to take home.
Planet Party
Tree Hugger Hike
Sat., Apr. 25, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Tue., Apr. 28, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Planet Party is the place to be for all girls who love Planet Earth! We will be learning about sustainable energy, planting a delicious vegetable garden, exploring the creek, making eco crafts, and getting earth-themed face paint!
Put on your hiking shoes, grab your water bottle and let’s hike the trails at Alley Park! We will explore the trees and what lives in them as we travel through the woods. Perhaps we will see the Alley Park eagles’ nest along the way and discover whether they will return yet another season to lay their eggs.
Troop Core Camp Come to camp with your whole troop! Troop Core Camp is a great way for troops to experience the outdoors in a way that’s easy for the troop leaders!
One night 6:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $25 per person
Fri., Jun. 26–Sun., Jun. 28, 2014 6:30 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $25 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Fri., May 15–Sat., May 16, 2015 Sat., May 16–Sun., May 17, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015
Troops need to provide adult supervision for their girls, but at a BASIC Core Camp, we provide the rest—program facilitators, song leaders, activity materials, meals, and a whole lot of fun! Troop Camp Certification is not required for Basic Level Core Camp. Activities at Camp Wakatomika will include crafts, games, outdoor skills, hiking, and more. Participants sleep in platform tents or cabins. Two nights Fri., Aug. 7–Sun., Aug. 9, 2015 6:30 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $40 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
At an ADVANCED Core Camp, troops handle their own meals, but we provide the rest—program facilitators, song leaders, activity materials, and a whole lot of fun! Activities might include slingshotting, nature studies, games, arts and crafts, swimming, and more! (Some activities have age and/or maximum participant restrictions.) Troop Camp Certification is required for Advanced Level Core Camp. Program participants must submit paper registrations for all members of their troop together, to ensure proper bunk and activity placement.
At Camp Molly Lauman, stay for the whole weekend and choose from activities like slingshotting, horseback riding, nature studies, games, creeking, arts and crafts, swimming, and more! (Some activities have age and/or maximum participant restrictions.)
Pond Exploration
Passion for Fashion Runway Show
6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., May 6, 2015
Sat., Jun. 6, 2015 2:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., May 20, 2015
Grab a net and join the fun looking for critters lurking in Lake Loretta. Old closed-toed shoes are a must as we work from the pond edge to capture things that wiggle in the water.
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Get ready to cheer for Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors! You’ll get to watch a fashion show put together by older Girl Scouts and even vote for a “People’s Choice” best outfit. Come be a part of the fun!
Techie Camp 2015!
just for grades 3-5!
Mon., Jun. 8–Fri., Jun. 12, 2015 8:45 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Free* Deadline: TBD, Feb. TBD, 2015
Techie Camp is a FREE* full-day, week-long technology experience for Girl Scouts going into grades 3-5 in fall 2015. The camp is sponsored by our friends at TECH CORPS. Girls will discover their inner creativity while developing their ability to troubleshoot dilemmas as they tackle programming. All materials (including computers) and instruction are provided. Girls will need to bring their own lunches and snacks. Applications will be available in February 2015.
Virtual Book Club: Mighty Girls Tue., Jun. 9, 2015 $8 per person Deadline: Wed., May 20, 2015
Girls of all ages can do amazing things to make a difference in the world! In this Virtual Book Club, you’ll read about real and fictional girls who have done amazing things. You’ll be inspired to do amazing things, too! We’ll have weekly challenges to help you earn a badge or part of a Journey, and you’ll receive a copy of one of the books we’ll read. Book club meets for ten weeks on a private blog.
Pirate Treasure Hunt 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $6 per person Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015 Sat., Jun. 27, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015 Sat., Jul. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Shiver me timbers, there’s treasure to be hunting! We’ll start by making dress-up pieces so you look the part, then set off on a swashbuckling letterboxing adventure, deciphering clues and a treasure map to find the buried treasure! Remember, X marks the spot!
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Splash & Saddle 1 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $15 per person Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 Sat., Jun. 27, 2015 Sat., Jul. 25, 2015
Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015 Deadline; Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Spend a day at Camp Molly Lauman’s two most popular spots, the barn and the pool! Take the reins for a horseback arena lesson, spend time splashing at the pool, and round out the fun with traditional camp activities like crafts, games, and lunch in the camp dining hall. Limited adult spots are available. Non-participating adults are welcome to watch, but need to preregister for lunch.
Splash & Saddle 1—lunch only Noon–1:00 p.m. $5 per person Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.)
Non-participating adults—lunch only option.
Pal & Me Overnight Sat., Jun. 20–Sun., Jun. 21, 2015 6:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $30 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015
Bring your favorite adult pal with you to this overnight camp experience. You can try a variety of camp activities while having a familiar adult nearby. Activities will include crafts, games, a cookout, singing, nature exploration, and more.
Special Olympics Opening Ceremony Fri., Jun. 26, 2015 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. The Ohio State University (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Join other Girl Scouts in leading the teams at the Opening Ceremony for the 2015 Summer Games. Girls will carry the section flags for the athletes and be recognized during the ceremony. Participating Girl Scout Brownies can work towards their Celebrating Community badge.
Hike, Splash, and Laugh
Twilight Hike & Campfire
10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person
7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $5 per person
Sat., Jul. 11, 2015 Sat., Aug. 8, 2015
Fri., Sep. 11, 2015 Sat., Sep. 26, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jun. 24, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
Spend the morning session at camp taking a special hike to search for animal tracks, and hear other interesting facts about the woods of K-J. Bring your own lunch to enjoy, because you will want to be fueled up for the afternoon session of swimming in the K-J pool!
Island Paradise Pool Party Sat., Jul. 18, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 1, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Aug. 26, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 9, 2015
During this program you will go on a wilderness hike all around camp, learning about nature and animals. Then settle in beside a crackling campfire for songs, stories, and s’mores.
Brownie Butterfly Bonanza Sat., Sep. 19, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 2, 2015
This luau pool party will include several beachthemed crafts, games, a festive photo booth, and swimming. Pizza will also be provided. Adult participants must register and pay the fee to attend.
In this festival-type program we will learn about our beautiful, once-caterpillar friends. Learn about the life cycle of butterflies, experience butterfly face painting, make butterfly snacks, and play butterfly games! You will also leave with the type of seeds you need to make a butterfly garden of your own!
Swim & Sketch
Sleepover at Skate Zone 71
Sun., Jul. 26, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Fri., Mar. 20-Sat., Mar. 21, 2015 9:00 p.m.-9:00 a.m. Skate Zone 71 (Franklin Co.) $21 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Let’s sidewalk chalk the pool deck! Bring your artist thinking caps and we will sketch away, before taking a dip to wash off all that dust!
Come have a blast at Skate Zone 71! Cost includes admission, skate rental, unlimited pizza and drinks, one game of laser tag, and a fun patch.
Teddy Bear Picnic Sun., Sep. 6, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Aug. 19, 2015
If you go down in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise! During this program you will get your own teddy bear to stuff, learn about different famous bears, learn something about real bears, and sample different types of honey. Enjoy crafts, games, snacks and more!
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U N IO R S J scout girl grades 4-5 Basic Archery
Basic Canoeing
$6 per person Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 10:00 a.m.–noon
Sat., Apr. 26, 2015 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Indian Village (Franklin Co.) $12 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Thu., Oct. 2, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 Tue., Apr. 14, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015 Tue., May 5, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 Sat., May 9, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. $12 per person Indian Village (Franklin Co.) Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 Deadline: Wed. Oct. 22, 2014 Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 Deadline: Wed. Dec. 31, 2014 8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.–noon 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m. $6 per girl Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) Tue., Jun. 2, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., May 13, 2015
After a quick briefing on safety, learn the feel of the bow in your hand as you are about to release the arrow, the sound of the arrow as it hits the target, and the feeling you get as you strive to hit the bullseye with a perfect shot! If you have more than 10 participants interested in this program please consider signing up for a Troop Pick-a-Program. See page xx.
Basic Canoeing Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., or 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Join the Indian Village staff for a beginner’s course in canoeing. Learn safety and basic paddle strokes, and then head out on the water to use your new skills!
Night Hike & Campfire Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person Fri., Oct. 10, 2014 Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 Sat., Nov. 1, 2014 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014
Fri., Mar. 13, 2015 Fri., Mar. 20, 2015 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
What is Camp Ken-Jockety like after dark? Learn all about our senses at night, what animals lurk about in the darkness, and other fabulous facts about what happens when the sun goes down. After the hike, you will participate in a campfire full of singing, stories, and s’mores.
Drawing with Henne Art Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Henne Art Studio (Richland Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014
Pick up your artists’ tools and let your mind guide you to create your own work of art. Work with a real artist to learn how to utilize different materials, use shading to create depth, create perspective (some objects in a picture look farther away than others), make your masterpiece by using your imagination and show it off!
Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 Sat., May 9, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
Learn the basics of this fun water sport, including safety and paddling skills. Then, get out on the water to improve your technique with games and challenges, and paddle away with confidence! If you have more than 10 participants interested in this program please consider signing up for a Troop Pick-aProgram. See page xx.
Popcorn with a Purpose
Celebrating HERstory
Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $5 per person
Kelton House (Franklin Co.) 9:00 a.m.–noon $10 per person
Frozen Sun., Jan. 18, 2015 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
The Lego Movie Fri., Mar. 27, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 Sat., Feb. 21, 2015 Sat., Apr. 11, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
Despicable Me Fri., Jun. 19, 2015 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015
The Lorax Fri., Jul. 17, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Learn about Victorian-era women with the Junior League of Columbus at the Kelton House. Hear what they believed in, how they lived, and how their leadership empowered women. Meet women from different careers who will share their roles as leaders in the community. Ask lots of questions and use your Casting Log in aMUSE. You will participate in fun hands-on activities and enjoy a light Victorian tea!
Deadline: Wed., Jul. 1, 2015
Brave Fri., Sep. 25, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 9, 2015
During these programs you will get the opportunity to explore some of the main themes of the movie, and the science behind them. Then relax, grab some popcorn and enjoy the film!
Row with OSU Sun., Oct. 12, 2014 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Griggs Boathouse (Franklin Co.) $8 per girl Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014
Join the reigning NCAA National Champion OSU Women’s Rowing Team for a fun filled day of rowing. Participate in mini sessions led by members of the team, and work towards requirements for the Practice with a Purpose badge and activities from GET MOVING! Tour the Griggs Boathouse and see an actual rowing demonstration.
Advanced Archery Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $6 per girl Tue., Oct. 14, 2014 4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Thu., May 21, 2015 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Deadline: Wed., May 6, 2015
Refine your archery skills by playing both individual and team target games like tic-tac-toe, knock out, and survivor. Prerequisite: Basic Archery or equivalent.
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Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Feb. 4, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
Halloween Haunt Fri., Oct. 24, 2014 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
In the original Camp Ken-Jockety Halloween event you will experience the spooky life of Halloween at camp after dark. There will be games, trick or treat stations, face painting, a hot dog dinner, crafts, campfires, a luminary trail, and more! In this large scale festival Girl Scout Juniors will celebrate Halloween in a fun, safe environment!
Stories in the Sky: Fall Edition Fri., Oct. 24–Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 6:00 p.m.–11:00 a.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Join us for this overnight to learn about the legends of familiar constellations that circle overhead each night. You will make your own star finder, view the night sky several times, act out skits, play games, and more. An evening snack and a continental breakfast will be provided. (King Cepheus and his Queen Cassiopeia are looking forward to meeting you.)
Bones and Skulls Tue., Oct. 28, 2014 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
It’s time to take the skeletons from the closets and learn more about them! A fun class identifying bones and going in search of them. The class will be held inside the nature center, as well as out on the trail at Alley Park.
Junior Jumpstart Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person
In these monthly programs, we invite registered girls not currently in a troop to come work on different Girl Scout badges or TOES. A snack will be provided.
Junior Girl Scout Way Tue., Oct. 28, 2014 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Gardener Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Simple Meals Tue., Nov. 18, 2014 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Tue., May 19, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015
Business Owner Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
Weather TOE Tue., Feb. 17, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Pond TOE Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
Cookie CEO Tue., Jan. 20, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Tue., Apr. 21, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Tue., Sep. 22, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 2, 2015
Detective Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015
Wed., Dec. 9, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Nov. 18, 2015
Junior First Aid Tue., Mar. 24, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Beauty Boot Camp
Moonlight Madness
1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) $16 per person
Sat., Nov. 8–Sun., Nov. 9, 2014 7:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
Sat., Nov. 1, 2014 Sat., Sep. 19, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 2, 2015
Join The Beauty Mentor for an exciting journey into the world of TRUE beauty with an expert! You will learn about skin care, how to make your own safe and organic beauty products, create a beauty profile, and learn about all of the tools you’ll need to increase your “glow” factor inside and outside. You will complete steps towards earning the Scribe badge.
Stay up into the wee hours to explore camp at night. Challenge yourself on a series of obstacles and tasks through the woods, cook out a midnight meal, check out the stars, and learn about all of those things that go bump in the night.
T.A.G.—Pirate Quest
Apple of My Eye
2:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person
Sat., Nov. 1, 2014 2:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014
Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 Sat., Nov. 15, 2014 Sat., Apr. 11, 2015 Sat. Apr. 18, 2015
There is nothing like delicious fresh apples in the fall! At this program we will learn about what it takes to grow these delicious fruit treats. You will eat apple snacks, play apple-themed games, and test different types of local apple cider! Each girl will leave with an appleseed of her very own to plant.
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Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 23, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
ARRRRRGH Mateys! Come out to unearth the stolen treasure of Alvida the Blue, the only known pirate to have shipwrecked in Columbus, OH. But beware, there are pirates out trying to steal the gold you are taking to your bank! In this T.A.G. (Team Adventure Game) you will fuel up on pizza before engaging in an all-out, all-camp, pirate battle. Supervising adults must also register and pay the fee. myGSOH
Animal Habitats
Light Festival
Sat., Nov. 15, 2014 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $7 per girl per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
Fri., Dec. 5, 2014 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
What is the definition of “home” for a wild animal? With creativity, experimentation, and a little elbow grease, come to know the challenges animals face in the wild, as you complete requirements for your Animal Habitats badge.
In this exciting new program, we will be learning all there is to know about lights. What are lights made of? What different types of lights are there? What are the Northern Lights and what causes them? You will visit our holiday light station where you and your friends will get to plan out your own dazzling holiday light display!
Night Eyes Hike Sat., Nov. 15, 2014 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
It’s a new twist on an old favorite. Check out this exciting night hike where you will learn about animals and your senses in the dark. Let’s see if we can see any eyes in the night looking back at us!
Cookie Business Blaster Sat., Nov. 22, 2014 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church (Franklin Co.) $8 per girl Deadline: Wed., Nov. 5, 2014
It’s Your Future—Grab it! This program will be the spark to launch you into a great 2015 Cookie Program. We will dive into learning about what it takes to run a successful business. You will hear from local women business owners in the morning, then spend the afternoon learning tips and strategies to help boost your sale. Crafts, games, and group activities will engage you.
A Victorian Christmas 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Snowden-Gray House (Franklin Co.) $16 per girl; free for adults Wed., Dec. 3, 2014 Thu., Dec. 11, 2014
Deadline: Fri., Nov. 21, 2014 Deadline: Mon., Dec. 1, 2014
Did you know many popular Christmas traditions had their origins in the Victorian era? Come experience what the holidays were like for a child in the nineteenth century—enjoy hot chocolate and Victorian desserts, make your own Christmas crafts, play Christmas time games, and admire the holiday decorations that adorn the Victorian-era Snowden-Gray house (home to Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Heritage Museum and International Headquarters) in the historic district of Columbus. Participants receive a patch at the end of the program.
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Frosty Fun—Winter Camp Sat., Dec. 6, 2014–Sun., Dec. 7, 2014 2:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
Camping isn’t just for summer months! Get ready for some frosty fun, because you’ll be exploring camp in a whole new light during a winter full moon. Activities that you can pick from will include games, crafts, learning about winter wildlife, going on a full moon hike, and (we hope) playing in the snow. All campers will sleep in heated accommodations. Dinner and continental breakfast are included.
Full Moon Hike Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
Every 28 days we get to see a new full moon. Come out to Camp Ken-Jockety for a flashlight-free night hike. Experienced guides will tell you all about camp life after dark.
Homeless, Not Hopeless Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
When people are homeless, they might live outside on the streets, in a shelter, or bounce from house to house. Homeless people don’t look any different than you, and often there are families (even children) who don’t have a place to call home. Join us for an afternoon and learn what you can do to help! Cost includes snacks and a patch.
Arts, Crafts, and Cookies, OH MY!
Girl Scout Day with the Ohio State Buckeyes
Sat., Dec. 13, 2014 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 26, 2014
Look on for details in early September!
Get into the holiday spirit as we make several recycled-material crafts! We’ll make handmade gifts, SWAPs, and cards to share with your friends and family. There will be music, hot cocoa, and cookies for decorating!
The game is open to all to Girl Scouts and their families/friends! Come early to enjoy the ultimate fan experience where you tour the practice facility, meet Brutus Buckeye and cheerleaders, in addition to having the opportunity to meet other women athletes in other collegiate sports. Cost includes pre-game activities, game ticket and a “50th Season” patch.
Caching Through the Snow
Cookie Creations
Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $7 per person Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
It may be cold outside, but it is never too cold for geocaching, a high tech treasure hunt. Little containers have been hidden all around camp. Come take a crash course in the technology, before setting out on your own geocaching adventure. Each girl will receive a certificate highlighting her accomplishments and take a trip to K-J’s gourmet s’more bar.
Pre-heat your ovens and grab your cookie boxes, it’s time to get creative with cooking! Create an original Girl Scout Cookie creation based upon the 2015 Cookie Program theme. This is a great opportunity to work on requirements from your Simple Meals badge. Be prepared to bring your creation to the event, ready for judging! Ratings will be based on taste, presentation, table design, and creativity. Cook-off rules and special “tips for winning” will be sent with the confirmation letter.
It’s Your Business—Rock It! 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. BMI Credit Union (Franklin Co.) $10 per girl Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014 Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 Sat., Jan. 31, 2015 Sat., Feb. 14, 2015 Sat., Feb. 28, 2015 Sat., Mar. 14, 2015
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the world’s largest girl-led business! During these five sessions, you will learn the basic skills for running a business including, Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics. You will discover how these skills tie in directly with your cookie program with creative crafts and sales strategies.
High Energy Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
In this explosive program you will learn all about the world of energy. You’ll explore how energy makes our bodies work, what happens when chemical reactions cause the fast release of energy, different types of light energy, and renewable sources of energy. This is a great way to kick off your GET MOVING! Journey.
Free Flowin’ & Glowin’ Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Dance the night away with your friends while you light up the night with crafts and games that light up, glow, or use energy! Best of all, you’ll get to work toward your GET MOVING! Journey. Don’t miss out on this fun and amazing evening!
Valentines to My Planet Sat., Feb. 14, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015
It’s the season of love! There are people in our lives we love, and we have pets we love, and we have a PLANET that we love. This program will focus on different ways to show love to planet Earth. We will make our promises to the earth and end our program by releasing bio-degradable lanterns into the night sky! There will be crafts, games, snacks, and more!
Junior Wildlife C.S.I.
Radical Reptiles
Sat., Feb. 14, 2015 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Indian Village (Franklin Co.) $7 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015
Tue., Feb. 24, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 4, 2015
Become wildlife detectives and help solve a crime. Participants will discover relationships between predators and prey and meet some of Indian Village’s “animal ambassadors.”
Learn more about our cold-blooded, scaly-skinned friends in this awesome class to be held in the nature center at Alley Park. Participants will have a chance to watch and even touch some of our reptiles.
Girls are Great! Mon., Feb. 16, 2015 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Nationwide Children’s Hospital (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015
Spend an action-packed Presidents’ Day at Nationwide Children’s Hospital completing activities towards the GET MOVING! Journey and completing the Staying Fit badge (badge included). A light breakfast and afternoon snacks are provided, but bring a lunch. Note: All participants must complete a Sensitive Issues Permission Form before attending the program.
Stories in the Sky: Winter Edition Fri., Feb. 20, 2015—Sat. Feb. 21, 2015 6:00 p.m.–11:00 a.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 4, 2015
Myth Busters Fri., Feb. 27, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015
Are daddy longlegs really the most poisonous spider in the world? Do vampire bats really exist? Are snakes slimy? Well, come find out in this exciting session of facts and demonstrations!
Virtual Book Club: Dear Diary Wed., Mar. 4, 2015 $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015
Join us for an overnight to view the night sky. Orion has his hunting dog. Is he on the lookout for Leo the lion or Taurus the bull? Do you know why Sun and Moon live in the sky? Answers to these questions, stargazing, skits, crafts, and games are provided. An evening snack and a continental breakfast will be provided.
Dear Diary, I love to read, but have trouble finding other girls to talk to … If this sounds familiar, then join in our Virtual Book Club! We’ll read books in a diary format (think Harriet the Spy or Dork Diaries) and you’ll get to vote for the books that we’ll read. You’ll even receive a copy of one of the books! And, we’ll have weekly challenges to help you earn a badge or part of one of your Journeys. Best of all, you’ll get to virtually meet other girls like you! Book club meets for ten weeks on a private blog.
Cooking with Ed!
Mall Lock-In
Sat., Feb. 21, 2015 9:00 a.m.–noon Ed Pickens Café (Richland Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 4, 2015
Work with local chef Ed Pickens to make great snacks for you, your family, and friends. Learn your way around the kitchen, safety tips, and food sense. Learn that the best part of snacks is sharing them with the people you love. Learn about what food miles are, making and cleaning up messes in the kitchen, and reading a recipe.
Fly, Roll, Float Sat., Feb. 21, 2015 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 4, 2015
Sat., Mar. 14, 2015–Sun., Mar. 15, 2015 10:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m. Richland Mall (Richland Co.) $20 per girl; $6 per adult Deadline: Mon., Feb. 9, 2015
Want to spend the night at the mall shopping, eating, dancing, exploring different activities? Then join us for the 2015 Mall Lock-In! Stores will stay open late and the DJ will keep us dancing as we try different activities and have a blast. Adult supervision is required. All adults must have a current Girl Scout adult membership and an approved application with references and Girl Scout background check on file. Check out in January for more information on some fun Lock-In activities that have limited space and require sign up in advance. No refunds will be given after the registration deadline. Don’t miss out on the fun, sign up now!
Come prepared to make many inventions! You will get to try your hand at creating a car, a boat, and an airplane. Test your invention against the other girls in attendance. Prizes will be awarded! Fa l l 2 0 14
Garden Designers
Planet Party
Sun., Mar. 22, 2015 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Sat., Apr. 25, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Do you dream of gardens? Explore their benefits and learn what they need to grow strong. You’ll explore garden design, design your own dream garden, and complete a short service project. All girls will receive seeds to take home.
Planet Party is the place to be for all girls who love Planet Earth! We will be learning about sustainable energy, planting a delicious vegetable garden, exploring the creek, making eco-crafts, and getting earth-themed face paint!
Simple Meals
C.S.I. Beverly Hills
Sun., Mar. 22, 2015 10:00 a.m.–noon Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Fri., May 1, 2015 7:00 p.m.–noon Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $17 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Earn your Simple Meals badge as you learn what your body needs to grow strong and prepare an easy, yet healthy and delicious meal.
A group of girls are at a sleepover and a favorite piece of jewelry goes missing. How can you solve this awful mystery and help the girls stay friends? While working on your Detective badge, you’ll help solve the case! Being a detective is a stressful job, so we’ll have a pampering spa to help you unwind. Plus, you’ll get to interview women who work in the criminal justice field and you may even get to meet a special furry officer and receive a special patch!
Eggstraordinary Geocaching Sat., Mar. 28, 2015 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $7 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
Ready for the most egg-cellent outdoor adventure? This spring-themed geocaching event will have you searching for hidden eggs all around camp. You’ll use hand-held GPS units to guide your search. After a quick crash course, you will be released for the hunt! Each girl will receive a certificate outlining her accomplishments as well as visit K-J’s gourmet s’more bar!
Let’s Grow Girls! Sat., Apr. 11, 2015 12:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
Do you dream of gardens? Explore their benefits and learn what they need to grow strong. You’ll explore garden design, design your own dream garden, and complete a short service project. All girls will receive seeds to take home.
Flower Child Festival Sun., May 3, 2015 Noon–3:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
K-J is transformed into a burst of color! Come learn some awesome flower crafts, get your face painted, make a psychedelic snack, and learn about what makes flowers extraordinary!
Mad Mud Challenge—Pick a Wave Sat., May 9, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Wave Start Times: 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) $18 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
Do you like the thrill of completing extreme challenges and getting muddy? Join us for the third annual Mad Mud Challenge! Modeled after other popular mud-races, this course will challenge you with some newly added obstacles and a slightly different course! You choose your start times; many waves are available. Registered adults are invited to participate. Awards for costumes will be given and T-shirts will be awarded to those who participate!
Pond Exploration
Virtual Book Club: It’s a Mystery
Tue., May 19, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Alley Park (Fairfield Co.) $6 per girl Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015
Wed., Jun. 10, 2015 $8 per person Deadline: Wed., May 20, 2015
Grab a net and join the fun looking for critters lurking in Lake Loretta. Old closed-toed shoes are a must as we work from the pond edge to capture things that wiggle in the water.
Passion for Fashion Challenge Sat., Jun. 6, 2015 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., May 20, 2015
Can you pull together a complete head-to-toe look on a budget? Working in a team with three of your friends and an adult, you’ll get a set amount of money to spend at the local Goodwill store to buy clothing and accessories for two head-to-toe looks. Then, you’ll come back to the Zanesville Service Center to assemble your looks (we’ll have sewing machines and decorations on hand) for a runway-ready fashion show! Your looks will be judged and winning teams will receive medals!
Techie Camp 2015!
just for grades 3-5! Mon., Jun. 8–Fri., Jun. 12, 2015 8:45 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Free* Deadline: TBD, Feb. TBD, 2015 Techie Camp is a FREE* full-day, week-long technology experience for Girl Scouts going into grades 3-5 in fall 2015. The camp is sponsored by our friends at TECH CORPS. Girls will discover their inner creativity while developing their ability to troubleshoot dilemmas as they tackle programming. All materials (including computers) and instruction are provided. Girls will need to bring their own lunches and snacks. Applications will be available in February 2015.
If you love a good mystery, you’ll love this Virtual Book Club! You’ll get to vote for every book club selection and we’ll talk about the stories—were you able to solve the mystery before the heroine? Plus, every week you’ll get a special challenge that will help you complete a badge step or introduce you to a Journey. We’ll even provide you with your very own copy of one of the book club selections! Book club will be hosted on a private blog.
Adventure Day 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $15 per person Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 Sat., Jun. 27, 2015 Sat., Jul. 25, 2015
Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Are you up for the ultimate camp adventure? Challenge yourself on the low ropes course, compete in canoe games on the lake, test your aim at the target sports range, and try out the slackline (a mix between a tightrope and a trampoline). The day’s activities will not only quench your thirst for fun, but also test your group’s communication, team work, and strength. Lunch is provided in the camp dining hall. Non-participating adults are welcome to watch, but need to preregister for lunch.
Adventure Day—lunch only $5 per person
Non-participating adults—lunch only option.
Splash & Saddle 2 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $15 per person Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 Sat., Jun. 27, 2015 Sat., Jul. 25, 2015
Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Spend a day at Camp Molly Lauman’s two most popular spots, the barn and the pool! Take the reins for a horseback trail ride, spend time splashing at the pool, and round out the fun with traditional camp activities like crafts, games, and lunch in the camp dining hall. Limited adult spots are available. Non-participating adults are welcome to watch, but need to preregister for lunch.
Splash & Saddle 2—lunch only $5 per person
Non-participating adults—lunch only option.
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Special Olympics Food Service
Troop Core Camp
TBD Jun. 26-27, 2015 5:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m.; or 4:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. TBD Jun. 26-27, 2015 6:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m.; or 3:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. The Ohio State University (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Come to camp with your whole troop! Troop Core Camp is a great way for troops to experience the outdoors in a way that’s easy for the troop leaders!
Assist with providing food service to the athletes at the 2015 Summer Games. You will have the opportunity to interact with the athletes, coaches, and families as you serve meals in the dining hall.
Special Olympics Opening Ceremony Fri., Jun. 26, 2015 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. The Ohio State University (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Join Girl Scouts in leading the teams at the Opening Ceremony for the 2015 Summer Games. Girls will carry the section flags for the athletes and be recognized during the ceremony.
Special Olympics Tent Town Fri., Jun. 26, 2015 7:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m. The Ohio State University (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Support the 2015 Summer Games by hosting the Girl Scout activity booth. Girls and adults will coordinate activities for the athletes and other participants at our booth in Tent Town. Activities and materials will be provided.
Shoot & Splash 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Sat., Jul. 11, 2015 Sat., Aug. 8, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jun. 24, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
In the morning of this two-part program, you will learn the ins and outs of archery. Don’t forget to bring a lunch, because you will want to be all fueled up for the afternoon portion of the program which includes splashing around the K-J pool!
Island Paradise Pool Party Sat., Jul. 18, 2015 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 1, 2015
TCC—Basic One night 6:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $25 per person Fri., May 15–Sat., May 16, 2015 Sat., May 16–Sun., May 17, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015
Troops need to provide adult supervision for their girls, but at a BASIC Core Camp, we provide the rest—program facilitators, song leaders, activity materials, meals, and a whole lot of fun! Troop Camp Certification is not required for Basic Level Core Camp. Activities at Camp Wakatomika will include crafts, games, outdoor skills, hiking, and more. Participants sleep in platform tents or cabins. Two nights Fri., Aug. 7–Sun., Aug. 9, 2015 6:30 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $40 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
At Camp Molly Lauman, choose from activities like slingshotting, horseback riding, nature studies, games, creeking, arts and crafts, swimming, and more! (Some activities have age and/or maximum participant restrictions.)
TCC—Advanced Fri., Jun. 26–Sun., Jun. 28, 2015 6:30 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $25 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
At an ADVANCED Core Camp, troops handle their own meals, but we provide the rest—program facilitators, song leaders, activity materials, and a whole lot of fun! Activities might include slingshotting, nature studies, games, arts and crafts, swimming, and more! (Some activities have age and/or maximum participant restrictions.) Troop Camp Certification is required for Advanced Level Core Camp. Program participants must submit paper registrations for all members of their troop together, to ensure proper bunk and activity placement.
This luau pool party will include several beachthemed crafts, games, a festive photo booth, and swimming. Pizza will also be provided. Adult participants must register and pay the fee to attend.
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Stories in the Sky: Summer Edition Fri., Aug. 14, 2015–Sat. Aug. 15, 2015 6:00 p.m.–11:00 a.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
Spend the night under the stars with us as we watch the sky on this special night! What is the Perseid meteor shower? Find out as we stay at the tent unit, do some night hiking, learn to use an astrolabe, and find out how Coyote decorated the sky. An evening snack and a continental breakfast will be provided. **Please note: You must have attended either the fall or winter Stories in the Sky program to be eligible for this overnight.
Lava Luau Sat., Aug. 15, 2015 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 29, 2015
In this exciting program you will be whisked away with the Hawaiian island spirit! You’ll learn about volcanoes and maybe even make an eruption or two! This event will include pizza and swimming.
Twilight Hike & Campfire 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $4 per person Fri., Sep. 11, 2015 Sat., Sep. 26, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Aug. 26, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 9, 2015
Go on a wilderness hike all around camp, learning about nature and animals. Then settle in beside a crackling campfire for songs, stories, and s’mores.
Rock and Roll Jubilee Fri., Sep. 18, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 2, 2015
Go Wild! Take a ride on a motorcoach bus and spend the day exploring The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden! This one-day bus trip is a great chance to try traveling with GSOH while working toward your Animal Habitats badge. Look for further details in the winter issue of myGSOH!
Alpha Adventures TBD 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Capital University (Franklin Co.) $4 per girl per person Deadline: TBD
Alpha Phi Omega will host a day of fun-filled team-building games on the campus of Capital University.
Life on the Underground Railroad 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Kelton House (Franklin Co.) $10 per person Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 Sat., Mar. 14, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jan. 1, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015
Experience life on the Underground Railroad as you tour the Kelton House, learn about the leadership roles of African Americans in the community, participate in hands-on activities, and discover the courage of an actual runaway slave who lived in the house during the mid-19th century. Note: All participants must complete a Sensitive Issues Permission Form before attending this program.
Sleepover at Skate Zone 71 Fri., Mar. 20-Sat., Mar. 21, 2015 9:00 p.m.-9:00 a.m. Skate Zone 71 (Franklin Co.) $21 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Come have a blast at Skate Zone 71! Cost includes admission, skate rental, unlimited pizza and drinks, one game of laser tag, and a fun patch.
In this exciting new program you will discover the science behind rocks, and how we experience sound! You will also learn about some of the most famous female rock and roll singers of all time! There will be games, music, crafts, and more!
Don’t Leaf Me, I’m Buggin’ Out Sun., Sep. 27, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 9, 2015
During this program you will discover some exciting things about fall! You’ll investigate what makes leaves change color, and also learn about some of your favorite creepy crawlies!
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ADETTES C scout girl grades 6-8 Destined to Travel: destinations Workshop Sun., Sep. 21, 2014 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Sep. 3, 2014
Do you dream of visiting new places and seeing new things? Would you love to travel the world but don’t know where to start? Join this destinations workshop and learn about the 2015 destinations, how to apply, and how to make your application stand out. Satisfy your travel bug with destinations!
Basic Archery 4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 Sat., May 9, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
After a quick briefing on safety, learn the feel of the bow in your hand as you are about to release the arrow, the sound of the arrow as it hits the target, and the feeling you get as you strive to hit the bullseye with a perfect shot! If you have more than 10 participants interested in this program please consider signing up for a Troop Pick-a-Program. See page xx.
Basic Canoeing 4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 Sat., May 9, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
Learn the basics of this fun water sport, including safety and paddling skills. Then, get out on the water to improve your technique with games and challenges, and paddle away with confidence! If you have more than 10 participants interested in this program please consider signing up for a Troop Pick-aProgram. See page xx.
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Program Aide Training 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. $5 per person Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 Sat., Apr. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015 Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) Sat., Nov. 1, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014 Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015 Chillicothe Service Center (Ross Co.) Sat., Mar. 21, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Do you have what it takes to help guide younger girls through all the fun and excitement that Girl Scouting has to offer? As a Program Aide, you’ll be able to assist with troop meetings, service unit events, and council programs. At this training, you’ll define your own leadership style, learn about age level characteristics of younger girls, and practice teaching. You’ll leave prepared to deliver fun and engaging programs to younger girls. Complete six direct service sessions with younger girls to complete the requirements of earning your Program Aide Award. Prerequisite: Before attending a Program Aide training, you must first earn a Cadette Leader in Action Award. This training is also available as a kit for troops or service units to do on their own.
Teen Camporee: Mystical Mythology Fri., Oct. 10, 2014–Sun., Oct. 12, 2014 7:00 p.m.–11:00 a.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $25 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014
Fans of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase will enjoy this fun-filled weekend. Choose from activities including crafts, games, archery, Olympic challenges, and more. Test your knowledge of mythology representing the cabins of Apollo, Athena, and others in a team adventure game (T.A.G.). On Sunday, spend some service time preparing the camp for winter. Come on your own or with a troop or group. Can’t join us on Friday night? Come on Saturday morning instead (no cost discount). Cost includes lodging in platform tents or cabins, program materials, lunch, and snacks. Troops or girls must provide their own breakfast and dinner.
T.A.G.—Zombie Raid 5:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $20 per person
Sign up for Don't Die Out There to extend your zombie survival scenario on Saturday!
Fri., Oct. 10, 2014–Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Sat., Oct. 11, 2014–Sun., Oct. 12, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014
The zombie pandemic has spread across the globe! Researchers are close to developing a cure, but will they succeed in time, or fall victim themselves? You’ll start this Team Adventure Game (T.A.G.) by drawing to see if you have contracted the virus or if you are healthy enough to join the last team of researchers. Your mission: avoid the zombies, find the research stations, salvage the research, and cure the disease! Keep your wits, and your brains, and you just might succeed in this wide game. Dinner and breakfast are included.
Don’t Die Out There Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014
For an awesome weekend adventure, sign up for T.A.G.—Zombie Raid, too!
Imagine civilization as you know it collapsing—would you know how to survive? Come learn tips and tricks to increase your chances of survival in extreme situations, whether caused by a zombie outbreak or a devastating earthquake! Activity choices include foraging for food, siphoning water, setting snares, and preparing game. Plus, you’ll have a chance to test your defenses at our zombie archery range! Sandwiches and chips will be provided for lunch. Due to the nature of some of the activities, a Sensitive Issues Permission Form (sent with event confirmation) will be required for all participants.
Cadette Costume Party Fri., Oct. 17, 2014 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014
Calling all Cadettes! This after dark Cadette Masquerade will feature a pumpkin decorating contest, a costume contest, a pitch black night hike, spooky snacks and more. Bring all your friends, or come on your own!
Halloween Decorating Party 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Free Tue., Oct. 14, 2014 Thu., Oct. 16, 2014 Tue., Oct. 21, 2014 Thu., Oct. 23, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Beware of ghouls and ghosts as you help prepare activity stations and decorate camp for a spook-tacular Halloween season! This a great activity for those needing service hours, or those who just love to help out! Needs lots of service hours? Feel free to sign up for multiple session of decorating! Fa l l 2 0 14
The Great Pumpkin Walk Program Aides Sat., Oct. 18, 2014 3:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) $3 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014
Teen girls, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make the Great Pumpkin Walk a success! Come early to learn the activities and help set up. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training Program Aides may use this program as one of the six program sessions required to earn the PA pin.
Halloween Haunt Program Aides Fri.., October 24, 2014 5:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) No Cost Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
For Cadettes and Ambassadors:, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make Halloween Haunt a success. Volunteering will including final set-up for the event, and then helping girls through interactive stations! After the work is all done and cleaned up, we will hae a pizza party to celebrate our accomplishments. Feel free to volunteer for multiple Halloween Programs!
Brownie Boo Bash Program Aides Sat., October 25, 2014 2:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) No Cost Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
For Cadettes and Ambassadors:, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make Brownie Boo Bash a success. Volunteering will including final set-up for the event, and then helping girls through interactive stations! After the work is all done and cleaned up, we will hae a pizza party to celebrate our accomplishments. Feel free to volunteer for multiple Halloween Programs!
Daisy Monster Mash Bash Program Aides Sun., October 26, 2014 2:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) No Cost Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
For Cadettes and Ambassadors:, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make Brownie Boo Bash a success. Volunteering will including final set-up for the event, and then helping girls through interactive stations! After the work is all done and cleaned up, we will hae a pizza party to celebrate our accomplishments. Feel free to volunteer for multiple Halloween Programs!
See opposite page for how to become a Program Aide. 31
Climbing Wall & Ravine Zipline
T.A.G.—Spy Games
10:00 a.m.–noon Camp Mary Orton (Franklin Co.) $20 per person
6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person
Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014 Sat., May 2, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 Sat., Nov. 15, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
Challenge yourself physically and mentally on the 40-foot climbing wall and the ravine crossing, a zipline in the woods over a natural ravine. Trained facilitators will provide instruction and ensure the safety of participants. Combine this activity with the High Ropes program offered on the same day. Adults are welcome.
Join us at Camp Ken-Jockety for the ultimate after dark flashlight tag experience. First, fuel up on pizza, and then you will be briefed on the rules of engagement. Be part of a team of agents who are trying to get their intel to their headquarters, but beware—there are spies about who want to steal the very information you are trying to hide. This is the mission of Spy Games, are you ready to accept? Supervising adults must also register and pay the fee.
High Ropes
Brownie Fairy Tale Ball Program Aides
12:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Camp Mary Orton (Franklin Co.) $35 per person Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014 Sat., May 2, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
5:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Fri., Nov. 14, 2014 Sat., Nov. 15, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
This high ropes adventure is an energizing activity that will take you across a series of obstacles 2050 feet off the ground with a “zip” to the finish. Trained facilitators will provide instruction and ensure the safety of participants. Combine this activity with the Climbing Wall & Ravine Crossing program offered on the same day. Adults are welcome.
Do you have a fancy party dress or other formal dress that you’d love to wear again? Volunteer at the Fairy Tale Ball, become a princess, and show off that special dress one more time! You’ll have fun helping Girl Scout Brownies solve the mystery of the missing princess, and you’ll get to dance the night away, too! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours! Pizza and a special tiara will be provided.
ZipZone Adventure
Comic Artistry with Henne Art
11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. ZipZone Canopy Tours (Franklin Co.) $62 per person Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014 Sat., May 2, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Soar through the trees in an old growth forest on a series of ziplines connected by sky bridges. This high-flying tour lasts a little over two hours and is led by experienced guides. Adults are welcome.
Mad Science Academy Wed., Nov. 5; Wed., Nov. 12; Wed., Nov. 19; and Fri., Nov. 21, 2014 (5:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.) 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 15, 2014
Ever thought about becoming a Mad Scientist? This isn’t your average chemistry class! In this series we will doing fewer worksheets, and making more explosions! Come learn all about these sensational experiments, and then get ready to lead younger girls through a day of experiments that will leave them saying “WOW!” 3 2
Sat., Nov. 15, 2014 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Henne Art Studio (Richland Co.) $12 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
Delve into the world of comics by choosing a story to tell, draw it out with a local comic artist, frame it, and choose the script. Learn about the history of comics, explore what is needed in your “tool kit,” learn about “one panel punch lines,” explore careers of comic artists, and share inspirational messages in your comic strip.
It’s a Girl Business Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Church of the Redeemer United Methodist (Franklin Co.) $8 per girl Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
Have you ever wanted to start your own business? Do you have a passion to be amazing throughout your Cookie Program? As part of this program you will engage with women business owners and gain tip and strategies to help boost your 2015 Cookie Program! This program will help you to complete parts of Cookie Business badges.
Frosty Fun—Winter Camp Program Aides
Beauty Boot Camp
Sat., Dec. 6, 2014–Sun., Dec. 7, 2014 10:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) $16 per person
If you love being outside in the winter, then we’d love your help at our Winter Camp. Come early to learn about the activities that we’ll be offering and enjoy some teen-only winter fun. Everyone will sleep in heated accommodations. Bring a bag lunch. Price includes dinner and breakfast at camp. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training. Program Aides may use this program as one of the six program sessions required to earn the PA pin. (Note: see page 30 for how to become a Program Aide.)
Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 Sat., Apr. 18, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Join The Beauty Mentor for an exciting journey into the world of TRUE beauty with an expert! You will learn about skin care and make-up application, how to make your own safe and organic make-up products, create a beauty profile and learn about all of the tools you’ll need to increase your “glow” factor inside and outside. You’ll complete some of the steps towards earning the Eating for Beauty badge.
Homeless, Not Hopeless
Caching Through the Snow
Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $7 per person Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
When people are homeless, they might live outside on the streets, in a shelter, or bounce from house to house. Homeless people don’t look any different than you, and often there are families (even children) who don’t have a place to call home. Join us for an afternoon and learn what you can do to help! Cost includes snacks and a patch.
It may be cold outside, but it is never too cold for geocaching, a high tech treasure hunt. Little containers have been hidden all around camp. Come take a crash course in the technology, before setting out on your own geocaching adventure. Each girl will receive a certificate highlighting her accomplishments and take a trip to K-J’s gourmet s’more bar.
Chillicothe Cookie Rally Program Aides Sat., Jan. 3, 2015 8:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Daymar University (Ross Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Dec. 17, 2014
Volunteer at the Columbus Cookie Rally, you could assist at one of our cookie rally stations, help check people in at registrations or help serve samples of our brand new cookie to all our attendees. Every volunteer will receive lunch and a 2015 Cookie Rally patch! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours. Adults welcome.
Columbus Cookie Rally Program Aides Sat., Jan. 10, 2015 9:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.; or 1:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Columbus Zoo & Aquarium (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Dec. 17, 2014
Volunteer at the Columbus Cookie Rally, you could assist at one of our cookie rally stations, help check people in at registrations or help serve samples of our brand new cookie to all our attendees. Every volunteer will receive lunch and a 2015 Cookie Rally patch! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours. Adults welcome.
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Kick Back Camp-In Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $17m per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
Between school, clubs, sports, band, and everything else, life can get stressful. Take a break and enjoy some “me” time, relaxing with friends new and old. Join us for a laid-back, refreshing overnight! There’s no schedule, just time to enjoy games, crafts, and other relaxing activities. You’ll complete a few steps toward the Financing My Future or On My Own badge with some surprising “life”-sized board game fun! A list of badge steps completed at this event will be emailed with program confirmation. Dinner, breakfast, and snacks are included.
Kick Back Camp-In Volunteers Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
Are you an adult planning to attend the Kick Back Camp-In with your Girl Scout? Why not volunteer your time during the event and enjoy attending for free? Adult volunteers are needed for food service and running activity stations. Have a great activity you’d like to offer to the girls? Contact Lindsay Collett at lcollett@gsoh. org with your craft and activity ideas! 33
Short Circuit
Virtual Book Club: It’s a Mystery
Fri., Jan. 30, 2015 6:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 14, 2015
Thu., Mar. 5, 2015 $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 18, 2015
In this electrifying program we will learn the ins and outs of basic circuitry. We will start by learning about snap circuits and then move on to learn about other conductors of electricity and how they create simple electric machines!
Girl Scout Day with the Ohio State Buckeyes
If you love a good mystery, you’ll love this Virtual Book Club! You’ll get to vote for every book club selection and we’ll talk about the stories—were you able to solve the mystery before the heroine? Plus, every week you’ll get a special challenge that will help you complete a badge step or introduce you to a Journey. We’ll even provide you with your very own copy of one of the book club selections! Book club will be hosted on a private blog.
Look on for details in early September!
Pooh Party Overnight Program Aides
The game is open to all to Girl Scouts and their families/friends! Come early to enjoy the ultimate fan experience where you tour the practice facility, meet Brutus Buckeye and cheerleaders, in addition to having the opportunity to meet other women athletes in other collegiate sports. Cost includes pre-game activities, game ticket and a “50th Season” patch.
Fri., Mar. 13–Sat., Mar. 14, 2015 6:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015
Cookie Creations Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Pre-heat your ovens and grab your cookie boxes, it’s time to get creative with cooking! Create an original Girl Scout Cookie creation based upon the 2015 Cookie Program theme. This is a great opportunity to work on requirements from your New Cuisines badge. Be prepared to bring your creation to the event, ready for judging! Ratings will be based on taste, presentation, table design, and creativity. Cook-off rules and special “tips for winning” will be sent with the confirmation letter.
Invention Convention Sat., Feb. 21, 2015 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 4, 2015
Get your thinking caps on! In this exciting program, we’ll give you several different invention stations. You will complete three different inventions with a group of like-minded young scientists. At the end of the day, all of the inventions will be put to the test, to see how they stack up against each other. Participating girls should be ready to meet girls from other troops, as groups will not be formed based on existing troops!
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Do you recall the magical world of Winnie the Pooh? Come dressed as a Pooh character to help Girl Scout Brownies have a fabulous Pooh party experience. Help with games, blustery day activities, and pooh party treats.
Mall Lock-In Sat., Mar. 14, 2015–Sun., Mar. 15, 2015 10:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m. Richland Mall (Richland Co.) $20 per girl, $6 per adult Deadline: Mon., Feb. 9, 2015
Want to spend the night at the mall shopping, eating, dancing, and exploring different activities? Then join us for the 2015 Mall Lock-In! Stores will stay open late and the DJ will keep us dancing as we try different activities and have a blast. Adult supervision is required. All adults must have a current Girl Scout adult membership and an approved application with references and Girl Scout background check on file. Check out in January for more information on some fun Lock-In activities that have limited space and require sign up in advance. No refunds will be given after the registration deadline. Don’t miss out on the fun, sign up now!
Cooking with Ed! Sat., Mar. 21, 2015 9:00 a.m.–noon Ed Pickens Café (Richland Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015
Discover endless possiblilites as you learn about different dishes from around the world. You will learn about the history and culture of dishes from across time and distance with your taste buds and mind. Challenge your family’s and friends’ taste buds by making new cuisines from across the globe!
Eggstraordinary Geocaching
T.A.G.—Spy Games
Sat., Mar. 28, 2015 1:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $7 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person
Ready for the most egg-cellent outdoor adventure? This spring-themed geocaching event will have you searching for hidden eggs all around camp. You’ll use hand-held GPS units to guide your search. After a quick crash course, you will be released for the hunt! Each girl will receive a certificate outlining her accomplishments and visit K-J’s gourmet s’more bar!
Hike & Seek Program Aides
Fri., Apr. 10, 2015 Fri., Apr. 17, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Join us at Camp Ken-Jockety for the ultimate after dark flashlight tag experience. First, fuel up on pizza, and then you will be briefed on the rules of engagement. Be part of a team of agents who are trying to get their intel to their headquarters, but beware—there are spies about who want to steal the very information you are trying to hide. This is the mission of Spy Games, are you ready to accept? Supervising adults must also register and pay the fee.
$3 per person
Extreme Games Challenge
Sat., Mar. 28, 2015 10:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015 Sun., Apr. 19, 2015 Noon–4:30 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Can you compete both physically and mentally while still being a good sport? Take on a variety of games from obstacles to human tic-tac-toe to field archery, and wall climbing. See if you can outrun, outthink, and outmaneuver your competitors.
Sat., May 2, 2015 10:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Part hike, part scavenger hunt, all fun! We need teen helpers to make this event a success! You might help at the snack station, assist with activities, or help folks along the trails. Bring a bag lunch. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training. Program Aides may use this program as one of the six program sessions required to earn the PA pin. (note: see page 30 for how to become a Program Aide.)
Daisy Fairy Tale Ball Program Aides 5:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free per person Fri., Apr. 10, 2015 Sat., Apr. 11, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
Do you have a fancy party dress or other formal dress that you’d love to wear again? Volunteer at the Fairy Tale Ball, become a princess, and show off that special dress one more time! You’ll have fun helping Girl Scout Daisies discover the Girl Scout Law, and. you’ll get to dance the night away, too! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours! Pizza and a special tiara will be provided.
Sat., Apr. 18, 2015 1:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Advanced Archery Fri., Apr. 24, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Help us celebrate National Arbor Day at K-J and earn parts of your Tree badge. You’ll have fun designing your own tree house, tasting tree foods, learning tree science, exploring tree-related careers, and thinking about tree-related service projects.
Trees, Please! Fri., Apr. 24, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. The Dawes Arboretum (Licking Co.) $8 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
There’s no better place to complete requirements for your Trees badge than an arboretum on Arbor Day! Take a guided tour of the grounds, explore the connection between people and trees, learn about tree science and care, and help with a treerelated service project.
Arbor Day at K-J Fri., Apr. 24, 2015 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Help us celebrate National Arbor Day at K-J and earn parts of your Tree badge. Fa l l 2 0 14
Planet Party Program Aides
All Natural, All You!
Sat., Apr. 25, 2015 12:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $? per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Sat., May 16, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015
Join us to help Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors learn all about sustainability and loving our planet during Planet Party. You may be leading crafts, doing face painting, teaching about conservation, leading hikes, or more! This program is great for girls looking for service hours, or girls who just love to help.
Discover tips for keeping your mind and body in balance! In this fun, hands-on workshop you will learn about eating for beauty, make a candle to take home, as well as experiment with making all-natural body products, and participate in a relaxing session of yoga. Adults who wish to participate must register.
Summer Camp Open House Program Aides
Survival University
Sun., May 3, 2015 11:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Wed., Apr. 22; Wed., Apr. 29; Wed., May 6, Wed., May 13; and Wed., May 20, 2015 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., May 6, 2015
Do you love summer camp and want everyone to know it? Come share your excitement for camp with future campers. Lead crafts, games, lassoing, or other awesome camp activities. Bring a bag lunch. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training. Program Aides may use this program as one of the six program sessions required to earn the PA pin. (note: see page 30 for how to become a Program Aide.)
Mad Mud Challenge—Pick a Wave Sat., May 9, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Wave Start Times: 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) $18 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
Do you like the thrill of completing extreme challenges and getting muddy? Join us for the third annual Mad Mud Challenge! Modeled after other popular mud-races, this course will challenge you with some newly added obstacles and a slightly different course! You choose your start times; many waves are available. Registered adults are invited to participate. Awards for costumes will be given and T-shirts will be awarded to those who participate!
Welcome students! In this five-part series, you’ll learn the basics of outdoor survival with Primitive Firebuilding 100, Edible Wild Foods 112, and Shelter Building 115. Then, sharpen your skills with Archery 101 and Geocaching 113. Your course will culminate with an outdoor challenge that will test your knowledge. Do you think you can earn an “A,” or will you be stranded in the wilderness? Course meets until 8:30 p.m. on the last day.
Passion for Fashion Challenge Sat., Jun. 6, 2015 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., May 20, 2015
Can you pull together a complete head-to-toe look on a budget? Working in a team with three of your friends and an adult, you’ll get a set amount of money to spend at the local Goodwill store to buy clothing and accessories for two head-to-toe looks. Then, you’ll come back to the Zanesville Service Center to assemble your looks (we’ll have sewing machines and decorations on hand) for a runway-ready fashion show! Your looks will be judged and winning teams will receive medals!
Troop Core Camp Program Aide 5:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Free Fri., May 15–Sat., May 16, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015 Sat., May 16–Sun., May 17, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015
Share your love of camp with younger Girl Scouts. Help lead activities such as crafts, hiking, outdoor skills, and nature exploration.
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Virtual Book Club: The Summer I Saved the World
Conch Control—Survival Overnight
Thu., Jun. 11, 2015 $15 per person Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015
Sat., Jun. 20, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $30 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015
Mourning the loss of her beloved grandmother and grappling with the changes her family has undergone in the last year, 13-year-old Nina Ross is feeling adrift. Nina decides to find out if committing small, anonymous acts of kindness will make a difference in the lives of the people around her, setting off on a crusade to do one good thing for each of the 65 days of summer between eighth grade and the beginning of high school. Join in this private, online book club and read along with the group to see what happens! You’ll receive your own copy of The Summer I Saved the World in 65 Days by Michele Weber Hurwitz along with your own personal journal to document the small things you do to create happiness in the world!
Adventure Day 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $15 per person Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015 Sat., Jul. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Are you up for the ultimate camp adventure? Challenge yourself on the low ropes course, compete in canoe games on the lake, test your aim at the target sports range, and try out the slackline (a mix between a tightrope and a trampoline). The day’s activities will not only quench your thirst for fun, but also test your group’s communication, team work, and strength. Lunch is provided in the camp dining hall. Non-participating adults are welcome to watch, but need to preregister for lunch.
Noon–1:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $5t per person Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 8, 2015
Non-participating adults—lunch only option.
Pal & Me Overnight Program Aides 5:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Free Fri., Jun. 19–Sat., Jun. 20, 2015 Sat., Jun. 20–Sun., Jun. 21, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015
Share your love of camp with younger Girl Scouts and their adult pal. Help lead activities such as crafts, hiking, outdoor skills, and nature exploration.
Fa l l 2 0 14
Saddle & Paddle Sat., Jun. 27, 2015 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Hit the highlights of camp in just one day! You’ll spend time at the barn learning the basics of horse care and safety before taking the reins for a trail ride. Then, spend time sunning and splashing at the pool, and paddle out on the lake, where you’ll play water games like pirate dodge ball and canoe tag. Lunch is provided. Limited adult spots are available. Non-participating adults are welcome to watch, but need to preregister for lunch.
Saddle & Paddle—lunch Only Sat., Jun. 27, 2015 Noon–1:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $5 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Non-participating adults—lunch only option.
Adventure Day—lunch only
Sat., Jun. 13, 2015 Sat., Jul. 25, 2015
Come out with your troop, come with a buddy, but come expecting to meet lots of new girls. This survival overnight is for serious adventurers only. Get the skinny on surviving in the wild, and leave-no-trace ethics. Then hit the camp store, choose your supplies for the night, and make camp with your group for the ultimate survival campout. For maximum independence of the campers, this is a girl-only program.
Special Olympics Lunch Packing Fri., Jun. 26, 2015 8:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. The Ohio State University (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Support the 2015 Summer Games by preparing sack lunches for the athletes. This opportunity is almost exclusively run by Girl Scout volunteers, so let’s have a great turn out this year!
Special Olympics Tent Town Sat., Jun. 27, 2015 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.; or Noon–4:00 p.m. The Ohio State University (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jun. 10, 2015
Support the 2015 Summer Games by hosting the Girl Scout activity booth. Girls and adults will coordinate activities for the athletes and other participants at our booth in Tent Town. Activities and materials will be provided. 37
Fish & Dips
Troop Core Camp—Basic
10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person
Fri., Aug. 7, 2015–Sun., Aug. 9, 2015 6:30 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $40 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
Sat., Jul. 11, 2015 Sat., Aug. 8, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jun. 24, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
The morning will feature a trip to Becky’s Pond to see what lies beneath the surface! Bring your sack lunch, because afterwards we’ll be taking some time to cool off in the Camp Ken-Jockety pool!
T.A.G.—Superhero Heist Sat. Jul. 11, 2015–Sun. Jul. 12, 2015 5:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) $20 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 24, 2015
ImagineCON Overnight Sat., Aug. 1, 2015—Sun., Aug. 2, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $17 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 15, 2015
In this Team Adventure Game (T.A.G.) you will be teleported to a city filled with heroes and villains! Bring your friends and join us for a pregame tour of camp, then fuel up on pizza before playing the ultimate superhero after-dark game of tag. Will good triumph over evil, or will the villains take over the world? Dinner and a continental breakfast are included in the price.
Are you a Whovian? Maybe a Browncoat or a Trekker? Still waiting on your acceptance letter from Hogwarts or Camp Half-Blood? Or, perhaps you just love anime and manga? No matter which fandom you love, we’ll celebrate it at this overnight extravaganza! Come dressed in your favorite fandom costume and we’ll stay up late watching anime, have a book/manga swap, share our artwork and fanfiction, play table-top games, and just have fun meeting other geeky girls! Dinner and breakfast are included.
ImagineCON Overnight Volunteers Sat., Aug. 1, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jul. 15, 2015
Are you an adult planning to attend the imagineCON Overnight with your Girl Scout? Why not volunteer your time during the event and enjoy attending for free? Adult volunteers are needed for food service and running activity stations. Have a great activity you’d like to offer to the girls? Contact Lindsay Collett at lcollett@ with your craft and activity ideas!
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Come to camp with your whole troop! Troop Core Camp is a great way for troops to experience the outdoors in a way that’s easy for the troop leaders! Troops need to provide adult supervision for their girls, but at a BASIC Core Camp, we provide the rest—program facilitators, song leaders, activity materials, made from scratch meals, and a whole lot of fun! Activities that you can pick from might include archery, horseback riding, nature studies, games, creeking, arts and crafts, swimming, and more! (Some activities have age and/or maximum participant restrictions.) Troop Camp Certification is not required for Basic Level Core Camp.
Camp & Canvas Fri., Aug. 21, 2015 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Aug. 5, 2015
Head out to Camp Ken-Jockety for an evening of painting and taking in nature. All supplies will be provided as we follow an artist, who will show us how to recreate a scenic camp painting.
Teen Camporee 2015: Childhood Memories Fri., Oct. 9–Sun., Oct. 11, 2015 7:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $25 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 23, 2015
Pull out your scrapbooks to look back at those things you enjoyed as a child, then join with others to explore the games, shows, movies, and crafts that were popular during your early years. Choose activities from a variety of crafts, games, archery, geocaching, childhood challenges, and more. Join with others to represent and defend your favorite television characters in a team adventure game (T.A.G.). Before departing on Sunday, you will spend some service time preparing the camp for winter. Attend as an individual or with a troop or group. Can’t join us on Friday night? Begin your weekend on Saturday morning instead (there is no discounted cost). Cost includes lodging in platform tents or cabins, program materials, two breakfasts, and snacks. Troops or girls must provide their own lunch and dinner.
Taste of Columbus
Dominican Republic Immersion
Board a motorcoach bus and travel around Columbus trying all kinds of new cuisines. In fact, you’ll even work toward your New Cuisines badge! Watch for details in the winter issue of myGSOH. Already live in Franklin County? No need to fret, we’ll include a stop inside Columbus so that you’ll get to ride the bus, too.
If you’ll be 15 or older in the summer of 2016, you won’t want to miss this amazing travel experience! With the help of local organizations, you’ll have the opportunity to impact issues ranging from gender equality to generational poverty to ecotourism. With a chocolate factory tour, a hike, and a rafting adventure, this is an unforgettable way to explore island life while making a meaningful difference in the community! Watch for details in the winter issue of myGSOH.
Girl Scout destinations What are destinations? They are nationally sponsored trips exclusively designed for Girl Scouts ages 12-18, who apply individually for the trip. If you dream of visiting somewhere, or trying something, there’s a destination designed to make your dream a reality! The 2015 destinations will be posted in September. Visit to check them out.
Big Apple Bound Spend a few days of your 2015 holiday break in New York City! Ride a motorcoach bus to NYC and enjoy seeing the sights in the Big Apple. Watch for further details in the winter issue of myGSOH!
Life on the Underground Railroad
Stretching for the Silver
9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Kelton House (Franklin Co.) $10 per person
Sun., Oct. 5, 2014 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Mansfield, site TBD (Richland Co.) Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014
Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 Sat., Mar. 14, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jan. 1, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015
Experience life on the Underground Railroad as you tour the Kelton House, learn about the leadership roles of African Americans in the community, participate in hands-on activities, and discover the courage of an actual runaway slave who lived in the house during the mid-19th century. Note: All participants must fill out a Sensitive Issues Permission Form before attending this program.
Safe Sitter 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. $22 per girl; $32 per girl w/tote Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Sat., Sept. 13, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Aug. 27, 2014 Sat., Mar. 21, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 4, 2015 Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sept. 24, 2014 Sat., Apr. 18, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015 Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Sat., Nov. 1, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 Sat., May 16, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015 Chillicothe Service Center (Ross Co.) Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Learn how to be a great babysitter! Learn about problem behaviors, child development, and the business of babysitting. Cost includes student handbook and patch. Exclusive Safe Sitter tote can be added for additional fee (includes tote, handbook, flashlight, and band-aid dispenser). You must be at least 11 years old to complete this course. Cadettes can work towards the Babysitter badge (not included). Fa l l 2 0 14
Sun., Nov. 2, 2014 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Chillicothe, site TBD (Ross Co.) Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Mon., Nov. 10, 2014 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014 Tue., Feb. 10, 2015 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Deadline: Wed., Jan. 28, 2015 Tue., Apr. 14, 2015 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Deadline: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014 Sat., Jan. 31, 2015 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Zanesville, site TBD (Muskingum Co.) Deadline: Wed., Jan. 14, 2015 Sat., Feb. 28, 2015 10:00 a.m.–noon Marion, site TBD (Marion Co.) Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015
Do you want to be a leader in your community? Are you interested in taking action to make a positive change in the world? The Girl Scout Silver Award is an excellent opportunity to do all that and more! To learn more about the Silver Award and the steps you must take, all girls in grades 6-8 are strongly encouraged to attend. This interactive and fun workshop will prepare you to complete the award process and create a positive change in your community. Adult Advisors are encouraged to attend.
Vet for A Day 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. The Ohio State University (Franklin Co.) $17 per person TBD TBD TBD
Deadline: TBD Deadline: TBD Deadline: TBD
Join the veterinary students at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine to learn all about being a veterinarian. Take a peek at the busy life of a vet, learn how to read an x-ray, learn about canine anatomy, and see how disease is diagnosed in animals.
Youth Aviation Adventure 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Location: Don Scott Airfield (Franklin Co.) Cost: $8 per person TBD TBD
Deadline: TBD Deadline: TBD
Enter the exciting world of aviation in this hands-on adventure using real aircraft while unraveling the wonder and mystery of flight. You’ll learn about airport operations, instruments in a cockpit, aerodynamics, pre-flight of an actual airplane, talk with emergency responders, and much more!
Do you want to record a promotional video, do a flag ceremony at an event, or model for council photography? If you’re interested in helping the council Marketing and Communications department, fill out this form and submit with a photo to the address listed below. Girl’s Name: ________________________________________ Grade: _______ School: _____________________________ Address: _______________________________________City:___________________________________Zip:___________ School ____________________________________ Level: Daisy Brownie Junior Cadette Todays's Date _______________________
Senior Ambassador
Troop Number: __________ Service Unit:______________ No. of girls in troop: ___________ Troop Leader Name: _________________________________ Phone: (________)________________________________ Co-Leader Name: ___________________________________ Phone: (________)________________________________ Parent’s Name: _____________________________________ Phone: (________)________________________________ Parent Work Phone: (_______)_________________________ Parent Cell Phone: (_______)_______________________ Parent Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ I am interested in doing: Flag Ceremonies Photo and Video Shoots TV/ Radio appearances Special Events I am available: Weekdays during the school year Weekdays during summer Weeknights Weekends I have included a photo if I am interested in photo, video, or radio. 40
Return form to: Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland ATTN: Marketing and Communications 1700 WaterMark Drive Columbus, OH 43215 Email form to: myGSOH
Heartland Heartbeat
I can’t wait to bring a friend!
Heartland Heartbeat Get all the latest opportunities for girls from GSOH right to your inbox! To subscribe, go to and enter your email address in the subscribe form to the left. That’s it! We hope you’ll find lots of great activities! Note: if you’re already subscribed to Update Email, you do not need to subscribe to Girl Scouts @ a Glance.
Watch for the Bring a Friend patch program to start in January!
4-846-5626 or E-Mail Katy krice@usa-skat at!
Friday, January 23, 2015, 6:00-9:00pm Friday, October 31, 2014 Scrunchies, Leg Warmers, & Shoulder Pads: Mummy Wraps, Games, Prizes and More! Dress Up in your best 80's Gear! Wear Your Costume & get a FREE Glow Stick! $ 8 Includes: Admission, Skate Rental $ 6 Includes Admission & Skate Rental & Glow Stick! VISIT US AT
Friday, November 14, 2014, 6:00-9:00pm Scouts will learn the parts of a Roller Skate & Learn to Identify Shapes. Scouts will also learn the relationship of Roller Skating through Sound & Motion! $
9 Includes: Admission, Skate Rental & S.T.E.M. Lesson!
Choose ANY Saturday or Sunday Family Session in April! $ 4 Skate Rental, $5 Roller Blades Skating Adults & Tag-A-Longs are Call us for Available Family Sessions! 7 Includes Admission & Skate Rental
4900 EVANSWOOD DRIVE, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43229 • 614-846-5627 •
S R O D A S S A B M A + S R IO girl scout S E N grades 9-12
Destined to Travel: destinations Workshop
Don’t Die Out There
Sun., Sep. 21, 2014 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Sep. 3, 2014
Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Grade: 9-12
Do you dream of visiting new places and seeing new things? Would you love to travel the world but don’t know where to start? Join this destinations workshop and learn about the 2015 destinations, how to apply, and how to make your application stand out. Satisfy your travel bug with destinations!
Teen Camporee: Mystical Mythology Fri., Oct. 10–Sun., Oct. 12, 2014 7:00 p.m.–11:00 a.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $20 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014
Fans of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase will enjoy this funfilled weekend. Choose from activities including crafts, games, archery, Olympic challenges, and more. Test your knowledge of mythology representing the cabins of Apollo, Athena, and others in a team adventure game (T.A.G.) On Sunday, spend some service time preparing the camp for winter. Come on your own or with a troop or group. Can’t join us on Friday night? Come on Saturday morning instead (no cost discount). Cost includes lodging in platform tents or cabins, program materials, pizza lunch, and snacks. Troops or girls must provide their own breakfast and dinner.
T.A.G.—Zombie Raid
Sign up for Don't Die Fri., Oct. 10, 2014–Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 or Oct. 11, 2014–Sun., Oct. 12, 2014 Out There to extend 5:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. your zombie survival Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) scenario on Saturday! $20 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Grade: 9–12 The zombie pandemic has spread across the globe! Researchers are close to developing a cure, but will they succeed in time, or fall victim themselves? You’ll start this Team Adventure Game (T.A.G.) by drawing to see if you have contracted the virus, or if you are healthy enough to join the last team of researchers. Your mission: avoid the zombies, find the research stations, salvage the research, and cure the disease! Keep your wits, and your brains, and you just might succeed in this wide game. Dinner and breakfast are included.
For an awesome weekend adventure, sign up for T.A.G.— Zombie Raid, too!
Imagine civilization as you know it collapsing—would you know how to survive? Come learn tips and tricks to increase your chances of survival in extreme situations, whether caused by a zombie outbreak or a devastating earthquake! Activity choices include foraging for food, siphoning water, setting snares, and preparing game. Plus, you’ll have a chance to test your defenses at our zombie archery range! Sandwiches and chips will be provided for lunch. Due to the graphic nature of some of the activities, a Sensitive Issues Permission Form (sent with event confirmation) will be required for all participants.
Going for the Gold $3 per person Mansfield, site TBD (Richland Co.) Sun., Oct. 5, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Tue., Oct. 14, 2014 Tue., Dec. 9, 2014 Mon., Jan. 12, 2015 Mon., Mar. 9, 2015 Mon., May 11, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Dec. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Feb. 18, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
Chillicothe, site TBD (Ross Co.) Sun., Nov. 2, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Zanesville, site TBD (Muskingum Co.) Sat., Jan. 31, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jan. 14, 2015 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Marion, site TBD(Marion Co.) Sat., Feb. 28, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Feb. 11, 2015 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Discover, Connect, Take Action! Are you ready to take your leadership and creativity to the next level to make a positive change in your community? Are you thinking about college and looking for opportunities to make your application stand out? If so, this workshop is for you! You will learn more about the Girl Scout Gold Award and the steps that you must take to achieve the highest award in Girl Scouts. This interactive and fun workshop will alert you to changes in the Gold Award process, and prepare you to successfully complete it. Girls and Project Advisors are strongly encouraged to attend.
Halloween Decorating Party
Daisy Monster Mash Bash Program Aides
5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Free
Sun., October 26, 2014 2:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) No Cost Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Tue., Oct. 14, 2014 Thu., Oct. 16, 2014 Tue., Oct. 21, 2014 Thu., Oct. 23, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Sep. 24, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014
Beware of ghouls and ghosts as you help prepare activity stations and decorate camp for a spook-tacular Halloween season! This a great activity for those needing service hours, or those who just love to help out! Need loads of service hours? Come to all of the decorating sessions!
The Great Pumpkin Walk Program Aides Sat., Oct. 18, 2014 3:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) $3 per person Deadline: Wed., Oct. 1, 2014
Teen girls, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make the Great Pumpkin Walk a success! Come early to learn the activities and help set up. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training or resident camp Counselor in Training program.
Halloween Haunt Program Aides Fri., October 24, 2014 5:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) No Cost Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
For Cadettes and Ambassadors:, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make Halloween Haunt a success. Volunteering will including final set-up for the event, and then helping girls through interactive stations! After the work is all done and cleaned up, we will hae a pizza party to celebrate our accomplishments. Feel free to volunteer for multiple Halloween Programs! (see Brownie Boo Volunteer opps, as well as Daisy Monster Mash Bash Volunteer Opps.)
Brownie Boo Bash Program Aides Sat., October 25, 2014 2:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) No Cost Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
For Cadettes and Ambassadors:, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make Brownie Boo Bash a success. Volunteering will including final set-up for the event, and then helping girls through interactive stations! After the work is all done and cleaned up, we will have a pizza party to celebrate our accomplishments. Feel free to volunteer for multiple Halloween Programs! (see Halloween Haunt Volunteer opps, as well as Daisy Monster Mash Bash Volunteer Opps.)
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For Cadettes and Ambassadors:, we need your help running games, crafts, and activity stations to make Brownie Boo Bash a success. Volunteering will including final set-up for the event, and then helping girls through interactive stations! After the work is all done and cleaned up, we will hae a pizza party to celebrate our accomplishments. Feel free to volunteer for multiple Halloween Programs! (see Halloween Haunt Volunteer opps, as well as Brownie Boo Bash Volunteer Opps.)
Climbing Wall & Ravine Zipline 10:00 a.m.–noon Camp Mary Orton (Franklin Co.) $20 per person Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014 Sat., May 2, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Challenge yourself physically and mentally on the 40-foot climbing wall and the ravine crossing, a zipline in the woods over a natural ravine. Trained facilitators will provide instruction and ensure the safety of participants. Combine this activity with the High Ropes program offered on the same day. Adults are welcome.
High Ropes 12:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Camp Mary Orton (Franklin Co.) $35 per person Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014 Sat., May 2, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
This high ropes adventure is an energizing activity that will take you across a series of obstacles 2050 feet off the ground with a “zip” to the finish. Trained facilitators will provide instruction and ensure the safety of participants. Combine this activity with the Climbing Wall & Ravine Crossing program offered on the same day. Adults are welcome.
ZipZone Adventure 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. ZipZone Canopy Tours (Franklin Co.) $62 per person Sat., Oct. 25, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 8, 2014 Sat., May 2, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Soar through the trees in an old growth forest on a series of ziplines connected by sky bridges. This high-flying tour lasts a little over two hours and is led by experienced guides. Adults are welcome. 43
Special Olympics Softball Throw June 26-28, 2015 TBA OSU Campus Free Deadline Wed. June 10, 2015
Spend the weekend on the Ohio State University campus and volunteer for the 2015 Summer Games Softball Throw event. This event is managed exclusively by Girl Scout volunteers. You will be trained to run the event, which includes staying on campus for the duration of the games and organizing the soft ball throw event along with a volunteer committee. You don’t even need how to play softball to volunteer. This is a great opportunity to interact directly with athletes and participate in an event that has been run by Girls Scouts for more that 20 years!
Moonlight Madness Program Aides Sat., Nov. 8–Sun., Nov. 9, 2014 6:00 p.m.–11:00 a.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014
Do you love camp at night? Would you like to share that passion with others while leading Girl Scout Juniors through a series of challenges and obstacles in the woods? Then join with the whole group to have a great midnight cookout.
T.A.G.—Spy Games 6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.; or 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m., either date Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 Sat., Nov. 15, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
Join us at Camp Ken-Jockety for the ultimate after dark flashlight tag experience. First, fuel up on pizza, and then you will be briefed on the rules of engagement. Be part of a team of agents who are trying to get their intel to their headquarters, but beware— there are spies about who want to steal the very information you are trying to hide. This is the mission of Spy Games, are you ready to accept? Supervising adults must also register and pay the fee.
Brownie Fairy Tale Ball Program Aides 5:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Fri., Nov. 14, 2014 Sat., Nov. 15, 2014
Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Oct. 29, 2014
Do you have a fancy party dress or other formal dress that you’d love to wear again? Volunteer at the Fairy Tale Ball, become a princess, and show off that special dress one more time! You’ll have fun helping Girl Scout Brownies solve the mystery of the missing princess, and you’ll get to dance the night away, too! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours! Pizza and a special tiara will be provided.
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Collage Artistry with Henne Art Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 10:00 a.m.–noon Henne Art Studio (Richland Co.) $15 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
You will create a collage with different media.
It’s a Girl Business
Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Church of the Redeemer United Methodist (Franklin Co.) $8 per girl Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
Have you ever wanted to start your own business? Do you have a passion to be amazing throughout your Cookie Program? Many girls don’t know that the Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the world. As part of this program you will engage with women business owners and gain tips and strategies to help boost your 2015 Cookie Program! This program will help you to complete parts of Cookie Business badges.
Frosty Fun—Winter Camp Program Aides Sat., Dec. 6, 2014–Sun., Dec. 7, 2014 10:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
If you love being outside in the winter, then we’d love your help at our Winter Camp. Come early to learn about the activities that we’ll be offering and enjoy some teen-only winter fun. Everyone will sleep in heated accommodations. Bring a bag lunch. Price includes dinner and breakfast at camp. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training or resident camp Counselor in Training program.
Homeless, Not Hopeless Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $4 per person Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014
When people are homeless, they might live outside on the streets, in a shelter, or bounce from house to house. Homeless people don’t look any different than you, and often there are families (even children) who don’t have a place to call home. Join us for a day and learn what you can do to help. Then, you’ll help teach what you’ve learned to Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies. You may even find a great idea for a Girl Scout Gold Award project! Cost includes lunch and a patch.
Photography with Henne Art 1:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Henne Art Studio (Richland Co.) $15 per person Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 Sat., Apr. 11, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Nov. 19, 2014 Deadline: Wed., Mar. 26, 2015
Ambassadors will take pictures. Bring a camera, flash drive, and / or laptop if you have them, and bring a still life to photograph if you would like.
Chillicothe Cookie Rally Program Aides Sat., Jan. 3, 2015 8:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Daymar University (Ross Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Dec. 17, 2014
Volunteer at the Columbus Cookie Rally, you could assist at one of our cookie rally stations, help check people in at registrations or help serve samples of our brand new cookie to all our attendees. Every volunteer will receive lunch and a 2015 Cookie Rally patch! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours. Adults welcome.
Columbus Cookie Rally Program Aides Sat., Jan. 10, 2015 9:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.; or 1:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Columbus Zoo & Aquarium (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Dec. 17, 2014
Volunteer at the Columbus Cookie Rally, you could assist at one of our cookie rally stations, help check people in at registrations or help serve samples of our brand new cookie to all our attendees. Every volunteer will receive lunch and a 2015 Cookie Rally patch! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours. Adults welcome.
Kick Back Camp-In Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $17 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
Between school, clubs, sports, band, and everything else, life can get stressful. Take a break and enjoy some “me” time, relaxing with friends new and old. Join us for a laid-back, refreshing overnight! There’s no schedule, just time to enjoy games, crafts, and other relaxing activities. You’ll complete a few steps toward the Financing My Future or On My Own badge with some surprising “life”-sized board game fun! A list of badge steps completed at this event will be emailed with program confirmation. Dinner, breakfast, and snacks are included.
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Kick Back Camp-In Volunteers Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jan. 7, 2015
Are you an adult planning to attend the Kick Back Camp-In with your Girl Scout? Why not volunteer your time during the event and enjoy attending for free? Adult volunteers are needed for food service and running activity stations. Have a great activity you’d like to offer to the girls? Contact Lindsay Collett at lcollett@gsoh. org with your craft and activity ideas!
Cookie Creations Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Pre-heat your ovens and grab your cookie boxes, it’s time to get creative with cooking! Create an original Girl Scout Cookie creation based upon the 2015 Cookie Program theme. This is a great opportunity to work on requirements from your Locavore badge (Senior) or Dinner Party badge (Ambassador). Be prepared to bring your creation to the event, ready for judging! Ratings will be based on taste, presentation, table design, and creativity. Cook-off rules and special “tips for winning” will be sent with the confirmation letter.
Free Flowin’ & Glowin’ Program Aides Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 5:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
Light up the night and dance with your friends while you help Girl Scout Juniors work on their GET MOVING! Journey with fun crafts and games that light up, glow, or use energy! It’s a great way to have fun while earning service hours, plus pizza and snacks are provided.
Virtual Book Club: Beyond The Fault in Our Stars Thu., Mar. 5, 2015 $10 per person Deadline: Wed., Feb. 18, 2015
If you loved The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, you won’t want to miss this Virtual Book Club! We’ll read contemporary fiction in the same vein as TFIOS, and you’ll get to vote for the book club selection. You’ll even receive a copy of the winning book! And, we’ll have weekly challenges to help you work toward a badge or part of one of your Journeys. Book club meets for ten weeks on a private blog.
Pooh Party Overnight Program Aides Fri., Mar. 13–Sat., Mar. 14, 2014 6:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015
Do you recall the magical world of Winnie the Pooh? Come dressed as a Pooh character to help Girl Scout Brownies have a fabulous Pooh party experience. Help with games, blustery day activities, and pooh party treats.
Mall Lock–In Sat., Mar. 14, 2015–Sun., Mar. 15, 2015 10:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m. Richland Mall (Richland Co.) $20 per girl; $6 per adult Deadline: Mon., Feb. 9, 2015
Want to spend the night at the mall shopping, eating, dancing, and exploring different activities? Then join us for the 2015 Mall Lock-In! Stores will stay open late and the DJ will keep us dancing as we try different activities and have a blast. Adult supervision is required. All adults must have a current Girl Scout adult membership and an approved application with references and Girl Scout background check on file. Check out in January for more information on some fun Lock-In activities that have limited space and require sign up in advance. No refunds will be given after the registration deadline. Don’t miss out on the fun, sign up now!
Hike & Seek Program Aides Sat., Mar. 28, 2015 10:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) $3 per person Deadline: Wed., Mar. 11, 2015 Sat., May 2, 2015 10:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) $3 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Part hike, part scavenger hunt, all fun! We need teen helpers to make this event a success! You might help at the snack station, assist with activities, or help folks along the trails. Bring a bag lunch. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training or resident camp Counselor in Training program.
Daisy Fairy Tale Ball Program Aides Fri., Apr. 10, 2015; or Sat., Apr. 11, 2015 5:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015
T.A.G.—Spy Games 6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) $8 per person Fri., Apr. 10, 2015 Fri. April 17, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Mar. 25, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 1, 2015
Join us at Camp Ken-Jockety for the ultimate after dark flashlight tag experience. First, fuel up on pizza, and then you will be briefed on the rules of engagement. Be part of a team of agents who are trying to get their intel to their headquarters, but beware—there are spies about who want to steal the very information you are trying to hide. This is the mission of Spy Games, are you ready to accept? Supervising adults must also register and pay the fee.
Planet Party Program Aides Sat., Apr. 25, 2015 12:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Camp Ken-Jockety (Franklin Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Apr. 8, 2015
Join us to help Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors learn all about sustainability and loving our planet during Planet Party. You may be leading crafts, doing face painting, teaching about conservation, leading hikes, or more! This program is great for girls looking for service hours, or girls who just love to help.
C.S.I. Beverly Hills Program Aides Fri., May 1, 2015 6:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Do you love a good mystery? Are you a CSI or NCIS superfan? Love to read Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes? You won’t want to miss this overnight! You’ll help Girl Scout Juniors solve a mystery while they work toward their Detective badge. And, you’ll get to hang out with other GS Seniors and Ambassadors, too.
Summer Camp Open House Program Aides Sun., May 3, 2015 11:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Camp Molly Lauman (Scioto Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Apr. 15, 2015
Do you love summer camp and want everyone to know it? Come share your excitement for camp with future campers. Lead crafts, games, lassoing, or other awesome camp activities. Bring a bag lunch. Prerequisite: Completion of Program Aide training or resident camp Counselor in Training program.
Do you have a fancy party dress or other formal dress that you’d love to wear again? Volunteer at the Fairy Tale Ball, become a princess, and show off that special dress one more time! You’ll have fun helping Girl Scout Daisies discover the Girl Scout Law, and. you’ll get to dance the night away, too! This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours! Pizza and a special tiara will be provided. 46
Mad Mud Challenge—Pick a Wave Sat., May 9, 2015 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Wave Start Times: 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) $18 per person Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
Thu., Jun. 11, 2015 $17 per person Deadline: Wed., May 27, 2015
Do you like the thrill of completing extreme challenges and getting muddy? Join us for the third annual Mad Mud Challenge! Modeled after other popular mud-races, this course will challenge you with some newly added obstacles and a slightly different course! You choose your start times; many waves are available. Registered adults are invited to participate. Awards for costumes will be given and T-shirts will be awarded to those who participate!
Mad Mud Challenge Program Aides Sat., May 9, 2015 10:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp Crooked Lane (Morrow Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Apr. 22, 2015
Volunteer at the Mad Mud Challenge! You could assist at one of the 18 obstacles, help check people in at registration, hand out T-shirts and evaluations, or cheer on the runners at the finish line. Every volunteer will receive a T-shirt, lunch, and the chance to run the course at the end of the event. This is a great opportunity to have fun while earning service or leadership hours! Adults welcome.
Troop Core Camp Program Aides 5:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Free Fri., May 15–Sat., May 16, 2015 Sat., May 16–Sun., May 17, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Apr. 29, 2015
Share your love of camp with younger Girl Scouts. Help lead activities such as crafts, hiking, outdoor skills, and nature exploration.
Passion for Fashion Challenge Sat., Jun. 6, 2015 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $6 per person Deadline: Wed., May 20, 2015
Can you pull together a complete head-to-toe look on a budget? Working in a team with three of your friends and an adult, you’ll get a set amount of money to spend at the local Goodwill store to buy clothing and accessories for two head-to-toe looks. Then, you’ll come back to the Zanesville Service Center to assemble your looks (we’ll have sewing machines and decorations on hand) for a runway-ready fashion show! Your looks will be judged and winning teams will receive medals! Fa l l 2 0 14
Virtual Book Club: Altered Past to Dystopian Future
In this fast-paced Virtual Book Club, we’ll read one book that explores altered history (steampunk) and one book that explores a dystopian future. You’ll get to vote on both book club selections and you’ll receive your own copy of each book! And, we’ll have weekly challenges to help you work toward a badge or part of one of your Journeys. Book club meets for ten weeks on a private blog.
Pal & Me Overnight Program Aides 5:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) Free Fri., Jun. 19–Sat., Jun. 20, 2015 Sat., Jun. 20-Sun., Jun. 21, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Jun. 3, 2015
Share your love of camp with younger Girl Scouts and their adult pal. Help lead activities such as crafts, hiking, outdoor skills, and nature exploration.
GO LEAD Academy 2015 Sun., Jun. 7–Thu., Jun.11, 2015 TBD Otterbein University (Franklin Co.) $195 per girl Deadline: Feb. 28, 2015 Grade: 10-12
GO LEAD Academy 2015, a partnership between Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council and Otterbein University, is a dynamic leadership development experience that offers high school girls a chance to discover issues that affect your world, and create your own community impact project, while exploring a college campus. For five intensive days, you’ll join young women going into grades 10 through 12 from all over Ohio and participate in experiential learning sessions led by community leaders committed to helping girls find their “voice.” The girls selected for this prestigious opportunity will: learn about advocacy, identify community needs, work in groups towards a common goal, discover their own leadership style, talk about ethics, values, and decision-making, design, develop, and implement projects for social change. Visit website in Dec./Jan to apply.
T.A.G.—Superhero Heist Sat., Jul. 11, 2015–Sun., Jul. 12, 2015 5:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Camp Beckoning Trails (Hocking Co.) $20 per person Deadline: Wed., Jun. 24, 2015
In this Team Adventure Game (T.A.G.) you will be teleported to a city filled with heroes and villains! Bring your friends and join us for a pregame tour of camp, then fuel up on pizza before playing the ultimate superhero after-dark game of tag. Will good triumph over evil, or will the villains take over the world? Dinner and a continental breakfast are included in the price. 47
imagineCON Overnight
Teen Camporee 2015: Childhood Memories
Sat., Aug. 1, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) $17 per person Deadline: Wed., Jul. 15, 2015
Fri., Oct. 9, 2015–Sun., Oct. 11, 2015 7:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m. Camp Wakatomika (Licking Co.) $20 per person Deadline: Wed., Sep. 23, 2015
Are you a Whovian? Maybe a Browncoat or a Trekker? Still waiting on your acceptance letter from Hogwarts or Camp Half-Blood? Or, perhaps you just love anime and manga? No matter which fandom you love, we’ll celebrate it at this overnight extravaganza! Come dressed in your favorite fandom costume and we’ll stay up late watching anime, have a book/manga swap, share our artwork and fanfiction, play table-top games, and just have fun meeting other geeky girls! Dinner and breakfast are included.
Pull out your scrapbooks to look back at those things you enjoyed as a child, then join with others to explore the games, shows, movies, and crafts that were popular during your early years. Choose activities from a variety of crafts, games, archery, geocaching, childhood challenges, and more. Join with others to represent and defend your favorite television characters in a team adventure game (T.A.G.). Before departing on Sunday, you will spend some service time preparing the camp for winter. Attend as an individual or with a troop or group. Can’t join us on Friday night? Begin your weekend on Saturday morning instead (there is no discounted cost). Cost includes lodging in platform tents or cabins, program materials, two breakfasts, and snacks. Troops or girls must provide their own lunch and dinner.
imagineCON Overnight Volunteers Sat., Aug. 1, 2015 4:00 p.m.–10:00 a.m. Zanesville Service Center (Muskingum Co.) Free Deadline: Wed., Jul. 15, 2015
Are you an adult planning to attend the imagineCON Overnight with your Girl Scout? Why not volunteer your time during the event and enjoy attending for free? Adult volunteers are needed for food service and running activity stations. Have a great activity you’d like to offer to the girls? Contact Lindsay Collett at lcollett@ with your craft and activity ideas!
GSOH Performing Choir
Discover U—Career Exploration Date: TBD Time: 10:00 a.m.–noon Location: Council Headquarters (Franklin Co.) Cost: $3 per girl Deadline: TBD
Are you trying to figure out how to make the most of your summer vacation? Spend some time with a local hiring manager as she or he walks you through a summer employment plan of action.
One Saturday per month, starting in August 2015 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Various locations (Franklin Co.) $25 per girl Deadline: Wed., Jul. 22, 2015
Calling all singers, grades 9-12! If you are willing to commit to one Saturday a month for rehearsal, plus scheduled performances, audition for the council-wide Performing Choir! The choir focuses on many types of music. Tryouts will be held Sat., Aug. 8, 2015.
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Taste of Columbus
Big Apple Bound
Board a motorcoach bus and travel around Columbus trying all kinds of new cuisines, with a focus on locally grown ingredients. In fact, you’ll even work toward your Locavore badge and even your Sow What? Journey! Watch for details in the winter issue of myGSOH. Already live in Franklin County? No need to fret, we’ll include a stop inside Columbus so that you’ll get to ride the bus, too.
Spend a few days of your 2015 holiday break in New York City! Ride a motorcoach bus to NYC and enjoy seeing the sights in the Big Apple. Watch for further details in the winter issue of myGSOH!
Girl Scout destinations What are destinations? They are nationally sponsored trips exclusively designed for Girl Scouts ages 12-18, who apply individually for the trip. If you dream of visiting somewhere, or trying something, there’s a destination designed to make your dream a reality! The 2015 destinations will be posted in September. Visit to check them out.
Life on the Underground Railroad 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Kelton House (Franklin Co.) $10 per person Sat., Jan. 17, 2015 Sat., March 14, 2015
Deadline: Wed., Jan. 1, 2015 Deadline: Wed., Feb. 25, 2015
Dominican Republic Immersion If you’ll be 15 in the summer of 2016, you won’t want to miss this amazing travel experience! With the help of local organizations, you’ll have the opportunity to impact issues ranging from gender equality to generational poverty to eco-tourism. With a chocolate factory tour, a hike, and a rafting adventure, this is an unforgettable way to explore island life while making a meaningful difference in the community! Watch for details in the winter issue of myGSOH.
Quarterly Leadership Development Opportunities Grades 9-12 TBD
These opportunities will include topics such as teambuilding, networking, your leadership style, public speaking, and more! Watch for more details.
Experience life on the Underground Railroad as you tour the Kelton House, learn about the leadership roles of African Americans in the community, participate in hands-on activities, and discover the courage of an actual runaway slave who lived in the house during the mid-19th century. Note: All participants must complete a Sensitive Issues Permission Form before attending this program.
Youth Aviation Adventure Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Location: Don Scott Airfield (Franklin Co.) Cost: $8 per person TBD TBD
Deadline: TBD Deadline: TBD
Enter the exciting world of aviation in this hands-on adventure using real aircraft while unraveling the wonder and mystery of flight. You’ll learn about airport operations, instruments in a cockpit, aerodynamics, pre-flight of an actual airplane, talk with emergency responders, and much more!
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egistration RInformation WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO REGISTER FOR AN EVENT: Girl Scouts of Ohio's Heartland offers online program registration for many of our activities.
Why use CORA? • Register at your convenience—no need to mail registrations • Safe and secure way to register for programs and development courses • Know immediately if you are in a program or course • Update member and troop information quickly What do I need to use CORA? • First and last name, birthday, and mailing address as reported on the membership registration form • A credit or debit card—American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa How do I access CORA? • Go to and click on the CORA computer on the home page and follow the instructions there Need assistance or have questions for CORA? • Email the CORA help desk at • Leave a voice mail for CORA’s friends at 614-487-8101 ext. 8806
Of course, you can still register with a paper registration form! Complete the program registration form on page 39, unless otherwise instructed. Please use a separate form for each event, and duplicate as needed. Download the form at Mail or fax the completed Program Registration Form with payment (check, money order, or credit card info) to: Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc. Attn: Program Registrar 1700 WaterMark Drive Columbus, OH 43215-1097 Fax: 614-487-8189 Make checks/money orders payable to: Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc. If faxing, please use bold, dark ink so form is readable. Faxed registrations must be paid by credit card. Registrations will continue to be accepted for activities that still have openings until the maximum number for the activity has been reached OR until the registration deadline listed for the event has passed. Registrations will NOT be accepted after the registration deadline. Many activities fill quickly so register early; don’t wait until the deadline. If the activity has not reached the minimum number by the registration deadline the activity will be cancelled. Participants who cannot be placed will receive a full refund. CANCELLATION POLICY To cancel your registration and receive a refund (minus 10 percent for administrative costs), submit a written request via mail or email to 15 business days or more BEFORE the event. Refunds will not be issued for NO SHOWS, VERBAL REQUESTS, AFTER THE EVENT REQUESTS, or LESS THAN 15 BUSINESS DAYS NOTICE. GSOH RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER OR CANCEL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES FOR ANY REASON. PLEASE INCLUDE EMAIL ADDRESS We send confirmation via email. If you need to update your email address, please send a note to
WHO CAN ATTEND? Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland program activities are available to all currently registered Girl Scouts. Not a current member and want to join? Returning Members—Go to, click on the CORA computer on the home page. Click on Create a Login to establish a User ID and Password. New Members—Go to, click on the CORA computer on the home page. Click on Create a Profile and join online through CORA. “How to” directions can be found on the left side of the page under Need More Assistance. PATCHES/OFFICIAL RECOGNITIONS Only those girls in attendance at the activity will receive patches, badges, or any other form of recognition. ADULT SUPERVISION OF PARTICIPANTS This symbol indicates that adult supervision is required. Supervising adults must accompany girl participants at program activities. The program facilitators lead the activities but are not responsible for the direct supervision of girl participants. Supervision can be provided by parents or guardians, troop volunteers, or other adult volunteers. Safety Activity Checkpoint ratios must be met for all troops/groups when traveling for events, trips, etc. Please refer to for additional information. If supervision is not required, adults are still welcome at most programs. A participation fee may be assessed or adults may be welcome in an adult lounge area. If girls come on their own, they need to bring a completed health history form. FIRST AID Troops are expected to have a qualified first aider while traveling to and attending program activities. Troops must bring a first-aid kit and medical histories for all girls and adults to all events. Please note any SPECIAL NEEDS on the Program Registration Form on page 51. QUESTIONS Do you have questions? Get the answers! Please call 614-4878101 or 800-621-7042 or visit the Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland website at USING GIRL SCOUT COOKIE/FALL PRODUCT REWARD CARDS Unexpired Reward Cards may be used toward program registration. • Cookie and Fall Reward Cards are issued to both girls and troops. (Troop cards are clearly marked as such and can only be used for troop supplies/activities). The amounts cannot be transferred to another individual or troop. • Balances will remain on the Reward Cards until their two-year expiration date is reached. • If you have questions, please contact the Product Program Specialist at 614-487-8101 or 800-621-7042.
P rogram registration Basic Information
Event Details
Parent/Volunteer Name_________________________________
Name of Event________________________________
(H) Phone __________________ (W)Phone ___________________ Email address:_________________________________________
# Attending
Troop Number_________________Service Unit______________
Girls_ ________ x___________________ _= ___________
Grade level of girl/troop: (check one)
Adults ______ x___________________ _= ___________
q K-1 q 2-3 q 4-5 q 6-8 q 9-10 q 11-12 Special needs? (Sign interpreter, braille materials, etc.):
Non-Girl Scout fee: $15 per girl _
New Member? All you need to do is attach the Membership Registration Form and your $15 membership fee. The form can be found at
Amount Due
= ___________
Total Due $_________________
Payment Method Check or Money Order
$ ___________
Cash $ ___________ For registration purposes: List names of girls, adults, and family members who will be attending the event (please include names of adults even if they are not paying a fee).
Last Name
First Name
(Do not send in mail.) Financial Aid
$ ___________
(Completed Financial Assistance form must accompany this registration form.) Credit Card
$ ___________
(Complete information below.) _______________________________________________________
$ ___________
Reward Cards
$ ___________
Account number
(Circle one) VISA Master Card Discover American Express
Expiration Date
Billing Address _______________________________________________________
Street________________________________________ City___________________________ ZIP___________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Signature_____________________________________ (Required for credit card orders) Make check payable to: Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc. Mail to: Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc. 1700 WaterMark Drive Columbus, OH 43215-1097 Fax: 614-487-8189
inancial assistance fapplication Application for Financial Assistance for a registered Girl Scout from Ohio’s Heartland Council Please use a ball point pen. Use black or blue ink. To be completed by applicant, parent or guardian.
Limited funds are available for registered Girl Scouts who require financial assistance for Girl Scout essentials or to participate in Girl Scout program activities. Incomplete applications cannot be considered. 1. Application MUST be received at the Council Headquarters by the first Friday of the month. 2. Please use A SEPARATE application for EACH Girl Scout. 3. Fill out the ENTIRE Financial Assistance Application. 4. A completed registration form must accompany this application for programs. 5. The leader’s name or Girl Scout adult contact (for individually registered members) must be provided. 6. See full details on
Girl Scout is requesting assistance for :
q Uniform essentials q The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting q Leadership Journey book; Title:__________________ q Program name _______________________________
Total cost of essentials or program fee
$ ______________
Applicant’s name ___________________________________________________________
Rewards Cards being used
$ ______________
Amount of troop contribution
$ _____________
Street address _____________________________________________________________
Amount of assistance requested
$ ______________
City_________________________________________State_______ ZIP ______________ County_____________________________ Home phone ___________________________
Applicant’s signature Date
Daytime phone ______________________ Troop # ______________ Svc. Unit _________ Email _____________________________________________________________________
Signature of custodial parent/guardian Date
Birthday (if girl) _____/_____/_____ Age (if girl)_______ Grade in school_______________ Current GRADE level (check box): q Daisy
q Cadette
q Brownie
q Senior
q Junior
q Ambassador
Please check your yearly family income range: q $0–$15,000 q $35,001–$45,000 q $15,001–$25,000 q $45,001–$60,000 q $25,001–$35,000 q $60,001–above
Number of children in family (18 or under) _______ Mother/guardian name and occupation:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Father/guardian name and occupation: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you participated in both council product programs (fall QSP/candy/nut program; Girl Scout Cookie Program)? q Yes q No If not, why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Leader’s Name (girl member only)___________________________________________ Leader’s Phone _____________________________________ Leader’s Email Address___________________________________________City_____________________________ State ______ ZIP ____________ Please state specific reasons why you are applying for financial assistance: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Return to: Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc. 1700 WaterMark Drive Columbus, OH 43215-1097 Fax: 614-487-8189 5 2
Due to limited funds, each application will be reviewed on a case by case basis. This is only an application; assistance is not guaranteed. You will be notified by email if approved. myGSOH
Y our C ouncil The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
/GirlScoutsOH @GSOhioHeartland
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Girl ScoutsOhio Girl ScoutsOhio
COUNCIL OFFICES GSOH's offices are here to serve you. Council Headquarters 1700 WaterMark Drive Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-487-8101 Toll Free: 800-621-7042 Fax: 614-487-8189 Mon.–Fri.: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Chillicothe Service Center 1130 Western Avenue Chillicothe, OH 45601 Phone: 740-773-2146 Toll Free: 800-886-2246 Fax: 740-773-2144 Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Wed.: 11:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. Mansfield Service Center 35 N Park Street Mansfield, OH 44902 Phone: 419-522-0391 Toll Free: 800-433-1290 Fax: 419-522-0032 Mon.–Fri.: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Girl Scout Shops: Hours subject to change; please call ahead.
Marion Service Center 1713 Marion-Mt. Gilead Road Suite 208 Marion, OH 43302 Phone: 740-389-2528 Toll Free: 866-229-1495 Fax: 740-389-2876 Mon.–Fri.: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Zanesville Service Center 3230 Bowers Lane Zanesville, OH 43701 Phone: 740-454-8563 Toll Free: 800-292-6759 Fax: 740-454-8111 Mon.–Fri.: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Portsmouth Service Center 2734 Scioto Trail Portsmouth, OH 45662 Phone: 740-353-2579 Toll Free: 800-886-2579 Fax: 740-353-4489 Mon., Tue., Thu.: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Wed.: 1:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Offices Camp Sites
PROGRAM facilities GSOH operates these camps and program facilities. Camp Beckoning Trails
Logan (Hocking County)
Camp Crooked Lane
Mt. Gilead (Morrow County)
Camp Ken-Jockety
Galloway (Franklin County)
Camp Molly Lauman
Lucasville (Scioto County)
Camp Wakatomika
Utica (Licking County)
Zanesville Service Center Zanesville (Muskingum County)
Fa l l 2 0 14
Girl Scouts of Ohio's Heartland Council, Inc. 1700 WaterMark Drive Columbus, OH 43215-1097
614-487-8101 800-621-7042 Fall 2014
be the role model she’ll always remember. Be a Girl Scout volunteer. Volunteering with Girl Scouts isn’t just for moms—it’s for everyone. Bring your skills, experience, and enthusiasm, and show her that anything is possible. • Share your passions, whatever they may be. • Participate with girls instead of sitting on the sidelines. • Network, engage, and embark on new adventures. • Expand your own skills and talents that can apply to other areas of your life. Girls are waiting. It starts with you today. Get started now! Just a few steps, and you’re a volunteer.
Step 1 Fill out the GSOH volunteer application and background check (free to you!) at It should take about 15 minutes. You will receive notification in 3-5 business days.
Step 2 After we notify you of your successful application and background check, register as a member of Girl Scouts of the USA. Go to and click the join button. It should take just a few minutes, and requires $15 in membership dues.
Step 3 Complete Girl Scouting 101, a training video for new volunteers.
Have questions? Call us at 800-621-7042 or go to