Bring on the Night

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bring on the night




The afternoon has gently passed me by

The belief in magic often includes the idea that magic and magicians are more powerful at night. Seances of spiritualism are usually conducted closer to midnight. Similarly, mythical and folkloric creatures as vampires and werewolves are described as being more active at night. Ghosts are believed to wander around almost exclusively during night-time. In almost all cultures, there exist stories and legends warning of the dangers of night-time. In fact, the Saxons called the darkness of night the ‘death mist’.


The evening spreads its sail against the sky

Lower Bristol Road / 11:49pm


Waiting for tomorrow, just another day

Green Park Road / 9:30pm James Street West / 9:35pm


God bid yesterday good-bye

the phenomenon of day and night is due to the rotation of a celestial body about its axis, creating an illusion of the sun rising and setting. Different bodies spin at very different rates, however. Some may spin much faster than Earth, while others spin extremely slowly, leading to very long days and nights. The planet Venus rotates once every 224.7 days – by far the slowest rotation period of any of the major planets. In contrast, the gas giant Jupiter’s sidereal day is only 9 hours and 56 minutes.


The future is but a question mark

The disappearance of sunlight Âť the primary energy source for life on Earth, has dramatic impacts on the morphology, physiology and behavior of almost every organism. Some animals sleep during the night, whilst other nocturnal animals including moths and crickets are active during this time. The effects of day and night are not seen in the animal kingdom alone; plants have also evolved adaptations to cope best with the lack of sunlight during this time.


Hangs above my head, there in the dark

A36 Roundabout / 11:41pm


Can’t see for the brightness is staring me blind

The cultural significance of the night in Islam is completely opposite of night in Western culture. The Koran was revealed during the Night of Power, the most significant night according to Islam. Muhammad made his famous journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven in the night. Another prophet, Abraham came to a realization of the supreme being in charge of the universe at night. There are many references in the Koran about the benefits of the night for contemplation and spiritual development.


God bid yesterday good-bye

Southgate / 10:32pm


Bring on the night


I couldn’t stand another hour of daylight

Queen’s Parade Place / 10:11pm

Night is often associated with danger and evil, because of the psychological connection of night’s all-encompassing darkness to the fear of the unknown and darkness’s obstruction of a major sensory system (the sense of sight). Nighttime is naturally associated with vulnerability and danger for human physical survival. Criminals, animals, and other potential dangers can be concealed by darkness. Midnight has a particular importance in human imagination and culture.


photo: martin tompkins / graphic: gabriel solomons


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