A Little Love

Generations of Good Shepherd Associates have pondered this question. It’s the driving force behind our work. Every day, we ask questions like: How can we help Derek pick up a bottle without the use of his hands? How can we help Ellen walk after a spinal cord injury? How can we help 5-year-old Carlos speak, for the first time, through technology? We look at each person who is hindered by a challenge and wonder what’s possible; then, we create practical solutions. It’s why we named our capital campaign – Hope Starts Here.
The Hope Starts Here campaign was established to help build a state-of-the-art rehabilitation hospital and also to support “what’s next” – the next generation of research, innovation and exploration at Good Shepherd.
With your support, we will continue to explore what’s possible and set a pioneering course to change lives through research and innovation.
Rebecca McAtee Capital Campaign ManagerWhat do you think is possible for people living with disabilities? Given the culture of curiosity and highly specialized expertise at Good Shepherd, I think the sky is the limit – especially with your support.
When baby Love Bridges needed rehabilitation after surgery to remove a cyst on her airway, and her parents needed help learning how to manage a baby with a tracheostomy at home, Good Shepherd’s inpatient pediatric team was there.
8 Gala in the Garden: Drive-In Edition
10 Introducing the TempleGood Shepherd Residency Training Program
12 Profiles in Legacy Giving: Dave and Pam DeCampli
16 A Stitch in Time
18 Gifts of Love
Sally Gammon’s gift to the Hope Starts Here capital campaign honors her friend and mentor, the late Rev. Dr. Conrad Raker. 14
21 Reflections By Chaplain Kelly Brooks
22 Adaptive Sports Events A Red Letter Day
On the cover: Love Bridges
Cover photograph: Elizabeth McDonald
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Motivated by the divine Good Shepherd, and the often complex physical and cognitive rehabilitation needs of our communities, our mission is to enhance lives, maximize function, inspire hope, and promote dignity and well-being with expertise, innovative care and compassion.
GoodShepherdRehab.org • 1-888-44-REHAB
It was Father’s Day 2020 when April Bridges gave her husband Dharnell the best gift of all. The couple was on vacation in Ocean City, Maryland, when April’s deep-seated maternal instinct told her she was pregnant. After six children, April’s instinct proved she was right. On February 18, 2021, the couple welcomed baby Love into the family. “The name just fit her perfectly,” says Dharnell. “There was no other option but ‘Love.’ We just felt it from the beginning.”
The petite baby with beautiful, big, brown eyes and butter-soft skin looked as perfect as her name. But after 10 weeks it became apparent something was wrong. Love wasn’t gaining weight and spit up after every bottle feed. A change in formula failed to solve the problem. Finally, a pediatric specialist diagnosed a small cyst on Love’s airway that was preventing her from eating properly and getting nutrition. Surgery was needed. The procedure, in theory, was relatively simple, and recovery, the Bridges were told, should be quick. A few days in the neonatal intensive care unit, and Love would be going home.
“We expected her to bounce back quickly when she came off the breathing tube hours after surgery,” says Dharnell. “But her condition took a turn for the worse. We literally could see the space between her lungs retracting as she struggled to breathe.”
Love had to be sedated and re-intubated. Further procedures failed to solve her breathing problems. Love would need a tracheostomy, a breathing tube surgically inserted in her airway. “It was our last resort,” says Dharnell.
Weeks later, Love had progressed enough for the next step in her recovery. Not only did she need a wide range of rehabilitation therapies, but April and Dharnell needed training on how to manage Love’s tracheostomy so they could eventually take her home. The Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital Emily Howatt Pliskatt Pediatric Unit in Bethlehem was the place to go. The proximity of the hospital to the Bridges’ home in Easton made it easier for April and Dharnell to spend time with Love and get the hands-on training they needed while juggling the care of their other six children at home.
On June 3, 31/2-month-old Love was admitted to Good Shepherd. She needed physical, occupational, speech, recreational and respiratory therapy.
“Because she had been sick for so long, she had lost some skills from being acutely in the hospital,” says Kimberly Kuchinski, MD, MPH, medical director, pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. “Here, she benefitted from all of the therapies to help her get stronger, to start eating on her own and progress through all her developmental milestones while her parents learned the care of her tracheostomy.”
“Love received the most amazing therapy from every department,” says Dharnell. “They started training us with Love’s trach care on the second day. We were nervous, but we were always assured that we were doing a great job.”
The respiratory therapy team taught April and Dharnell how to suction and change Love's trach, and how to check for infection or skin breakdown among other things. Working with nursing, they were schooled in how to handle an emergency should one arise. “We were tested to see if in an emergency we could in fact change the trach on our own, and April and I both passed with flying colors,” says Dharnell. “There is no doubt in my mind that we were prepared.”
Speech therapists oversaw Love’s feeding, keeping her parents involved and informed every step of the way, including Love’s swallow study, which was essential to teaching Love how to breathe and swallow differently. “We were never left in the dark when it came to Love’s ability to successfully eat,” says Dharnell. “Our ability to care for Love was never doubted, but help was always there for us when Love would not have a good feeding, just to give us that motivational push we needed to move forward.”
Physical and occupational therapy helped Love get stronger through play. “These ladies made sure Love was hitting her correct developmental milestones, rolling over, tummy time, holding her head up, reaching for her feet and turning her head in both directions,” says Dharnell. And recreational therapy made certain Love had ample time every day to socialize. “Love loved when TR came into the room in the early morning just to take her to the day room,” says Dharnell.
After almost three months, Love went home for the first time, crawling, sitting up on her own and able to tolerate spoon feeding. She was 6 months old.
“Good Shepherd is the best place for pediatric rehabilitation because we not only have an incredibly dedicated and enthusiastic staff, but we’re able to handle some of the most medically complex patients and help them wean from as much medical support as possible and achieve their best functional outcomes,” says Dr. Kuchinski.
Love, now 2 years old, is testament to that. She loves to eat, is walking and adores playing with her brothers and sisters. The hope is eventually Love will no longer need the tracheostomy. Her future looks bright.
“She’s just amazing,” says Dharnell. “She’s hitting all her milestones. It was a lot, but Good Shepherd trained us 100 percent. If it wasn’t for them, I don’t think we would have been as comfortable bringing our daughter home or be as prepared to care for her. Love now only needs basic trach care and all the love we can give her. Good Shepherd is top of the line. If anybody ever has a child that needs any kind of help, I would definitely recommend Good Shepherd.” n
Watch more of Love’s story and how two families grew closer together through their childrens’ care by the compassionate expertise of the team at Good Shepherd’s inpatient pediatric unit.
Hundreds of guests gathered on a picturesque Saturday night to help raise $155,000 for the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital Emily Howatt Pliskatt Pediatric Unit and to mark a milestone with robotic technology that helps children walk.
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network hosted the 2022 Gala in the Garden – Drive-In Edition on Saturday, June 4, raising funds that benefit children and families served by the pediatric unit in Bethlehem.
Guests dined on gourmet boxed dinners and an assortment of food-truck desserts and played lawn games, all on the campus of Olympus Corporation of the Americas in Center Valley. Olympus is just down the road from Good Shepherd’s underconstruction rehabilitation hospital, which is slated to open in 2023.
With a smile and an encouraging countdown from the outdoor crowd, 4-year-old Nephtali “Nephy” Andujar took the 1 millionth step in the Trexo Plus, a robotic gait training device that empowers children to walk, maybe even for the first time.
Good Shepherd is the only health-care provider in the country to provide all three sizes of the device, and, thanks to Nephy’s momentous steps, is the first provider in the world to reach the 1 million steps milestone.
“Good Shepherd’s clinical experts continue to conduct research with the Trexo to help make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients with pediatric stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury and other gait disorders,” Amanda Kleckner, administrative director of Pediatrics, told the crowd. “We appreciate you all being here tonight and for helping us provide hope to children facing complex medical challenges.”
Thank you to the gala committee chaired by Alex Maggitti, president and CEO of Orlando Diefenderfer Electrical Contractors, presenting sponsor along with Lutron Electronics, and all our sponsors, supporters, guests and volunteers for making the evening such a success. n
Good Shepherd recently announced an exciting new relationship with the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. Starting in July 2022, Good Shepherd began a partnership with the Temple University Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) Residency Program by serving as the primary host for the inpatient clinical experience.
Discussions between the two well-regarded organizations began more than two years ago when Temple sought out a new partner to complement its robust reputation and clinical service lines. For the past four decades, Temple has been a highly ranked training program and was one of the first programs in the country to create a formalized residency program in the field of PM&R.
“It truly is an honor to partner with such a high-performing residency program,” says Sandeep Singh, MD, senior vice president, Medical Affairs, and chief medical officer at Good Shepherd. “Temple has produced some of the most prominent physician leaders in our industry, and we intend to carry on that legacy and enhance the program’s existing reputation.”
Good Shepherd’s partnership with Temple matches nine highly qualified candidates for a three-year categorical training program. The residents will have a majority focus on inpatient experience, including brain injury medicine, stroke rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation and spinal cord injury medicine. The residents also will have the opportunity to experience ambulatory services relevant to chronic disease populations.
“It is our goal to provide an experience where training residents can fully understand the breadth and scope of physiatry,” says Dr. Singh. “We are modeling our training around the future of value-based care and will inspire our trainees to be thoughtful, forward-thinking clinical leaders who facilitate collegial, person-centric care.”
Several of Good Shepherd’s physicians will serve as faculty within Temple’s PM&R Department and will have direct responsibility for the program’s success and integrity. Many other Good Shepherd departments will collaborate with the residents to explore and enhance opportunities for research, education and quality improvement.
“Our vision is to provide an exceptional training program for our residents – who are the future of our field,” says Dr. Singh. “These future physiatrists will impact the outcomes of the communities we serve, primarily people with complex injuries and chronic disabilities, for decades to come.” n
For Dave and Pam DeCampli, giving back is not just the right thing to do, it’s in their nature. Over the years, both have given generously of their time, talents and treasure to Good Shepherd. Dave served three terms as chairman of the board. Pam is now a board member and belongs to the Women’s Giving Circle, a philanthropic group supporting programs and services.
Dave and Pam recognize the need for Good Shepherd Rehabilitation, and the value that it brings to the community. “It’s an organization that does things that no one else will,” says Dave, explaining that Good Shepherd fills a void where other organizations can’t or won’t.
Pam agrees and explains what they are doing to support Good Shepherd’s ability to remain a resource for those near and far. “We all have to think about where we want our time, talents, and treasure to go,” she says.
The DeCamplis knew they could do even more to help ensure the future for this storied organization. “As retirement began to come in to focus, taking our financial situation in mind, we sat down with our planner and recrafted our will to include a number of beneficiaries,” says Dave. “And Good Shepherd stood out.”
Pam and Dave encourage everyone to think about how they can support Good Shepherd, noting that a contribution at any level is well used and well appreciated. “Any and every gift is a gift,” says Pam. And she’s right. Together, gifts of all types and sizes allow us to continue caring for the people of our community and beyond.
Let’s find the gift that best matches your plan for your family’s future, and your charitable intentions. n
in your estate plans? If so, thank you! Please let us know–we’d like to properly thank and recognize you (with permission) and above all, make sure that your gift is used as intended. If not, we invite you to contact us to explore your options and find the gift that best matches your intentions.
When you include us in your will, or make Good Shepherd a beneficiary of a retirement plan, you can plan a gift to us that will only take effect after your other obligations have ceased, and you’ll automatically become a member of our 1908 Raker Society. The Raker Society is made up of those who have made a special commitment, through a planned gift, to the advancement of Good Shepherd— and we’d love to welcome YOU as our newest member.
If you’re already a member, we’d love to chat and catch up with you. If you are not yet a member, let’s talk about how you can make a gift that supports the patients, residents and special programs at Good Shepherd, and leave a lasting legacy of care.
If you have included Good Shepherd in your plans, please let us know. It will give us a chance to answer your questions, ensure your gift will be used as you wish and properly thank and welcome you to the 1908 Raker Society. To share your plans, visit SweetCharityOnline.org/PlannedGiving or contact Susan Lopez, major planned giving o cer, at Sulopez@gsrh.org or 610.776.3386.
When Sally Gammon learned of the naming opportunity for the chapel in Good Shepherd’s new 76-bed rehabilitation hospital in Center Valley, slated to open in 2023, she knew exactly where she wanted to direct her capital campaign gift. And she knew who she wanted to pay tribute to with the gift: the Rev. Dr. Conrad Raker, son of Good Shepherd’s founders, the Rev. John and Estella Raker.
Conrad was administrator from 1941 to 1980. After he retired, he remained a familiar and beloved figure at Good Shepherd where he kept an office in the Raker Center until his passing in 2002.
“I had the privilege of working with Conrad for 5-and-a-half years before he passed,” says Sally, who was Good Shepherd’s president and chief executive officer from 1997 to 2013. “And just like his father, it was all about ‘the cause,’ what we now call the mission, serving children and adults with disabilities.”
At Conrad’s insistence, chapels were incorporated into every new inpatient facility at Good Shepherd. Sally is pleased the new hospital will be no exception. “That was part of the culture from the Raker family,” says Sally. “He and his father were Lutheran ministers, and Good Shepherd is a ministry.”
Steeped in the Lutheran faith that guided his parents for the 72 years they ran Good Shepherd, Conrad also inherited their compassion, which made him a reassuring presence during his tenure as administrator. “Conrad just came from the same stock. That’s what I remember most about him,” says Sally. “He used to walk the halls with the (long-term care) residents, putting his hand on their shoulder and listening to whatever they had to say. He was so kind and such a strong presence.”
Sally recalls when she first came to Good Shepherd. She was thrilled and excited, but also a bit intimidated at the prospect of working with the legendary son of Good Shepherd’s founders. Her fears were quickly allayed.
“Conrad was such a good mentor for so many years,” she says. “He would give me advice and counsel, but he would never hold me back from making bold moves. He was so gracious and willing to help me. He became one of my top mentors of all time.”
As the life cycle of any organization inevitably has its ups and downs, Conrad’s steady faith and calm demeanor gave Sally the strength and support she needed when times got tough. “I would go to his office and sit there, and he would look at me with his kind eyes and say, ‘This too shall pass,’ and I would walk out of there knowing it’s going to be okay. He was really amazing,” she says.
Conrad taught Sally many things, she says, including the fine art of fund raising. Sally recalls lunches with Conrad and donors in his office. They were modest affairs, typically a ham and cheese sandwich. The humble fare was his unassuming way of assuring donors that their gifts would be faithfully stewarded according to their wishes.
“I would listen to him, and he would win people over by explaining the things Good Shepherd was doing,” says Sally. “And by the time he was finished, he had the gift! I learned so much watching and listening to him, which is so important to sustain any nonprofit. He taught me that even if you get a ‘no,’ because of the mission, you should never shy away from asking.”
Sally is proud and excited to support the Hope Starts Here capital campaign for the new hospital with its leadingedge technology, expertise and compassionate care that will transform lives in visionary new ways. She hopes many more donors will join her and be part of this revolutionary facility. “Good Shepherd is always on the leading edge of all the latest technology, and I think this is going to be one of the most successful, futuristic rehabilitation facilities in the country,” she says. “People will come regionally and nationally, because they won’t be able to get what Good Shepherd will offer anywhere else. It’s going to be a special place and help so many gain greater functional independence. That’s why I encourage people to give.” n
Your support of Good Shepherd's new hospital can impact the future of rehabilitation and transform lives. Find out how. Contact Rebecca McAtee, capital campaign manager, at RMcatee@gsrh.org.
Good Shepherd’s newest chaplain, the Rev. Roxanne Kringle, finds beauty and joy in creating the fabric of long-term relationships.
Being a chaplain is a little like making a quilt. Like the tiny stitches that go into a beautiful handmade quilt, it takes love, time and patience to slowly but surely piece together the fabric of relationships that will stand the test of time.
It's a fitting metaphor for the Rev. Roxanne Kringle, the newest chaplain to join Good Shepherd’s Pastoral Care Department. A gifted quilter—she has an awardwinning quilt hanging in The National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky –Pastor Kringle (as she prefers to be called), is excited about cultivating deeply meaningful relationships with Good Shepherd’s long-term care residents and their families as she meets their spiritual needs.
“I’m really looking forward to getting to know the residents and learning about their stories and their families,” she says.
Pastor Kringle grew up in northern Wisconsin and obtained her master of divinity and master of sacred theology degrees from Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. She also received a master of arts in theological and pastoral studies from LaSalle University. Her first call was serving in south Philadelphia, followed by 17 years as head pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Farmersville in Bethlehem Township.
Pastor Kringle’s work in this tiny parish was personally fulfilling in many ways as it allowed her to build close relationships with her parishioners. But the administrative demands that came with being a staff of one led her to a period of discernment on her faith journey.
When an opportunity arose to enter a clinical chaplain residency at Lehigh Valley Health Network, Pastor Kringle seized it. “It was a chance to figure out if this was the direction I wanted to go and just how I was fitting in the church,” she says.
The move proved to be the right one, and Pastor Kringle knew she had found a new calling. Three years later, she became the chaplain at Manatawny Manor in Pottstown. It was here, in this long-term care setting, she worked with seniors who had physical challenges and/or dementia. “It allowed me to bring my greatest gifts in preaching, and leading worship in a variety of settings and bible study in small groups,” she says.
The opening to come to Good Shepherd spoke to Pastor Kringle through the voices of others she knew who had served as chaplains in years past: the late Chaplain Barbara Davis and the late Rev. Bill Horn.
“Chaplain Davis and I were in the same class in seminary,” says Pastor Kringle. “I came to her installation and I remember her saying, ‘I can’t believe they’re paying me to do this.’ I feel like she’s cheering me on.”
Since coming to Good Shepherd in April, Pastor Kringle has been on a journey of discovery with the residents in Allentown and Bethlehem, learning about how they form community and their shared experiences with each other and with her. “To hear the residents’ stories and how they’re connecting has been a delight and amazing,” she says.
Pastor Kringle sees this newest chapter in her life working with people with disabilities, some profoundly so, as an exciting opportunity for personal learning and growth. “What does the universe keep teaching?” she asks herself. “For me it is being in the moment, being with the person, patient and listening very closely and intently, waiting for the words to be said and for it all to come out. There’s a mind, a soul, a body who wants to say something to the world. It’s being there to understand what it is.” n
Adam J. Check
Alfred E. Douglass III
Brigid Gallagher
Ms. Duanne M. Castellani
Gaynard and Hynes family and friends
George Stevens
Good Shepherd Bethlehem staff (PARC)
Good Shepherd East Greenville staff
Good Shepherd Schnecksville staff
Mr. Jack Cooney
Mrs. Jill Raker
Hudders Douglass
JoAnn Marusak
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Check
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto E. Fischmann
Ms. Vivien Steele
Mr. John M. Hyman
Mr. John Gaynard
Ms. Stephanie Stevens-Dodson
Mr. Joseph E. Bickert
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Bryce
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duerholz
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto E. Fischmann
Mr. Joseph F. Marusak
John Gaynard Gaynard and Hynes family and friends
Mr. Jon A. Swartz
Lily Keim Van Sweden
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Stein
Ms. Adrienne M. Boyer
Mr. Jonathan W. Decker
Mrs. Olive J. Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Keim
Ms. Janice R. Keim
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lukaszczyk
Ms. Carol A. Modjadidi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sandusky
Sunny and Camie
Pauline Jarva
Mr. Walter B. Palmer
Mrs. Sandra L. Weiss and Dr. Daniel Weiss
Adele and Robert Suydam
Mr. Frank Hyland
Kyu S. Kim, MD
Mrs. Barbara Clifford IN MEMORY OF… DONATED BY…
Mr. Adolph R. Agonis
Mrs. Agnes E. Kohler
Ms. Christine Dakes
The Corr Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Derkits
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Ernst
Ms. Jennifer Gill
Ms. Elizabeth J. Kerin
Ms. Anna M. Matika
Mr. Michael Pruzinsky
Mr. Andrew F. High
Anne Frock Olsen
Arinda Diaz
Mr. Lester B. High
Mr. and Mrs. John Frock
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haymon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kamon
Dr. Lona Farr and Mr. David Voellinger
Barbara Buck
Betty E. Eller
Mrs. Carolyn B. Volk
Carroll C. Moorhead
Colleen O'Connell
David DiMarcello
David J. Volk
Mr. Rob Crouthamel
Mr. John M. Eller
Mr. Dennis K. Wood
Mr. Stephen Koons
Mr. Kevin Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Phillips, Sr.
Ms. Christy Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barrow
Mr. Reinaldo Bretones
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D. Burgess
Fatim Castellanos
Ms. Winnie Chang
Ms. Courtney Clark
Ms. Cheryl Clements
We thank the generous families and friends who honor their dear ones with memorial gifts and living gifts of honor. These gifts help support Good Shepherd’s mission of service to people with disabilities, many who otherwise could not afford the therapies or long-term care they need.
David J. Volk
Ms. Janet Crockett
Mr. John Farmer
Ms. Alyssa Greenberg
Ms. Lori Nanton-Harris
Ms. Wendy Hedrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heun
Hoffman family
Ms. Jeanna Kozak
Mr. Matt Loughlin
Mr. Walter Mezynski
Ms. Christina Murawski
Mr. Mark Petersen
Ms. Krystyna Pitre
Mr. Marco Salcedo
Ms. Barbara Sancilardi
Ms. Parissa Safari
Mr. Frank A. Schumera
Ms. Jenna Siegl
Ms. Jacqueline Spath
Ms. Jacqueline Thomas
Mrs. Dolores M. Kelhart
Ms. Lynne S. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Colburn Q. Kent
Ms. Ellie McAfee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Nause
Mr. and Mrs. Christian L. Skoff
Ms. Ellen Trentacoste
Mr. and Mrs. James Trinkle
Miss Lori A. Weiss
Ms. Elizabeth Wilson
Dr. Donald M. Sledz
Mr. Jeffrey Blinder
Ms. Carol Eisenbise
Mr. Joseph Farkas
Micro Photonics
Mrs. Diane Washburn
Mrs. Dolores M. Kelhart
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Washburn
Ms. Judith H. Balliet
Ms. Suzanne Churchill
Ms. Charlotte Cruse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cruse
Mrs. Darlene A. Ebner
Mr. and Mrs. H R. Erney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Franco
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Guignet, Sr.
Ms. Carol Huber
Ms. Berenice Kale
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelhart
Doris Fenstermacher
Earl Trumbauer
Mrs. Ethel Schneck
George S. Cochran
Dr. Hagen and Gertrude Staack
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Unger
Mr. Harry Unger, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Howard
E. Laubach
J. Austine & Evelyn Boudreau
Ms. Jane Storch
Mr. and Mrs. Jermiah Trexler
Jessie Christman
Jim Maul
Mr. Raymond O. Fenstermacher
Ms. June R. Capkovic
Ms. Carolyn M. George
Mrs. Betty Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Staack
Annie M. Nolf
Annie M. Nolf
Ms. Heidi Laubach
Ms. Frances C. Boudreau
Ms. Kelly S. Zimmerman
Mrs. Annie M. Nolf
Mr. Kurt D. Scott
An anonymous friend
Joan Marmelo
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Fatzinger, III
Dr. Ruth Ann Wittmann-Price
Peter Dorogi
Mr. and Mrs. John Cosgrove
Ms. Lynn F. Lockard
Ms. Mary Ellen Novick
John J. Baranko
Rev. Dr. John M. Brndjar
John Molnar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Matthews
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Brndjar
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Brobst
Ms. Andrea H. Frisch
Mr. Alan B. McFall Northampton County Bar Association
Richard N. Meier
Ms. Lynne Royer
Ms. Suzanne Zuniga
Ms. Doris L. Klint
Mr. Roger Snell, Jr. Mrs. Diane Snell
Rose Baranko
Sarah Whitmire
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Matthews
Ms. Anne Marie Grattan
Mr. Joseph F. Grunt
June Donohue
Kimberly Bretz
Louise S. Keim
Ms. Alyce Grunt
Ms. Ann L. Walker
Mrs. Ann T. Spengler
Ms. Adrienne M. Boyer
Mr. Jonathan W. Decker
Mrs. Olive J. Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Keim
Ms. Janice R. Keim
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lukaszczyk
Ms. Carol A. Modjadidi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sandusky
Sunny and Camie
Scott G. Sandler
Shirley Homme
Stella A. Rios
William F. Mosser, III
Mr. Douglas B. Eberhart
Mr. Franklin L. Homme
Mr. Dennis K. Wood
Mr. Alvaro A. Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Lynn
Gifts were received from January 1 through March 31, 2022
Mr. Mark A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franko
Mr. Charles E. Orr
MIichael J. Milot
Michael Straub
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Baltsar
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Staub
Molly C. Malone Banko Beverage Company
Patricia Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bohner
There is something about watching the sunrises and sunsets of the summer that remind us of the beauty of the world. Sunrises push away the darkness and bring light into the world. It reminds us that every day we wake up to a new opportunity on the horizon, a renewed sense of hope and joy. Whatever has occurred yesterday was yesterday, and now as the sun breaks through, we have a chance to move forward with a fresh perspective. Sunrises also remind us that we are part of a bigger picture in the world. At some time during a 24-hour period, the same sun will rise in the east everywhere.
It is this fresh possibility that our patients and residents wake up to every morning. An opportunity to walk farther, breathe deeper, swallow better. I am grateful for our amazing staff that wake up with an attitude of compassion and hopefulness. They bring in with them a knowledge and expertise that empowers and motivates our patients and residents to get out of bed and find the courage to face another day.
The Rakers must have seen a beautiful sunrise the day they accepted Viola Hunt into their home. It was just the start of a movement to care for the disabled in the community. It is in this same light that we continue to care for those in need of healing, encouragement and support.
At the same time, sunsets bring a splendor all their own. They are proof that no matter how our day went, no matter what joy or trials we have encountered, our day can still end beautifully. n
Genesis 1: 3-5
called “night.”
And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5God called the light “day,” and the darkness he
A summer slate of adaptive fishing and golf events got off to a great start in May with more on the way. These exciting events were designed by a team of Good Shepherd clinicians as part of the Good Shepherd Innovation Grants Program. The program gives Good Shepherd and Good Shepherd Penn Partners Associates an opportunity to explore and bring their innovative ideas to life. Program goals include imagining projects that improve care, define the future of rehabilitation or improve key business practices. For information on upcoming adaptive fishing and golfing events, visit GoodShepherdRehab.org. n
Good Shepherd’s Hope Starts Here capital campaign took a major step forward thanks to a generous $250,000 grant from the Air Products Foundation. A ceremonial check was presented by representatives of Air Products on Thursday, June 9, after they joined Good Shepherd Associates putting Sharpie to steel and signed the final 23-foot steel beam that will “top off” the new 76-bed-private-room rehabilitation hospital under construction in Center Valley across from The Promenade Shops at Saucon Valley.
Addressing the gathering, Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network President & CEO Michael Spigel said, “Good Shepherd has a very large, very passionate base of supporters who will do everything in their power to ensure Good Shepherd is here to serve the community for another 100-plus years. We cannot do what we do without all of you.”
You too can make your mark on the future of visionary health care in the Lehigh Valley with your support of Good Shepherd’s Hope Starts Here capital campaign. Find out how by contacting Rebecca McAtee, capital campaign manager, at RMcatee@gsrh.org. n
Read more:
New Hospital: Air Products Grant:
MICHAEL SPIGEL, PT, MHA, President, Allentown
GARY SCHMIDT, MA, Chair, Orefield
SANDRA L. BODNYK, Vice Chair, Orefield
THE REV. JOHN RICHTER, M.Div., Secretary, Sinking Springs
JAN HELLER, MBA, Treasurer, Bethlehem
PAUL D. EMRICK, CIMA®, CFP ® , Allentown
LORI GUSTAVE, Philadelphia
THOMAS J. LYNCH, Allentown
MAURA TOPPER, Philadelphia
Trustee Emeriti
JOHN V. COONEY, MS, Allentown
NELVIN L. VOS, PHD, Maxatawny
Legacy Trustee
MICHAEL SPIGEL, PT, MHA, President, Allentown
JAMES J. DALEY, MD, Center Valley
PETER T. ENDER, MD, Center Valley
Good Shepherd serves persons with disabilities on the basis of need regardless of ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex or religious creed and is an equal opportunity employer.
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CINDY BUCHMAN, MHA, Vice President, Strategic Planning and Operating Services
Executive Director, Good Shepherd Penn Partners
JEANNE DZURENKO, MPH, BSN, RN, NEA-BC Senior Vice President & Chief Nursing Officer
Chief Human Resources Officer
Administrator, Good Shepherd Home –Raker Center
CARRY GERBER, Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Senior Vice President, Clinical Operations
CARRIE KANE, MS, CCC-SLP/L, ATP, Administrator, Good Shepherd Home –Bethlehem
KAREN LONG, PTA, BS Vice President, Operations for Outpatient Therapy
GEORGINE A. OLEXA, Esq., JD, MBA Vice President, Legal Affairs
TERENCE O’NEIL Chief Information Officer
Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs, and Chief Medical Officer
SCOTT K. EPSTEIN, MD Good Shepherd – Wayne Memorial Inpatient Rehabilitation Center
CLINTON C. HOLUMZER, MD Good Shepherd Home – Bethlehem
Good Shepherd Home – Raker Center
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network 850 South 5th Street
Allentown, PA 18103
Gloria M. Pugliese, MBA, CAP, CFRE, Associate Vice President
Major & Planned Giving Officers: Susan Lopez, Kimberly Stolarik
Andrew B. Block, MPA
Manager of Community Relations and Special Events
Rebecca McAtee
Capital Campaign Manager
Alicia Moyer
Annual Fund & Sponsorships Officer
Dianne Spengler
Corporate & Foundation Relations Specialist
Elizabeth McDonald
Randy Monceaux Photography
To make an address correction, or remove your name from our mailing list, please call (610) 778-1075.
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network and its affiliates are tax exempt organizations as provided by IRS regulations. Pennsylvania law requires us to inform you of the following: The official registration and financial information of Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
USPS-530800. A quarterly publication of Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network, 850 South 5th Street, Allentown, PA 18103, 1-877-734-2247, a non-profit corporation, founded February 21, 1908, by the late Rev. John H. Raker, D.D. Incorporated by decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, November 15, 1909, under the corporate title of “The Good Shepherd Home.” Postage paid at Allentown, PA, and at additional mailing offices.
Good Shepherd Plaza
850 South 5th Street
Allentown, PA 1810 3
If you’re interested in making a gift with a big impact on the future of rehabilitation, consider a deferred gift. It won’t affect your income or assets now, in case you need money for your own expenses later. It will give you the satisfaction of sharing your intentions and celebrating your commitment to improving the lives of our patients and residents.
To explore your options or share your intentions, visit SweetCharityOnline.org/ plannedgiving, or contact Susan Lopez at Sulopez@gsrh.org or 610-776-3386.