2022 Annual Report

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Annual Report

From our CEO and Board Chair

Leadership transitions allow us time to pause and reflect. As we stop and consider Girl Scouts of Western Ohio during our own leadership change, one thing is clear: We have a strong foundation, and our future is bright.

As we reflect on the results of 2022, we see many signs of growth and recovery, setting a foundation for us to reach even more girls with impactful programs in 2023. Girls continued to join Girl Scouts in our area — girls who will gain a better sense of self of who they are, girls who will tackle challenges head-on, and girls who are changing the world for today, and tomorrow. This continued participation demonstrates that girls need Girl Scouts today as much as ever.

In addition to ongoing participation, we’ve also seen the return of innovative, engaging, and unique programs, with high program participation rates across our council. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is providing programming that girls want, from art to canoeing to robotics, and more!

This year also brought girls back to summer camp. With multiple improvements funded by our generous Empower Her donors, girls and volunteers returned to new and updated buildings, informative kiosks, a new pool, renovated sleeping quarters, and more! This commitment to renovated facilities and outstanding outdoor experiences for our Girl Scouts is so inspiring!

Although we’ve seen successes this year, our work is not done. Being a girl in today’s times can be tough. With external pressures exacerbated by social media, the uncertainty brought about by current events, and outdated norms about what girls can and cannot do, it’s critical that we continue to build resiliency in girls. We remain as committed as ever to our mission, and committed to the important work of ensuring that every girl can be her best self in Girl Scouts.

As we continue on our shared mission to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place, we know that this year would not be possible without the unwavering support of our volunteers and supporters.

We extend a heartfelt “thank you” to the thousands of volunteers, donors, and supporters across our council—the people who we partner with every day to ensure every girl receives the very best in Girl Scouts. Thank you for all you do, we are grateful.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

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You’ve built a strong foundation for a bright future!

Our Mission, Promise, and Law


To build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

Promise Law On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.

2022 at a Glance

25,000 Girl Members

10,827 Volunteers

23,372 Badges

2,776,694 Packages of Cookies

5,970 Campers

960 Donors

336 Programs Offered

279 Highest Awards

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Our Girls

What is Girl Scouts of Western Ohio without girls? Our Girl Scouts bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world. Through programs and activities in each corner of our council, Girl Scouts of all backgrounds and abilities can be unapologetically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new challenges—whether they want to climb to the top of a tree or the top of their class, lace up their boots for a hike, advocate for climate justice, or make their first best friends. Backed by trusted adult volunteers, mentors, and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them. They start by making new friends, speaking up, and solving problems in their communities, and go on to push boundaries and change the world through their actions, both big and small.

Girls Served in 2022

This year we served 25,000 girls in 2,219 troops

Highest Awards in Girl Scouts

28% Daisies 15% Cadettes

28% Brownies 4% Seniors

22% Juniors 3% Ambassadors

29 Gold Award Girl Scouts

198 Silver Award Girl Scouts

315 Bronze Award Girl Scouts

Through Girl Scout experiences, girls develop the attitudes, skills, and behaviors needed to succeed in life, giving them the courage to fail and keep trying, the tools to create an independent future, and the power to do good in the world. Girl Scouts overcome barriers by building their confidence, creativity, and resilience. They learn to embrace risks and challenges by trying new things and taking on exciting adventures, preparing them to lead happy and successful lives.

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Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

On our honor, every person. Every voice.

Juliette Gordon Low founded Girl Scouts over 110 years ago as an innovative movement where all would be welcomed. We continuously strive to build a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization that supports the many faces, cultures, and walks of life that proudly make up our vibrant community. It is essential to our mission that every individual’s ideas and perspectives are sought out, heard, respected, and valued.

As Girl Scouts, it is our duty to make the world a better place, and that includes standing against racism, violence, and hate. Girl Scouts strive to be a safe space for girls, families, and volunteers. We are fully committed to helping our communities and guiding our girls through this time.

After all, it’s in the Girl Scout Law that we will do our best to make the world a better place and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

In 2022, our members included:

27%* Adult volunteers

Black, Indigenous, People of Color

20%* Youth

Black, Indigenous, People of Color

11%* Staff


Indigenous, People of Color

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*based on those who reported.

Building Girls of Courage, Confidence, and Character

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) encourages girls to discover themselves, connect with others, and take action to make the world a better place. Participating in the GSLE helps girls develop important leadership skills they need to become successful adults. The GSLE delivers “fun with purpose” by helping girls gain valuable life skills and amazing new experiences while having fun and building friendships!

Variety of Activities Supportive Relationships

3 Girl Scout Processes

5 GSLE Outcomes

In Girl Scouts, girls get outdoors, participate in the Cookie Program, earn badges and awards, and much more! When these Girl Scout activities are girl-led, cooperative, and hands-on, girls show greater benefits. Girl Scouts who engaged with the GSLE in 2022 achieved the following outcomes:

68% Girls have confidence in themselves and their abilities and form positive identities.

Sense of Self

66% Positive Values

Girls act ethically, honestly, and responsibly, and show concern for others.

48% Healthy Relationships

Girls communicate their feelings directly and resolve conflicts constructively.

Challenge Seeking

46% Girls take appropriate risks, try even if they may fail, and learn from mistakes.

43% Community Problem Solving

Girls desire contribution, identify problems, and create “action plans.”

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Finance Report

2022 Expenses

5,314 Girls participated in direct delivery programming


$328,644 Total financial assistance

7,881 Girls received financial assistance

Camp for Every Girl

63 girls went to summer overnight camp

37 girls went to Troop adventure camp

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2022 Revenue $9,504,569 Product Program & Merchandise Sales $1,580,696 Annual Charitable Contributions $1,294,426 Investment Returns $797,558 Program Fees and Dues $98,297 United Way Allocations $11,904,801 Program Services $1,045,263 Fundraising $1,791,444 Mission Core Services 81% 12% 7% 9.8% 71.6% 11.9% 6% .7%

Program Highlights

Girl Scout Cookies

2.7 million packages of Girl Scout Cookies

$2.3 million in troop cookie proceeds

14,000 + girl entrepreneurs sold Girl Scout Cookies

90,743 packages of cookies donated

Crocheting for a Cause!

Girl Scout Camp

633 Day campers


Troop Adventure Camp campers

773 Summer overnight campers

3,578 School-break day campers

The fifth-grade girls in Junior Girl Scout Troop 45957 spent their summer break crocheting for clean water. For their Bronze Award project, the girls worked with an international nonprofit to make yarn loops. These loops attach important syringes to water buckets that are used to filter clean, drinkable water for those in need. Without the syringes, the filters would break down in weeks.

Altogether, the girls spent over two months crocheting 1,500 loops—some created during long plane rides to visit family in India. The troop says, “We believe that access to clean water is a basic human right. We want to help prevent waterborne diseases, because water is a luxury for some people.” These girls are making the world a better place!

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Building Together with Community Partners

2022 Programs at a glance


Building STEM skills for today and tomorrow!

Girl Scouts across our council participate in hundreds of innovative programs that introduce girls to a wide range of topics — everything from astronomy to selfdefense to sewing, all aligning with our four program pillars.

New in 2022, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio launched a partnership with Allied Construction Industries’ SheBuilds to bring a brand-new program to the region: “Power Girls.”

Power Girls programming launched in December when Girl Scouts worked with experts in the construction industry to build their own tablet stand using saws, impact drivers, screwdrivers, and more!

Girls also had the opportunity to learn woodburning to add decoration to their projects. Girls used skills and knowledge ranging from math to measuring, while having fun and gaining a sense of accomplishment from knowing that they could build things themselves!

Thank you, Allied Construction Industries — we are excited to continue to build this program for many girls into the future!

96 Program partners

336 Program Events Offered


Girls participated in council-sponsored programs


Girls participated in 3 or more Girl Scout activities

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Life Skills Entrepreneurship

Building with Volunteers

Girl Scouting depends on volunteers to bring our programs to life for girls. We rely on our volunteers for everything from coaching and guiding girls as troop leaders; helping to facilitate the Cookie Program; administrative help in the office; service unit volunteers; outdoor training facilitators; and so much more. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is fortunate to have an amazing group of dedicated and capable volunteers!

10,121 Volunteers

A lifetime of Girl Scout volunteering... just getting started!

Julia was an active Girl Scout for 13 years, beginning as a Daisy and continuing on to become a Program Assistant and earn the Silver and Gold Awards. She still holds fond memories of camping with her troop and attending day camp.

In college, Julia joined Kappa Delta sorority primarily because one of their philanthropies was Girl Scouts. She didn’t know her commitment to Girl Scouts was just getting started!

When her daughter entered Kindergarten, Julia excitedly agreed to be her troop leader. After four years leading her daughter’s troop, Julia stepped into the role of Girl Scout Leadership Experience chair, responsible for ensuring the Girl Scout program is delivered with quality in her local community.

Julia and her fellow regional volunteer leadership team members have hosted several events, including an end-of-the-year bash, a math in nature event at a local park, a Halloween/Birthday Bash for our founder, and an AMAZING cookie rally. Julia also shared her passion as a quilt and educational fabric designer with the girls at a “Juliette Sews” event, which is near and dear to Julia’s heart.

95% of troop leaders indicated that being a troop leader allows them to use their skills, talents, and passions

“Girl Scouts has given me so much that, at the time it was all happening, I didn’t even realize it. Looking back, Girl Scouts made me a leader, even though I am shy and more of an introvert. It helped me to be able to guide my own troop and (community) as well.”ff

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(shown with her daughter)

Our Supporters — Helping Build for the Future

The Empower Her Campaign is Transforming our Camps

There is a little camp in all of us. Once you’ve been to camp, the lessons never leave you! What began as a dream in 2018 soon became a reality by 2022. Empower Her — the campaign to transform our camps and our girls — set out to improve four camps with capital and programmatic updates.

Studies show that outdoor experiences are essential to leadership development in girls, and we know that camp is an important part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. With camp usage up 46% since 2013, ensuring our girls and volunteers have modernized camp facilities and impactful programming is critical.

To date, generous community members and supporters have helped raise over $5.5 million dollars for camp improvements — improvements that make camp even more magical. By 2022, many planned improvements were completed, and additional enhancements should be completed by September 2023. We are looking forward to celebrating all of the wonderful improvements to our camps!

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812 Individual Donors 88 Corporations & Organizations 110 Leadership Circle 42 Foundations 100 Juliette Gordon Low Society members (planned giving) 16 United Way
Pollinator garden
New signage installed at four of our
Newly-built swinging bridge at Camp Stonybrook
Community-wide Support
Astronomy tower at Camp Libbey



Victoria Nilles

Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office

1st Vice Chair

Cassie B. Barlow

Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE)

2nd Vice Chair

Kimber Fender

Retired, Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library


Patrice Baughman Borders

Prevention Strategies, LLC


Jenny Michael CareSource


Maria Arcocha White Inclusity

Sheri Bogardus Key Bank

Angela Carter Owens Corning

Theresa Hirschauer

Cincinnati Country Day School

Fidelity Investments

Teanya Norwood-Ekwenna


Retired, Reagh and Associates

Retired, Benefit Designs, Inc.


Vonda Willis

Vonda K. Willis, LLC

Ex-Officio — Non-Voting Members

Girl Members

Christine M. Castellano The Andersons, Inc. Michelle Furlong Horan Corinne Hemesath Retired, Morgan Stanley Jaime Lanham Rhonda E. Reagh Monique Sewell Rhonda Smith Core Transformations Karla Tankersley Gap, Inc. Pam Viscione Retired, Procter & Gamble Amy Walter Synchrony Carole Williams Mount St. Joseph University Shannon McDaniel Jodie Topich
Western Ohio
® In Partnership With: 888 350 5090 | gswo.org customercare@gswo.org Camps Camp Libbey Camp Woodhaven Camp Rolling Hills Little House Greenville Camp Stonybrook Camp Whip Poor Will Camp Butterworth 2 1 3 4 5 6 A Toledo 460 W. Dussel Drive, Suite A Maumee, OH 43537 B Lima 1870 W. Robb Avenue Lima, OH 45805 C Dayton 450 Shoup Mill Road Dayton, OH 45415 D Cincinnati 4930 Cornell Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 Board of Directors 2022-2023 Service Centers 7 N E S W Kentucky Indiana Michigan 3 2 Williams Fulton Wood
Ottawa Defiance 1 2 Paulding Putnam Van Wert Allen Hancock Hardin Logan Champaign Clark Greene Montgomery Warren Butler Hamilton Dearborn Clermont Brown
Shelby Miami Darke Mercer Auglaize 3 4 5 6 Preble Ohio A B C D 7
Chief Executive Officer Girl Scouts of
Aimée Sproles
Henry Lucas

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