Volume 8 | Issue 2
President: Adam Grenville
President-Elect: Tina Marie Eloian
Vice President: Keianna Carty
Secretary - Jennie Restrepo
Treasurer - Lea Lagueux
Immediate Past President: Jay Quigley
CEO: Jason Outman
We consistently serve our members with passion and purpose to anticipate their needs and exceed their expectations.
We maintain open lines of communication, striving to do what’s right with integrity.
Sheila Calistri, Rick Fifer, Ollie Green, Sharonda Lawrence, Chrissy Nieves, Melanie Norris, Elaine Pumarejo, Katherine Sakkis, Marcus Scott, Tom Scaglione and Barbara Brown
Kimberly Chin, Communications/PR Manager
Parker Lewis, Director of Communications & Marketing
AJ Hlavac, Creative Content Coordinator
We are the face of Greater Tampa REALTORS® and exemplify professionalism at all times.
We support, respect and appreciate others, and embody principles of collaboration, diversity and inclusion.
We encourage creative and inspirational ideas that challenge the status quo.
The Greater Tampa REALTORS® Inc. (GTR) is the largest Tampa Bay-based professional association of real estate brokers and sales associates conducting business throughout the Bay. GTR provides educational programs, ethical guidance and other services that enable licensed real estate professionals to help people buy and sell homes in the Greater Tampa area. For more information, please visit tamparealtors.org.
Tampa REALTOR® magazine is published bi-monthly for members of GTR in the interest of informing, promoting, and improving the real estate industry. With the exception of articles and materials from other publications reprinted in this magazine, members and affiliate members of GTR are hereby authorized to reproduce articles appearing in this publication, provided each such reproduction gives the following credit:
Reprinted from the Tampa REALTOR® magazine, Greater Tampa REALTORS®.
For advertising information/sales, please contact 813.879.7010 or news@tamparealtors.org. All advertising is subject to the approval of the GTR Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer.
Dear GTR Family and friends,
Let me start by saying, thank you. It’s an honor and privilege to serve each of you. It’s been a terrific ride so far! I’ve had the privilege of representing GTR all over the world to this point, and I can tell you Tampa Bay is always a hot topic! I’d like to thank our awesome staff and volunteer leaders that have led these conversations. These conversations have led to increased awareness of the availability and visibility of the Tampa Bay real estate market.
“Change is inevitable, growth is optional” - John C. Maxwell
One thing that is sure is that change is here. A lot has happened this quarter. NAR announced a settlement in the Sitzer/Burnett Case that protects nearly every REALTOR® member of NAR if certain rule changes are implemented (review the settlement in its entirety at facts.realtor). This settlement will necessitate changes in how most residential real estate agents conduct business. GTR is monitoring the developments as they unfold and will be bringing you a multitude of options for you and/or your agents to grow through these changes. Of course, unintended circumstances may arise, and we will be at the forefront of advocating for their remedy!
Another opportunity being presented to our members and the Pinellas/Central Pasco REALTORS® (PRO) is a membership vote on the unification of our two associations into one. Our respective Boards of Directors have determined that the information shared by the joint Unification Taskforce was sufficient and appropriate to send to the membership for a vote. You may view the proposal, as well as FAQs, and proposed timeline at tampabayrealtors.org. Voting is scheduled to take place May 14 – May 19 via email.
I believe that everything happens for a reason; that our life experiences shape us and prepare us for the future. Back in 2018, I was the President of the East Pasco Association of REALTORS®. That was the year the GTR and EPAR successfully merged. There’s no question in my mind that both associations have benefitted greatly from that merger. We now have the opportunity to unite with another of our Realtor Association neighbors and make history! We believe that through this merger both associations will be better positioned to address the challenges and opportunities that are barreling towards us. Special thanks to the members of the Unification Task Force for their diligence and for presenting an opportunity that will shape the future of real estate in our area.
You may ask yourself, “what happens if we do this?”, to which I would encourage you to review the FAQs or reach out to a Board member with specific questions.
During one of our recent town hall meetings a member brought up a very good question, “what happens if we don’t do this?”
The decision is yours! Know this though, regardless of the outcome, as the leader of this great association, I’m committed to growing through change. I’m excited about what is possible in the coming months for the future of real estate. Those of us that are willing to learn, adapt and grow, are going to thrive in the market of tomorrow. I encourage you all to make the same commitment and together we will make Greater Tampa REALTORS® even greater!
Greater Tampa REALTORS® (GTR) and Pinellas REALTOR® Organization/ Central Pasco REALTOR® Organization (PRO/CPRO) are in discussions about a potential unification, and both leadership teams believe now is the optimal time.
Combining our resources will not only broaden the range of our membership benefits, but also signal a new era of technological advancements, enhanced professional developments, and advocacy power for all members. By uniting, we aim to streamline processes, amplify our political and community influence, and unlock numerous opportunities for growth and success.
Mark your calendar for the voting period
Voting will open at 1 12:01 a.m. on May 14 and close at 11:59 p.m. on May 19 and will be facilitated through the secure site AssociationVoting.com.
You will receive an email one day prior to the launch of the vote containing voting instructions. That email will come from GTR. The official announcement of the opening of the voting period will come from announcement@associationvoting.com. If you don’t receive this email, please check your spam/junk folder. Those who have not voted will also receive emails each day of the voting period with the link to vote.
✓ Adopt the new Reimbursement Policy (Rev 2) with staff edits to the tense/ voice of the document.
✓ Adopt the Member Conduct and Harassment Policy as recommended by legal counsel, replacing the existing Harassment Policy in the current GTR Policy Manual.
✓ Approve the Dawning Family Services as an approved community organization partner
✓ Adopt and publish the updated policy manual to include the merged leadership document, Social Media Policy, Member Conduct Policy, Travel Reimbursement Policy, and Pathway to Leadership document.
✓ Add the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation to our list of approved Community Organization Partnerships.
✓ Move the Unification Plan of Merger with Pro to the membership to vote.
Case #3-13
RREALTOR® A signs a listing agreement with Seller B for the sale of her home. The home is priced at $1,000,000, and REALTOR® A files the listing with the MLS, offering a certain percentage of cooperative compensation.
REALTOR® C sees the listing and knows it would be a perfect fit for her buyers, but unfortunately it’s out of their price range. She discusses it with them, and they ask her to submit an offer for $900,000. REALTOR® C explains the risks in submitting an offer so far below asking price, but the buyers are in love with the home and ask her to submit the offer anyway.
REALTOR® C submits the offer to REALTOR® A, who discusses it with Seller B. Seller B is concerned about accepting an offer so far below the home’s asking price, so REALTOR® A offers to reduce her commission, as articulated in the listing agreement, by 1% if Seller B wants to accept the offer of $900,000 and ensure a quick sale. Seller B agrees to accept the offer and reduce the commission she pays to REALTOR® A by 1%.
REALTOR® A informs REALTOR® C that their offer was accepted, but that REALTOR® A is now being paid 1% less in commission. “Listen,” she explains to REALTOR® C, “it seems like both of our clients are happy with the price if it means the sale moves quickly. Would you be willing to split the difference on my reduced commission and I pay you 0.5% less
in cooperative compensation than I specified in the MLS?”
REALTOR® C agrees to accept 0.5% less than the commission specified in the MLS. After closing, REALTOR® C files an ethics complaint against REALTOR® A, alleging a violation of Article 3, as illustrated by Standard of Practice 3-2.
At the hearing on the matter, REALTOR® C argued that by asking her to accept 0.5% less in cooperative compensation after the offer was submitted, REALTOR® A was unilaterally modifying the compensation with regard to that transaction. The Hearing Panel disagreed and found no violation of Article 3, noting that Standard of Practice 3-3 specifically authorizes listing and cooperating brokers to enter into an agreement to change the compensation for a transaction at any time, and that the Code of Ethics would never interfere with the negotiation of commissions between listing and cooperating brokers. The Panel also noted that REALTOR® C could have said no to the reduced commission, and in that instance REALTOR® A would have been obligated to pay the commission stated in the MLS.
From the Florida REALTORS® Legal Hotline
The Legal Hotline attorneys answer questions about real estate license law and offer legal interpretations of standard business forms and contracts.
FREE legal advice is available for members! Call (407) 438-1409; Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
more ethics case interpretations online at:
Q: My proposed website layout has a team name at the top of the page, along with office address, email and phone numbers. I know that all advertisements must also include the name of the brokerage firm, but is it ok if that goes at the bottom of the webpage?
A: No. Rule 61J2-10.025(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, provides that if a brokerage firm is advertising on the Internet, the licensed name of the firm “shall be placed adjacent to or immediately above or below the point of contact information.”
Q: I’m negotiating the terms of a listing, and the seller has asked that I get a flat-fee commission, as opposed to a commission based on percentage of sales price.
Assuming my broker approves the amount and structure of the commission the brokerage firm will receive, is this acceptable?
A: Commissions are completely negotiable. Therefore, the listing broker and the seller can agree on commission based on a flat fee, a percentage of the purchase price, or perhaps a combination of both.
The REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Major Investors are industry professionals whose goal is to promote homeownership for all and to protect Realtors from burdensome regulations.
Major Investors know what it takes to get results that will help their bottom line, the real estate industry, and Florida homeowners. Their continued generous support opens doors to conversations with key leaders and helps elect candidates who are REALTOR® CHAMPIONS.
If you believe in the concept that “you have to give to get,” step up and become a Major Investor. Position yourself as a vocal leader in the industry, someone who truly is making a difference in Florida’s future and the real estate profession.
Your investment empowers Greater Tampa REALTORS®, Florida Realtors®, and RPAC to act as vigilant advocates in the Tampa Bay Area and Tallahassee for the real estate industry and homeownership.
This frame designates members of the RPAC Hall of Fame with an aggregate lifetime investment of $25,000 or more.
Thanks to Brown & Associates Law & Title for being a corporate ally program investor.
This icon designates an influential group of REALTORS® who contribute $2,000 directly to REALTOR®-friendly candidates in response to requests from NAR and RPAC trustees.
Real estate is a prominent industry in our daily lives, so you can always expect industry experts to be at the forefront of emerging, innovative technology. All the buzz these days seems to be centered around artificial intelligence (AI).
Over the past several years, the presence of AI has come to play an integral role in real estate and surely will continue to do so as technology enhances. Nearly 70% of brokerage leaders who responded to the latest Inman Intel Index expect to invest in technology in 2024, with many now saying artificial intelligence is top of mind.
So, what IS artificial intelligence? Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clark once compared advanced technology to magic. Magic can then be embraced or feared. More specifically, as defined by ChatGPT, artificial intelligence or AI, …. “Refers to computer systems designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making decisions and understanding natural language. It encompasses a range of technologies that enable machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks, streamlining and enhancing various aspects of work, including in the real estate sector where it can analyze market trends, predict property values and personalize customer interactions.”
AI-generating tools (such as ChatGPT) allow REALTORS® to incorporate the most progressive technology and data into their business, which may allow them to redirect their focus on other areas of business that require their attention. The availability of these tools means that agents can save substantial time and effort on tasks that AI can handle in a fraction of the time.
One such tool is the startup Productive.ai, winner of the 2023 NAR Innovation, Opportunity & Investment Summit’s annual Pitch Battle competition. This California-based company uses AI to “pull real-time information from phone conversations and provide automatic notes, summaries, tasks, events and CRM logging,” according to Inman™. Tools like this can allow agents to put AI to work for them, therefore allowing agents to be as productive as they see fit while allowing them to use their time constructively.
With the increase of AI capabilities and becoming more available to the public, some may wonder if REALTORS® will become obsolete and eventually phased out of the process altogether. The idea is to partner with AI and make it work FOR you rather than worry about it REPLACING you. Agents should take advantage of it as a tool to work cohesively with it. While AI can imitate human behavior through predictive language, determining patterns, and interpreting data, it falls short of human interaction, conveying emotions like empathy, compassion and social awareness. Understand that it does have its limitations. Buyers and sellers will ALWAYS need a REALTOR® in some capacity beyond the AI experience.
With that said, we are still in the relatively early stages of public-facing AI. REALTORS® should be vigilant in how heavily they rely on this newer technology. There is always a learning curve with cutting-edge improvements. As real estate professionals, it is our job to be diligent in our efforts and learn how to navigate upcoming challenges in our ever-changing industry. As AI becomes more customary, we must stay ahead of the potential complications it presents. Inman™ highlights the latest concern in real estate, involving “so-called deep fakes, where AI can very realistically mimic voices. Scammers are now using these fake voices to verify wire transfers.” Such a powerful tool can be dangerous in the wrong hands. REALTORS® should be mindful of this in their everyday practice to best protect their buyers, sellers, brokerage and themselves.
As a trade built on interpersonal relationships, our ability to genuinely connect with others and establish trust is essential. The best way to move forward is to maintain a healthy balance between technological advances that are meant to simplify our lives and a natural means of getting the job done.
Brittany Livingston (EZ Choice Realty) is the 2024 YPN Committee Chair. Find us on Facebook &
Commemorate the Fair Housing Act—advocate for accountability, culture change and training. Elevate your business, advance homeownership and expand opportunity.
1. Asian Americans have witnessed the most pronounced increase in homeownership, with a remarkable gain of __% compared to 2012.
A. 5.1
B. 6.1
C. 7
2. __% of recent buyers did not have a child under the age of 18 in their home.
A. 76
B. 67
C. 70
3. __% of recent buyers identified as gay or lesbian, while __% as bisexual.
A. 3: 4
B. 3; 2
C. 1; 2
4. __% of Black/African American buyers reported steering towards or away from a specific neighborhood.
A. 39
B. 29
C. 23
5. 51% of Hispanic/Latino buyers were firsttime home buyers.
A. True
B. False
6. __% of recent buyers were single females, while __% were single males.
A. 11, 19
B. 9; 11
C. 19; 10
7. Asian/pacific islanders received gifts and loans from family more than other groups.
A. True
B. False
8. The typical home seller was 65 years old, unchanged from last year.
A. True
B. False
An eviction process starts with a written notice and ends with a writ of possession for removal. If you follow the right steps, an uncontested eviction is considered a summary procedure and takes an average of 15 days. Besides the landlord/tenant situation, as a REALTOR®, it is important to know the eviction process when your buyer or seller enters into a purchase and sale contract that contemplates either a pre-occupancy agreement or a post-occupancy agreement.
1. Provide a Written notice
The landlord gives a written notice to the tenant and keeps a signed copy as evidence. The notice depends on the rent payment method or grounds for the eviction. It can be a 3, 7, 15, 30, or 60-day notice. Grounds for Eviction are such things are non-payment of rent, end of the lease or no lease (hold over tenant situation), lease violation, or substantial property damage or repeat lease violation.
2. Posting a Notice of Eviction
If time permits, sending the notice by certified mail or return receipt requested is preferred. Often tenants will not pick up such mail. The alternative is to personally serve the tenant at their home address. Whoever serves the notice, and it doesn’t have to be a process server, should note the date and time of service on a copy of the eviction notice that can be attached to the Complaint for Eviction if that becomes necessary. If the tenant is not home, after several good-faith attempts, the notice can be tapped on the door. Take a photo of the taped eviction notice as evidence of serving the notice and have whoever taped the notice note that on a copy of the eviction notice.
3. File an Eviction Lawsuit called a Complaint
If you deliver an eviction notice and the tenant continues to stay in your property, you can file an eviction lawsuit. The eviction lawsuit is filed in the county in which the property is located. The eviction lawsuit should include the names of the landlord and tenant, the reason for eviction, the property address,
and attach a copy of the notice you issued.
4. Tenants are Served with Summons and Complaint
After the lawsuit is processed, each tenant is served with a summons and complaint. They have up to five days to contest the lawsuit in writing by filing an answer to the complaint. It should be pointed out that if and when a tenant contests an eviction, the court process may take longer as a hearing may be required on the court’s calendar.
The tenant will present reasons why they should not be evicted, and if the court finds such reasons valid, the court could dismiss the lawsuit. If the Court finds the reasons are invalid, the eviction process will proceed to a court hearing.
The final step is a hearing on the Summary Final Judgment of Eviction, which is a hearing to present all the necessary documents before the judge for a ruling. These documents include a copy of the rental agreement, eviction notices, and any evidence. After examining these documents, the judge will make a ruling. If the tenant fails to appear before the court, the ruling will be in favor of the landlord.
Once Judgment is entered, the Court will reserve the right to issue a Writ of Possession if the tenant does not move out of the property. Upon service of the Writ, a tenant is required to vacate the premises within 24 hours. If the tenant refuses to vacate, the authorities will remove the tenant and their possessions forcibly.
After winning the lawsuit, or if a Writ of Possession is necessary, the authorities return the property to the landlord. A sheriff can put a lock on the property, or a locksmith, at the landlord’s direction, can change the locks.
This article is a general overview of the eviction process, and the exact process may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the eviction. It is recommended that you consult with a legal professional when dealing with eviction matters.
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of courses. Course dates and/or locations are subject to change. Visit TampaRealtors.org/calendar for the most up-to-date information on GTR courses and
May 1 - 2
GRI 103 - Maximizing Your Profitability - IN PERSON
9:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
A 2-day course that covers finance, negotiating and counseling.
May 2
ACE Buyers Agent Bootcamp: How to eliminate deal killing mistakes, be seen as a real estate expert, & close buyer for life - 4CE - IN PERSON
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
This course will help agents to improve their relationships with buyers, help them to get buyers to commit, and help them avoid being second guessed by their customer.
ACE Crypto 1: How to Understand and Meet Customers’ Needs in a Blockchain World - 4CE - IN PERSON
1:30 - 5:30 P.M.
We will explain crypto currency, how it works, the benefits it has to the customer, and the reasons why its presence in real estate will be a very good thing.
May 3
A New Look at Real Estate Ethics - IN PERSON
9 A.M. - Noon
ACE Contracts: Understanding Your Contract & Writing ones that Get Signed - 4CE - IN PERSON
1 - 5 P.M
This class focuses specifically on the FAR/BAR As-is and FAR/Bar contracts to teach agents how to fill them out correctly, how the timelines work, what their customers rights are, and how to protect their customers interests.
May 6
Global Real Estate Practitioner: Launching Your Global Real Estate Business (GREP) - 8 CE LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M
The real estate professionals who have the GREP Certification are ready to serve their global clients at the highest level of client service.
May 7
GRI 302: Thinking Outside the Box - LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M.
Property Management, how to generate income from property management, land use and concurrency, brokerage management, international real estate, condos, and residential construction will be covered in this course.
May 8
Through the Looking Glass - A Guide to Future Land Use - 2CELIVE STREAM
1:30 - 3:30 P.M.
This course explores several tools that govern both current and future land use and how these will affect buyers and sellers.
May 9
CIPS: Africa & International Real Estate - 6CE - LIVE STREAM
9:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
This course will help elevate your knowledge, skills, and understanding of the real estate industry in Africa.
May 10
Success Series: Prospecting for Listings - 2 CE - LIVE STREAM
9:30 - 11:30 A.M.
Achieve sales goals by providing knowledge to help sellers meet objectives.
Success Series: Preparation and Presentation - 2 CE - LIVE STREAM
12:30 - 2:30 P.M.
Build confidence and develop the techniques needed to deliver listing presentations and secure listings.
May 14
Understanding Buyer Broker Agreements - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - Noon
Explain the importance of working exclusively with a buyer.
Until: The Art of PerseveranceLIVE STREAM
10 A.M. - Noon
This course is designed to provide enough motivation and inspiration to help during the ebbs and flows of life while delivering the education to turn the art of perseverance into a skill that anyone can embrace and implement.
Experts Wanted; Become OneLIVE STREAM
1 - 3 P.M
This course covers how to position yourself as THE expert in your market.
May 16
Newly Licensed? Now What?4CE - LIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - 1 P.M
Real Estate Confidential: Uncover the Secrets of Successful Agents - LIVE STREAM
1:30 - 4:30 P.M.
Best practices on what to do when a buyer calls you.
May 17
Communication Skills for REALTORS® - 3 CE - LIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - Noon
A refresher “must” for Real Estate professionals!
Overview of Lending Policy and Practices - LIVE STREAM
1 - 5 P.M
This is the course for REALTORS® who have ever wondered, “Why do lenders do thethings they do?”
May 21
Managing the Home Inspection2CE - LIVE STREAM
8 - 10 A.M.
A good home inspection should
be thorough so that all parties haveconfidence when completing the home buying process.
Commercial Core Law - 3CELIVE STREAM
10 A.M. - 1 P.M
The course will give a brief overview of commercial transactions vs. residential.
May 22
Understanding Buyer Broker Agreements - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - Noon
Explain the importance of working exclusively with a buyer. New Home Construction for Real Estate Agents - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
10 A.M. - 1 P.M
The home buyer has high expectations of the finished product and those need to be managed.
May 29
Fundamentals of Working with Residential Investors - 3CE - IN PERSON
9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
REALTORS® will be able to prove to investors that they are the agent to do business with!
Basic Negotiating Skills For Today's Real Estate Professional - 4CE - IN PERSON
10 A.M. - Noon
This course examines the art of negotiation and what it can mean for a real estate professional when practiced correctly.
June 5 - 6
GRI 101 - REALTORS: Professionalism and the LawLIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
A two-day course that covers professional standards, fair housing and diversity and law.
June 10
ACE Negotiator 1: The No Nonsense Negotiating Course4CE - IN PERSON
9 A.M. - 1 P.M
In this class we dive into the thing that separates the great negotiators from the rest of the pack.
ACE Tokenizing Commercial Real Estate Assets 1: Understanding the basics of Tokenization - 3CEIN PERSON
2 - 5 P.M
June 11
Commercial Investment Analysis
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
Commercial Investment Analysis
1:30 - 5:30 P.M.
June 12
Renovation Specialist: VA, Fannie Mae, & FHA 203K Renovation Loans - 3CE - Virtual
9 A.M.- Noon
Learn how to use the FNMA Homestyle, VA Renovation, FHA 203k Renovation Loans to grow your buyer and listing business, purchase properties that need work, bank-owned properties or us the program to make cosmetic repairs and improvements.
June 14
NAR Certification Class - Resort and Second-Home Property Specialist (RSPS) - 7CE - IN PERSON
8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M
Help clients evaluate and select the type of property, form of ownership, and financing options.
June 17
CARE: Multi-Family - LIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - 1 P.M
Commercial real estate program for transitioning residential andnewer commercial REALTORS®.
CARE Commercial Legal LoungeLIVE STREAM
1:30 - 3 P.M
CARE is designed to prepare GTR members to thrive in the commercial marketplace and prevent business losses by equipping the next generation of successful commercial REALTORS® with the tools that are generally used in commercial transactions.
June 18
Understanding Buyer Broker Agreements - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
9 A.M.- Noon
Explain the importance of working exclusively with a buyer.
June 19 -20
GRI 102 - Starting Your Business - LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
A two-day course that covers contracts, goal setting and business planning.
June 20
VA Mortgage Boot Camp - 2CEIN PERSON
1 - 3 P.M.
Become an expert in working with our men and women in uniform and help them realize the dream of home ownership!
June 21
The ACE Lister: How to get the Listing - 4CE -LIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - 1 P.M
We use real properties and real exercises to set prices and get past the nervousness to close the deal.
ACE Crypto 2: Closing Crypto Deals From A to Z - 3CE - LIVE STREAM 2 - 5 P.M
In this class, we look at the actual nuts and bolts of closing a real estate transaction in cryptocurrency.
June 24
CARE: Property ManagementLIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - 1 P.M
Commercial real estate program for transitioning residential andnewer commercial REALTORS®.
CARE Commercial Legal LoungeLIVE STREAM
1:30 - 3 P.M
CARE is designed to prepare GTR members to thrive in the commercial marketplace and prevent business losses by equipping the next generation of successful commercial REALTORS® with the tools that are generally used in commercial transactions.
June 25
Success Series: Prospecting for and Qualifying Buyers - 2CELIVE STREAM
9:30 - 11:30 A.M.
Find and qualify buyers effectively. Increase sales by determining buyer needs, wants and financial ability to purchase
Success Series: Selecting and Demonstrating the Property2CE - LIVE STREAM
12:30 - 2:30 P.M.
Increase skills in selecting and showing property. Swiftly move buyers to a purchase decision on a home.
Success Series: Presenting the Offer / Negotiating - 2CE - LIVE STREAM
3 - 5 P.M.
Increase skills in negotiating offers by working efficiently with buyers and sellers to bring both parties to an agreement.
June 28
Mortgage Hacks for a Shifting Market - IN PERSON
10 A.M. - Noon
This class will cover various hacks or strategies to help overcome the most common objections to buying and selling a home in this market.
A $10 fee will be assessed for class cancellations not received at least 24 hours before the start of class time. Cancellations must be completed through the Member Portal or by emailing
New members who join after Apil 24 will be recognized in the third quarter issue.
*New brokers are highlighted in yellow
Abernathey, Dillon
Abou-Assali, Obada
Abusoud, Maha
Acevedo, Angel
Acosta, Jose Adams, Lakeisha
Aguilera Suarez, Fabiana Akers, Jennifer
Alamir, Samantha
Alayon Rosenada, Amaya
Alba, Maryannette
Albores Hernandez, Brain Alcantara, Gaby
Alemany, Grissette
Alexander, Damesha Alexander, Jan
Alfonso, Lorrie
Al-Issa, Omar Almadanali, Sally Almeida, Carla
Alonso, Dianelis
Alsarraf, Hayder
Alton, Carly Aman, Sajid
Anable, Tina
Anastasia, Robert Anglin, Amber
Arbolaez, Ana Gabriela
Arcabella, Nicole
Aremu, Olayinka
Armas Pino, Daniella Arroyo, Jose
Arveti, Rajanarayana
Atkinson, James Atkinson, Mark
Aucremann, Paul Aviles, Maritza Awal, Md
Ayala Turcios, Bernie
Azuaje, Maria
Azzarelli, Janet
Baber, Danielle Badger, Alicia Baez, Kimberly Baez, Thais
Bailey, Alexandra Baker, Azhanay Balch, Celia Ball, Katelyn Ballou, Keith
Barbour, Veronica Baron, Paris
Barone, Andrew
Batista, Barbara
Bekele, Rahel
Belhachmi, Sarrah
Ben Harush, Saidee
Benitez, Erica Bergman, Randi
Bermudez Tejeda, Osmin
Betancourt, Marian
Billiot, Tracy
Bingham, Kari
Bittner, Emily Blackie, John
Blagec, Jarrod Blake, Brandon
Blay Martinez, Alejandro Boden, Kenneth
Bodib Castro, Maria Esther
Boggiano Arbelo, Nathalie Bombino, Luis Bonilla, Elinel Booth, Ryan Bordash, Heather Bouzi, Adjanu Bradshaw, Kendra Brandt Dee, Robert Brescia, Dominic Bressani, John Brewer, Joung Briand, Remi Broecker, David Brown, Kelvin Brown, Lucy Belle Brown, Mosheika Brown, Treyvon Bryant, Kristen Buckingham, Emily Buie, Lashawn Burmaster, Robert Burnett, Sarah Mae Bush, Curtis Bustillo, Liliana Busto, Eglyser Butler, Daniella Buzzerio, Yadrenia Cabrera, Mijail Cabrera, Oscar Cahill, Sean Camargo, Felipe Campbell, Emily Campos-Majid, Fareshta Carlisi, Raphael Carranza, Rafael Carrasquillo-Sostre, Gloria Castle, Jonathan Castle, Joshua Cedros, Emeril Centeno, Patricia Cepin, Yanilka Cerezo, Christine Chagla, Alyna Chang, Adolfo Chapman, Daniel Charles, Emmanuel Chatfield, Hannah Chavantes, Jane Chen, Xinyi Chiariello, Sara Clavijo, Sandra Colon, Gloria Connolly, Paul Cook, Madison Cook, Tyler Cooper, Chaunkia Corallo, Lisa Corona Alvarez, Meylin Coupe, Danielle Courter, Ashley Cox, James Crane, Adam Crenshaw, Gregory Crescenzo, Amanda
Crespo, Frank Cromer, Jennifer Cronkright, Grace Culp, Reynaldo Cushing, Scott Czap, Richard Daggett, Amanda Dalamaggas, Peter Dalesandro, Dante Dalton, Larissa Damato, Travis Daniels, Jasmine Daniels, Nichole Dao, Quynh Davenport, Goldie Davila, Ricardo Dawkins, Andrew Dean, Spencer Dec, Lorraine G Dedmon, Ryan Delgado, Gisseth Delguidice, Ashley Delly, Sylva Devall, Sharon Ann Dewar, Michael Diaz Gonzalez, Yorleykis Didomenico, Joseph Dinsmore, Rebecca Dixon, Eric Donovan, Joseph Draughon, Miekia Duenas Matienzo, Yosdany Dumas, Axel Dumelle, Kristen Durbin-Bailey, Jami'Lyn Dyani, Aaliyyah Eakambaram, Shiva Prasad Eberhardt, Phavienne Eduardo, Jenry Eliscart, Nesly Elkes, Laurie Lee Elliott, Colton Erario, Madison Escalona Martinez, Yaneisi Essex, Brandy Evans, Artina Evans, Erin Fabiano, Paul Fabre, Jade Faith, David Fajardo, Connie Farkasova, Kamila Fava Iv, Albert Feliciano, Jose Felix, Abraham Fernandez Alvarez, Dayana Fernandez, Angie Fernandez, Daysi Fernandez, Jorge Fernandez, Yanelis Ferrel, Catherine Fidele, Jefferson Fields, Rebecca Figueroa, Daniela Figueroa, Yashira Filgueira-Leon, Nathalia Filippi, Jonathan
Filipski, Paulina Finley, Samantha Finnigan, Joel D Fiore, Anna Fischer, Katherine Fockler Ii, William Ford, Casey Fox, Bobby Frank, Lauren Frencher, Sandra Friely, Alex Fulton, Cory Gabriel, Talia Gajjala, Praveen Reddy Gajula, Sathish Kumar Naidu Gale, Kendra Gallway, Melissa Garcia Mercado, Ingrid Garcia, Cesar Garcia, Maira Garcia, Victoria Gascon Munoz, Beatriz Gauthier, Misty Gayle, Kerry Gebarski, Krystian Gendron, Jacque Gilmore, Karen Gomez Ramos, Roxana Gomez, Carmen Gonzalez Garcia, Jose Gonzalez Puello, Dayana Gonzalez, Cheryl Gonzalez, Gloria Gonzalez, Jaime Gordon, Sandra Green, Denain Green, Randolph Greene, Kelly Grillo, Ryan Guerra, Ashlyn Guerrier, Guerlanda Guillen Prieto, Esperanza Gutierrez, Carmen Gutierrez, Fabiola Gutierrez, Genesis Guzman Roig, Charlene Guzman, Edith Guzman, Jaymil Haddad, Sylvia Hagan, Nora Hague, Samuel Hakim, Bibi Haley, Melissa Hall, Chad Hall, Dolores Hall, Patricia Hamad, Bilal Harrell, Aven Harritos, Pamela Hatch, Gabriel Hatch, Nancy Hauff, Linda S Hawks, Christopher Hebert, Jennifer Hedrick, Megan Henry, Christopher Hercules, Jerel
Hernandez Ruiz, Juan Gabriel Hernandez, Katisleidy Herrera, Yenisleidys Hibben, Nancy
Hiciano Santos, Odalis
Higgins, Tiffany Holden, Adam Holt, Christopher Homer, Caleb Honore, Zachary Horton, Carol Houck, Timothy Howard, Linda Howard, Natalie Humphrey, Joseph Hundley, Eddie Hyacinthe, Michelle Infante, Lys
Irizarry, Selena
Itri, Vincent James, Alma Jardine, Jaclyn Jean, Samantha Jean-Pierre, Cebastien Jewell, James
Jimenez, Juliana Johns, Elliot Johnson, Amelia Johnson, Douglas Johnson, Jemar Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Teyara Joice, Lance Jones, Delvon Jones, Jayson Joseph, Hannielle Joseph, Ilfaut
Jumapao, Ann-Marie Kanakia, Chintan Kappaganthula, Aravinda Kattan, Raquel
Katz, Franchesca Kazanski, Lara
Keels, Melba Keller, Alexander Kelly, Ava Kelly, Jaclyn Kelly, Mary Khanna, Rahul King, Holly M Kline, Dana Kline, Jennifer Knight, Dreneen Kolla, Kanthi Kovac, Sara Kozak, Marian Krall, Laurie Krasieski, Shadrak Kromer, Janet Kukwa, Maryann Kumar, Ashutosh Labrada Zequeira, Yanet
Lack, Marlene
Lampley Jr, Hayward
Landa, Daniel
Landon, Rachel
Landrum, Vanessa
Lane, Mary
Langford, Melissa
Larosa, Melissa
Larr, Diana
Lasko, Jacquelynn
Le, Ivy
Lease, Haley
Ledesma Martinez, Jeydi Lee, Ann
Lee, Tabatha Lee, Tiffany
Legra, Arian Lerner, Felicia
Levell, Naya
Lewis-Hernandez, Chassy
Leyva, Asley
Lezcano, Sarai Lombardo, Robert Lopez Aleman, Roberto Lopez, Cristian Lopez, David Lopez, Jasmine V Lopez, Luis Lopez, Mark Justin Lord, Wayne Loredo Sanchez, Frank Louis, Daniel Lovitch, Ethan Loya, Kelly Lozada, Austin Lucke, Alexander Lugo, Lynnís Lugo, Wanda
Lyon, Dana Maggio, Stephen Magnotta, Angelina Mahnken, Alacia Majekodunmi, Rashidat Maklary, Sherry Maldonado, Nadine Manley, Griffin Manu-Anno, Jennifer Marcondes, Felipe Marderness, Ian Marine, Dallas Marks, James Maro, Evagrace Marshall, John Martin, Derek Martin, Mariaisabel Martinez, Cydney Martinez, Daniela Masline, Andrea Mathews, Helen Mato, Giannys Matzkin, Danielle Mayhew, Danielle Mcglathery, Jock Mcintosh, Arianna Mclaughlin, Jessica Mcmillan, Cory Mcmillan, Vinico Mcnatt, Natalie Medina Rodriguez, Nelys Mellor, Riley Mendez Sanchez, Camila Mendez, Rebecca Menker, Robert Meono, Danny Mercedes, Anny Mercier, Bryant
Mesa Yero, Maidelis Meyer, Madelyn Meyers, Justin Miles, Sheraz Miniello, Heather Moe, Judy K Mohamed, Ian Montalvo, Gisela Montero, Christina Montgomery, Christine Montgomery, Lisa Montoya, Jonathan Moon, Amber Morales Martinez, Alayn
Morales Pinto, Carmen Morales, Christina M Morales, Pascual Morales, Zender
Moran, Jeannie
Morehead, Travis
Moreta Lopez, Gabriel Morris, Emerson Mosher, Michael Moyer, Patrick D Murillo, Shantall Mustafa, Mansoor
Myslakowski, Raymond Najib, Alaa Nava, Rafael Navarro Martin, Elisabet Nekola, Petr Nelson, Christopher B Nelson, Joshua Nelson, Richard Newgard, Elizabeth Nguyen, Alex Anh Nguyen, Khoi Nguyen, Nam Nicolaci, Juan Nikamal, Ajmal Noonan Jr, Daryl Nunez, Anthony Nunez, Sandra Odusanya, Mayowa Olivas, Reyna Olivera, Danitza Olmsted, Jennifer Oneal, Kristy Ortega Arreola, Casandra Ortega Viera, Reinier Ortega, Gloria Ortega, Jessica Ortiz Jiron, Betty Ortiz, Andres Ortiz, Azalia Ortiz, Miguel Ortiz, Raynick Owens, Tanya Oxtal, Kristopher Pagan, Alyssa Pagan, Sheidary Pagan, Victoria Pages, John Palladino, Tammy Pang, Tiantian Pantoja, Jose Pantzis, Karen Parisi, Richard Parker, Tyshambrea Patel, Atit Patel, Janki Patel, Rachel Patel, Ujwal Pauletta, Kiahnna Pearl, Julia Peddineni, Vamsi Krishna Peer, Eli Peguero, Rosemarie Pena Arias, Alexandre Penmatcha, Raju Peralta, Gabriela Perez Miret, Ismael Perez, Nicole Perez, Reineris Petrus, Karina Pierrepont, David Pineda Martinez, Gabriela Pineda Monsalve, Michel Pinzon, Liliana Powers, Kristie
Pry, Danielle Puente Rodriguez, Arasay Pulido Castillo, Hector Pushkina, Lizaveta Quattromini, Frank Quinn, Adrianna Quinn, Katherine Rahmaan, Tara Raiford, Tiffany Randhawa, Yuvraj Singh Ranogajec Popadikj, Irena Raulerson, Toni Ray, Keval Redfern, Sarah Regal, Allen Reinoso, Tarsha Reisdorph, Tisha Reyes Carrazana, Sheila Reyes Vallejo, Gerardo Reynolds, Pamela Ricardo Marrero, Yilianny Rice, Selina Rich, Albert Richards, Rachael Rickard, Tina Ridenour, Gloria Riebow, Ellen Riestra, Patricia Rincon, Maria Rivera Diaz, Nahir Rivera, Edwin Rivera, Kathryn Roberts, Elvina Roberts, Shannon Rocha, Alexa Rodemsky, Michael Rodriguez Orama, Yenifer Rodriguez Samon, Pedro Rodriguez, Blass Rodriguez, Ketsie Rodriguez, Mabel Rodriguez, Yudelkis Rojas, Nica Roman, Ninoshka Romero Amat, Oscar Romo, Diana Rosado, Christian Ross, Dayalee Rude, Erica Ruffo, Vincent Ruiz, Kasandra Runda, Scott Rust, Mary Ryans, Tania Saad, Christina Saad, Malek Saad, Nina Saavedra, Yunetsi Sackmann, Bradley Said, Janet Saini, Amarjit Salas, Gisela Salehian, Amir Salemi, Emma Sallis Iii, Laplace Salter, Nicole Sanchez, Darlenys Sanderson, Brittany Sandoval, Alejandra Sanniota Edwards, Austin Santella, Michael Santiago, Edson Santos, Marioly Sarmiento Miranda, Sergio Sayani, Ameer Ali Saylor, Brandon
Scheidly, Kristen
Schirk, Nicole Schlenker, Ryan
Schrutt, Richard
Serrano, Luisana
Sesler, Rodney
Sevastianova, Viktoriia
Shapiro, Daniel Sharma, Rishabh
Shaw, Sydney
Shea, Joseph Shenouda, Mina Sherman, Noviah
Shikhaliyeva, Gunay
Shivers, Landon Sierra, Jorge Silva, Macie
Silva, Matthew Silvaggio, Nicholas
Simone, Eric Sirline, Mark
Skeens, Dominic Smith, Kaitlyn
Smith, Lisa Smith, Taewa
Snyder, Yesenia
Sochaski, Jake
Sola Garcia, Hany Sorbala, Cornelia
Soria Ramos, Eduardo
Sork, Andrew
Sota, Doris
Soto, Jacob Spahiu, Bekim Spence, Marissa
Staples, Candace Stephens, Brandon Stephens, Tristen
Stevens, Michael Stojanovski, Elizabeta
Suarez, Edwin Sullivan, Suzette Sumner, Steven
Suppa, Danielle
Switzer, Keeley
Talley, Jeffrey
Tao, Deyong
Tarancon, Tami
Taylor, Charles Taylor, Katherine Taylor, Montrell
Taylor, Tracy Tejeda, Melba
Thayer, Katie Thielemier, Olivia Thompson, Ashton Thompson, Xavier Thornton, Madison Tirado, Francisco
Tommie, Kristicia
Torres Solorio, Rafael Torres Tamayo, Carlos Torres Tamayo, Guillermo Torres, Anthony Torres, Edna
Torres, Sarai Towns, Jamesetta Tran, Chandler Travieso, Andres Trella, Randy Troche, Eduardo Trussell, Carol Tucker, Preston Tunstall, Tanganyika Turner, Tara Turner, Yolonda Udi, Gal Uktamov, Rustam Urquia, Walter Usman, Rabeka
Valencia Fanny, Luz Valero, Vanesa Valle, Alyssa Vargas, Ralph Varr, Genni Vasquez, Maria Vassallo, Miguel Vaughn, Anne Vazquez, Lizbet Vega Alvarez, Laura Velasquez, Amber Velazquez Torres, Daniel Velez, Jonathan Vickers, Gregory Victor, Kervinia Vogel, Tricia Vogt, Amanda Vu, Tracey H Vythoulkas, Nikolas Wagner, Kristina Waisanen, Christopher Walega, Peter Wallace, Azaia Wallace, Carissa Ward, Regina Waterman, Jason Weldon, James Wells, Jamie Wells, Michele Westcott, Marissah Westfall, Lauren White, Jack White, Shannon Wilhelm, Tate Williams, Aleaha Williams, Dwight Williams, Linda Williams, Naketa Williams, Nicholas Williams, Santana
Willis, Richard Wise, Angelina Wood, Kelsey Wright, Anthony Wyrick, Hallie Xiong, Sophia Yanez, Jocelyne Yigit, Deniz Yoder, Gerald Young, Alicia Young, Paul Zales, Alexis Zheng, Bao Hua Zimbrunes, Emilly Zuniga, Martha
Verify the identity of anyone who is part of the real estate transaction and address potential risks.
Instant knowledge allows you to better understand your customers and serve
By working to prevent fraud, mitigate risk, and promote safety, you help protect not only yourself, but your buyers and sellers as well.
GTR hosted a REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Fundraiser and Auction on Thursday, March 21, at the brandnew PopStroke venue in Wesley Chapel. Members enjoyed an evening of golfing, food and drinks.
YPN members enjoyed light bites and refreshing drinks as they networked with fellow members Tiki Docks in Riverview on Thursday, March 28.
As a business affiliate working closely with real estate professionals, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of Fair Housing laws. These laws are designed to eradicate discriminatory practices in the sale or rental of dwellings and promote residential integration. Let’s delve into the key aspects from an affiliates unique perspective:
1. Know the Laws and Prohibited Conduct
• Federal, State, and Local Laws: Fair housing laws operate at different levels. Familiarize yourself with both federal laws (such as the Fair Housing Act) and any state or local regulations that apply to your area.
• Prohibited Conduct: Understand what constitutes discriminatory behavior. This includes actions related to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, and familial status. Avoid any practices that could be perceived as discriminatory.
2. Advertising Guidelines
• Vet Your Language and Images: As a business affiliate, your advertising materials should align with fair housing principles. Ensure that the language and images you use do not inadvertently violate fair housing laws. Be cautious about any content that could be interpreted as discriminatory.
• Article 10 of the Code of Ethics: Remember that REALTORS® are bound by the Code of Ethics, which includes guidelines for fair housing in advertising. Uphold these standards to maintain professionalism and compliance.
3. Brokerage-Wide Compliance Program
• Education and Training: Encourage real estate brokers to offer comprehensive education and training to all sales associates and staff. This ensures that everyone understands their obligations and the prohibitions outlined in fair housing laws.
• Risk Reduction: Noncompliance with fair housing laws can result in severe penalties, financial losses, and reputational damage. Brokers should view fair housing compliance as a critical risk management strategy.
• Public Commitment: As an affiliate working with real estate professionals, showcase your commitment to fair housing. Participate in fair housing initiatives, community events, and educational programs. By actively supporting fair housing, you contribute to more inclusive communities.
• Ongoing Training: Affiliates can assist by providing, conducting, and/or sponsoring regularly agent trainings on fair housing. Cover topics such as avoiding discriminatory practices, handling inquiries, and promoting equal opportunities for all buyers and renters.
• Equal Services Checklist: Use a comprehensive checklist to ensure consistent services for all clients.
• Case Summaries: Learn from real-world examples. Familiarize yourself with case summaries that illustrate fair housing laws in action.
• Sample Forms: Access sample forms that align with internal policies and fair housing requirements.
Remember, noncompliance with fair housing laws is not an option. Responsible business affiliates play a crucial role in upholding fair housing principles and contributing to a more equitable real estate industry.
24 - April 17, 2024
Use this directory as a resource for products and services. Affiliates join monthly, so check each issue for updates. You can also search the online Affiliate directory by visiting tamparealtors.org. Special thanks to our Diamond Affiliate Partners: Creative Loafing and Tampa Bay Times; our Platinum Affiliate Partner: Brown & Associates Law & Title PA our Gold Partners: Assurity Title, BioSweep, Pillar to Post and VanDyk Mortgage: The Miller Team and our Silver Affiliate Partners: Enterprise Title, GTE, Movement Mortgage, Old Republic Exchange, Scriptbiz, First Horizon and LMCU
Diamond Partner is highlighted in purple. Platinum Partners are highlighted in blue. Silver Partners are highlighted in gray.
Gold Partners are highlighted in yellow.
If you’re an active Affiliate and you don’t see your information listed in the directory, please contact our Affiliate Department at affiliates@tamparealtors.org.
Old Republic Exchange Company
Janet Schaum 1410 N Westshore Blvd. Ste. 800 Tampa, Florida 33607 813-849-2816 | oldrepublicexchange.com
First American Exchange
Trish Mack
6960 Grande Vista Way S. Pasadena, FL 33707
BioSweep Central Florida, LLC
Roy Ponder PO Box 4291
Opelika, AL 36803
813-365-7986 | biosweepcentralfl.com
Attorney/Legal Services
Brown & Associates Law & Title PA
Barbara Brown 11373 Countryway Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33626
813-528-4044 | brownlawandtitle.com
Najmy Thompson P.L.
Aaron Thomas
109 N. Brush Street, Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33602 813-440-2100 | najmythompson.com
Thomas E. Feaster, Certified Circuit Civil Mediator
Thomas Feaster 114 S. Tampania Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 813-404-6580
D.R. Horton Inc.
Tiffany Georgevich 3501 Riga Blvd., Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33611
866-475-3347 | drhorton.com
Closing Gifts
CUTCO Cutting Edge Gifts
Sylia Honne 1712 Foxwood Dr. Garner, NC 27529
623-606-1454 | CutcoClosingGifts.com
GTE Financial
Tabitha Roach
711 E. Henderson Ave. Tampa, FL 33602
Navy Federal Credit Union
Christine Deloach 4538 S. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33611
877-573-2324 | navyfederal.org
Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union
Marque Whillock 3815 N. Nebraska Ave. Tampa, FL 33603
813-247-4414 | tampabayfederal.com
Ready Nation Contractors
Johnathan McKeen-Chaff 2552 Merchant Ave. Odessa, FL 33556
877-762-2858Credit Unions
Disaster Restoration
DriRite of Tampa
Scott Wilcox 11841 US HWY 41 S. Gibsonton, FL 33534 813-283-2202 | driritetampa.com
Financial Services
First Horizon Bank
Manuel Moscoso 4105 N. Himes Ave. Tampa, FL 33607 813-769-8080 | FirstHorizon.com
Home Access Financial
Brian Finucane
100 S. Ashley Dr. Ste. 1150 Tampa FL, 33602 813-515-7548 homeaccessfinancial.com
DFCU Financial
Joe Hayes
10824 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618 813-368-0258 dfcufinancial.com/joehayes
Robin Eekhof
7380 W. Sand Lake Road, #410 Orlando, FL 32819 407-352-5890 | moneycorp.com
Darryl Derwort
18003 Spencer Rd. Odessa, FL 33556
813-230-4291 | truist.com
USHEALTH Advisors - A UnitedHealthcare Company
Richard Lewis
The Verdonck Group
Scott Verdonck
13427 Hampton Park Ct. Fort Myers, FL 33913 239-989-3584
Home Improvement
Renovation Sells North Tampa
Justin Burnett 2946 Barbour Trail Odessa, FL 33556 407-928-2929 | renovationsells.com
Shelby Construction Inc.
Jennifer Frazier
600 Cleveland Street Suite 216 Clearwater, FL 33775
727-201-2436 | shelbyconst.com
Home Inspection
Pillar To Post Home Inspectors
Scott McGarrity
8850 Alafia Cove Dr. Riverview, Florida 33569 813-389-8039
20/20 Home Inspections
Brett Otteman 1810 Hawks View Dr. Ruskin, Florida 3370
813-863-0492 | 2020insp.net
4D Building Solutions
David Cross 21523 Draycott Way Land O Lakes, FL 34637 813-300-5027 | inspectorhelp.com
A Buyer's Choice Home Inspections
NW with Tony Castellanos
Julio Castellanos
9726 Simeon Dr. Land O Lakes, FL 34638 813-618-8309 abuyerschoice.com
A-Pro Home Inspection
Thomas Solarino 2424 W. Brandon Blvd., 1284 Brandon, FL 33511 813-358-2776
AcuSystem Home Inspections
David Gonzalez
5668 Fishhawk Crossing Blvd. Ste 120 Lithia, Florida 33547
813-361-8302 | goacusystem.com
All County Home Inspections inc.
Andrew Suarez 3087 Anderson Snow Rd. Spring Hill, FL 34609 352-796-1304
Bay Area Home Inspections LLC
Shane Dollman 1020 Emerald Dr. Brandon, FL 33511
813-727-8827 | bahi.biz
Bay Area Inspections LLC
Eric Dennis 4612 South Lois Ave. Tampa, Florida 33611
BCI Home Inspections LLC
Jay Christner 18328 Hamilton Road Dade City, FL 33523
Beryl Project Engineering
Richard Leo Cannyn 2810 N. 10th St. Tampa, Florida 33605
813-616-3301 | berylprojectengineering.com
Best Home Inspection
Richard A Yelton 23086 Madelyn Ave.
Port Charlotte, Florida 33954
BLT Inspections
Brandon Testone
1810 W. Kennedy Blvd. Unit 310 Tampa, FL 33606
813-777-9848 | bltinspections.com
BPG Inspections
Randy Noon 19519 Long Lake Ranch Blvd. Lutz, FL 33558
352-799-5958 | bpginsections.com
Bungalow Inspections
Shaun Douglas 6946 Old Pasco Rd., Lot 134 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 813-400-529
Chief Home Inspections
Richard Hyland 804 Sutton Ave. Brandon, Florida 33510 813-333-6263 | chiefhomeinspections.com
Coastal Property Inspection Services
Christopher Rayfield 6332 Flamingo Dr. Apollo Beach, FL 33572 813-695-5814
Coastal Site Inspections Inc.
Fred and Lynn Tonte 6809 Armon Court Wesley Chapel, FL 33545 813-973-2004 | Coastalsiteinspections.com
Complete Home Inspection Services
Albert Cooke 2000 E 12th Ave., #5466 Tampa, FL 33605 813-380-1355 completehomeinspectionservices.net
Cross Check Home Inspection LLC
Craig Stahl 5815 Laguna Woods Court Tampa, Florida 33625 813-727-5470
Dynamic Home Inspections LLC
Dino Zeljkovic 10305 Ashley Oaks Dr. Riverview, Florida 33578 813-495-5839
ESS Inspections & Valuations
Darryl G. Williams 6802 Twelve Oaks Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634 813-997-6082 | essmultiservices.com
Fair Winds Building Inspection
Services LLC
Sang Park 16725 Longleat Dr. Lutz, Florida 33549
757-513-1298 | FairWindsBIS@gmail.com
Florida Building Inspection Group
Dustie Amatangelo 1435 Oakfield Dr. Brandon, FL 33511
First Florida Home Inspection
Victoria Wyatt 18112 Ashton Park Way Tampa, FL 33647
813-803-7619 | firstflhomeinspection.com
Get the Facts Home Inspection
Joe Svehla 867 W Bloomingdale NO. 6118 Brandon, Florida 33508
813-785-4620 getthefactshomeinspection.com
Glisson Inspection
Timothy Glisson 2424 Prospect Road Tampa, Florida 33629
813-625-1400 tim.glisson@glissoninspection.com
Greater Tampa Home Inspections
Joseph Shea
8822 W. Broad St. Tampa, FL 33615
813-382-5973 | inspecttampa.com
Ground Up Residential LLC
Alan Sieracki
1009 Arlinbrook Dr. Trinity, FL 34655
727-207-0903| inspectbybuilder.com
Handy Vet Inspections LLC
Robert Parmer
4315 W. Empedrado St. Tampa, Florida 33629
813-981-2008 | HandyVetInspections.com
HDMK Home Inspections
Harton Kiel
15171 S. Harrells Ferry Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
888-401-4365 | HDMK.net/Tampa
Home Insights LLC
Riley Tucker 3909 Butternut Court Brandon, Florida 33511
Home Inspector Professionals
Aramis Taylor
2780 E. Fowler Ave. #232 Tampa, FL 33612
813-299-1642 homeinspectorprofessionals.com
Home Inspector Professor
Danny Hicks 13021 Carlington Ln. Riverview, FL 33572
HomeTeam Inspection Svc.
Margo Ackerman 1418 Emerald Dunes Dr. Sun City Center, Florida 33573 813-632-0550
HouseMaster Home Inspections
Michelle & Robert Southard
2702 Clubhouse Dr. Plant City, FL 33566 866-931-2350 east-tampa.housemaster.com
Insight Home Inspections
Daniel Horton 13336 Palmera Vista Dr. Riverview, Florida 33579 813-817-6477 | insighthomes.org
Inspect Pro 360 PLLC
David Heery 15624 Morning Dr. Lutz, FL 33559
614-374-0053 | inspectpro360.com
IV Inspections
Steven Bernstein 14726 Via Estrella Place Tampa, FL 33626 800-975-6354
JBL Home Inspections - Bitzas
Enterprises DBS
Dimitrios Bitzas 1713 Regal Mist Loop Trinity, FL 34655
727-914-9650 | jblhomeinspections.com
JPM Home Inspection LLC
Jose Perez Molina 4519 Eden Rock Road Tampa, FL 33634 813-863-7605
Longo Inspection Services LLC
George Longo 12153 N Dale Mabry, Ste 200 Tampa, Florida 33618 813-618-8393 | longoinspects.com
Lotus Land Inspection Services LLC
Amir Ibrahim 7515 Cypress Walk Dr. New Port Richey, FL 34655 917-302-3557
Momentum Home Inspections
Justin Strickland 5018 Drawdy Road Plant City, FL 33567 863-600-6949 MomentumHomelnspections.com
NextGen Inspections
Curtis Antoine 1031 Bethpage Rd. Auburndale, FL 33823 407-801-2682
Next Step Inspections
Phillip Brown 11338 Bridge Pine Dr. Riverview, FL 33569 850-303-3204 nextstepinsp.com
Orbit 360 Home Inspections LLC
Ulises Guardiola 2004 E Rampart St. Tampa, FL 33604 813-618-9228
Paramount Home Inspectors
Dale Gerstenberger 12933 Satin Lily Dr. Riverview, FL 33579 813-616-1399 paramountinspectors.com
Prime Home Inspections LLC
Noor Odeh 1649 Beaconsfield Dr. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 813-966-2382
Pro-Spect Inspection Services
Anna Medina
705 S. Wiggins Road Plant City, FL 33566
863-999-0002 | gopro-spect.com
Richard Pickle Ent Inc.
Richard Pickle
15820 Spring Crest Circle Tampa, Florida 33624
The Right Move
Michael Lovesey
15820 Spring Crest Cir. Tampa, FL 33624
RMA Property Inspections
Brian Gruhn
16842 Midsummer Lane Spring Hill, FL 34610 727-377-1332 | callrmatoday.com
Rock Solid Home Inspections
Dawn Perkins
4590 Ulmerton Road, Suite 119 Clearwater, FL 33762
727-408-1088 rocksolidhomeinspections.org
RonzCo Inspections
Nicholas Ronzel
6421 N. Florida Ave. STE D PMB 1063 Tampa, FL 33604
Safeline Home Inspections LLC
Corey Richardson
2021 Shadow Pine Dr. Brandon, Florida 33511
813-777-8851 | safelineinspections.com
Shades IN Place Inc.
Roger Magalhaes 6401 S. Westshore Blvd. #202 Tampa, FL 33616
813-580-5242 shadesinplacetampa.com
Shipshape Home Inspections
Curt Arnold
3702 W. Tyson Ave. Tampa, Florida 33641
Silva Inspection Services
Michael Silva 30926 Wooley Ct. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Strong JC Home Inspection
Yordanis Cedeno Diaz 6830 Swain Ave. Tampa, FL 33625
SWF Home Inspections
Janai Hernandez 1930 S. Tamiami Tr.
South Venice, FL 34239
941-803-1324 | swfhomeinspections.com
Tampa Bay Mold Testing
Joseph Margherita 10460 Roosevelt Blvd. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33716 813-365-1994
Tricor LLC
Ryan Goebel
8281 E. Gelding Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
TrueView Inspections LLC
Thomas Presley
307 N. Lincoln Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 813-291-1058
Vet Check Property Inspections LLC
Cory Weaver 10810 Boyette Rd #852 Riverview, FL 33569
813-599-3822 | vetcheckinspections.com
Villa Residential Inspections LLC
Jelvis Villanueva 7326 Exter Way Tampa, FL 33615
Waypoint Property Inspection
Eddy Lai 3220 Parkside Center Circle
Tampa, Florida 33619 813-486-8551 waypointinspection.com
WIN Home Inspections – Land O Lakes
Geffrey Rutgers 30320 Grymes Dr. Wesley Chapel, FL 33545 813-610-1246 | landolakes.wini.com
Win Home Inspection New Tampa
Rob Kuntz P.O. Box 46591 Tampa, Florida 33646 813-774-1080
Home Warranty
Old Republic Home Protection
Cameron Foster 2 Annabel Lane San Ramon, CA 94583 800-445-6999 | orhp.com
USHEALTH Advisors - A UnitedHealthcare Company
Richard Lewis 727-492-4948 ushagent.com/richardlewis
Excellence First Insurance Specialist
Melissa Gallway 435 Lithia Pinecrest Road Brandon, Florida 33511 813-867-2132 | excellencefirstins.com
Reliable Insurance The Johnson Agency
Tanya Johnson
1001 Riverside Dr. Ste. E Palmetto, FL 34221 941-313-4932
Interior Design/Home Staging
Olive Leaf Staging
Rita Oliva
430 Douglas Road E, Ste. I Oldsmar, FL 34677 813-336-1426
Clymer Farner Barley Surveying LLC
Brenda Clearly
4625 East Bay Dr. Ste 211 Clearwater, FL 33764
727-519-1030 | CFB-Inc.com
Marketing/Web Design
Creative Loafing
Leigh Wilson
633 N. Franklin St. #735 Tampa, Florida 33602
813-956-4428 | cltampa.com
Tampa Bay Times
Jennifer Conklin
490 1st Avenue S. St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Mold Inspector
Tampa Bay Mold Testing
Joseph Margherita
10460 Roosevelt Blvd. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33716
813-365-1994 TampaBayMoldTesting.com
Mortgage Services
VanDyk Mortgage Corp.
Shawn Miller
5020 W. Linebaugh Ave., Suite 130 Tampa, FL 33624
727-214-6400 shawnmiller.vandykmortgage.com
GTE Financial
Tabitha Roach
711 E. Henderson Ave. Tampa, Florida 33602
Matt Russell
408 S. MacDill Ave. Tampa, FL 33609
813-342-4780 | lmcu.org
Movement Mortgage
Rick Bennett Jr.
180 Alt 19, Suite B Palm Harbor, FL 34683
727-512-1772 movement.com/rick.bennett
Cadence Bank
Carrie Spradling
4890 W. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 820 Tampa, FL 33609
813-425-9200 | cadencebank.com
Crown Home Mortgage
Rick Riddle
5421 Beaumont Center Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634
813-257-9033 | crownhm.com
Embrace Home Loans
Jason Will 1408 N. Westshore Dr. Tampa, FL 33607
embracehomeloans.com/location/florida/ tampa
Fluxx Funding LLC
Robert Paredes
410 S. Ware Blvd., Suite 402 Tampa, FL 33619
813-300-7218 | fluxxfunding.com
Highland Mortgage
Robert Huether
664 Seminole Ave. Ste. 101 Atlanta, GA 30307
813-748-3991 highlandmtg.com/roberthuether
Lincoln Lending
Frank Coto III
6944 Linebaugh Ave. #101 Tampa, FL 33625
813-765-1239 | Lincolnlend.com
The Mortgage Firm Tampa
Patrick Storch
8471 W. Linebaugh Ave. Tampa, Florida 33625
813-616-8844 closemymortgagetampa.com
New American Funding
Anthony Canizares 13101 Telecom Dr. #101 Temple Terrace, FL 33637
NFM Lending
Nathaniel Bittman 3180 Curlew Rd. Unit 107 Oldsmar, FL 34677 727-450-3917
Silver Bay Lending
Erica Paradise 1205 N. Franklin St. Ste. 105 Tampa, FL 33602 813-994-1819 | ericaparadise.com
Raymond James Bank
Ashley Turner 710 Carillion Parkway St. Petersburg, FL 33716 727-567-1901 raymondjamesbank.com
Sherry Owens Mortgage LLC
Sherry Owens 3291 Golden Meadow Ct. Ste. 305 Powell, OH 43065 813-856-5077
Supreme Lending
Melissa Stoddard 34210 US Hwy. 19 N. Palm Harbor, FL 34684 813-230-1863
Third Federal Savings & Loan
Ivette Rivera 11707 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618 813-289-3671 | ThirdFederal.com
Unifirst Mortgage Lending
Nyk Harper 215 Colorado Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-549-1003 | unifirstlending.com
USF Federal Credit Union
Bobby Bucholtz 13302 USF Palm Dr. Tampa, Florida 33612 813-569-2183 | USFFCU.com
Waterstone Mortgage
Tyler Walsh
4902 Eisenhower Blvd. Suite 385 Tampa, FL 33634 813-219-8085 mutualmortgage.com/tampa
Community Builders International Inc.
Ignacio Tupacyupanqui
2200 NW. 72nd Ave. Ste. 523-795 Miami, FL 33152 305-377-4966 communitybuildersintl.org
Solita's House Inc.
Anthony Thomas PO Box 310257 Tampa, FL 33610 813-425-4847 | solitashouse.org
RP Pro Finish Painting and Remodeling
Reinaldo Perez 7208 Branchwood Ct. Tampa, FL 33615 813-279-0276 | RPProFinishPainting.com
Citarella Termite and Pest Managemen
Kevin Citarella 833-608-2652 | citarellapest.com
Integrity Safer Lawns and Homes
Cathleen Selezan 1911 Wood Bend St. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 727-234-5998
Hughes Exterminators
Audra Snyder 1781 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, Florida 33603 813-884-1555 | hughes-exterminators.com
Magnum Termite and Pest Control
Johnathan Brady 11005 E. US Hwy 92 Seffner, FL 33584 813-988-7378 | magnumpest.com
Aerial Contrast LLC
Hector Ivan Castro 3124 W. Paris St. Tampa, FL 33614
813-842-4510 | aerialcontrast.com
Jen Holmes Photography
Jen Holmes 7208 Branchwood Ct. Tampa, FL 33615 813-649-3346 | picsofholmes.com
Meyvn Made Media
Rob Aldas 10810 Boyete Rd. #628 Riverview, FL 33569 813-365-7796 | meyvnmademedia.com
Next Door Photos North Tampa
Isaac Morillo 16401 Cypress Water Way Tampa, FL 33624 813-784-7675
RealtyListPro LLC
Brad Sheremeta
4944 Pilgrimport Road Sodus, NY 14551 315-945-9949 | RealtyListPro.com
Showingtime Plus Photography
Victor Junco
13205 Spindlewyck Cove Riverview, FL 33569
833-918-0066 | showingtimeplus.com
Suncoast Real Estate Photos
Michael Cook 18725 Rococo Road Spring Hill, FL 34610 352-734-7116 | suncoastrephotos.com
Textur3D Media
Julian Garcia
8595 Montravail Circle, Apt. 932 Tampa, FL 33637 646-881-4866 | Textur3D.net
Vasquez Real Estate Media
Norbert Vasquez
Shorehaven Dr. Kissimmee, FL 34759 516-521-6388
Professional Organization
Tampa Bay Chapter of NARPM
Andrew Dougill
3900 W. Dale Ave. Tampa, Florida 33609 813-658-8210 | tampabay.narpm.org
Property Management
House2Home Properties
Michael Bielon
8270 Woodland Center Blvd. Tampa, FL 33614
Real Estate Coaching
Scriptbiz LLC
Robert Ayer 6202 Marigold Ct. Waxhaw, NC 68173
206-940-6042 | scriptbiz.co
Coach Katie - Mindset Development
Katie Weldon 1331 Deerbourne Dr. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 978-868-4226 | coachkatie.com
Century 21 BE3
Camille Austin PO Box 89848 Tampa, FL 33689 727-596-1811
SCM Roofing
Jason Nicholas 13909 N. Dale Mabry Hwy Unit 201 Tampa, Florida 33618 855-726-7663
Tampa Bay Solar
James Thomas 6002 E. Adamo Dr. Tampa, FL 33619 407-437-9995
Schools/Continuing Education
RD Training Systems
Leigh McPeak
32392 Coast Highway Suite 220 Laguna Beach, CA 92651
844-454-8787 | rdtrainingsystems.com
Results Real Estate School
Leigh McPeak PO Box 1985 Brandon, FL 33509
813-210-2397 | ResultsREschool.com
Title Agencies
Brown & Associates Law & Title PA
Barbara Brown 11373 Countryway Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33626 813-528-4044 | brownlawandtitle.com
Assurity Title
Cassandra McSherry 10129 Gallant Lane Tampa, FL 33625
Enterprise Title of Tampa Bay Inc.
Phillip Clark
5303 Technology Dr. Tampa, FL 33647
813-961-3391 | etotb.com
Berlin Patten Ebling
Lauren LoCastro
324 S. Hyde Park Ave, Suite 325 Tampa, FL 33606
813-467-7500 | berlinpatten.com
First American Title
Michelle Hernandez 1731 S Kings Ave. Brandon, Florida 33511
Haven Title LLC
Jessica Arnold 3249 W. Cypress St., Unit C Tampa, FL 33607
813-699-3054 | Haventitle.com
Hillsborough Title
Corlin Tucker 3410 Henderson Blvd. Tampa, FL 33609
813-287-2130 | FLAgency.net
Insured Title Agency LLC
Mandy Hunter 13029 W. Linebaugh Ave. Ste. 102 Tampa, FL 33626
813-855-3585 | insured-title.com
Magnolia Title
Morgan Launikitis
800 W. Platt St. Ste 6 Tampa, FL 33606
Mason Title and Escrow Company
Mary Turner 3341 W. Bears Ave. Tampa, FL 33618
813 264-6110 | www.masontitle.com
Sunbelt Title Agency
Dee-Dee Silvestri
500 N. Westshore Blvd. #850 Tampa, FL 33609
813-422-9696 | sunbelttitle.com
Yacht Brokers
Denison Yachting / FL Yacht Pro
Michael Johnson
7901 4th St N., Suite 300
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Water Testing
Robert Welbourn 13823 US Hwy. 98 Bypass Dade City, FL 33525
If you’re an active Affiliate and you don’t see your information listed in the directory, please contact our Affiliate Department at affiliates@tamparealtors.org.
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