Tampa REALTOR Magazine - 2024 Quarter 3

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Becky Aiduck (Vaccer Properties LLC) age 76, who passed away on July 1, in Hudson, FL. She was a real estate broker and over her life managed Carl’s construction company, multiple real estate firms, property management, and other real estate ventures.

Message from the President

Dear members,

As the summer sun blazes on, I reflect on the dynamic nature of our industry and our members' extraordinary resilience and adaptability. Being the president of this association is a bit like being a real estate agent during a property boom: exhilarating, challenging and always unpredictable.

When I took on this role, I thought it might be like a calm, serene lake—a place to reflect and occasionally toss a pebble to see the ripples. Instead, it’s more like a whitewater rafting expedition with no clear end. But isn’t that what we love about real estate? The thrill of the chase, the excitement of new opportunities, and the occasional panic when you realize the paperwork is due yesterday.

This year has been full of twists and turns, but despite the chaos, we’ve achieved remarkable achievements. We’ve launched new training programs, hosted successful events, and seen our community come together in ways that make me proud to be part of this association. We’re all part of one big, loving family.

As we look ahead, there’s plenty to be excited about. We’ve got new initiatives on the horizon that promise to make our work easier and more efficient. We’re embracing technology in ways that would make even the savviest millennial proud.

And we’re continuing to foster a sense of community and support that is truly second to none.

But let’s not forget to have some fun along the way. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a very dull real estate agent. So, whether it’s through our networking events, social gatherings, or the occasional karaoke sing-off (you know who you are), let’s keep the spirit of camaraderie and humor alive.

In closing, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your hard work, dedication, and, most importantly, your trust. It’s what keeps us going, even on the toughest days. Your trust and dedication are the pillars of our association, and we are truly grateful for your contributions. Together, we’ve navigated the rapids, climbed the hills, and come out stronger on the other side. Here’s to more success, laughter, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of calm amidst the chaos.


2024 President


REALTOR®’s Obligation to Disclose Interest

Case #11-10

Client A, an owner, needed to sell a property. She approached REALTOR® B to list the property. They agreed to the terms of the listing and the property was listed.

An offer was made and was accepted by Client A. After the prospective purchaser completed the loan application, REALTOR® B was contacted to appraise the property. When the lender was preparing the closing statement, the lender became aware that the listing broker was also the appraiser and filed a complaint with the Board of REALTORS® alleging that REALTOR® B had failed to disclose in the appraisal that he had an interest in the property, specifically seeing that the sale closed. The complaint was referred by the Grievance Committee for hearing before a panel of the Association’s Professional Standards Committee.

At the hearing, REALTOR® B protested that the lender was misreading Article 11, as interpreted by Standard of Practice 11-1, claiming that “disclosure of whether the REALTOR® has any conflicts of interest” referred only to an ownership interest. REALTOR® B concluded that the listing commission had been earned when a ready, willing, and able purchaser contracted to purchase the property and that the appraisal process was separate and distinct from the brokerage process.

The Hearing Panel concluded that REALTOR® B’s defense was specious and because he was the listing agent REALTOR® B was biased in favor of Client A since a successful transaction would benefit REALTOR® B in the form of a commission.

REALTOR® B was found in violation of Article 11.

From the Florida REALTORS® Legal Hotline

The Legal Hotline attorneys answer questions about real estate license law and offer legal interpretations of standard business forms and contracts.

FREE legal advice is available for members! Call (407) 438-1409; Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Q: Wait, doesn’t Standard of Practice 16-16 prohibit me from negotiating my commission after showing, during the purchase offer phase, or after we have an accepted offer?

A: Absolutely not! Except for the fact that you cannot make an offer to purchase contingent upon an increase in compensation paid to you by the listing broker, you can negotiate your commission with the listing broker at any time during the transaction. Standard of Practice 16-16 is designed to protect sellers and listing brokers from having purchase offers “held hostage” by cooperating brokers demanding a higher commission to be paid by the listing broker.

This Standard of Practice never prohibits negotiations between the listing broker and a cooperating broker at any time during the transaction. In fact, Standard of Practice 3-3 expressly authorizes the listing broker and cooperating broker to come to an agreement to change cooperative compensation, and that can happen before a property is shown, after showing, or even after an offer is accepted.


The REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Major Investors are industry professionals whose goal is to promote homeownership for all and to protect Realtors from burdensome regulations.

Major Investors know what it takes to get results that will help their bottom line, the real estate industry, and Florida homeowners. Their continued generous support opens doors to conversations with key leaders and helps elect candidates who are REALTOR® CHAMPIONS.

If you believe in the concept that “you have to give to get,” step up and become a Major Investor. Position yourself as a vocal leader in the industry, someone who truly is making a difference in Florida’s future and the real estate profession.

Your investment empowers Greater Tampa REALTORS®, Florida Realtors®, and RPAC to act as vigilant advocates in the Tampa Bay Area and Tallahassee for the real estate industry and homeownership.

Kevin Byrne David Sigler
Tina Marie Eloian
Ellie Lambert
Melanie Chadwell Norris Jay Quigley
Jacob Bruynell
Sonya Madden


Thanks to Brown & Associates Law & Title for being a corporate ally program investor.


This frame designates members of the RPAC Hall of Fame with an aggregate lifetime investment of $25,000 or more.


This icon designates an influential group of REALTORS® who contribute $2,000 directly to REALTOR®-friendly candidates in response to requests from NAR and RPAC trustees.

Cassandra McSherry
Ollie Green Sammy Haji
Jo Easton
Lea Lagueux
Maria Elena D’Amico
Alma Alexander Vince Arcuri
Diane Acken
Ruth Bryson
Marlene Cambronero
Elena Chinea Ivani Mari Colgan
Barbara Brown
Kim Barker
Brenda Rider
Kathleen Razzano
Anand Patel Elaine Pumarejo
Brad Monroe Sherman Milton III
Jason Outman
Katherine Sakkis
Marcus Scott
Quan Remmer
Grace Smith
Shane Barker

YPNDEN Navigating VA Loan Commission Changes

A Temporary Shift with Lasting Impact

As we navigate through an evolving landscape in real estate, a significant temporary adjustment to VA loan policies stands out, particularly affecting how commissions are managed. The VA has temporarily lifted the rule that typically restricts veterans from paying real estate commissions directly. This pivotal change is part of broader, ongoing discussions about the future of commission structures in real estate transactions involving VA loans.

This development reflects a broader trend influenced by recent industry-wide adjustments, including the landmark real estate commission lawsuit settlement scheduled to take effect this August. The settlement mandates a more transparent approach to agent compensation, aligning closely with the VA's temporary policy change. These adjustments are designed to enhance fairness in real estate transactions, providing veterans with more control and options in their home buying processes.

For real estate professionals, this shift necessitates a nuanced understanding of new policies and an ability to clearly communicate these changes to clients, especially those using VA loans. It's crucial to articulate the value we provide to our clients and adapt our business practices to comply with these updated standards.

While this is a significant change, it's important to remember that commission structures have always been negotiable. The recent changes should be seen as an opportunity to reaffirm the value of the services real estate professionals provide.

As we look forward to these changes taking full effect, it's essential for all involved—veterans, agents and industry observers—to stay informed and engaged. By embracing these changes and continuing to provide outstanding service, we ensure that the real estate profession remains robust and equitable.

Let's continue to support one another through these transitions, ensuring that all members of our community are equipped to succeed in a dynamically changing environment.

Marlon Aquino (EXP Realty LLC) is the 2024 YPN Committee Vice Chair.

NAR's 2023 Member Safety Report

Residential REALTOR® safety statistics for 2023 from the National Association of REALTORS®.

71% 50% of REALTORS® choose to carry self-defense weapons.

of REALTORS® said that they have personal safety protocols in place that they follow with every client.


of REALTORS® most often reported feeling while hosting an open house.

49% of men carry a self-defense weapon or tool.

71% of REALTORS® have personal safety protocols in place that they follow with every client.

50% of women carry a self-defense weapon or tool.

38% of REALTORS® said that they have participated in a self-defense class.


of REALTORS® use a smartphone safety app to track whereabouts and alert colleagues in case of an emergency.

19% of REALTORS® have attended a REALTOR® safety course in 2021.

Let's Honor Our Members

Know Someone Deserving?

It’s been another remarkable year for the Tampa Bay real estate market as we continued to navigate inventory challenges, a changing housing market, new technology and novel ways of approaching business. You didn’t just persevere, you thrived. You also looked after each other, cared for your community and gave back to this great industry of ours.

And now it’s time once again to recognize those members who did those things on an extraordinary level and made a positive difference for all of us.

Nominations are open for the Tampa Bay REALTORS® annual awards, which will be presented at our Awards Meeting on September 13.

Do you know someone who is deserving of an award? Members can submit nominees in the following categories. Nominations must be received on or before Sunday, August 11, and can be submitted online at TampaRealtors.org/awards. Self-nominations are also welcome.

Nominations will be reviewed, and winners determined by members of the Awards Taskforce.


REALTOR® of the Year

This award is the highest honor and goes a member with at least 10 years of service and who exemplifies

what it means to be a REALTOR®. They are active in the Association, the community and contribute generously of their time and talent. They volunteer because they know one person can make a difference. They are committed to excellence in their profession and service in their clubs, churches and communities. They are ongoing examples of the professionalism exemplified by the Code of Ethics to which they subscribe. This person is known to be honorable and respected throughout the real estate community.

The winner also will have a demonstrated commitment in the following:

• REALTOR® Spirit: Commitment to laws and regulations of the Association and the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics and is dedicated to furthering principles of good real estate practice among other real estate brokers, the media and the general public.

• Civic Affairs Activity: Examples include local and national level participation in civic and service clubs, charitable activities, political commissions or committees, fraternal or religious groups, etc.

• Business Accomplishments: Examples include public recognition of business conduct, service to clients, advertising programs, home rehabilitation work, etc.

• Local Association Activity: Examples are committee work, special assignments, seminar activity and

educational work, membership and offices held in local institutes, societies and councils.

• State Association Activity: Examples are committee work, attendance and/or participation in community.) state convention, director’s meetings, educational conferences, institutes, societies.

• National Association Activity: Examples include committee work, membership and work in institutes, societies, councils, attendance at national conventions, director’s meetings, etc.

REALTOR® Community Service Award (C. Ed Owings Award)

This award is given to a REALTOR® who has performed outstanding service to the community for a minimum of three years.

Outstanding Leadership Award (Edward T. Starr Award)

This award is given to the Committee or Task Force Chair who exhibits outstanding leadership to the committee or task force for the current year. It defines the Chair’s leadership style to include time spent, efforts made, who benefited and why and any other specific details.

Distinguished Service Award (Vernon E. Taylor Award)

This award goes to the member with a sterling reputation among his or her peers and who has a minimum of 15 years of exemplary service to the Association. This REALTOR® has been a mentor to others, invests passionately and continually in RPAC, steps up when asked and has ethics above reproach. This person has served on or chaired committees and has dedicated their time, talent and energies for the betterment of our Association and its members. This award is someone all REALTORS® are proud to point out and say yes, that person deserves The Distinguished Service award. (Former recipients of Meritorious Service are not eligible.)

Newcomer of the Year Award

This award honors a deserving REALTOR® with two years or less tenure in the real estate profession. You must indicate whether your nominated candidate practices real estate as a full- time profession (to the best of your knowledge) and the number of hours per week (on average) your nominated candidate works in the real estate profession. Criteria should include but is not limited to:

• Tenure as a REALTOR® (two years or less)

• Ethical practices

• Participation in Association activities (Examples include service on task forces, attending Great American REALTOR® Days and/or state conventions, investing in RPAC, writing an article for GTR’s magazine, attending GTR functions, working toward NAR designations, etc.)

• Active in community affairs (For example: service on committees and any volunteer work)

Humanitarian of the Year

This award goes to a member who exemplifies the spirit and actions of making a difference for others in such activity as:

• Saving of human lives or alleviating of suffering

• Seeking to promote human welfare

• Performing charitable and philanthropic acts of kindness

Affiliate of the Year Award

This award is given to an Affiliate who has been a member of the Association a minimum of three years (including year nominated). This company or person has been involved in events and activities in the Association (for example: New Member Orientation, educational sponsor, event sponsor, etc.).

YPN Rising Star Awar

This award goes to productive REALTOR® members under the age of 40 who have given back to the community and is active with the Association.

Good Neighbor Awards

This award is given to a REALTOR® members who have made an extraordinary impact on the community by giving their time and resources. Both REALTOR® and Affiliate Business Partner members are eligible.

Please don’t let a deserving member go unrecognized. Submit your nominees today at TampaRealtors.org/ awards. Deadline is August 11. We look forward to celebrating our award nominees and winners and recognizing their many achievements.

No member of the Awards Taskforce is eligible for an award and current officers are not eligible for REALTOR® of the Year. You may email at ae@tamparealtors.org if you have any questions about a member's eligibility.

10 Safety Tips for REALTORS®

1. Be cautious what you post on social media. Carefully consider what you share and remember some posts may be copied or saved, even if they were deleted.

2. Distracted driving can place your safety and the safety of others at risk. Save serious conversations for when you are not driving.

3. Be sure your phone is fully charged prior to meeting clients or showing a home.

4. When showing a home, do not wear expensive jewelry.

5. Park your car in front of the property you are showing versus the driveway so there is no chance of being blocked in.

6. During an open house, keep the garage or back door closed to prevent people entering through multiple entrances.

7. When showing a home always allow the prospect to walk in front of you.

8. Be on alert at the end of an open house. Make sure all windows and doors are secured.

9. Share the location of your showing with colleagues and friends.

10. Try not to advertise a listing as vacant. This may encourage intruders to break into the home.


NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of courses. Course dates and/or locations are subject to change. Visit TampaRealtors.org/calendar for the most up-to-date information on GTR courses and

AUgust 2024

August 6

Fundamentals of Working with Residential Investors - 3CELIVE STREAM

9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

REALTORS® will be able to prove to investors that they are the agent to do business with!

NAR Designation Class Accredit

Buyer's Representative (ABR®)LIVE STREAM

11 A.M. - 6 P.M.

Learn how to attract more buyerclients and elevate your services to ensure you are meeting all your fiduciary responsibilities when representing buyers.

Buyer Representation: What You Need to Know - A Conversation with Patti Ketcham

1 - 3 P.M.

In this webinar you will learn: How we got to where we are and why; What is required on August 17 and more.

Basic Negotiating Skills For Today's Real Estate Professional - 4CE - LIVE STREAM

1:30 - 5:30 P.M.

This course examines the art of negotiation and what it can mean for a real estate professional when practiced correctly.

August 7

Code of Ethics - 3CE - LIVE STREAM

9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

In recognition and appreciation of their obligations to clients, customers, the public, and each other, REALTORS® continuously strive to become and remain informed on issues affecting real estate and, as knowledgeable professionals, they willingly share the fruit of their experience and study with others.

Core Law - 3CE - LIVE STREAM

1:30 - 4:30 P.M.

This material will provide a "red flag notice" of when participants are potentially going into a danger zone—the unlicensed practice of law.

August 8



8:30 - 11:30 A.M.

This course is designed to help REALTORS® truly understand what a goal is – how is it defined?6

Success Series: Time Management - 3CE - LIVE STREAM

Noon - 3 P.M

Learn to practice effective time management.

Success Series: Elements of Successful Selling - 2CE - LIVE STREAM

3:30 - 5:30 P.M

Understand the sales cycle and personal qualities needed for success.

August 12


9 A.M. - 1 P.M.

CARE is designed to prepare members to thrivein the commercial marketplace.

CARE Commercial Legal Lounge - LIVE STREAM

1:30 - 3 P.M.

CARE is designed to prepare members to thrivein the commercial marketplace.

August 13

Expand Your Global Reach:

Building An International Real Estate Business - 2CE - IN PERSON

10 A.M. - Noon

Understand why a global reach is necessary in today’s economy. NAR Designation Class Accredit

Buyer's Representative (ABR®)LIVE STREAM

11 A.M. - 6 p.m.

Learn how to attract more buyerclients and elevate your services to ensure you are meeting all your fiduciary responsibilities when representing buyers.

Beyond the Velvet RopeWorking with the World’s Affluent - 3CE - IN PERSON

1 - 4 p.m.

Fast-track your break into the world of high-end real estate.

August 15 - 16

GRI 201: It's All About You - LIVE STREAM

8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M.

August 15

ACE Investor 7: The Long and the Short of Short vs. Long Term Rentals - 4CE - IN-PERSON

9 A.M. - 1 P.M.

Building Elite Customer Service - IN PERSON

2 - 5 P.M.

August 16

Dealing with Deal Killers (4CE)IN PERSON

8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

Agents will learn the tricks to minimize the number of deals you lose when one of these other folks screws your deal up.

ACE Business Building and Time Management - IN PERSON 1:30 - 5:30 P.M.

August 27

Launching Your Professional Property Management Business - PPMA Certification - 8CE - IN PERSON

8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M.

This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals required to run a professional property management business. August 28

Global Real Estate Practitioner: Launching Your Global Real Estate Business (GREP) - 8 CEIN PERSON

8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.

The real estate professionals who have the GREP Certification are ready to serve their global clients at the highest level of client service.

Find the Perfect Condo / Townhome for your client - LIVE STREAM

10 - 11 A.M.

August 29

GRI 202: Technology & Investments - LIVE STREAM

8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M.

You will learn to enhance your skills with the "sales from the ground up" approach. Investment, proven listing and prospecting techniques, tax tips, tax implications of real estate transactions and personal marketing will be covered in this dynamic course.

september 2024

September 3

Code of Ethics - 3CE - LIVE STREAM

9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

In recognition and appreciation of their obligations to clients, customers, the public, and each other, REALTORS® continuously strive to become and remain informed on issues affecting real estate and, as knowledgeable professionals, they willingly share the fruit of their experience and study with others.

Core Law - 3CE - LIVE STREAM 1:30 - 4:30 P.M.

This material will provide a "red flag notice" of when participants are potentially going into a danger zone—the unlicensed practice of law.

September 5

NAR Certification Class: Pricing Strategies: Mastering the CMA (PSA) - 6CE - LIVE STREAM

9 A.M. - 4 P.M

The key to competitive home pricing is becoming proficient at comparative market analyses (CMAs).

NAR Certification Class - At Home With Diversity® - 7CE - LIVE STREAM

9 A.M. - 5 P.M

An educational experience designed to present a picture of the changing face of the real estate industry.

September 6

The ACE Advanced Lister: Building a Lifelong Listing Business - 4CE - LIVE STREAM

9 A.M. - 1 P.M.


9 A.M. - 1 P.M.

September 9

Working with the Senior Citizen - 3CE - IN PERSON

9:30 A.M.- 12:30 P.M.

This course will discuss ways in which agents can be of great service to this exceptional group of buyers, including information on Reverse Mortgages and how to help seniors avoid scams and predatory lending.

Roadmap to a Successful Closing - 3CE - IN PERSON

1:30 - 4:30 P.M

This course will help real estate professionals understand the importance of knowing who is responsible for the various parts of the closing, how to overcome the problems that may be encountered, and getting to the closing table and ensuring that the REALTORS® fees are received without obstacles or road blocks!

September 10

Fundamentals of Working with Residential Investors - 3CE - IN PERSON

9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M

REALTORS® will be able to prove to investors that they are the agent to do business with!

NAR Designation Class Accredit Buyer's Representative (ABR®) - LIVE STREAM

11 A.M. - 6 P.M

Learn how to attract more buyer-clients and elevate your services to ensure you are meeting all your fiduciary responsibilities when representing buyers.

Basic Negotiating Skills For Today's Real Estate Professionals - 4CE - IN PERSON

1:30 - 5:30 P.M

This course examines the art of negotiation and what it can mean for a real estate professional when practiced correctly.

September 12

Distressed Property Solutions – Renovation Loan Programs - 3CE -IN PERSON

9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M

This course will help REALTORS® and consumers identify various types of properties needing repairs or upgrades.

September 17

Experts Wanted; Become One - LIVE STREAM

1 - 3 P.M.

This course covers how to position yourself as THE expert in your market.

Until: The Art of Perseverance - LIVE STREAM

10 A.M. - Noon

September 18

Renovation Specialist: VA, Fannie Mae, & FHA 203K Renovation Loans - 3CE - In Person

9 A.M. - Noon

Learn how to use the FNMA Homestyle, VA Renovation, FHA 203k Renovation Loans to grow your buyer and listing business, purchase properties that need work, bankowned properties or us the program to make cosmetic repairs and improvements.

September 24

NAR Designation Class Accredit Buyer's Representative (ABR®) - LIVE STREAM

11 A.M. - 6 P.M

Learn how to attract more buyer-clients and elevate your services to ensure you are meeting all your fiduciary responsibilities when representing buyers.

Mortgage 101: Guiding Your Customer Through the Mortgage Process - 3CE - IN PERSON

1 - 4 P.M

This course reviews lender requirements - from check stubs to the newest Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.

September 25

Find the Perfect Condo / Townhome for your client - LIVE STREAM

10 - 11 A.M.

A $10 fee will be assessed for class cancellations not received at least 24 hours before the start of class time. Cancellations must be completed through the Member Portal or by emailing Education@TampaRealtors.org.

New Brokers* & Members

New members who join after July 25 will be recognized in the fourth quarter issue. *New brokers are highlighted in yellow

Abdul, Sherry

Acosta Navarro, Dairis

Acosta Salgado, Yisel

Adames, Henry

Adames, Marta

Adkins, Debra L Afghani, Parisa

Aguiar Lopez, Lourdes

Aguilar, Salvador Ali, Shormie

Allen, David

Allen, Joseph

Alonso Trujillo, Claudia

Alugubelli, Shankar

Alvarez, Daulem Alvarez, Zamira

Alvis, Summer

Ames, John Anderson, George Anderson, Heather Anderson, Jeffrey Anderson, Shayla

Aprea, Helen

Arbi Argoubi, Najoua Arenas, Andrea

Arias Prada, Ruth

Arodak, Mike

Arquette, Lisa

Attouf, Nabil

Augeri, Lisa

Avila Mayorga, Sarah Ayala, Blaise

Ayala, Diego

Ayscue, Gracie

Baker, Abby Baker, Lee

Ballentine, Michael Banks, Israel

Banks, Kimberly Barber, Jeanabeth

Barkat, Rahmat

Barrera Rodriguez, Stefany Barrett, Shawn Bath, Beerjas

Bauer, Kate

Beganovic, Sadik

Bejerano Perez, Jorge Bell, Gary Bellenger, Octavia

Ben Khedher, Soukeina Benalcazar, Fernanda

Benitez, Carmen Bennett, Danielle Bennett, Nina Bennett, Susan Berger, Christopher Berman, Jay

Bernstein, Kari

Berrios Aponte, Elizabeth

Beshears, David

Betts, Paige

Bilek, Bruna

Birr, Marlene

Bogle, Heather Bollinger, Isabel

Bordbar Haghighi Sabet, Mehran Boswell-Edwards, Karlea

Botros, Jacob Boyett, Margaret Braden, Justin Brice, Tracy Brightwell, Cody Briscoe, Catherine Brooks, Dawn Brown, Barbara W Brown, Susan Brownell, Jalen Brun, Emily Buckley, Amalie Bunag, Jonathan Buntyn, Daniel Buonaiuto, Brian Burchill, Jesse Burkhart, Michele Burnette, Deborah Burnukara, Ilker Cabangbang, Javeness Cabral Saraiva, Marcos Cabral-Rodrigues, Nelci Cabrera, Carlos Calderon, Georgina Cano, Noraida Cardenas Diaz, Carlos Carnley, Johnathan Carullo, Matthew Castrillonrojas, Monica Cavallo, Luis Cedeno, Adrianna Celestina, Laura Chalecki, Nicole Chandler, Desiree' Chucrala, Carmen Chung, Patrick Church, Cynthia Clausell, Dayana Coates, Brandon Colby, Makenna Collins, Aaron Contreras, Jorge Cooper, Kristen Copenhaver, Donna Corbitt, Saikwan Corea Cuadra, Karen Cornett, Maurice Correa, Jennifer Cortes, Isabella Cory, Averi Coryell, Denise Costa Iii, John Coyle, Karissa Crawford, Bryan Creary, Derek Crosbourne, Sue-Tanya Crumbley, Leticia

Cruz Delgado, Onelia Cseh, Villo

Culley, Jonathan Cumor, Jason

Curbelo, Theresa Cutaia, Meredith

Czaczkes, Raz Da Costa, Sandra Dahl, Tatiane Daniell, Rachel

Daniels, Jenna Daniels, Sarah Darling, Donald Dasilva, Magdolna Davis, Rhonda Days, Mark De Armas Marrero, Jotcabet De Leon, Brenda De Paiva, Ramade Deemer-Stewart, Dawn Defranca, Luciano Dektas, Jeffery Del Valle, Lene Delangis, Charles Delong, Logan Demeo, Bianca Desir, Eddy Destefano, Angelina Diaz Diaz, Mauricio Diaz, Andres Diaz, Antonio Diaz, Diego Diaz, Elier Diaz, Harold Diaz, John Dickerson, Jeffrey Diemer, Angela Dijkstra, Marieke Dixon, Carissa Dobbins, Denkenesh Dominguez, Diana Doss, Trenton Dougherty, Alec Douglas, Kevious Drew, Rebecca Dubois, David Dubyak, Angelica Duck, Tina Dunn, Jen Duque, Yosmany Dzikowski, Grzegorz Eaves, Wesley Edge, Justin Edwards, Donna Eguillor, Vanesa Erwin, Thomas Escalante, Yunet Espinoza, Ruben Esquinaldo, Sean Estephan, Wassim Evora, Brenda Ewell, Erik Fahey, Kirsten Feder, David Federici, Natalie Feliciano Bonet, Ezequiel Fernandez, Adrian Figueredo Moreno, Yamila Figueroa, Dieliz Figueroa, Loriany Fisher, Sabrina Fitzpatrick, Mariella Fitzpatrick, Priscilla Fletcher, James Forbes, Thora Foster, Kandis Frank, Liam

Frick, Abigail Fuentes, Henry Gallemore, Amber Gamboa, Jonatan Gao, Yuan Garcia Daza, Sophie Garcia, Chad Garcia, Dorothy Garcia, Nancy Gay, Jordan Gemberling, Theresa Ghivoni, Ilan Gil Torres, Jeovanni Gilbert, King Gilbert, Sherman Gilley, Tyler Glass, Marlon Godil, Moiz Godwin, Ceceila Goldberg, Alexis Gomez Inocencio, Heidy Gonzalez, Dalila Gonzalez, Diamarys Gonzalez, Domingo Gonzalez, Otniel Goulden, Bobbie Graham, Erskin Green, Shalauna Griffin, Sean Grissom, Courtney Guadamuz, Francisco Guarenghi, Isabella Guatavita, Stefania Guinn, Anthony Gulati, Reeta Gullapalli, Sreedevi Guzman, Vanessa Hall, Megan Hallwood, Chandler Hambrick, Roclin Hand, Dominic Harb, George Harringa, Caleb Harris, Jacob Harris, Lindetta Harte, Michael Hatfield, Henry Haug, Tyler Haygood, Gregory Hedin, Hannah Herce, Ernest Hernandez Martinez, Lizbeth Hernandez, Hillary Herrera Colmenares, Gustangel Herrera Crespo, Nerileyvi Hicks, William Hirashiki, Karin Hoffman, Mitchell Holman, Darrell Holton, Ryan Horst, Emma Howard, Anna Huber, Angela Hudson, Keian Hudson-Frantzis, Tracy Hurwitz, Michael Hussein, Mahdi

Hyppolite, Jacques

Ibrahim, Elias

Iliev, Ilian

Indenbosch, Shawn

Isaza, Gustavo

Jackson, Brett

Jackson, Latoria

Jacob, Kathleen

Jacobson, Trillany

James, Marcus

Januario, Anne

Jenkins, Valecia

Jerry, Matthew

Jessop, Yvonne

Jewell, Rachel

Jimenez Cancio, Maikel

Joerin, Mark

Johnson, Andra

Johnson, Christopher

Johnson, Rise

Joseph, Nefertiti

Joseph, Philips

Joseph, Wislet

Joyner, Cailynn

Jules, Steve

Juste, Wilny

Kafka, Kevin

Kalava, Nataliya

Kallivrousis, Evangelia

Kaluza, Marian

Kanaan, Amani

Kaplan, Andrea

Keefer, Heather

Keeney, Jeanne

Keipper, Amber

Kelly, Deborah

Kelly, Margaret

Kemner, Angela

Kimber, Carlena

Klaff, Shalee

Klimkoski, Matthew

Knowles, Harrison

Knowles, Savannah

Kopf, Travis

Kuehn, Ashley

Kujanpaa, Livia

Kushmer, Kaylie

Kyarova, Laura

Labree, Judy Lancaster Mcqueen Daley, Tamara Laporte, Rosa

Latham, Kayla

Laughridge, Christian Lavecchio, Erica

Lawson, Carla

Lawson, Kimberley

Lettre, Anne Lewis, Ryan Libertz, Amber

Livigni, Luke

Lopez, Jannah

Lopez, Ruben

Louis, Johnny

Lovely, Laura

Lowe, Charity

Lowman, Joanne

Luayon, Tellie

Lugo, Stacy

Lukasavage, Keith

Lusk, Jo-An

Maio, Carolyn

Mallo, Rosangela

Mann, Carmen

Manriquez, Maria

Manzano, Lilliam

Mariner, Katrina

Marinvaldes, Yelitza

Marmolejos, Yalietza

Marone, Melody

Martelo, Kelly

Martin, Victor

Martinez, Gerald

Martinez, Lorraine

Martinez, Madeline

Martinez, Maritza

Martinez-Gray, Kim

Mason, Barbara

Mason, Noelle

Massey, Kenterra

Matos, Hiram

Mattathil, Alexander Matthews, Stephaniee

Mcclain, Scott

Mccool, Sydney

Mccully, Sharon

Mckinney, Brian

Mcknight, Rhonda

Mcquillen, Crystal

Mejia, Michelle

Melika, Ashraf

Menendez, Julio

Mercado, Jacqueline

Merritt, Kelly

Mestre, Peter P

Metacarpa, Tom

Midkiff, Bethany

Mihaj, Angelo

Miller Ricca, Dawn Miller, Carlie

Miller, Kim B Miller, Perri

Miller-Saunders, Mary

Mitchell, Cory Mitchell, Lexsine

Mitchell-Young, Skyra

Mixon, Kaitlyn

Mobilio, Joseph Charles

Montalvo, Stephanie

Montero Pena, Yusmila

Moon, Lauren Moorcroft, Kinzley

Moore, Connie Morales-Hernandez, Irving

Morris, Christina Morton, Christopher Mueller, Kimberly Muniz, Yohana

Murphy, Allison Murphy, Kristen Natera, Jose Nathaniel, Le Trice

Negron, Jaime Nelson, Cassandra Nelson, Jennifer Nguyen, Hieu Nguyen, Tam Nichols, Joshua Nigro, John Nitschke, Jaden

Nixon, Melinda

Noguera, Arthur

Norstrand, Daniel Nowicki, Angelika

Noyes, Torrey

Nunez Gamito, Enrique

Nunez, Marino

Nunez, Nelson

Nunnelley, Dustin

Oliva Héctor, Alberto

Olivar, Lorena

Olson, Bryson Orantes, Kevin

Ortiz, Lauren Osborne, Allison Osorio, Arianna Otis, Chantell Palermo, Giselle Papaneri, Tiffany Parker, Madison Parkinson, Michael Parks, Michael Parmar, Rik Parra, Yuraima Patel, Brijeshkumar Patel, Milankumar Patrick, Shawn Pearce, Mark Pearse, Heiress Pelletier, James Pena, Albert Pennington, Austin Pepe, Renae Pepper, William Perez, Leyanis Perez, Sheila Pergola, Crystal Perkins, Nicole Peters, Sherry Pino, Osdelsy Policastro, Tracey Pontillo, Alexander Postman, Nicole Pouget, Andrew Powell, Janice Privert, Vitchinie Pucheu, Ybamin Pulido Duran, Joel Puwalski, Nanci Quashie, Brent Rai, Immel Rajme De La Cruz, Amaury Ralston, Catherine Ramirez, Tatiana Ramon, Angel Ramos Garcia, Rocio Ramos, Jose Rawlings, Jayme Reagan, Gloria Reddy, Hithapriya Reid, Autumn Reynolds, Clarence Rice, Shaconda Ricker, Robert Rigney, Crystal Rivera, Betty Jo Rivera, Chiara Roblejo, Milena Rodriguez Santiago, Lorienny Rodriguez, Mayleidis Rodriguez, Natali Rogers, Brittany Rojas Vega, Yanney Romero Quesada, Dayana Romero-Montoya, Jorge Rooney, Krystal Rosenquist, Cameron Ross, Jillian Rothrock, Abigail Ruiz Blanco, Carlos Ruiz, Jessica Ruiz, Marisol Rumph, Charles Rushing, Melissa Erica Rutherford, Kayla Ryder, Ronald Rzedzian, Gracian Saker, Elias Salas Hernandez, Daylin

Salazar, Vilma Salgado, Leticia Salinas, Yolanda Salomon Jr, Louis Salvia Betancourt, Yordany Sanchez Narvaez, Rosa Sanchez, Chelsea Sandlin, Heather Sandoval, Diana Santiago, Adela Santiago, Christian Santiago, Maribell Santos Campoverde, Selena Satheesh, Deepak Savage, Douglas Scaia, Christopher Schofield, Nicole Schroeder, Werner Schultz, Aleksandra Schwartz, Stephanie Scott, Antwonette Scrimager, Lea Scruggs, James Segura, Christine Sehar, Sonia Seidel, Nathan Sell, Matthew Settlemyre, Angela Shaub, Alena Shaulis, Angela Shawgo, Victoria Siebel, Michael Simmons, Gloria Simpson, Lotoia Singh, Dolly Singh, Neelam Sioudi, Gabriela Skeens, Curtis Sleeter, Tonya Smith, Ariana Smith, Liline Smith, Melody Smith, Mitchell Smith, Tiahna Soomro, Sikander Ali Sosa, Nayla Spera, Gabriel Spindola, Anthony Spinelli, Luba St. Jean, Allenson St. John, Jaimal Steck, Tiffany Stepaniak, Zachary Stern, Erin Elyse Stevens, Lindsay Stokes, Glen Stone, Jessica Story, Olivia Strackman, Tia Stratis, Jean Strong, Ryan Suarez Romero, Mariam Suarez, Andres Sukovykh, Mikhail Tadlaoui, Hicham H Talia Brown, Juan Tan, Clearesta Tanous, Lisa Tarantino, Michael Tateo, Paul Taweel, Sarah Taylor Cross, Carrie Taylor, Jessica Tekin, Hayriye Theriault, Joanna Thomas, Charlie

New Brokers* & Members Continued

Thompson, Natalie Thompson, Tammy

Tongue, Felicia Torres, Jhenny

Torres-Fernandez, Pedro Tramontana, Carlos

Trujillo, Jorge Tyson, Anthony Valera, Yuliet Valladares, Nila

Vallejo, Catherine

Vandeboe, Lisa

Vasquez, Alexandra

Vasquez, Efrain

Vauvert, Laurent

Vega Herrera, Yaniel Velaydez, Raphael

Verdecia Garrote, Roxana Villafuerte, Manuel

Villanueva-Diaz, Manuel Villegas, Diana Vo, Ha Voyles, Jenifer

Voytko, Brittany Walker, Susan

Walker, Tracy Walston, Faith Walters, Marchon Washington, Howard Waskiewicz, Maryellen Weelink, Susan West, James

Westfall, Laurie White, Brandy White, Charvick Whitener, Christopher Wihbeh, George Wilcoxon, Erin Wildfeuer, Catherine Wilkes, Shelbie Williams, Robert Williams, Shakeria Wilson, Carolina Wilson, Scott Winters, Michael Wise, Kylie Wolfe, Michelle Wolff, Nicholas Wong, Rafael Wu, Chunlei Yaione Garcia, Liz Youssef, Samer Zambrano, Ivelisse

Zayas, Cindy Zelen, Doreen

Zohar, Haya

Zorrilla Lopez, Kimberly

Zorrilla, Frankie Zuniga, Criselda

Around the World

On April 25, Members stepped into a world of cultural richness from delicious cuisine, flamenco dancers, cigar rollers and more for an unforgettable evening that celebrated the vibrancy and diversity of Latin culture from around the globe.

Clay's & Connect

Members gathered in Land O' Lakes on May 2 for an opportunity for to network with fellow real estate professionals while enjoying a fun and educational clay shooting event.


Why Building Relationships Matter: An Affiliate’s Perspective


As an affiliate in the real estate industry, your role extends beyond transactions. You’re an essential part of the ecosystem that supports REALTORS® and homebuyers. Here’s why getting involved and fostering relationships is crucial:

1. Trust and Credibility

Building relationships with REALTORS® establishes trust and credibility. When REALTORS® know you personally, they will likely recommend your services to their clients. Attend networking events, participate in association activities and engage in meaningful conversations to create lasting connections.

2. Referral Opportunities

REALTORS® often refer clients to affiliates they trust. You position yourself as a reliable resource by actively participating in industry events. When REALTORS® have clients with specific needs (such as title services, home inspections or mortgage financing), they’ll think of you first.

3. Collaborative Marketing

Partner with REALTORS® on marketing initiatives. Co-host workshops, webinars or community events. Collaborate on social media campaigns or co-branded materials. Working together expands your reach and enhances your visibility within the real estate community.

4. Education and Training

Stay informed about industry trends and changes. Attend REALTOR® training sessions or offer educational content.

When REALTORS® see you as a knowledgeable partner, they’ll seek your expertise and refer clients to you.

5. Advocacy and Support

Advocate for real estate interests. Understand challenges and support causes. Active involvement at the association allows you to contribute to policy discussions and advocate for positive changes in the industry.

6. Networking Beyond REALTORS®

While REALTORS® are essential, don’t overlook other affiliates. Network with mortgage brokers, home inspectors, appraisers and insurance agents. These connections can lead to cross-referrals and collaborative opportunities.

7. Community Engagement

Participate in community service projects alongside REALTORS®. Volunteering together strengthens bonds and showcases your commitment to the community. REALTORS® appreciate affiliates who share their values.

Remember, relationships are the foundation of success in real estate. As an affiliate, invest time in building meaningful connections. Your involvement and dedication will pay dividends, benefiting both your business and the entire real estate community.

Welcome New Affiliate Business Partners!

Joined in April 17 - July 1

Bahia Title

– Belem Del Castillo

Celebration Title Group

– Derwort, Darryl

HDV Home Inspection

– Haile Valdivia

Title of FL – Sharee Mandel Mizell Home Inspections – Shawn Mizell Novus Home Mortgage – Carol Carpintero

Adam Ford

Flite Financial

Justin Kelly Total Mortgage – Wyatt Angiulo


Use this directory as a resource for products and services. Affiliates join monthly, so check each issue for updates. You can also search the online Affiliate directory by visiting tamparealtors.org. Special thanks to our Diamond Affiliate Partners: Creative Loafing and Tampa Bay Times; our Platinum Affiliate Partner: Brown & Associates Law & Title PA our Gold Partners: Assurity Title, BioSweep, Pillar to Post and VanDyk Mortgage: The Miller Team and our Silver Affiliate Partners: Enterprise Title, First Horizon, GTE Financial, Home Access Financial, LMCU, Movement Mortgage, Old Republic Exchange, Top Elite Financial and Scriptbiz.

Diamond Partner is highlighted in purple. Platinum Partners are highlighted in blue. Silver Partners are highlighted in gray.

Gold Partners are highlighted in yellow.

If you’re an active Affiliate and you don’t see your information listed in the directory, please contact our Affiliate Department at affiliates@tamparealtors.org.

1031 Exchange

Old Republic Exchange Company

Janet Schaum 1410 N Westshore Blvd. Ste. 800 Tampa, Florida 33607

813-849-2816 | oldrepublicexchange.com

First American Exchange

Trish Mack

6960 Grande Vista Way S. Pasadena, FL 33707


Air Quality

BioSweep Central Florida, LLC

Roy Ponder PO Box 4291

Opelika, AL 36803

813-365-7986 | biosweepcentralfl.com

Attorney/Legal Services

Brown & Associates Law & Title PA

Barbara Brown 11373 Countryway Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33626

813-528-4044 | brownlawandtitle.com

Najmy Thompson P.L.

Aaron Thomas

109 N. Brush Street, Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33602

813-440-2100 | najmythompson.com


D.R. Horton Inc.

Tiffany Georgevich

3501 Riga Blvd., Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33611

866-475-3347 | drhorton.com

Closing Gifts

CUTCO Cutting Edge Gifts

Sylia Honne 1712 Foxwood Dr. Garner, NC 27529

623-606-1454 | CutcoClosingGifts.com

Credit Unions

GTE Financial

Tabitha Roach

711 E. Henderson Ave. Tampa, FL 33602


Navy Federal Credit Union

Christine Deloach

4538 S. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33611

877-573-2324 | navyfederal.org

Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union

Marque Whillock 3815 N. Nebraska Ave. Tampa, FL 33603

813-247-4414 | tampabayfederal.com


Ready Nation Contractors

Johnathan McKeen-Chaff 2552 Merchant Ave. Odessa, FL 33556 877-762-2858Credit Unions

Disaster Restoration

DriRite of Tampa

Scott Wilcox 11841 US HWY 41 S. Gibsonton, FL 33534

813-283-2202 | driritetampa.com

Financial Services

First Horizon Bank

Manuel Moscoso 4105 N. Himes Ave. Tampa, FL 33607

813-769-8080 | FirstHorizon.com

Home Access Financial

Brian Finucane

100 S. Ashley Dr. Ste. 1150 Tampa FL, 33602 813-515-7548 homeaccessfinancial.com

DFCU Financial

Joe Hayes 10824 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618 813-368-0258 dfcufinancial.com/joehayes


Robin Eekhof

7380 W. Sand Lake Road, #410 Orlando, FL 32819 407-352-5890 | moneycorp.com


Darryl Derwort 18003 Spencer Rd. Odessa, FL 33556 813-230-4291 | truist.com

Health Insurance

USHEALTH Advisors - A UnitedHealthcare Company

Richard Lewis 727-492-4948

The Verdonck Group

Scott Verdonck 13427 Hampton Park Ct. Fort Myers, FL 33913 239-989-3584

Home Improvement

Renovation Sells North Tampa

Justin Burnett

2946 Barbour Trail Odessa, FL 33556 407-928-2929 | renovationsells.com

Shelby Construction Inc.

Jennifer Frazier

600 Cleveland Street Suite 216 Clearwater, FL 33775 727-201-2436 | shelbyconst.com

Home Inspection

Pillar To Post Home Inspectors

Scott McGarrity

8850 Alafia Cove Dr. Riverview, Florida 33569 813-389-8039

20/20 Home Inspections

Brett Otteman 1810 Hawks View Dr. Ruskin, Florida 3370 813-863-0492 | 2020insp.net

4D Building Solutions

David Cross 21523 Draycott Way Land O Lakes, FL 34637 813-300-5027 | inspectorhelp.com

A Buyer's Choice Home Inspections

NW with Tony Castellanos

Julio Castellanos 9726 Simeon Dr. Land O Lakes, FL 34638 813-618-8309 abuyerschoice.com

A-Pro Home Inspection

Thomas Solarino 2424 W. Brandon Blvd., 1284 Brandon, FL 33511 813-358-2776

AcuSystem Home Inspections

David Gonzalez 5668 Fishhawk Crossing Blvd. Ste 120

Lithia, Florida 33547

813-361-8302 | goacusystem.com

All County Home Inspections inc.

Andrew Suarez 3087 Anderson Snow Rd. Spring Hill, FL 34609



Bay Area Home Inspections LLC

Shane Dollman 1020 Emerald Dr. Brandon, FL 33511

813-727-8827 | bahi.biz

Bay Area Inspections LLC

Eric Dennis 4612 South Lois Ave. Tampa, Florida 33611 813-394-7013

BCI Home Inspections LLC

Jay Christner 18328 Hamilton Road Dade City, FL 33523 813-352-1836 bcihomeinspections.com

Beryl Project Engineering

Richard Leo Cannyn 2810 N. 10th St. Tampa, Florida 33605 813-616-3301 | berylprojectengineering.com

Best Home Inspection

Richard A Yelton 23086 Madelyn Ave. Port Charlotte, Florida 33954 941-391-5372 besthomeinspectionandconstructionco.com

BLT Inspections

Brandon Testone 1810 W. Kennedy Blvd. Unit 310 Tampa, FL 33606

813-777-9848 | bltinspections.com

BPG Inspections

Randy Noon

19519 Long Lake Ranch Blvd. Lutz, FL 33558

352-799-5958 | bpginsections.com

Bungalow Inspections

Shaun Douglas 6946 Old Pasco Rd., Lot 134 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544



Chief Home Inspections

Richard Hyland 804 Sutton Ave. Brandon, Florida 33510 813-333-6263 | chiefhomeinspections.com

Coastal Property Inspection Services

Christopher Rayfield 6332 Flamingo Dr. Apollo Beach, FL 33572 813-695-5814

Coastal Site Inspections Inc.

Fred and Lynn Tonte 6809 Armon Court

Wesley Chapel, FL 33545

813-973-2004 | Coastalsiteinspections.com

Complete Home Inspection Services

Albert Cooke 2000 E 12th Ave., #5466 Tampa, FL 33605 813-380-1355 completehomeinspectionservices.net

Cross Check Home Inspection LLC

Craig Stahl 5815 Laguna Woods Court Tampa, Florida 33625 813-727-5470

Dynamic Home Inspections LLC

Dino Zeljkovic 10305 Ashley Oaks Dr. Riverview, Florida 33578 813-495-5839


ESS Inspections & Valuations

Darryl G. Williams 6802 Twelve Oaks Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634

813-997-6082 | essmultiservices.com

Fair Winds Building Inspection Services LLC

Sang Park

16725 Longleat Dr. Lutz, Florida 33549

757-513-1298 | FairWindsBIS@gmail.com

Florida Building Inspection Group

Dustie Amatangelo 1435 Oakfield Dr. Brandon, FL 33511


First Florida Home Inspection

Victoria Wyatt

18112 Ashton Park Way Tampa, FL 33647

813-803-7619 | firstflhomeinspection.com

Get the Facts Home Inspection

Joe Svehla 867 W Bloomingdale NO. 6118 Brandon, Florida 33508 813-785-4620 getthefactshomeinspection.com

Glisson Inspection

Timothy Glisson 2424 Prospect Road Tampa, Florida 33629

813-625-1400 tim.glisson@glissoninspection.com

Greater Tampa Home Inspections

Joseph Shea 8822 W. Broad St. Tampa, FL 33615

813-382-5973 | inspecttampa.com

Ground Up Residential LLC

Alan Sieracki

1009 Arlinbrook Dr. Trinity, FL 34655

727-207-0903| inspectbybuilder.com

Handy Vet Inspections LLC

Robert Parmer

4315 W. Empedrado St. Tampa, Florida 33629 813-981-2008 | HandyVetInspections.com

HDMK Home Inspections

Harton Kiel

15171 S. Harrells Ferry Road Baton Rouge, LA 70816 888-401-4365 | HDMK.net/Tampa

HDV Home Inspection

Haile Valdivia 12332 Witheridge Dr. Tampa, FL 33624 813-701-4475

Home Insights LLC

Riley Tucker 3909 Butternut Court Brandon, Florida 33511


Home Inspector Professionals

Aramis Taylor

2780 E. Fowler Ave. #232 Tampa, FL 33612

813-299-1642 homeinspectorprofessionals.com

Home Inspector Professor

Danny Hicks 13021 Carlington Ln. Riverview, FL 33572 813-777-2750

HomeTeam Inspection Svc.

Margo Ackerman

1418 Emerald Dunes Dr. Sun City Center, Florida 33573 813-632-0550

HouseMaster Home Inspections

Michelle & Robert Southard

2702 Clubhouse Dr. Plant City, FL 33566 866-931-2350 east-tampa.housemaster.com

Insight Home Inspections

Daniel Horton 13336 Palmera Vista Dr. Riverview, Florida 33579 813-817-6477 | insighthomes.org

Inspect Pro 360 PLLC

David Heery 15624 Morning Dr. Lutz, FL 33559

614-374-0053 | inspectpro360.com

IV Inspections

Steven Bernstein 14726 Via Estrella Place Tampa, FL 33626 800-975-6354

JBL Home Inspections - Bitzas

Enterprises DBS

Dimitrios Bitzas 1713 Regal Mist Loop Trinity, FL 34655

727-914-9650 | jblhomeinspections.com

JPM Home Inspection LLC

Jose Perez Molina 4519 Eden Rock Road Tampa, FL 33634 813-863-7605

Longo Inspection Services LLC

George Longo 12153 N Dale Mabry, Ste 200 Tampa, Florida 33618 813-618-8393 | longoinspects.com

Lotus Land Inspection Services LLC

Amir Ibrahim 7515 Cypress Walk Dr. New Port Richey, FL 34655 917-302-3557

Mizell Home Inspections

Shawn Mizell 1515 Sabra Dr. Brooksville, FL 34601 352-573-4748 mizellhomeinspections.com

Momentum Home Inspections

Justin Strickland 5018 Drawdy Road Plant City, FL 33567 863-600-6949 MomentumHomelnspections.com

NextGen Inspections

Curtis Antoine 1031 Bethpage Rd. Auburndale, FL 33823 407-801-2682

Next Step Inspections

Phillip Brown 11338 Bridge Pine Dr. Riverview, FL 33569 850-303-3204 nextstepinsp.com

Orbit 360 Home Inspections LLC

Ulises Guardiola 2004 E Rampart St. Tampa, FL 33604 813-618-9228

Paramount Home Inspectors

Dale Gerstenberger 12933 Satin Lily Dr. Riverview, FL 33579 813-616-1399 paramountinspectors.com

Prime Home Inspections LLC

Noor Odeh

1649 Beaconsfield Dr. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543

813-966-2382 primehomeinspectionfl.com

Pro-Spect Inspection Services

Anna Medina

705 S. Wiggins Road Plant City, FL 33566 863-999-0002 | gopro-spect.com

Richard Pickle Ent Inc.

Richard Pickle 15820 Spring Crest Circle Tampa, Florida 33624


The Right Move

Michael Lovesey 15820 Spring Crest Cir. Tampa, FL 33624


RMA Property Inspections

Brian Gruhn 16842 Midsummer Lane Spring Hill, FL 34610 727-377-1332 | callrmatoday.com

Rock Solid Home Inspections

Dawn Perkins

4590 Ulmerton Road, Suite 119 Clearwater, FL 33762

727-408-1088 rocksolidhomeinspections.org

RonzCo Inspections

Nicholas Ronzel 6421 N. Florida Ave. STE D PMB 1063 Tampa, FL 33604


Safeline Home Inspections LLC

Corey Richardson 2021 Shadow Pine Dr. Brandon, Florida 33511

813-777-8851 | safelineinspections.com

Shades IN Place Inc.

Roger Magalhaes

6401 S. Westshore Blvd. #202 Tampa, FL 33616



Shipshape Home Inspections

Curt Arnold 3702 W. Tyson Ave. Tampa, Florida 33641


Silva Inspection Services

Michael Silva

30926 Wooley Ct. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543



Strong JC Home Inspection

Yordanis Cedeno Diaz 6830 Swain Ave. Tampa, FL 33625



SWF Home Inspections

Janai Hernandez

1930 S. Tamiami Tr. South Venice, FL 34239 941-803-1324 | swfhomeinspections.com

Tampa Bay Mold Testing

Joseph Margherita

10460 Roosevelt Blvd. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33716



Tricor LLC

Ryan Goebel

8281 E. Gelding Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260


TrueView Inspections LLC

Thomas Presley

307 N. Lincoln Ave. Tampa, FL 33609



Vet Check Property Inspections LLC

Cory Weaver 10810 Boyette Rd #852 Riverview, FL 33569

813-599-3822 | vetcheckinspections.com

Villa Residential Inspections LLC

Jelvis Villanueva 7326 Exter Way Tampa, FL 33615



Waypoint Property Inspection

Eddy Lai 3220 Parkside Center Circle Tampa, Florida 33619



WIN Home Inspections – Land O Lakes

Geffrey Rutgers 30320 Grymes Dr. Wesley Chapel, FL 33545

813-610-1246 | landolakes.wini.com

Win Home Inspection New Tampa

Rob Kuntz P.O. Box 46591 Tampa, Florida 33646 813-774-1080 winhomeinspectionnewtampa.com

Home Warranty

Old Republic Home Protection

Cameron Foster 2 Annabel Lane San Ramon, CA 94583 800-445-6999 | orhp.com


USHEALTH Advisors - A UnitedHealthcare Company

Richard Lewis 727-492-4948

Excellence First Insurance Specialist

Melissa Gallway 435 Lithia Pinecrest Road Brandon, Florida 33511

813-867-2132 | excellencefirstins.com

Reliable Insurance The Johnson Agency

Tanya Johnson

1001 Riverside Dr. Ste. E Palmetto, FL 34221 941-313-4932

Interior Design/Home Staging

Olive Leaf Staging

Rita Oliva

430 Douglas Road E, Ste. I Oldsmar, FL 34677


Marketing/Web Design

Creative Loafing

Leigh Wilson

633 N. Franklin St. #735 Tampa, Florida 33602

813-956-4428 | cltampa.com

Tampa Bay Times

Jennifer Conklin

490 1st Avenue S. St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


Mold Inspector

Tampa Bay Mold Testing

Joseph Margherita

10460 Roosevelt Blvd. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33716

813-365-1994 TampaBayMoldTesting.com

Mortgage Services

VanDyk Mortgage Corp.

Shawn Miller

5020 W. Linebaugh Ave., Suite 130 Tampa, FL 33624



GTE Financial

Tabitha Roach

711 E. Henderson Ave. Tampa, Florida 33602



Matt Russell

408 S. MacDill Ave. Tampa, FL 33609

813-342-4780 | lmcu.org

Movement Mortgage

Rick Bennett Jr.

180 Alt 19, Suite B

Palm Harbor, FL 34683



Top Flite Financial

Justin Kelly

1365 Playmoor Dr. Palm Harbor, FL 33761



Cadence Bank

Carrie Spradling

4890 W. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 820 Tampa, FL 33609

813-425-9200 | cadencebank.com

Crown Home Mortgage

Rick Riddle 5421 Beaumont Center Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634

813-257-9033 | crownhm.com

Embrace Home Loans

Jason Will 1408 N. Westshore Dr. Tampa, FL 33607


embracehomeloans.com/location/florida/ tampa

Fluxx Funding LLC

Robert Paredes

410 S. Ware Blvd., Suite 402 Tampa, FL 33619

813-300-7218 | fluxxfunding.com

Highland Mortgage

Robert Huether

664 Seminole Ave. Ste. 101 Atlanta, GA 30307

813-748-3991 highlandmtg.com/roberthuether

Lincoln Lending

Frank Coto III

6944 Linebaugh Ave. #101 Tampa, FL 33625

813-765-1239 | Lincolnlend.com

The Mortgage Firm Tampa

Patrick Storch

8471 W. Linebaugh Ave. Tampa, Florida 33625

813-616-8844 closemymortgagetampa.com

New American Funding

Anthony Canizares

13101 Telecom Dr. #101 Temple Terrace, FL 33637



NFM Lending

Nathaniel Bittman 3180 Curlew Rd. Unit 107 Oldsmar, FL 34677


Novus Home Mortgage

Carol Carpintero 303 Sunnyside Rd. Temple Terrace, FL 33617 813-601-0305 | homeloanchica.com

Silver Bay Lending

Erica Paradise 1205 N. Franklin St. Ste. 105 Tampa, FL 33602 813-994-1819 | ericaparadise.com

Raymond James Bank

Ashley Turner 710 Carillion Parkway St. Petersburg, FL 33716 727-567-1901 raymondjamesbank.com

Sherry Owens Mortgage LLC

Sherry Owens 3291 Golden Meadow Ct. Ste. 305 Powell, OH 43065 813-856-5077

Supreme Lending

Melissa Stoddard 34210 US Hwy. 19 N. Palm Harbor, FL 34684 813-230-1863

Third Federal Savings & Loan

Ivette Rivera 11707 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618

813-289-3671 | ThirdFederal.com

Total Mortgage

Wyatt Angiulo

502 S. Fremont Ave. Apt. 701 Tampa, FL 33606 405-762-0731


Unifirst Mortgage Lending

Nyk Harper

215 Colorado Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501

970-549-1003 | unifirstlending.com

USF Federal Credit Union

Bobby Bucholtz

13302 USF Palm Dr. Tampa, Florida 33612

813-569-2183 | USFFCU.com

Waterstone Mortgage

Tyler Walsh 4902 Eisenhower Blvd. Suite 385 Tampa, FL 33634

813-219-8085 mutualmortgage.com/tampa


Community Builders International Inc.

Ignacio Tupacyupanqui

2200 NW. 72nd Ave. Ste. 523-795 Miami, FL 33152



Solita's House Inc.

Anthony Thomas PO Box 310257 Tampa, FL 33610

813-425-4847 | solitashouse.org


RP Pro Finish Painting and Remodeling

Reinaldo Perez

7208 Branchwood Ct. Tampa, FL 33615

813-279-0276 | RPProFinishPainting.com

Pest Control

Citarella Termite and Pest Managemen

Kevin Citarella

833-608-2652 | citarellapest.com

Integrity Safer Lawns and Homes

Cathleen Selezan

1911 Wood Bend St. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689


Hughes Exterminators

Audra Snyder 1781 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, Florida 33603

813-884-1555 | hughes-exterminators.com

Magnum Termite and Pest Control

Johnathan Brady 11005 E. US Hwy 92 Seffner, FL 33584

813-988-7378 | magnumpest.com


Aerial Contrast LLC

Hector Ivan Castro 3124 W. Paris St. Tampa, FL 33614

813-842-4510 | aerialcontrast.com

Jen Holmes Photography

Jen Holmes  7208 Branchwood Ct. Tampa, FL 33615

813-649-3346 | picsofholmes.com

Meyvn Made Media

Rob Aldas

10810 Boyete Rd. #628 Riverview, FL 33569

813-365-7796 | meyvnmademedia.com

Next Door Photos North Tampa

Isaac Morillo

16401 Cypress Water Way Tampa, FL 33624


RealtyListPro LLC

Brad Sheremeta

4944 Pilgrimport Road Sodus, NY 14551 315-945-9949 | RealtyListPro.com

Red Letter Drones LLC

Adam Ford

7842 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. #177 Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638 813-825-4755 | redletterdrones.io

Showingtime Plus Photography

Victor Junco 13205 Spindlewyck Cove Riverview, FL 33569 833-918-0066 | showingtimeplus.com

Suncoast Real Estate Photos

Michael Cook 18725 Rococo Road Spring Hill, FL 34610 352-734-7116 | suncoastrephotos.com

Textur3D Media

Julian Garcia

8595 Montravail Circle, Apt. 932 Tampa, FL 33637 646-881-4866 | Textur3D.net

Vasquez Real Estate Media

Norbert Vasquez Shorehaven Dr. Kissimmee, FL 34759 516-521-6388

Professional Organization

Tampa Bay Chapter of NARPM

Andrew Dougill

3900 W. Dale Ave. Tampa, Florida 33609

813-658-8210 | tampabay.narpm.org

Property Management

House2Home Properties

Michael Bielon

8270 Woodland Center Blvd. Tampa, FL 33614


Real Estate Coaching

Scriptbiz LLC

Robert Ayer  6202 Marigold Ct. Waxhaw, NC 68173 206-940-6042 | scriptbiz.co

Coach Katie - Mindset Development


Katie Weldon 1331 Deerbourne Dr. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 978-868-4226 | coachkatie.com


Century 21 BE3

Camille Austin PO Box 89848 Tampa, FL 33689


SCM Roofing

Jason Nicholas 13909 N. Dale Mabry Hwy Unit 201 Tampa, Florida 33618 855-726-7663

Schools/Continuing Education

RD Training Systems

Leigh McPeak 32392 Coast Highway Suite 220 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 844-454-8787 | rdtrainingsystems.com

Results Real Estate School

Leigh McPeak PO Box 1985 Brandon, FL 33509 813-210-2397 | ResultsREschool.com

Title Agencies

Brown & Associates Law & Title PA

Barbara Brown 11373 Countryway Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33626

813-528-4044 | brownlawandtitle.com

Assurity Title

Cassandra McSherry 10129 Gallant Lane Tampa, FL 33625


Enterprise Title of Tampa Bay Inc.

Phillip Clark 5303 Technology Dr. Tampa, FL 33647 813-961-3391 | etotb.com

Bahia Title

Belem Del Castillo 2904 W. Bay to Bay Blvd. Tampa, FL 33629 813-640-0910 | bahiatitle.com

Berlin Patten Ebling

Lauren LoCastro

324 S. Hyde Park Ave, Suite 325 Tampa, FL 33606 813-467-7500 | berlinpatten.com

Celebration Title Group

Katelyn Taylor 2802 W. Saint Isabel St. Tampa, FL 33607 813-420-5612 celebrationtitlegroup.com

First American Title

Michelle Hernandez 1731 S Kings Ave. Brandon, Florida 33511 813-514-2828

Haven Title LLC

Jessica Arnold 3249 W. Cypress St., Unit C Tampa, FL 33607 813-699-3054 | Haventitle.com

Hillsborough Title

Corlin Tucker 3410 Henderson Blvd. Tampa, FL 33609 813-287-2130 | FLAgency.net

Insured Title Agency LLC

Mandy Hunter

13029 W. Linebaugh Ave. Ste. 102 Tampa, FL 33626

813-855-3585 | insured-title.com

Investment Title of FL

Sharee Mandel

1421 Oakfield Dr. Brandon, FL 33511


Magnolia Title

Morgan Launikitis

800 W. Platt St. Ste 6 Tampa, FL 33606


Mason Title and Escrow Company

Mary Turner

3341 W. Bears Ave. Tampa, FL 33618 813 264-6110 | www.masontitle.com

Sunbelt Title Agency

Dee-Dee Silvestri

500 N. Westshore Blvd. #850 Tampa, FL 33609 813-422-9696 | sunbelttitle.com

Yacht Brokers

Denison Yachting / FL Yacht Pro

Michael Johnson 7901 4th St N., Suite 300

St. Petersburg, FL 33702 312-890-6385


Robert Welbourn 13823 US Hwy. 98 Bypass Dade City, FL 33525 813-994-4422

If you’re an active Affiliate and you don’t see your information listed in the directory, please contact our Affiliate Department at affiliates@tamparealtors.org.

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