Transform A Life
2015 Annual Campaign
Your Gift Trans Three years ago, Gary Johnson was involved in a severe car accident that caused a traumatic brain injury and temporary immobility. He lost his job, his car, his home, and his clothing. GTCC helped Gary find his potential and unlock his possibilities. Today he is pursuing an Associate in Arts degree and an Associate in Applied Science degree in Human Services Technology. His goal is to give back to the community that helped him rebuild his life. “GTCC gave me a chance in life. Before that I was just existing. It’s opened doors for me to allow me to open doors for someone else.”
- Gary Johnson
Each year, GTCC helps more than 40,000 students gain access to higher education and transform their futures. The GTCC Foundation provides scholarships and opportunities for achievement and enrichment through regional and national academic competitions and expanded learning opportunities. In addition to providing scholarships and emergency assistance to deserving students, the GTCC Foundation gives faculty extra resources that enhance quality of instruction and expands campus boundaries through arts and community service programming. Your financial support creates a learning environment that transforms lives and prepares the workforce of the future. From the Cover Kayla Natta ‘15 is following in her mother’s footsteps by pursuing a career in healthcare. Her goal is to earn a doctorate in pharmacy. “I’m going to further my education … and make my dreams come true.”
sforms a Student’s Life
GTCC wins four medals at the 51 Annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference st
Academic competitions help students connect classroom skills and knowledge to the real world. Your gift to the Foundation provides supplemental funds so our students can participate. And each year, GTCC students receive acclaim for participating in national and regional academic competitions.
Lady Titans win the NJCAA Division II Region X Tournament and advance to the NJCAA Division II National Championship
Yudys Diaz’s first job in America was at McDonald’s, washing dishes and flipping burgers for $6 an hour. At GTCC, Yudys learned to read, write, and speak English through the ESOL program, earned her GED, and completed two intensive accelerated training programs: the National Aviation Consortium (NAC) and Aircraft Manufacturing Program (AMP). Today, she is an employee at Honda Aircraft Company. “This program is awesome. It was a great opportunity. This is what I was praying for.” - Yudys Diaz
“My whole life I have enjoyed the opportunity to fix things and gain an understanding of how things operate and why. My skills as an electrician and my desire to serve the public have led me to choose a career in HVAC/R. I feel my life experiences have given me many tools to succeed in the field once I complete my degree. I am very excited and optimistic about my future.”
- Richie Post GTCC military veteran student
Yes! I want to help students! Your gift helps students with scholarships, emergency aid, instructional quality, and many enrichment opportunities.
The President’s Society recognizes donors who make annual gifts of $1,000 or more without restriction to support key college initiatives. Platinum Level Gold Level Silver Level Bronze Level Member Level
$25,000+ $10,000-$24,999 $5,000-$9,999 $2,500-$4,999 $1,000-$2,499
GTCC depends on annual gifts to support scholarships, student emergency funds, departmental efforts, and serve the greatest needs. Chairman’s Circle Dean’s Circle Director Circle Scholar Circle Faculty Circle Friend Circle
$10,000+ $5,000-$9,999 $1,000-$4,999 $500-$999 $100-$499 $1-$99
Your Gift Makes A Big Difference
per month ($60 per year) helps a student purchase a nursing or culinary uniform.
per month ($120 per year) helps a student attain a career readiness certificate and find a better job.
per month ($300 per year) helps a student in crisis through the Food Pantry, Center for Working Families, or emergency student funds.
per month ($360 per year) provides textbooks for three classes.
per month ($600 per year) helps a student purchase supplies and course materials.
per month ($900 per year) buys a laptop with software for a student.
per month ($1,020 per year) provides funds for innovation and excellence through special initiatives supported by President’s Society donors.
per month ($1,200 per year) provides a student with a scholarship for one semester.
per month ($1,500 per year) gives students the opportunity to participate in a national competition.
per month ($12,000 per year) helps 50 GED diploma students pursue a college degree and a better future.
Foundation Funds at Work Guilford Technical Community College Foundation provides financial assistance to worthy students seeking their education and to faculty and staff in areas not covered by state funds. Foundation funds support key college priorities and provide the flexibility to rapidly respond to changing needs. The Foundation supports GTCC’s mission to achieve academic excellence and expand access through many initiatives including the following: STUDENT SUPPORT AND SUCCESS • Scholarships and Emergency Assistance • Veterans Initiatives • Center for Working Families • Food Pantry • Student Presentation and Portfolio Days • Student Ambassador Program • Advising, Tutoring, Transfer Support LEADERSHIP AND FACULTY/STAFF DEVELOPMENT • Incentive Grants to Enhance Instruction • Professional Development • Presidential Leadership Seminars • College Advisory Boards ARTS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE • All College Read • Speakers’ Series • Theater Productions and Film Series • Larry Gatlin Performing Arts Series • Cline Observatory • Culinary Events • Food Pantry Garden • Alumni and Community Relations Activities
Name______________________________________ Address____________________________________ City______________ State_________ Zip_________ Phone______________________________________ Email______________________________________ Signature______________________ Date ________ I want to join the President’s Society with a gift of $1,000 or more to support key college initiatives. Total Pledge $_______ Bill Annually $_________ Bill Month __________ __2015 __2016 __2017 __I will sign up for monthly draft online at:
OR I Pledge $_____________ Enclosed $____________ Bill Me: __ One time in month _______________ __ Quarterly starting_________________ __ Monthly draft (sign up online) GTCC Staff: __I authorize payroll deduction starting January: Monthly Amt $ __________ Dept____________ Circle # Months: 9 10 12 __I’m new, start mine in _______ /_______ month
Designate My Gift to Support: __Greatest Need __Scholarships Note:___________________ __GTCC Food Pantry/Student Emergency Fund __Other: ________________________________ __My/spouse’s company offers Matching Gifts: Company Name___________________________ __I allow my name to be listed on donor rolls __I plan to include GTCC Foundation in my estate My gift is made in honor/memory of: _______________________________________________ Please notify (name):____________________________ that a gift has been made in his/her honor at the following address: _______________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ __I’d like to discuss creating an annual scholarship with a one-time or repeating gift of $500 or more. __I’d like to discuss creating an endowed scholarship or departmental fund with a gift of $15,000 or more. Gifts can be made online at
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Mail donation to: GTCC Foundation PO Box 309 Jamestown, NC 27282 OR Give Online! Visit
to make a donation through our website.
GTCC Foundation P.O. Box 309 Jamestown, NC 27282 336-334-4822 ext.50310 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No. 2 Jamestown, NC