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Investment Banking and Investment Management
Investment management involves safeguarding and maximising investments on behalf of insttutons, corporatons or individuals. Graduates usually work in investment divisions of investment banks or for fund management frms, also known as asset management companies.
Investment banking actvites occur on three levels – front ofce (fnancing, sales, trading, research), middle ofce (risk management, strategy, compliance), and back ofce (operatons and technology).
Fresh graduates can apply for positons in all three ofces of an investment bank or try for smaller boutque or brokerage frms.
You’ll need…
• Numeracy skills • To be highly adaptable • Good interpersonal skills • To be highly motvated
Types of employers
• Investment banks • Fund promoters • Fund managers • Fund administrators Types of jobs
• Research analysts • Portolio managers • Client relatonship/client services managers • Fund administrators • Accountants • Support functons
Job-hunting tips
• Investment banks typically conduct on-campus recruitment once or twice a year, so keep your eyes peeled! • Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need a business or fnance degree to work in investment management. What’s most important are your relevant transferable skills and interest in the markets • Most graduates start their career in this sector as fnancial analysts, so conduct some research on that role beforehand to fgure out how you can meet employers’ needs
Work experience
Investment banks and funds industry organisatons ofen use formal internships as part of their recruitment process, which can put you in a stronger positon to be recruited by that employer. There are also some who only hire through internship conversion.
Applicaton deadlines tend to fall in the second half of the year. Check employers’ websites for specifc details.
Did you know?
Investment banks and insttutons also value graduates with backgrounds in engineering and computer science. This dynamic sector hires graduates from a variety of felds.
Most popular employers
1. DBS Bank 2. J.P. Morgan 3. Goldman Sachs 4. OCBC Bank 5. Morgan Stanley 6. Barclays Bank PLC 7. Cit Singapore 8. Maybank 9. Bank of America Merrill Lynch 10.Government of Singapore
Investment Corporaton (GIC)
Source: Singapore Graduate Barometer 2021 editon