1 minute read
Keep it updated
Just like how you should keep updating your resume, your portfolio is no exception. It is important that it represents an accurate reflection of your current skills and capabilities, so do try to update it once a month, or if you have something new to add.
While you are at it, you should also phase out older works if you find your portfolio featuring too many projects. Try to make this a regular habit, especially with a digital portfolio as it is possible for potential clients and recruiters alike to be looking through it at any time.
In addition, if you are asked to present your portfolio during an interview, be sure that you have the means to access it, even if you have already sent over a link beforehand. Having a portable device, such as a laptop or tablet, will be useful when you need to show off your work.
Additional tips
• If you aim to become a front end developer, consider taking the challenge to code your portfolio from scratch
• However, if you are applying to be a backend developer, it is fine to use an online template, such as from GitHub, and focus on the portfolio’s contents