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What are some important technical skills that engineering graduates need today?

The challenges engineers are trying to solve today are quite complex and diverse. This means graduates who want to succeed in this career will need to have technical skills in both hardware and software.

To do so, graduates must first be well-versed in their coursework, whether in engineering design or sustainability. In addition, they must have the industry acumen to relate those skills to Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing.

By integrating their knowledge of traditional core skills with new technology, today’s engineers have a better chance of rising up to the challenge of transforming today’s world for the better.

What does Dyson look out for in graduates’ technical portfolios during physical interviews?

Technical portfolios are essential in showcasing what candidates are interested in. While it is important to show off the projects you have done in school (both the final products as well as the process), your portfolio should also include ones you have done outside of your curriculum. This is where your interests shine and is what Dyson looks out for.

Specifically, these after-school projects should show your inherent interest in engineering and the problems you are trying to solve. This gives us valuable insight on who you are as an engineer and what inspires or drives you forward.

In addition to your portfolio, consider bringing along some prototypes to the physical interviews. This will ensure a good talking point and helps us to get to know you better.


What is Dyson’s hiring process like today?

The hiring process can differ from year to year, but it generally starts with candidates submitting their application through our website. The talent acquisition team then picks out applicants with relevant CVs and gives them a call to discuss more about the jobs they have applied to, along with the respective job scopes.

The next stage is a physical interview with the hiring manager, which usually starts off with a technical assessment, Afterwards, the candidate and the interviewer will go through the technical assessment, along with their portfolio and prototype. Depending on the team you are joining, there may also be a third stage where candidates will meet the head of the department.


Additional tips to ace an interview at Dyson

First, take some time before the interview to brush up on your technical knowledge as well as your past projects so that you areabletoarticulateyourresponsesclearlyandaccurately.One of the first things we take note of is whether the candidates can communicate their thoughts successfully and describe engineering technical terms well.

Secondly, you should show off your skills via your portfolio, prototypes or samples, but do not worry if they do not work. Part of Dyson’s ethos is to learn from failures, so even if your products failed to produce results, they are still effective talking points for you to share what you have learnt and how you would make improvements. This is a strong intention for you as an engineer and the best way to put your passion on a pedestal.

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