What is the best way to get authority? gurpreettooray.net / Okay so in today's blog post we will be looking at how long it takes people to get judged when they are making a sales pitch. Now a lot of you may or may not know that it takes about seven seconds for someone to judge you. So, you have a small wiindow of opportunity to give a good impression to the person you are pitching to. In those seven seconds it is very important to establish that you are someone who is worth listening to and that what you have to offer is not a waste of time and can benefit the prospect in some way. This can be done in a few ways and I'm just going to outline the three that I feel are the most important. Now in those seven seconds you need to do three things : 1) Enthusiasm You need to show that you are enthusiastic about your product. This has to come through instantly because if you're not enthusiastic about your product then why should anybody else be? That's important, and you can do that through knowing about your product or service, knowing about the company (whether your own or one you are affiliated with). If you know the ins and outs of your product/service/company the more confident you are about talking about them so the more comfortable you are and the more enthusiastic you come across. 2) You are sharp as a tack. The second thing you need to establish with your prospect is that you are as sharp as a tack. People want to know that they are dealing with someone who knows what they are talking about, someone who is clear and concise, and is capable of helping them get rid of a problem they have. So for example let's say you are in the 'make money online' industry and you want people to follow you and join your team, then you need to show them that you know what you're talking about. Would you rather have someone with intelligence and skills to follow or someone who has no clue about anything? 3) You are a figure of authority You need to show your leads and prospects that you are a figure of authority and that's really important because if you don't come across as an expert, as someone who has authority in this field then people are very unlikely to trust you. An example of authority would be the police force. They have established authority and they are people that the public trust. If they tell you to do something then you do it. Why? They have AUTHORITY.