1 minute read

Selective Service System


J'hc trrritory li:-,s :'\ tot::il of I 5.996 Sl'lrni\'\' Scrl'i,·L· rc!.!i~trants. i11ch1cling2.387 \\·ho .in:: pn•scntly ~erving in tlw :\rmcd Forn·,. and l..+'.17 "hn :1rr m·rr the ngc nf li:ihility for 1uilitary ~c•1Yin·.

Cndcr tlw 1mmpow,'1 nrnsc1vation prO!.!!'i1111. 3 l rt•jectcc$ 'H'l'l' gin~n complctc l·uunsl'linl{ and guid::inc-e sr1...-irr, nnd nf the· '.H yrn111.~ tn<'n. 20 were n·frrrrcl to ot!wr roop<·rati11g a!!c11cirs f01 jnh pla;T111c:11t .incl l'dll!·alion. ::111d 1-l \\'1•n· prO\·ided medic.ii H·rviccs. Of thr 1 I. ,ix were rchnhilitatc·cl :111cl :1.rr nm,· ~<'tYing in the :1r11wd fon'Cs.


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