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Protection of Life and Property

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:\ tot:-i I of -1.260 crimi11nl off cn~i:s ,,·rrc:: rrronlc-d hy 1hc lkp:-iruncnt of Puhlir Safety. an i11nc•nsr of 22.9 p<'rc:cnt 0\ er 1hc )JI\'\ ioll~ p·at. or tla: totnl, 1,-~51 "·rrc C'omid1·rrd nrnjor offenses. i11tluding homidcl1·. mhhrry. :ind n!!'.gran1tt'd a,,;ault. l11 :m rffoJt to ,ll n·,1 till· 11cnd. ,1·,ernl ~tq>s \\t'r<· 1:-ikc·11 hy 1he ~n,·c-111mrnl. indudinl!' implc1111•mn1ion of rr1·0111111rncl:1tin11s rnadc h,· tlw C:o,1·rnor·~ C:0111111iu1·1· on Crime·. J11H·11il1· I )1·li11qul't1l'~ and I .. I\, E11fnr1·1•11w111. "I lir romrnit In·. n·1nc~r-11ti11~ a r, •·1·1·1io11 of Liu· rrn11111111111, i11rluclim1 tlw 111ilitarv. ~(Jl'lll ,,., c·ral 1r'1rn11li, probirn.! into thr ('[Ill~(•, or rri111c· nncl \\:\\~ and 111l·am of 1·11rhi11g-i1.

J 11,·cnill- Cn11f1·rt·1111· Co1111ni11i·1·, ,1·rrr or~:rni,<·d in .di I lJ ri, ilian rn11111111ni1i1•s. Tlwi1 p11rpo,c· ll'ns to cll'l<'< r a111i~odal hdia, ior :11111,ng-the· ~mmgpeoplt· and 10 1\·rrn111rn·nd 111c·thods i11 1n·:uin~ 1hC'lll lwfo1P 1hc) lic1·01111· \\';irds of the .Jun·11ilr C.011n.

Li:l!i~l:itirn, \\'as i111roduc-NI in clu· '.\inth ( ;11:-im Li:l(islaL11n· 10 nratc· a I >q>.1nrnc·nL of Corn·11ions. It "·mdd plan• 1lw (;11,1111 1w11i1r111i:ir~ nncl the illl c11ill' dl'll·11tio11 ho11w 1111cl1·r t Ii,· pmpo~ecl dq1atl111ern·l> 1c~po11~ibili1~. 1'111· (:mr·rnn,·~ C.:011111,iucr· nn L:liildn·11 and Youth rn11lin1wd to prm iclc· ;,s,ist.mu· '" qfft•1in!.( l'\'(1'1':I lion a I ,11HI rch1C';t1in11,1l outl,·t~ 111 tht· lt'I I i1111~ ·, 101111\.! l'iliYC'II\.

Of tlw l.'.198 rr i111inal C'aM·s sokcd lw pnlin· i111'1·,1i,!.(alnr<. ju,·l·nik~ \H'I\' n·,11111hihlc· i11 ··11 > 1·:1,PS. nr :-16.<! (lf'l'n·nt ,,r tlw loial ,I dt•,u i,ulil':llj()II of Lill'

se1im1s11css uf jll\l'11ilc dc·li11quc·11cy. .\filitan· pc-l'sonncl "''r(' i,woll·rd in 22r1 c·asrs. or I n.2 pc-rcc-nt of tlw total. . \ total of I. 160 1wr,011s \l'l'l'l' ar1 c~tt·d durin.l(' the ,ear .. \rnnm~ 1hc111 '"'1'1· 22~1 j111enilrs.

Thr- I )c•p;ll'trnrnt nf Public Sflfely n·n•i11·d and n·ro1llnl a total uf 11.28/1 ,·a<;(•~. of "hil'11 i.52i required sprc·ific i1n·c·sli!.?'ali,·c· :inio11. ·1 lwn· 11cre 1.381 ca,,·, prtw1•:,.wd a11d Lrans111i11t-cl to prop,·r n111hn1 iii,·~. incl11di11{! <)~'.I to tlw .utor·nc•r ~,•nc•r-;ll'.~ offin•, 12'.I to LIH· .)1t1l·t1ill· Cm11 I. 22!l lo rnilil.tl") a11thnri1i,·~-:111cl :m 10 tlu· L1.S. :ltlCll'llC~·s offin•. 'l'r:-iflic olliccrs in,·cstigawd 1,950 lrallic- :1ccidcn1s, nn inn-i-nsr of I 10 or 7. 7 1wrr<·nt o,·c·r rhc pn·, iou, yca1. Tr;1fTic-faLalities lutalcd 23. LI\ o more 1lt;111 in li~c;1l )'l":lr 1!'.lni.

Tilt· traAw ~crtion of tlw T1epartmrnt of ruhlil' Snil'l\' iss11l'd 9.99!'1 dril'CI ·s lieciiscs during ;he yl'nr and a total of J·l.965 moLM l'C·hidrs ,,en· insprcwd.

I )ming 1hc ye:i.r. 1.076 lirrann~ "·ere rc.l!isu:rcd. 111akiui,:-a wt.il of 5.23·1 "capons pc111 iancmh· rc!(istcrcd ,,ith 1hc poliri:. including l.1'.13 pistols. 9.l'.1 n•1·nll-,•1-s. 1.2::17 sholt,'1111~. l .ll'.12 riflt·,, :ind I(') carhirw~. !'here \\Crc a total uf 5i5 fire·~ clurill!! tlw ~1•;11•, i11cl11clintr 15 home firC'S. :'I I I gra•~ ,IIHI hr11~h 111'1'~, ·n a11tomol,ill' lltl'~. four vq11ip1111·111 fin•< .. 111tl 13.i 111i,c1·IL111<·11m lirc·s. Fire losses :tlll0\1111('(1 lO ~:n5.H9:>. l'ropen~ ,,I\L'd \\:lS\:thll'cl rn$536.2n2. \pp10:-.i111,1tch 9.000 trallit· tiek('b wc·rc· i~s11ed during- 1hc vt>:ir. c-oni-

pared to 7,095 during the previous year.

The District Court of Guam heard 101 civil cases and three admiralty, six bankruptcy and 30 criminal cases. There were 15 trials by jury. Two hundred and seventy-one naturalization petitions were filed during Lhe year, of ta1 relations ( 113 divorces and 17 annulments), 30 land registration cases, and 150 special proceedings, including 75 civil marriages.

The Juvenile Court heard 166 cases, of which 129 were convictions and 37 acquittals.

A total of 697 claims were filed in

The new courthouse was completed and dedicated in February 1968. The struclUre houses the District Court, the Island Court, the Juvenile Court and the Tra.ffic Court.

which 215 were granted and four were denied or withdrawn. Fow· appeal cases were heard by the appellate division of the court.

The Island Court disposed of 334 criminal cases during the year, of which 246 were convictions, 16 were acquittals and 72 were dismissals. A total of 758 civil cases were filed during the year and 447 were disp-osed of.

In other actions, the Island Court disposed of 63 probate cases, 158 marithe Small Claims Court during the year. Disposed of were 330 cases.

The Territo1ial Parole Board granted IO paroles and denied 13 during the year. There were three violations of parole and five parolees received official discharge.

Bill drafting was a major activity of the Department of Law. During the year, a total of 71 bills were prepared for submission to the Ninth Guam Legislatw·c.


The clcp:-mment coordinnted with 1hc territor~:., lrgnl counsel in Washin)!lon, n.c .. in lh1; prcparntion of the gov1·rn11wllt\ cnsc- bcfon· tlw Ci,·il Ac-ro11.'.\111ic~ Board ,·oncrrning thr T1':l11spacific Roule case· n11d tlw Pacific 1,l«nds l.ornl Scn·icc-c;i~c. Both ,,·c•1·e pending at tlw 1·1111 of thr fiscal

Year. • Narcotics and other dnngrrous druas ,,·err• b(•ginnin~ to pose-n prohlrrn in 1l1c tl:rriwn-. .\t IL-a~t 011c ane·t ,ms madc and a·substamial amount of c.!nngc-rous drugs nncl pbnts we-re confiscated uy m1rcotks agent•. One in,·rstigatio11 led LO LI w 1101-.rtnc11·al of ;111 employcc·s c111plo~·nwn1 agrccrncnt bcca11,f! of his inl'<Jll'(·1ncnt with mnrihmma.

Two complian('c officers of tit<: Dcpnrlnwm of Finnncc· ,,rre $ent nbro:1cl for ohst-r,·ation and training in tlw lidds of narcotics and alcol1olil' be,·c1air1· rontrol.

Port S('i·urily officinl~ insprcH•cl I t.102 aircrnft and 5!)'.\ ~hips. and pror,·,srd I C)0.6!l+ passen/!t·rs :incl new mc111ber; during 1lw yc:ir .. \ ror::il of :\6 l.·1·'.11 pir1·c·~ of h:H!!.!U~c and 67.408 cargo boxes and p;wkagcs ,, ere inspc-ctcd.

Plant ,rnd a11i1nal 1·as1·s handlrcl by Por1 Srcurity inspectors lolrdcd 86:i. CasP, irwoking drn~., nml mrdicirw totaled ·I I a11d those co,·f'r<'d u11cll'1 rorei!!n .\sscts Control Rei,:111:ition, lot:il!'cl '.\-1 :t

Port s~•<·11rity. all :rn11 of rh1• I kp:ir1Jll1•nl of C:011uncrc1·. 1·nforn·, applir:1ahl1• f)rn1·i~ion~ of C.:11. lom~. ti II' U.S. 1 nrirf Sdwrl11lr-. tlrL· fl'<kral Co11Ll,lband Seizure Act, the Foreign .\ssets Control R,·g-111:itions of the l.-.s. Trea~ury Dcpan111cnt. plant :rnd animal quarnntinc regulation~ of both the tcrrimry and the l:.S. Drpartment of Comnwrn·. f1•d('r,1l law~ l'oncf'rning arms. auununitio11. and i111pl1·111cnls of \\':-tr. Federal l:i\\'s of co11cf'rn to th<' ,\comic F.nc-rc:r Comllli~sion. nnci puhlic health quar:111ti11c rcg11latio11s.

Se,·en J>ort Scrnritl' inspectors partiripatrd in a11 :inin1al-pl:rnt ci11~1ranti_nc se1nu1ar sponsored by the Eai>t\\'c.st C1·nt1·r. l"ni,·crsitv of Jlawaii. nnd hrlcl at the l"niwr.sit,· of Uunn1.

The Oflk<• oi Civil Drfrnsr continued its faltout aml typhoon sheller s111·..-cy. impro,·cd the warning and communications systems, organi71•d and furnbhrd with cmcrl!cncy gear~ tlw district ci,·il clcf,•ns<· units. inlcnsilit·d public info1111n1ion: :ind rclucational pro_!!.rams through Ilic 111•ws mrdi:i :ind at mass 1nrctings.

Fifty-tlm·r polici· officers wen· trained on 111<-dkal scli-lwlp and 17 orhrr adults on radiolog-ical monitoring. .\ hriding- on shrlrrr 111a11ai;:<·111cnl \\'as giw11 lo 60 public ~c-11001 principals nnd ,·icl' principals ll'ho ,,·en• d<'signatcd as shc-lrcr manag-rrs. . \bout 7.000 civil drfcn~r posters proddi11~ \'ilal information on ,,·arnin!? :11\cl su1Yival i11 Limes of f'lllPrgrnry ,,·rrr cli~trilmlf•cl 1lirou,(!houl the tcrritorv. ilw "T~ pl1oon Emrrg-rncy Control l'l:111" \\:-IS revised a11d copie~ \\'Crr clis1rih11t<'cl to opc-rating clcpnr111w11ts an<l kt·1· l!m 1·rnmr·11t offki:ils it'i..~iQncd cmc1-~1·11c1· n·~pon~ihilitil's.

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