PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY :\ tot:-iI of -1.260 crimi11nl off cn~i:s se1im1s11css uf jll\l'11ilc dc·li11quc·11cy. ,,·rrc:: rrronlc-d hy 1hc lkp:-iruncnt of .\filitan· pc-l'sonncl "''r(' i,woll·rd in Puhlir Safety. an i11nc•nsr of 22.9 p<'r- 22r1c·asrs. or I n.2 pc-rcc-ntof tlw total. c:cnt 0\ er 1hc )JI\'\ ioll~ p·at. or tla: to. \ total of I. 160 1wr,011s\l'l'l'l' artnl, 1,-~51 "·rrc C'omid1·rrd nrnjor of- 1 c~tt·d durin.l(' the ,ear .. \rnnm~ 1hc111 fenses. i11tluding homidcl1·. mhhrry. '"'1'1· 22~1 j111enilrs. :ind n!!'.gran1tt'd a,,;ault. Thr- I )c•p;ll'trnrnt nf Public Sflfely l11:m rffoJt to ,ll n·,1 till· 11cnd. ,1·,n·n•i11·d and n·ro1llnl a total uf 11.28/1 ernl ~tq>s \\t'r<· 1:-ikc·11 hy 1he ~n,·c-111- ,·a<;(•~. of "hil'11 i.52i required sprc·ific mrnl. indudinl!' implc1111•mn1ionof i1n·c·sli!.?'ali,·c·:inio11. ·1lwn· 11cre 1.381 rr1·0111111rncl:1tin11s rnadc h,· tlw C:o,ca,,·, prtw1•:,.wd a11d Lrans111i11t-cl to 1·rnor·~ C:0111111iu1·1· on Crime·. J11H·11il1· prop,·r n111hn1iii,·~. incl11di11{!<)~'.I to tlw .utor·nc•r ~,•nc•r-;ll'.~ offin•, 12'.Ito LIH· I)1·li11qul't1l'~and I ..I\, E11fnr1·1•11w111. "I lir romrnit In·. n·1nc~r-11ti11~ a r, o~~ .)1t1l·t1ill· Cm11I. 22!l lo") a11•·1·1·1io11 of Liu·rrn11111111111, i11rluclim1tlw thnri1i,·~-:111cl :m 10 tlu· L1.S. :ltlCll'llC~·s 111ilitarv.~(Jl'lll ,,., c·ral 1r'1rn11li, probirn.! offin•. into thr ('[Ill~(•, or rri111c·nncl \\:\\~ and 'l'r:-iflic olliccrs in,·cstigawd 1,950 111l·amof 1·11rhi11gi1. lrallic- :1ccidcn1s, nn inn-i-nsr of I 10 J11,·cnill- Cn11f1·rt·1111·Co1111ni11i·1·,or 7. 7 1wrr<·nt o,·c·r rhc pn·, iou, yca1. ,1·rrr or~:rni,<·d in .di IlJ ri, ilian rn111- Tr;1fTic-faLalities lutalcd 23. LI\o more 11111ni1i1•s. Tlwi1 p11rpo,c·ll'ns to cll'l<'<r 1lt;111in li~c;1l)'l":lr 1!'.lni. a111i~odal hdia, ior :11111,ngthe· ~mmgTilt· traAw ~crtion of tlw T1epartmrnt peoplt· and 10 1\·rrn111rn·nd111c·thodsi11 of ruhlil' Snil'l\' iss11l'd9.99!'1 dril'CI ·s 1n·:uin~ 1hC'lll lwfo1P 1hc) lic1·01111· lieciiscs during ;he yl'nr and a total of \\';irds of the .Jun·11ilr C.011n. J·l.965 moLM l'C·hidrs ,,en· insprcwd. I )ming 1hc ye:i.r. 1.076 lirrann~ Li:l!i~l:itirn, \\'as i111roduc-NIin clu· '.\inth ( ;11:-imLi:l(islaL11n·10 nratc· a "·ere rc.l!isu:rcd. 111akiui,:-a of I >q>.1nrnc·nLof Corn·11ions. It "·mdd 5.23·1 "capons pc111iancmh· rc!(istcrcd plan• 1lw (;11,1111 1w11i1r111i:ir~ nncl the ,,ith 1hc poliri:. including l.1'.13pistols. 9.l'.1 n•1·nll-,•1-s.1.2::17sholt,'1111~.l .ll'.12 illl c11ill'dl'll·11tio11ho11w1111cl1·r t Ii,· pmriflt·,, :ind I(') carhirw~. po~ecl dq1atl111ern·l>1c~po11~ibili1~. 1'111· (:mr·rnn,·~ C.:011111,iucr· nn L:liil!'here \\Crc a total uf 5i5 fire·~clurdn·11 and Youth rn11lin1wd to prm iclc· ill!! tlw ~1•;11•, i11cl11clintr 15 home firC'S. ;,s,· '" qfft•1in!.(l'\'(1'1':I lion a I ,11HI :'II I gra•~ ,IIHI hr11~h111'1'~, a11tomo·, rch1C';t1in11,1l outl,·t~ 111tht· lt'I I i1111~ l,ill' lltl'~. four vq11ip1111·111 fin•<.. 111tl13.i 101111\.! l'iliYC'II\. 111i,c1·IL111<·11m lirc·s. Fire losses Of tlw l.'.198 rr i111inalC'aM·ssokcd :tlll0\1111('(1 lO ~:n5.H9:>. l'ropen~ lw pnlin· i111'1·,1i,!.(alnr<. ju,·l·nik~ \H'I\' ,,I\L'd \\:lS\:thll'cl rn$536.2n2. n·,11111hihlc· i11··11>1·:1,PS. nr :-16.<! (lf'l'n·nt \pp10:-.i111,1tch 9.000 trallit· tiek,,r tlw loial ,I dt•,u i,ulil':llj()II of Lill' ('b wc·rc· i~s11edduring- 1hc vt>:ir. c-oni-