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Community Development
TIH' building hoom rontinm·d during ll1t' ~·c-ar allllou.!!h a1 :, slowl'r p:H'c than clurin1r fiscal ~·car Hl67
Hnildin~ permits issued by the Dcpann,cnc of Public ,, orks tntalc-d 1,829 for u11 .:~1i1na1cd \'Jluc 011 residential and ,·011111w1-rinl ronslrnrlion of $ I 2.%·1.712. n. dr<·n·a,r nf 1-1 per-
Cl'lll frn111 lilt• pn·\·ious }'l'Hr. l l is i-s1iu1atcd that thl' territory nrccls ·1.000 1 nc>1T homes 10 satisfy I tOtL,i nl! 11cc·d~. including- at least J, ,on lO n.1·crn 11111Nlatr· mi Ii tar~ fmnilics.
Pinn, on :'I ~.">0-11ni1 Im, -n'nt housin~ 1,roj1·cL to acco111111od,11r low-i11t·mrn· famili,·s "ho \\ ill hr clisplacctl al on<· of two 11rhan n·rH'\\'al prnjens were finalin·d during- tile· year and actual \\'Ork is <'XJ>C'Ctcd 10 co111111cncc hr.fore I hf' P11<l nf 1968. Cost of 1hc projcd is S:">.697.936.
The lo\, -rent housing prnjcct is bcin~ 11ndcrtahn by 1h1~ ( :11,1111 ·1 lousing and L"1ban R<'IH'\\':'11.\mhorir\. assist,·d by 1cclrnicians of I lir Renc,,:::i I :\s,ist:1.11cr Offin·, JJc·parlmc11l of I lousing and L"rhan Dr\'rlopment.
Pr('paration of applirn1io11 for P:1rr 11 Loan and Gran! for LhC' Sinaj:tna :md Yon::i urban rcnc,,·.tl projects \\'as comp!Ncd. Thr :n11hori1~· concr:wt<'d :-l'on11a11 D. Fitzgerald & .\ssorinrrs to prrfo1 m the first and ~1•roncl acquisition apprais:ds for the L\\'O romnrnnitics. fiotl, of 1l1rsr appr:iis:ils 111·arNI rnmplrLion ::it tlw t·rlll or the )~·ar. fn addition. E~ro l111 .. rnational \\'as contrat·tl·d lll perform tlw ,ur,·cT. and Titlr ( ;1,:i1·a11ty nf Guam J)L'rfornu:d Lire lid<' ~rarrh fnr both projects.
The Loan and Grant ,·ontract \\'a cxct1nrd in \pril. 1968. It allocalccl .~!).208. 136 as a capital ~rant lo aicl in the Jinancii1,!! of the Si..imjana urban renr\\'al project. \\'hose total cost is estimated at $11.971.-1·15. The Federal ~!tan· i~ S9,298.+36. l'lw Loan :ind ( .;rant Part TI for the Yona projrrl \\':lS :t\\'aiting approval by till' San Franrisco t<·gional office al Lhe end of th<· fiscal y<'ar. !'his project is l'Slimawcl to ros1 $·1.92 J.3H2. or \\'ltid, thl' Federal shan• is $'.U\'.l 1.115. !'he Sinaj:·111:1 mb:111 rl'new:il project rnn,ist, of 21 ·l.9 arrrs. induclin(! 679 building.,: and the 1·011Ln11platcd lrcattll<'lll uf 1hc-s1· buildin~~ arr: -126 tu be rl<':trrcl, 22() cl1•~ign/\t<'CI to h<' rchabi liLatl'cl. and 2·1 w IA: n·tainrd 1\'iLhoul 1rra11ncnt.
Tlw 'Vona proj,·ct is aho11t half thr ~in· or Sinajana. Tt consists of 87.1 I acres. 237 building:.. 15G of \\ hjch arc to be dearcd. 73 clesil'!natecl for reh:thilit:uion. :md right to hr rl'lainrcl l\'ithoul Lrl'alnwnt.
Lcp;isla1io11 crcatiug- a C 11am Po\\'rr !\111l,ority \\:ts 1·11nc1ed h)' llit• inllt Guam I .1•gi$l:1111rr d11ring lh<' )'<•ar. Onct· organized, tlw authority will :1~~11111<' operation vf dtl' cidli:111 powrr distribution systc·111 and \\'ill continue 10 purcha ·c elertric pmrcr fro111 tl1t· Xal'y until sucli 1i111c as the: a11lllmil) b :1lilc· le) f11rni~h 1his sc·1,i1·1' to tilt' ('()llllllllllity. .\ pm,·1·1 .111tliorily n·,·1·11111• bond an :1lsc, \\':\~ 1·11ac·t('(I to 1Jro1 idl' funclin~ for fu111r<' cxpan~ion of rhr JJCl\\'Cr S)'$tC111.
Hotel, motel, and apartment construction continued at an accelerated pace as the demand for housing accommodations remained acute.
Powe1· peak loads h;wc rearhrtl 30.000 kilm,·atls in the ci\'ilian community. an incrt•asc of more than 100 pc-rcenL in 5 years. Po\,·cr consumption a,·eraged 300,000 kilo\\'alt-hours per day.
Expansion o( the isbnd\\'idc telephone system continued cluring the year. The S2.500,000 t'.xpansion program included the conslrnction of a 2,800-line cc-ntr:.'11 office at Tumon Heights which ,,·ill scn·c the norrlircntral section of the territory. Also under conscrnction \\'as an 800-line crntral offic:e at 1\!!at lo SCJ'\'C the south\l'estcrn portion of the island. and a -100-line central offirc-in 1\fc-ri;:o to sc-1Yc the outhrrn rommunitics. The r<·ntral t\!!ana office: and the :.\tfangilao exchanl!'c also will be expanded lo saris(~· the gro\\'ing demand for telephone scn·ice.
Consumption of \\'aler \\':IS approximately seven million gallons pc:r dar, or a prr <"apila dailr a\'Cra!!e of 110 ,!!allons. It is anticipated lime hr 1970, the clailr consumption will rise lo 8.5 million gallm1s. and by 1975 the :wcragc ll'ill be 12.5 million {f<\llons per clay.
There we-re 21 drc-p water wells in operation \\'ith eight more in reserve. The !alter will be placed in operation upon completion of the second inncmenL of the water resource <lc\'elopmcnL program. The third increment \\'as schcd11led to get under\\'ay late in 1968 and \\':IS to inrl11dc-six additional rescr\'oirs. L\\'o nc\\' booster sLations, rehabiliL.Hiou of used spring~, and the imerconnection of rhe C:enrral Wa1rr Srstcn1 \\'ith T:ilofofo, \falojloj. and Tnarnjan.
The Declcdo se\\'erlines were reach· to be connected lo the C"entral scwe·r 1,y~te111 a11d ll'ill rclie,·c Ilic portable srstcm installed '.l ~-cars :igo :-1s :-1 tcmpor:i1y 111eas11n·. Work "·as 1111<ler\\':t}' al .\san, Piti, '1'11111011. and ,,·t·Stl'l'l1 Agana i11 prl'par:Hio11 for li11k:ll.!L' to thl' Cl'111 r:i I ~ystcn1.
,\ fre schcdt1lf' for the use ot the sr,,·er systc-m ,,·as in tirutcd April I. I ()68, to co,·er the t·ost o( operation. 111aintc11ance. and depreciation.
The Housing Di,·ision of the Dcp:i rtmc-nt of Public Works operated j 18 liousin,g unils, of "hirh 1 71 \\'ercgo,·rrnmcnt-o\\'necl. I 03 \\'C'rc gO\·crnmrnt-c-ontrollc-d, and 27-1 ,1·t•rc lcasctl fron1 pri,·atc O\\'llcrs. This acti,·ity sho\\·cd an increase in private lc,1ses by 176 percent.
The Guam Housing Corporation rccciwd 108 loan applications of \\'hich 75 totaling $9B9. I 00 Wt'rc approved. By ·comparison. 26 loans totaling $323. 725 \\'Cr<: au thorizc:d in fiscal rca1· I 967.
There "'ere 35 low-rost housing loan applications totaling ~72,500 a\\'aiting appro\·al action by the corporation· s board of direc-tors. ,\n additional 76 :ipplirat.ions tolaliut! !;,1,003,150 \\l:rc in \'ario11s stal."!C'~ or processing.
The rorporntion had $3.233.2-18.66 in loans rccci,·ablc al the end of the
fis('al )'C31'.
Tn an eITort t:o allc-\·iatc-the housing shor(agc- to some degree:, the Guam Rl'11tal Corporation \\'as incorporated in September. 1967. to sponsor rental housing projens to be li11a11ccd throu~h fl'<ltral assistaucc a\'a.ilablc t:11dc:r scrtio11 221 (cl) o( the ~ational Tfousin~ .\ct. An initial proj1·r1 of 11:i clrrarh<'d :md s<'micl<'tad1cd units an: pbn11ecl fur co111plction br the encl of lisral year I 969. This initial project is expc-rtcd to cost $1,ll69.800 and will i 111'111d1· on-site-and de, clopmem cosL~. l."pdatin!{ or the territory's master plan for co11111111nity drvelopmc-nt was prrfnntwd hy rlH' l)c-pantnrnc of LmHI )-fan:1~1•11w111. l t i1wludC'd formulation of :t prcli111i11ar\' d,,,·elnpmenl pl:m for ~:•hools. an int(·ri111 hi~hwa~· swcl~·-a ~1111111rnn· of t·xistinl! ro11di1ions cxprl'sscd in the 111::istt-r plan, and cont inu:nion or the n<'ir~hhorhood ,malysis ~111dy.
Workmen lower sewer pipe as work continued on the installation of an islandwide sewer system.
The department provided assistance to the urban renewal program and other projects, including outdoor recreation and park development.
The year's activity included updat• ing of the maintenance and supple• menting the land scale.plane system, the triangulation network, and the islandwide vertical control system.
Eighteen displaced or disturbed con• trol stations were replaced for map• ping, and 30 new stations were added to the Geodetic Triangulation Net• work. Sixty percent of all established
system for cad:ISlral 111appinir \\'a~ ar• lOmpli~hed .. e\\ maps \\'ere bMt:d 011 mpoenphic.tl features ohtnincd by :1trial phowgraph and .C!round sur\'c·~--
Onc hundred ~ul>divisio11 ~u1'\'1·~
\H'l'C' romplclc-d i11 I kcl1•clo . .\ fn1 hananno, Tnarajan. and Tnlofofo and a pcritt1elt·1· ~un 1•\' fo1 lite· Tu111011 Ba~ and I la1111011 Field areas to idemify
propc·rt~· li1ws nnd ,uhmf'n:?;f'rl !:ind also ,rn,, pcr(onncd. :\ssistanc<: \\'as r<'ndcred to the L" .S. ( :c:olo~iral Sun<·,· in C'diring the llP\\ topoC!raphir 111:ip
,1·1·i<·~ of G11c1111. 0111· lt1111d11'd s111 \'1•y~ 1q•n· 111atlt: fm land l'C'!!i<;trntio11. road rclnt;"1tin11. ,tttd oi lots in :\g-a11:1 to rrsoln· th<' multiplr ownership prohlt:111. Tl1rct· ltu11drtd :ind sixty s111vry nraps 1, NC rr1 LC\\'Ccl for nd<·quatc- standnrds :md acrnrary.
D11ri11g tlw y1·ar uml1·r 1t·1 i1·1,·. the
I kp.11 (llt('lll <>f I .. 111d .\ 1,111:l!!l.'lllt'nl ,ll· q11irPcl 21 p:irrels of l.1nd by c"cltnn~r. 2·1 parr<·ls b~ purrh:ist·. l .~r~1111• of
C':l,r111cnt (ur 1>01, er. 21 fo1 waler. I '.1G for righ1-of-\\'ay for ro:1cls, nnd 2-l p:1rccls for publir liousin(J site,.
:\fc!{OLiatio11s im oln:d co111ra1·L ll'ith 16fl propcny 01,ners Till' dPp:trtnwnt apprais<·d 21 p:nrcls of 1'.!01·<·1 nnwnt :i11d pril':llc rn1l 11101wrl~ and l(i pri1·au·l~ O\\'ncd buildings. ri fty•'W\'('11 land US(' :,s~i~nmr Ill<;
,,·en· pro('('. <'<I. nnd !fl:~ pr1111its ,,·1•1·<· applications to :icquirr gon:•rnmenc land. Thr. Land Transfrr Board nppro, eel 30.
Appliralions for zonin~ clcar:1ncc th.it wC'rc· pror·rssNI tot:1lcd l.:i87. of ll'hirh 111 v \\'l'l'l· di~:1 ppro, ed. There wC'n· l ,0.1:l applir:i t inns for build in.~ prn11it~. :101 for b11sinrs~ license~, nncl '.~ I fo1 liquor law Iic<'llSC's.
Du1in!! LIH· rear. J.()83 dotumrnts were rcrordcJ in the !!C'nrr;il inclc-x. J-1.5 titlt' sr:,rdws \\Tr<' arromplished for l:rnd rcgi~1rntion rasrs. and 182 legnl in,1rumc11b 1,erc prcpan·d .. \ total of $26 I .O/n.90 w;\S n•rt•i,·rd for npplicntion ff-,~~. i11swlh1w111 pa}1111·nts on rontrads n·n·il'ablt·. and l.111d ~al1·~.
Code c-11fnrc1·111c111 im·n·:t~nl 10 a \\'l'l'kly lond of 12 ~11hdi1·i•io11• nnrf :i:i 1011ing rlra r:in,•c• nppli1•n1i11ns.
'-11·1·c-11 nr" pa I k~ \\'ere tic, doped .lilt! 111ai11l,1i111•d du1 in!{ tlil' yt·ar. Th<•y i11d11d1·d tlw K:1isc-1 Opt·n Sp:1n• P:trk. tlw Dt·dc•clo Park. the' llo1a11ir.1I (;:u·<lt'n. tl1t' .\c;n-S11111ay Pad,. tl,c ;\[crim P:1rk. the <:ua111 .\lt·111orial I lo~pitnl Park. and dw Talofofo P:11 k. Somr. I 0.-
000 lr<'('S :11ul ~hrnhs 1,·c·n• plantNI d11rin~ the ,rar. l'lw Board of Enc.iuccri11~ nm! .\n l1ilectural Exa1ui11c1s l'l'Jl<HWd an i11ncase 111 n·!!i~11·n·d l'llgi1w,·r.,, nrchitc.:rt.,, :rncl su n·1·vors from 29 10 -13.