1968 Annual Report: Guam to the Secretary of the Interior

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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TIH' building hoom rontinm·d durThe Loan and Grant ,·ontract \\'a ing ll1t' ~·c-arallllou.!!h a1 :, slowl'r p:H'c cxct1nrd in \pril. 1968. It allocalccl than clurin1rfiscal ~·car Hl67 .~!).208.136 as a capital ~rant lo aicl in Hnildin~ permits issued by the Dc- the Jinancii1,!!of the Si..imjana urban repann,cnc of Public ,, orks tntalc-d nr\\'al project. \\'hose total cost is esti1,829 for u11 .:~1i1na1cd\'Jluc 011 resi- mated at $11.971.-1·15. The Federal dential and ,·011111w1-rinl ronslrnrlion ~!tan· i~ S9,298.+36. of $ I2.%·1.712. n. dr<·n·a,r nf 1-1perl'lw Loan :ind ( .;rant Part TI for the Cl'lll frn111 lilt• pn·\·ious }'l'Hr. Yona projrrl \\':lS:t\\'aiting approval by l l is i-s1iu1atcd that thl' territory till' San Franrisco t<·gional office al Lhe nrccls ·1.000 1nc>1Thomes 10 satisfy ItOtL,- end of th<· fiscal y<'ar. !'his project is inl! 11cc·d~. including- at least J, ,onlO l'Slimawcl to ros1 $·1.92J.3H2. or \\'ltid, thl' Federal shan• is $'.U\'.l1.115. n.1·crn11111Nlatr· mi Iitar~ fmnilics. Pinn, on :'I ~.">0-11ni1 Im, -n'nt housin~ !'he Sinaj:·111:1 mb:111 rl'new:il project 1,roj1·cLto acco111111od,11r low-i11t·mrn· rnn,ist, of 21·l.9 arrrs. induclin(! 679 famili,·s "ho \\ ill hr clisplacctl al building.,: and the 1·011Ln11platcd lrcaton<· of two 11rhan n·rH'\\'al prnjens tll<'lll uf 1hc-s1· buildin~~ arr: -126 tu be to h<' rchabi liwere finalin·d during- tile· year and rl<':trrcl, 22() cl1•~ign/\t<'CI 10 co111111cnccLatl'cl. and 2·1 w IA: n·tainrd 1\'iLhoul actual \\'Ork is <'XJ>C'Ctcd hr.fore Ihf' P11<lnf 1968. Cost of 1hc 1rra11ncnt. projcd is S:">.697.936. Tlw 'Vona proj,·ct is aho11t half thr The lo\, -rent housing prnjcct is bc- ~in· or Sinajana. Tt consists of 87.1 I in~ 11ndcrtahn by 1h1~( :11,1111 ·1lousing acres. 237 building:.. 15Gof \\ hjch arc and L"1banR<'IH'\\':'11.\mhorir\.assist,·d to be dearcd. 73 clesil'!natecl for reby 1cclrnicians of Ilir Renc,,:::iI :\s,isth:thilit:uion. :md right to hr rl'lainrcl :1.11crOffin·, JJc·parlmc11l of I lousing l\'ithoul Lrl'alnwnt. and L"rhan Dr\'rlopment. Lcp;isla1io11crcatiug- a C 11am Po\\'Pr('paration of applirn1io11 for P:1rr rr !\111l,ority\\:ts 1·11nc1ed h)' llit• inllt 11 Loan and Gran! for LhC' Sinaj:tna Guam I .1•gi$l:1111rrd11ring lh<' )'<•ar. :md Yon::i urban rcnc,,·.tl projects \\'as Onct· organized, tlw authority will :1~comp!Ncd. Thr :n11hori1~·concr:wt<'d ~11111<' operation vf dtl' cidli:111 pow:-l'on11a11D. Fitzgerald & .\ssorinrrs to rr distribution systc·111and \\'ill conprrfo1 m the first and ~1•ronclacquisition tinue 10 purcha ·c elertric pmrcr apprais:ds for the L\\'O romnrnnitics. as the: fro111tl1t· Xal'y until sucli 1i111c fiotl, of 1l1rsrappr:iis:ils 111·arNI rnmplra11lllmil) b :1lilc·le) f11rni~h1his sc·1,Lion ::it tlw t·rlll or the )~·ar. fn addition. i1·1' to tilt' ('()llllllllllity. E~ro l111..rnational \\'as contrat·tl·d lll .\ pm,·1·1 .111tliorily n·,·1·11111• bond perform tlw ,ur,·cT. and Titlr ( ;1,:i1·a11ty an :1lsc,\\':\~ 1·11ac·t('(I to 1Jro1idl' funclnf Guam J)L'rfornu:dLirelid<' ~rarrh fnr in~ for fu111r<' cxpan~ion of rhr both projects. JJCl\\'Cr S)'$tC111. Ill

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