& Now Van Wies Point Summer Homes By Susan E. Leath Rock Ledge as seen from the Hudson River. (Photo courtesy of the Bethlehem Historical Association.)
hand crafted by Palmer without using nails. A painting in the collection of the Albany Institute by John on a foot bridge on Frothingham Lake. Worthington Palmer’s son Walter Launt Palmer called “Dining Frothingham III also had a large home in the Van Wies Point area. (Photo courtesy of the Bethlehem Historical Association.) Room at Appledale” shows the fireplace mantle that Palmer also designed. Erastus Dow Palmer Nowadays, we don’t think of Bethlehem as a (1817-1904) was working as a carpenter when his summer-time destination, yet at the turn of the talent as a sculptor first came to light. He went on 20th century wealthy people from Albany often to an illustrious career in the art world. escaped the city heat by traveling to their Van Also in the 1890s, Dr. William Hailes and his Wies Point summer homes. Notable homes wife Bertha made Van Wies Point their summer include artist Erastus Dow Palmer’s Appledale, destination. Their Bonnie Castle was built in 1891 Dr. William Hailes’s Bonnie Castle and Chauncey on a rise of land on the shores of the Hudson Hakes’ Rock Ledge. River and features two towers, wrapping porches In May 1892, the Altamont Enterprise reports “E.D. and sweeping river views. It included their Palmer has removed from Albany to his country unique “seven seas room” a hall and stairway seat, Appledale, for the summer.” Interestingly, the whose walls and ceiling were covered with shells location is listed as Wemple, a Bethlehem hamlet and pebbles collected by Dr. Hailes during his little recognized today. In 1927 when Appledale travels. The Hailes, including children William was owned by the Lochnars it was described and Dorothy, lived on Hamilton Street in Albany as a rambling old place with unexpected wings. when not enjoying the summer at Van Wies Point. At the time it still contained a dining room table After Dr. Hailes death in 1912, Bertha continued to use the property and is listed as resident there in the 1915 New York State Census along with the children who were young adults by then. William Jr., is listed as an electrical engineer; he would go on to serve with the US Navy during World War I. Interestingly enough, on the same census page is Chauncey and Anna Hakes, nearby residents of Rock Ledge. Among the many metes and bounds descriptions found in the deed for Rock Ledge, among the iron pipes, chicken coops and docks, is the “fence at the top of a rock ledge.” Rock Ledge the home sits high above the Hudson River on the eponymous rock. In 1909 L. Melius sold the property to Chauncey D. Hakes. While it A man poses with his bike with Bonnie Castle in the background. Cover: Elizabeth Van Allen Terrell poses with her son
(Photo courtesy of the Bethlehem Historical Association.)
Trish Pix Tattered Pages Used Books
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~Chinese Proverb Greetings my fellow readers! As I write this I am still anxiously awaiting the official start of Spring! Though “snirt” (snow and dirt) covers patches of my lawn, I can see Nature forcing its way to celebrate the longer daylight and proclaim Spring! Buds are appearing on the trees and more birds are surrounding my birdfeeders. With this extra daylight, are you able to apply any of that to reading a good book? These past few weeks I have finished a few fascinating reads while here in the shop. I appreciate all customers who have ventured out in those subzero/under 30 degree days of March! But, I often found myself in the later hours of the shop cuddled on the couch with Seamus under a blanket on my lap due to the chilly temperature in the shop. (Broken furnace left me battling an icy chill while awaiting parts & repair, but I stayed open.) I am so glad that I read “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova, an insightful novel concerning a professor in her fifties struggling with early onset Alzheimer’s. I followed that with “The Danish Girl” by David Ebershoff. This is a historical fiction memoir based on the true life Einar and Gerda Wegener, artists who lived in Copenhagen, Paris, and Dresden in the 1920s. Thru their art they discover that Einar is a transgender woman by birth. This story involves Einar’s struggles and his wife and friends who will do anything for him, in a tale of love, marriage and the first recorded sex alter operation. My next book, “The Silent Wife” the first novel by the late A.S.A. Harrison, is told in alternating voices, in alternating chapters. It is about a marriage in the throes of dissolution, a couple headed for catastrophe, concessions that can’t be made, and promises that won’t be kept. Expertly plotted and reminiscent of “Gone Girl”, it kept my interest to the very last page! After these three, I had a “book hangover” where I came to realize I needed to change it up with something less realistic, and so I turned to the “Hollow Trilogy” by Jesicca Verday! A young adult fantasy set in Sleepy Hollow, a bit of paranormal fluff for me! With Spring upon us I have a special here in the shop for all of my Gardeners: all gardening books are an additional 15% off the lowest ticket price all of April! Start planning your garden with the advice of some wonderful gardening books. Also, in celebration of Seamus’ 11th birthday all books in the shop will be an additional 10% off in honor of my business partner, Seamus, on his birthday April 18th! I will be hosting another Jewelry event in the shop on Saturday, April 25th, featuring sterling silver/high end bead/crystal earrings by Dana Flint, a founding member of the Delmar’s Farmer’s Market. Most earrings start under $10! Great gifts to consider for Mother’s Day in May! There will be a book specials table as well on that day. For those who have never been into the shop, you can check out my website Tatteredpages365.webs.com or check out and “like” my Facebook page: Tattered Pages, LLC. I offer special consideration to any teacher who shops here. All teachers just need to identify themselves and they will receive an additional 10% off any book 26
purchases in the shop! One of the most difficult aspects of this Winter was the drop in customers due to the cold and from those wonderful customers who are “snowbirds”. I also depend on satisfied customers sharing their experience and recommending my shop to others. Just an increase of an additional 10 new customers per month could help me with those monthly expenses! Your help would be greatly appreciated in spreading the word! I do not buy books, or take large donations, but would be glad to have you have the benefit of “trade credits” by bringing in a few, clean, odorfree books to earn those credits that will automatically deduct an additional 22% off my already reduced book prices! I also am available to make donations of books for fundraising events or organizations. I just recently donated $600 worth of books to Capital Region Blue Star Moms (Military Moms) for their Blue Jeans Ball silent auction baskets. If you are ever looking for a book, and I don’t have it, I would be glad to order it for you, and I try to keep the price a savings off of original prices if possible. My granddaughter, Trinity (8), assisted me in the shop a few Saturdays ago. I loved that she set up a “school” in the children’s section with the stuffed animals and dolls. She read thru so many books, in her teacher voice which often sounds British! She loves that she has all of these books available to her! What a great resource! I am still available to any parent who might like to set up an individual reading experience with me and your child (grades K-5) where they could spend time reading here in the shop and I could discuss, work on a written piece, listen to them read orally, or tutor your child, if necessary. We could create a personal plan for your child for a nominal fee. If interested, contact me at the shop. Well, warmer days are coming! More sunshine is on its way and perhaps more time to read. Maybe in April we might even be able to read outside! Oh, the joy! I hope to see you April, maybe even by the end of the month the door will be wide open to welcome you in!
Trish, Linda & Seamus
Patricia Eldridge is the owner of Tattered Pages New & Used Books located at 365 Feura Bush Rd. in the Glenmont Center Square. #447-9910, mytatteredpages@gmail.com, Open: M, T,W 10-5, Th. 10-6, Fri. 10-7, Sat. 10-4
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