OUR TOWNE Bethlehem
November 3rd Novem
Fireworks F N November 25th Middle School
Turkey Trot T N November 26th Middle School
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Town Supervisor Candidate Hello -- For some, this is RXU ¿UVW LQWURGXFWLRQ )RU many others, you already know me. Maybe we were classmates at Bethlehem or were on the same sports teams. Perhaps we worked together for the Town Highway or Parks & Recreation Departments. Maybe I responded to an emergency at your home or business as a volunteer ¿UH¿JKWHU 3HUKDSV ZH PHW DW D 7RZQ %RDUG PHHWLQJ RU &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH HYHQW :KDWHYHU WKH FDVH PD\ EH I want to thank you for your involvement in our community, friendship, and support, and tell you a little bit more about why I am running for Bethlehem Town Supervisor. As a third generation resident of Bethlehem, I have seen ¿UVWKDQG ZKDW D JUHDW FRPPXQLW\ %HWKOHKHP FDQ EH Recently, however, I have watched our town decline. The quality of services we receive is deteriorating, as evidenced by last year’s leaf collection debacle. For now, our town ¿QDQFHV KROG VWHDG\ WKDQNV WR D ORQJ KLVWRU\ RI ¿VFDO responsibility, however, by the current administration’s own HVWLPDWHV ZH DUH RQ SDFH WR UXQ D GH¿FLW RI WKLV ¿VFDO \HDU DQG FDQ DQWLFLSDWH GH¿FLWV RI DQ DGGLWLRQDO RYHU WKH QH[W WKUHH \HDUV $OWKRXJK WKH DGPLQistration may not be announcing a tax increase this year -- coincidentally, an election year -- we are dipping into UHVHUYHV DQG VSHQGLQJ UHYHQXH ZH GRQœW KDYH :H DUH kicking the can down the road. On top of this, Bethlehem taxpayers have been exposed to potentially millions of dollars in liability due to the current administration’s mismanagement and alleged negligence in contributing to the Normans Kill landslide. These aren’t my opinions, they are the allegations of the City of Albany in D QRWLFH RI FODLP ¿OHG DJDLQVW WKH 7RZQ RI %HWKOHKHP 0LQRU temporary work has been completed along the Normans Kill, however, no agreement has been reached on who will pay for the complete restoration of the slope and creek as mandated by New York State. The State has estimated that this future major restoration effort will cost millions and we the taxpayers may wind up footing the bill. Think about the impact that could have on the town budget and our tax bills. Unless these issues are addressed, they will continue to snowball. This is why I feel compelled to step forward to serve Bethlehem as your next Town Supervisor. This is my hometown and I cannot stand idly by while residents take a backseat to political agendas and party politics. You deserve better.
www.Foster For Super visor.com
I have the skills and professional experience to put us back on the right track with better management and leadership that will reinvigorate our community. I graduated from Georgetown University where I studied government. Upon graduation, I became a senior auditor and government FRQVXOWDQW DW DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO DFFRXQWLQJ ¿UP ZKHUH , KHOG D Top Secret security clearance and performed audits of large government agencies such as the Department of Defense and Department of Housing and Urban Development. Simply put, I know how to identify problems in government DQG ZRUN ZLWK HPSOR\HHV WR ¿[ WKHP , ZHQW RQ WR JUDGXDWH with honors from Albany Law School, and made a career as an attorney at a large and highly respected international ODZ ¿UP :KLOH HPSOR\HG E\ WKH ¿UP , ZDV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU VWDI¿QJ WUDLQLQJ PDQDJLQJ DQG EXGJHWLQJ IRU D WHDP RI over 50 attorneys and industry experts as part of a massive LQWHUQDWLRQDO LQYHVWLJDWLRQ LQWR FRPSOH[ ¿QDQFLDO PDUNHWV My on the job leadership experience is supplemented by executive education I received in business, accounting, and management at Harvard University. I know how to listen to, energize and motivate a workforce, and it is for those reasons that I have received the support of many of our residents and town employees. I am the grandson of a Depression-era farmer, and was always taught never to spend money you don’t have. That is the approach I have taken in business and my personal ¿QDQFHV DQG WKDW LV WKH VDPH DSSURDFK , ZLOO WDNH LQ town government. As a community, we must prioritize our spending and decide how best to allocate our limited resources. In the interest of public safety, one of those SULRULWLHV PXVW EH DQ DGHTXDWHO\ VWDIIHG SROLFH IRUFH :H must listen to all of our experienced and dedicated town HPSOR\HHV WR LGHQWLI\ DUHDV ZKHUH ZH FDQ LPSURYH HI¿FLHQF\ DQG EHWWHU VHUYH RXU UHVLGHQWV :H FDQQRW DIIRUG WR FRQWLQXH to pay outside consultants tens of thousands of dollars to prepare reports and studies which we could have generated internally, or propose recommendations that are impossible to implement because they are not economically feasible. As Town Supervisor, I will work tirelessly to protect and serve our 35,000 residents. I’ve been walking door-to-door to thousands of homes in our town, but if we haven’t met yet, I welcome the opportunity to meet you and hear about the issues that are important to you. Together, we can make our town an even better place to live and raise a family. Thank you for your support,
Facebook.com/Foster ForSupervisor
Nov. 3rd Paid d ffor b by F Friends i d off Ji Jim F Foster t
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Fireworks! Thanksgiving Eve BCMS 7pm
Our 5K Fun RUN or WALK is designed to be enjoyable for every person in your family, workplace and neighborhood. Gather all your family and friends and start the Thanksgiving Holiday together. Grandparents, toddlers, and those who just want to create a little room for that Thanksgiving dinner are all welcome to be a part of this Bethlehem tradition. The only “time” that will matter is the good time that you’ll have at the TURKEY TROT while helping our less fortunate neighbors by supporting our Bethlehem Food Pantry.
e Best Costum Awards!
Remember to bring a canned food item the day of the race!
THANKSGIVING DAY-Thursday, November 26th 2015 9:00AM RUN Start | 9:05 WALK Start (Shirt Pickup starts at 7:00am) Bethlehem Middle School - 332 Kenwood Avenue, Delmar Course: 5K (3.1 miles) - through Old Delmar neighborhoods Registration Fees:$25.00 Online/Mail until 10/31/2015 $30.00 11/01/15 until race day Kids 5 & under FREE FREE T-Shirt to Pre-registered participants! Awards:1st Place Overall Male & Female On-line Registration: ourtownebethlehem.com
FIREWORKS, REGISTRATION & SHIRT PICK-UP Wed - 11/25/2015 At Bethlehem Middle School | 5pm to 8pm Detach here ~ You may submit ONE FORM for each family.
$25.00 per person until 10/31/15 | Kids 5 & under FREE $30.00 11/01/15 until race day
Name:_________________________________________________ Phone#____________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________ State:______________ Zip:__________________ Shirt Size (circle one): Child - SM - MED - LG - XL - XXL Release: In consideration of the acceptance of my entry I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigners, hereby release myself and discharge: OUR TOWNE Bethlehem, the State of New York, Albany County, Bethlehem Central School District, and the Town of Bethlehem, as well as all other sponsors or beneficiaries and their representatives. I certify that I am physically fit and that my physical condition has been verified by a physician. I am aware that the medical support for this event will be volunteer medical personnel who will be prepared to administer first aid assistance only. I hereby grant permission to OUR TOWNE Bethlehem, and other sponsors of this event to use all information submitted in this application, and any record of this race containing my likeliness as well as race results including my name and competition time for any purposes whatsoever, including but not limited to pre-race and post-race publicity. I hereby certify that I have read all the terms and conditions of the release and intend to be legally bound thereby. No pets please. I agree NOT to wear a headphone during this event. Race Clock at the Start/Finish for self-timing. Official results will not be compiled.
Signature:________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Signature of Guardian if under 18 years
Mail form & non-refundable payment payable to:
OUR TOWNE Bethlehem - 48 McKinley Drive, Delmar, NY 12054
Register on-line at: ourtownebethlehem.com 5
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My campaign for reelection has focused on the Townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progress during the four years Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve served as Town Supervisor. Much has been achieved, with Bethlehem now leading the region in efficient government, sound finances, transparency, energy sustainability, walkability, parks and preserves, and more. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve made real progress on many issues that the Town has been grappling with for a long time, including restoring financial health and returning to an investment modeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;making the capital repairs and improvements that our town needs.To get to this point, and to address the many other issues that town government must, we sometimes have to ruffle a few feathers, because you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t shy away from any area where there might be some conflict and expect to make progress. Two good examples are open space preservation and curtailing excessive overtime. These werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t new issues, town boards had been grappling with them for decades, but we were willing to make needed changes. Police patrol scheduling was altered to better match staffing to peak needs, a sixth road patrol sergeant was added, and we tightened up enforcement of existing orders requiring time off to be requested well in advance. We also reviewed policies and procedures in every town department, and instituted a modern, automated time keeping system. In the case of open space preservation, there was a broad consensus that we needed to do more, but there had always been strong opposition from those philosophically opposed to any active government involvement. Ultimately the Town Board chose to move forward with an open space program, a technical advisory group, and we even managed to secure special state legislation providing a conservation easement property tax exemption for landowners willing to forego development. Community consensus is very important, and no major policy decisions are made without a great deal of citizen input. The goals weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re pursuing with the assistance of volunteers, community organizations
and through collaboration with other localities are both very important and broadly shared. Now I would like to turn to the qualities of leadership that I believe we should look for in candidates and demand of elected leaders and perhaps more broadly of all public officials and civil servants. Serving the public is both a privilege and a duty none should take lightly. First and foremost, public officials must recognize that they are here to serve the citizensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; interests, not their own. Elected officials and candidates alike must represent and speak to the broad needs of the community. Those dedicated to a single issue or seeking to serve only a narrow interest cannot succeed. Leaders also have to be willing to stand up for changes when needed. One of the many life lessons we all learn is that usually there are no easy answers to difficult problems, they all require hard work and often hard choices. Public officials are charged with this task, and those who seek your support while promising easy answers will likely not rise to the task once in office. Responsible leadership requires integrity, experience, compassion and humility. The interest we show as a community in public affairs determines the quality of our government. Bethlehem has always been a strong town in large part because the citizens are heavily engaged in civic affairs.That interest is expressed in many ways, but perhaps most importantly by casting an informed vote. Those who aspire to leadership in Bethlehem should have a history of involvement and interest, as well as experience sufficient to indicate readiness for executive management. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m seeking another term because I know that we can continue to meet our challenges and make Bethlehem an even better place to live than it already is. We need to keep planning for our future, investing in our infrastructure, and making civic improvements. And I want to keep working on things people care about like sidewalks, parks and pedestrian and traffic safety. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll also have to keep managing town finances carefully, because if we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do that, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll lose the ability to do all the other things we need to do. And I promise to keep Bethlehem a well managed town government that respects and takes care of all its employees. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m proud of the accomplishments weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve achieved together over the past four years and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m eager to work on more improvements, with your help. Please vote on Tuesday November 3rd.
Paid for by Clarkson for Supervisor
Ask the
Canterbury Vet November is National Diabetes Month. While this month was originally designed to increase awareness of this common endocrine disease in humans, we need to be aware of the growing prevalence of DM (diabetes mellitus) in dogs and cats also. Untreated, diabetes mellitus can be fatal to pets. In veterinary medicine, there are two types of diabetes mellitus: Type I DM and Type II DM. Type I DM is when the body doesn’t make enough insulin (which is a hormone that is normally produced from the pancreas), and requires life-long insulin therapy. This is most commonly seen in dogs. Type II DM is when the body has some insulin being produced from the pancreas, but it is an inadequate amount or something is interfering with its ability to be used by the body. This is most commonly seen in cats. Clinical signs of diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats include: •Excessive thirst •Excessive urination •Inappropriate urination •Weight loss (most commonly over the back), despite an overweight body condition •Increased hunger •Increased “whiteness” of the lens of the eye due to cataracts •Blindness •Weakness •Lethargy •Poor skin condition (like excessive dandruff orr an oily hair coat) With diabetes mellitus, the body doesn’t have enough insulin (or the insulin is not effective), which is the hormone necessary to push sugar (glucose) into the cells of the body. As a result, the cells of the body are starved, and the body is stimulated to produce more and more glucose as a result. However, without insulin in the body, the sugar can’t get into the cells. The excess sugar that is produced by the body results in the clinical signs of excessive thirst and urination. Untreated, the body develops diabetic 8
complications called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), where it breaks down fat in an attempt to feed the starving cells. These fat breakdown products (e.g., ketones) poison the body, resulting in vomiting, dehydration, inappetance, electrolyte abnormalities, and even too much “acid” production in the body. DKA can be life threatening, and typically requires intensive supportive care. If you notice any of these signs (e.g., excessive thirst, excessive urination), please bring your pet into your veterinarian as soon as possible. With diabetes, the sooner it is diagnosed, the sooner it can be treated, the better it can be managed and there will be less likelihood of treatment complications. With appropriate care, the prognosis for DM is quite good. If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian – they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets. Please send all your veterinary questions to: AskTheVet@canterburyvet.com or mail them to Ask the Vet c/o Canterbury Animal Hospital 88 Delaware Avenue Delmar, NY 12054 439-2700
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To Protect and Serve Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd. We need leaders that have the best interests of the community in mind and are asking for your help to elect them into office. The Bethlehem Police Officers’ Union and the Supervisors’ Association have never become involved in political contests, but as you are aware, this year is different for us. Our voices need to be heard to advocate for the safety of our residents and our officers.
If all these reasons aren’t enough, I again want to highlight that our Town is home to one of the highest paid Supervisors in the entire state. Clarkson’s $111,000 a year Town Supervisor salary coupled with his $91,000 NYS tax-free pension gives him the distinction of making more than $200,000 a year in public dollars – he makes more than our Governor! On October 16th, 2015 a State arbitrator found that the Town violated the police contract. Clearly even the Arbitrator recognized that our officers should be able to take a day off to bring a parent for cancer treatment or to care for a sick child. Despite this finding, the legal grievances continue on with no end in sight. Clarkson continues to spend your taxpayer dollars on litigation and while refusing to respect quality of life issues for our officers.
of this raises the question that we asked you last month, “Is We’ve outlined our side of the story over the past several months, All Supervisor worth it? The unequivocal answer from our but just in case we haven’t been perfectly clear – we don’t want membershipClarkson and their families is NO! more overtime, we want less! the first time ever, we are getting involved in Town elections to Clarkson’s decisions and policies have reduced the police department For advocate for the safety of residents and our officers. Our members by eight officers which has created substantial overtime. Meanwhile, support candidates that value public safety and will – his response to reducing overtime is to deny officers their earned ◊ Maintain the professional law enforcement services that you time off. We are an overworked, understaffed police department depend on struggling to maintain the professional law enforcement services ◊ Ensure proper staffing levels, fill vacancies, and replace that Bethlehem depends on. Our officers are demoralized by the antiquated radio systems for the safety of residents and state of the police department and the effect it is having on their officers alike families! ◊ Support programs that safeguard our schools and community ◊ Uphold negotiated contractual agreements and end costly Last month we outlined the many reasons that Clarkson is not needless litigation the candidate supported by the Bethlehem Police. We believe it’s ◊ Restore quality of life to our local officers and their families important to add and review some key issues. Over the course of his Restoring these principles will preserve the Bethlehem community tenure, Supervisor Clarkson has we all know and love. Reduced the size of the police department by intentionally For these reasons, on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd, we delaying hiring and not replacing certain vacated positions are asking you to vote for the bipartisan Bethlehem team that will Dismissed without consideration many of our cost saving support the men and women who protect us, and who are willing solutions to work together with the police to solve problems. Hired a consultant at considerable taxpayer expense to justify his staff reductions while ignoring multiple studies justifying Jim Foster (R), (C), (I), (Reform) for Town Supervisor needed police resources and staffing Nanci Moquin (D), (I) for Town Clerk Scrubbed and sanitized the Bethlehem Police Advisory Team John “Tiger” Anastasi (R), (C), (Reform) for Report to support his agenda against the police department Highway Superintendent Proposed that our officers reduce services to the community, George Harder (Write-in) for Receiver of Taxes such as; no longer responding to unattended death investigations, incidents involving emotionally disturbed Joyce H. Becker (D), (I) for Town Board people and certain domestic situations Dave Harrington (R), (C), (Reform) for Town Board Proposed eliminating the DARE program when the Town is Election Day is the day our voices can be heard. We need leaders experiencing a growing drug epidemic Pursued a reduction in shift minimum staffing from 1 Sergeant that have the best interests of the community in mind instead of their own and resist the temptation to manipulate data for their own and 3 Officers to 1 Sergeant and 2 Officers Eliminated a unionized civil service Lieutenant position and political benefit. We have presented you with the facts. replaced it with an appointed Commander position We ask each of you in the community, judge for yourself – why else Eliminated a unionized civil service Sergeant position would our officers be handing out signs of support, reaching out Implemented a series of contract-violating policies aimed at to the media, and going door-to-door? Are you going to trust your attacking our unions, forcing us and the Town to spend tens of police or a career politician? The future of the Police Department thousands of dollars on seemingly endless litigation and your community are on the line. If you don’t like Bethlehem’s Mismanaged the staffing shortage resulting in excessive current course, it’s time to vote to change our direction. overtime and then misleads the public by unfairly blaming the Remember that polls are open from police 6:00AM – 9:00PM. Failed to repair and/or replace a well-documented antiquated To find your polling place, visit radio dispatch system, endangering the lives of residents and http://app.albanycounty.com/boe/voterinfo/ officers because of numerous dead zones throughout the As always we thank you for your time and consideration. We couldn’t Town Pursued consolidation of our dispatchers with Albany County continue our efforts without your support. despite lack of long term cost savings and proven diminished Best, quality of service Created extreme working conditions that lead to the transfer of a highly educated, trained, and dedicated officer to the Town of Colonie Michael J. Berben Refused the donation of a K-9 that would assist in locating lost President, Bethlehem Police Officers’ Union children, vulnerable adults and drugs in our schools all due to Like us on Facebook: Bethlehem Police Officers’ Union the cost of food, liability insurance and veterinary care
Follow us on Twitter: @OurBethlehemPBA
Paid for by the Bethlehem Police Officers’ Union and Supervisors’ Association
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Vote November 3rd for Brent Meredith for Highway Superintendent
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Long hair extra See stylist for details. Exp. 11/31/15
TUESDAY, November 3rd 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Your Candidates: Supervisor
Note that some polling places may have changed - check yours on the “Voter Information” link on the BDC website at
Town Board (2)
BECKER Town Clerk
MOQUIN Receiver of Taxes
RONEY Highway Superintendent
As a Bethlehem voter, what’s important to you?
MEREDITH Albany County Legislature
Bethlehem’s Democratic candidates will bring professionalism, experience, and knowledge to continue the forward progress of our town. We will work to keep taxes from going up, manage government spending, continue the delivery of high-quality services, and again achieve the best possible fiscal health rating from the State Comptroller.
DAWSON Bethlehem’s Democratic leadership isn’t just promising these great results, we’ve been delivering them. Help us keep Bethlehem on a positive path. Vote the Democratic line on Tuesday, Nov 3! We bring
Matt MILLER (LD 36)
Election Day
November 3rd
Paid for by the Bethlehem Democratic Committee
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indifferent to the sounds. If you are calm and relaxed, this will encourage them to follow your lead.
Fireworks are part of many celebrations, and are tons of fun for humans… but not so much for our furry family! Fireworks may elevate your pets’ fight-or-flight drive. This can cause them to panic, wet the floor, try to escape, or exhibit other distressed behavior. Be aware! There’s lots you can do to help your dogs and cats stay safe. Here’s how: 1. Keep your pets inside during fireworks times. Even normally calm pets can be startled enough by fireworks to bolt over or through a fence they previously respected. 2. Keep windows AND doors closed & locked to prevent pets from bolting and slipping past you as you exit or enter. Pets can stay stressed for hours after the fireworks stop. 3. Pet ID: Check that your pets’ collars are secure, with up-to-date and readable pet ID tags. Call your microchip company to verify that their microchips have your current contact information.
Es F timRE at E es
4. Turn on the TV or music. Put the volume as loud enough to muffle any fireworks noises, but it doesn’t have to be blasting! 5. Don’t coddle pets if they are scared. That rewards and encourages scared behavior. Talk in a normal voice, act
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6. Distract with a toy or chew. Give your pet a special food-stuffed toy or long-lasting chew treat, to encourage their mind focus on that, not the noises outside. 7. Daily exercise. Give your dogs and cats their normal “big” exercise session every day leading up to, on, and after the holiday. Exercise helps relieve stress. 8. If you know your pet gets dangerously distressed during fireworks, talk to your vet about possible short-term medication. 9.Thundershirt. This reportedly helps with fireworks too! Order online at thundershirt.com. 10.Stay home with your pets. If possible, do not leave your pets alone, (and never outside), during firework celebrations.
There will be Fireworks at the Bethlehem Middle School on Wednesday, November 25th at 7 PM
Pet Safety
Four Seasons Lawn & Snow
858-8342 FREE Estimates
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Shampoodle Dog Wash
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For Good Government, Integrity, Civility and Results Bethlehemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finances are in great shape, property taxes are well below the cap, the budget is LOWER than it was four years ago, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re bringing in business, saying no to inappropriate development, and investing in sidewalks, parks, roadways, infrastructure and civic improvements.
John and his wife Connie, a teacher, have lived in Bethlehem since 1992, raising two sons here.
Because Bethlehem needs: An experienced and proven leader, Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s produced real results, Managed town government well, Isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t afraid to take on difficult problems or special interests, and Always puts the citizens first.
Working for Bethlehem, and working for all of us
Paid for by Clarkson for Supervisor
SEPTEMBER 15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; DECEMBER 7, 2015
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“Talking with your Teen” An Open Conversation About Substance Use
Now Enrolling for ALL PROGRAMS
On the evening of Thursday, November 12th, Bethlehem Opportunities Unlimited (BOU) will host “Talking With Your Teen: An Open Conversation About Substance Use,” at Bethlehem Central High School. The program is FREE, and will focus on real stories of youth addiction, local statistics about drug abuse and its legal consequences for youth, and strategies to achieve successful communication between parents and teens for 6th grade and above. The event will open at 5:30 p.m. with presentations by a young person in recovery and a member from the Bethlehem Police Department, then move into breakout sessions for both parents and teens. During the breakout sessions, parents will learn from local experts about the effect of drugs on the teenage brain, as well as tips for successful parent-teen communication, while teens will interact with their peers to develop refusal skills. The program will culminate in an exchange between parents and teens about lessons learned, as well as an opportunity for Q&A with our presenters, ending at 7:30 p.m.
New enrollments only. One per family.
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Site Happenings: Eagle . Elsmere . Glenmont . Hamagrael . Slingerlands
All attendees will be entered into a prize drawing. In addition, each student who brings a parent will be entered into one of two drawings to win a $100 Amazon gift card. This event is made possible by Presenting Sponsor, BlueShield of Northeastern New York, and Supporting Sponsors, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Blake Realtors, Bethlehem Middle School PTO, and Bethlehem Central Community Organization (BCCO).
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FINANCIAL FOCU$ Start Your Own Investment “Traditions” Thanksgiving is just around the corner. And like all holidays, this one has plenty of traditions, such as Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (started in 1924) and football (the first broadcast Thanksgiving Day game was played between the Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears in 1934). Traditions are important, and you may want to establish some in one of the key activities of your own life: investing. So, what sort of investment traditions could you start? Here are a few ideas: •Invest regularly. By definition, engaging in a tradition means performing the same acts over and over. This type of behavior can impose discipline and consistency to your investing. For example, consider contributing the same amount of money each month to the same investments. When the price of these investments is down, your contribution will pay for more shares – in other words, you’ll be “buying low,” one of the key principals of investing. And when the price of your investments is up, you’ll be a savvy enough investor to buy fewer shares. Over a long period, this technique can help lower the per-share price of your investments, but it does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss. To make it easier to follow through, you could set up monthly, automatic purchases of these investments from your checking or savings account.
with Jerry Pittz
pretax dollars, resulting in lower taxable income, and your earnings can grow on a tax-deferred basis. Even if you don’t reach the contribution limit (which, in 2015, is $18,000, or $24,000 if you’re 50 or older), you can help yourself make progress toward your retirement goals if you give your 401(k) a “raise” every time you get one.
•Review your progress at least once a year. Pick one day a year – perhaps a “milestone” day, such as your birthday or wedding anniversary – to review your overall investment picture. Are your investments performing the way you had hoped? Is your portfolio properly diversified, or are there gaps you need to address? Are you investing too aggressively or too conservatively? A yearly review of your investments and long-term financial strategy, possibly with the help of a financial advisor, can help keep you on track toward your objectives. Of course, you don’t need to wait 12 months before looking over your situation; you may need to adjust your holdings during the course of any given year, in response to changes in the financial markets or your individual needs. But by committing yourself to at least one full-scale review a year, you can greatly reduce unpleasant “surprises” while staying abreast of exactly where you are and where you’re headed. On Thanksgiving, you can enjoy the holiday’s traditions, along with those that may be unique to your family. And someday, you may well be thankful that you followed some productive investment “traditions.” This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
•Increase 401(k) contributions when you get a raise. Why not make it a tradition to boost your contributions to your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored plan every time your salary increases? Your 401(k) is a great way to save for retirement, as your contributions are typically made with
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Please thank our Turkey Trot sponsors!
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Limited Openings for the 2015-2016 School Year!
Winter Emergency Kit
Store this stuff in your trunk during the winter months, especially if a road trip is in your future: •a blanket •extra boots and gloves •an extra set of warm clothes •extra water and food, including hard candies •an ice scraper •a small shovel •a flashlight •windshield washer fluid •windshield wipers •flares •jumper cables •a tool kit •tire chains •a tire gauge a spare tire with air in it •tire-changing equipment •a first-aid kit •paper towels •a bag of abrasive material such as sand, salt or non-clumping kitty litter, which can provide additional traction if a tire gets stuck in snow. •Also, keep the gas tank as full as you can to prevent the gas lines from freezing.
Do you have four-wheel drive? If so, it’s important
Tri-Village Nursery School has limited, immediate openings in our 3 & 4 year old classes. TVN is a non-denominational, cooperative preschool located at First United Methodist Church (428 Kenwood Ave., Delmar).
For more information or to set up a tour, please contact Jenn Hammond at 439-1455 or
to check the status of your four-wheel-drive system and be sure it’s working correctly — especially because most drivers don’t use their 4WD systems in the pleasant summer months. Be sure that the system engages and disengages easily, and that all drivers in your household know how and when to activate the system.
BAILEY’S GARAGE 23 Oakwood Road Off Kenwood Ave (near Rt 32) M-F 8am to 5pm • Sat 8am -1pm
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Turkey Trot Registration and
Also Thanksgiving morning 7- 8AM
Early Shirt Pick-Up Wednesday, November 25th 5-8pm Bethlehem Middle School Fireworks 7:00pm!
Fireworks 7:00pm!
WEDNESDAY NIGHT 5:00pm - Registration and Packet Pick-Up opens Bethlehem Food Pantry Van food donation drop-off 7:00pm - 365 FIT Thanksgiving Fireworks Celebration 8:00pm - Registration and Packet Pick-Up closes
THANKSGIVING MORNING 7:00am - Registration and Packet Pick-Up opens Bethlehem Food Pantry Van food donation drop-off 8:30am - Registration closes 8:50am - National Anthem 9:00am - 5K RUN Starts 9:05am - 5K WALK Starts
What to bring for the
Bethlehem Food Pantry Currently helping about 1,800 Bethlehem neighbors!
The Food Pantry is in need of the following:
Trish’s Pix Tattered Pages Used Books
Greeting Constant Reader… November is a month of remembrance…a time of reflection as the Holidays and winter rapidly approaches. Some people start their Holiday shopping on Veteran’s Day. Are only those of us who have had military family members the ones who reflect upon Veteran’s Day? On the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, an armistice (agreement to stop warring) was reached with Germany bringing the War to end all Wars, to an end. Originally called Armistice Day, the day’s name changed to Veteran’s Day in 1954, when President (General) Dwight Eisenhower signed the bill to set aside a day to acknowledge all who have given service in armed forces to our country.The “war to end all wars” included allies from the United Kingdom, including Canada, the United States, Russia, France and many others against the “Central Powers” of Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy. Among the allies was a 41 year old Lt. Col. John McRae from Canada. He fought at Ypres region of Belgium where the German army launched one of the first battles using chemical gas in the history of war. They attacked the Canadian position using gas on April 22, 1915, but were unable to break through the Canadian line, which held for over two weeks. In a letter written to his mother, McCrae described the battle as a nightmare where they battled for 17 days/nights where none of them left their position, changed clothes, for the gunfire never stopped for more than a minute at a time! Behind it all was the constant background of the sights of the dead, the wounded & the maimed. McRae continued to fight alongside the bodies strewn at the line. While burying a personal friend of his, he noted how beautiful red poppies quickly grew around the graves of those who died at Ypres. The next day, he composed the poem while sitting in the back of an ambulance. It is a poem that I had to memorize in grade school and would like to reprint here. Never would I have thought that such a poem would have significance to me at this point in my life. My son, SFC Matthew Eldridge has now served for 18 years in the 82nd Airborne Army. He has accompanied way too many young soldiers home from the battlefield to their resting place here at home in the US. I dedicate this to the spirit, to the lives, to the souls of all who have died in the dedication of their armed service whether it be those from battles long ago or those who have died these past years near the poppy fields in Afghanistan: In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. 32
November is also the harvest month of “pumpkin everything”, apple cinnamon spice candles & time to give thanks! I am so thankful for another year with my darlin’ Dad still with us. He is currently residing at Rosewood Gardens, East Greenbush where Seamus and I visit 4 times a week (hence my closing at 5pm some nights) and part of our visit usually involves reading to my dad. It is difficult for him to sustain reading for any period of time, though he does follow the hymns in chapel on Sunday and sings along. With his eyes often closed, I might read a few pages of Scripture, inspirational reflections of the day, Chicken Soup for the Golfer’s Soul or an inspirational book. The most recent is “Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves” by well-known Catholic youth leader, Jason Evert. It focuses on the “five loves” of a pope who focused a good part of his ministry on recovering a self-sacrificing notion of human love for the public square. My dad has lived a life of quiet service, living his faith by participating in mission work as far away as Guatemala and as close by as Greene County Correctional Facility. Many of his young children would see a picture of Pope John Paul on the fridge and say “Papa”, meaning my dad, not an endearment of the Pope! He not only resembled him physically but lives with Parkinson’s as the Pope did. Reading to my dad will be a memory that I will cherish forever. I will have my Christmas books out starting mid-November so that those who shop early, work on Christmas crafts, cookies, purchase Christmas books for children’s Advent pleasure can freely have access. Those Christmas/Holiday romances will be highlighted as well. All Christmas related books will be an additional 10% off all November. As you plan your Christmas/ Holiday gifts, might I suggest what a wonderful gift a themed basket is? With a book at the center from Tattered Pages, you could build a basket around that book for your knitter, crafter, golfer, sports enthusiast or cook! Think of a series of romance novels with a cup, tea bags, a scented candle and a box of tissues! Crafting supplies with a few cross-stitch or embroidery books, adult coloring books (on sale here) with markers, pencils…Cookbooks with utensils & ingredients… or gardening books with trowel, gloves & seeds all could be made possible by starting at Tattered Pages for your books! My good friend, and one of the founding members of the Delmar Farmer’s Market, Dana Flint, will be selling her earrings here at Tattered Pages again! Starting at $9.95, these often one of a kind earrings are made with sterling silver components (no filler/plating), Swarovski crystals, high end beads in a myriad of colors & sizes. Hundreds of her earrings will be for sale on November 28th, December 12th & 19th from 11-4. As last year, we will have hot tea & refreshments available. Until next month…I hope that you are able to find sometime for a good book. I just finished Gillian Flynn’s “Sharp Objects”…and that you think of supporting Tattered Pages when shopping for that next read! Your support might just help me to mail off just a few more Christmas gifts to my grandchildren scattered about in different states! (hint-hint)
Respectfully…Trish & Seamus
Patricia Eldridge is the owner of Tattered Pages (est. 2006) 365 Feura Bush Rd. in the Glenmont Center Square. #447-9910, on Facebook as Tattered Pages, LLC, www.tatteredpages365.webs.com Open: M,T,W:10-5, Th. 10-6, F. 10-7, Sat. 10-4
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On Saturday, November 14 , from noon until 4 PM at Normanside Country Club in Delmar, the public is invited to a card and game party to enjoy a delicious lunch, play games and cards, try luck at several raffle and door prizes, buy chances on numerous silent auction treasures and indulge in scrumptious homemade bake sale goodies. While helping the Delmar Progress Club raise money for a scholarship fund for local graduating high school seniors, enjoy this annual fun Saturday tradition. Come, bring your friends, have a great time! th
Felicia Bordick, Publicity Delmar Progress Club fbordick@yahoo.com
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Kettlebell Fitness Center
Spectators welcome, free admission www.thekettlebellfitnesscenter.com
Two Great Ways to BUY BETHLEHEM This Holiday...Support Our Local Businesses! Purchase Shop Bethlehem Gift Cards from $5-$500 Online 24/7 or at the Bethlehem Chamber M-F 9am-5pm
HOLIDAY * GRADUATION * BIRTHDAY TEACHER * EMPLOYEE Use like cash at these participating businesses year-round, strengthen our local businesses and keep money in our community!
A.Phillips Hardware Akira Ando Salon Backyard Sheds & Gazebos Ben’s Jammin’ Treasures Gift Boutique Bethlehem Tae Kwon Do Buenau's Opticians CapitalCare Family MedEsthetics Capital Upholstery Capital District Carpet Cleaning Cornell’s Cat Boarding Crossroads Ford Del Lanes Delmar Bistro John & Mary’s Grocery@Delmar Marketplace Dr. Jack Devore Four Corners Frame Shop Four Corners Pharmacy Free Movement Pilates Glenmont Self Storage Hands of Grace Massage Therapy McCarroll’s The Village Butcher Merriman & Pfister’s Marketplace Poise Studios Romo’s Pizza Safari Health Sawyer’s Screen Printing & Embroidery School’s Out, Inc. Shampoodle Swifty’s Restaurant & Pub Shawna’s Dogs T.A.C.S. Autobody & Service Tomo Asian Bistro TOP FORM Delmar Sponsored by:
Small Business Saturday Promotion Saturday, November 28, 10am-1pm @Bethlehem Chamber GIFT CARDS ON SALE Offering discounts & specials from local businesses Before you head to the Black Friday sales...SUPPORT our LOCAL Businesses Pick up a FREE card at the Delmar Turkey Trot, Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce, Saturday and Tuesday Farmers Markets participating businesses and in the 11/25/15 edition of the Spotlight News. For details and a list of participating businesses, visit www.bethlehemchamber.com
www.bethlehemchamber.com Main Square • 318 Delaware Avenue • Suite 11, Delmar, NY T: 518-439-0512 • F: 518-475-0910
29th Annual
Bethlehem Lions Club
Christmas Tree and Wreath Sale Opens November 28th Fresh Nova Scotia Balsams | 6-8ft
Fond Remembrance of
Dan Fellows
(Who lost his battle with cancer on August 28th, it was sudden and sad)
Sales location:
538 Route 9W - Glenmont
1/4 mile south of Feura Bush Rd - Property of 3D Rigging
(518) 439-9628 for additional information Sat & Sun 9AM to 5PM (Thru December) Proud members of the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce
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Residential & Commercial Properties Call Today for a Free Estimate. 518-951-5221 38
Dan – A good good friend friend and and great great coworker: cow • A strong advocate for great customer service and the environment. • He loved working in the store, talking to customers and helping them with their printer needs. • I know the customers appreciated his service.
Dan also loved public broadcasting.
i Fill Inkjets will donate a portion of every refilled cartridge sale in November to WMHT TV and NPR Radio in Memory of Dan. • Customers and Friends please add to this donation either privately or at the 4 corners store.
I will miss my times with Dan and the support he has given me. ~Mark Tremont (owner)
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Dear Neighbor and Supporter, In 1942, the Bethlehem Community White Christmas Festival began as several nights of group performances. Donations collected were used to extend the spirit of community to our less fortunate neighbors throughout the entire year. This spirit was so strong that the activities of the Festival continue today as the Bethlehem Community Fund.
Bethlehem’s Community Fund quietly helps children, families, individuals and the elderly living in the Bethlehem Community whose needs fall through the cracks of traditional programs. Throughout our seventy three year history the fund has come to the aid of thousands of Bethlehem residents, young and old alike, quickly, without red tape. Every dollar donated is used for assistance. neighbors helping neighbors since 1942
Community Fund
Assistance is given anonymously with the utmost respect for the pride and privacy of the recipients. This is a longstanding tradition of the Fund. School personnel, local clergy, Bethlehem Senior Services and other providers make most of the requests for assistance.
• Children receive help with school supplies, tutoring, eyeglasses, clothing, camp tuition & other needs. • Several Bethlehem Festival Fund Scholarships are awarded to local High School students each year. • Seniors may find assistance with utility bills, small home repairs, medical costs, a personal emergency response system or pet care. • Each December, over 100 Bethlehem families receive baskets of food, clothing and gifts. With the Holiday Season fast approaching, Bethlehem’s Community Fund is looking at a record number of families needing food baskets. We will soon be ordering our turkeys and coordinating our holiday deliveries. Financial responsibilities and human service needs in our schools and community increase during this time of year. Our goal of $30,000 will enable us to meet many of the needs of our Bethlehem neighbors throughout the year.
Your gift will touch the lives of many people in the Bethlehem community by helping each recipient in a unique and much needed way. Thank you for your support of this valuable community effort. Warmest regards,
Board of Trustees and Officers Bethlehem’s Community Fund
President: Greg Jackson, 439-7828 Secretary: Dolores Johnson, 439-5767
Vice President: John Guastella, 598-3434 Treasurer: Paul Gutman, 439-1857
Board of Trustees: Joyce Becker, Kathy Betzhold, Debra Barnes, Norrine Cooke, Sue DiMuria, Cathy Griffin, Karen Harmon, Linda Herron, Eileen Hoffman, Sandy LaValle, Bruce McShane, Joann Menrath, Susan Morse, Mignonne Philips, Kathi Rice, Maryalice Svare, Greg Turner, Monica Vail
Donate online at: www.BethlehemCommunityFund.org Please tear off and return with your donation. The Bethlehem Festival Fund is a 501(c) Tax-Exempt Organization as defined by the I.R.S. and donations are Tax Deductible. Contributions can be made directly through the United Way of SEFA #-50-00044 pledges.
Name ____________________________________________________ Street ____________________________________________________ [ ] Check Here if this is a change of address
Donation $_________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________________ Mail checks payable to the: Bethlehem Community Fund
PO Box 341 Delmar, NY 12054
Community Fund neighbors helping neighbors since 1942
bethlehemcommunityfund.org 41
Let’s play a game
as Livestrong and Pedaling for Parkinsons. The YMCA empowers adults and children to improve their courage and confidence to lead healthy, vibrant lives.
Remember, the Y stands for Young. The Y is a charity dedicated to youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. We succeed in achieving these goals when young people realize their Okay, let’s play a little game. Here’s the question: The Bethlehem potential to become active, engaged, thriving members of the YMCA is: A) a non-profit, charitable organization; B) The premier community because of our work with child care, education and youth outreach organization in the Capital District; C) The leading leadership programs, and sports, camp and recreation programs. organization devoted to personal health and fitness; or D) All of the The Y succeeds when our health and well-being initiatives help above. people live well, reduce their risk for chronic disease, and reclaim Yes, you are correct. It is D – all of the above. I’m giving you the their health when they’ve been affected by illness. benefit of the doubt because if you are a regular reader of this column you are aware of the many programs the Bethlehem YMCA Our members are a key part of everything we do. We count on your support to help us achieve our mission to build a stronger has to reach out to people in our community. community. Working together we can succeed in making Bethlehem Answer A: The Bethlehem Y is a non-profit charitable organization a better place to live for all of us. that relies on the generosity of our members and the community to raise funds through our Annual Campaign. Through this campaign, the Y is able to ensure that our programs and services are available to the children and families in Bethlehem that need our help – and Member, Bethlehem YMCA Board of Advisors there are far more families in our community that need help than many people realize. The Bethlehem YMCA provides nurturing programs that bring families together.
Mark Hansen
The Annual Campaign also funds the Y’s Circle of Champs program that provides vital support and respite for young children fighting life-threatening diseases, as well as for their families. The Togetherhood program is another example of how the Y works together with members of the community to meet the needs of others. Last year our Togetherhood members cleaned senior services vehicles, cleared hiking trails and collected infant clothing and goods for young mothers. Answer B: The YMCA is the largest provider of day care services in the Capital District. Youth development is a primary mission of the Bethlehem YMCA. We have programs to nurture the potential in every child and teen, including from day care to summer camp, from swim lessons to team sports, from Youth in Government to the Black and Latino Achievers program. Let’s go to answer C: This may be the answer you are most familiar with, the Bethlehem YMCA is truly devoted to health, wellness and fitness -- not only for our members that come to exercise, but for people in the community who participate in specific programs such
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NOVEMBER Monday, Nov. 2 TINY TOTS Stories, songs and fingerplays. Up to age 35 months with caregiver. 9:30 a.m.
are welcome. 6 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 2 BOOK BUDDIES Children are matched with a teen volunteer to practice reading skills and build confidence. Bring a book or choose one at the library. Sign up online or call. For grade K-5. Sessions at 6:30 and 7 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 5 TEEN WRITING WORKSHOP Also Nov. 12 and 19. Learn creative writing techniques and participate in a peer review group. Just bring paper and pen. Presented by Matt Galletta. For grade 8-12. Sign up online or call. 7-8:30 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 2 TABLETOP GAMING We provide Dominion, Munchkin, and Ticket to Ride with its USA 1910 Expansion Pack. Bring your own favorites. Snacks will be served. For adults and teens age 16 and older. 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 6 MOMMY OR DADDY AND ME SEWING Kids and parents will work together to make a stuffed toy. Basic sewing machine experience recommended for the parent. Sign up online or call. For ages 3-6 with caregiver. 10-11 a.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 3 TINY TOTS Stories, songs and fingerplays. Up to age 35 months with caregiver. 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4 FAMILY STORYTIME Stories, songs and activities. Up to age 6 with family. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4 FAMILY PLAYTIME Free play and socialization with toys, blocks, balls and more. Up to age 6 with family. 10 a.m.
Monday, Nov. 9 ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A LIBRARIAN? Teams of 3-5 can test their trivia prowess against librarians. Prizes and refreshments! Sign up online or call. 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10 TINY TOTS Stories, songs and fingerplays. Up to age 35 months with caregiver. 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10 AFTERSCHOOL STEM: SPAGHETTI TOWERS Team up to create towers using spaghetti and marshmallows. For grade K-5. 4-4:45 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 10 A MATTER OF HONOR Friday, Nov. 6 Former Assemblyman Jack McEneny and SUPER SMASH AFTERNOON Delmar native Dr. Maurice Thornton will Join your friends for an afternoon of Super discuss WWI Sgt. Henry Johnson’s military Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii. Snacks will career and recent Medal of Honor. 7-8 p.m. be served! For grade 6-12. 3-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11 Saturday, Nov. 7 LEGO: OLD SCHOOL BUILD ADOPTION FAIR No computers, no technology, just you, Seminar titled “Adoption: Where Do I some bricks, and your imagination. For kids Start?” from 10:15-11am, followed by mini- and families. 10 a.m. workshops and exhibits. Co-sponsored by Adoptive Families of the Capital Region. Wednesday, Nov. 11 10:15 a.m.-1 p.m. AFTERDINNER BOOKS Discuss “Life After Life” by Jill McCorkle. Saturday, Nov. 7 New members welcome. Copies are TIME OUT FOR TALES available at the information desk. Audio Stories and fun for children up to age 6 and and downloadable copies may be available. families. 11 a.m. 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 4 LEGO TECHNIC Kids will work with partners to explore some of the projects in the Lego Technic Saturday, Nov. 7 series. Sign up online or call. For grades 3-5. ORIGAMI CLUB 4 p.m. Bring your own project or fold something with us. This month we’ll create trees and Wednesday, Nov. 4 leaves. 3-4:15 p.m. RANGE FINDER Author and outdoorsman Alan Via returns Sunday, Nov. 8 to the library, will present a slide show A LITTLE SUNDAY MUSIC titled “The Mountains are Beautiful — Featuring Margaret Lampasi, soprano, Everywhere.” The spectacular photography and Michael Clement, piano, performing a will be accompanied by Alan’s stories and flight-themed vocal recital. Sponsored by observations. 7p.m. Friends of Bethlehem Public Library. 7 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 12 FAMILY STORYTIME Stories, songs and activities. Up to age 6 with family. 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 12 ON MY OWN Stories, songs and fun for children age 3-6 while parents wait at our café tables. 10:15 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 12 AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Thursday, Nov. 5 Monday, Nov. 9 Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or go to www. FAMILY STORYTIME TINY TOTS redcrossblood.org for more information Stories, songs and activities. Up to age 6 Stories, songs and fingerplays. Up to age 35 and to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins with family. 9:30 a.m. months with caregiver. 9:30 a.m. welcome. Noon-6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 5 ON MY OWN Stories, songs and fun for children age 3-6 while parents wait at our café tables. 10:15 a.m.
Monday, Nov. 9 DAYBOOKS Discuss “David and Goliath” by Malcolm Gladwell. Copies are available at the information desk. Audio and downloadable copies may be available. 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 5 PAWS TO READ Monday, Nov. 9 Bring a book and read to a gentle dog who LIBRARY BOARD MEETS loves stories. For grade 1-5. 3:45-4:45 p.m. Takes place in the library Board Room. All 44
Friday, Nov. 13 PRESCHOOL STEM: PINECONES Listen to stories and do an experiment with pinecones. For up to age 6 with caregiver. 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 13 MUSICAL DUO KATSURA Michele Martinez and Adam Neff perform an eclectic mix of music, including songs
Kristen Roberts Public Information Specialist 439-9314 ext. 3019 | KristenR@bethpl.org
by The Beatles, Johnny Cash, and Patsy Cline. Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc. 1-2 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 19 FAMILY STORYTIME - Stories, songs and activities. Up to age 6 with family. 9:30 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 14 TIME OUT FOR TALES Stories and fun for children up to age 6 and families. 11 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 19 SEW IT YOURSELF: HOLIDAY GIFT EDITION Make a set of placemats and napkin rings to give or keep. Sign up online or call. 1011:30 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 14 CREATIVE COLORING FOR ADULTS Join the latest craze in stress relief for grownups. We provide the materials and cookies and cocoa. Sign up online or call. 2-3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 15 KNIT ONE, PURL ONE If you’re an experienced knitter, bring your current project. If you’re a beginner, bring size 8 knitting needles; we’ll provide yarn and get you started. For adults, teens, kids age 9 and up. 2-3 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16 TINY TOTS Stories, songs and fingerplays. Up to age 35 months with caregiver. 9:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 16 INTRO TO MICROSOFT WORD -Learn the basics in this two-session class. (Second session held Nov. 23). 10 a.m.-noon. Tuesday, Nov. 17 TINY TOTS Stories, songs and fingerplays. Up to age 35 months with caregiver. 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov.17 STOP, THINK, ACT: HOW TO AVOID SCAMS Learn how to recognize scams and understand the resources to use if you fall victim. Presented by Melanie Grossman with the Division of Consumer Protection, New York Department of State. 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18 FAMILY STORYTIME Stories, songs and activities. Up to age 6 with family. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18 FAMILY PLAYTIME Free play and socialization with toys, blocks, balls and more. Up to age 6 with family. 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18 CARD GAME CLUB Meet monthly to play cards, from classics like Uno to newer games like Fluxx. Snacks! For grade 6-12. 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18 PAJAMA-RAMA Wear your PJs and bring a stuffed friend to enjoy some stories before bedtime. Up to age 6 with family and friends. 7 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 19 ON MY OWN -Stories, songs and fun for children age 3-6 while parents wait at our café tables. 10:15 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 19 PAWS TO READ Bring a book and read to a gentle dog who loves stories. For grade 1-5. 3:45-4:45 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 23 SEWING MACHINE BASICS/OPEN SEWING Learn the basics of sewing on a machine, and try out our sewing machines and serger, or just drop by to use one for your own project. For adults and teens grade 6 and up. 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24 STORIES AND PLAY Stories and songs in the community room, followed by free play. Up to age 6 with family and friends. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25 LEGO: WATCH AND BUILD Enjoy “The Lego Movie” (PG, 101 minutes) and build as you watch. For kids and families. 2 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 19 LEGO: CHALLENGE BUILD Create towers, build bridges and participate in timed races. For kids and families. 4 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 27 THANKSGIVING CINEMA Watch a family-friendly movie (PG, 94 minutes). Bring a blanket and get comfy! For kids and families. 2:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 19 LISTENING PARTIES: RENDITIONS -Explore the fluid boundaries between jazz and other musical genres. Listen to great music, discuss and share your opinions. 7 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 28 TIME OUT FOR TALES Stories and fun for children up to age 6 and families. 11 a.m.
Monday, Nov. 30 Saturday, Nov. 21 TINY TOTS INTERNATIONAL GAMES DAY @ YOUR Stories, songs and fingerplays. Up to age 35 LIBRARY months with caregiver. 9:30 a.m. Drop in and get your game on as you join this worldwide 32nd celebration of gaming. Board games and more will be available for use in the library. For all ages. 10 a.m.4:30 p.m. th
Craft Fair
Saturday, Nov. 21 TIME OUT FOR TALES Stories and fun for children up to age 6 and families. 11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 23 STORIES AND PLAY Stories and songs in the community room, followed by free play. Up to age 6 with family and friends. 9:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 23 SEW IT YOURSELF: PAJAMA PANTS Use a sewing pattern to make a pair of pajama pants. Basic sewing machine knowledge recommended. Bring 3 yards of fabric; thread optional. Sign up online or call. 2-4 p.m.
Saturday, December 5 10 am to 4 pm
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