Ways for bed bug treatment on skin

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Ways for Bed Bug Treatment on Skin

treatment on skin.

Bed bug infestation has been a nuisance worldwide, especially for developed countries including the Unites States. Bed bugs thrive in mattresses, headboards, upholstery, clothes, crevices, spaces between furniture and anywhere just few feet from their host. Known for its difficulty getting rid of, bed bugs can survive a wide range of temperature and can live without feeding for a year. A bed bug basically feed off from blood of any mammal including humans. When this happens, they often leave bed bugs marks that look similar with mosquito and fly. For those who have been bitten by these little critters, here are effective ways for bed bug

Signs of Bed Bug Bites Oftentimes, the symptoms of bed bug bite are typically gentle and even unnoticeable. Bed bug bites can happen to any exposed part of the body, particularly the neck, arms and legs where are easily accessible. Occurrence of signs and symptoms may vary from one person to another since some can have visible marks after few minutes after being bitten or several days. An apparent sign that a bed bug caused the bites is a cluster of three to four bites that often forms a line or curve on any part of the body. These bites can appear reddish and feel swollen around the affected area. Bed Bug Treatment

Once you have identified that the culprit of your body marks are made by bed bugs, you may experience itchiness and swelling that may trigger you to scratch the bites more often. Generally, bed bug bites don’t require treatment. However, there are remedies to reduce itchiness and swelling on the affected skin. 1. Normally to ease itchiness and uneasiness caused by bed bug bites, over-the-counter antihistamine pill may be taken. 2. You may apply calamine lotion to the bed bug bites to dry the rash and protect the skin while healing. 3. If pain is unbearable, you may apply topical anaesthetic over-the-counter that has active ingredient of pramoxine to ease the pain. 4. Over-the-counter pain relievers that contain ibuprofen and naproxen can also ease the pain associated with the bed bug bites. 5. You may also make homemade remedies such as a paste of water and baking soda. Simply apply a thick coat of the paste on the affected skin and wait until it dries up for an hour. Rinse it off with warm water. 6. Known for its antibiotic and antifungal properties, aloe vera gel can be applied on the bed bug bites.

Be warned not to do excessive scratching that may result to breakdown and a secondary infection that needs medical attention. Consult a doctor when this happens. He or she may prescribe you some antibiotic cream or tablets to eliminate the infection. Having bed bug treatment can be helpful, but can be useless if the bed bugs are still infesting your home. Have them eradicated by professional exterminators to stop waking up with bites and suffer anxiety from their existence.

Source: Pest Control Services New Jersey

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